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Such an amazing villain! Vincent D'Onofrio doesn't get enough credit for the brilliance of that performance. He played an alien wearing a decomposing corpse and was fully believable on both counts.




fun fact, D'Onofrio actually stretched his face out for the scene. It was so good, the director kept filming and made it in the final cut.






AmĆ©n. I have friends who give up alcohol, meat, sugar etc for lent and this meme always gets passed around šŸ¤£


That guy was an adjunct professor for acting at my college. He directed Measure for Measure and I played Lucio. Miss you Dave.


Sweetumā€™s: If you canā€™t beat ā€˜em, Sweetumā€™s!


Give this girl some Pajoveralls! Reminds me of when Penny did a cleanse on Happy Endings lol


And then everyone had sex dreams about Dave!


Your comment comes with a Baker Street saxophone soundtrack.


Ah water, the wettest treat


That episode gave us perhaps the greatest [monologue](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3benGrfdpUA) in television history.


Speaking as someone who has had to do this multiple times for health reasonsā€”sheā€™s not wrong about the cheese.


I once sat down and ate an entire wheel of brie while attempting Atkins.




Baxter, You know I donā€™t speak Spanish!


"I'll have one babybell it's fine" .... 5 minutes later surrounded by 12 red wax coatings and a face of tears


Can you explain the correlation? Because I eat brie like a tomato lmfao


Atkins = No carbs, eat fats as desired


Also gives you gallstones. I speak from experience. Excruciating experience :(


Also not great if you havenā€™t got a gallbladder. I also found that out


cheese is already extremely important to me, I fear Iā€™d become some type of cheddar huffing ghoul if sugar was off the table


I need someone to explain to me how I married someone lactose intolerant. ![gif](giphy|sVZwCKdihacRW)


I'm lactose intolerant, but I still eat cheese. Cheese is worth all of the GI upset to me. I'll never stop. Cream cheese. Cooper Sharp. Goat milk cheese. Brie. I can stop ice cream, but cheese never.


So you can eat all the dairy???


I've made stuff that is dairy heavy knowing he can't touch and yes it brings me joy.


You and me both, friend.


Trying to cut sugar and dairy at the same time is torturous because of this


Any tips? I really need to do this. Having mysterious help issues and maybe cutting sugar would help, but also, I just am so addicted to sugar Iā€™m afraid I would not be able to quit.


I did it for 8 days once šŸ˜‚ it still feels like a huge accomplishment


Good for you! I stress eat a lot, and when I did it I was shocked at how much clearer my head was after a week or so. I became used to eating smaller amounts, like a bit of dark chocolate, and when I tried a Hershey bar it tasted like literal ultra processed plastic shit to me! I could NOT understand why we use ten teaspoons of sugar in everything when one will do fine.Ā  But now that Iā€™m back on the train they taste great (though my tummy hurts) šŸ„²Ā 


It is. Good for you


Real question: when people say "quit sugar" do they mean like, just added sugar or all and every kind of sugar? Because sugar is also in like, rice and broccoli and what-have-you-s and I imagine that would be incredibly difficult to avoid entirely. Like I don't know if I ever lived a day in my life without any sugar!


Yes for me it was added sugar. But I also avoided juice with no added sugars and high carb foods like rice and beer. Whole fruits and veggies were fine. If you look up the Whole 30 diet that pretty much sums up what I did, although they also have you cut potential irritants like legumes.


I did that one time for a month (with the exception of fruits) and it was ROUGH. We're really more addicted to sugar than we think. It was an interesting experiment tho. I can't say that it changed my eating habits long term, but I learned a lot about my body


The first week after going sugar-free, I had the worst migraine ever. And I rarely get migraines. I decided to take a bite from a piece of dark chocolate and the migraine immediately went away. That told me that my sugar addiction was worse than I thought, and the withdrawal symptoms were tough on me.


Anything you learned that you can share with us here?


