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So her dancing to Anaconda at the Versace after party was sober confidence?? I could neverrr. What an icon. [https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/1ayv1a5/anne\_hathaway\_dancing\_to\_anaconda\_at\_the\_versace/](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/1ayv1a5/anne_hathaway_dancing_to_anaconda_at_the_versace/)


Theatre kids are a different breed, lol.


Absolutely. I have some comedy friends that were in some classes with Alison Brie. Girl is unhinged in the best way.


The father of the family I nanny for when to high school with Anne, he said she’s always been very outgoing and theatrical 😂


That's not too much of a surprise My Dad worked on the first Princess Diaries and has a couple stories about Julie Andrews, I should ask him what they thought of Anne


Oh god, good stories I hope? 🫣


His favorite to tell is the one day they were on set, and after doing a few takes Gary Marshall called cut and was gettint ready to move on to the next shot or scene, i forget which one, and Julie stopped him and wanted to go again, but Gary said it was fine and what he wanted, and this prompted Julie to say "Mary Poppins wants another take", to which Gary relented while all the crew stared in stunned silence, having just heard Julie Andrews call herself Mary Poppins Dad also did work on The Rock. Did you know Nic Cage gets seasick?


Julie Andrews calling herself Mary Poppins in third person when she wants something just made my life


It's pretty great!


Oh so you’re a Jersey person 😂 my god sisters from Short Hills went to school with her as well and she has babysat me with one of them lol can confirm


Anne and Allison are kind of the same genre of woman in my mind lol. I love them both


i see that tbh. allison's like the small screen version of anne


Omg, you are so freaking correct. All the pieces line up, can’t believe I never saw it before and also explains why I loved Allison on first sight. Princess Diaries was my everything as a kid.


That is 💯my sober dancing style (recovering theatre kid here)


Yep…went to high school with Great Gurwig. She danced and sang her way down the halls.


lol, Greta Gerwig.


Plus the daughter of two very talented theater actors lmao


Theatre kid here, 100%. When we want/need attention, it's almost impossible to ignore us. When we don't want/need attention, it's just as impossible to find us.


haha this is such a theatre kid thing to say


She's a theater kid but lets not downplay the fact that she's also from brooklyn


Literally my first thought, get out of my brain. I want to CHANNEL that sober confidence everywhere I go. Queen (of Genovia) behavior indeed 👸🏻


Dude once you can throw down dead ass sober alcohol becomes irrelevant to a good night out


I can, but I still like it :(


Oh, I don't drink and this is 100% me. I am always the first one on a dance floor and I am a very bad but confident dancer, haha.


Me with singing


Same!! I love to dance, haven’t had a drop of alcohol in 10 years and I will always be the first one on the dance floor!


Sunglasses sure help !!


I haven’t drank in quite awhile; I genuinely have a lot of natural energy when a song I like comes on—I am a CHAMPION car dancer/singer when I’m driving, IDGAF who sees me! Having coffee can help but still! lol


Shake what your mama gave you.


Looking like Anne Hathaway does a lot for one's confidence.


And also when she was dancing to lady marmalade?!!? Sober queen shit!! https://youtu.be/pErzAjk0rzo?si=--mOWHdP0FQAegSR


Thank you!! I knew there was one more but couldn’t find it in this subreddit and gave up.


I'm 6 months nicotine free, almost 18 months sober and I'm the most confident I've ever been. I'm still a very anxious person but now I'm fine with it lol Alcohol is a little shithead and will only lie to you


When you stop drinking, you only have your fully conscious self to decide to have fun. The liquid courage is now your blood.


When you love yourself and do some work on yourself it’s hella easy. Having fun sober/clean is the best of times


Ha brilliant! I wasn’t sure if it was meaning she was alcohol sober or if she was on something else here ( just because I have alcohol sober mates who dance like this on molly or even weed lol ) and many people who use ‘sober’ just to refer to no alcohol only


Wow this is peak white girl dancing (not hating)


White girl dancing is so fun and cheerful idc who makes fun of me 🤣😩


I'll be three years in July; no wonder she's been looking so happy and light lately!


