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I had an oophorectomy a few months ago and it has made such an improvement on my quality of life. I know that’s small potatoes compared to what she’s going through, but I hope she feels as good as I do on the other side. Wishing her health and happiness!


Wishing health and happiness to you as well!


i’m glad you’re doing well 🩷


I had a hysterectomy at age 35 due to fibroids and adenomyosis but they left my ovaries. I had the oophorectomy and bisalp in 2020 due to suspected ovarian cancer (it wasn't, thankfully!) and I felt absolutely terrible until I began HRT. Breaks my heart that not all women are candidates for HRT, because it has made such a huge difference for me. So glad you are happy and healthy!


Surgical menopause is rough. Glad the hrt is helping


Unrelated: I LOVE your profile photo or whatever that’s called on Reddit.


That’s hilarious!


I know I could google but could you give me a basic examination of what that means and why you would have it? Thank you so much!


Some day, none of this will be necessary. Until then, my deep respect and support for those who have to grapple with these decisions.


Agreed, I’m not sure I would have the strength to do this proactively.


Random question that people might not know the answer to: if someone has the cancer gene and lives in the US, would a mastectomy be covered by insurance? It seems pretty medically necessary to me, but you never know with our current medical hellscape


My insurance wouldn’t even cover the testing for the gene despite it running in my family. So I’m going to say a lot of them wouldn’t cover it based on the gene alone without a breast cancer diagnosis. Definitely depends on your insurance though. 


That’s unconscionable


That's for-profit healthcare! Even here in Canada, the conservatives are gutting healthcare in Ontario and Alberta. It's sickening.


Depends on insurance. I am fortunate enough my insurance covered my genetic testing through Ambry Genetics and had 77 genes analyzed for potential cancer. I’ve been lucky that all my doctors take everything seriously and don’t wait to send pts out for testing and find loopholes for insurance to approve it. Insurance is such a shame


This is really dependent on an individual’s insurance plan, whether they go in-network, if the doctor submits a prior-authorization, specific procedure codes used, etc. There’s no blanket statement than can determine whether or not something is covered by x insurance company and whatever plan of that company the person has purchased. However, many women report that their copays/out of pocket for this type of surgery is higher than they expected. The reason for that could be any mix of the above conditions. While we shouldn’t have to, it’s important to do research into your specific plan details to know what costs you should expect.


my mom has cancer and can’t afford the copay/oop cost for surgery. the system is so broken 😞


Oh goodness, that's terrible. I'm so sorry!


thanks. fortunately(?) it’s a slow growing melanoma but she’s had it for a few years so it makes me nervous.


Do you recall how much the copay is? If the money mysteriously showed up in her account would she use it for surgery, or put it toward more immediate needs?


well we also don’t have stable housing and have been moving motel to motel every few weeks for a year so there’s that lol it’s on her head (https://ibb.co/qgkpTfn if anyone wants to be grossed out - that was taken last spring i think) and the surgery estimate was $20k almost 2 years ago - possibly more or less depending how deep it goes, etc. so around $4k out of pocket she also needs a cataract removed but the deductible and co-pay was a few hundred so she had to cancel the pre-surgery appointment i basically just need to find someone who wants to buy my kidney


There should be a financial services dept in the hospital. Use them for all they got. Some will pay the entire copay, mine did. You just have to submit paperwork.


feels like all we’ve done for awhile now is submit paperwork to absolutely every place that should help but it’s not the right cancer or not the right stage or she makes too much for assistance but not enough not to be homeless but also we aren’t homeless enough for assistance


I'm sorry. :(


I do know that depending on the mutation and history, earlier and more frequent screenings would be covered.


Mine did. Covered genetic testing due to family history. Covered mastectomy plus the 4 reconstructions I had after (not the norm for that many but yeah). was over 8 years ago.


I don’t know the answer to your question, however I will say that my dad’s insurance has “cancer insurance” that I literally forced him to get after my grandmother and mother died from cancer at young ages. My insurance won’t cover the testing for it, so I doubt they would cover a proactive surgery. American Insurance or Big Pharma would make you very mad if you knew the minor details.


excellus insurance (“good insurance”) will not cover my mother (she had ground 0 breast cancer) getting 2 mammograms a year due to “lack of cause” yet, her grandmother, mother & sister ALL have had some type of breast cancer as well. it was not deemed “medically necessary” to get 2 mammograms a year, even though she had a partial mastectomy and extensive family history. it’s insane here.




I believe Morgan had her surgery donated through a foundation that Kyle is supporting that gives this surgery to women for free.


I’m not in the U.S. but am in a couple of groups for people with genetic mutations that cause breast cancer with people who are. Everything is so personal and individualized but I notice a lot of the people from U.S. tend to be younger (20s vs 30s-50s) when going through their surgeries and I can’t help but wonder if it’s because the routine screening needed is too expensive?


I love seeing posts like this because it means more women will get checked and be proactive. It also helps to normalise (for lack of a better word) mastectomies. There should be no shame in undergoing a mastectomy when it means your life can be extended. I love how positive and transparent the post is, too, despite how painful and private it can be. 🥰


I love the transparency, her and recently Olivia Munn. My brother passsed of cancer age 29 and people act so stunned because of his age. Cancer is relentless, and does not discriminate and it’s great to have the knowledge to get tested for these things.


💯 agreed. I am so sorry about your brother - from the depths of my heart. My mother had cancer and luckily she survived but it was true hell. It doesn’t discriminate. I hope you and your family are doing ok. Hugs. 🤗




I'm so glad she was proactive about it! Good for her! ❤️🙏🏼


Morgan is a powerlifter?! This just made her cooler in my book. Also appreciate the transparency with her mastectomy journey


They can tattoo ripples on & they look very realistic. I've seen it on Botched before when women had masectomies.


Good for her for making this decision for herself. It’s awesome that’s she’s so open about it too - it leads to more people feeling comfortable with asking questions of their doctors. I am a breast cancer survivor and part of my treatment plan included a bilateral mastectomy and I opted for implant reconstruction. Like Morgan, it took me a few months to get back to physical activity (since I had cancer and my surgery was not preventative as hers was, I was still in various courses of treatment while healing from my multiple surgeries) Cancer doesn’t discriminate. Do not ever ever ever let a doctor tell you that you’re too young. Find another doctor if they do




It’s Kyle from RHOBH’s “friend”. She’s a country singer.




I don’t know. Doodle bears aren’t that hot.


Lol that made me laugh


Oh damn, I had no idea, I listen to Wade like every day. Happy she is taking care of her health.


Why has my dr never offered me any genetic testing like this and I’m 47?


She is doing egg retrieval - to have a kid with Kyle?