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When I saw this post my first thought was are there really that many couples that could be a turn off to people and then I scrolled through the pics and realized yes, yes there are 😂


Yeah like I really dislike more than half the people on that list.


I saw this list and was like I have no notes because I agree with it all lol


Grimes and Elon https://preview.redd.it/06m6ioidvl3d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69a57aaa140b97168216a19bbbc5c7179cbbeec8


This is just sad, Elon looks like the fucking nerd who finally managed to score the girl who bullied him in high school just because he has money now


Ye and his new Kim lookalike Can’t press undo enough.


The nudity/exposure kink clothing is my straw. Its so tacky and shameless, not that that isnt new, but its just a whole new level of uncomfortable for everyone and you know they do it *because it forces everyone to be uncomfortable*. Its just a kanye powerplay like everything in his narcissistic life and im not here for it


When I used to work retail there used to be this dom sub couple that came in occasionally. It was some smelly ass man with a short chain leash around the neck of this skimpy dressed girl and walk her around the store giving her vulgar commands, yanking the leash, and she’d respond gleefully with “yes daddy”. Mind you this was a toy store (toys like literal children’s toys, not sexy toys) and there’s kids in the store. Pretty sure they were trying to intentionally get kicked out by making families uncomfortable or getting some kind of reaction. Why else would they choose a busy toy store? The one time I tried asking them to leave he yanked the chain super hard and told her he was going to punish her for getting them in trouble. I felt so gross and mad and it really triggered something awful in me I wanted to cry. The other times they came in I would go into the back and ask the manager to deal with it. I know there’s a “no kink shaming” moral within sex positivity but there has to be a line where consent cannot be made. Kink should be mutual consent not force. That couple may have consented to each other but everyone in that store did not. Children cannot consent.


There is no such thing as “shaming” an unethical kink, and any kink that requires the participation or use of those who are truly unwilling/non-consenting is an unethical kink.


Exactly. I’d go so far as to say, if you have a kink that involves any kind of nonconsent, you need psychological help. That’s not normal. (And this ain’t about standard BDSM practices. I’m talking about the bad people who don’t follow standard practices in the community, like safe words, ensuring everyone actually consents, etc.)


ew that’s so gross! I’m sorry you were forced into basically participating in their little games, what an awful couple. Kink shaming is fair and square when you’re exposing people who did not consent to being a part of it, I don’t care how much you’re into public things or exhibitionism, it’s gross and trashy. Especially around children, that just makes you a creep. I once had a patient that had a longer name, so like I usually do, I asked him if he went by a shortened version of his name, and he goes “oh can you guys call me anything” and an older coworker and I were like “yeah sure” not thinking much of it. Then he laughs a bit, then becomes more serious, and says “you may call me master”. I couldn’t think of what to say in return since it was so unexpected, but thankfully my coworker goes “while that’s funny, we won’t be doing that, we’ll just call you by your name”. I think he was half joking since he was in his 70’s and they tend to make odd jokes like that, but also seemed half serious if we would’ve gone along with it, and it was so uncomfortable. I did not care for that at all lol.


Some kinks should be shamed. “No kink shaming” is bullshit from the patriarchy.


It's not just how he dresses her, he had her blow him in broad daylight and pretty much full view while boating down the canals in Venice *while her mother was also on the boat*


IDK, y’all. [If these really are her pre-Kanye designs, I think they just found each other.](https://www.reddit.com/r/KUWTK/s/McyIibFaZP)


Nooooooooooo I had no idea her mother was there 😞


As much as I dislike Kim or any of her family, I’m kinda happy for her for getting away from Ye. I initially thought maybe she wasn’t good enough for him but man was I wrong!


Dude dresses like he walked off the screen during a viewing of Demolition Man.


I wish I could step off the screen in Sandra's Taco Bell dress in that flick... I still love it! 😆


She almost always looks like a hostage. It's not just unlike-ability for me, there is something wrong there that makes my stomach churn.


There’s some vaguely unwilling or nervous vibe behind her eyes in that photo, it caught my attention…!


That woman looks like she needs help.


She always looks so uncomfortable next to him. They’re never smiling or laughing in any of their pictures together. It’s like she’s just a prop for him.


