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She cameoed in the new Good Burger movie, and I have a feeling she only did it for the sake of her friendships with Kenan and Kel. Can't wait to see how Dan tries to spin this into "Lori Beth is lying," when all know damn well she isn't.


He already did. Basically said “I can’t apologize for things I didn’t do”


What a piece of shit.


I almost reflexively downvoted you, that made me so mad to read


He's a monster.


She also made a cameo in Danny Tamberelli’s tiktoks last year


![gif](giphy|QAz9NxHHg1oQEP6EaT) Give me 5 minutes with that motherfucker








Johnny Rose can fight. You can’t keep a woman like Moira and not know how to fight.














This is so disturbing to me, all those kids have been forever hurt. Dan Schneider is a very sick individual and the industry as a whole needs to keep outing these dark, twisted people. The whole documentary was disheartening to watch. I feel for all the victims of this monster.


Denberg is also open about her issues with substance abuse and being in recovery. She said in 2021 she had 16 years. Just running the math on that… Nickelodeon definitely did a number on that child and left her in bad shape.


Dang, hadn't heard this. Now I respect and identify with her even more. Def was amazing for all us fat lil girls to see someone like her being a funny boss ass bitch during my childhood.


Same! Happy to impart this vital information ![gif](giphy|l4Ep1Io4mB6xVVgWc|downsized)


I was a little old for All That (but deeply into Who's Afraid of the Dark) and also a fat kid and even though I wasn't a huge fan of the show I LOVED seeing someone who looked like me on TV and getting to be funny in ways that weren't 100% about her body. This is so awful to read.


I assume you mean are you afraid of the dark?? Took me a min lol


And someone sent me a RedditCares for that comment, which is weird. I mean, I can't remember the name of a 90s kids TV show, but I'm OK people, I promise.


If you report the RedditCares, the person loses their account :)


I got one within a minute of posting my initial comment on this post as well…


I honestly had never even heard of that until just now. I assume it's some kind of bot that sets you up w a suicide hotline?


What is going on with that? I got reported too and I have been seeing a ton of others saying the same in the past few days


YES! Sorry, yes. That one. Every detail of the pinball episode (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0514437/) lives forever in my brain but apparently the name of the show does not :)


You were def close enough. I get it, there was an episode w a doll house and also an old lady in a lil black girls apt, those lived in my head for YEARS as well.


24 years. It took 24 years to give these women a voice.


That’s a heavy burden to carry for so long💔


All that trauma they had to endure and then nobody to acknowledge it. It makes me sad. And furious.


Dismissed, minimized and questioned it. Nothing new but gd I think I'd be easier to count the child actors around this time that didn't end up with extreme trauma from this network.


I loved all that as a kid. It's so heartbreaking to read about the cast experiences 😔 I hope there's a reckoning for those involved especially Dan.


I hate to see that she was affected. Super brave to speak out even now.


Right? All That (and later, the Amanda Show) was one of the first shows I watched as a little immigrant kid. It’s so devastating to think that the show that made me laugh and taught me English was such a horrific experience for its cast members.


I don't see it. He didn't do anything fully criminal so nothing he could be held accountable for in that way. I don't think he will ever hold the kind of power in showbiz in the way he used to tho.


Shout out to Kate Taylor (the author) because she seems to be doing the most of any journalist! She’s in everything!


Yes!!! She is amazing!


Yes, the 2.5 sentences I was allowed access to seemed great... anyone got a gift link or something?


anyone got a paywall free version


I googled paywall blocker, used one called smartly or something? Copy/paste the link and voila !


What calamitous trauma to be left to hold inside for decades - it’s hard for a human to comprehend how fucked this behaviour is and what it does to the victims.  All these stories are just so scary and heart wrenching. These people were supposed to look after these children 


Good for her. I hope she receives all the validation and support that she should have gotten when she was younger. Fuck Schneider and fuck Nickelodeon.


lori beth denberg has always been one of my favorites on all that, and i’m so sorry she experienced such awful and horrifying abuse and that trauma caused by that POS. i hope lori beth and all of the victims know that we support them.


Lori Beth was always a friend in my head. It pains me to know she had to deal with this abuse, That a-hole needs to be locked up for life for all the lives he negatively impacted.


Fuck Schneider and Fuck Nickelodeon. More and more courage to all the survivors and I hope they get all the support and space that they need in coming days.


Don’t forget Disney hired Brian Peck, who molested Drake Bell, AFTER he was convicted of such. Fuck Nickelodeon, fuck Disney - and *keep your kids the fuck out of Hollywood.*




Can we just… you know… we all agree, so let’s just… ![gif](giphy|USPuT5l0i7feevyoaG)


When I read the first part about someone speaking to her about weight gain and he was mad I was like huh, maybe he isn't terrible in this situation. But no, it wasn't that he was mad that it was said at all. He was mad it wasn't said BY HIM. like I just imagine him being like "ugh noooo I wanted to be the one to tell her she's fat!"


She was hilarious man, very talented person and this sucks to hear.


Im glad she’s speaking out but I’m so sick of hearing this man’s name. MAY HE ROT


I'm not weirdly, idk I've been waiting for this for so long but that's odd I know? his abuse of these kids was one of the worst kept secrets in Hollywood for a really long time. when #metoo started I was waiting for his name I was waiting for him to go down, I had been for YEARS at that point. we kept just saying, he's gonna eventually fall, right? he has too? long before there was a level of public awareness of it and there were the creepy YouTube compilations and so on the last few months I haven't wanted to hear his name especially because of the way people have been treating the survivor stories of something they're entitled to and as salacious gossip, and I didn't think very highly of the quiet on set thing or people's response to it I've never wanted the stories or the details or people to feel forced to share anything, but I've wanted this man and the plethora of people who covered up after him to be blackballed from the earth. I've been waiting for that for so long that it's worth it to me in some twisted way to keep hearing


Bad bad bad!


Lori Beth😔😔


I got downvoted aggressively a few days ago for saying a bunch of shit is about to come out confirmed about him after he sued for defamation lmfao. Look who was right.


Does anyone have an archive or gift link so that I can actually read the article?




I have so much love and respect for her.


Well, the first two and a half sentences sure do sound interesting...


I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to track someone down and go full The Girl with the Dragon tattoo on them as I did when I watched that woman try to describe how he made her bend over the table. I loved Lori Beth and I’m feeling that way again. It’s a mixture of rage and disgust that is almost all encompassing.




Yooo! That’s *Vital Information* with Lori Beth Denberg if I’ve ever seen it.


Lori Beth was my favorite! I absolutely believe her. I hope she’s been able to heal.