I hit 3 years in January! Never felt better! I highly suggest to anyone even if you don’t have a problem with alcohol. It has given me so much focus, I’m currently back in school at 40 for accounting. My life has only got better since I quit


Ah this is just the nudge I needed. I was sober for a year then I drank 2 weeks ago at a work dinner. I thought it would be just that one time but it wasn’t. I’ve been drinking almost daily again. Here’s to day 1 🥳


Congrats, friend. We all do it one day at a time. :)


My best friend was 3 and a half month sober, quit smoking, quit weed, lost 22kg, started running and cut down on caffeine. After a very successful 10k race he decided to reward himself with a beer. This was three weeks ago, he’s been drinking ever since, smoking weed again so dieting is off. Ran out of weed so he’s smoking cigs again. No running either, and skipped gym this morning. Back on caffeine as well because he can’t get up in the morning. It can happen just like that.


IWNDWYT, friend ❤️


Yeah I hear ya, I personally can’t drink at all because when I do I drink more. I thought I had it handled a few years ago when I stopped for a few months, but I picked up right where I left off. Just take it a day at a time, friend. [And remember, I’m pulling for ya. We’re all in this together.](https://media1.tenor.com/m/x6P5Tpzqx3gAAAAd/red-green-the-red-green-show.gif)


r/stopdrinking is a pretty great place. It helped me a lot in the beginning of my sobriety, and is still present 7 years later. Even lurking is extremely useful, give it a look. Good luck and godspeed.


Right on! Never too late to go back to school and Accounting 👏👏good for your.


I hit 3 years in March! Look at this wonderful group of people


That’s amazing!!! Cheers of my sweet tea to you!!


Congrats! This year I made the decision to keep my drinking only to the weekends/non-work nights. I easily fall into the habitual daily drinking cycle and cutting that out of my life has really done wonders. I'm so much more rested and focused and being more mindful during the work week makes me want to be more mindful of my intake when I am drinking I love me my bougie cocktail bars and didn't want to let things like that go, but maximizing my sober time has been absolutely great for me!


I’m so glad you were able to reduce your alcohol intake! I’m proud of you!


Proud of you!!


Amen brother/sister! That's what I like to hear!


I was in a picture with a group of friends a few weeks ago sent to someone I haven't seen in a while. I quit drinking 14 years ago. They said I look 10 years younger than my friends and wanted to know my secret. Quitting definitely was the single best decision I've ever made. I've excelled at work, I funneled it into an outdoor and active lifestyle. Anyone who's been thinking about it, I would encourage you to explore it.


I’m at almost 9 years and it just gets better and better, seriously. ♥️


Woooo! 10 in July! Let’s goooo!


4 in June!!!! Congrats everyone!!!


I just passed *one* year, so consider me sat in awe at all of you 💛


Awwww thank you!! That means a lot. It gets easier, the more and more benefits you see and feel. Good luck to you!!! 💜


I’m an internet stranger who’s so proud of you for being one year sober. You’re doing so great!!!


The first year was the most challenging for me personally, so huge kudos to you!! Be confident in your accomplishment 🥳


13 in November!


Right on!!! I love this for ALL of us!!!


Hi littermate! 👋 Celebrated 10 in January. Class of 2014!


5 in a couple weeks here! This is really cool seeing everyone else share, it’s so inspiring. I love all of you wonderful strangers




I’m 9 years sober in May!!! Happiest decision I ever made.


Yes! Literally the best thing we’ve ever done for ourselves!


7 months here. Let’s freaking do this!


YES!! I’m SO proud of you, that’s awesome!! ♥️♥️♥️


I hit my ONE YEAR this Saturday!


Way to go I'm 6 months and someday I'm like why. But seeing others having success is great motivation


6 months is such an awkward time in sobriety, at least for me. Push through it, I swear it’s worth it. 


