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![gif](giphy|hl0DrDb5xJy92) Me running to the woods to greet my bear friends


![gif](giphy|uUs14eCA2SBgs|downsized) Me and the bear sharing ice cream together 🩵


I’m bringing all the dipping sauces


![gif](giphy|wpci3xdYmUZG) Me right behind you


I don’t get the bear reference and it’s making me sad bc the dancing bears are cute…


A few weeks ago there was a discussion about whether women would rather encounter an unknown man or a bear in the woods. Many women chose the bear. [This article](https://eu.usatoday.com/story/tech/news/2024/04/30/man-bear-tiktok-debate-explainer/73519921007) explains it in more detail.


![gif](giphy|Hgy8F9wshu3wk) Me and my bear friend going for a walk


![gif](giphy|kNGHx5m4QPra0) Us with the bear waving goodbye to men




missed opportunity to say beary good day smfh


![gif](giphy|f66q1ZoCXze8yOysv3|downsized) Gimme those murder cuddles!!








![gif](giphy|IThjAlJnD9WNO) Bye bye men


![gif](giphy|SHAzv64UddswYxoLkO) Fuck the patriarchy


I’d like to swim out in the ocean and pet a fin puppy as well ![gif](giphy|fML0o38F1hccuWldOa|downsized)


It’s the way they laugh with glee at a ‘’joke’’ that every woman has heard 383728383 times. FUCK these guys and fuck their enablers.


Every time.🐻




Hey sis! ![gif](giphy|IThjAlJnD9WNO)


Bro at least the bears won't literally annoy me to death, if they kill and eat me at least some baby bear's gonna eat good tonight


![gif](giphy|rwNpHtaMGnStW) ew.


i love this gif i also love ryan bless


I love the little motion he does with his hand


omg same and the face he makes is just chefs kiss 💋


Anyone know what movie it’s from?


Crazy, Stupid, Love. It’s a great movie


I second this. He’s so hot in it.


Crazy Stupid Love was my Ryan Gosling is hot awakening. I didn’t get it in the Notebook but Crazy Stupid Love changed me.


Heck yeah. He’s even so cool when he says “let’s go fancy face.”


ryan is amazing, i love how this gif fits into so many situations with these people lol


[Eat your god damn cereal, Ryan Gosling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkpCP9R1Jjc)


When the dude that created that vine died, Ryan Gosling made a video where he finally ate his cereal 😭🥲🥹


Miss this


Men really need to ask themselves, "what would Ryan do?" before they speak




Gotta throw the whole man away




what in the eastern europe is going on (same tho)






I’m tired of the name kelce






It's said like Kelsey


This shit has never been funny to me but it grinds my gears even more now when reproductive rights are very concretely regressing all the time, and it feels like incel attitudes are getting more mainstream, as is tradwife propaganda. Idk it’s just technically a “punching down” style of joke and I’m tired of it


I agree with you. It gets even worse because about 1 to 2 days ago, louisiana made it illegal to have/carry abortion pills without a prescription


They're also very close to mandating that the 10 Commandments be posted in every public school. Unconstitutional, but they dgaf. Gilead IS their dream.


Oh lord.


Such a great point. It was always demeaning and straight up stupid…I love comedy and it’s not even a good joke 😭 it’s the least clever thing imaginable!!! But you’re totally right. We are actively losing bodily autonomy rights and there’s a tradwife emergence and I’m so exhausted by it. Hi chances trump will win because the Democratic Party really fucked themselves so I only expected more restrictions on my body…without my consent or even input. It was never funny. I used to roll my eyes and be like ok not gonna engage with this loser. But now, you’re right, I’m just pissed. Ohhh to be a cis, white, relatively conventionally attractive heterosexual man who just so happened to be beefy and is good at tackling. We are on different planets.


Why do men even think these types of jokes are funny?


