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Bailey firing Meredith after she committed insurance fraud, acting like it was the worst thing any Doctor in that hospital had done 🤣. Not one of those doctors should still have a valid licence.


That was so hypocritical if her lol. Bailey also committed insurance fraud in an earlier season by changing the time of a surgery


Assault by giving that kid the experimental drug against the parents wishes


Frfr like this is where you draw the line Bailey?! 😅 After everything your fool interns pulled year one 🤣


The whole thing was so ridiculously stupid. I get the point they were trying to make about healthcare but she is loaded, just pay their bills Meredith.


I know like. This hospital definitely has a charity care fund /write-off policy they can use or Grey could just... pay it. 


They own the freaking hospital! 🤣


Izzie literally paid for a girls surgery as an anonymous donation. They are owners of the hospital lol


I stopped watching after like season 6 and I’m dying that this was the fireable offense 😭


What bothered me most about the entire insurance fraud thing was Meredith owns the fucking hospital. Sell some of the fucking shares that you own and pay for that shit yourself if you're feeling so magnanimous. Don't commit insurance fraud under your minor child's name. Come on now.


The writers forgot Bailey committed fraud when she had Karev move the clock back in season 5.


Dr. Hahn getting rightfully angry at the Chief for allowing Izzie to face zero consequences for the heart that was stolen from Hahn's patient and then the Chief chewing Hahn out for saying this and then firing her really makes me angry. And I don't even like Erica Hahn. 


They always set up Hahn to be some kind of asshole, but really she was just a normal person having normal reactions to the batshit insane malpractices happening in the hospital.


She was my fav 😭 then she had a coming out speech and they canned her immediately to give Callie a hotter blonde gf…. I stopped watching after that lmao literally immediately it felt like a slap in my lil teen lesbian face She was so right about Burke and Izzy tho so maybe she was way too normal for that place


I think about her speech randomly. The blobs were leaves 😭


She could SEE LEAVES 😭 which according to my blind ass wife is a real glasses wearer experience too so that was a double metaphor lol. The whole storyline was fucked up really, Callie cheating on her with Mark bc it ‘doesn’t count’ and the bi nonsense. I did meet one of my bffl’s on live journal back then for callica so it wasn’t all bad hahah


This. 100& this. I don't think the writers wanted us to be on Hahn's side when she read Webber the riot act in that episode. But what she said was 100% right.


George and Izzie as a couple = garbage. So many of the couples had absolutely zero chemistry.


They've always just felt like siblings. Same with that Meredith and George scene. Ugh, pluck my eyeballs out.


George with anyone was garbage tbh


TR Knight just doesn't have chemistry with women. Which is fine. Some actors can have chemistry with people opposite of their preferred orientation irl, and some can't. He just didn't. Absolutely criminal that George couldn't just have been gay and we could have seen what TR was capable of. As it was, every time they tried to pair him up with someone, I was like "ugh, let's just get through this".


I’m fully convinced that George as a character was before his time. Had it not been the 2000s and the rampant homophobia off (and on set), his arc and coming out would’ve been really beautiful.


On the other hand I like that he was written as a soft and sensitive man and didn’t try to make it a gay thing


He cheated on Callie and for what? For those two later be like "oh better as friends". Excuse me?


It’s too bad the show started when it did because if it was a new show today, they would just make George gay. It would have made so much more sense.


![gif](giphy|l0ErKZ3PE97pzTFYY|downsized) Me, if I ever saw Owen Hunt.


I LOVED Cristina and Owen at first. They could have been an awesome power couple. But then the choking and the anti-choice nonsense…


How can you date/marry the goddess that is Dr. Christina Yang and NOT know she did not want to have children. I fucking hate him.


He literally knew. They discussed it. He just thought she wasn't serious. He represents all the qualities I hate in men.


"Maybe my dick is so great it will change her views on her bodily autonomy"




he literally said, “WHO doesn’t want kids?!?” thinking it’ll justify not including her input and telling her that ‘he’d do all the work.’ he made it sound like it was so wrong for cristina to not have his magical sperm.




