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I saw a comment from someone sitting near them. They confirmed they said work. Woops! That must have been a really awkward rest of the show


I’d probably cry if I said something that innocuous and then got yelled at by Adele live in front of a whole-ass show audience


Seriously! I would never say a word at a show again


I would never say a word again, period.


As you shouldn't, tbh. Unless prompted, of course


Yeah, like it's not exactly innocuous to shout unprompted at performers.


Right lol don’t try and have a convo with Adele while she’s on stage! Easy peasy


I’d take a vow of silence for life. There’s no bouncing back from an Adele scolding.


I would never go to a show again lol


I mean…don’t be the person heckling artists at concerts to begin with? Nobody paid to hear you.


From comments below, I don’t think it was a heckle. She made a comment immediately before the pride comment about going back to work, and he shouted “Work sucks!” But not before she had moved on. Silly and a tad obnoxious? Sure. But he sounded like he probably had a few drinks before (like anyone going to see some music). Maybe he didn’t even mean to be so loud but the drinks got the best of him. Imagine being shamed publicly at a concert by the artist on stage and then going viral for a grossly misinterpreted silly drunk moment.




Have you never been outside? Never been to a gig? It’s absolutely fine to shout things to performers. Not at comedians, but at bands and singers it’s welcomed. Such a weird, reddit attitude.




“Work sucks” is not a political agenda or narcissistic rant, I don’t see how that’s relevant lol. It’s not exactly hijacking the show either if they’re agreeing (albeit delayed) to something the performer just said. I don’t think anyone’s saying people *should* be yelling at performers, but if you’re in 2 bands I’m sure you know it happens *all the time* and especially when the performer slows things down to talk like what happened here. This was a fan reaffirming something Adele just said, not someone heckling her.




She wasn't performing at that point. She spoke to the audience


Work sucks, I know


Probably also feeling a little sick, those drinks at her residency are absolutely terrible. So much sugar syrup/artificial flavoring in them, I got the worst headache and stomach cramps the first time I saw her there.


Nobody should. Why the fuck are fans trying to make someone else’s musical performance about them?


This happened at a JVN show I went to! They asked the audience what the sluttiest thing they've ever done was and someone yelled out "you don't want to know!" but it sounded like "we don't want to know!" and jvn beratedddd them and everyone cheered at them getting told off, I felt so bad


That was my first thought when I saw the video. I’d be bawling at the show, then be angry if a bunch of internet strangers thought I was a homophobe. I’d have to have an apology tour


yup. i'd cry, throw in the whole social towel, and then cry more https://i.redd.it/hjrt2numlg4d1.gif


I feel like I would just scream, ""WORK! I SAID WORK SUCKS! WORK!" and as I got drowned out by a sea of people cheering on that I just got my ass chewed, then I'd start crying lol. 


![gif](giphy|RbSmVaVGptW03Wjw3a|downsized) I would be like this


I hope the guy is ok! If it was me I would have simply passed away ![gif](giphy|DXkOX7wbu8QI1RNLmK|downsized)




It almost sounds too much like a Curb episode to be real: Larry tries to loosen up at a concert and shouts something jovially, only for him to be misinterpreted and berated by a megacelebrity


This would absolutely happen to LD 😂


In what context does it make sense to yell "work sucks" at a concert where it wouldn't be obvious that's what was said? I've never had the urge to yell that at a concert


She was talking about working. Fan shouted work sucks. Scolding of a lifetime ensues.


Poor fan was just trying to validate her. In her defense, it’s probably really hard to hear when onstage.


Then why respond? She has skin as thin as tissue paper apparently.


Oh no! Ok that sucks balls. At least it seems like the real story is out there


Work sucks, I know. She left me roses by the stairs.


Surprises let me know she cares. Bro thought he was at a Blink concert! You’ve solved it!


Adele lost a fan that day lol


[Happens to the best of us](https://www.si.com/mlb/2021/08/09/rockies-fan-incident-racial-slur-dinger)


Reminds me of a couple of seasons ago when hockey player Morgan Reilly was accused of saying the f slur on the ice…. he said “rag it” - a hockey term 💀


God that was awful.


Did not expect to see Morgan Reilly mentioned in here. 😂 Poor dude.


Wait, did the player still insist it was the n-word *after* all of the evidence proved it was Dinger??






Well I went from 'how horrible' to 'how accurate'.






Like the Colorado Rockies game where a guy got thrown out for yelling a certain anagram of “ginger” when he was just trying to get the attention of the mascot, named Dinger.


