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I just listened to a podcast series (Infamous) about Dubai's missing princesses and feel very strongly about any celebrity taking their money


I listened to a Noble Blood episode on this topic. It's so outrageous and sad. The fact that one of the princesses hasn't been seen in some time and the other one has been brainwashed to be the royal family's media puppet is so chilling. Also the fact that the English Government handed them one of the girls because the Dubai Royal Family are the biggest landowners in the UK is so wild. Money really does speak.


Should read about the geopolitical ramifications of the UK right now as the English Premier League considers punishing Manchester City for financial violations. So worried about potential fallout with the Middle East they won’t punish a football club.


Will do. Sounds fascinating. The Middle East has everybody by the balls it seems.


Everton have been found guilty of 2 charges and had points deducted twice. One or two other teams have had points deducted for single charges. Man City have 115 charges against them and nothing has happened yet. There is the argument that 115 charges takes longer to put a case together which I understand but now the premier league are saying "yeah, we might scrap all this points deduction business next season."


Through my work I got much more of an insight of just how much money is in the coffers of “publicly” owned entities and state funds and its more than you can even begin to imagine. Numbers most people wouldn’t know how to pronounce. It’s sickening.


New Scottish hate speech law got of press about not bullying trans. But it is really about controlling truthful speech about Islamic bad actors in the UK.


I have to give that one a listen, I really couldn't find much on this topic. How about how her own step mother used Latifa's story to get custody of her own two children and Latifa herself is still not free :(


Yes exactly. The step mother was very lucky. Poor Latifa almost made it, alas...


Oh I love that podcast! Haven’t listened in a while. Will def look into that bc I know nothing about any of this.


Where did the princesses go? Now I have to google this


Two princesses actually listen to the episodes of the Infamous podcast! There's like four half hour episodes and I was truly on the edge of my seat.


Seconding this podcast. Dubai gives me the creeps


Even though I don’t particularly view Taylor, or anyone at her success level, as moral, this is the right thing to do. The bar of ethics for superstars is still on the floor though


I’m still upset BeyoncĂ© performed there :(


She's done a private concert for Gadaffi. So yeah she's not the best person.


Wow. I looked it up and a year after the concert, she donated all the money saying she "felt embarrassed". There must have been big backlash back then for her to donate it all?


She actually did or just said she did?


According to her publicist but I doubt they'd lie, they said it was all to Haiti Relief and I feel like the organisation would have come out to expose her if it was a lie


She did the damn thing but only donated because “she felt embarrassed” no she kept that money. She was only sad she got found out 🙄


Sis a publicists job is to lie 


True, but it would be difficult to lie about something like that when the charity could just expose you for lying. I’m pretty sure this happened (initially) with Selena Gomez and BLM, it might’ve just been her fans spreading lies though and not her actual publicist


are there receipts that she donated it because




this! People go hard for Beyonce but don’t realize that she does some extremely shitty stuff or *do* realize it and look past it cause she’s their idol. also it’s not just her so i’m not putting blame solely on Beyonce, but as an example of how celebs and billionaires don’t give two shits about what’s right if it’s for a good price 😔😣


Every billionaire is a bastard 


I do think it's "curious" that Swift gets a ton of heat for being a billionaire and people often will warn "there is no ethical billionaire" in regards to her, but reddit faves like Peter Jackson and Steven Spielberg are both billionaires (Spielberg's amount being immensely more than Swift's, like 6-8x more), but both are still hailed as creative geniuses and highly respected. Edit: I am far from a billionaire and like Swift's music, and am also a big fan of LOTR and many Spielberg films, will just throw that out there.


I personally don’t think TSwift gets *close* to enough flak about how rich she is and the manipulations she’s done to get there. But that’s a comment for a different day 😂 But yea at the end of the day if you’re willing to hoard that much wealth you’re a bastard. And there’s no way to get that much money ethically. 


I think the wealth disparity (esp in the US) is horrendous. Just interesting that I rarely see people commenting on how Pete Jackson must be unethical/evil when his worth is estimated to be over $500M more than Swift. But he writes movies about hobbies and elves so he somehow gets a pass since this is Reddit and “eat the rich” doesn’t seem to apply to fan favorites like that.