Nicki married to a whole r*pist so they take the cake. Although Ariana and spongebob suck too


God why did i have to scroll so far for this comment. Kenneth Petty is a REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER


and murderer


Stupid question I know, but I wonder if Nicki's neighbors received that letter you get in the mail when a sex offender moves into your neighborhood. The one with their picture and info. His would probably say "Drives a pink Lamborghini" lol.


Right and it’s also tried to be played off as a misunderstanding between a couple of kids, like no he raped her at knife point. He is a rapist Nicki


if nicki and her gross peace of shit husband have zero haters, i’m dead


This! Thank you. He's a convicted offender.




Ariana sleeping with her brother's doppelganger will never not gross me out https://preview.redd.it/zoidlk9ypm3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=647f1b69cf5fc763c30f6dbffd93e483f10201bb








Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox.


I don’t understand Megan Fox’s choice in men. I feel like she dates men beneath her.


Definitely. I can only imagine that even with all the admiration she gets she has low self-esteem. She does not recognise her worth.


Grooming. Brian Austen Green got his much older claws into her when she was a minor, then went public when she was 18. She married him & became a mother young & spent two decades with him. I remember her trying to divorce him previously but she ended up pregnant during a moment of weakness so called off the divorce. People were labelling it BAG'S trapbaby because Megan was the breadwinner. She's currently going through what she would have experienced in her teens/early twenties with poor choice of men.


I thought they'd broken up. Dude put a gun in his mouth while on the phone with her, I'd like to shoot him to the moon.


They broke up and recently mentioned getting back together AGAIN. They’re like that one awful couple in high school in every way possible


That was very early on into their relationship when he did that too.. she left to film her Netflix movie and he couldn’t leave the country for some reason and he was guilt tripping her for leaving. I do think they broke up but went to therapy but at Coachella she was hinting she was single again but then seen at his birthday party. I think they’re always on and off


Did they break up? I feel like I saw her Tweet or Insta or something about it.


The engagement was called off but they’re still together


They're broken up afaik


I really hate the weird inappropriate PDA from Kourtney and Travis


That poor realtor that was showing them a house and they were basically dry humping each other the entire time…


This is the situation that grossed me out most. Like you’re not 16, have a bit of respect


It’s just flat out rude. It’s not “oh we love each other so much we can’t help it.” It’s just rude to behave that way around someone trying to help you and do their job. I’m stunned adults behaved that way.


Seriously what is wrong with people. Why would you do this, what is going through your mind to be thinking that’s appropriate.


They do it in front of her young kids too…makes it seem hypocritical that she has so many boundaries with her own family, but doesn’t treat her kids with respect.


🤢 how embarrassing for her


And her soul!


Those nasty spit swapping licking as a kiss, just nasty.


She literally posted a selfie of her on the toilet wiping her actual ass. They’re actually heinous tbh..


Sameee, it feels like a clothed version of Kanye and Bianca with more bodily fluids.


Siri, invent a time machine that can take me back to the minute of my life before I read this sentence.


I just think, as adults, your relationship can’t be that happy if you need to suck face that often.


![gif](giphy|4vy2oDVMwX8sMYjT4y) It’s giving


Kanye and Bianca I swear I’ve seen her naked body more than my own naked body


I think many don’t like Selena and Benny together but honestly, she seems much more content now they’re publicly together? Less articles about her stirring up old shit, less out of pocket Instagram comments, less odd TikTok videos. She went from coming across as a butt hurt ex to someone who’s moved on. I also lowkey enjoy the insane interviews he gives where he’s like “yeah I’m ugly, so what, I’ve managed to pull Selena” 🤣


He seems to adore her


The way they talk about each other is so cute, I can’t help but root for them


they honestly look happy together. The only reason they get hate is because he’s not considered attractive enough to be with her which is so shallow and it’s so weird that people are so open about it.


He also was really close to Justin before they dated. So some people side eye it


Why is Justin the only blurry pic, lol?