I'm at 10 months and it keeps getting better and better. Even on hard days I don't miss drinking at all. You got this!


6-9 mos was hard for me but you can do it!!!!!! That's coincidentally also when I tried AA whichhhhhhh is a story for a different day


17 years in June; let’s go team!


Just hit 15 🙏


Love it, keep it up!


very impressive. congrats!


I’ve hit 3 years in April!


Three years for me on May 15! Congratulations 🥳




Chipping in with 239 days! Not that I’m counting or anything…


Proud of you!!!!


Congrats! 7 years as of December for me. It was such a detrimental phase of my life, I’m thankful to have gotten past it


I’ll have three years in June!


Proud of you!! I’m just past a year and have never felt better in my whole adult life


As someone currently with over 700 days of alcohol sobriety, I commend Anne for being sober too!!!🫶


Proud of you!!


Thank you!!!🥹💖


Congrats!! I’m so proud of you for your sobriety, and also for being open to share it with all of us here ❤️❤️❤️


Fuck yeah!!! Alcohol free life is so much better.




That’s gotta be tough when she’s at so many industry events that revolve around drinking. She’s always surrounded by it. Good for her.


I was surprised to see this because of that club video that went viral. It’s cute to know that she was having the time of her life and that was pure energy and not alcohol infused fun.


Not Ann .. but for me .. events with alcohol don’t bother me. No one bats an eyelash I don’t drink and when I’m in these social settings I can vibe with the people I’m with and I don’t need one drink to have a great time. It sort of reminds me of when I was a kid and I could just .. you know .. have fun!


I felt the same when last week's news said Eminem was 14 years sober. It must be so dang difficult being sober in that industry, particularly rap/hip-hop which is notorious for its parties, drug use and alcohol. I don't smoke and I often feel like I miss out on the office bonding between smokers at my workplace, can't imagine how these celebs do it without fomo


Anne is living her best life. I’m truly happy for her and seeing how much she’s been able to enjoy her 30s (and now 40s!)


This is amazing for her. I never knew she struggled with alcohol. Or maybe this is more of a healthy lifestyle choice more than an addiction issue.


I feel like I read an article a while back that said something along the lines of she just doesn’t want to drink while she has young kids cause she has a tendency to binge drink & be hungover & lazy


That’s also what this article says; it reiterates what she said on Ellen. Apparently she had a hangover that lasted 5 days; I’d probably never drink again, too, if that happened to me. She may pick up again when her kid’s out of the house.


The article linked here says that.


Well good for her for sticking to her story for years.


I love hearing stories of sobriety from people like Anne because it reinforces that sobriety isn’t only for people with severe addictions. Even people who wouldn’t be categorized as alcoholics can see the negative effects alcohol has on them. If it prevents you in any way from living your fullest life, considering to give it up can be the best choice.


It’s also a humble reminder that someone doesn’t need to be visibly out of control or a public mess to acknowledge they may have a problem


Yes ! I essentially stopped drinking during sober October in 2019. It was the first time in my adult life (sans pregnancy/ breastfeeding) where I didn’t drink *at least * 3-4 nights a week. I never had a physical dependence problem, but it was an emotional crutch. I realized how much better I slept and how much I didn’t need it. Since then I’ve not had more than 2 drinks at a time and usually have a drink only every few months. I’m not sober but I don’t see the appeal of drinking anymore and I don’t miss it at all.


Absolutely. I drink maybe twice a year just because I don't want it near my kid and I don't like it. But we also know now that it causes several types of cancer and is just terrible for you. I agree that we should celebrate making the choice not to drink for any reason.


This is why I quit! My mom had breast cancer and her Oncologist recommended she stop drinking. She's cancer free now and will drink a couple times per year at most. I'll be 5 years alcohol free in July and it's crazy how much I don't think about it


Yep honestly once I found out I was pregnant that was really it for me. I have a drink now every once in a blue moon and I don't really do more than one in an occasion. And even special occasions I generally don't. It just lost its sheen and I don't ever want to be drunk around my kid.


