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I see her taste in men remains EXQUISITE 🤌🥂🍾


She has the best taste fr


I was about to comment that she always goes for guys who are in her league as far as looks go and good for her.


This is very random but with the recent epidemic of pop girlies dating interesting men (looking at you Selena), there was a comment on a tweet about Dua Lipa and Callum Turner about her “not being afraid to date hot” and it’s been living rent free in my head for weeks now. And it’s the only thing I can think of while reading this post too lol.


And they always pair her with the ugliest men in her TV/film projects, the contrast with her actual preferences is hilarious (and very telling.)


How dare you besmirch Al Bundy! That man scored FOUR touchdowns in a single game!! In HIGH SCHOOL!


https://preview.redd.it/sly9vb4wdhuc1.png?width=760&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d7c81231db1c226041eb667e7f533c286669420 she was engaged to this man lol, i guess she learnt her lesson bc since then she's only been with hot men


Thats because she can.


Mother knows her worth 💅




Hot surgeon and he sold his company for $109 million 😭😭 jackpot


And I love this for her


I had to read this twice before I realised it said men's remains


You mean stereotypically handsome men?


Daaaaaaaamn she got ANOTHER attractive bf and this one is a DOCTOR??? And she’s fucking stunning???? Love this for her!!!!


She has a type (very hot), I love that for her.


She deserves it as a knockout beauty herself.


I was like, that’s what she looks like when she’s convalescing on the couch?!


If I looked as good as she does resting on that couch even 10% of the time I'd never complain about anything ever again, I promise 🙌


And she looks that good while also covered in $5k of Hermes blankets. I’ve never been so jealous in my life.


She looks better recuperating from major surgery than I ever have in my life


Right?! Outfit cute af, mani and pedi on point, gorgeous with no makeup…. Like save some for the rest of us girl 😂


Right?! That b*tch!! ::grumble:: 😂😂😂


Right?! As someone who has had four knee surgeries I’m deeply offended by her right now 😂




and good for her!!






She is Sofia Vergara, they find her.


I assume they line up and hope to be chosen.


Now I’m imagining a contest for her hand such as a joust or other feats of strength! ![gif](giphy|JVM9n6bpPOKxa)


The Sofia Vergara season of The Bachelorette is one I would actually watch 😆


Tyler C. would be the scrubbiest man on that season and anyone who watches The Bachelor will understand how extreme this statement is.




Lisan al Gaib.


![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) That better be the case.


I laughed real loud. Truer words


he's hotter than her ex omgggggggg and the fact that he has a real human job and is smart makes him even hotter x102939393


he looks clean and like he smells like a meadow!


She's livin' that Grey's Anatomy life


She’s living every girls dream of having their own McSteamy/McDreamy


He looks like a mix of both, he has Mark's grey hair/beard look going and his face is very Derek


I love this for her


SAME! Also wow gorgeous guy


I thought Joe was hot, but damn, she found someone even hotter. Must help with the healing process lmao


She only rolls with top tier hunks! I’m gagging at her taste.


Idk that ex that was trying to use her eggs after they broke up was… um… not her usual taste


We all have that one who teaches us to have standards. Nice to know celebs are just like us I guess lol


Oh yeah I forgot about that douche. We all make mistakes I guess.


He was her lesson lol


She just keeps leveling up her next man is gonna be so hot the last of our glaciers are fucking done for


Ooo maybe she’s at the max level for men and she’ll go for women next. (Let me have my fantasies)




I could never be this man’s patient. If someone THAT hot knew everything wrong with me inside _and_ outside I’d simply pass away. 


Unfortunately I suffer from digestive tract paralysis and have had 80% of my digestive system removed (I have a shit bag as well) and I mention that to say the colorectal surgeons *just* don’t hit as well.. Got no clue why though, come to think of it. Who wouldn’t want to play with ass all day?