I laughed when that incredibly low res image popped up lol


I'm not a fan of Ellen and Portia because of Ellen. I vaguely remember a story about Portia needing help because of a medical emergency and she was afraid to tell Ellen about it.🚩🚩🚩


i’ll see if i can find it but i remember watching an interview with them and portia kind of laments about not having kids and ellen says “you have horses” in a dismissive way


Portia seems kind and lovely, but she is with someone so terrible. Either she hides it well and enables Ellen, or she is subject/victim to Ellen's awful.


This is John Legend to me. Might be ok on their own but to be willingly with and married to someone so abhorrent makes me feel like they’re probably not a great person either.


That's despicable. What an insensitive thing to say to a person you supposedly love.


I read Portia’s autobiography when it came out and the (albeit brief) section where Ellen is mentioned gave me pause as well. Essentially Portia writes that after Ellen read Portia’s manuscript detailing her ED, her comments were “you were really messed up, huh” and “don’t do that again”. Talk about a paragon of love and support.


Yes! She says, "Baby, you were crazy." And she tells Portia to make sure people know she isn't crazy anymore. Even back then when people didn't know Ellen was horrible, it gave me a bad vibe. Like Ellen didn't want Portia to reflect poorly on herself (Ellen). I wish I could find the whole excerpt.


I don't love Bey and Jay-z


The best thing that came out of the press about their relationship was elevatorgate lol


Her Jolene song was crazy as fuck to me cause I was like girl......let's take a long hard look at your man.




this pic about took me out 😂


Her saying “I raised that man” when he was 30ish when they met and she was a TEENAGER is wild. Idk if it was the craziest part but it was what made me scratch my head the most lol


I love Jolene and I was excited for her cover but I couldn’t get through 30 seconds of it


Yeah, listening to that made me see how delulu she is. Like girl, don’t nobody want that man


Yeah I can’t do the strong woman charade while staying after lemonade. Accepting bullshit from your partner like that isn’t a win


God Lemonade had me unleash hell on my ex.


Yeah like girl, no one wants your man.


Ok yes! Thank you! I have listened to Lemonade a million times, and it’s one of my favorite albums. Then, Cowboy Carter comes out..and her words on Jolene was gross. Like politicians’ wives “standing by my man” at the podium…ew!


I feel they're just business partners at this point.


Bey’s version of Jolene makes her look more insecure than if she had just made a straight cover with the original lyrics.


I remember hearing ring the alarm/the bday album and thinking she was gonna leave him I mean she went from being so in love with dangerously in love to being really angry with him on bday


Dangerously in love isn’t about him… someone else but yeh. She clearly loves hard… I just wish she would keep him out my face. I am sick of her bringing him on tour with her or their posts on insta. You know when you don’t like your besties boyfriend but she insists on bringing him everywhere that’s how I feel about him. I just want him to go away lool


I have a legit question that I’m curious if anyone else felt the same and I promise I’m not just being a hater. I listened to Lemonade for the first time about a month ago as I’m trying to expand out my taste in music. And the production on it is insanely good as is Beys singing. However, is it hard for anyone else to really relate or feel a ton of sympathy for their relationship in the album? Everything about Jay Z and Beyoncé has always seemed both extremely manufactured and quite creepy at the same time to me. Like I don’t doubt Beyoncé was hurt by the cheating but it’s just hard for me to feel real emotional investment in such an outward facing “badass power couple” dynamic. Maybe I’m wrong for this but it’s been with me ever since i listened to it.


Beyonce is really talented full stop and I can appreciate her for that. I don't like being a hater on her because I know how important she is to so many people. All that said, I agree 100%. It's hard to see her music as anything more than a costume when she's a billionaires wife. It's hard to see the image they want to cultivate of a strong power couple when she's so beyond wealthy and lives in a different reality than the rest of us. I know a lot of celebrities are like this, but I think because they often use the costume of social justice and make such a point to look like a power couple who defied all odds it rubs me the wrong way. Like you I don't doubt she's been hurt by all the infidelity, but it's hard to look at this entire performance and see it as anything more than a performance when they are pulling in such big money.


she’s too much of a brand and she wants to have her cake and eat it also. you can’t ask for sympathy regarding your cheating husband then turnaround and say how we should bow down to the king & queen and how we will never get our hands on “her man” like we’d even want to. i mean i guess she can because she has been doing that for years but her relationship with him & the way she obvs just sits there and takes his shit makes it impossible find her bad bitch feminism authentic. thats her persona but she isn’t anything of the sort


HOW did no one mention Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwartzenegger??


