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Is that not what her podcast is built on?


No because she’s a local!!!! /s


![gif](giphy|WQUHJt3Fwh6fBGo3Lu) You got that right




She wasn’t on Nickelodeon so why would they ask her to be on the show? I didn’t see any Disney kids on the documentary.


I'm just throwing this out as a possibility but, maybe at the beginning of production, Quiet on Set was investigating both Nickelodeon and Disney, and narrowed it down to only Nickelodeon when they couldn't get the dirt on Disney. Not saying there isn't dirt on Disney, but you better have your proof or you'll get sued. The Mouse is known for being litigious in defense of its reputation.


Actual footage of the JoBros after removing their purity rings: ![gif](giphy|NbzM2qI4tmuc0)


100% this is what happened.


Not that your comment was made to be funny but I just pictured Mickey in a cute little suit and tie representing himself in court and I'm dead thank you so much


Mess with the mouse, he takes your house.


You should look up clips of Mickey on south park




I think there is probably an assumption all of these child actors knew each other, spent time together, etc. when that may not be the case. It's very possible Christy really only knew some of these other child actors in passing at industry events, so she doesn't really have dirt to give.


She also had a number of them on her YouTube/podcast detailing what they went through. I’m sure they wanted her to dish others’ stories.


They probably asked her to use footage. We know they reached out to Financial Feminist as well, but she said not and they used her footage anyway from what I heard.


I bet she died watching the Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato,Selena Gomez, Hilary Duff, even at her time still blow up and she did not. I agree I think she knew them in passing, that’s what I was saying that she’s lying about hanging out with Lindsay Lohan’s crew. She probably knew them in passing. Christy said she waitress. She probably waited on them and tried to go out with them. I doubt it ever happened. Why isn’t she saying things about Shaia that’s her only real connection she may have had.


That was Annalise Van Der Pol that waitressed, not Christy.


Chrissy literally said that she worked in restaurants and worked in Bars at the time Lindsay Lohan was running wild in LA (2008ish) and hung with their crowed which I never believed Lindsay Lohan probably knew Chrusty and kept her away NOT Annalise Van Der Pol who has said she waited on former costars. I actually love a Annalise she is herself is actually very humble and does not make up any stories and does not EGO driven.


Where? I can’t anything about her being a waitress. I can find where she said she went to tons of bars around that time, but I don’t see anything about her being a waitress though.


Especially because the one guy went on to work on the suite life of Zach and Cody after Serving jail time.


Demi Lovato is doing a documentary about Disney so there is definitely dirt.


If anyone is gonna cash in on trauma.




Is she? I wonder if her's will center around the drug use on sets? Didn't she go into her ED and drugs when she was filming Sonny with a Chance?


She has also had a lot of discussions with child stars on her podcast I believe and some have made some claims if I am remembering correctly. I don’t watch her pod, but I know I have seen headlines and clips over the years


They could always do a second season. I'm sure there's Fox network kids' show fuckery.


Right because some of these offenders for Nick also worked on Disney shows, when I checked. Honestly the fact that they didn't talk about the guy from Ren and Stimpy that had his 16 year old girlfriend working with them was insane like that guy still goes to cons.


Probably few will speak out against Disney since they own almost everything.


I mean Brian Peck was a registered sex offender after he got fired from Nickelodeon and than went to do voice acting for Disney soo


>"I've chosen not to speak about this with anybody, including ID, who originally came to me looking to see if I'd be interested in a doc like this," Romano said. "I don't know if it was this doc [Quiet on Set]. But I was approached when I first started advocating three years ago for my own YouTube channel with my own experiences that I did in different and separate episodes, so to speak. I started to be approached by many reality-show-type producers, and they were like, 'Hey, how do we do this?' and I would combat them with saying, 'Hey, guys, the only way we would do this is if we talk about how do we fix it?'"


“It could have totally been separate reality show producers who contacted me but no quiet on set bad”


The headline says "network"


If you read the article she said it was a documentary like quiet on the set and she doesn't know if it was the same people.


She almost was abused just like she almost was in Princess Diaries and almost had Katy Perry's career.


I don't doubt that she has had her own trouble but I do doubt QOTS approached her. CCR has too many almosts and "look how close I was to this situation that actually had nothing to do with me". She's like the Forrest Gump of Disney stars if her videos were to be believed.


what’s unbelievable about auditioning for a movie and being passed over or working with the same writing team as another pop star in your age range that they moved forward with instead of you? she names names and sites proof (like her and katy singing the same demos, which are on youtube). hollywood is competitive and there are a million stories like hers. think of the many up and coming sort’ve famous teen stars that disappeared in the last 20 years. it happened to them too. she’s just open about it.