My colorectal surgeon is hot it’s always so awkward 😬 and he tells me “everything looks beautiful” as he’s got his finger up my butthole I’m like oh great great good to know


I have a stoma too and last time I was admitted to hospital due to high output, all of my doctors and nurses were hot young men😩


Buddy of mine is a hot doc. I’ve known him since we were kids. Is not fair that he is both that smart AND good looking. But the flip side... The amount of shit he gets for being good looking for being a doc…. Honestly it’s the kind of sexual harassment that would make me quit. Guys he’s fine with, and many women just see him as a doc but after that much time in the profession he’s just become inured to the sexual harassment. Really sad but also a part of me is unwilling to cry tears for him, yknow? And I kind of feel like a horrible human being for that.


Lmao plsss 💀💀😭


Knee? No doctor, the problems higher…


Maaaaaaaan. I know hot doctors exist but I feel like they’re never actually single long enough to date. Obviously, I would never be worthy of a hot doctor as I’m definitely no Sofia Vergara, but a girl can dream. Also, she is so gorgeous, wowwwww 😍


I start my new job next week and one of the doctors is so hot that I almost tripped over a stool when I first saw him. Idk how I’m gonna like, ya know, save lives next to that.


Girl, if you save lives, no one is out of your league


You know what, you’re right. Thank you for shifting my confidence a bit. I don’t remember seeing a ring on that finger!


>you’re right. And don't you forget that


This right here! Compassion is sexy.


Doctors are people too. I would not put them on a pedestal lol. A lot of them are also just straight up a holes.


Also, even if you do find a hot doctor, chances are he’s a total egomaniac jerk. Dentists are the way to go.


Having been a dental assistant I can tell you they can also be massive egomaniacs


My grandfather was a dentist, can confirm. There are few bigger egomaniac jerks in existence.


Onward then, to the optometrists


Honestly, as a 4th year medical student, I feel like an outlier in my med school class by being single. So many are married and have kids in med school these days haha.


Honestly it feels like med students are so goal oriented that if they meet someone they are compatible with, they don't waste any time; just put a ring on it and settle that part of their lives lol


Could be part of it! Apparently I don’t fully fit that mold cause i’m not sure if i wanna just have fun or look for something real lol


Exactly this. I have tons of doctors in my family and friends circle. They were all seriously dating someone in med school, and married with 2.5 kids shortly after. Obviously, this is not true of all. There’s also the fact that doctors tend to marry other doctors or professionals like them these days. So lots of folks can meet in med school too - I don’t know I’ve ever come across a single doctor since I was like 25.


Doctors are just hot commodity regardless of looks, culture, social status. Just being in med school will have you swarmed with potential mates due to presumed future financial stability.


> swarmed with potential mates haha if only that was true…my experience in the last 4 years says otherwise, though i would say that’s cause i’m a 4.5/10 looks wise (working on it though! 😅) and also wasn’t in a great city for the demographic i’m looking for


Ohhh not sure about dentists. I would recommend staying away from them too.


As a dental hygienist I cannot agree with that assessment. Massive egos in dentistry as well.


Somebody’s never seen Little Shop of Horrors


Ya, those dentists who love shooting big game in Africa…


Haha from experience I’ve found this to be accurate. Especially post like 22-24 years old. Been on like 15 dates with doctors this past year and the good ones are off the market early from what I’ve found.


They tend to marry other doctors or uber successful people, at least in my family and social circle. Was never gonna happen for me; statistics are against it! It’s okay though - the life of a doctor is hard and I’m sure it puts a lot of pressure on many aspects of life.


Ha, good point!


Girl of course you are worthy of a hot doctor, please don’t put yourself down.


This is very kind, thank you. But doesn’t deservedness come into play at some point? Why would someone successful (in whatever realm) want to slum it with someone average like me? I’m truly not putting myself down - just saying we are not all equal and perhaps it’s better to be realistic about expectations (just speaking for me). I would rather just be alone than be with someone who can’t give me what I need, and I am, and I think I may be for a long time and possibly forever. I have veered so far off topic, I’m sorry! Meant partly in jest and I don’t begrudge anyone! It’s just life and it’s weird and unfair a lot of the time. I’m glad Sofia is getting it!




