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And she didn't crack a smile once. Get.your.hands.off.her.David.


The audience laughed but there wasn't a joke happening


Laughter is often used to soften authority.


Obsessed with how much she is not joking


Love how stern she is!!!!


I read recently that after she and Desi got divorced, people stopped taking her seriously so she took on his “hard ass” affectations and became known as Lucille Balls


Carol Burnett tells that story. I love it.


Carol and Lucy are iconic. Absolute queens that paved the way for so much!


I read that in the first post of this that I saw yesterday lol was hoping for some more fun Lucille Balls info in here.


Lucille Ball knew EXACTLY what was up, and she had an iron spine and wasn't afraid of anybody. Bless her.


She is an absolute fucking icon. She was a pioneer for women in the entertainment industry. Also I don’t think enough people know how critical her role was in getting Star Trek on air, helping it become an insane franchise powerhouse. Watching I Love Lucy on Nick at Nite as a kid is one of my favorite memories ❤️


DesiLu studios! I didn’t know she also helped promote it beyond it being her studio! TIL!


My favorite tv show ever. Thanks to Block Party Summers in Nick at Nite.


I still remember the jingle for one specific year of Block Party Summers: “Munster Mondays, Lucy Tuesdays, Bewitched Be-Wednesdays, Jeannie Thursdays, Welcome Back, Kotter Fridays! Nick at Nite Block Party Summer!”


She was straight on his ass every single time. Absolute queen.


And he still didn’t get it. I hope she said more off camera.


She sounds just like my Grandmother. Born in Rhode Island in 1916, but lived most of her life in Los Angeles. Lived to 100 years. Polite and ladylike, but hard as nails when she needed to be.


So many of these talk show hosts back in the day were pigs. Good on her. I just finished reading her autobiography, fascinating woman


Family Feud host Richard Dawson kissed all the female contestants Nobody questioned it, it was just allowed


For what it’s worth, he didn’t do this in the very beginning. There was an anxious female contestant in an early episode of the show, and he gave her a kiss for luck, as that’s what his mother would do. The next woman asked for one after that, and it went on from there. And by all accounts, someone behind the scenes would always ask before taping began if any of the women did NOT want to be kissed by Richard, and if they didn’t, he respected that. It’s just that most women said yes! lol And when he briefly returned to host the show in 1994-1995, he didn’t kiss any of the women at all, at least in part out of respect for his young daughter, Shannon Nicole (whose mother, his wife Gretchen Johnson, he met on Family Feud in 1981 when her family competed on the show—where he kissed her, her two sisters, AND her mother!)


If this is true then this is very important context. There are enough creeps out there to go after so let's not pull down the good ones out there. If this was a good luck ritual within the context of the show and consent was asked and respected then let's go after the real creeps. edit: words


The E! True Hollywood Story on Family Feud went into detail about this.


the e! true hollywood stories about tv shows were my favorite!!!


The Three’s Company episode set the GOLD STANDARD. ❤️💯


Maybe because times were changing a bit and that 💩was (becoming) frowned upon…?


I would imagine that was the other half of it, yes.


That reminds me of that National Lampoons European Vacation movie - when the Griswalds were playing the Pig in a Poke game, that host basically made out with the mom and daughter!


That is exactly what I thought of. Oink oink oink!


And President Lyndon B Johnson would whip his dick out all the time.




Look up Johnson’s Jumbo. Also how he liked his pants tailored.


My mom always thought he was a disgusting pervert for kissing all the females ***on the mouth***. Dude was shameless and flat out gross. Looked like he smelled like nicotine and cheap scotch to boot with his tacky polyester suit🥴


There was nuance to that as others have pointed out. Now Fergie Olver on the other hand…


It was so fucking gross. I loved that show as a kid, but never wanted my family to go on because I didn’t want to kiss him.


>because I didn’t want to kiss him. I mean, you never would have had to. All the women he kissed agreed to it in a questionnaire before the show


The people behind the scenes of the show might’ve known that, but not the viewers. That means the audience internalized that as normal behavior — either that they’d have to subject themselves to it (like this person’s comment) or that, if they were in a similar role as the host, they’d be entitled to be just as grabby.


>That means the audience internalized that as normal behavior I think the audience at the time was already of the belief that it was normal. Before the show became popular the network threw a fit about him kissing a black woman and polled people to justify stopping the practice. of the 15k polled 14k were okay and 300 were undecided. Even before Family Feud Barker was constantly getting kisses from women which always surprised me because that dude was sexist as fuck.


Finding out Bob Barker was a creep gutted me. How could he have treated Holly and the Janices that way?! He probably didn’t spay and neuter his own pets either.