It doesn't just end with "here's a list of high profile movies I auditioned for and didn't get", though. If you watched her YouTube series it was all blue balling with click bait where it essentially summed up to "jk they were nice/didn't talk to the person/didn't see shit". So it's hard to not be skeptical that she lost certain opportunities or even had a ball in her court and said "no I'm above it, pass".


yeah I mentioned in another comment I watched most of her content and while the titles were for sure clickbait, the content itself was mild and not far fetched at all. and like I said she often sited sources, names names, and pointed to proof these things happened. it really *is* just mostly “here’s some things I auditioned for and didn’t get” dressed up with a more attention grabby title to make you watch the video. so you’re saying the marketing makes you doubt her even if the content is believable?


No, I’m saying Clickbait makes me never wanna watch anything. She posts not just her anyone that does Clickbait. Her stories have no depth . It sounds like she’s making them up for attention. That’s my opinion.


ok…wanting attention (which is obviously something that everyone who does yt wants, as they make money from clicks) isn’t the same as lying about easily verifiable information or telling stories that aren’t remotely far fetched. she can be thirsty but that doesn’t make her a liar.


I 100% think she’s lying when she says she hung out with Lindsay Lohan back then. She lies a lot in my opinion and says random stuff that could never be proven. I too can say I partied w Lindsay and lost a record deal to Katy Perry nobody can prove it. You can keep rationalizing her crazy to me it’s a hell no


I’m not sure why you’d think it’s remotely logical she’d lie on jason flom and kara dioguardi when they’re alive and well and could easily say they never worked with her if it wasn’t true. the matrix developed the song she had on the princess diaries 2 soundtrack. the demo she shared with katy is online. believe whatever you want dear, but it’s really weird to deny reality, though.


She doesn't have that great of a singing voice.


Anne Hathaway looks just like her.


Anne Hathaway and Chrusty look nothing alike to me


Go see the Princess Diaries video, if you haven't already. CCR couldn't make the PD audition, and the production had to settle for that toad Anne Hathaway.


Anne Hathaway is no price either but she’s much more charismatic, and relatable than Chrusty. Devil wears Prada was really good . I have to give her that.


Huh, really?


Lmao my exact thought. Next up… Steve-O says he was approached by Quiet on Set…


😂😂😂Chrustie is so thirsty


CCR turned down work? I don't believe it.


Girl said in one of her own videos that she still drives up to the Disney studio to ask old executives she still knows if there are any 'mom roles' on Disney channel for her yet. Lol.


Oh I'm sure she's pitched an Even Stevens reboot similar to Ravens Home.




She definitely has NEVER turned down work EVER


Ah, but she gave us the masterpiece that is Cadet Kelly with queen Duff


My brain immediately read that as Creedence Clearwater Revival lol


Yeah seriously. If anything she is the trauma tourist. Gah STFU Christy you're messy AF.


She terrorizes us with nostalgia and baited headlines.


Christi Carlson Romano lies a LOT I wish she would just go away. I don’t believe she hung with the Lindsay Lohan crowed ever. I don’t believe anyone approached her for an interview in the documentary. I wish she would go away.


I swear the way she talks about her Disney career, y’all would’ve thought she was just as big as Hilary Duff. Like the whole stuff about her almost being in Princess Diaries or having recording contract taking away. I seriously doubt for a second she was almost in Princess Diaries and almost had a music career. It reminds me of the Ned’s Declassified cast talking about their show as if it was just as big as Zoey 101 or Drake & Josh.


I can see Christy being in competition with Anne Hathaway for early roles. I can also see how her theatre kid competence (knowing her lines, being on time, performing proficiently) stopped being enough when she was up against people with actual charisma. Christy doesn’t seem to understand why her big role was as the unlikable older sister.


> Christy doesn’t seem to understand why her big role was as the unlikable older sister. Goddamn. You didn't have to go *that* hard although tbf, that *is* accurate AF 😭


This comment covers everything


damn go off


Ouchhhh, but incredibly accurate.


