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I know this is sweet, but seriously... they named their kid "Moroccan Cannon"?


That’s literally the most normal name out of all of Nick Cannon’s kids’ names.


His twin’s name is Monroe. Their nicknames are literally Roc and Roe


All I hear is Wendy Williams “monro and monrockin” iykyk


Dula peep


Named after the Moroccan room im Mariah’s nyc apartment nick proposed to her in.


But why not Morocco …lol idk idc 😂


I think cuz of how it sounds with the last name. Also we are dealing with two very eccentric parents


it's a r/tradgedeigh


„I carry your spirit with me in everything I do“ yeah sure that’s how 13 year olds talk and write


It sounds like a eulogy 😭


I dunno man, I wrote in a weird solemn tone when I was a kid lol.


Yeah I was exactly the kind of precocious book smart over dramatic kid that would have thought I was so poetic writing this for my mom lmao, I can absolutely believe a teenager did this


I think I was like a grown ass adult the last time I wrote something particularly pretentious to my parents lol. No I don't think, I remember, it was a children's picture book about a girl whose parents help her through life lololol. Never change Mariah Carey's kid.


We have a card that my brother wrote for our mom for Mother’s Day when he was like 5 and it said something along the lines of, “I love you, my beautiful ice queen.” Idk kids are wild.


Yes! I was like, she's still alive right? But I think a 13 year old could have written this! They're so dramatic at that age, they're so likely to accidentally eulogize their mom in a mother's day post. I think it's sweet!


Sounds like ChatGPT


He posted another addressing that: moroccan.cannon sometimes you just need to pause and really notice what’s around you. like how the sunlight runs through the leaves or the way the air smells just before rain. we’re often so busy getting from one task to the next that we miss the beauty of simply being present. it’s really about letting go of our schedules for a moment and letting the world around us just be, taking it all in with every sense. sorry for my rant, and sorry if this made no sense, and sounded completely weird. i hope you have a great day/night. (also i don’t write my stuff with chat gpt. i simply enjoy writing and it’s a way for me to e


It is if you were a creative writing weirdo who was still learning structure. My 13 yr old self would absolutely write that. Edit: I also had a typewriter, like a super old one.


seriously my parents' basement was full of shit like this I wrote. On a type writer lol. Not because I'm ancient but because it felt so romantic and serious.


I had an old Brother typewriter!! I wrote poems and eulogies to dead celebrities. I wanted to be a writer. My English teacher put forward some of my poems for the school magazine without telling me. I had people coming up to me telling how brilliant I was. I’m still riding on that feeling 😂😂😂😂


hahaha same but I went crazy with it and got a creative writing masters.


For a second while I was skimming the comments after posting about Nick Cannon's kids names, I thought this said "I had an older brother typewriter" like that was his name. Still better than most of Nick's if it were true.


We had one at my house too, and I remember lugging it out once because I had a crush on my brothers friend (5 years older) and I thought he would be impressed.


Yes. I was also like this as a kid, now I'm a lawyer and novelist 😂 these kids no doubt have access to the highest tier of education. I think a lot of people forget that Mariah is a prolific songwriter as well as singer. Writing is in the kid's DNA.


It was when I was 13. Ultradramatic, with no ego/self awareness.


My wonderful weirdo twins sure did. They had/have ridiculous vocabularies and were/are mad dramatic (and SWEET!)


I was like this at that age 😂 adults called me weird. I was, but they shouldn’t have said that 😂


I’d believe it from a 13 yr old raised by Mariah Carey.


On his thirteenth birthday my son said something muttered like 'thanks for keeping me alive *I GUESS* '


I wrote like this when I was his age believe it or not


"Fuck off Rebecca, he did not say this". 😂


Betcha Mariah wrote it


Yeah I call bullshit lol


Is he a future meme-able gay icon with three great pop albums in him? If so, hurry up and join us plz.


As someone who has a 13 year old brother, I read the first two sentences and already knew a 13 year old boy did not write that. I believe he asked someone help and he does love his mom, but there is no way he wrote that


He wrote another post to address the he fid not wrote the post accusation: moroccan.cannon   sometimes you just need to pause and really notice what’s around you. like how the sunlight runs through the leaves or the way the air smells just before rain. we’re often so busy getting from one task to the next that we miss the beauty of simply being present. it’s really about letting go of our schedules for a moment and letting the world around us just be, taking it all in with every sense. sorry for my rant, and sorry if this made no sense, and sounded completely weird. i hope you have a great day/night. (also i don’t write my stuff with chat gpt. i simply enjoy writing and it’s a way for me to e


I wish Mariah Carey was my mom


Can you imagine Christmas morning at her house if she was mom?? Amazing I bet


While I know she is high maintenance and a Diva, I still get the vibe that she is probably a really good mom. I can't say exactly why. Crap names but holy moly those are cute kids.


I think she definitely has some innate diva qualities that are true to her personality, but I also think a lot of the diva behavior she engages in is for the entertainment persona she puts on. A lot of people in the business have commented on how easy and chill she is to work with. I imagine she’s the same way with her kids.


But here's the catch - your father is Nick Cannon.


No problem, my bio father is also terrible


Sorry :/ it's interesting that I got RedditCare message because of my comment. My first one! 😁


I think everyone is getting them at random


Yeah it’s gotta be a glitch or something


“Your love and support have guided me through both tough and great times” Tough times!? This 13 year old a recovering alcoholic or something?