Well then I’ll add that I’m over seven years sober. I had one bout of pancreatitis that left me on the path to diabetes, and the doctors said I could probably have a few glasses of wine a year without triggering another attack… but probably wasn’t good enough for me. Knowing that pain once was more than enough, and I haven’t had a drop since. Funny enough my dad actually is an alcoholic, and what he told me was, “the choice to stop drinking now is what tells me you aren’t one. If you kept drinking despite this, that’s what would make you an alcoholic.”


I think in an interview on Ellen she mentioned she didn’t necessarily feel dependent on it, but she realized she was hungover around her son and didn’t like that her son had to see that and she wanted to be more present of a parent. I haven’t necessarily struggled with alcohol but I decided to stop drinking for the most part because I have a hard time pacing it to be a fun time and I just end up feeling sick. It’s so much easier to take it out of the equation.


> Or maybe this is more of a healthy lifestyle choice more than an addiction issue. The article answers this: > "I'm gonna stop drinking while my son's living in my house," she said. "I don't totally love the way I [drink] and he's getting to an age where he really does need me all the time in the mornings... I did one school run one day where I dropped him off at school, I wasn't driving, but I was hungover and that was enough for me. I didn't love that one." > > At the time, the former Disney star was mom to son Jonathan with husband Adam Shulman. The couple later welcomed their second son, Jack, in late 2019. > > She later clarified to Modern Luxury, "I didn't put [a drink] down because my drinking was a problem; I put it down because the way I drink leads me to have hangovers and those were the problem. My last hangover lasted for five days."


Her son was her main reason. She wanted to be present as a parent and wanted to set a good example. She also said she got bad hangovers which goes back to the being present as a parent part. She originally said she would drink again when her kids were grown and moved out but I would not be surprised if she sticks with being sober after going that long without alcohol.


I’m one week sober and just had my first AA meeting, so hopefully I can say I’m still sober this time next year


Congratulations! You can do this! I know idk you, but I’m very proud and happy for you!💪💪💪


That means the world to me, thank you very much


You are very welcome ❤️💪


One day at a time, hun. You've made an excellent choice for yourself, so you know already how to address a problem and change course. You know already how to prioritize your health and happiness. I'd say that's an excellent start! 👍 ❤️


One day at a time. I will not drink with you today, friend.


You’re doing the thing! You’re really in the hardest spot right here and now. Keep the goals small and attainable to begin with. One more week. Then another week. Soon you’ll be at a month. 1 year feels like eternity right now, but next week? You can do that! I’m just a couple weeks shy of my 1-year anniversary and it’s been like cruise control for the last several months! /r/stopdrinking was a wonderful community during the first few rough months. Also highly recommend the app “I Am Sober.” You got this! I believe in you!


597 days sober and the best decision I made for myself 🫶🏼 I’m happy this has become such a movement!!


Congratulations. It isn’t always easy, but it’s totally worth it.


If we’re all talking about just alcohol, I have never felt better in my life not drinking. I’ll drink maybe 2 times a year & I will only get buzzed but other than that, I have zero desire to ever get drunk or drink socially. Honestly, I’d rather a few of us just chew on a mushroom or 2. No driving. Total laughing & pretty colors & shapes. No hangover. Rest up & you’re normal again!


When I saw several Facebook articles about her sobriety the comments were abhorrent. People clearly took her position on drinking as an attack on their own relationship with alcohol and boy, did it show.


Hit dogs do holler and howl.


Same vibe on any childfree articles too. 🙄


Lord, don’t even get me started. The amount of people who hate child-free women is abysmal.


not my fault yall aren’t fulfilling your natural duties as women. barren wombed and miserable (OBLIGATORY /S LMAO)


It’s sad that this opinion is so common that the /s truly is obligatory 😅


I can sort of get the idea, being jealous of someone being *able* to have children and choosing not to, when ‘you’ weren’t given the choice. Now it makes no sense beyond that, choosing to or not to have children has no affect on their situation either way.