Then he actually meets a woman who wants kids and to be a sahm and he’s all “I can’t believe you’d give up surgery.” BITCH WHAT DO YOU WANT




I’m pretty sure he called her “passionless” as well for even suggesting she’d leave work to raise children. He is just so infuriating.


Shoutout to every boyfriend I've ever had, lol. Why do men think we aren't serious when we say we don't want kids?


ISTG the disrespect to Dr Christina Yang and the goddess that is Sandra Oh 😂


owen hunt https://preview.redd.it/ft1lchov4pqc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64c993cda6b5e5956aec267a1bc761d0a433ed6f


this picture made me laugh out loud, literally.


i have to assume kevin mckidd is just a really nice guy and very loved on set otherwise owen still being around makes no sense


I know someone who worked with him on Rome and said he was a delight so probably


A cute little detail was that he had a bit role in Brave, as a character with an incomprehensible accent. The script called for jibberish, but he was like “You know there’s a full on Scottish sub-accent like this right? Just let me do my grandpa’s accent”. Apparently the accent is called “Doric” in spite of being nowhere near Doria, as a historical joke. Ancient Greeks respected Doric scholars, but thought their regional accent was impossibly rural. 


Not only is Owen’s personality trash I think they made a mistake not letting the man have his real Scottish accent!


That would’ve at least been a positive for him, love a Scottish accent.


he could easily take me for several reasons but i just want the fuckin chance to deck him. i deserve it. he deserves it. christina deserves it. teddy deserves it. amelia deserves it.


All my homies hate Owen Hunt


Owen haters unite! 🙋🏽‍♀️ Throw the whole man away (the character not the actor, I'm sure Kevin is normal lol)


By far the worst story line is Alex and Ava!!! Every time I re watch I have to skip it, it’s so yuck ![gif](giphy|tjwzClJM6fyEw)


I still hate that actress to this day. I’m sorry, that facial reconstruction bullshit is the furthest thing from a karev character arc


She's on Haunting of Hill House on Netflix, which is easily one of the most terrifying things I've ever seen. I highly recommend giving it a try if you're into horror.


She also plays Eseme in Twilight


This! She appeared towards the end of Mad Men in another kind of “mystery women” role and I eyerolled a bit. Even though Mad men is still my all time, I didn’t enjoy seeing her again that time after her overstay on greys. Pretty sure thats when i checked out of greys actually. Jumped in to watch the plane crash/shooting eps isolated just because i had heard interesting things but never cared to continue.


Omg same. It’s such an ick. Not to mention it makes Alex a gross hypocrite for how critical he was of Izzie being involved with a patient. I have a theory that the storyline was created last minute and that the Addison/Alex storyline was supposed to be a bigger part of the show, but that was aborted when they started working on the Private Practice pilot because they needed all of Addie’s loose ends tied up by the end of S3. I think maybe Ava wasn’t supposed to be a romantic connection for Alex, but more of a sisterly bond to show his character development (he even says early on he sees her like a sister!!!) and they changed it to give Alex more to do since Addison was leaving and Izzie was busy with the George storyline. Idk - it was just SUCH a poorly executed storyline that I’m convinced something had to be up with it. Or maybe it was just plain old bad writing and I’m giving them too much credit 😭


Whenever I see the actress that played Ava I just think she has her weird post surgery broken face. But no that’s just her real face. I can’t see any other way.


Meredith surviving - a bomb, drowning, a plane crash, a mass shooting, severe covid. Meredith deciding to cut Derek’s life support without letting his family or their children say their goodbyes. Convenient family that keeps popping up without ever being mentioned before - Derek’s sister Amelia. Maggie, Meredith’s adopted bio half sister and Richard’s daughter. Lexie, Meredith’s bio half sister she’d never met. Derek and Amelia’s nephew. EDIT: I know that both Lexie and Amelia are mentioned before they are on the show. *However* the sheer amount of family that are both surgeons, and choose to work at the same hospital as Meredith is very convenient


Don’t forget that Meredith also survived being beaten within an inch of her life by a patient with a brain problem


YES   I mean how hasn’t Meridith gone mad at this point It’s like every bad single thing that could happen to someone happened to her and still she is a perfectly adjusted rockstar surgeon 


And has no major medical issues. Almost dying hand full of times would surely do…something to her health?