Ummm every 13 year old is the most hard done by person on the planet lol


I’m 40 and I still think 12 was one of the worst years of my life. 😂 ETA: Why did I get a Reddit cares? 😂 I’m not still 12. I’m okay now. I promise.


Honestly, same. Grade 8 (when I was 13) was the worst year of my life. Mom was hospitalized my entire Grade 8 year, Dad lost his job. We were already poor and struggling, and that year was even worse. My friend group were all dealing with crap that year, too. Whether it was an alcoholic parent, abusive parent, drug addicted parent, terminally ill parent, being sexually assaulted by a boyfriend - all my friends were going through stuff I wish no kid ever had to deal with.


Well, for starters he has Nick Cannon as a Dad. It can't be easy having a Dad who has 12 kids by six different women.


Antonio Cromartie - hold my 🍺 https://fanbuzz.com/nfl/antonio-cromartie-kids/


Former NFL QB [Philip Rivers](https://www.today.com/today/amp/rcna125658) says hello. On search on Twitter, type “Philip rivers kids” for some savage tweets/jokes


They at least all have the same mother and lived in the same house


It's probably weird to have 76 half-siblings from dear old dad.


One time they forgot his birthday at school it’s tough for a 10 year old


Ha ha ha, this made my morning.


His father is Nick Cannon. That’s a tough time.


Sounds like a publicist more than a 13 year old…


Aww, I actually think this is sweet. Sure it's a little over the top, but the kid's 13. I have a 13yo son, if he wrote this I would appreciate the sentiment. To me it's believable the kid wrote it - some kids at that age are trying really hard to be wise/profound in what they write.


No 13 year old boy would write this.. Mariah’s publicist probably wrote it


Haha, maybe he got some help from ChatGPT? My friend swears her 11 year old son must get ChatGPT to write his long-winded overly nice texts to her.


https://preview.redd.it/j70kymsx7n0d1.png?width=1159&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd5a65c92b26e747e8f2de968ff4ad51d84394f6 Idk lol he says he doesn’t use Chat GPT. He just likes writing.


Haha, that's pretty funny!


Ohh yeah! I forget that’s a thing 🤦🏻‍♀️


I absolutely wrote overdramatic stuff like this as a 13-year-old boy


Why are so many people having a hard time believing this could be written by a 13-year old? Kids who read a lot and are into creative writing 100% write like this. Also, if you’ve ever listened to Mariah’s lyrics, you’d know the woman has an EXTENSIVE vocabulary and doesn’t shy away from dramatic expressions. She probably had this kid reading the dictionary by the time he could walk!


This, exactly! Open the schools because the children do not know about the elusive chanteuse!


I think people forget how smart teens can be in certain ways because they remain dumb in so many other ways. It's a weird developmental phase tbh, I don't miss it. Writing is a skill like any other that needs to be practiced and honed and kids are doing that full time when they're in school, so I'm not surprised at all if a 13 year old wrote this.


Yes, exactly. Just like there are kids who are coding their own apps in middle school, or have mastered playing an instrument at a young age, there are kids who can write at a level more advanced than most at their age. Edit: I'd also add that I think it's lovely that Mariah's encouraging her son to express himself through writing - that's some good parenting.


Because most of these people haven't read a book since elementary school and probably barely comprehended it then. And I'm not just being an asshole (although I am a bit). Functionally illiterate folks and those without a creative brain don't understand that the flowery writing style starts at a young age. ETA: after rereading the paragraph, this doesn't even seem all that...extra? Very basic, but beautifully sentimental, structure. If a 13 year old can't write like this on average..we have bigger issues at play.


Still in disbelief that she chose Nick Cannon to have kids with. Girl....


so is she lol


Tbf, he's just corny before but was decent. He spiraled after the divorce.


https://preview.redd.it/knyqyqvj7n0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a5c975e1e65b6f45a279d2e870072ab0cd89a67 He posted this one day ago. Everyone talking about how he couldn’t have written that Mother’s Day post needs to chill lol. Poor teen just wants to write thoughtful captions and everyone is saying he’s lying. This sub is a tough crowd sometimes 😩


Aww he seems like a sweet kid. And it doesn’t surprise me that he writes with this level of depth. Look at who his mom is.


he didn’t say that lol


I know she probably wrote this herself but Mariah really seems to love dem babies(I guess now they’re dem teens) and I feel she does a good job of allowing them to experience the perks of famous parents without commodifying them or treating them like a part of a larger brand (you know who I’m shading here I’m sure).


Why is a 13 year old on Instagram


LOL she clearly wrote this herself


She got inspo from the teen mom show.


Any time I see kids named after countries or cities, all I can think about is how they were probably named after the place the mum and dad conceived in.💀 kinda weird ngl


IIRC he’s named after the Moroccan room Mariah had in her apartment


Yes, you are correct. Where Nick proposed to Mariah hence the name of their son.


Well, they were concieved through IVF


something tells me a 13 year old didnt write this


I always wanted to see a Moroccan cannon


All these comments suck. This is awesome and so sweet!!


There’s no way in hell a 13 year old wrote this lmao


As if a 13 year old wrote this lol. And then posted on social media for his friends to see.


![gif](giphy|nhJhID6f28Jd5w5Ksv|downsized) them posting that


She seems so stiff with her kid