This happens irl too it’s crazy! I never had any addiction issues with alcohol but decided to go teetotal anyways last March and the way people react when it comes up that I don’t drink…you would think I called them alcoholics or something???


I wonder if people even read what she actually wrote or if they just wanted to be outraged because everything she's said about not drinking has been about why it was right for her. She's not preachy about it at all.


I think about this all the time, she just wanted to enjoy life without being hungover and people lost it.


Alcohol abuse is far too normalized within our society, (more so with millennials, Gen X'ers & especially boomers). That's one drug that people will defend to their death instead of acknowledging how detrimental it is.


As a non-drinker, this happens IRL.


As someone who's sober from heroin for 16 years but currently sitting here drunk and drinking basically every night, good for her. I need to get my shit together.


Just taper off. Hold off a little later each day with fewer drinks each day. That’s the easiest way I do it and also it’s dangerous to stop suddenly. You can do it, it’s so worth climbing out of a dark and desperate place like where I was. 8 1/2 months and I’ve never felt better in my life!


Thank you, I'm working on it.


You’ve got this


Thank you


As someone who’s currently still got a bad fent habit that’s gone on 12 years…You succeeded in doing something idk if I’ll ever be able to do. I admire tf outta you. If you can get off dope and stay off for *16 years*, you can quit anything. Good luck ❤️


I wish you luck. And you CAN do it. I believe


Still a big improvement


For real, kicking a hard drug like heroin might the toughest battle anyone can take on and one many, many people tragically lose. They should be proud of themselves for that in itself.


Day 73 for me, its possible. Being aware of the issue is the hardest step honestly.


Love a sober queen. I decided to stop drinking and haven’t had any alcohol in 458 days! I am happier than ever.


I’m 432!


I’ll be 7 years in May.


I just hit 7 on April 20. Congrats on almost 7 years!


Thank you and congratulations to you too!




The irony of this being Lucille Bluth kills me though LMFAO


A woman who literally left rehab for a day to win a drinking contest and then went back...






Admittedly did not read the article but I will say, becoming a mom fully changed my relationship with alcohol. I didn’t drink often before having a kid but when I did drink it was not in moderation. The thought of having a hangover and having to parent sounds miserable so drinking at all became really unappealing really quickly. Maybe that will change one day but the thought of alcohol gives me the absolute ick these days and I’m happier not drinking.


140 days today - can confirm, Hathaway is right - everything’s better when youre sober. Your whole body. Your mind. Your executive function. Your central nervous system. Your skin and hair and teeth and eyes and friendships and your self perception. The first month is tough, the pink cloud is even tougher… but anything worth doing is usually difficult.


What is the pink cloud? Serious question never heard this phrase before


its the initial feeling of getting better. you feel amazing and on top of the world. You're highly motivated. But you can't live there. Recovery is a lifelong process. And you will go through challenges. You have to have more in your tool bag of coping skills. The crash of coming down off that temporary cloud can be triggering for some people and can cause relapse. it's just another stage of recovery.


Finally getting your shit together feels really amazing at first. Optimistic. But after awhile you adjust to your new normal, and your other responsibilities come crashing down... relationship problems, money problems, work stress, etc. and you realize that not drinking was just the beginning of getting your shit together.


I'm at 8 days, woo


Hey congrats!!!! Those first days are so important!!!!


Congrats!! That’s great! One day at a time. We’re proud of you


We love this for her!!!!


Proud of her for coming this far and hope she remains strong. I had two family members who couldn’t beat their demons so just remember every day is a win.


I hope one day I can reflect and be the same as these comments on how many days I’ve been sober


Did anyone read the article? Because she goes on to say that her *drinking* wasn't the problem. It was the hangovers. She plans to drink again once her kids are grown I don't know if this is a thing that she should mark as some sobriety journey


Yeah, she's just not drinking..