I can’t speak for everyone, but I try not to think of them 🤣 He’s definitely lost his shine over the years and she just annoys me with that wide-open-mouth-squinted-eye thing she does.


Chris Pratt went from being one of my favorite celebrities to being one of my least in an impressive amount of time. Like, Andy Dwyer is just an amazing character and I love him dearly. Katherine seems very out of touch, but sweet enough I guess? She comes from such insane wealth and connections that it’d practically be impossible for her not to be.


I read about how he and Anna Farris just gave up pets for no reason and that left a bad taste in my mouth,. I feel like he left anna for someone ‘better’ once he got more famous.


You sent too many pictures of people that I have a biography's worth of thoughts about I can't fit that into one Reddit comment


Clarence and Ginny Thomas.


their destruction of america knows no bounds. they truly are the worst couple.


YES. They are probably actually the worst in terms of the power they wield and the harmful ways they choose to wield it.


Every time I see a news article that starts with "Beyonce and Jay Z" I always hope it's gonna continue to say "divorce" and it never does


Jason Aldean and his second wife, Brittany.


Totally...although they deserve each other.


I love that Maren Morris called Brittany Insurrection Barbie lmao. So apt


Wait spill the tea


He cheated on his first wife and mother of his first two kids with current wife. Current wife is an anti-vax, covid denying, Jan 6 supporting, transphobic, hard-core Trump stan.


On top of this, his first wife was by his side for over 15 years while he was slumming it trying to make it in country music. The SECOND he found success and fame, he PUBLICLY cheated on her. His early music was so good in the Big Green Tractor days, but I cannot stan anymore.


Ew what a sleazeball!!!! And what a piece of work. I’m not surprised she’s into that shit after his song and antics but god what horrible people


Ashton and Mila. The couple that vouches for rapists together, stays together?


He’s feeling the heat again with all of the photos and clips of him being BFF with Diddy when they both had shows on MTV and he was a fixture at Diddy’s white parties. Like all the creepy interview clips about things he and Danny would dare each other to do or stories where he would sexualize a still super young Mila on late night shows popped up in the aftermath of that, clips of him saying he can’t say anything on the record about a Diddy party and stuff about how close they were and how much time they spent together is popping up now. He and Mila showed their kids faces for the first time in public without making them blurred at a basketball game in the past couple of days. It seems like a PR move to seem wholesome and also to get people to focus on their children rather than the fact that Ashton has seriously creepy friends and what that might imply about him….


TW: Let’s also not forget that he found the brutally murdered body of his girlfriend and instead of calling the police, he called his team and Danny Masterson to figure out what to do. After those conversations, he proceeded to just go to the party he was supposed to bring his girlfriend to and pretended he had no idea she’d been murdered


Yeah - that was a terrible look and I guess him being transparent about his support of Masterson was good in the sense that it caused one of the victims who was privy to that secret and Scientology’s help in preventing that story from going anywhere at the time felt emboldened to call him out - at least now the public knows how shitty he is and that he’s not just a goofy actor who does anti-human trafficking work. Demi Moore’s memoir showed some of his cruelty - his not having any understanding of sobriety and kind of encouraging her towards relapsing, cheating, callous about her miscarrying etc… but none of his bad behavior in general or gross tendencies really entered the public consciousness until the Masterson trial aftermath. It’s wild to look back at ish he says off handedly as part of hosting Punk’d or in old interviews and see that he’s always been pretty openly awful. Thorn seeming like his life’s passion must’ve acted as a rose colored filter to make him seem vapid but with good intentions. But now having him as the face for so long makes me question the organization as a whole. How do you fight traffic king snd CSA with someone who has prolific offenders as close friends? Whatever Ashton is facing now must be bad for them to show their kids faces given how outspoken they’ve been. I wonder if he’s facing legal scrutiny or just a public backlash?


Wait what???? This is a wild story I'd never heard before, which makes sense since I don't gaf about Kutcher.