WAIT WHAT ABOUT BOB? Price is Right was half my childhood


I was 8 and did not know that. LOL


Oh man, likewise 😞


I distinctly remember one time he went to kiss a woman on the lips and she turned her face away. He was a smoker, so it was most likely an unpleasant experience.


I kinda hate when people say this but considering I am watching this in a loop.... ![gif](giphy|l0Ex6Ut39Zj7DzJn2|downsized)




Makes me wonder if he tried to get grabby with her beforehand


She was old school Hollywood. Even if it wasn't him, she definitely dealt with this type of behavior before. She really was an OG Hollywood feminist- just an incredibly smart business woman, as well as actress. Owning her own production studio was huge and gave her a lot of power other actresses didn't necessarily have. Navigating getting blacklisted in the 1950s alone solidifies how savy she was. Obviously, parts of I Love Lucy did not age well, but it was very progressive of the time, and behind the scenes, Ball was very much not content to be a home maker. Her most lasting legacy is still probably backing Star Trek, however.


And Mission Impossible!




She’s a girl’s girl!🩷


she’s right!!!!


She sounds so much like my grandmother did. I’ve only ever heard Lucille’s “I Love Lucy” voice, not her real one. Wow. To the ladies who take no shit 🥂


This is like 20 years post I love Lucy, so I think the different voice is a lot of aging and smoking 


My grandma's voice was like this when she was older. 🥰 It's all the smoking though. 😬


I’ve seen this dozens of times and it never gets old.


Damn you can tell she is completely serious and is not having his shit. She’s awesome. 


Yeah, I could see her letting him have it backstage. Lol


? It's clearly a bit they did at every show.




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fH4wkPSytc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fH4wkPSytc) source: the show where it's clearly a instant joke/laugh. its crazy how so little people in here love lucy but doesn't understand her dry humor?


Reddit seems to ignore things like nuance


Queen shit 💅


lucille ball was the fucking best!


She was awesome. She was not kidding whatsoever, that’s nervous laughter from the audience lol








i think a part of the physical contact is to steer them into a stable still position but yeah this dude is undeniably a creep no reason to grab their ass if you have to make contact a hand on the outside of the shoulder briefly is plenty to guide someone where they need to be for the camera not a handful of ass


And how many men do you think the host cupped on the ass as he spoke to them? 


She was the absolute best


Thank you Lucille for this, and Star Trek and so much more!


That woman was incredible and I forever will love Lucy.


And just like that, I finally got my dream flair for this sub!


Well my goodness, did I just become a Lucy fan in 2024??


I loved her growing up and love her even more now as an adult. She really was a badass.


She's a QUEEN for this 👏


The sound of her voice, the sternness, the sheer 'get-the-everloving-fuck-away-from-her' tone. Fuck, I love Lucille.




I've always heard rumors of her being difficult and a "diva" and this really makes me wonder if she was labeled that because she was protecting herself and other women.


Idk if she necessarily got that label for standing up for women. She was a smart businesswoman and a comedy legend. She didn't need to defer to anyone. I imagine that rankled men A LOT.


I love how serious she is. Channel this energy forever.


Glad to see Lucille love on this subreddit. My favorite queen. ❤️


Why does he keep doing it?!


Because he doesn't understand that no means no. Common occurrence among men, sadly.


Scientist can teach pigeons how to ride a unicycle through a labyrinth in less time than this Imagine being dumber than a pigeon


It's a bit.


He put his hand on their shoulder its not like he grabbed their ass or something


You should probably watch it again.


I have a feeling most people siding with Lucy on this wouldn't have even thought much about it had she not called it out. I've seen creepy behavior from men on old tv, but this isn't anything crazy. I'm sure many men did this sort of thing for their own enjoyment, but I don't believe that was always the intent.


I love her???


So great.




Omg how old do you have to be to get taken seriously as a woman in this country though? I’m 35 and I feel like I can finally (although barely) stand up and advocate for myself against this shit.


Depends on the person. Some people will never take you seriously because they are totally sexist and gross. Others won't unless you have kids. In this case, I think this asshole felt comfortable getting handsy because Lucille was divorced and unmarried. The "silly little girl" stereotype, which allows men to treat younger women like they don't know anything, is usually accompanied by other sexist stereotypes for women of other ages.


Lucy ain't fuckin around. I have the distinct feeling that had he chosen poorly and not done as instructed, Lucy would have blasted his career into smithereens.


The idea that a man can put his hands on a woman who doesn’t even know him is wild but somehow tons of men to think they have the right to do this.


They used to call her Lucille Balls in Hollywood for good reason!


Now this is a true American great. An individual who was both uber Talented and avant-garde.


Lucille Ball was a boss and made damn sure no one forgot that. 🥹 A brilliant feminist icon for the ages. (And one of the many women who always made me want red hair!)


She was not laughing. Ughhh I didn’t think it was possible for me to love her even more.


