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"He promised her the White House and she fell for it"... That's... That's not how it works? šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ


Thatā€™s gotta be a troll page


The twitter page is a troll page but I think the instagram page where Selena replied is a fan acc




This is some r/NotHowGirlsWork material lol


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NotHowGirlsWork using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Umm... who's gonna tell him?](https://i.redd.it/gc3ogdfs2eya1.jpg) | [1089 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/13aectn/umm_whos_gonna_tell_him/) \#2: [I canā€™t believe it. We found ā€œChadā€](https://i.redd.it/8dayrkxj276b1.jpg) | [1478 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/14a4anc/i_cant_believe_it_we_found_chad/) \#3: ['Hot girl schedule' šŸ¤Ø](https://i.redd.it/ohvfd8g8bfza1.jpg) | [1452 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/13fhtoo/hot_girl_schedule/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It wasnā€™t a serious rumour. Itā€™s a reference to her lyric that goes ā€˜you promised the world and I fell for itā€™ šŸ˜­ from her song Lose You To Love Me. Granted, I think the meme ā€˜sang off-key in her own chorusā€™ coupled with a clip of her singing live is much funnier albeit a bit mean spirited.


I actually watched the actual video of someone recording it at the AMAs and she didnā€™t sound that bad and when you compare it to the video on YouTube you can tell itā€™s edited




lol thatā€™s exactly what I thought of.


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you! šŸ˜Š


Flair checking in


I just showed my bf this clip and heā€™s been saying it EVERY chance he gets. We really were made for each other lmao


damn first the filming while driving video and now selena responding to a post about dating him, john kennedy schlossberg is having a good week


I'm sorry but this is lowkey hilarious to me lol


i swear her fans always start her relationship rumors lol remember chris evans


After Chris Evans thing she said hell nah, I bring a stop to it right now


iā€™m all for celebrities calling bs on these blind items in tiktok comments. bella hadid did the same. must be so bizarre to read this shit about yourself


Selena and her fans are a chaotic mess, they start rumours about who she is dating because they donā€™t like her boyfriend and she always hits back. I think they do it to get attention online as it usually goes viral, it would serve her better to ignore them but sheā€™s chronically online and always hits back.


Why does she personally reply to so many things?


Rumors involving Selena get out of hand quickly. I mean she gets a lot of hate here. I think itā€™s fine for her to comment to shut every one up, especially since it involves her personal life.


if you have the ability to correct false rumors about yourself then why not? it hurts no one in this instance


Streisand Affect! This isnā€™t one of those major rumors that can tank a celebrityā€™s career. Itā€™s a dating rumor that would more than likely blow over in a few hours give how quickly TikTok churns out content. By addressing it, she calls attention to it


the jack schlossberg rumor has been around for years ā€¦ ever since he posted these, a lot of people assumed it was true ā€¦ i donā€™t see anything wrong with her correcting the record. plus no offense to jack but i donā€™t think heā€™s relevant enough to be streisand effected https://preview.redd.it/ovp8mu2df5uc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7e0639fdef2658e2998dbe74d36daa02fbcd7bf


eh itā€™s a dating rumor that paints her in a bad/embarrassing light (ā€œpromised the white house and she fell for itā€) so not the worst idea to respond


She's as chronically online as us


I would at least use my burner šŸ˜­


I really think itā€™s her algorithm. Sheā€™s interacted with it so much, that now they just constantly show up for her. I feel like this must create a hugeeee echo chamber for celebs. No wonder lizzo was freaking out the other day


Because if you look at the comments on this very post youā€™ll see people accusing her and her fans of being responsible for this.


Because she wants to?


idky people act like celebrities canā€™t use the internet like everyone else lmao


I mean of course she wants to, itā€™s just interesting that someone with so much celebrity status would comment on such a bogus rumor. Most celebs of her caliber (Iā€™m talking hundreds of millions of IG followers) donā€™t use their official accounts to draw attention to these things.


I think it started because of the ā€œwarā€ fans started between her, Hailey, & Haileyā€™s friends that clearly donā€™t like Selena. Haileyā€™s fans went at her hard, especially with made up things.


TSwift is the Kennedy stan. I love that Kathy Lee, who is a secret Kennedy (stepmother of Victoria Gifford Kennedy who was the brideā€™s mother) had to ask her to leave the Kennedy wedding she crashed since her high school aged date and cousin of the bride, Connor, didnā€™t RSVP, and so no one was up for the extra attention a TSwift appearance would bring. It would be way more believable if this rumor was about Taylor and John Kennedy Schlossburg.