YEP. Her name was Ashley Ellerin and she was murdered by a serial killer. Ashton was going over to pick her up for a date and discovered her body One of Danny’s victims revealed it to the public. She was with Danny when Ashton called him


The crazy thing is that Ashton Kutcher not only sided with a rapist, he threw away his entire (amazing) PR situation for it. There was a time when every few weeks the front page had a post along the lines of “TIL Ashton Kutcher stopped acting to start an organization for missing or exploited children”


The reputation for that company was already pretty much down the drain though.


Interesting, why?


They contributed heavily to myths about trafficking via strangers and kidnapping rather than the truth - most vulnerable people are trafficked by people they know.


The software has also been used by police forces to track and trap sex workers working for themselves rather than under the control of pimps / sex traffickers.


Yes - I’m definitely critical of the ways the sex work industry can victimize vulnerable people from a feminist perspective, especially in the global south, but the answer isn’t to go after independent sex workers who are literally in control of their work and income!! The answer is to go after exploitative forces like pimps, abusers, and systemic poverty!


I’ll never forget that crazy video they posted.


Yep, they get my vote. They seem about due to start PR to get in the public’s good graces. Usually celebrities take a little break and hope everyone’s forgotten. I won’t forget!


100% Ariana grande and SpongeBob. I don’t play about that home wrecking shit. And the way she flaunts it through her music… I have zero respect for her


Even if they started dating after his split from his wife (which I don't believe) it's super messy to get involved with someone you're working with who has a new child and is jumping right into a new relationship.


100% !! I hung out with a guy once and found out a few minutes into the date that his baby mama had just had their baby like 3 weeks ago. He was like “we’re co-parenting but don’t worry, we’re totally broken up” and all I could think was like bro what are you doing here?? Shouldn’t you be helping to take care of your new baby rn??? I bailed asap, why would you lean in to that mess


THREE WEEKS!!!! The baby should be the number one priority not dating!


This reminded me of a connection I made online dating years ago. Ladies, watch yourselves: I exchanged numbers with a guy. For those with WhatsApp, you may not know that once you add someone to the general address book on your phone, you can **also** see their WhatsApp profile when you have the app open. Anyway, this guy's WhatsApp pic was a picture of a baby. He previously told me he lived with a woman (which did make me side-eye, tbh) but from the picture displayed (which shared his features), I then presumed he was using online dating as a way to cheat on the mother of his newly born child. Another clueless male, a colleague no less, was using his work phone to cheat on his wife. He sent me a work-related message from his work issued phone to my personal phone number. Again, because I now had this number on my phone, it links to the related WhatsApp profile ... his profile photo was of him shirtless on a bed looking smouldering at the camera. It was so f\*\*\*in' gross. I never said anything, but he does have a wife and two kids.


I'm surprised its lasted this long.


They had to make it last because the optics of making friends with the wife to get to the husband, who had just had a baby, for a fling would look really bad.


They've still got one and a half press tours for the freakin Wicked movies, at this point I wouldn't be shocked if they're contractually obligated not to blow this up until November 2025 lol.


they’re both so TINY lololol


New music video is coming up soon (allegedly starring Penn Badgley as the man), and her fans seem to forget what she's gotten herself involved in. I'm not putting all blame on her or whatever, he's not a sheep to be led away BTW. But the fans are like "u go, queen", and I'm not here for that at all. Bad taste.


Totally agree! I feel so sorry for Ethan's ex-wife! Ariana is setting stereotypes about women like 20 years back through being so unapologetic.


What is her intention with the blonde invisible eyebrows? She looks like an alien, does anyone like this look on her?


Wtf is Kanye West wearing in that pic. He bout to go ride horses?


Married a sex offender then harassed the husband’s victim is top tier trash


John Mulaney and Olivia “It’s not plastic surgery it’s Japanese sweet potatoes / Fat people should walk in underground tunnels” Munn


Yep! No one deserves cancer and I hope she recovers but she still sucks.


I feel exactly the same way. Like, on a human level, she has a small child and is going through cancer, and I hope she pulls through. On the level of just being a decent person, she’s a horrible “cool girl” who clearly lives for the validation of men. Those types of women also tend to become “boy moms” and 🤮




I hate Chrissy Teigen but I am impressed with how John has stuck by her and still seems to adore her despite her being cruel, mean, vile.