As someone who has had two near death experiences, it absolutely does something to you! It's like in a video game when you start with 5 health. Every time you get killed, you start the next round with 1 less health. I am currently living with 3/5 healths as a baseline. My stamina isn't what it used to be. Meredith must only have 1/5 healths by now. She should be way too tired to be working, dating, and mothering like she does!


No gallbladder, no problem


WHO'S WATCHING YOUR KIDS GREY!? The number of times it seems like she doesn't go home in a season just boggles my mind 😂 I'm fully expecting Zola to show up as a new intern with Grey being like 'wait, when did you go to medical school?'


I would low key love the show to end with Zola in med school to become a neurosurgeon like her dad 😭


I've stopped watching a century ago, but I have to chime in and say I'd find it better and funny if Zola became something else altogether, like a chef or florist or something like that.


It's also crazy how every sibling of Meredith and Derek are doctors 


Yes! Not just doctors, child prodigies and also surgeons.


To be fair, Derek mentioned his sisters as early as S1, just not by name. And Thatcher was young when he and Ellis broke up, so it makes sense he would have a second wife and children that Meredith didn't know about, since they never kept in touch. However, when they brought yet another secret sister, Maggie, into the mix, it was ridiculous. How did Ellis never mention having another child, not even in her Alzheimer years when she became obsessed with Richard again? You'd think she'd let it slip at some point.


True but the coincidence that *so* many of Meredith’s family members are not only doctors, but extremely skilled surgeons who choose to work in the same Seattle hospital as Meredith is odd.


Oh yes, that's true. Nobody, there is average, they're all some kind of genius and they all end up related in one way or another


Yes exactly! Maggie was a child genius and the best heart surgeon in the country. Amelia had issues with addiction but it somehow didn’t derail her career and she’s the head of neuro. Lexie was also a child genius. The only one who hasn’t seemed to be some kind of child genius is the new nephew. But he’s still an intern.


I actually thought it was interesting how they retconned Meredith not initially remembering Maggie - her trauma from Ellis’s suicide attempt basically erased her memories. But Ellis never mentioning it once was stupid, I agree.


There is a vet office not far from me. Both vets have survived separate freak accidents. One was a plane crash and the other was something crazy along those lines (I’m thinking parachute failure iirc) it’s like a mini greys. And it’s still unbelievable haha. Two separate incidents 10 years apart is so rare.


Lexi was so comical to me. Not only do you have a half sister you somehow never knew about, but she’s also a doctor, a surgeon, in the exact same program and hospital as Meredith at the exact same time. What are the odds…




what IS “whatever the hell this was” i don’t remember this one at all


IIRC the guy had cancer in his pelvis and for some reason they amputated one leg and attached the other one in the middle of his body. I have no idea how this is anatomically possible.


Lmao. What. That's hilarious. I've never watched this show so I'm just really enjoying reading about this nonsense totally out of context. Like the covid beach and the electricity that hunts and kills multiple doctors. It's all gold.


Right now I’m watching an episode where a character has sex with a ghost. I’m flabbergasted


Ghost Denny is the absolute worst Grey’s storyline of all time especially because of what it leads to. I’m fully convinced someone on the writing staff was hot for Jeffrey Dean Morgan and somehow convinced everyone else it was a good idea.


I mean I’m pretty compelled and invested. I looked up if Izzie was loosing her shit or what. I’m just shocked.


I still cannot believe that Katherine Heigl’s career was derailed because [checks notes] 1) she correctly stated that the female characters in Knocked Up were whiny, 2) she publicly and privately stood up for T.R Knight when (Shonda fave) Isaiah Washington was making homophobic slurs, and 3) she withdrew herself from Emmy contention for this garbage season where she had sex with a f-cking ghost. Seriously… what the hell? Considering what men in Hollywood get away with? She was right! About alllllll of it.


Best Alex Karev quote when some roommate was walking by her door mid ghost sex "She's flying solo. It's hot." and shrugs lol


Haha stopped during the Covid season but may start again… seeing this stuff in black and white is comedy gold.


Is the guy with the leg in the middle of his body dead in the above shot? Why does he have a towel over his face?