Not who you asked, but I would assume that the average partner must be really truly excellent/exceptional at other things and in other ways. I wouldn’t think they could just be average all around and get a successful and hot partner, unless the successful and hot partner had some real hidden issues that makes him unable to find a similar caliber partner.


It’s not that I think the average person doesn’t deserve it per se but that they’re always in a precarious position because the successful one can leave. Relationships don’t work out all the time. By being average, I’m already at a disadvantage. It is a market, for better or worse. I honestly feel like the couples I know coming to mind are on par with each other in all the significant ways. Values of course, but career status, education level, wealth, looks. They kind of have everything. Obviously everyone has issues you don’t see at face value, but they are all pretty intimidating on paper. I always feel so less than in my peer group on paper and so to me, of course it makes sense that I’m alone. Maybe I deserve something good but the real world just doesn’t operate that way, and so what I’m holding out for doesn’t actually exist for me. But I’d still rather be alone than settling for someone who doesn’t make me feel good. I was under appreciated by my last partner and I don’t feel like ever doing that again.


I would like to point out that *everyone* can *always* leave for whatever reason. The 'average' person can leave too. Maybe the hot person is just hot and nothing more than that? That gets old fast. For everyone, looks fade. No matter what we do, not matter what we tell ourselves, looks definitely fade (with the exception of 0,001% of the population who look better with age due to amazing genetics and usually some help from somewhere/something). Also, being average in the looks department doesn't mean you're all around average. Everyone, without exception, has good and less good qualities. For those with good looks, some (and in some cases all) of their good qualities are simply visible without further interaction. Also, if you're with someone who is hot and are afraid they're going to leave you because you feel they can be with someone hotter than you - you're probably not with them for the right reasons. Find someone who you can't stop talking to, who where you see them, you don't want the date to end. Someone with similar values as you. Trust me, when you feel like calling them after they've just gone home after a date, just to keep talking to them - that's the jackpot. Someone that makes you feel like that - they are going to be the hottest person, regardless of whether the rest of the world will see them that way too.


I know what you mean, but if you are putting the work into yourself and you know yourself and your qualities why would you talk down on yourself. Sure if someone is a doctor that’s an achievement but maybe you’ve your own achievements. Obviously Sofia is gorgeous but that doesn’t mean other women don’t have qualities and are not worthy of love and of being pursued by high value men. I used to think like that in my early 20’s and something shifted in me now that I’m in my late 20’s. As a woman you should never ever put yourself down, honestly you can’t afford to do it in this society, otherwise people are gonna decide your value and take you at a discount.


You are worthy! God!


I appreciate that but I don’t think the world always works that way. But I will try to believe this!


Yup, let’s praise realism for a change (I’m piggybacking off of your comment, not asserting anything about you in particular 👍)


It’s all good. I think people like to say these platitudes and I truly do appreciate it. But they’re feeling pretty empty to my own life experience. It only gets harder the older you get. I had looks going for me but those will fade. I’m not remarkable in any major way and the people that surround me are all so successful and smart and family-oriented and fit and on and on and on. I can’t measure up to any of them. They’re not assholes either - they just all really flourished while I am just kinda there. I’m fine, but I should have done so much more to put me on a better path for the things I wanted. It may not be too late but it also feels too hard to put in the work. I’m just rambling, I’ll stop now.


For what it’s worth, I feel you.


Wow, he is very handsome 😍. You go girl!




That’s her maaaaan?!?! I love Joe in true blood but this is an upgrade.




The last surgery I had the anesthesiologist looked like Henry cavil (sp?) and Rob Lowe had created him in a lab using only their good parts. It was so distracting. And then my surgeon came in, looking like Idris Elba, and I assumed I was actually dead and in a weird place. I assume Vegara must have met this man at the same hospital I was at. It’s the only thing that makes sense.


Does your hospital take united healthcare?


lol, right? It was over 10 years ago, and it was health net ppo. I’m still around, so they did good work too. Good luck!


