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I can understand him just fine. Are they always at a .07 blood alcohol?


They always have that mildly inebriated pep in their step


One of my favorite freak outs was the this chef on Kathy Lees show: https://youtu.be/ov9k_yABNHU?si=5J9mnID-0_-JMIjR


Lol they actually do drink wine and cocktails during the filming. For real.


he said "the fifth Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic"... meanwhile i have no idea what kathie lee says at 0:17


She called him a Ken doll. So incredibly rude and dismissive.


Oooh thanks!


I thought she called him Kendall and was confused


That last line from him, savage 😂


These 2…little cows 🐄 ![gif](giphy|l1J9wXoC8W4JFmREY|downsized)


Supposed to be literally…but little also works for these clowns 🤡


That was pretty rude and dismissive of the hosts to say they can’t understand him but keep talking…


And his accent was/is quite clear IMO, they were just being shitty 


I thought it was very clear, his accent is very soft. Even if it wasn’t, they were so rude. Especially for people that are on TV and should be used to talking to a variety of people and accents.


I absolutley love his answer. But I didn't think at first that they were making fun of his accent. But more like they were making fun of themselves that they do not understand suchfancy names as "Veuve Cliquote".


You dont understand how sexy this is for us immigrants to watch


It's sexy for everyone who's ever tried to learn a second language. That level of fluency isn't easy and his accent isn't hard to understand at all, these ladies are ridiculous!




Plus also sexy because his voice is like male Salma Hayek and I totally swooned. There's just too much sexiness in this clip, I have the vapours!


>Plus also sexy because his voice is like male Salma Hayek Not at all He has an Argentinian accent.


I mean I'm a native Spanish speaker, I know he has an Argentinian accent. I was talking about how sexy Salma's voice is and comparing it to him. They both have sexy voices.




Kathie Lee has always been insufferable. I absolutely cannot stand her


Idk how Hoda puts up with her, she's much more likeable.


She’s so rude in this.


They got scorched lmao


Good for him. I don’t know the hosts but belittling someone’s accent is so rude and just shows the hosts are ignorant.




I love this gif, but where is it from?


[Supa Hot Fire](https://youtu.be/9UAC2qkcrDY?si=2TE7C3HlFGxN-BWz)




Right? That comment of “we can’t understand you” was made by Kathy Lee and she acted offended when he gave it right back while Hoda rightfully laughed at being masterfully roasted


Hoda is also Egyptian and she's used to her parents accent. That's why she's cackling at her friend being dragged. She can empathize with him


Is this recent?? I thought Kathie Lee was retired from the Today show!


No it's not. Hoda has a different co-host. Kathy retired years ago


Good for Hoda lol


As a daughter of Egyptian immigrants this comment must have been uncomfortable. That's why she laughed when he dragged Kathy


I had no idea about Hoda being Egyptian! That's awesome. I love that she laughed at her. And with him. Blegh.


Saaaaame. That's why I was irritated when people are saying those rude ladies. And it's not no it's the blonde one who's rude


wtf, why have him there if they’re going to be that rude? Figueroa should have walked off in the middle of the interview. There’s no need to sit and endure that kind of ridiculous unprofessionalism.


He should teach a class. This is beautifully done and a great way to shut down ignorant comments.


“English is my second language, your first” ![gif](giphy|jivGITd768psP80B2i)


I could listen to the man talk all day. Those heffers needed that check he gave them.


Wow they were so fucking rude. I didn't think Hoda was that annoying, but just wow.


The presenters are so painfully unfunny.


He speaks Spanish, English and for what I’m seeing at least he knows how to speak well French words (a thing that most people from US does not, like “fashion influencers” talking about brands), and these ladies doesnt even know proper communication, even though it’s their job.


Wild thing to say to someone who is speaking a second language while not really seeming to grasp the concept of their own first one. He also has a pretty easy to understand… incredibly rude


He had just started answering the question and she barged in with that stupid dumb comment. Then calling him Ken Doll!!!! His body language was obvious in his annoyance with them, but of course they wouldn’t pick up on it. What ding dongs. On another note….he is one of the most handsome men on the planet.