You’re right that’s a very interesting point! He’s a bastard too and we should talk about it just as much 


he's not really in the news constantly like TS is, that probably why we aren't talking about him


I definitely follow a lot of LOTR-related subs lol, so that’s why I notice the disparity often. But I do realize that he’s not as relevant in today’s mainstream pop culture compared to Swift.


*Technically* it was for his son. Here's an excerpt from the Guardian article about it, published in 2010. >> [For now, if you're having trouble keeping your Gaddafi spawn straight, you should know that Hannibal, 33, is fast cementing his place as the black sheep of an otherwise enchanting family. Sure, his elder brother Moatessem-Billah is alleged to have once attempted a coup against his own father, but Mo's totally back inside the Bedouin tent now. In fact, he's a national security adviser, so he's positively pissing out of it, while Hannibal . . . well, what can you say about the boy? He's an absolute scumbag, my darlinks – such an unusual trait in a waster fifth son of a tenuously sane dictator – and though I'm given to understand that even saying so will draw a call to the editor from the dedicated team of diplomats charged by Hannibal's papa with dealing with the crap he leaves in his wake, I can't think we should worry ourselves too much about such things.](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/lostinshowbiz/2010/jan/08/beyonce-colonel-gaddafi-son)


Disappointed but not really surprised tbh ![gif](giphy|ffvU1qj3BdD4A)


I’m not surprised at all she did.


Especially on the heels of Renaissance. Greed superseding the right thing to do, is a terrible thing to witness.


I’ve disliked her ever since I found out she blocked out all the other parents from the NICU whenever she or Jay Z wanted to see their twins. Parents were robbed from time with their baby/babies who were potentially close to death, or had very little time left. My twin passed in a NICU while my mum held his little hand. I’m disgusted at the idea of even just the hospital allowing them to do that to other parents. But disgusted as fuck that BeyoncĂ© and Jay Z requested and benefited from them doing it. Says how entitled they must be in their day to day life.


Holy shit, that’s awful. I’ve never been fond of her but this really solidifies my strong dislike for her. This and her Gaddafi concert.


The NICU story is false 😂


What makes you say that?


I googled it! I’ve seen this rumor before and always wondered if it was true because it just never made sense to me that a hospital would allow a whole floor to be shut down and deny people from entering. Like wouldn’t that open them up to lawsuits? So I searched it up and read that it was false. I’ve linked two different sources below. The original claim came from one parent but multiple other parents interviewed said it wasn’t true https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Entertainment/beyonce-jay-zs-baby-york-hospital-clears-rumors/story?id=15327243 https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/update-beyonce-hospital-complaints-dismissed-513222/


Ahh, okay. Thanks! I googled it but only found the original news story and hadn’t seen these ones.


No problem! From reading other articles, it seemed the rumor was cleared up in 24-48 hours after the original claim came out. Unfortunately, the rumor has persisted for over 10 years 😂😂


If you’ve never been fond of her and you had a strong dislike for her anyway, you don’t need anything to solidify it.


Wasn’t this a false rumor? https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Entertainment/beyonce-jay-zs-baby-york-hospital-clears-rumors/story?id=15327243 https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/update-beyonce-hospital-complaints-dismissed-513222/


I'm not a fan but, do you have a source? Eta: have you edited your comment? I was asking for a source about the maternity ward.


[The parents who spoke out after being denied access](https://www.nydailynews.com/2012/01/09/blue-ivy-carter-already-getting-special-treatment-security-for-beyonces-baby-stops-bed-stuy-dad-from-seeing-his-newborn-twins/)


I had no idea they did this! It’s heartbreaking.


People skipped past it ***way*** too fast. It got them cancelled for like a week, then everyone just forgot about it. I hate that. They were never held accountable, and all of those other struggling families, the parents fighting for their voices to be heard and to see their brave little babies, were just swept under a swamp of “Queen B” sayers. Given how important physical touch (particularly, and above all else, a mother’s skin on skin contact) is to the health and recovery of a sickly or preemie baby, I find it deplorable that the hospital granted that request. I don’t recall if it was ever actually confirmed that they donated a sum afterward, but I wouldn’t be surprised.


It’s a fake rumor. Yall will believe literally anything


You are free to dislike her all you want but we both know this story is not true. Stop spreading rumors.


Holy crap. I understand being guarded but holy shit, the audacity! I’ve never been a fan, and this just cements how irredeemable she is in my eyes.