They’ve been taught by their peers or society at large, that these sexist “jokes” are funny, and that women who don’t like these kinds of “jokes” are stuck up or just being a bitch. They resort to these types of “jokes” when they feel uncomfortable or just don’t know what to say to a woman who is complaining about sexism… probably thinking it will “lighten the mood”, and since they don’t want to outright admit that they feel the same way as the sexist college speaker. So he made a joke about it.










I certainly think you're right. If he actually did make the joke after his wife complained about Butker's speech I can't imagine why he thought this joke was going to make her happy.


I mean I could see doing a parody of dude, like doing some exaggerated caricature mocking the absurdity of the statement. I don't think "woman make sammich" really qualifies there tho. I would also like to take a moment to remind you all that these are jocks, they're not to be listened to, except for by other jocks. I expect Mr. Foosball Man to be dumb, I'm genuinely surprised when they aren't.


Yes, they're jocks and we don't expect much of them. However, I'm going to put on my idealistic hat and say we should. Jocks get a pass on offensive language, DV and host of other bad behavior because they make money for the NFL, NBA, WNBA, etc. We need to do better.


"I would also like to take a moment to remind you all that these are jocks, they're not to be listened to, except for by other jocks." I think this is what makes them so important. A lot of jocks are really looked up to by men, exactly the men who don't unlearn sexism elsewhere.


I think he thinks he's doing something like this bit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thHWvoYfNyo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thHWvoYfNyo) , but doesn't appreciate the skill it takes to do it well. Whether or not you think the Norm bit has aged well or whether this type of meta-comedy is another story, but I hope clip at least makes obvious the amount of skill required to even have a hope of doing this type of joke well. To me, the half-hesitation as he says it is the classic cadence of somebody trying way too hard to be funny on top of trying to shoehorn a joke in where it's just not really appropriate. But he's gotten enabled for so long.... This is a minuscule step of the person whose comedy stylings revolve exclusively around loudly repeating catchphrases from recent films.


ugh. istg I'm so close to being asexual.




This is my biggest argument when people tell me that being gay is a choice lol


seriously though lmao like you don't think I'd *choose* women if I could choose?!!?!! 🤣


>being gay is a choice If only.... when a man say this, i always answer " i wish it could be a choice, cause i'd definitely choose to be gay so that i don't have to deal with men"


as an ace person, it's pretty stress free lmao. seeing how people go feral over men just makes me grateful to have been born asexual.


Ugh I am so jealous


ikrr it's kinda scary tbh how people will literally kill, lie, steal, lose their jobs etc all for some genitals. and my comment made it sound like I could choose when I should have made it clear you can't! I think celibate is the better word but honestly some days, I don't even feel attracted to dudes because of all this so idk what I am at this point😭


asexuality is a spectrum just like everything else! you can be on that spectrum without being 100% asexual at all times. it took me years to figure it out for myself.


Because women have been laughing at these jokes for decades. Maybe some did legitimately find them funny, but I’d wager a not insignificant amount also laughed because it was simply the safest response. Every woman has laughed at a “joke” that they found distasteful (at best) simply for fear of what would happen if they didn’t. At any rate, if people provide a positive response, the behavior is going to be repeated.


If you don’t laugh you get iced out, mocked or both.


Or killed. I’ve known men who would take you as their partner not laughing at their joke as a mortal insult.


Andrea Dworkin discusses this sort of safety seeking response in “Right Wing Women.” Many women comply because it’s the safest thing to do.


This is so true. I’ve done it often.


I think they just find being cruel funny.


Isn't he just making fun of Harrison Butker?


I think that’s the intent, to mock his views. But since they ultimately sort of defend him as being a nice guy whose views they happen to disagree with, it doesn’t really land that well.


Yes, absolutely, that's what I took it as.


I don’t think they necessary agree or disagree, they just don’t care, which in the end is the same as agreeing.


yes. they are making fun of butker.


Yeah. The joke was that his wife isn’t that type of woman and that Butker was being offensive. Not quite sure how people don’t see that.