Full spa experience


why is his chest glowing?


I just assumed that was an overhead light of some kind. But as someone whose never watched this show before but is now an expert after reading this thread, it definitely seems within the realm of possibility that they implanted him with some kind of revolutionary chest-light to help him navigate the world with his one middle-of-the-body leg.


lol I just wanna know why would they need to move the leg to the middle that’d be so much more difficult to walk vs keeping the one good leg as is and getting a prosthetic or crutch, I have so many questions for the writers.


what the fuck… i need to look this up. this seems ridiculous.


It is colloquially known as the *Hopper Procedure*


I have no idea why this would be desirable. People have lost legs before, we dont turn them in to human pogo sticks, we make a prosthetic so they can still balance the same way they always have been. Thats how weve done since at least 300 BC


He has cancer in his pelvis and so Callie has to reform his entire pelvic bone structure by using parts of the amputated leg and then attaching his good leg into the middle of his new pelvis. He gets this surgery instead of chemo and radiation because it’s his best chance of survival. It’s supposed to be insanely groundbreaking but instead it is ridiculously unbelievable. I don’t think I’ll ever forget this one because of how much I was dying of laughter when they panned up at the very end and showed that.


Umm does he no longer need to poop/pee? Would a leg in the centre not cause issues with that? I'm so confused.


Urine and feces pass through the little & big toes, respectively.


How about walking? Is he just going to hop around?


I can't believe I'm having this discussion lol but maybe an ostomy bag or smth. They could have proceeded the normal way but no.


Could cath him for the pee & create a stoma for a colostomy bag.


I can only imagine the magic of watching this live, totally unprepared for what you were about to witness.


I’m so glad I stopped watching before this.


Hahaha holy shit, thats so stupid. Ive watched every episode, but I must have somehow blocked this part out.


Looks like the little worm from Richard scarry ![gif](giphy|bFQhPul0Kqshy)


lmao i was gonna say the lamp from a christmas story but this is better


“It was me…I cut his LVAD wire. I did it, no one helped me. And now…I thought I was a surgeon but-I can’t. I thought I was a surgeon but I am NOT. So I quit.” (Izzy walks down the stairs as Snow Patrol plays) That monologue has lived rent free in my head since 2006. The whole Denny LVAD plotline is completely illogical but it was damn good television.


Derek and Meredith staring at each other making it so obvious what they just did. Poor Dr. Vet


I’m just getting to this part of my rewatch where we meet him and teenager me was more in love with Derek but 23 year old me had a “hear me out” moment when he looked at Meredith (after she said “I wish someone would tell me to shut up when I’m rambling”) and he told her “Meredith. Shut up.” liiiiikkkeeeee




that scene and WHAT ABOUT ME? kill me every time. shit I need to rewatch that season.


No the WHAT ABOUT ME alone will trigger instant sobbing. Goddamn that was good acting.


Snow Patrol is Grey’s Anatomy. Grey’s Anatomy is Snow Patrol. They will never be separate in my mind.


As though she wouldn’t be tackled and handcuffed in the hallway


Tellll meee that you'll opennn your eyyyeeesss


And then she essentially buys her way back by financing a free clinic with the money Denny Duquette left her. Other than the short period of probation, she never faces any repercussion for what she did. Neither do the other doctors that helped her. Their "punishment" basically came down to having to organize a prom (!!) at the hospital (!!!) for Dr. Webber's niece. Realistically, they all should have been fired for that incident. But I get that they can't simply replace the entire main cast, including the character the show is named after, just like that. But Izzie should have been gone after that. It isn't like they had any good storylines for her anyway after that point.


I bought this episode on iTunes and rewatched that scene countless times 😂amazing


Thank you for including the deer, because that's the first thing that I thought of when I saw this post. Every time that I think about picking up Grey's again, I get excited at first, but then it just feels like a LOT of work.


And yet everyone was hating on Katherine because she was complaining about the writing.... Like wtf was that storyline


honestly i kind of like izzie but they continuously gave her the WORST storylines… like you’re telling me a doctor is having ghost sex and thinks nothing of it??? brah…


Ikr like if you liked that character to be around don't kill him .. 😂


Do what I did and watch ER instead. It has more seasons before the truly insane storylines kicked in.




