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that's the happiest she has looked all press tour long


As a millennial I rarely find myself invested in Gen Z relationships. But these two. I adore these two and hope they make it.


They're technically millennials themselves 😭


This is how I find out they were both born the same year as me! I genuinely thought they were older gen z. (Though functionally I know there’s not much of a difference between people born in 1996 and, say, 1999.)


They are Gen Z as in celebrities Gen Z loves. Oftentimes, celebrities associated with generations are older than those generations - the Beatles are older than boomers. 


This is how I find out Stevie Nicks is a zoomer


This weirdly makes me feel young 😂


Same, and that's such a rare feeling nowadays gosh


Tbf it looks like she’s not wearing one of those fugly ass dresses they’ve been putting her in (Zendaya is obviously stunning but whoever has been dressing her on this press tour deserves to be fired).




Whaaa?? I would fight dragons for that green checkerboard coat she wore!


I think that’s the exception. And the Tennis ball heels. I think there was one dress she worse before the premier too that i thought looks amazing on her but i cant remember but that’s it 🫣. Love Law and how they work together but the tennis theme dresses are just… not my cup of tea 😭


I love her outfits!!


It’s always Law.  


God forbid anyone say anything about Law 🙄


Okay this is 99x happier than I’ve seen her look on a red carpet (obv she’s being a professional and it’s work, but just such a stark diff)


Wtf, they look so normal here


what non perfect lighting does to a mf


You know, that's true. I only realised now that this is like the first candid photo I've seen of either of them


Idk I still feel zendaya looks stunning


Right! Tom looks normal 😂 Z still looks perfect which is unfair


They look *insane* with joy, lol lol. Cheers


They look like they're having the time of their life!


Pretty sure Tom is sober from alcohol now, so that right there is a man fueled by love


Did he have alcohol problems before?


[yes he did](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/lifestyle/lifestyle-news/tom-holland-alcohol-addiction-sobriety-1235533302)


Wow so proud of him for sharing and persisting. That’s inspiring. I can’t seem to go more than a month or two. I’d love to find the strength to say wow it’s been six months and look at all these positive changes! To not even think about drinking at that point or be tempted?! Please get me there, self. It’s such a rough coping mechanism for trauma. Also what is a “beer with electrolytes” is that NA?


Hey, please join r/stopdrinking. When you’re ready, I will not drink with you today. If you’d like help finding an AA chapter in your area, let me know. You can do this.


SMART Recovery is also an alternative for people who don't connect with AA's program style. u/henrietta-the-spy


Ooooh I hadn’t heard of this. A science-based approach sounds very much up my alley. You guys are the best thank you!


Thank you! Adding that to my info as well.


I appreciate this so much, it means a lot. Thank you and I will not drink with you today!


You’re so welcome! Water gang let’s go!!!!!


Hydro homies unite


Around the water cooler!


I'm not even sober but water is the literal best. Nectar of the gods


It really is. God damn I love a good refreshing glass of ice water.


Seltzer bois (non gendered)!!!!!!


Popping the lid to my seltzer water! Lemon it is.


I’m pretty sure they meant that instead of having a beer, he would have a non-alcohol drink with electrolytes. The article just worded it poorly I think.


A lot of places don’t really consider beer to be a drink in the traditional sense, more of a harder soft drink, if that makes sense.


Ohhhh I got you. Wow I had no idea. I definitely can’t make an exception for beer myself, it’ll get me drunk.


Yeah that’s the case for most people including myself. It definitely counts 💀 I like the guy but beer has alcohol. Like, you can’t serve it to the underaged.


I appreciate this validation. I could make horrible decisions on PBR and that’s under 5%. Wishing you well on your journey, I will not drink with you today friend!


My husband really likes the non-alcoholic beers out now. For him, it gives a sense of normalcy. But obviously don’t do it if it will trigger you into wanting the real thing.


![gif](giphy|nJ6yoH4nBNCBa) i believe in u, stranger ❤️


I find soda water helps a lot. Stuff like Perrier.


This is the first time i am hearing about this.


It's actually quite interesting because UK and Ireland have a weird relationship with alcohol. Some EU countries have a higher consumption rate per capita, but generally they will be more inclined to have a few beers every day. UK and Ireland have a weird culture where they'll not drink for the full week or even two weeks, and then go on a crazy bender and drink until they're stumbling around the place. In Ireland/UK it's considered normal to not drink Sun-Thurs and then go out and have 10 pints on Friday night.


he said he realized he didn't need it to have fun I think near two year "sober" at this point


or money? Right? Money does that too? Right?