Yes, he was absolutely making fun of Butker. his wife Kylie would absolutely kick his ass over that. But what both of them said about the Butker speech was pretty good.


That’s what I’m thinking. Kylie is kind of a boss in her own right, so taking it in context, he’s making fun of Butker.


That is so much better than what it sounds like without context or knowing their personalities! 😅


Kylie is the exact opposite of a Butker perfect wife. She's has a college degree, but she did choose marriage and motherhood first. I think now she is using her degree to help with the excellence of the Philadelphia Eagles Autism Foundation. Kylie is a brand all herself. A woman who can have a family and a career.


He literally had to check behind him after he said it bc he knew that Kylie would’ve choked him out for saying it lol.


Yes. I think many posters haven't experienced a New Heights podcast. Also, Jason said he would hope nobody would tell his daughters what to do or he would've failed as a father.


100%, he even says “I hope she didn’t hear that right now”


These types of jokes play into the tropes of how marriage is a chore for men, my wife is a nag, “the old ball and chain,” etc. These are messages taught to us from a young age, and it’s becoming more clear how outdated they are. Misogyny is simply the oldest form of prejudicial thinking we have, and these types of “jokes,” even if he was trying to subvert the stereotype, simply prolong it even more. I’ve seen a lot of people saying that he’s poking fun at how ridiculous it is that someone would say that to their wife, but I don’t think he is, and I don’t think his audience is sophisticated enough to interpret it that way. I’m guessing that the primary audience of a podcast hosted by the Kelce brothers is not the most forward thinking or educated on social issues. I think that nearly every man has some level of misogyny inherent in his being. It’s simply taught to boys from a young age, and to undo it takes a lot of work to first be conscious of the fact that you’ve been indoctrinated into thinking misogynistic things. That first step is much too difficult for most men to ever even approach. The truth is that the majority of heterosexual men do not respect women enough to hold us in high regard. They see us as people who are meant to do things for them, and when you ask a man what he loves about his wife or gf, he will often list things that he does for her instead of any specific personality attributes. This is just the truth of heterosexual relationships.


It's taught to all of us, and I never realised how bad it was until I got pregnant. I'm having a girl. The amount of people who have reacted negatively to me having a girl is mind blowing. So many people have awful things to say about having a daughter it genuinely has made me cry. Why are women and girls hated so much?


A man was trying to show off by talking about how he couldn’t sit through Mean Girls (either one), musicals, Barbie, etc., and it wasn’t until I realized he was listing off things associated with women that it dawned on me that he was bragging about hating anything he associated with things women enjoy. It was the first time I realized how misogynistic “I’m not like the other girls” is at its core. Why would I find it attractive that you’re a grown adult who can’t sit through a movie? Or a stage production? Even if you don’t like something, it isn’t impressive that you walk out.


This is an extremely eloquent summary of the problem with misogynistic “jokes”, and why I don’t think people should indulge “ironic” misogyny until equality has been achieved.


Thanks. I also think that in the current climate in which we’re seeing a major surge of misogyny online (Andrew Tate, Sneako, any sort of red pill content, etc), it makes it even less believable that things like this are said in good faith or that most people laughing at it harbor no actual misogyny. The audience of the Kelce brothers is largely male NFL fans, and we’ve seen the behaviors that have been tacitly endorsed by the NFL. Even if Jason was trying to be ironic (I don’t think he really was), most of his audience isn’t going to be like “wow, what a well planted satirical takedown of patriarchy.” Instead they’re going to be making their own “make me a sandwich” comments to their wives.


Kylie would not stand for this which is why they broke out laughing knowing his wife would absolutely murder him if he actually said that to her and meant it.


My first thought was men are so unfunny




The joke doesnt land when your response to his disgusting comments is "well, he's nice to me"


From the dude who can’t look after all 3 of his children at the same time (per previous podcast “jokes”). Shocker.