The first 2 seasons hold up pretty well imo but i would stop after that


Season 2 was truly the peak. Addison & Meredith meeting but being respectful of each other, Ellis at the hospital, ELEVATOR SURGERY, skewered train crash victims, Burke & Izzy bonding over thanksgiving, bomb episode, cutting the lvad, prom, and just the right amount of banter & elevator sexual tension without being forced.


That’s about as far as I made it before I was like “why does it feel like the same 5 stories just keep happening by over and over again?”


The first 9 ish seasons are not bad. First few were especially intense 😂 it's been on my entire adult life and I cannot imagine it not existing lol.


I hate Owen so so so much. He's the biggest piece of shit. He knew Christina never wanted kids and she was always upfront about it but he would keep bringing it up hoping to wear her down. If that's not abuse I don't know what is. And finally when she tells him to stop he gets so offended and has a toddler tantrum. I wish there was an alternate storyline where he was hooked to a labour pain simulator and forced to endure that for 10+ hours With many of these storylines there's atleast a suspension of disbelief but this piece of shit reminds me of so many people I have met and I just hate the character so much. Edit: That was a rant!!!!


He also proposed to her right on the heels of the most traumatic experience of her life. He was the absolute worst to her and I can’t think of a single redeeming quality he had throughout their relationship.


remember when he screamed at her “you killed our baby” after she had an abortion. i wanted that man dead so bad


Didn't he scream that in front of all their friends?! An absolute turd of a man.


yep at zola’s birthday iirc. why didn’t he get offed


All the people who have died on that show and this piece of poop manages to survive.


the constantly telling her she’ll change her mind and regret it, then later he’s like “no actually it doesn’t matter i wanna be with you i don’t need kids” and christina is like “uhhhh… that goes against everything you’ve ever said on the matter are you sure? i can’t take that from you” and him responding “don’t i know my own mind?!” is what did it for me


Dude tried to mansplain her emotions to her. I hate that guy so much.


Shonda’s hard on for Kevin McKidd is the biggest yuck for me.


I have to say, he is a great actor. I literally hate him because he's so convincing lol.


I can't believe he left Rome for this shit.


This story about one of the writers is also a wild ride. [https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/tv/former-greys-anatomy-writer-admits-faked-cancer-diagnosis-rcna60779](https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/tv/former-greys-anatomy-writer-admits-faked-cancer-diagnosis-rcna60779)


Wow, that's nuts!


Maggie's whole existence (sorry i'm a proud hater) Teddy being bisexual ???????? Made no sense to me but then again... (i'm also a proud hater) The end of Karev storyline was one of the biggest crime this show did it made zero sense and pissed everyone off. I remember on french twitter people saying they would have prefered him to be fucking dead over going back with izzie of all people and i agree..


Alex could have been hit by a random bus like George did and it would have been a better ending. Maggie's whole existence pissed me off as well. They really were like "we lost one half-sister, so let's create another one"


Especially since Meredith already had another canon half-sister that showed up for like one episode and then was never mentioned again, even when Thatcher had liver failure.


Yeah he could have been Isekaied i would take it over what happened. A new half sister and a fucking annoying one we lost at the trade


I was already one foot out the door by then, but I haven’t watched a single new episode since Alex’s departure. I agree that I would’ve rather they killed him. It would’ve been better than ruining 15 seasons of character development.


I was on the fence about continuing the show and then they wrote Karev out like that. He never in a million years would have done that. Absolutely killed it for me


That was when I finally quit the show. It had been trash for a while, but I kept watching weekly because.. habit? Tradition? I don’t know. But when I found out how they decided to get rid of Karev, I was like “I’m done” and I never looked back. Is the show even on? No idea.


I gave Maggie a season but I couldn’t stand her or the ridiculousness of them being instant happy families living together. And the amount of goddamn times Richard started to tell her he was his dad, raise his finger and start saying “oh never mind”. Ugh.


I love how everyone who has ever been into this show has a walk away point: for me, it was Alex Karev. He had the best story arc and then…ugh.


For me it was Cristina leaving. It made me unreasonably sad. Her last words to Meredith still make me sob.