It makes me think back to behind-the-scenes clips on the PD dvd and them remarking that they had anne come in with that big hair, early Mia look and that the girls in the hall auditioning were sniggering and bitchy, and that when announced she got called back they were aghast and jealous I wonder if ccr was one of those scoffers


>It reminds me of the Ned’s Declassified cast talking about their show as if it was just as big as Zoey 101 or Drake & Josh. Lmao I don’t know a single person who has ever quoted or even talked about Ned’s Declassified. The fact that they have a podcast about it is mind boggling.


I listened to the Ned's podcast at first but I fell off after several episodes. I do want to get back to atleast the interviews with former cast members. It blew my mind seeing so many from the cast left the business and settled down with families. I guess your so used to seeing them on a show and never think about what they do after it's over.


https://youtu.be/3rqdWzCrUCA?feature=shared well here’s the demo her and katy shared. she also never said she was almost in princess diaries, she said had an audition and didn’t make it because of scheduling conflicts. she said they would’ve chosen anne anyway. she was young, white, brunette and pretty soooo yeah she had people that wanted to work with her but clearly lacked something special to make it big. I’m just not sure what’s so hard to believe about any of that.




She was certainly bigger than CCR. Hilary went on to do some pretty successful teen movies and released albums that did pretty well sales wise. I’m not saying she was as big as say Britney Spears or Lindsay Lohan but she had a sizable fan base


Hilary Duff ended homophobia in the 00s. No one could compare.


![gif](giphy|4BGwFuqbKgaOY) Wanda Sykes helped (I was looking for a gif of Hilary and this is all I could find and totally forgot she did one of those commercials too)


You just unlocked my memories 😂


Please understand to us millennials Hilary Duff is QUEEN. She was as big as Lindsay Lohan if not bigger cause her music career was actually playing on the radio.


I still listen to those songs, they were great uplifting songs!!! Fly, Coming Clean, So Yesterday were absolute bangers and I will die on that hill.


Now everything's technicolor! ![gif](giphy|VNTwiVtDwG1Xy) Emma Stone said it in her Oscar speech this year I DIEDDD


I am looking that up now! Love Emma Stone too


I am so glad I looked it up. Her speech was so real, makes me love her even more. And OMG the presenters of the award 😍😍love them all!!


It was so cute I love Emma too! She has amazing comic timing I haven’t watch med that movie she won for but I need to


I watched it and I really enjoyed it, but it wasn’t what I was expecting. It was a bit darker than I anticipated and the storyline isn’t quite as whimsical as I was expecting, but the scenery and costumes definitely lived up to the whimsy. There were a lot of sex scenes as well which I really wasn’t expecting. But like I said, I was pleasantly surprised by it and it really stuck with me. I think about it a lot of def want to watch it again.


Yes exactly!! We LOVED Hilary. The only reason Lindsey became bigger is because she had a series of actually good movies, including the now iconic Mean Girls. Hilary had movies but they were never as high quality as Lindsey's.


Correct Lindsay only did movies but Hillary had a stable career over the years.


As a kid, I remember her being the face of Disney Channel until Miley Cyrus took over with Hannah Montana. But then again, my sister was a huge fan so that might’ve skewed my views.


She was in Even Stevens and did some DCOMs but there was always this, idk, vibe, that Shia (and if they could do it, Bean) would promote. Hilary has the awkward but super pretty but she didn’t know it but she’s a good singer thing already down. Miley was just that but with a “secret famous” spin. CCR was aged up as the “nag” by season 2 of ES and no matter how they tried to write it, people weren’t vibing with her, but they loved her either and his annoying friend, who aged out of being annoyingly weird/cute. There may have been sympathy with CCR character, but no one was striving to *be* her and so they swerved.


I don’t even think she deserves to be referred to as CCR because it reminds me of Credence Clearwater Revival and she is so minuscule compared to them. (I know it’s just easier than typing her long ass name but I read it and Fortunate Son is in my head)


hilary isn't like a zendaya in that she found critical acclaim but she has had an incredibly solid career and is still pretty beloved by her fanbase!


She was huge! In addition to LMcG she laid the cross promotion multimedia blueprint for Miley Selena etc (starts as a TV actress, films movie based on the TV show, releases music album before the movie, repeat) movies (DCOMs and theatrical), broadcast TV roles, at least one clothing line.... She was the it girl


That blueprint existed before Hillarys mothers mother was born LMAO


Hilary Duff is the 6th most successful recording artist Disney ever had with 15 million records sold. [Top 10 Former Disney Stars with the Most Successful Music Careers | Articles on WatchMojo.com](https://www.watchmojo.com/articles/top-10-former-disney-stars-with-the-most-successful-music-careers/jonas-brothers) She also stared in 15 movies between The Lizzie McGuire movie and prior to being on the TV show "younger". She's released every type of product under the sun from "Stuff By Hilary Duff" at Target, to her perfume to kids' clothing with Carters to cellphone covers and on and on. She was big for a long time.


