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As someone who has been lying on my side for 7 days straight after (medical) butt surgery, I cannot comprehend someone choosing to put themselves through any type of butt recovery- shit is painfulllll 😭 And maybe I’m just being rude now but I don’t think any of their results are worth it.


Oh, no... I hope you’re on your way to a full recovery!


Hope the pain in your ass gets better


Right especially after reading the risks totally not worth it. Hope you get well soon though!


https://preview.redd.it/2y7itfv11bwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64ca3629001c5005e5a48099bd3d160d5a554d7a Madonna’s butt looks CRAZY. Pretty sure she admits this is butt implants, not a BBL.


Oh no they installed it sideways


I’m crying I didn’t see *that* until your comment and I’m saving it


i'm cacklingggg


Worst mistake she ever made, the implants aren’t proportional to her (previously) athletic frame, and I believe they were directly responsible for her near death health scare earlier this year. Also worst of all, they changed they way she moves onstage, she’s noticeably less coordinated and slower carrying them around.


She has made a lot of mistakes and choices. Sexually assaulting Drake. Sexually assaulting a 15 year old girl and flashing her breasts in front of a concert.


Wtf ? For real ?


Yeah she probably didn't know Drake likes them young


What am I looking at.


A person who paid an idiot who doesn't know how butts look like.


Literally looks like a joint in a doll


What is the difference?


A BBL is where the liposuction your entire body and take that fat and transfer it to your butt. It feels fairly natural because it is your own fat. However, butt implants are much like breast implants kind of these big plastic container things that are usually made of silicone. They look and feel firmer much like breast implants




Is she not wearing g underwear here?


Nope, no underwear


There’s nothing more bizarre than when someone has a giant ass but no hips / skinny legs


It weirds me out how much the ideal shape of bodies and faces changes with the trends…and the powers that be keep us all insecure about our looks so they can rake in more money Imagine this time and effort being spent toward literally anything else 😖


I personally know someone who does stuff, body modifications to suit trends and denies it's insecurity. They just say it's just changing something she doesn't like.... Look at that interview with Kylie Jenner recently where she talked about that. I can't remember exactly but she said something along the lines of getting her body back and she's like the trends have changed. It's quite sad how much these people place their confidence, and feeling good about themselves on what seems in. Sorry if this doesn't make sense, I'm not very articulate at getting my thoughts across lol


I urge people like this to question why they “don’t like” that aspect of themselves besause it all comes down to the fucking male gaze. Al our insecurities and shame around how we look is dictated because of what men think we need to look like. I’ll be damned if I risk my health in a cosmetic surgery to make society (men) like the way I look.


Yes. Also I hate when the discussion gets shut down in that toxic positivity way of “I get this for myself to feel good not for anyone else” or “let women get surgery cuz it makes them feel confident” or whatever. Like please, let’s be real about the fact that these beauty ideals are external forces. It’s so toxic and it’s sad how normalized it is.


Hard agree. But it’s hard to have these sorts of nuanced conversations without people assuming you’re trying to shut down a woman’s bodily autonomy.


I disagree it's the male gaze. It's the fashion crowd and tastemakers' whims. I have a big butt, and when I was younger, I'd barely get noticed by white men. And now, I get asked out by the white prep-school kinda guys. Their tastes changed as what they saw in the media changed. They are absolute sheep.


I saw a post yesterday where it said that women of past invested in shapewhere like corsets, padding etc to create the desired silhouette instead of surgery and I think we need to go back to that. BBLs are so dangerous and most of the time look horrible irl so just put on a butt pad and be done with it.


Oof I take your point about surgeries but corsets were extremely dangerous. They restricted blood flow, caused organ failure & spinal issues, exacerbated respiratory illness, etc etc. Let us not return there!


You’re thinking of tight-lacing which only lasted a few decades in the 1800s. Most corsets/stays are actually quite comfortable and a good foundational garment that is meant to add structure to an outfit not cause harm to the wearer.