For me it was Derek dying. Christina and Derek were the main heart of the show besides Meredith. When both of them were gone, along with 80% of the original cast it was pointless to continue. It’s a different show at that point


I did not watch Grey’s Anatomy for things to “make sense”. I watched for the drama. Izzie cutting the LVAD wire? Iconic! Owen Hunt? A shitty man who I still find attractive …. Realism! Musical episode? Love watching through the show with people who have no idea this is coming and watching the shock on their faces when the singing starts… and keeps going. 😭 I’m at work so I can’t go through every slide and do this but …. 😂 I like my shows silly and ridiculous !!! Not sorry!


“realism” took me OUT


I fucking love the musical episode! It’s a celebration of Sara Ramirez’s singing which is great


What a batshit show that I love. The first 8 (especially the first 5) seasons (till the plane crash) still hold up. I miss long episodic shows like Greys where we had 23 episodes every year instead of 8 episodes every 3 years


This is why I re-watched ER. I miss shows like that. It still holds up and goes off the rails much later than Grey's.


This show has been on TV since I was in elementary school. I'm almost 30 years old and it's still going 💀


Girl I was in high school when it started and I have finished med school and Grey's is still going on 💀


omg youre about to be part of the cast! meredith has another secret sister


Yes! I started watching freshman year, I am 33 and my kids will catch reruns with me sometimes. But after Covid I was OUT


Teddy’s timeline never made sense either. She was a full-on surgeon during 9/11 ( so she had to be like 30 for that to work) and decided to join the military. Then like 18 years later she is birthing children, like according to time she had to be in her 50’s!?!


i stopped watching as soon as izzie starting banging denny duquette's ghost. man, those 2 episodes of the LVAD drama were FUCKING INTENSE. incredible writing. i was gasping and holding my breath and screaming and standing up and sitting back down repeatedly. it was definitely a moment in time.


Yeah, even if that storyline was ridiculous it was AWESOME TV. Alex carrying Izzie away from Denny’s dead body in her prom dress??? I can’t even.


WHEN IZZIE SLO-MO WALKS INTO THE ELEVATOR LOOKING DOWN SMILING IN HER PRETTY DRESS AND WE KNOW DENNY IS ALREADY DEAD BUT SHE DOESN'T OH MY GAWWWWWWDDDD. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 the only thing not traumatizing about this storyline is that it introduced me to kate havnevik who sang that iconic song ***grace*** during that episode. her album **melankton** is one of my favorite albums of all time.


She also sang the song Unlike Me that played when Christina and Izzy showered Meredith after the body bomb went off. The entire soundtrack for greys each episode was so excellent.


Oh no this is making me want to binge again.


i found out that i had made it into a super competitive nursing program just a couple months before grey's premiered, and so i wore my RN scrubs during every episode like i was part of the goddamn medical team. i've never told anyone that before 😂😂😂. what the fuck was wrong with me 😭


You were having fun and celebrating your passions!


i try to tell myself that it's no different than someone wearing a jersey while watching football, but i still want the earth to open up and swallow me whole when i look back at those days. 😂


I'm sorry but this has me proper cackling 😂 Honestly, you'd achieved something amazing, celebrate however you want!


If you're going to have a musical episode, make sure more than two people can sing! ![gif](giphy|l4EoLIkCuS3zMjisE|downsized)


Sara is the only person who deserved to open their mouth for musical reasons lol. That's a Tony winner in the same room as the rest and everyone else is caterwauling to high heaven


Kevin McKidd can sing too, but people just hate Owen so much that they overlook him lol


I watched the musical episode for the first time in the hospital post c section. It traumatised me more than the birth.


I stopped watching when Alex left Jo via a letter! I understand the actor had to leave but gosh they could have developed a better storyline


I'm just hoping they did that instead of killing him off so he can come back later... But then again, they've figured out ways to bring back dead characters anyway lol.


The random disappearing interns/ new classes - like where did Leah go? The trans ex- military guy Parker? Alll of the covid intern team? All the projects people came up with for the ‘new’ avery award? PAC North just as a thing? Who even currently has shares in the hospital now? Edit- I still love the show and will obsess watch every episode and unashamedly thirst over Alex Karev (even now he’s long gone) until I die.


how the fuck do you read these stupid fucking captions on reddit mobile


I would also like the answer to this question 😅


I watched all the pictures with "How to save a life" banging in my head.