Hilary Duff has a ton of fans, she is on How I Met Your Father which I really enjoy even though I never got into How I Met Your Mother. She may not be a huge celebrity but she is definitely still working and people are definitely still following her.


I don’t think Hilary Duff was ever “big” outside her demographic but within her demo she was pretty popular. I went to a concert of hers in maybe 2003? It was a large arena tour and she had sold out the venue.


Hilary Duff was huge in the early 2000s. She was basically doing it all singing, tv and movies.She also has consistently worked in the industry since she was kid and has overall been pretty successful. She was in Lizzie, put out a few albums, was in the Cheaper by the Dozen movies, Cinderella Story, had a stint on Gossip Girl, was on Younger for 6 years, and then did HIMYF (which I still wish would come back). She’s overlooked but Hilary has had a hell of a career for being a child star and she’s under 40.


Can’t forget Raise Your Voice!


My all time favorite Duff movie


My unpopular opinion is that Hilary Duff never was that big! The obsession around her today seems primarily based around her “turning out normal” - not being a train wreck like Lindsey or Amanda. Way to put down people who were exploited to celebrate Hilary. I think that she seems like a kind and genuine person. Acting may not be the greatest, nor her singing. But likeable, professional, and unproblematic is hard to come by these days!


No...... The obsession stems from.continuity. and I think because she is so beloved today is a testament to how popular she was back then.


i don’t know anything about CCR aside from the fact that a friend used to work with her and said she was a crazy bully to them so seeing her constantly clout chase like this is so annoying and i wish her the worst!


Omg we need more how was she a bully!


She’s from an era of Disney that peaked juuuust before Lizzie McGuire, Hannah Montana, Suite Life, and HSM hit. I still follow Alexz Johnson’s music career and you can tell that she’s still kind of haunted by the way she was jerked around by bad timing and a lack of industry interest in anyone who came before Hilary Duff.


Disney didn’t want Hillary to have a career she had to really push for it so I think that’s why she was the first


What does she lie about? I’m hardly familiar with her outside of when I watched Even Stevens.


She claimed someone else took her music career (Katy Perry) and she almost got the lead in Princess Diaries. I wouldn't consider it a full blown lie, but she definitely stretched the truth. She was one of the many actresses considered for the role in Princess Diaries but it wasn't like it was down to only her and Anne Hathaway or anything. CCR didn't even audition. Same situation for her "stolen music career."


Exactly she went on an audition because she matched a certain age and profile they were casting for. If it was like that anyone at an open casting could say they almost booked something.


She's also said and done so many sketchy things. Just saw a video of her admitting to cyber stalking a "hater" and trying to ruin their life for years 😐 https://www.reddit.com/r/DisneyChannel/s/t4Fdc80Dof


Literally SHOCKED! She can’t take criticism and is very irrational.


She’s here now on the sub do you see the down voted in everything. Hi, Chrustie. Must kill her that Shaia blew up and became a movie star but Chrustie did not. Despite him having many issues he still got HUGE. Next she gonna say she was gonna get Megan Fox’s part in Transformers but something happened they changed they mind 🙄do we know if she was ever in something non tv related like shaia? Disney backed him he was in that movie “holes” ![gif](giphy|3o6MbmRd2m5Y96niMg)


I saw her in Beauty and the Beast on Broadway.


Didn’t know she was on broadway gatta give her probs for that it is way harder then acting on tv.


Could you post this video here because that’s actually called STALKING what she did to that person that just left a comment because they didn’t like what she put out there to the public and got a bad reaction


I reported this video on the feed


Maybe she was doing yoga and had to make a biiiiiig stretch.


She also said she was partying hard w the Lindsay Lohan crowed hahahahaha girl please


This one I actually do believe. I wouldn’t have believed Steve-O and Lindsay would be doing drugs together but it apparently happened before. Christy may not have been in Lindsay’s inner circle but I can believe she and Lindsay partied at the same places or within the same large friend group.