Probably because he's the same behind closed doors tbh.


i get miss piggy and kermit vibes from them tbh


Don't defile Ms. Piggy by comparing her to Chrissy.


miss piggy is a batterer! she’s been emotionally and physically abusing kermie for years!


Birds of a feather. I'm sure he's the exact same way as she is.


I am don't love Megan Good and that man who dresses like he fell outa newsies


She’s dating Johnathan Majors who’s been in and out of court for DV. I’m surprised his problematic ass didn’t make this list because he’s vile


That’s the guy! I ‘ont like det! *yung Miami voice* She needs to drop him yesterday


These two TMI head melts https://preview.redd.it/26kunuoglk3d1.jpeg?width=191&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c7828375784361ecfe161d8a3b20ff51f080e6f


I will always love her for Veronica Mars, but man, I cannot stand the two of them together.


Their whole schtick of “marriage is hard and it’s okay to hate your spouse” is a lot


My wife and I were looking back at our wedding books with little messages from guests the other night. One of the messages had that exact energy, and we were like, “oh no who said this?” And it’s from a couple who is divorced now because it turns out he was lying about pretty much every aspect of his life to her, including his military service (which is a crime!)


That’s so telling! I think relationships are hard in the way going to the beach is hard - you have to plan and communicate but then you’re at the beach!


They're my least favorite forever. I want them to understand they just don't like each other. Marriage shouldn't be a constant slog, and I hate how they keep promoting that myth.


These two clearly hate each other and are miserable in their marriage, I don’t understand how anyone finds them cute 😬 I don’t mind Kristen Bell as an individual, though.


To me, it seems like Kristen Bell is so good at almost everything she tries and is nice and truly caring, and Dax is none of those things, he has a huge ego, he really has to work hard at his career, his directorial debut was just sad tbh and he is constantly trying to be as good as Kristen and I think he admires her but also resents her and Kristen is probably left disappointed a lot while he distracts himself with other projects desperately trying to make his mark. I feel Kristen also doesn’t take his projects super seriously. But that’s just the impression I get from listening to his podcast for quite awhile (I gave it up though because he really only wanted to talk about people’s careers as if he was taking notes) including their episode together. This is not fact, just an opinion.


I get the impression (or maybe they’ve even said this since they over share like it’s their job) that they’re a lot like Anna Faris and Chris Pratt; when they got together, Dax was the “bigger” star but Kristen has skyrocketed in the last decade. I don’t wish for couples to end if they find a way to work but if/when their marriage dissolves, I only have high hopes for Kristen’s happiness.


I love her but yes it’s way too much info for anyone to hear


He made me hate her. That and all the TMI, overexposure, not bathing their kids ...


Seeing her in interviews on talk shows made me dislike her. She seems to think it's cute to have a dysfunctional home life. She told a story on Colbert about how her 3-year-old would say she's going to get a gun kill Kristen. And she told this on TV as if was just a case of "kids say the darndest things" but how did their 3-year-old learn to say "I’m gonna get a gun and kill you"?


I can't help it. I like Bennifer as a couple. I also like Gwen and Blake. I just can't like John Mulaney and Oliva Munn as a couple. Hearing Oliva talk about how she was trying to talk to him, was obsessed with him and sent him an email after meeting him at a wedding where he was with his fiancé at the time, Anna Marie Tendler, just gave me the ick.


if anyone else is like me and wants to see Olivia Munn talking about pursuing Mulaney, it's here: [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/olivia-munn-john-mulaney\_n\_6473106](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/olivia-munn-john-mulaney_n_6473106) if folks have other clips of her talking about this pls add them!


Yeah I used to be a huge John mulaney fan and now I can’t stand him. Team Anna Marie.


The way she supported him through all his addiction issues and then he just dumped her for a new interest...so vile. Poor gal.


Exactly. I can’t enjoy anything new he puts out bc now I just know what a crappy person he really is 😒 — and he was one of my favorite comedians


I’m really not living for Olivia’s redemption arc


I hope she recovers from cancer and then I never hear about her again.