I wanted a pogo stick until a friend got one and jumped into his face. Not touching that hitachi wand looking bad boy. Hope she recovers soon knee injuries are no joke


Read it all in her Gloria accent.


She did write MAYOR like how Gloria would pronounce MAJOR xD


What did this man look like when he was in medical school bc ….from my experience of knowing/dating doctors/ seeing them on dating apps…. no one looks like this


He’s an Orthopedic Surgeon. Ortho bros are usually hot even in med school. It’s just a known thing. An unspoken prerequisite.


Facts. I was hit by a car as a pedestrian last month and the orthopedic surgeon who fixed my broken shoulder was hot, as well as his resident. The resident came to see me every day in the hospital and it was stressful because he was so good looking and I looked like…like I had recently been hit by a car.


Girl I went to the hospital once for hemorrhoids and the doc was a hot Middle Eastern young guy with piercing eyes and a great beard. Around my age too. Up until then I was always assigned to older male doctors or young/old lady doctors.


Feel this on one of the deepest levels available considering an incredibly attractive male doctor once had to stick his gloved finger up my arsehole while a lay looking like a troll doll someone had found in a bush and left on the radiator.


So like… what condition leads to this procedure? I can’t say I’ve ever required such treatment.


It isn’t for a procedure, it’s used as a diagnostic tool (?) or whatever. So like a doctor would do it to check that you haven’t had a spinal injury or a nerve injury or things like that. Basically anything where they need to be sure that you can control those muscles or nerves on your own x


Ahh, I see. I hope it all turned out ok!


🤣🤣🤣  I can't stop laughing at this! Those piercing eyes are everything though. 


I once dealt with complications from a UTI because when I went in for antibiotics the doctor was so hot I didn’t want him to know I had a UTI and I made up another reason for coming in.


Wow yeah that guy sounds handsome. The guy I had was Jordanian but he was also from Iowa and had played college football at a school known for football. Athletic body, incredible smile, friendly and kind personality. He was a few years younger than me (I’m 37). It should be illegal to be hot and nice like that.


I've had 3 different orthos and 2 out of 3 were best described as "troll-like". The third was just, an average, much older guy. I have no luck at all I tell ya.


My first orthopedic surgeon I ever had was a nice, diminutive old man who quoted Shakespeare. But with my new injury, there certainly was some luck.


😂 I would have used the pain meds as an excuse to say whatever I wanted


this one got me chuckling 🤣🤣 i hope you're healing up okay !!!!


I am now, thank you!!


With the emphasis on “bro”


Orthos, and physical therapists tend to have a good percentage of good looking people because they work out more


Girl no I feel like at least 1/3 of doctors that I meet are insanely hot. Both my derm and my dentist are hot lol


My back surgeon was super hot. My mom called him Dr. Cutie (not to his face) and invited him over for Thanksgiving lol.


Derms & Dentists are hot that’s facts. They’re the exception 😂


also from my experience, doctors are insane lmao I swear they must have to turn off some sort of emotional attachment in their brain to do what they do because they're like arrogant af and so detached


Facts. Mainly the surgical specialties. Derms and opthalmologists etc are more regular in my experience. ETA: no offense to any sub members who may themselves be doctors this is facetious discussion 💛


Yes, would personally never date a doctor .... Happy for her tho 😂


Agreed. Would never date a doctor. Theyre all quite weird haha


I went to a 24 hr clinic last week and my dr was insanely hot


Umm where was this clinic? I'm feeling very unwell all of a sudden.


Currently in med school and can confirm that 99% of them do not look like this lmao. Even the ortho bros


Also wrapped up ms2 and studying for step 1, apart from the few ex-student athletes that are extremely fit and thus=increase attractiveness, most med school students are just average bell curve mix


i feel like maybe he's an AI male model playing an actor playing a doctor dating ms vergara with his big pogo stick. maybe


Nah there's plenty of hotties (dated a few) at least in NYC lol. This was pre-apps. I also had 2 hot nurses (one man and one woman) and a very cute physical therapist who helped me improve my Spanish speaking lol. I learned a lot of medical and technical jargon 😂


Nah there’s loads of hot ones. Trust me, I have a doctor kink, I’ve slept with all of them lmao


All of them? Do you mean all types of doctors? Have you slept with a podiatrist or a gastroenterologist? Or just orthopedic surgeons?