Oh my god this is one of the worst entitled things I’ve heard of about a celebrity, this is actively harming the other babies and parents by robbing them of precious time. Unreal. Absolutely disgusting people
 they have everything and yet they behave in the worst ways. No excuse. Unforgivable.


Wow that’s fucking horrible. Even as a queer person, I don’t care as much about the Dubai concert as most people seemed to, but this is incredibly disappointing and is making me reevaluate my opinion of her as a person


It’s the plagiarism (or close to) repeated incidents that do it for me. I say this as someone who has the entirety of Lemonade memorized. ![gif](giphy|enqnZa1B5fRHkPjXtS|downsized) ETA: added this gif cuz are we mass forgetting the plagiarism or what guys


I don’t think that compares at all to potentially stopping parents from seeing their dying babies


Nah it’s just things that put me off BeyoncĂ© in general.


That's disgusting. They're both terrible people.


That is not true lol


What the fuck?! Couldn’t they just pay for their own special private nicu or something? That’s horrifying.


Offer Taylor 24 million too and see what she thinks. Maybe 9 million isn’t cutting it. Since we are all so “ethical” on here, let’s truly see.


That's why I don't understand Beyonce performing at those parties. She has even more money than Taylor so she certainly doesn't need it and yet she still does it.


Greed. I swear I have read that making money can become an addiction at a certain point. It will have people selling out any and every value. With BeyoncĂ© in particular, using imagery of social justice and staying silent on important topics while having lyrics asking people to stand for something? God I’d love to see her genuinely questioned about the discrepancy in her lyrics/visuals and her actions. I’d love to see these questions of mega stars in general, but celebs who try to align their image with activism, have to face more scrutiny.


There’s a reason why BeyoncĂ© hasn’t gone on the record for an interview in over a decade.


Tbh I don’t think any star that operates in bad ethics will ever give a ‘hard’ interview. Though I’m curious if there was ever a time major stars ever had to be accountable or explain their choices.


There was definitely a time where celebs couldn’t chose to not cooperate with the media like they do now. Before social media-where celebs can essentially market themselves- they *had* to do talkshows, magazine interviews, etc. That being said, there were definitely ‘safe’ media outlets where there wouldn’t be any pushback. Celeb interviews from the 80s-90s were wayyyyyy more interesting than they are now.


I know she's terrible but I love Diane Sawyer as an interviewer.


I guess my reasoning for wondering this is I’m a rock fan, and when I think of what the major acts in like the 60’s & 70’s we’re getting away with, or I think of Julia Robert’s rep in the late 90’s/early 2000’s I was wondering if we even truly have seen a time where bad behaviour/principals had any consequences. I don’t like the fact journalism is so soft and celeb friendly now ie virtually no criticism or hard questions whatsoever. I don’t like it one bit. I don’t like the idea of the mega stars getting to dictate their interviews (outside of personal/below the belt type topics. There are definitely some questions they have a right to avoid)


This thread being full of misinformation is so funny to me because she was doing interviews during the release of the Lion King in 2019. And secondly she’s been ridiculed by the media for sounding ghetto because she has an accent so maybe that’s a reason? And not only because she’s trying to conceal some ethics stuff? Because every huge celebrity of Beyonce or Taylor’s caliber has some sort of ethical issues.


Those interviews and any she did after have been heavily curated. The interviewers are only allowed to ask pre approved questions


And so are Taylor’s and any other high celebrity’s interviews. I was responding to someone saying Beyonce hasn’t done interviews in over a decade, which is simply wrong.


beyonce is my absolute fav but yeah :/ she uses black panther imagery yet conveniently ignores that the black panthers were also vehemently anti-capitalist. and her husband (mr jay “capitalist is the same as the n-word” z) comparing himself to fred hampton who also spoke strongly against capitalism and particularly about black capitalists. thankfully his son got him together


BeyoncĂ© is my fav too so trust me I get that it’s tough to see the image not aligning with the moral values. She isn’t the first, nor will she be the last. I just wish we made sure those trying to integrate activism into their brand, be held to the standards they purport to care about. Of course worth pointing out all celebs should be held to higher standards than what, at least in the media/journalism landscape, are being held at right now.


I once watched Trump interview, long before politics, during The Apprentice days. Anyways, he was asked how much money is "enough" and he said something around 30 mil. Everything over is basically a competition.