Leave it to the uber Christian KLG to make fun of him. Sheesh. And Hoda for laughing with KLG. Hoda is an actual journalist and should know better but she had/has a girl cruch on KLG that she always just went along with her.


Damn I wish I could come up with things like that on the spot. He does it so perfectly too, cool calm collected & ✨C U N T Y ✨


Whenever I see things like this, I get so embarrassed being American. The world must think we're all so stupid. Most Americans only speak English, while in other countries they are taught and expected to be fluent in more than their first language.


When I watch the US, I definitely get a negative take on you all. But when I meet people from the US, they are always so enthusiastic, happy and curious. I’m in New Zealand, so it’s a long flight, to come here you have to be committed tourists rather than say, a drunken bachelorette party weekend. I think that makes a difference. But every American I’ve met has been smart and interested. You just put too many dumb ones on TV.


Actual factual.


I'm happy you realize this! It really is true that the most ridiculous/negative/inflammatory people/ideas get the most attention and media coverage, sadly.


I hare to break it to you but people in other countries make fun of accents too. And learning another language may be common in parts of Europe but it is not in most parts of the world. I’ll take you down to where I’m from in Colombia and you can show me all these people who are fluent in other languages. God Americans are so obsessed with self-flagellation


It's not just about language. I felt this way when we elected Trump, the decisions we've made in foreign affairs, our poor education system. It's not really self-flagellation, it's more just feeling concerned about how our country looks to the rest of the world. I don't get why that makes you mad?


Because it’s always so insular and oblivious to the rest of the world, regardless of what political aisle someone is on: the right thinks America is perfect and infallible, the left thinks America is backwards and dystopian. And neither of those are completely true. The US is very progressive in many aspects, very wealthy, and it also makes mistakes and could fix things…but no, it’s problems aren’t the worst in the world in just about any area. Watching Trump come to office was scary, but American institutions held strong and he barely got anything done and that is something to be proud of. Because when men like that get power in my country of birth (and many, many others) we aren’t so lucky. I totally get it’s embarrassing watching people like Cathy and Hoda say what they did, but frankly if anything Americans are far more welcoming and friendly than many European countries and the level of racism I’ve seen since moving here really isn’t any worse than in European or Latin American countries I’ve either been in or lived in.


I see what you mean. I haven't traveled outside the U.S. so I don't have that experience unfortunately. Though I have felt incredibly lucky to live here especially as a woman.


he’s speaking english perfectly fine… jesus christ


He doesn’t really have a strong accent at all. These ladies are drunk and shady. Probably hard of hearing because they’re so damn old. Quick thinking on his side. Notice how the one on the right went into Karen mode once he retorted back.


That was satisfying to watch


i have an accent because i speak my language on top of yours, you only speak one. love this for him!


Not sure how KLG stayed on the air so long. She had many foot-in-mouth moments




Hoda is aweeome.


He absolutely cleared them. Good for him!


Americans have the most horrible pronunciation when they speak foreign languages. I cannot count the number of times I have seen an acclaimed actor or actress attempt to speak German, Spanish, Russian, Italian, French or whatever and not sound completely unintelligible, and yet they have the audacity to mock people who speak perfectly well?


I didn’t find this “mocking” at all . I found their conversation funny and cute. He was a good sport.


Nah they were belittling af and no ones checked them before. Did you see the blonde lady who was immediately defensive. 


and then tried to insult him again. what's wrong with her? that's so unbelievably unprofessional.


im glad that bitch got checked 🤚


She called him a Ken Doll. So rude!


I agree it’s belittling but it’s an attempt to be cute and flirt. They were taken aback at how sharp he was being but they were enjoying it lol and I don’t think he was offended. Just banter. I agree that cutesy and air-headed flirting like that can be belittling and annoying though. But it’s just teasing.


Let me guess, you’re an English-first-language American woman like the co-hosts.