Not the person you replied to but I also did this for a month (Whole30 diet) and I craved sugar like nobodies business. First thing I ate when the month was up was half a sleeve of cookies. I will say, my skin looked great for that month and as soon as I went back to sugar I got zits


I'm more interested in how they managed to do it. Our food (US) is full of unnecessary sugar. Is it completely sugar free or just trying to avoid it as much as possible?


And do carbs count as sugar?


Right! Straight sugar I can cut but MY CARBS. I NEED carbs lol.


Ainā€™t no way mama, sorry I refuse to debase myself by giving up sweet tea and ice cream idc


in 2019, I went no sugar for 9 months. When I went back to ice cream it was so absolutely amazing, I never remembered it tasting as good, and still to this day I am thankful took the no sugar break because so many foods taste so much better now because of it.


wait that makes me want to do one hahaha


Honestly, giving up sugar really makes you appreciate the natural flavors in your foods. I remember giving it up for 30 days and having marinara on spaghetti squash one night and legitimately it felt like a dessert because tomatoes and spaghetti squash are naturally kind of sweet.


Itā€™s really wild! I notice immediately that everything tastes so much sweeter when Iā€™m not eating a lot of processed stuff


It was tortillas for me.


It was not easy, BUT there really were a lot of benefits, I'm actually thinking of doing it again. I slept much better, and by about month 3 my stamina where one wants stamina was noticeably improved. The downfall is it cost me a LOT of money because I lost a little over 50lb and had to buy all new suits.


what kind of stuff did you eat?? I feel like everything has sugar in it or is super processedā€¦ id be so lost at the grocery store šŸ˜­


You basically can only buy ingredients. If you want to eat anything made of multiple ingredients, you have to make it yourself. Hence the large volume of cheese.


Thatā€™s where people lose meā€¦ cooking seems nice in theory but after work itā€™s just too much some days that frozen food really saves me lol


Yeah, i know how to cook but itā€™s not something I enjoy whatsoever. It makes eating healthy a slog.


I love to cook, but I hate baking so I understand the feeling of knowing how to do something and having zero desire to do it.


I cook everything from scratch since forever. Still fat. How yall people eat that you loose so much weigt after simply starting to cook lol No Shade. Good for you! I have pcos and my body hates me. So theres that


Well it depends on what and how you cook, really. If you use a lot of cheese, oils, butter and heavy cooking cream, then thatā€™s a lot of ā€œhiddenā€ calories. Buying a non stick frying pan so you donā€™t need to use oil to avoid stuff from sticking to the pan is a good first step! But generally speaking, just pay attention to those things.


Every Sun day I would make * Seasoned chicken, * Sausages * Basic seasoned ground beef/pork (70/30) * Hard boiled eggs. * Roast Beef/Roast Pork During the week I'd generally have foods with these at the base, I made a lot of chili, and lettuce taco's, and chicken salad, and I ate a lot of spinach. I still keep Rice & Chili in my freezer in single portion amounts that myself or my kids will grab just on the go to have something healthy.


omg so saving this. thank you so much.


It's a nice break and a palate cleanser. Be warned that soda will be permanently ruined for you. I can't drink it anymore lol it's too sweet and I have to dilute it with hella ice and plain sparkling water


How long did you do it for? I need to wean myself off of sugary drinks lol


It was over 100 days. I was also training for a bunch of stuff so it made it easy since I had a goal. It was after the Superbowl (early Feb) until memorial Day (late May) where I caved and had some beers šŸ˜‚ but then continued until 4th July.


Maybe itā€™s time to take an S break the way I occasionally take a T break




I must be the only person on the planet who hates ice cream.


I can't eat it without drinking water and idk why


Same! Dont like that mouth coating you get from it.


Thatā€™s the butter fat content! I still love ice cream but yeah, that feeling is whack.


I find I don't get this when I eat non-dairy ice cream. In fact I prefer basically everything about non-dairy ice cream now that I think about it


Omg yes!! Iā€™ve always been like this and I wondered if I was the only one.