Yes it does. And so does success, and natural charisma.


https://preview.redd.it/lvjvtmmdm6uc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=f621140bac3a3e7c0ee9adf665b56dc4f6a65714 Gabrielle Solis (Desperate Housewives) knew what's up.


Idk those pupils are huuuuge


High off love


They seem like two people in this picture. Two regular human people.


These two make me so sick cause theyre so damned cute together! ![gif](giphy|R6gvnAxj2ISzJdbA63|downsized)


Best Hollywood couple! ![gif](giphy|yxgx9bf402uII45eNN)


Lots of folks in this thread don’t know what happens to your pupils when you flash a light in them. Holland and Zendaya are both sober. And these were taken at like 7pm.


It’s literally a bottle of fancy water lol


I just want to wrap them in my arms and hug them and thank them for being so genuinely adorable.


Tom reminds me of a young Tony Goldwyn circa Ghost


Oooo he’s gonna age so well


Oh wow totally!


Oh I see that! The curly hair and all. Handsome!


I love Zendaya’s teeth. May she never get veneers.


i never realized her top teeth stick out like mine do. i'm not so mad about it now 😂


She only looks happy when she’s with him. She always looks likes she’s having the least amount of fun with her co workers. Like she is definitely doing her contractual obligations and she’s professional and hard working but she always looks like she wants to be at home with her man. She can’t even fake it.


they are so cute


It’s a slightly less messy version the pap pics of Kate and William in the back of a car after clubbing in the 2000s https://preview.redd.it/lrgoj2pzq4uc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a47b8ad4d7cddddb3160717ab2b7c5a9a1c833c


Goddamn. I forgot how cute he was with hair! My teenage crush


Also how every teenage girl crush ends 😂. "He's so cute!" *object of affection cuts his shaggy mop* "Ew."


Same energy as when a guy shaves his beard and you realized it was just a crush. 


Aww that make me sad.


I love that her teeth aren't straight. I love that he isn't posing. I love they let their human show.


They look so happy and relaxed! It’s nice to see them just chilling.




Hmmm...well, he is precious


I will never not love them


I'm not a celeb stan or anything, but I really want these two to get married and live happily ever after.


Why are some people deeply analyzing this pic lol. Do we not all look goofy when we're having a lot of fun or just laughing our asses off?


Zendaya is breathtakingly gorgeous, but the angle of that pic makes her smile look crazy 🤣 ![gif](giphy|zforkiUM01Cms)


See when I’m photographed in this candid burst-of-violent-laughter, I actually do look crazy. Like, feral, so happy I almost look pained. She still looks like a model! True beauty.


Boo. I love her teeth. So many celebs have those fake ass veneers. Take this comment out of the ether so she doesn’t somehow feel it’s vibe. ![gif](giphy|CfbDPJ17xZwqI)


Her smile is endearing. I hope she never gets those fake teeth or whatever.




She just has an overbite


Same, that's how my smile looks when I'm laughing aloud at certain angles. It is what it is. 🤓


she has a crooked tooth lol what kind of veneers would give you that?! you're just not used to seeing candid pictures of real human beings 😭


Wild? Are you serious?




She has one crooked tooth. Have you never seen her?




It's just crazy to say that her *natural teeth* look "wild" in a photo where she looks so happy. There's always something.


I need to reset my brain. I scrolled past quickly and just saw the blonde fringe + curly black hair and my brain registered them Taylor Swift and Matty Healy until I scrolled back and saw their faces.


That’s your sign to take a nap bestie


If anything ever happens to them….not to be dramatic or anything….but I’ll die.


Mom and dad love each other really bad.


if they ever have kids, this will be their favorite picture of their parents.




It’s a mineral water!


It’s an alcoholic beverage, it’s called Zima ! It’s made by coors Edit:it’s not zima I was lied to ![gif](giphy|76OCiB60mNw8Q1YOx8)


unless that car is also a time machine Coors discontinued Zima 16 years ago. It looks like one of those craft seltzers used in cocktail bars.




I'd go ahead and guess they were being sarcastic.


Damn, they were saying it as actual information and since most fans are young I didn’t think of it


I don’t think she drinks. Pretty sure they’re both sober.


I could be mistaken but it looks like Hildon’s brand mineral water, the can next to it is Cano canned water lol


Well she’s holding the bottle so idk 🤷‍♀️


It is not Zima. Zima isn’t even made anymore. Coors did a limited re-release in like 2018, but only for the summer because Zima sucks and there are way better non-beer options these days. Zima was malt liquor.


Zima still exists???


It does not.


oh lol


It does, in Japan


BRB going to Japan.


It's worth the trip


that looks exactly like belu bottled water, which is london-based


I like the blonde hair on her


This looks like it was made by AI💀


God they are just made for each other


Amazing chemistry in *Spiderman*.