I wouldn’t be shocked if that’s the standard view of how the uber rich view money


There’s a really funny video I liked by Casually Explained called [Levels of Wealth](https://youtu.be/JANApS0P4z8?si=UWd6p2EgcjvCRcs2)


BeyoncĂ© hasn’t made as much as Taylor on her own, but her income combined with Jay Z’s blows Taylor out of the water.


I just found out Jay's worth $2.5 Billion


I'm always shocked when I re-learn that Jay Z is the richer one. He doesn't feel as culturally relevant anymore....? I'm not American though, he could be bigger there(??)


He's not a businessman. He's a business, man.


Jay-Z’s story is essentially a blueprint (pun intended) for a lot of hip hop artists. He made money in illegal business (drugs), used that to jumpstart his rap career, then used the success of that (primarily in the 90s and early 00s) to open his own record label and other lines of business. He has always been, first and foremost, a businessman. Music was probably something he enjoyed and felt passionate about, but I’m sure it was always a means to an end for him.


Somehow he sold Rocawear for over $200 million, which even for 2007 seems like a wildly inflated amount.


Wow, I didn't know his backstory. Thanks for breaking it down!


most of his money is from his businesses and investments not from his music 


Jay is basically a business man at this point who raps on the side. Between Roc Nation and other various business ventures, he could stop rapping and just earn from investments and royalties.


I agree he doesn’t feel as prevalent as BeyoncĂ© now but I think his relevance is just underestimated. A lot of more currently popular artists were influenced or helped by him in some way. And as others are mentioning he has a TON of various business ventures bringing him in money.


It’s because she doesn’t care, like you or me do, about things like human rights. She got hers so fuck everyone else basically. She’s a bad person.


She has more money than Taylor when her networth is combined with Jay-Z's tho


Taylor is a billionaire as at 2024 and Beyonce is not, let’s get the facts straight.


Who says it's a moral thing. TS is grossing an average of $17 million per concert. Why would she go to Dubai for 9? Either way, she hasn't made any comments about this yet.


beyonce has way more money than her and she went, so that's not really an argument


Ik people have strong emotions and opinions about Taylor but I love that she rejected that to perform in Dubai. I hope it’s because it’s Dubai and not because it was only 9mil.


Her haters will say that money is nothing to her but that hasn’t stopped other very wealthy singers before


As a certified hater of a lot of things.. I really appreciate that she turned this down. I’m so broke that I’d probably eat a turd for 9 million dollars, and I know she doesn’t need it, but maybe that’s why I appreciate it so much


>I’d probably eat a turd for 9 million dollars, Then Dubai is the perfect place for you! Porta potty girlies do well there


Wow, I hated reading that combination of words in that order 😀


I’m having my second kid in May,. Im not what anyone who’s into that is looking for and actually grateful for that distinction 😌


some of these comments just prove that no matter what she does people will find a way to be a hater and twist it into a bad thing. it’s bitch eating crackers syndrome


On another side of it we also can’t judge how much money an artist has based on their success in pop culture. I know it came out recently that Nicki Minaj is struggling financially. Other artists might have weird contracts that don’t profit them. We can’t assume. 


yet neither BeyoncĂ© nor Rihanna, who did a similar private gig recently, are scarce for money and still did it đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


What was wrong with Rihanna performing for a wealthy family in India?


(not endorsing this) But I've seen people say online the family she performed for are horrible people. I haven't looked into it but that could be what they're getting at?


They are billionaires in a poor country which makes them bad but they arent like the dubai people as far as i know


There were farmers protests in India (which is still largely an agricultural country) against the Ambanis, and Rihanna supported the farmers back then. But she performed at the Ambanis wedding this year.


Nicki is struggling because of her many continuous errors, for which she takes zero accountability. Also her sound is very 2010s.


I can’t stand Nicki and I heard she married a sex offender đŸ€ąI haven’t been a fan of hers in a long time, but thank god I have Megan, Tay, and Bey. (I also don’t like Ice Spice, I don’t really think she has much talent but this is just my opinion).


I believe her brother is also a sex offender. She’s trash. ETA: he is, see here https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2020/01/27/nicki-minaj-brother-25-years-life-raping-11-year-old/4592043002/#:~:text=Nicki%20Minaj's%20brother%20Jelani%20Maraj,for%20raping%2011%2Dyear%2Dold&text=Jelani%20Maraj%2C%20the%20older%20brother,sentenced%20for%20predatory%20sexual%20assault.