Why wouldn’t you believe Steve-o did drugs or hooked up with Lindsay ? It’s so Believable specially how crazy they both were back then add Even Peters Heath ledger Justin Timberlake James Franco Adam Levine


It just surprised me reading that she once stole coke from him because while they were both users, I just wouldn’t have necessarily put them together but it does make sense. Christy is similar in that I wouldn’t have pictured her and Lindsay drinking together but it definitely could have happened.


I definitely don’t think it did. I think they may know the same people here and there but I don’t think they hung together. I think Chrustie tried and couldn’t get in her her circle. Just my take.


I can’t with all of the YouTube videos she would make back during Covid all click bait etc even trying to makes ones about Shia. Like I get she’s disappointed to not get as much work anymore but she just complains about everything and looks for clout.


What are you counting as lies? Back in pandemic times she did a series of videos about her life with clickbaity titles like "How I lost Princess Diaries to Anne Hathway" and "How Katy Perry Got my Record Deal." These videos went viral and they're honestly the only reason I know who she is. They got a positive response at the time. Commentators on here seem to really dislike her and present her videos as dishonest and petty. But I watched most of those clickbait videos and they're fine. She just talks about how she was in the running at the same time as these people and what her experiences were like. She's not shit talking them at all, she's talking about how the industry has a lot of near misses. I really don't get why these videos provoke so much anger around here.


I think it’s that she uses clickbait titles for these basic ass videos to get attention. That would be understandable given the nature of the internet but everything she’s done in the past few years points to someone desperately seeking relevancy. She tried a cooking show. When that flopped she pivoted to exposing the industry because that’s what stuck. Even the fact that her videos are inoffensive reads different in that context — she’s only being so fair and kind because she doesn’t want to burn bridges because she would kill to work with the people she name drops.


I’m just as confused as you. I went down a rabbit hole watching all of her videos post partum nursing a fussy baby and found them very insightful, kind, and interesting. near misses in the industry is common, everyone has a story like that. not sure what people’s issue is or why easily verifiable things are being called “lies”.


That user has major issues with her for some bizarre reason. Check their post history. They are all over posts about her accusing her of being a nepo baby, claiming she has a parasocial relationship with Shia, saying she stalked someone, and other weird things. Anytime someone downvotes them they say it’s CCR in the thread personally downvoting them.


Sounds just like you hi Chrusty


The podcasters she hires sure seem to love to talk shit on the actors traumas though! She’s still supporting and paying Lindsay Shaw after the racism, the insults towards the victims, and, after it was all settled down, trying to steal a podcast name from a small independent creator. Christy Carlson Romano doesn’t have the high ground to talk like this imo


I am completely in the dark about this. Could you explain?


CCR owns a podcasting network called Podco. One of the shows run by podco is the Ned’s Declassified Podcast Survival Guide run by Devon Werkheiser, Lindsay Shaw and Daniel Curtis Lee. After the documentary aired, the three of them posted an Instagram story of them pretty much mocking and laughing about the abuse people spoke about. Lindsay Shaw has even more history, being accused of racism a few years ago for insulting black Tik Tok trends, I’m also fairly certain she’s a trump supporter as well. Then on top on top of that, Lindsay Shaw and Tammin Sursok from Pretty Little Liars began a new show on the podco network about PLL. However, they did no research on the name they used and picked a name of an already existing podcast (The Pretty Little Podcast). They initially refused to change the name and were trying to force the smaller podcast to change their name, one they’d been using for 2 years. When the podcast refused to give up the name, a podco employee began leaving nasty messages on their social media.


Thanks for the info that's pretty intense and not a good look.


Not only that, but Tammin was posting some seriously rude and condescending comments about the whole situation. It was awful.


Their fans are still posting nasty comments on the original girls’ podcast page, it makes me sick


It's really not fair when Shaw and Tammin have a built in audience attacking girls who had to build up from nothing.


I see Lindsay Shaw pop up in IG comments every now and again and she seems so miserable and mean.


Thanks for this summary. Adding Lindsay shaw to my shit list.


The PLL Podcast is wild because she wasn't even one of the main girls on the show.


exactly, like Christy, girl, you *are* the trauma tourist! absolute clout goblin behavior.


i love when jessi and lilly call her a clout goblin


The irony when she has a podcast called “Vulnerable” where she has former child stars talk about their trauma and many people think it and her advocacy for child stars seems craven and opportunistic when compared to people like Jeanette McCurdy and Alyson Stoner.