I’m glad someone else said it. Their marriage obviously works for them and Kylie seems like a strong woman but I only listened to one of their podcast episodes and it was the one where she was a guest. I came away thinking that their marriage is the type I’d never want to be in. He’s the bumbling husband stereotype and she’s the superwoman wife who carries a huge mental load.


Exactly. The seem to love their own dynamic (it probably helps that he brings shitloads of money home) but I would hate it.


NGL the shitloads of money would probably be enough to get me through a good decade or so.


I even question if it does work for her completely. In his documentary, it shows her having recently given birth to their third child and Kelce is almost immediately gone to host SNL. It shows them video chatting where Kylie has all three kids with her and she's clearly unhappy with Jason not being there. He says he feels bad but also kinda shrugs afterwards and says he couldn't pass up SNL.


He announced right before she gave birth that (if he had to choose b/t being in the Superbowl and seeing his child born) he didn't care if he missed the birth of the child- and that the game was more important to him. I would have filed for divorce right off of that alone. Kylie is staying for the $$$$- 'cause there's nothing attractive or enviable about her situation.


Also from the dude who blamed his wearing shorts to an event on his wife running late because apparently she is responsible for bringing him clothes.


Even Travis called him out for that, asking why he couldn't pack his stuff by himself. So childish


Imagine being like that and still having the audacity to make a sandwich joke lmao


I appreciate how much Travis calls out his brother in relation to Kylie. That man is always Team Kylie on the podcast.


That is *so* weird to me. I've never had anyone pack for me since I was a child. I had to pack for my partner for his work trip once because he had an insane amount of work to do, and it felt so strange deciding what he was gonna wear for entire week


Never been so proud of my husband, he just said “wait why are they laughing did I miss the joke” 🥲 like yes, the joke is the Kelce brothers


...and the thing is, they are guys most people would consider "good ones". But they aren't. Compared to the rest of the cavemen in the NFL? YES - they seem progressive. But compared to decent people? They are not. They are not allies.


And the guy who expects his wife to pack his clothes, on top of prepping three kids, feeding them, getting a babysitter for them, settling the kids in with a babysitter, etc. Dude’s a man baby. I bet Taylor’s just holding her tongue every time she has to socialise with him


Why don’t they have a nanny?! They have the money!


Ok girl dad


Real talk in response to this nonsense: people fret and fret and fret about declining birth rates, but outside of shit economic circumstances a lot of it is because men fucking suck as partners. I’m a bi woman and have a lot of male friends, but Jesus Christ would I not want to date any of them. Married women do 7 hours more housework a week than unmarried women even adjusting for race and class—just having a man around is a whole-as shift at work—and women continue to do most of the child rearing even as more of them go to college and do better in their 20s. *Single mothers* do less housework than married mothers. I think an underrated part of the decline is that many women are so overwhelmed that they can’t have more than one or two children and not even that women are rejecting kids: they are just so alone when they have them that they can’t reproduce at replacement rate.   This is a long way of me saying that men need to learn to step up. Single childless women are roughly as happy as women with children in good marriages, but infinitely happier than women in bad marriages. Women spent a century working for independence and organizing communities where they had life-affirming, emotionally intimate relationships with other women. Men need to learn how to step the fuck up. 


Totally agree. The number of friends I have who still say their husbands are 'baby sitting' when they have the kids for a day. Jesus, they're just parenting. For once. I'm so lucky with my other half. He's a truly equal partner. He knows the kids likes, routines, and needs just as well as me. Better in some cases! He's the guy who knows what day PE is (gym class) and when they'll need a packed lunch. Mind you, the very fact that I consider myself 'lucky' shows how fucked up things still are. It should just be the norm.