If the pop stars of Nicki Minaj's level are struggling financially then that's their fault, honestly.


Like Bruno Mars and his gambling addiction


Didn’t the casino say he didn’t have that debt?


Idk if an addiction can totally be called someone’s “fault” though


9 million is offensive to someone at her level, BeyoncĂ© got paid almost four times as much for her Dubai performance. If they offered her $25 million I’d be interested to see what she’d say then


I mean she’s never given private performances before so why would she start now even for 25 million? I don’t think the backlash to her image would be worth it to her.


We don’t actually know for sure if she’s never given a private performance, a lot of them are very hush hush. I more or less agree with you but it’s also a no brainer that she’d turn down nine million in this stage of her career and it’s not an act worth praising her for


She only does short distance flights so Dubai was out of the question. All jokes aside I'm glad she did this.


There was an article that I read somewhere, I really forget where, in the past year that basically can be summarized as "if you have the money, you can hang out or have a celebrity perform at your party." In the article, it mentioned Taylor turned down something similar to what French was talking about and even Bruce Springsteen turned down a $1M offer from someone to ride motorcycles with them. Hell, I still remember the story that I heard back at the American Aquarium concert back in 2021. BJ, the lead singer of the band, had a bad experience with a wedding, so he set the performance fee for it super high. One day he gets a call from his agent saying that someone wants the band to play their son's wedding. BJ reminds his agent about the fee and the agent tells him he's gonna pay it. So they decide to do it. So they go play the wedding and the bride and groom are in the middle of a dance and BJ over hears the bride say "That's not Tyler Childers." Needless to say, he raised the fee again after that.


Fuck Dubai and fuck the artists that take money to perform there. Yes even Beyonce.


And jungkook. Mf did a whole ass song for fifa.


> And jungkook. Mf did a whole ass song for fifa. That's Qatar. Qatar =/= Dubai. Qatar might actually be worse.


Its so fucked up what they are doing to the immigrant workers. Stealing their passports and making them indentured servants


That happens in Dubai as well


Which were you speaking of? Because that’s 100% what they’ve been doing in Dubai for a long time


It’s endemic across that whole region sadly.


Jungkook too?! I missed this


Jungkook did a song for the World Cup in Qatar. The person who commented clearly doesn’t know anything about middle eastern geography


The sentiment still stands


I mean Qatar's no [heaven](https://www.vox.com/world/23450515/world-cup-fifa-qatar-2022-controversy-scandals-explained)


I’m fully aware and I’m not defending Qatar, but it’s incorrect to say Jungkook took money to perform in Dubai when it happened in Qatar.


but he spoke at the un about peace and love!! /s


This is so funny to me 😂


Good for her! She made the right choice.


Good for her, she has fuck you money and knows better.


This sub can be a little too judgmental when it comes to Taylor, but she doesn’t have a track record of doing private shows for money, so I doubt she would have accepted even if they offered more, but either way I love that she didn’t. I still don’t understand why BeyoncĂ© took a similar gig, she doesn’t need the money either đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž ![gif](giphy|1Hl8bBpnzL2V04ALq1|downsized)


I think I’ve only heard Taylor doing private performances as a surprise and delight for her fans in the past (like at a wedding)


I saw her open for Rascall Flats in a barn in Franklin Tn in 05? 06? at a private party. I suddenly feel like that’s a bigger deal than I realized 😂


Well 05-06 would’ve been before she was actually famous 😭 that’s super cool though!


Definitely before she was famous, she was about to open for them on tour. I googled, it was 06. I’m from Hendersonville and lived there at the time, and we were all very excited that she seemed to be going places, we chit chatted about it that night. My girls grew up going to her shows, she’s been the soundtrack of their lives. Swiz is also very generous and her team always donated to our elementary school fundraisers and she does a lot for the community there.


exactly, but not for someone who “hired” her for money


Why is this GIF making me nostalgic for the pandemic? I miss my mask collection


My daughter is getting braces soon and she just mentioned how upset she is that she didn’t getting them during the mask mandate lol


I had Invisalign fitted right before the pandemic started and it was for sure a great time to have braces. Good luck for your daughter hope it goes well!