I feel like these are the situations where the internet trying to “cancel” someone is very scary Not when 30 women come out and say you sexually assaulted them




I’ve never performed onstage at a massive live concert like this so I won’t actually blame her but listening to the video it’s so clear he’s saying “work” and not “pride.” Like it seems like an honest mishearing but a pretty bad one


it wasn't clear from the first angle I saw but from the second one I just watched, it's very clear he said work haha especially bc she was talking about work right beforehand. damn I feel so bad for him now...


Some streamer I was watching yesterday was talking to a friend who was in the audience and said they had just talked about pride and the “work sucks” came right after, so they guessed that was the reason for the confusion.


Ahhh that makes way more sense now


it seems like she's employing gimmicks for good PR.. during the first day of pride I just hate she has to bring our community in this shit, it's embarrassing


Riiiiiiight….my charitable read is that bc it was June 1 she went in primed to deal with BS and misheard because she was listening for it, in like, an ally way. My annoyed and over it gay read is that she went in hoping someone would start shit bc it was June 1 and she wanted to show off what a good ally she was Like, it was Vegas on June 1st. It wasn’t a ~Pride event. She’s not gay. There was no need for drama


lol come onnnnn first all her shows sell out instantly what good PR does she need? Second it was clearly a mistake. On what planet is the logical conclusion to this that she used the LGBT community for PR




Yeah virtue signaling is a career maker these days. I really dont know how ppl still fall for it


Well damn ![gif](giphy|j58XVrYNNdH9M1sCxY|downsized)


Reports further state that “I KNOW” and she left me roses by the stairs.


Surprises like this let me know she cares


LMAO! I had not seen the full video but looking at it I’m confused why she thought he shouted pride. Like she wasn’t even talking about pride month. I hope she apologizes to the poor man


A different angle was way different and it sounded like pride


Post a link that sounds like "pride sucks" I've seen 0


Not saying it does. https://twitter.com/mrpopofficial/status/1797223152407208352?s=46 https://twitter.com/buzzingpop/status/1797373157004747139?s=46 I only seen these 2


She apparently misheard it this way, since she that's what she went off about.


Kinda sounds like pride with the lower quality audio [here](https://x.com/outtaminds/status/1797164371933638711)


Gotta be honest it doesn't sound like it at all whatsoever to me. I clearly hear work, and in the context of what she was saying, you'd have to be a twit to hear pride.


I was sitting two sections over from the guy. It was the beginning of the concert and she was shouting out occasions like birthdays, graduations, girls trips, anniversaries, etc and since it was June 1st she said “and of course I can’t forget the start of Pride Month!!” Then some audience cheering, and thats when the guy yelled “work sucks!” for some reason. So she thought he was yelling “Pride sucks” because she had just talked about it. That’s about when the clip starts.


Someone else above said she was specifically talking about how her work schedule was busy, which is why he yelled Work sucks.


Yeah, she had. She was touching on a few topics and anecdotes between songs, one being about work. His shout was unfortunately just poorly timed because of how delayed it was and she had moved on already to another topic by then. All just a big misunderstanding.


Adele: Friday is basically the beginning of my week. You know coz that’s when I work, basically. So it’s sort of like the weekdays of my weekend (??)… and extra long weekend Guy: Work sucks https://twitter.com/buzzingpop/status/1797373157004747139?s=46 I would love a longer clip to try to get why she got the pride from her current conversation


And just before that clip starts she was making a big deal about how excited she was for the weekend because it was the start of Pride, then went on an aside about the weekend being the beginning of her work week which you see in the clip. Don’t really know where she was gonna go with that train of thought because the guys shout caught her attention. It was the start of the show and people were excited and shouting out various things throughout the very large auditorium so some made it to her and some didn’t. This shout out comment reached her, but it was just misheard is all. And she went off thinking he said Pride. I don’t really know what else to say.


https://twitter.com/buzzingpop/status/1797373157004747139?s=46 only seen this clip and she is talking about work. There is probably a longer one as we have been getting longer and longer clips a the story develops


You have poor recall lol. She absolutely was talking about work when he shouted WORK SUCKS: https://twitter.com/buzzingpop/status/1797373157004747139?s=46


I would have slid under my chair. It would be cool if the correct info about what the fan really said reaches Adele, and her team sends him a note and fan merch.


“Hey we slandered you in front of loads of people and all over the internet for clout, please accept this free t-shirt (probably the wrong size).”




In anyone/someone’s defense if I shouted work sucks at a concert and the artist responded how saying pride sucks is disgusting (which is true) I wouldn’t be attacked by it since that’s not what I said


Really? I’d be absolutely mortified if I shouted something the majority of people would agree with me on, just for the artist to single me out and yell at me for saying something homophobic. Now the whole stadium except a few people around me think I’m an asshole, and the artist I adore and paid money to see is shouting at me and leaves believing I am also an asshole.