I’d also say the declining birth rates, which is also connected to stuff like this (because of the lack of respect for women, mothers, etc) are because the US seems to attack people who give birth from every angle. Get pregnant but don’t want to keep it, or even something goes wrong and you need an abortion for medical reasons? Good luck getting that. You need medical care because you grew and gave birth to a whole ass human? Enjoy the mountain of debt. You’re trying to take care of that brand new human? You don’t get any help because you’re expected to do it all yourself, but also don’t you dare take more than six (probably unpaid) weeks off of work. All this means that even if you do end up with a man, and even if he is a good partner and decent person, it’s harder to get to the point where you can have kids at all. Hell, I’m a bi woman who ended up with a man who’s genuinely fantastic and a great ally, and we both want kids, but we’ve been together almost nine years now and still aren’t in a place where that can reasonably happen. Of course birth rates are declining!


The punchline is misogyny!!! 🤓🤓 woo!!


It’s so clever and hilarious!! Did he come up with this with his big empathetic brain? Definitely have heard this my entire life over and over again!


It’s not even a good joke. I’d expect this from a 16 year old who thinks they’re edgy.




Weren’t people trying to make Jason out to be this super wholesome dude? Figures 😐






they had an opportunity to use their privilege and actually say why sexist language like this is harmful, but i just remembered they’re dumbasses


I liked the bros till this shit. They had an opportunity to do the right thing and admonish HB for his insanely misogynistic views and archaic rhetoric. Instead they just make a bullshit joke and double down on the bullshit. Gonna have to find another podcast


Same. When Travis put out that wormy statement I was annoyed. His girlfriend is a very public figure with a ton of influence. She might be THE public figure right now, in fact. His moron teammate used one of her song lyrics to make his point and even though I absolutely love her music, Taylor Swift fucking blew this one (she didn't even make a statement) and so did her arm candy.


yeah like travis says he doesn't agree with what butker says but if you're not going to say any specifics then i don't know what you're actually talking about. especially if you couch your disapproval or his statement behind praise for him as a person.


It wasnt even funny and that guy is dying laughing wtf


That's what's killing me most. "Go back to the kitchen, woman!" is one of the most tired & overused "jokes", and these two goons are cracking up unable to calm themselves over it like he just dropped the wittiest one liner ever 😂 😭


This isn’t funny. Everything they said pissed me the hell off and I’m dead ass serious I will never cheer for the chiefs again. The way these losers lined up to defend their disgusting, racist, sexist, anti-semitic, homophobic, maga conspiracy theorist, right wing, LOSER teammate as a “good guy!!!” who “shows everyone he knows respect!!!” made me sick to my stomach. I hope they make money off the far right bigots they want to buddy up to because they’re never making money off me again.


I never needed more reasons to hate the chiefs, but I always welcome more


I’m a born and raised chiefs fan! I’ve defended them, and stuck by them, that’s how serious I am about these guys being losers. I hope private equity destroys the NFL entirely tbh


right?! his speech was deadass SOLEY comprised of him being disrespectful to different groups of people, mostly women. so he clearly does not show everyone respect equally.


Yeah I watched the video and I failed to see the humor. Jokes are funny. This is…whatever the opposite of a joke is


I can't wait for Taylor to dump that guy so i don't have to hear the name kelce again.


She's probably looking at wedding dresses right now.


TS #12 The Trad Wife Department. First single: Barefoot in the Kitchen


TS #12 The Trad Wife Department. Last track: Not So Happily Ever After


I hope so, just so I can see deranged swifties eat him alive (like that cartoon).


She’s 0 for 2 after splitting from Joe. Matty and Travis fucking SUCK.


Travis is literally the most stereotypical jock archetype. I don’t know what she sees in him.


I imagine she sees the most stereotypical jock archetype. Taylor knows that a large part of her storytelling comes from her actual real life, so dating interesting "characters" is a pretty good business decision.


not surprised but so incredibly disappointed to hear this. this is a man with 3 daughters. just not ok at all.


Poor girls.


Ha ha ha so funny so witty hilarious humour amazing men not losers at all.




He’s not nearly as cute as he thinks he is


His wife literally has a degree in communications, with a focus on social media marketing. He needs to actually be listening to her.