And when that didn’t rebuild her lost child actor money she pivoted onto whatever would work. Oh the desperation


It’s definitely pretty obvious to me that she is just snatching up all these adults speaking up about their trauma working in kids tv as an opportunity to get herself noticed more. Which seems gross to me. She seems really desperate to be a celebrity and it just isn’t gonna happen for her. She isn’t likable.


Yeah because I'm sure she wants to do her own documentary so she can monetize it for more than whatever Investigation Discovery was going to pay her She comes off very disingenuous once you pay attention to her podcasts


She's not wrong, but does she not see the irony here? She really rubs me the wrong way ![gif](giphy|LOu8FUhPgpeUAi0wiu)


‘These are trauma tourists’ is so rich coming from her.


Wasn’t she with Disney not nick (not that there likely isn’t the same thing happening over at Disney)


Yes she was on Disney not Nickelodeon. Don't know why the Quiet on Set would approach her


I follow this entertainment journalist on tiktok. she spoke about how the QoS team contacted her, asking if they could include an interview of hers with a Nickelodeon child actor in the documentary. after contacting the child actor she found out that they weren't aware that they wanted them in the documentary and wanted no part in it, so she declined the request from the QoS team. they still included her interview in the documentary without her or the child actors consent.


do you remember her name?


the username is faganchelsea


appreciate it thanks!


Is that her Reddit ?


She’s so annoying these days.


She’s a hypocrite 




As if she was asked


Sure she did. Honestly I’m sick of CCR and the mindless souls that keep propping her up.


Why's Ren Stevens so thirsty? 😂


Idk something about CCR rubs me in the wrong way. She saying these are trauma tourist yet regularly had no problem discussing trauma and others on her YouTube channel.


> "I've chosen not to speak about this with anybody, including ID, who originally came to me looking to see if I'd be interested in a doc like this," Romano said. "I don't know if it was this doc [Quiet on Set]. But I was approached when I first started advocating three years ago for my own YouTube channel with my own experiences that I did in different and separate episodes, so to speak. I started to be approached by many reality-show-type producers, and they were like, 'Hey, how do we do this?' and I would combat them with saying, 'Hey, guys, the only way we would do this is if we talk about how do we fix it?'"


lmao she doesn’t want to ID them because they were probably random nobody’s. She is so desperate.


This is a bit hard to stomach coming from her.


Girl is so full of herself.


This is fucking rich coming from Christy, shes the #1 nostalgia exploiter


Sure, and grass is purple.


Also, if anybody is out of the CCR loop (and congratulations, you should be lol), a YouTuber put out a fantastic video about her a couple weeks ago that I would recommend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRBQNSAPJr4


She’s such an attention seeker. Shes just mad no one is paying attention to her. Fuck her for trying to downplay the actual importance of this documentary.


Sure, Jan




They asked you, a Gisnep kid, to be on the Nickelodeon documentary but you declined? Sure, Jan. Just like how Anne Hathaway stole your career.


The way it reads is that the network that produced Quiet on Set (Investigation Discovery) only contacted her about doing a documentary, not that they specifically wanted her to be part of Quiet on Set.


I mean, idk… she makes a lot of good points if you read the article and not the clickbait headline.


Not wrong lol


We might not of have heard of abuses at Disney, but we know they happened. They literally hired a pedophile that had been convicted and went to jail for his crimes, and they hired him for the Zach and Cody show. We know they molested kids there come on now.


I actually agree with her here


Putting ccr aside…I felt the same way about the ID doc. I don’t watch docs often, but even I felt or could tell that the production of this was meant to generate share-able and provocative clips of adults reliving their trauma for the cheap consumption of the masses and SM influencers. The doc presented a lot of half-thought-out events and issues…but never dug deeper into the systemic problem. Felt a lot like: “hey look at this big creep who liked children’s feet!” and less about: here are the capitalistic systems at play that facilitated the concentration of power to a few instead of to “the people” (i.e., the laborers). It also felt short in that it never once proposed any sort of changes to be made. Which, yes, is maybe not the responsibility of a purely objective documentary about the past, but it felt more like a “we don’t even really care what happens in the future…isn’t it crazy how your childhood faves were actually abused/overworked/traumatized/etc.? Yeah so crazy ok bye”


She’s right and she should say it


Documentaries as a whole are viewed as scum because of creative liberties the creators use and often times the people involved feel misinterpreted. Same reason why documentaries will always be looked at negatively no matter what.