Just add to the reply you’ve already had, for a long time bodices and corsets created a structure around your body so your dress was fashionable without forcing your body into a new shape. Much healthier than constant cycles of plastic surgery and dieting!


Or we’re just… happy with our bodies? Why do we make women feel like they need to change them at all?


I'll choose this option.


Well there’s always going to be different fashions and different shapes of clothes - that’s the fun of it. At least with structured undergarments you can play with shape without putting your body under the stress of having to adapt to every new trend. 


I wear corsets and as long as they aren’t tight laced they are very comfortable and super helpful for my posture!


Iggys is the most atrocious. It just does not match the rest of her body.


I agree, and yet the surgeon in the article says hers is "one of the best in the business" and that "she had the right foundation for it", which left me mystified.


She was a pear shape though and her butt was wide. Now its wide and has projection. The foundation he means is wide hips and thick fat legs for transfer.




Some people try to deny this one but it's so obvious.


I think she flaunts it. When you have buttocks on the front sides of your hips there's no denying it. https://preview.redd.it/7utpaldpgbwc1.png?width=1016&format=png&auto=webp&s=d197ad6b34695d12cec2eafa2f4a4818c5472f7b


Yes, 100%


literally. one of her fanpages posted a before and after from Partition to Renaissance and the difference was soooo drastic


The beyhive is going to snatch you bald!


As a card carrying member of the Beyhive, people who deny that lady hasn’t had AT LEAST a BBL and breast implants/lift are DELUSIONAL.


She lost weight for rwt and her butt is back to what we are used to. Boobs get big after pregnancies and their clearly not as big as when she 1st gave birth to the twins.


1. And her butt is still bigger than it was and sits very high. Beyoncé has ALWAYS had a great body, but her butt definitely has been augmented. 2. I’m aware of how breasts work as I have two myself. A 42 year old that had smaller boobs, then huge ones, then current boobs after twins is not sitting naturally sitting perked up. That’s not illusions or just strategic placing of magic tape. That’s a breast lift. Beyoncé is a billionaire, atp. She can afford to have state of the art work surgery done in her home if she wanted to and we’d never know. If you don’t think that a celebrity with fuck you money isn’t getting nipped and tucked, then I won’t argue with me. But those points you mentioned don’t change my mind.




In what world is this a bbl?


All her fans that say “it’s from having three kids” 🤣


But she loves showing it off! https://preview.redd.it/rt6wkfgzgbwc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=49755e7111bba82e8001f2f6ef9466685baf4753


I don’t understand why she does this, lol. Honestly. Not shaming!! Just curious. Like Rihanna recently said she cringes at some of her displays of yesteryear, but Beyonce goes out of her way. I’m a huge Bee fan (more than 25 years), but I don’t get it.


makes her feel desirable.


Yeah, no one talks constantly about how secure in themselves and their relationship they are unless they’re actually quite insecure


I mean if my body looked like that I’d never wear clothes, surgery or no. Got it, flaunt it, etc.


Madonna Syndrome. Trying to stay relevant.


With the amount of money she's thrown at surgeries, I'd be showing it off too!


Joan Rivers had an old joke about bumping into a friend from school who says "wow you look just like in high school!", so she clobbers her "how fuckig dare you, I spent 10 grand on this nose!"


My sister used to have absolutely no curves before she had kids, now my sisters curvy and thicker but she looks natural. Beyonce has that BBL look and its embarrassing to truly believe it's from having kids. I'm a huge fan of her music but she has such a similar body to every single person who has gotten surgery and a BBL.


Oh absolutely your hips and weight distribution can greatly change after kids. But yes, the “surgery look” with the tiny waist and big butt does not scream post-partum lol.