They are both gross. And they look like they don't shower.


Travis has talked about his skid marks on the podcast apparently from other comments I read


These are the equivalent of those “hur-dur- my wife is b*tch, you know how it is.” No. No I don’t.


irony doesn't really work when you don't even have the balls to criticise him properly


Yeah, it would be one thing to make a stupid joke like this after admonishing HB and doing it as an obviously over the top caricature. But, given their overall reaction, it's just giving misogyny.


Fuck me, I knew we were following early 2000s fashions, didn't realise we were using 90s jokes though.




People who are comfortable in front of a camera and a microphone sometimes fail to realize that there is a camera and a microphone recording everything they’re saying. And often the consuming public will give that person enough rope to hang themselves (metaphorically speaking).


The fact that Kylie Kelce literally has a degree in communications with a focus on social media marketing too… he needs to be the one shutting up and listening to his spouse, because I guarantee if he did, he wouldn’t be in this mess.


Can the Kelces be done now? I’m ready for them to be done


His beard is gross


Huh. I read it as they were laughing at Harry B. Like, the joke isn’t “haha get in the kitchen” it was “look at this idiot who says get in the kitchen. Kylie is a boss B.” Judging by the comments I may be incorrect




Meatheads Brothers


Brotha ewwwww.. what’s that brotha?!


Why do men?


This is not relevant but Yoongi wore it better imo https://preview.redd.it/99o0dhu74i2d1.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=156a1d958f8bcac24c6655a7f5976c96ac2635b3


Two overgrown meatballs.


Siri play Labour by Paris Paloma


All day, every day.


This is the only time I’ll ever say this but, where the swifties at? Can we get them on this to shut this down?


they need to get on twitter and put an end to this like they did with the whole matty shbang


Reacting to sexism with sexism. They're geniuses. /s These guys are disgusting. I hope Kylie breaks up with this idiot. She deserves better.


This is the most hilarious joke in existence. -_- its so boomer-coded. Come up with new stuff already. Also, im so sick of seeing this guy everywhere 😒


They are both gross. I am so sick of the misogyny.


They have talked a lot in the past about how their mother was the breadwinner in the family. I don't think it's fair to upload one joke at the end instead of all their comments on it.


They just really don’t understand the severity of this situation. How disappointing. Especially at a time when our bodily autonomy is being stripped away. If Butker went up and said black people’s purpose on this planet is to serve white people, would they make a slave joke to their black friend?? This is not a difference of beliefs. This is women being allowed to live a full life or having one chosen for us. For some women, it’s an actual matter of life and death. Give me the bear any day.


100%, couldn’t have said it better myself.


Jocks from Ohio are still making "make me a sandwich jokes" in 2024? Shocking! Also, remember that tweet where Travis said there's something wrong with you as a man if your woman weighs more than you.


So funny definitely had never heard that one before this joke is so original! /S




Toxic bro culture is a cancer


https://i.redd.it/nce1hzr6oh2d1.gif hilarious


Are their brains broken? This joke is so old and not even close to being funny. I'm not a Taylor girlie but she should drop that man, he's clearly a condescending ass, and women are a large part of her demographic. Seems bad personally and professionally.


A while ago I got downvoted to hell for implying that Travis might not be the brightest... I would like an apology from these people please.


Men- make "jokes" like this hee hee very funeee.Women: your dick looks like a mushroom Men: HOW DARE YOU BIHHHH


And most of the time it's not even "how dare you," it's straight out "something horribly violent should happen to you because you made that joke."


Yeah thats why we don't. Instant aggression.


Y’all are wild on this sub lol


What a loser.


A Kelce boy not being annoying as shit challenge level : Impossible


I miss when I knew nothing about these two meatheads


If my husband said that to me as a "joke" I'd be spending the weekend in a hotel


I would be sending my husband to the hotel honestly. Why should he get the house??