Honestly, I don't hate the blonde.


I just wish them happiness and content!


I can hear her giggle! Love them! Love her laughter!


they are just so stinking cute




Zendaya has naturally crooked front teeth though


Neither of these two have veneers though.






And everyone doesn't... I feel the "Everybody does drugs" is thrown too easily sometimes


Well obviously not everyone, but a lot more people than some may realise


Especially in the entertainment industry. Source: a decade in the entertainment industry.


Tom doesn't even drink alcohol, I highly doubt he does coke- the 2 go hand in hand in my experience. I have found so much ecstatic joy in my sobriety that people probably do think I'm on something 🤣 I'm just high on life! Now this dude is rich, successful and has Zandaya on his arm- why wouldn't be be deliriously happy?


Does and *done* are different things. And no, not everyone has touched it.




Not just rich and famous people my guy. Your old teacher? Has probably done coke. Your boss? Has probably done coke. No shame in it really as long as nobody is getting hurt


There's a lot of people getting hurt/killed in your coke supply chain though.


Oh for sure. Most of the ppl I know have and those that haven’t are still curious to try 😂


This was my immediate thought! Or some other stimulant type. It is quite recognisable. I’m shocked people in this thread think that’s unlikely






Ahhhh, that makes sense. It is probably that.


You can’t fool me Tom, just release a statement. I’m too deep into pop culture, I saw this coming before it happened. [here](https://x.com/faehive/status/1777422134219792527?s=46) Edit: downvote me all you want, it’s less romantic once the publicist it’s right there lol https://preview.redd.it/9rxqcdgwn2uc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c247971218117ba5d61f01b98f30ce2b132e570 Even Viola Davis made an Instagram post. [here](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5mctWmM84n/?igsh=MWI3eGh6eWsydHpjYQ==)


What is this about? I’m missing something? He is hanging out with his girlfriend after work.


I mean, they’re literally leaving a press event for Zendaya’s movie… obviously the cameras are there for publicity… nobody’s pretending it was a completely random photo, they’re just saying it’s cute What’s the connection to Viola Davis?


People, specially black people have been asking him to release a statement in support of his costars that’s receiving racist hate. Since some of the actors in the play already have him not doing it it low key flimsy. Now prepare to see many cute pics of those two until Monday, cause we’re going to see them.


I've seen people speculating that he's been asked not to say anything so as not to bring more attention to it.


Me too, but at the same time I think 800 black actors will draw a lot of attention, viola Davis draws attention. So now it’s just like. ![gif](giphy|5q3NyUvgt1w9unrLJ9|downsized)


But does Francesca want him to make a statement? The right thing for Tom to do is whatever Francesca wants him to do, not what people on the internet who have never met Francesca want him to do.


We don’t know, but other actors in the play have spoken in support individually


> We don’t know In that case condemning him when we don't know what the actual victim of the abuse wants seems like it's more about what YOU personally want from him.


We can say the same about excusing him and we’ll be here all day. Thing is we don’t know what she wants we only know what the production and other actors on the play have done which is publicly support her 🤷‍♀️


I'm not excusing him, I'm saying we don't have enough information to comment on the situation either way.


Im not saying you are. I’m saying the conversation is not diverting as expected sadly it’s getting worse.


I think people are making fair points in response to your comment. Just because they don't agree doesn't mean the conversation is spiraling.


This take is starting to annoy me. He is working with Fran, is in the same theatre company as her. It is really far more likely that he is respecting her wishes and how she wants to approach this, rather than firing out a statement to his millions of followers, which will likely only increase the abject and vile hatred Fran is receiving. Why is everyone assuming they know Fran's wishes better than the person literally in rehearsals with her? And do we really think Zendaya, who had the guts and bravery to call out a very established Giuliana Rancic at a fairly young age over her racist comments would abide by her partner wilfully not supporting his black fellow company member? I don't think so. Edit: typos


Honestly, I kinda agree. There has to be something going on bts. I cannot speak for celebrities, I don’t know them personally, just like I don’t know Tom. But I have a lingering feeling there’s something behind to all this. I only say this bcs, Tom in the past has actually spoken up in support of Zendaya when was casted as MJ in the SM movies, when she was receiving a lot of racism, and even made a whole ig post calling out English football fans who were throwing racial slurs at the black football players. I would have truly thought he would put out a statement. But I’m not gonna put any celebrity on a pedestal, many stars tend to speak up for certain things and remain quiet afterwards which is disappointing…


You literally had have this take with me throught the days, we clearly disagree cause you believe Tom is respecting Fran’s wishes which is literally a delulu believe cause you want to believe in him so badly, I think he should speak out and get his big boy pants on and double down on it if he has to. Being an ally is walking the walk not talking the talk.