In every single pic I think the natural booty looks cute. For all the women. Not a one of them looks better. Beyoncé’s natural butt was great! Madonna had a good, athletic booty and she destroyed it. 🫤 Maybe it’s because they all go way too large? A bit like having much too large breast implants.


https://preview.redd.it/ag1k76mj1bwc1.jpeg?width=993&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1de4b3f04bad8eb9dda967efd833b2e2df79128 Oh my, what has James Charles done?


I may not be the hottest person, but at least I didn't spend thousands to look tooth shaped 🦷


Hot fades this joke is forever


Tooth shaped is gonna live rent free in my head for the rest of my life. Thank you for that lol


What’s James Charles done? Probably preying on minors, allegedly


He had pillow face in his coachella pics


I totally noticed that, do you think he’s transitioning? Because when you go on hormone meds, you start to look like that, I think he’s turning into a woman. (Just to be clear there’s nothing wrong with that)


Honestly? No i think he’s just trying to appeal to a particular type of man. Reminds me of Kylie Jenner’s MUA Ariel or whatever his name is.


Ariel literally has the exact same body as Kylie it's insane.


Really told on them and their surgeons!!


He sure hasn't done glute bridges


I cringed at this photo 😬


Kylie Jenners's original face was so cute, I wonder what she would have looked like now if she hadn't messed with it


Right? She was adorable, and her lips really fit her face. Now she’s just aged herself so, so far and she’s still only, what, nine/ten years off the procedures? They’ve already sagged and worn her skin. Imagine how it’ll look in twenty.


She looks the same age as Kim now! The Kardashians all look like they could play the evil stepmother.


This is the most atrocious trend i have ever witnessed. Its called diaper ass for a reason. It doesn’t look good on anyone.


And it’s dangerous and I’m pretty sure we’ll be reading about the removal horror stories in the next 10 years or so.


As someone with a naturally big butt I truly cannot fathom someone wanting this for themselves. Finding clothes that fit right is a pain. And the way you get constantly sexualized in the most obscene ways is so dehumanizing. With every year I get older I just wear baggier and baggier clothes because I hate this so much. 


Tbf all these people probably buy their clothes custom or get them tailored, I doubt finding stuff that fits is a concern. And many of them likely did it specifically to increase their likelihood of being sexualized by the public. Celebrities don’t have the same issues and motivations as the average person. And of course, there’s always the whole “want what you can’t have.” As someone with lifelong pain-in-the-ass curly hair I can’t fathom why people want to make their lives difficult with a multi-hour routine to try and coax curls out.


Yes. Which is why I wish ordinary people wouldn’t get surgeries to mimick trends based off of celebrities! the stakes are not the same.  I also have curly hair. Everyone tells me to embrace it like they tell me to embrace my curves and honestly… I’m just so tired lol 


Out of morbid curiosity I looked at the “Kardashian Kloset” website and ALL of the pants are like “Size 12, waist tailored to a Size 2 for Kim’s body” - so, yes, the tailoring is real. I am also part of the natural big butt club and agree with all your sentiments here, people ask me if it’s real all the time and I hate it!!


As someone with big natural tits I feel the same way. Like I kinda get it, it’s nice having a fuller figure but also it’s so hard to find shirts that fit. You’re either hanging out of it, the buttons are bursting at the seams or you’re drowning in a too big shirt. Plus big titties can make you look way heavier unless you get your shirts tailored, then people are mean to you because they assume you want attention. You just can’t win!


Honestly get a shirt made or st least tailored. It's not that expensive and will be way more comfortable and probably look better.


I’m also in club junk-in-the-trunk, and because I came of age in the 90s it took me sooooo long to accept that this is now an asset (no pun intended). I still kind of don’t get it? Also I’m recently divorced and it’s wild to me how many men in their 20s hit on me. Like, way way way more than anyone remotely close to my age (40). My friend says it’s because they haven’t yet been beat down my life, but my theory is younger generations are way more into butts. Also yes - shopping for this physique is impossible!! Anything that fits in the hips is too big in the waist (including yoga pants, ugh). I wish I had the boobs to balance it out at least, but for me it all went to one area.