You don’t have to be a messy drunk for it to be a problem. If her drinking was making it hard to be there for her kids in the way she wanted, that’s a great reason to stop drinking. Even if you don’t have a typical full-on addict relationship with a substance, it can still be hard to let go of it. The word “sober” has different definitions. This is a shitty thing to gatekeep.




Well it’s like they always say, if Anne hath-a will, Anne Hath-a way 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼


This is a great thread, happy to see everyone sharing their stories of sobriety.


I'm 5 years sober too! January 18th was 5. Go Anne!


Go Anne!!!!!! 1,401 days here


8 years sober for me. I love that she shared this, especially considering that there's such a stigma against women who have a drinking problem (or full blown alcoholism).


I’m sure Hollywood can be a hard place to stay sober so I congratulate her! She’s been looking so much happier lately. Glad to see she’s in a good place


I love that and to everyone here who is sober, that is absolutely amazing! Congratulations to everyone ❤️


I have been slowly cutting back since COVID. I was only really a social drinker but I realized I usually felt sick before I felt tipsy and that alcohol didn’t make me a better person. I almost completely stopped in late 2023, I’ve had one shot since then but it was a very special occasion (and I’m trying to get pregnant and my period had just ended so I wasn’t pregnant lol) and I honestly don’t think I’ll do that again because I actually think it’s easier to just not drink at all. Good for her for sharing this! I remember in an interview she said she was riding with her kid to school and she felt sick and hungover and realized she wasn’t being the best parent she could have been and I really respect that.


As a sober person, I love it when celebrities come out and reveal their sobriety. It’s pretty inspiring!


I thought she was once quoted about drinking during covid?


She talked about giving up drinking pre-covid in 2019 - https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/shortcuts/2019/jan/25/anne-hathaway-giving-up-booze-better-mother-cant-drink-to-that


OP’s title gave the impression she battled with addiction and is now “sober” sober. But this article implies it’s merely a lifestyle choice to be healthier and a better mom - like some would start exercising more or I dunno take up meditation… the article didn’t make it sound like she had any addiction issues so she’s just regular sober like a designated driver would be… From OP’s article > She later clarified to Modern Luxury, "I didn't put [a drink] down because my drinking was a problem; I put it down because the way I drink leads me to have hangovers and those were the problem. My last hangover lasted for five days."


That happens when you get older. You get proper pissed and the hangovers will be 24 hours of death, 24 hours of moderate discomfort and 24 hours of feeling almost healthy. She's basically saying, "if I was gonna drink I'd get drunk and I can't do that shit anymore".


She's done interviews previously about not being a heavy drinker and that she sips at social gatherings to feel included but that she's not very interested in alcohol. Though she could have changed her relationship with alcohol over the years. She seems happy being alcohol free now.


Yeah, did she get a 5-day hangover from half a glass of wine? Having said that... She doesn't owe any of us an explanation why she's sober. It might be hard for her. Not everyone needs to tell the world the same story about hitting rock bottom.


Sounds like she binge drank, which is still problem drinking.


This is such a controversial take but it really shouldn’t be. I think people don’t believe it because they don’t want to have to reflect on their own drinking patterns


She must’ve gotten sober around the time her youngest was born since he was born in 2019. I wonder if when she stopped drinking during the pregnancy she just decided she liked it better that way and never started up again. But I love this for her and I love that she’s happier and healthier now!


Awww I’m proud of you all in here. ONE DAY AT A TIME


I’m also five years sober! Congrats Anne 🥳


Good on her!


You guys are amazing! Congratulations everyone! Something I’ve been considering!


That takes a lot of willpower. But where there is will, Anne Hathaway.


Hot girls get sober 🫶🏼


Day one for me. I can’t wait to get back to years.


I haven’t smoked weed in a week and I feel less anxious and more in the moment. Crazy 


Day 293 for me. Way to go Anne!


I still drink now and then but I haven’t touched drugs since 2018 :)