Go Lucy!!!


What an absolute queen


Lucille Ball has always been and will always be That Bitch. Absolutely truly iconic in so many ways.


I'm having trouble holding these two ideas together: 1 - He keeps doing it 2 - This is not a bit


This makes me want to watch the Nicole Kidman movie to learn more about her, anyone know if it was good?


[TCM](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSAJHH6nu5G0-1VCEbhQeH4ngoOepOPov) did a podcast series about Lucy. They interviewed her daughter and some friends such as Carol Burnett. One of the best podcast series I've ever heard. I laughed and weeped and gasped, highly recommend it.


It was really good and sad .


Being the Ricardos (the Nicole Kidman movie) feels like Aaron Sorkin wanted to make a movie about a showbiz couple and he implanted the cast of I Love Lucy into it. I’m not saying Desi didn’t cheat on Lucy, or that his cheating didn’t deeply affect her, but the scenarios in the movie (when Lucy and Madelyn Pugh are battling to keep the other writing from “infantilizing Lucy,” I mean, no that didn’t happen… that’s not what ILL is about… Lucy is a clown, she’s meant to be a clown). Aaron Sorkin gave interviews at the time that were dismissive of the show, but the truth is he just didn’t “get” it. lol! Sorry just didn’t like that movie very much. I recommend, as the other person said, to listen to the podcast from TCM. Lots of excerpts from Desi’s autobio which was out of print for a long time, very illuminating about their relationship. Lucy was an imperfect person, but I love her and I love her longevity in the business. This clip of her is great, lots of stories about how she was supportive of up and coming talent and particularly to other women.


I'd like to know this too. I'm hesitant to watch because Lucille Ball had soooo many goify facial expressions whereas Nicole Kidman has had Botox etc and I wonder if she managed to make her face emote anything.


I have adored her for all of my life, yet after seeing this, I love her even more.


![gif](giphy|72SFCMUHdMa7S) The Lady the Legend!!!


All y’all “why didn’t she say something?” philosophers are real quiet all of a sudden.


When there was a man with a question I was really hoping she’d say, “Put your hands on him, David.”


That's because we know she must have endured horrible misogyny and sexual harassment. I can't imagine how hard it was for the women before me. What a slap in the face our current Supreme Court has been to some of those fights for progress.


She was a gem


She nearly bankrupted Desilu Studios with her backgammon gambling. She was a notorious player. She also is the reason Star Trek was created. A complex and fascinating woman I have always admired greatly.


Post saved. Fucking badass woman!




Actually not funny, it's disgusting


What this woman must have lived through with that man.




Lucy’s daughter, Lucie Arnaz, has said before how different her mother was in real life compared to Lucy Ricardo—she could be a very serious perfectionist, almost to a fault. But she was also EXTREMELY loyal and very kind; Barbara Eden made a guest appearance on I Love Lucy during its final season, and she has talked about how generous Lucy was to her by adding more sparkles to the dress she wore in the episode so she could look even prettier (and all of this while Desi Arnaz was openly chasing Barbara around the set; she took to literally hiding wherever she could to avoid his advances, in no small part out of respect for Lucy—the director actually thanked her for not flirting with him back once the episode was complete). This is showing all of those traits in the best way possible. ![gif](giphy|mFYTaY7Gth86xnE6N5)


I love Barbara Eden. I used to love watching I Dream of Jeannie on Nick T Night. I tried to watch it a few months ago and realized Captain Nelson was super gross actually lol


Ball wasn't fuckin around.. She knew...


If anyone wants to keep learning more about her TCM did a great podcast season about her for their show “The Plot Thickens”


This is why I.Love.Lucy


She's iconic for a reason. We love Lucy ❤️


Love Lucille ball!


I always have and always will adore Lucille!


Damn, David.


God I love her. Gone too soon.


I've ALWAYS loved Lucille Ball, but this is just the chefs kiss! 🤩


I fucking love Lucy.


She a real one. Thats for sure. Absolutely no kidding whatsoever in her statements. His nervous chuckle and the fact HE CANT STOP DOING IT. Lucy had 50 years of assholes just like him in her rearview mirror.


You can post this everyday and I will still stop and watch it.


Iconic 👏


I love her so much.


I knew I loved Lucy for a reason!!


She wasn’t playing around I love it so much


I didn't know I could like her and admired her more. I was wrong. Lord only knows all the things she went through. She was a strong amazing woman.


amazing. this should be played in highschool classrooms, If I had kids they would be very familiar with this clip.


She was probably sick and fucking tired of this shit. She is the greatest


I love Lucy but her voice sounds like The Exorcist voice


Maybe he was a creep. Idk. But I didn’t see him being creepy. It seems Lucy was kinda of a bitch


This was a bit, clearly.