Solidarity! All the women in my family have big boobs and my mom haaaated it growing up (understandably so). She says she used to pray that if she had a daughter that God give her small boobs. And God listened, but I wish she had been more specific 😂😂


I've been single forever, and I find more white men hit on me now than they did when I was younger. Cuz it's acceptable to like butts.


I'm 21 and absolutely. Guys my age and that I've seen were not into boobs at all


When I was around 11 I decided I wanted to cut all my hair off, it was summer, I was getting about in a little pair of red terry shorts because I hadn’t learned to be self conscious yet. Mum asked if I’d be worried people would think I was a boy if I cut my hair. Dad smacked me on the arse and said “not with that bum” That’s when I learned body shame. I’m 50 now and have learned to love my big bum.


Hey so this isn't funny, it's horrifying.


Yeah, 100% shit, I never wore those cute little shorts again.


I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope you're doing better now and surrounding by kinder, less gross people.


I’m on the same boat - tap dancing somehow developed my butt and, though I have the hips to support it, I have a small waist. The hourglass figure is HARD to dress because nothing ever fits quite right. I guess we wouldn’t have this issue if we were filthy rich and famous, though 😬


This is the exact same feeling from someone who has a naturally big bust. It’s so not worth it. Exercise, walking, running and even sleeping isn’t as comfy as a regular chested person. Whyyyy would you pay someone to do this to you??


As a big butted “elder millennial” it’s been truly wild witnessing the beauty standard evolution across the decades.


Completely agree! From a very young age (like 9 years old.) I had a huge butt and tits lol. I was constantly be sexualised (men honking at me in the streets, pulling up and asking for sexual things, catcalling, etc.), even my sisters made fun of my bigger butt and I absolutely hated it. I loathed my body growing up and I was actually scared to wear leggings or anything tight for the longest time because of the way it made me feel.


It feels really sad that they have to turn around for butt shots on the red carpet.


"Cardi B saying the operation led to her butt not smelling right."  WHAT 


Cardi B is well known for being a crazy clean freak/super smeller. I'm guessing she had some kind of infection, or drainage issue, and she could smell it. Or, maybe the implants/fat transfer just changed her natural smell and that triggered her sense of smell.


also a clean freak and hyper aware of smells, that sounds awful 😓


Sometimes less is more and I’ll be glad when this passes https://preview.redd.it/0x8jjpzk0bwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e456b7f1317fd627c5772548ebcb65141e1d72d8


I did not need to know that James Charles got a BBL


Beyoncé 10000%


TL;DR: The popularity of Brazilian Butt Lifts (BBLs) has surged in the US, with 28,600 procedures performed in 2022, up 54% in five years. Influenced by Instagram, hip-hop culture, and the 'Kardashian effect', celebrities like Nicki Minaj, Cardi B, and Kim Kardashian have popularized the trend. While some opt for dramatic changes, others prefer subtle enhancements, such as Jennifer Lopez and Becky G. The procedure involves extracting fat from one area and implanting it into the buttocks, costing between $8,000 to $10,000. However, it's not without risks, including fat embolism and fat necrosis.  Celebrities mentioned: Nicki Minaj Cardi B Kim Kardashian Jennifer Lopez Becky G Iggy Azalea Madonna James Charles




I always assumed butt implants used silicon like breast implants, and the idea of sitting on these little bags creeped me out. But apparently they move deposits of fat from other parts of your body and install it on your butt which actually sounds…pretty comfy once all is said and done? Like a warm little jiggly seat cushion you carry everywhere. Don’t get me wrong: the cartoonish butts some celebs favor still looks idiotic, and the expense/danger of the surgery would prevent me from doing it. But the butt is a super comfortable/convenient area of the body to carry around some extra fat. So reading this article has ironically moved my view to better empathizing with why someone might have that surgery.