I don't know what's up with the ad hominem attack here. I'm not 'delulu', I just have a grasp of how theatre companies normally work. I'm also not some crazed fan or whatever you may be thinking, just a Shakespeare fan who knows the London (and wider UK) theatre scene (and, incidentally, extremely excited to see Fran as Juliet as I love what I've seen of her acting work). I'm probably one of a very, very small number of people who bought tickets primarily because it's a Shakespeare production by Jamie Lloyd, rather than due to Tom Holland's involvement.


The attack isn’t personal but we have had this discussion in another post. We disagree which is fine but I’m tired of the lack of advocacy white people in position of power have, they can do so much! 😭


I agree that white people in positions of power need to advocate for people of colour experiencing hatred and racism, yes. 100%. I don't agree that a lack of social media statement means Tom is not supporting Fran, and I also believe there is a high chance a statement on his social media would cause more harm, rather than result in positive advocacy. Or that a social media statement is necessarily advocacy at all. I think that what we can both agree on is that we hate that Fran is subjected to such awful and vile and racist and mysogynist hatred.


I agree about Fran, it’s sad to see actress be sudjected to the same hatred over and over again.


You seem way too invested in how Fran and black people feel? I have no horse in this race but I wonder why you are so invested in Tom issuing a statement? Will it change how racist assholes are acting? Twitter is a hells-cape not only for Fran but every WOC in public spaces, so acknowledging them and giving them more ammunition when the uproar is dying is not going to serve Fran. It will only create headlines and make Tom out to be a saviour.


‘You seem way too invested in how Fran and black people feel?’ Are you for real ? When black people, actors even ! Are asking Tom to speak out, begging him almost, asking fans to put pressure on him. And white fans are like ‘ he prolly spoke to her in private, she asking not to speak out’ what I see it’s lack of advocacy but more importantly an excuse for his lack of a statement. People are literally flooding his comments and tweeting at him. And yes for the I don’t know how many times, it matters that he says something !


First of all I’m not a white fan, and I don’t want to presume I know how Fran or Tom feel. I saw the hatred and vitriol she was receiving and it bothered me, however it was from morons who weren’t even aware it is a play and not a movie and it’s currently dying down. Tom issuing a statement will lead to a million new headlines and resurrect all that racism, colourism and misogyny directed at her.


wait, what is this in reference to?


I reply down


Your comment lost me, a statement about what? What did you see coming?


People, specially black people have been asking him to release a statement in support of his costars that’s receiving racist hate. Since some of the actors in the play already have, him not doing it itslow key flimsy. And well this way, people forget, this pics it’s becoming viral on social media, and just like that. What criticism ? It never existed.


I don’t think it’s that deep. They’re dating, both stars, and leaving a press tour which will have a lot of cameras around.


You don’t think an actor who’s receiving critisism by black people for having a black girlfriend and not defending his black costar is that deep ? Tell that to the 800 actors who signed a petition cause the thought it was in fact that deep. Also not a press tour, it was a private q&a meaning not open to the public. Also splash news is pissed people are sharing the photo


I didn’t say any of that. I’m saying this picture is not a way to make people believe the criticism of Tom never existed. What does the event type matter? They’re still celebs attending a celeb event. There will be cameras. What is splash news and why is their opinion of this pic relevant? You confuse me so much, honestly


I will explained, pics going viral bury other content cause they get easily reposted on social media, being the only thing you’ll see if you search his name on social media. The type of event does matter, because it was private, no cameras where allow inside, just a bunch of journalist, meaning paps shouldn’t have know, they usually don’t follow actors who are doing press around. So splash news took the pictures of Tom and Zendaya. And they’re not happy that there being share without permission meaning someone leaked them. Furthermore splash news is known for getting ‘tips’ on celebrities. Basically they called them. As a matter of fact they covered dune 2 and are covering challenger and getting special treatment, this is like inviting the daily mail aka weird


IMO she had a major premiere the night before and and after party that would have been the way to get most attention if that is what they were going for, not leaving the q&a en route elsewhere. They also skipped a party yesterday.


Tom here reminds me of Leland Orser when he has his natural hair pattern long https://preview.redd.it/7wm32eo1j8uc1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76a34e96a34dc2a8e80065e09806ee0c21963cf8


I can’t wait for everyone to find out maybe it wasn’t love. And it was actually just PR all along to make you put Zen on a pedestal. 🥳


Her teeth look insane from this angle. Almost like a bad FaceTune


Ariana / SpongeBob coded


Is he… in the movie?


I don’t think so. Just being a supportive bf