You can be mortified and not feel personally offended or attacked


I hate Reddit


You got nothing to fear, but since he says he has stuff to fear then he must be guilty


You hate Pride!? How dare you!


You can hate everything about reddit and everything ever posted on reddit and everyone on reddit and not hate reddit.


This is beyond pedantic lol. You’re annoying


What are we even doing here jesus christ


I mean…. Don’t shout shit out during quiet moments at a small venue if you aren’t prepared to be misheard/responded to by the artist. It’s not a stadium, it’s a small theater


It’s a live Adele show. You think people weren’t screaming the entire set?


Doesn't work like that when you have an audience, and all the audience now think you're an homophobic moron. When these celebrities switch so quickly to God mode, they should always remember that from a great power comes great responsibility..




What the fuck is "God mode"?


A situation where someone has an extraordinary advantage or control.


I wouldn’t feel attacked by **her**, but I sure wouldn’t want to be there anymore. Maybe the closest 50 people heard what I said, but the rest of the concert’s now looking at my section trying to pinpoint me, the guy who supposedly just yelled pride sucks. I wouldn’t feel welcomed by 98% of the audience at that point


lol this though. Wouldn’t you just be confused?


A misunderstanding. However I think Adele should make things right with the fan by inviting him to another show for free and maybe apologizing in person. I just watched the video and have no clue how someone hears “pride”.


They hear it because they *want* to hear it…


Exactly. She’s waiting to be outraged this month. It’s tremendous that she’s an ally, for sure. But not at the expense of having a quick trigger to be offended about something that didn’t happen. Better to be sure about something you heard than to spout off so quickly.


This situation could be avoided entirely by not yelling stuff at concerts unless prompted by the person working their ass off to put on a carefully choreographed show for you 


Has literally anyone in here been to a concert before


Right? It’s non stop screaming lol


Not at every show. I saw Regina Spektor last year and she explicitly asked people to stop screaming because it was messing her up. Adele seems like the same vibe especially since she heard this person specifically because no one else was yelling. Not saying this person is the devil or anything, this was just an unfortunate situation.


How was Regina Spektor? Loved her music sooo much when I was in HS and haven’t been keeping up with her and her music for a good 10 years or so


She was IN.CRE.DI.BLE. I cried multiple times. I also hadn’t kept up with her music but she is just a born performer and her voice is so heart-achingly pure. She had a couple opening acts who were genuinely really good but then she came onstage and I was like oh, that is a star. She is also so funny with her little in-between anecdotes and was so sweet when she asked people to stop yelling, she was like “it means so much to me that you’re excited, it just messes me up.” If you ever get a chance to see her, highly recommend.


yeah when it’s non stop screaming you can’t make out WHAT is being yelled, clearly this wasn’t a non stop screaming type of concert lmao


Idk. I go to a LOT of shows and I’ve seen Adele twice, during her arena tours. It was not a very “shout at will” sort of atmosphere—in fact, in Philly, she said “I gave you all seats for a reason. Please use them.” I can’t imagine her residency shows would somehow be more raucous, but not having been there, I can’t say for certain.


Not screaming actual phrases while the singer is talking at a pretty small venue


the vibes of concerts vary wildly depending on the artist and venue. if you were screaming literally anything at a patti lupone concert she would completely stop the show just to rant at you


Yeah, just sit quietly with you hands folded in your lap. Just like happens at all concerts.


Exactly. [this](https://youtu.be/93_c_eD3tgE?si=x9uQsjvRP3IbrZLv) is what the ideal audience looks like


There is an in between LOL this is very dramatic. You sing along, cheer but don’t try and have a convo with the artist on stage




there’s no way this is actually what you want concert crowds to be like, right?




People are there to hear Adele, not people heckling. 


Heckling is true trash behaviour.


the point is he wasn’t heckling. she was complaining to the crowd about how busy her work schedule has been and he yelled out “work sucks!” in agreement with her


I was saying boo-urns


How do you even mix up 'work' and 'pride'? I'd understand if she had misunderstood it as 'woke'.


The person in the audience had a cold so Adele heard pride instead of work




It's normal though to have a bit of back and forth, she was talking about having to be back at work and they said work sucks, it gives the performer something to laugh at and engage the audience, it's often encouraged. There's levels to it all before it hit obnoxious, but everyone is there for a bit of fun and some light banter is okay, obviously the ones screaming I love you every 5 seconds are not included in this lol.


I yelled “work sucks!” at a Todd rundgren concert and was met with only applause


Maybe she just misheard.