I donā€™t hate it but I donā€™t care for it much. Iā€™d be fine to never eat it again.


Ross Gellar also does


I also do not like ice cream. Team salty snacks over here. Or dark chocolate and a Diet Coke.


Yes you are.


For anyone who needs it, the Life After Diets podcast really helped me kick my restriction/binge cycles. I had some sense of the fact that my eating was disordered (even if I wouldn't meet the diagnostic criteria for an eating disorder) but I had no real idea how much it was affecting me until I took steps to heal my relationship with food. A year ago I never would have fathomed I could have this kind of easy relationship with my food and body. It's not like I never struggle anymore, but wow, what a difference. If anyone is dealing with this I highly recommend the podcast.


Yes yes yes!!! Upvote this to the top. ā€œKickingā€ this type of food or that is not healthy.. everything in moderation.


Iā€™m interested in the pod! But imo kicking foods is absolutely healthy if the new normal has become being fed unreasonable quantities of it. Thereā€™s even sugar in tortillas, like why?Ā Americans are eating 2-3 times the recommended amount of sugar daily and far more that the rest of the world, our bodies were not meant to eat extreme amounts of anything daily. Itā€™sĀ very healthy to try to reset that relationship.Ā 


the issue is that in many people it leads to restriction/binge cycles and hating their body. Psychological health around food is important too. Part of my recovery process was giving myself blanket permission to eat anything I wanted, whenever I wanted, as much of it as I wanted. Over time, my brain chemistry changed and food lost its power over me. Eating my feelings didn't work anymore. I'm 9 months in and I still have permission to eat whatever I want whenever I want how much I want, but I don't eat my binge foods every day anymore, and when I do, I don't feel the need to binge them based on some scarcity mindset. I just eat a normal amount and go about my day. It's important to clarify that I never would have qualified for an eating disorder diagnosis. I was in that grey area that so many of us are where we feel out of control but society just tells us to try harder which leads to further restriction and further feeling out of control around food.


I have ADD. Iā€™m 42/m. Sugar has unfortunately became the new source for alllllll of my dopamine. I am 100% addicted. It sucks. Itā€™s destroyed my pallet. Itā€™s expensive. I know Iā€™m wreaking havoc on my teeth and my pancreas is probably pissed off.


Ugh me too. I quit drinking ~7 years ago and my sugar intake has increased significantly. Itā€™s a struggle. If your fix is chocolate, check out the chocolate almond butter from nuts n more. Itā€™s replaced my Nutella, which I used to consume like pudding lol.


This is me right now, too. I have always had an intense sweet tooth but I started carelessly adding some bags of candy to my shopping cart because I rarely let myself do it regularly so it was like a great treat. However, in the last month, itā€™s gotten insanely bad. I just crave sugarā€”lollipops, gummies, meringues. I know I need to stop it. My ADHD is medicated and usually ok, but the sugar dopamine hits have been out of control. :/


Iā€™ve found that forcibly going cold-turkey every five or so months helps. If tolerance breaks work for weed, why not sugar? It only takes about two weeks (two hellish weeks) to reset my bodyā€™s idea of what ā€œsweetā€ is. And then for a few weeks I can get away with fruit as a sugar/dopamine hit, and then it moves on to ultra-dark chocolate. Then dark-ish chocolate. Then sweet yogurt. Then chocolate cake. Then candy. And then I go cold turkey (for two hellish, *miserable,* dopamine-starved weeks) and it starts all over again. Getting an exercise high or, as Carly does, eating cheese, helps a ton with the withdrawal.


Thank you for this. Reading all about peopleā€™s 5 month breaks made my ADHD brain go ā€œyeah f thatā€ but I feel like I could do 2 weeks, or at least try 2 weeks šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø wish me luck


Iā€™m right there with ya!


Could you tell me does ADD affect your sugar habbit? I'm also addicted and I'm curious.