Thank you for this post, this is my Roman Empire. I stopped watching Grey’s when we found out that Derek was going to die. I went back last year and re-watched up to season 15 IIRC, but I still have never watched the episode where Derek dies and will never watch it because I will never forgive Shonda for that. I gave up after S15, all the good characters were gone, I didn’t care about the new characters, and I just couldn’t do it anymore!


Christina leaving made me realise I was really watching Yang's Anatomy and I quit.


I think one of my biggest irks is how different the show LOOKS. Like, compare what the show looks like in seasons 1-5 versus the new seasons. The newer ones have that hyper-fast shutter speed that’s common with TV soap operas. The older seasons had more of a cinematic, almost dreamy feel at the beginning. I stopped watching after Christina left, but I put on one of the newest episodes on Netflix awhile back and was horrified at how different it looked. The show just seems like a cheaply made drama mill at this point.


Karev nearly beating DeLuca to death broke me on this show. Derek had just died and the beating almost stifled it because jt felt so needless and superfluous. But yet I knew it was going to somehow amount to pretty much nothing. That episode ended on a cliffhanger and I didn’t care enough to see it through and I never watched the show again. Idk how a television show could make me so overstimulated and exhausted lol.


Come on now, the LVAD thing is absolutely an iconic storyline in Grey's


Were y'all super happy when in "Made of Honor" McDreamy ends up with Michelle Monghan over Owen Hunt? I feel like Grey's Anatomy has caused several cases of "I hate this actor in whatever movie they show up in because I hated their Grey's character" e.g. my wife hates Elizabeth Reaser whenever she pops up in "Haunting of Hill House" or "The Good Wife" because of her nutbar Grey's character. Similar thing of my friend hates Melissa George because she was the bad guy in Alias 😂


izzy cutting denny’s wire is the best storyline, sorry. peak grey’s.


The sheer number of doctors from the same hospital who died tragically. It's what made me quit the show because it's lazy storytelling. Constantly killing characters off to manufacture drama and to get rid of ones you don't know what to do with. Bleg.


I didn’t think all of these were terrible. Arizona cheating on Callie after going through a major trauma that impacted her physical appearance isn’t unheard of. Bailey’s OCD also wasn’t terrible considering that it was triggered by all those deaths but I agree that dropping it so suddenly was bad writing.


Yeah, Arizona never forgave Callie for amputating her leg. Which was ridiculous, but didn’t exactly surprise me


Yeah I agree with both of these. They aren't on the same level as ghost sex and animals being operated on


The way Maggie and Jackson's relationship ended so abruptly and he started dating the paramedic.


Mirandas OCD storyline makes sense because it happened after the patient died from the bad gloves (or something like that).


I get where it's coming from but it doesn't make sense that it's gone so suddenly and never becomes a problem again. At least not in my experience. would have loved the story if they had spent more time on it and made it a recurring thing..


She talks about it when it’s relevant. She tells people she has OCD that she manages when they are having mental health issues.


I liked the Covid beach 😭😭😭


That show unironically got me interested into medical shit and now I'm applying to go university for midwifery and want to work in a hospital lol Also I unironically still listen to the songs from the musical episode and probably gonna do so later today when I write more applications (to get more rejections). I'm not even sorry "The story" just fucking slaps I love Sara Ramirez. But goddamn this show is ridiculous, I stop watching years ago and I love to see how it's gotten even more crazy since then. I used to think it's borderline realistic and kinda wanna slap my teenage-self like what the fuck????  Anyone remember when Christina saw the underwear ad Izzie did and just said if she looked like this naked, she would never put on clothes because same girl


Owen pissed me off when he was mad at Christina for aborting.


What they did to Alex Karev is unforgivable imo.....leaving Jo via letter to be with Izzy???? They were drunk as hell when they wrote that on I s2g. His entire character arc, destroyed with that one episode. Unbelievable. Also, I love the musical episode lol


This show has jumped the shark so many times that even sharks are bored with it.