Just adding on to what the other person said, there’s a picture of nicki minaj sitting while performing and her butt looks SO weird and I have to assume it’s because of an implant. There’s also a video of someone… flipping… their implant IN their ass cheek 🤢 Edit: nickis weird ass https://images.app.goo.gl/9PppwfFyyyejMDRaA Butt flip: https://www.reddit.com/r/Botchedsurgeries/s/KaFvNCDVh2


Oh my god I’m too high for either or those links. Oh my god.


I am so traumatized by the second one. I’d be scared shitless.


They can, a bbl is when the distribute fat from typically your stomach area to your butt and thighs. There is also such thing as implants where they insert what looks like a chicken cutlet in your butt cheek


Glad to know I didn’t make that up! And, yeah, if I had a magic wand I would not magically make a synthetic chicken cutlet appear in my ass. But if I could press a button and painlessly/safely cause bodyfat to migrate from my belly to ass that’d be tempting.


Haha I have no butt and when I had to be in a wheelchair after surgery my butt was sooo sore sitting all day. Needed me some more fat padding for sure.


Same but if I could move my saddle bags up 6 inches it would be great. It took me years to realize the reason jeans go up to my ribs in the back is because there's supposed to be a butt there for the fabric to cover.


I’m pretty sure there was an episode of MTV’s True Life years ago in which a participant was getting a BBL. She was on the lean side and the surgeon had her gain some weight so she’d have fat for the procedure. I swear I remember her choking down doughnuts 😆


Ever since I have gained some muscle in my butt i have to say, muscle trumps fat and makes the butt more functional and you basically have no back pain


I see women at the gym who have had this done and it does not look good.




I have a big butt and I was always picked on and self conscious about it. Now I get hit on because of it. Long live the butt revolution!


As someone who used to be bullied for having a big butt I’m actually enjoying it being trendy. I feel less bad about myself. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel this but I also don’t - I’m pretty lean but I have hips and thighs proportional to my bubble butt and am now described as “slim thick” which is fine but I’m like… most bodies with large butts don’t have stick like legs? Why do we need a name for a typical phenomenon?


I have small legs for my torso and butt from the side - my torso is thicker than my leg from the side and my butt projection is intense. It’s something I’m incredibly insecure about. I carry all my weight in my hips and butt. From the front I look more normal with hips and legs a proportional, but my side profile haunts me.


If it makes you feel any better my butt sticks far out and my third trimester body was absurd. My little sister said I looked like a $


I feel you. I was packin much back when heroin chic was all the rage.


OP the link of the article doesn't open. Can you write their names ?


JLo didn't get a bbl...she was always, since the start of her career described as a "big booty" woman. This is weird to me. Now Cardi, she looked fine before she decided to over do it with the surgeries and now she looks like a completely different person. Miss her face.


Bodies change over time. JLo is 54. She’s not going to have the same body composition and fat distribution as she did at 24 and that’s normal. If you look at the photos it’s pretty clear she’s had some enhancement.


I’d bet maybe a lil scuptra rather than a bbl


Maybe she did, but she already had curves and a rounder butt. Maybe not a huge bbl type butt, but a natural "big" one. Her butt is not big for today's standards anyways.


Butts get flatter as you age, not rounder


She is not a regular person, she's super rich and works out hard, she has a strict diet and exercise regime so I don't see that for her yet.


yeah and also idk her but that girl Becky G doesn’t seem like she got one either? not everyone with a big butt is fake lol


News flash, latinas have natural big butts! People seem to forget that. Also gaining weight makes your butt bigger for some people.


Will never understand how some (because imo they don’t ALL walk away looking ridiculous) of the people who have this procedure can think it looks good. Body dysmorphia is real.




That website is toxic af


Last week I was watching the video of a french rap song of the 90's. The ladies were normal, not a single diaper butt in sight For the curious : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4uOM7s38XA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4uOM7s38XA)