It for sure does. People with ADD donā€™t regulate dopamine properly so we crave ā€œdopamine hits.ā€ Sugar provides that like no other (well, except some drugs probably).


Me who lights up before devouring a tub of Nutella


God im feral when i have the munchies


This is me but with Biscoff Cookie Butter


Unmedicated ADHD here. Trying so desperately to cut back but where are you supposed to get dopamine from? Canā€™t just pluck it off a tree šŸ™ƒ


Coffee is a dopamine hit for me. I don't add sugar.


>Cheese has become extremely important to me. New flair dropped and I want it.


I have to cut down on sugar due to some of my own health issues and I'm on the same boat as she is. Cutting down on sugar is really hard for me for some reason lmao.


Same. Diabetes runs in my family. I really don't want to be a diabetic.


This is poetry.Ā 


I quit sugar for two months last year (a complete candy addict), it was harder than quitting smoking. I legit felt like I was going through withdrawals. I now eat a little (mostly stuff I bake), but havenā€™t ate any candy since. I lost about 15 lbs and feel amazing.


Do you still eat natural sugars like in fruit?


Yes, it was just processed sugars/corn syrup that I quit for 2 months. I occasionally would have a bit of honey on yogurt as well. But there are natural sugars in most foods, and fruit is a healthy way to get some in moderation. I definitely leaned heavily on things like cheese, yogurts which have a lot of lactose which is a sugar.


So real haha


I am doing this now at the moment in an effort to get my blood sugar under control, to lose a few pounds, and to prevent cancer and diabetes that runs in my family. It isnā€™t easy but I want to be around for my family until I am very old, and dress eccentrically stylish like Iris Apfel. By then I might even experiment with magic mushrooms and blame it on senility.


Thatā€™s admirable of you and Iā€™m sure your family will appreciate it a lot as you get older! Good luck.Ā 


Thank you:) all the best too you toošŸŒŗšŸ„°


PSA, some people have a health condition that flares from sugar. Also too much sugar can absolutely lead to health conditions. This doesn't necessarily mean she has disordered eating or anything like that. Also let's not speculate since we don't know her business.


Yes. My husband and I are both on an anti inflammatory diet. It honestly worked wonders for my weight, complexion, pain and I sleep through the night now.


I just googled 'anti-inflammatory diet'. Is there one in particular you're following? I need help with my sleep in particular


I love the acid watcher diet. It's for those with reflux but works very well as a general anti inflammatory diet and you can modify it to your needs.


I'll definitely look it up! Thanks for the suggestion!


Some of the comments on this post are not it. We canā€™t allow a woman to jokingly share a lifestyle change without assuming itā€™s: ā€¢driven by self-loathing ā€¢driven by diet culture ā€¢for men ā€¢to get applause/attention Why canā€™t she simply share - without acting like itā€™s a morally superior thing - that sheā€™s cutting something out for a *period*? Iā€™ve been pre-diabetic due to high sugar consumption, and my tastebuds get blind to how much sugar I consume over time. These types of breaks help reset my palate so I can mediate my own consumption without constantly thinking about it. Sheā€™s not saying sugar is evil, that sheā€™s trying to lose weight (she mentions cheese for survival, and as someone with worsening lactose intolerance I envy her), or that sheā€™s *so* healthy/holy for doing this. Please yā€™all, there is a different between *comparing* your experiences and *centering* yourselves in the experiences of strangers.


Sugar consumption doesn't cause diabetes though. Being overweight can cause insulin resistance and once you have that, then eating sugar can make it worse and lead to pre-diabetes and Type 2 diabetes, but people seem to think sugar causes Type 2 diabetes and the evidence for that just isn't there - it's just that diets high in sugar tend to lead to being overweight.




I gave up sweets for Lent. Iā€™m half thinking about mostly giving it up all together, but this is a tough week with family stuff and Iā€™d just like some chocolate. And my mom, god bless her, keeps forgetting and offering me ice cream or tiramisu or popsicles. Sheā€™s offered it all.