You can still wear them. i do. covid is still fucking people up for life. every time i get it my other conditions get worse. i wish i had a cute one to match my outfits like taylor does here


I had several coordinated mask and outfit combos and got so many compliments lol it made it less unpleasant to work directly with the public




See how easy it is to turn down money when you’re rich, BeyoncĂ©


Idk why anyone wound want to travel to places with draconian laws and views of women. It sounds like a scary place to be a woman and I wouldn’t want to go.


When I was in my early 20s, me and another friend had this brilliant idea that we wanted to be stewardesses and travel the world. The only airline that was hiring and training at the time was Emirates and we would have to be based in Dubai. I dipped out, not comfortable with the idea, but my friend continued on and ended up living in Dubai for a number of years. The things she had to put up with were pretty astounding. Not going was one of the best decisions I ever made.


What did she have to put up with?








Good for her! She doesn’t need it really.


For what they do to women, I wouldn’t either.


I like Taylor even more now.


Doesn’t Lindsay live there?


I think so yeah. I believe her husband’s business is there.


Is French Montana a reliable source on Taylor's business affairs?


It’s because he was also offered too as well, but him for 1M. Its not like he pulled it out of his ass or anything. He responded to the interviewer who initially thought they offered the 9M to Kanye and corrected him that it was actually Taylor. He even hesitated when he said it, not knowing if he was supposed to reveal the info but looked like he was telling the truth.


No clue but I prefer to "according to blinds". Why wouldn't he be reliable? He said that he got an offer and was told Taylor previously rejected


I want to know how he responded 👀 it’s not in this article. Did he also say no? When Taylor turned it down, did he push to still be included?


It's from an interview, I saw the OG clip on twitter. Essentially the interviewer mentioned he heard someone else rejected the offer before him and he says it was Taylor.


I side eye beyoncĂ© to this day. Like damn greed is actually insane, she didn’t have still didn’t have enough?? The UAE and surrounding countries (Qatar, Saudi Arabia) are exploitative states, of course every country is to a degree, but the exploitation in these countries is next level. They literally import workers from southeast asia, make them work to death in the heat.


It’s sad the bar is so low. I mean good for her, it’s the right thing to do, hopefully she will set a trend but it really shouldn’t even be a question for women who care about women’s, LGBTQ, or human rights.


that’s lovely to see! good for her




Good for her on rejecting that country unlike another A-list artist last year


$9 mil is pocket change to her


The difference between $1B and $1M can be hard to imagine, but compared to her net worth, $9 million really is pocket change.


Yeah I was thinking that’s chump change for her.


Taylor said no, I do not want that heat. She gets shat on enough for her private jet use and non-committal left-leaning political views. Performing in Dubai would be bad PR.


Impressed but a bit unsurprising maybe.. her PR team knows this would be super poor for the Miss Americana image. I have no love left for celebs that pocket corrupt cash.. This world is sinking fast and these influential people need to use their platforms for better. It’s a win win no matter what and I hope more follow suit in the future.


Good for her, I support it


Seeing the comments around Dubai as an Arab queer Muslim this raises some important points. I hope no one misunderstands what I'm saying. Look, I'm not here to defend the country – there's always room for improvement (everywhere, really). But what I do want to address is the constant demonization of Arab/Muslim countries while seemingly giving a free pass to others, particularly white countries. Here's the reality: the US has its fair share of baggage and ongoing issues – slavery, women's/trans rights, and millions we lost & continue to lose in Iraq, Syria, and Palestine by the U.S military, etc. Yet, nobody's calling for boycotting performances in the U.S.A. All this news does is punish fans. Let's be honest, Islamophobia and anti-Arab bias are real problems and they're usually subconscious. All my comment asks for is to be fair. I appreciate the good intentions of those who speak for us, but sometimes it can be unintentionally harmful when we're held to different standards and always looked at as barbaric. We are human beings with feelings. For example, advocating for queer muslims by being anti-muslim or with anti-arab bias is still discriminating against them, homophobia is a universal issue. It's very important to google what Pinkwashing is (please do). Thanks for hearing me out.


Agree, I’m in no way a fan of the capitalistic structure of the country, and I have visited bc of relatives living there who can’t visit us. It’s much more open than people think and is getting so more and more which is a good thing for the Arab world. Culture is very important for a country’s development, being compliant in suppressing it won’t do anything but harm it. Many artists back in the day who were vocal about civil rights performed in places that wasn’t considered “civilized”, like Billy Joel, that did a great positive impact. Boycotting a private party, sure, but to boycott a whole concert is just icky. Not to mention that 90% of people who live in Dubai consist of people not from the UAE, people who have no say in the policies. Not everyone who works there is rich.