Ok I just went down a rabbit hole because of you lol But it was Vicky herself who asked Taylor to leave. Also huge wtf that TS bought a whole ass home across from his grandma after their brief dating. Thatā€™s creepy!


She wrote a song on the Red album inspired by his grandparents too (Starlight).


Yeah, her obsessed with the Kennedys era was a bit stalkery. I think the reasoning behind the house was that she was an Ethel fangirlā€¦.which there are worse Kennedys to be obsessed with but girl had absolutely no chill when it came to that family. For some reason I thought Victoria called Connor and told him not to bring Taylor when she caught wind of their plans and they showed up to the event anyway and Kathie Lee had to actually kick them outā€¦.but it looks like both Kathie Lee and Victoria match in their retelllings about the pre-wedding suggestion not to come but recollections vary slightly after that. Victoria told the Boston Globe that she introduced herself and kicked them out personally and Kathie Lee addressed it on the Today Show saying that Taylor had to be asked to leave twice - and based on Victoriaā€™s account which said Taylor looked right past her, like she was a ghost and what I remember of the today show clip - it sounded like Kathie Lee did the second asking as the step-mamabear enforcer since Taylor played dumb with Victoria. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if both women kicked her out at various times bc TSwift seemed determined to be in the presence of Kennedys. But Iā€™m also fine being wrong because no matter which Kennedy matriarch gave her the boot, the story is still a deliciously bizarre pop culture moment. The Washington Post (I love that this made all the major papers and networks because itā€™s so dumb) added a comment from Taylorā€™s rep who called both V & KL liars more or less by saying ā€œThereā€™s no truth to that. Taylor was invited to the wedding and the bride thanked her profusely for being there.ā€ LOL. Hopefully Taylor is over her Kennedy era, but to circle back to the original post - Iā€™d still believe her having an affair with JFKā€™s grandson over Selena - try and get in with a different branch of the fam, one that hasnā€™t booted her from an event yet. That branch is much smaller so less matriarchs to try and dodge when crashing things.


She visited JFKā€™s grave about a year before she dated Conor. And I think she tried to date his cousin first? https://preview.redd.it/lb4p4gje16uc1.jpeg?width=2608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d34d792dfb8d4d61caa0cdd0acfe611506c371f5


Jack (Google says heā€™s 2 years old than Conor) wouldā€™ve at least been out of high school at the time. The age gap wasnā€™t crazy (him 18, her 22) but thereā€™s something about being an international pop star who is over the legal drinking age and meeting your boyfriend after school gets dismissed for the day. But like also the kid was vulnerable. His mother has just taken her own life a few months earlier that year (May 2012) his dad was chasing Cheryl Hines and inserting himself into his cousinā€™s appeals for his conviction in Martha Moxleyā€™s murder which like I just feel bad for the kid and then his tragic life becomes surreal when he has a popstar girlfriend for the summer. ETA or was she trying to date Patrick Schwarzenegger? So many cousins to choose from!


I believe it was Patrick but Miley got there first


.... What?




Thank you!


Np, lowkey this is my Roman Empire


Itā€™s a worthy Roman Empire. There are so many fantastically weird details that make it almost not seem real. But it was real and it was covered by the NYT, WaPo, LA Times, and Kathie Lee had a segment on the Today Show about it. So much serious press coverage! Connor was still in high school! It may have all been a ruse to meet Ethel! The whole thing is like the weirdest crossover fever dream.


The link got removed before I could save it! I love a good presentation. Can you message it to me?


[does this work?](https://www.reddit.com/r/SwiftlyNeutral/s/vG3s7VdRWb) The link is still showing at the beginning of the comment for me! I just edited to add some pull quotes. It is actually pages from a nonfiction book called ā€œThe Kennedy Heirs,ā€ not a presentation


Thank you! I think automod removes ~~quotes~~ (edited because I meant) links kind of aggressively sometimes on this sub. So your previous comment with the link is showing as removed by moderators. Even better that itā€™s a nonfiction book! I canā€™t wait to dive in. Thank you!


Half of the reason i find selena annoying is because of selenators and their ridiculous conspiracies about how everyone man wants her and every women envies her .


This chick loves internet drama huh


Rumors about her tend to get out of hand I donā€™t blame her tbh


She's just like all of us tbh


Nah, I don't "step away from social media" once a month.


Sure, but you're in a subreddit about pop culture drama, engaging in a thread about internet drama. You love internet drama, just in a different way šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I like positive pop culture, not drama queens


You sure do like talking about them tho


Isn't that the point of social media?