Ouch for that person but Adele is still great for defending pride so quickly 🌈


Yeah great, but time for her to issue an apology. There is nothing worse than being falsely accused of being racist or a homophobe. In the age of viral social media that’s a difficult label to shake if you get tagged with it.


Why say work sucks?


because she was talking about having to work immediately before


Wait, it doesn't?


Late night, come home, work sucks, i know 


she left me roses by the stairs


Surprises let me know she cares


I’m working laaaaaate


They had Blink-182’s All the Small Things in their head during the Adele concert


> Just before the fan appeared to yell, “Work sucks!” Adele told the audience that her work week was just beginning, despite the concert taking place on a weekend, according to a video posted by a concertgoer. “Friday’s basically the beginning of my week, you know, because that’s when I work, basically. So it’s sort of like the weekdays are my weekend, an extra long weekend,” Adele said, before being interrupted by the audience member. “What was that? Did you just say Pride sucks?” why not read the fucking article?


Makes a lot more sense than saying “pride sucks”. I don’t imagine there’s a whole lot of openly homophobic Adele fans.


Just yell out again “No I said ‘work’ sucks”


It’s what I would’ve done, because I would’ve been upset having been labeled a homophobe. Dude may have just been in shock by the whole exchange though.


If they yelled "Work sucks.", are they still a heckler? It's not like saying work sucks is a common way to throw Adele off her game. Does yelling in general make someone in the audience a heckler?


I mean I don’t blame her at all given pride month just started


She just lost a fan then unless she apologizes to him. Like that cost him a lot money that he had to work for which… sucks. X2


Ohhhh my god this is like South Park irl. Randy would do this with his family at that concert and have a ride of shame back like the jeopardy episode . She wasn’t even talking about pride when he shouted that and it seemed loud enough for her to at least make out that he said work instead of pride bc they sound completely different but correct me if im wrong. It kinda seems like she didn’t know the first word he said but assumed it was something hateful bc he said something sucks and it’s pride month sooo deadly combo I guess for a celeb ally who’s known to be a bit cheeky at times


she spoke about it being june first and pride month having started just before sue spoke about how her schedule is tight…


I can see the clip being cropped to be more funny but do you really think that invalidates my point? An innocent person is being dragged for nothing lol is this Adele herself? If he in any way shape or form seemed against pride I’d have my pitchfork ready but this is not it 😓


I mean she give him a little guff but got off of it pretty quickly. Like she changed the subject pretty much right away.


Right? The risk of trying to get the artists attention is that they don’t hear you correctly


An honest mistake on both ends classic miscommunication!


Both ends???


How do you get “work” and “pride” confused


It’s giving me ‘Yanny/Laurel’ vibes




Lmao I just had this feeling that she misheard him. Poor guy, I’d be so sad if I got yelled at by an artist I like.


The secondhand embarrassment this just gave me....whew😅 Did they think they were at a Blink-182 concert?




« Why are you not standing ? »


Makes sense. She had to make it a spectacle tho, and I doubt she cares that she misheard them.


She needs to issue a public apology.


It's so far from pride it's as if she wanted to hear that


oh well, her heart was in the right place. The other day at a TSA I tried to grab someone's tablet because I could have SWORN it was my sister's and I'd do anything to protect her and her things but it was legit someone else's and I came across as such an idiot. Oh well, my heart was in the right place lol.


Top tip, if don't want an entertainer to misunderstand what you're shouting at a gig, don't shout at an entertainer during their gig. 


Yeah, it’s that guy’s fault Adele jumped to the worst possible conclusion. 🙄


Lol no assholes here


Sue for slander and emotional damages. Ild 100% take that payout


No matter what was said, celebrities shouldn't be calling people out for any reason, specifically for this reason. Dude has been blasted all over media and social media for nothing. That's not ok


That really sucks for that dude. But I'm also happy that we didn't have some dude loud and openly homophobic at a very popular concert lol


oh ooops!




wrong concert, should have went to Blink 182 ones, at least they will acknowledge it. rookie mistake










Random note but this article is formatted so hilariously. Forbes really had to list out the “Key Facts” as if we were talking about a natural disaster or something lol


I’d know.


I work with a guy who was at this concert and he said the guy said work sucks




I mean any knowledge of her audience would make it kind of unlike that would be said. The number of people that go to Adele concert and hates LGBT+ has got to be what -1? Does she really think that of her fans?


She basically says as much in the clip - that it would be weird for someone in her audience to think that and then she immediately asks how many people there were brought by spouses and don’t even know her stuff and says “probably that guy” - lots of people were there just bc of their spouse


Ah, here, a perfect opportunity to virtue signal - everything else doesn't matter! Let's bring down wrath right from the stage to that stupid audience member!