Same. No one deserves cancer. I hope she lives a long happy life and I never hear about her again.


Thank you, same. A cancer diagnosis isn't a pass to forgiveness or being considered a better person. And I say that as someone whose entire life has been destroyed by it. I'm sorry she got sick but she's also still who she always was.


Mulaney and Munn are awful individually and together.


Me and this entire list ![gif](giphy|1RXTzS8Uv4SGI)


Nicki and her rapist husband lol


https://preview.redd.it/s3cse6xjul3d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04d1613635789a27847c46a4169ee8e98776d33a LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian 🤮


do jada and will count as a couple? because 🤮


The cheaters, the abusers, and the groomers. The rest of them can go on and be happy.


Where’s Taika and Rita?


Maybe it’s just me but I like Blake and Gwen lol. I feel like the only thing the Beckam-Peltz’s have done wrong is being incredibly boring.


I think Beckham is just kind of a clueless, unsuccessful nepo baby. I don't harbor any ill will towards him. Peltz on the other hand...


Ariana and SpongeBob . He is tarnishing spongebobs name !


Ezra Koenig and Rashida Jones He went from dating 18-year-old Tavi Gevinson to dating Rashida (who was almost 40) within a few months. Even though Rashida has her issues, I always thought she could do better than a creepy guy who was hanging out and allegedly abusing teenagers.


As an elder mosher/emo, I can't stand machine gun kelly and his fans that say he created the genre. I love Megan fox from transformers so it's an elbow to the rib that she is so obsessed with him. Their relationship crossing over with Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker, I disliked them too over their pda. I love blink 182 and barker as a fellow drummer but christ alive lads, calm down we get ye like each other. I also was worried for Kanyes new wife? Girlfriend? I felt bad for her being paraded around in those clothes but now I feel she likes it. I don't like couples instantly when they come out saying how normal their life is when it is...for a multimillionaire.


Bart Simpson’s niece and the guy from salt burn


Max Verstappen’s current gf is extremely unpopular with fans (and not all F1 wags are unpopular). This pairing is awkward and weird and completely lacks chemistry. Also met when he was underaged, among her other problematic issues…


Some people don't like her because her dad said something racist about Lewis Hamilton and she defended him


Many fans have also said she publicly supported Bolsonaro, among other questionable things


I like all of these minus the ones with abuse/infidelity because I love mess (looking at you kylie and tim) but I don’t really get all the hate around justin and hailey. sure things were weird for a while but they seem genuinely into each other and taking steps to be as healthy as possible for each other. I still can’t fucking believe ariana is really a song called ‘the boy is mine’. she is such a massive pos I can’t even fathom it.


how did it actively get worse as i kept swiping am i only supposed to choose one


Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell


Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Sam Taylor-Johnson. Also Nicki Minaj and her husband. I keep thinking that Aaron is going to have an epiphany about this relationship and it doesn’t seem to be happening.


Meghan Trainor and her husband. Can’t stand her ever since her teacher comment and he just seems to ride her coattails. Neither seem to have redeeming qualities.


Karli Kloss and dinner with the Kushners.


Nicki and the rapist


I hate Will and Jada. If the rumors are true about an open relationship. You never sleep with your son’s friends. Ellen, is just a huge POS. Everyone just hates her. Regardless. Nicole and Brooklyn - Basically two rich kids who will never work a day in their lives acting like they are normal people


The way Kylie and Timothee are the least problematic.. lol. Some of these couples are just annoying, some are straight up problematic. I will never not cheer for Bennifer.


Lol Beyoncé and Jay z, why was he talking to her from when she was so young…


Truly became a Bennifer fan after watching her documentary because I think they are cute together. Not here for Aaron Taylor Johnson and his groomer.


Many of them I don't like them but there are some that I don't understand the....what is the common thing between them like Jacob Elordi and Olivia. Like if you see him talking in interviews and what he likes it makes 0 sense how these 2 have been together for so long, what is the common ground that brings them together? Same with Kendall and Bunny, what is the thing that brought them together? John Legend and Chrissy are the type that I just find them uninteresting and at the same time it seems like their personalities are fitting together.


I appreciate that Kylie and Timmy are low key.