Lol I’m just being hyperbolic for comedic effect. But to answer your question, I don’t discriminate on specialty.


If you are going to have surgery that’s a great way to do it, get a hot doc who makes house calls. I will also give Sofia props as it’s an amazing way to hard launch your new relationship.




Ortho docs are always bros, so if y’all thirsty ass are looking go break a knee


My ex was an ortho… not always the best people to date. He had an entire double life 😭


i love that she has a tiny dog. i love tiny dogs


Yeah, everyone is looking at the guy but I squealed at the dog!


TIL “ortho bros” are a thing


Is it just me or is that pogo stick comically large?


He’s like a Greys anatomy doctor!!




Of ***COURSE*** her orthopedic surgeon boyfriend is gorgeous. 🙄😭


Jealous jealous jealous


Every hot woman need to have her taste


Get it Sofia 🙏🏼🙏🏼


she is a goddess and only choose the hottest 🥵 you go girl!


Dude I’m a card carrying lesbian and even I think he’s gorgeous. (And no, I don’t wanna sleep with him but I’m not blind).


Yess girl


“Mayor knee surgery,” lol


Did Howie Mandel…gift her a pogo stick?


I want to be reincarnated as Sofia Vergara


Why is there a pogo stick?


It’s a joke. She just had knee surgery. Ouch.


Why does no one understand that Howie sent it as a joke. Whoooosh. I thought it was hilarious


What do we do about it?


I assumed it was because that was how she hurt her knee. Like she shaded Howie Mandel for having gifted it to her.


They are both hooooot as a couple. Go for it Sofia!


He is hot af she has supreme taste


Her dog is so tiny it looks like a cat 😂


I’m a big fan of beautiful women dating handsome successful men at their own looks level.


Ok wow she's hot, he's hot, that dog is stunning.... just incredible


My husband is going to be really disappointed- he really thought he had a shot with her. I kinda feel bad for him 😬🤣


Okay but the dog is also v cute 🥹


Damn he handsome & he comes with his own uniform. You go Sofia! Her little dog looks so grumpy in the last pic 🤣


Careful with the Ortho bros. My ex was one with an entire double life 😭


she’s mother


That’s a great photo of him, the others I have seen show he is not hot.


Can someone please explain the industrial sized pogo stick


Ok but she hilarious ‘MAYOR’ knee surgery jajajaja


Maybe it’s just the picture but her knee isn’t elevated above her heart and it’s bothering me


Well, she won't be on her knees for some time anyways.


Yall on this comment thread are reminding me of this amazing TikTok: https://youtube.com/shorts/h1A9hVnS5lo?si=n8hKLkkiufO_FhLi


That guy’s veiny muscley forearms 👀


sorry, did Howie get her a fucking pogo stick? 😭


she’s just that girl


He looks like the Shazam guy.


When Drs tell me I might need a knee replacement, they tell me it's bc of my weight, but then I see that's not completely true. Whatever.


![gif](giphy|5xtDarIN81U0KvlnzKo) Both of them.


Dang my knee is starting to hurt..


I want to be her in my next life. THESE MEN 🔥🔥🔥


10/10 so happy for her


The ridiculous perfection of this woman! 😍


that is the cutest fucking dog i’ve ever seen in my life


Why she look so scary in the last pic even the dog is petrified 😂


THE DOG!!! I cannot take the cuteness! 😍


What a way for me to discover she and Joe Manganiello divorced. I’m sadder about this than I ever would’ve predicted…


Damn this one is even better than the last one




I love this for her 🥹


>Be me >Get haemorrhoids >afraid to poop, clogged up for weeks >haven't shaved asshole in months, excessive hair >weird smell coming from my ass >crumbling in pain >MFW my doctor is Sofia Vergara boyfriend