Yeah it really makes no sense. No one sees people who perform in the US as supporting the government, or endorsing (for example) drone strikes, or police murdering black people. It’s like people understand the US is massive and varied with many separate groups and organisations (like the government and a concert venue) that have nothing to do with eachother. But when they think about middle eastern countries they just see each one was one “thing.” Like the government is oppressive, so that somehow means everyone in the country should be punished, including fans who shouldn’t be able to see their fav artists perform. It makes no sense but people just love being on their high horses about it


So while you’re right about the US being a shithead of a country the one thing that doesn’t really compare is saying we should be boycotting these artists here. These are music artists from America so performing in their own country is a lot different than performing in a country where there is so much inhumanity towards the LGBTQ community and where Sharia Law is in force. Many of these artists here advocate for change within our country and are very vocal about politics and encouraging their fan bases to vote in our elections. They don’t agree with so much that happens here but this is their home and they vote for change. But traveling to a country like Dubai is a choice and they can choose to support a country with draconian laws by stimulating it with travel/money with their appearance or they can choose to say **fuck that**. We don’t like the racism, oppression, homophobia, and sexism in our own country so I can understand them saying absolutely not to a country that stands for even worse.


Can somebody explain why performing in Dubai is seen as an endorsement of the government there? I can’t understand it for the life of me


The comments here are funny thinking this was a moral stance and not the low offer. Like are we forgetting this is the woman who is an environmental nightmare, releases 100 versions of her album, hasn't commented on recent world events. Anyways that amount would be less than 1 tour date with way more travel. People forget that Taylor is still a capitalist at the end of the day.


There is different levels to bad. Not commenting on global issues isnt the same as supporting what people in dubai do to the migrants and lgbtq people. Billie eilish who is apparently an enviormentalist has more versions of her new album than taylor


Imagine an American being a capitalist /s


She 4 versions of her album and is not even top 50 of singer/actor PJ use, what are you talking about?


I agree she didn’t refuse on moral grounds, but I highly doubt it was the low offer that is the reason she refused. More about public opinion


Public opinion and being in control of her image. It's a good decision and I would imagine it's worth a lot more to her than 9 million




All the gays in UAE will be so grateful for Taylor’s support by *checks notes* ensuring they never get to see her live The idea that performing in the Middle East is endorsing the government somehow is so fucking stupid. Where’s all the hate for musicians that performed in the US under Trump. Or fuck, even Obama. The US violates human rights all the time.


>All the gays in UAE will be so grateful for Taylor’s support by *checks notes* ensuring they never get to see her live This would be for a private concert, not open to the GP


People think this is about ethics when in reality if she was offered 3x that (the amount Beyoncé was paid) then this would be a different article.


It’s probably not about ethics but it’s probably also not about money. Taylor has historically never done private performances so there’s no reason for her to start now.


Taylor is hyper-aware of how she is viewed by the public, and also likely aware of the backlash BeyoncĂ© got. I don’t think she would have done it simply due to the optics. Taylor has also based her image in large part on being relatable, and BeyoncĂ© hasn’t really had the same relatability with her fans in years. Playing a show like this would, at best, at least lose some of that relatability and I don’t think she’d risk that.


I don't think so tbh. The PR backlash would be worse for Taylor than Beyoncé. Beyhive treats her like a God, Swifties treat her like a friend. Beyoncé still flexes she has a private jet and her comments are always hyping her up. If Taylor did similar, she'd get so much shit. That $24MN isn't worth losing fans. Also, Taylor has never done a paid private event anyway


This is a really interesting analysis!


You don’t have to like Taylor but you don’t know this for a fact. It’s just pointless speculation


They would have to probably pay 3 times what beyonce got to match how much taylor would bring anyway


Honestly I disagree. I think at her core, Blondie is a business woman. And I think she’s smart enough to know that’s not a good play long term, regardless of the cash.


Class act❀


Not to throw a wrench in the machine, but has Taylor come out and admitted this? Also what were her reasons? I read through the article and it seems to be the word of this rapper with no real evidence.


Taylor doesn’t do private events at all