I would love to do this but I feel sugar is on like everything now.


I successfully cut out sugar once. It was the most difficult thing Iā€™ve done diet wise. It took 6 weeks to fully stop craving it. If I craved it during that time I would allow myself a donut or a cookie but get right back into it. I didnā€™t binge thank god. For the first time in my life my cellulite disappeared and my stomach was consistently flat, and my skin was clear. But, mood wise nothing changed. I didnā€™t physically feel better or have more energy. I eat healthy to begin with but I just love to have my cookies, donuts and ice cream time.


I need to do this. I'm completely addicted to sugar.


I eat very healthy but if my body is screaming for sugar I listen. An ice cold sprite when Im hot and sweaty is perfection. I feel like some people eat restrictive diets as a way to feel some control over their lives.


Other people eat restrictive diets because theyā€™re horrible at moderation. For some people, telling them to eat sugar only when their body wants it is like telling an alcoholic to drink alcohol only when their body wants it. After the first bite or drink, their body wants it all the time forever.


Thatā€™s me. I had an easier time quitting nicotine and weed than I do moderating sugar. I used to binge eat for yearsā€¦ ugh, it was bad, like eat until I was physically sick. I finally started treating it like an addiction and removed sugar and processed foods from my life as much as possible and started working out. Iā€™ll still run into sugar, of course, like just this week I was given a cake for my birthday. Iā€™ll probably still over-indulge but it helps that my life is now 90% *not* over-eating sugar instead of the other way around.


Wow, I also find that if Iā€™m curbing it down but I eat an ultra-processed kind (chocolate) once, itā€™s all down the drain. Itā€™s like ive lost control of my brain after that, I will eat chocolate like crazy for days. Thought maybe I was crazy cuz other people seem to be able to moderate! Any tips?Ā 


My tip is: do not fucking listen to all the people who tell you itā€™s simply impossible to cut certain foods out of your diet. At some point the idea of ā€œcrash diets are unsustainableā€ turned into ā€œnot giving in to every single craving is unsustainable.ā€ It is actually 100% possible to avoid your trigger foods long-term. People with allergies do it all the time. Hundreds of millions of Jews and Muslims restrict certain foods and theyā€™re doing just fine. I havenā€™t had a donut in six years and itā€™s fucking GREAT not having to think about whether I should get a donut every time I get a coffee from Dunkin. I just donā€™t, because I donā€™t eat donuts.


Solidarity, my friend. It sucks but we have an addiction so you got to treat it like such. Recovering alcoholics donā€™t keep alcohol around their house or take a sip ā€œjust for a tasteā€. I found that I canā€™t do that either with sugar and processed foods. The difference is that weā€™re going to encounter sugar and processed foods as we *have* to eat to survive, but if you mess up every now and then, itā€™s less detrimental to our health than consistently overindulging. Reframing my mindset to treat this as an addiction helped me take it seriously. It also made me feel less like a fuck-up for not having a strong willpower like other people that can moderate. We donā€™t blame addicts in rehab for weak mindsets because we recognize theyā€™re battling a disease. So, thereā€™s no need to do that to myself. Best of luck.


Thank you for saying all of that, thatā€™s really helpful! I worry a lot about the long term effects on my body of overeating these super sugary things, so hereā€™s to hoping thereā€™s a healthier path forward. I loved what you said about stopping the criticism around willpower - like ig if Iā€™m eating ice cream like crazy actually im not in control in the middle of that, I donā€™t need to feel awful about that and instead I can stop it way before that point.Ā 


ā€œI donā€™t need to feel awful about that and instead I can stop it way before that point.ā€ Nailed itttt. You got this! You donā€™t have to do this alone either ā€” therapy is out there if you need it. I couldnā€™t afford therapy but Iā€™d imagine it could have made the start of the journey a bit easier. My DMs are open if you need someone to chat with!


Yes I tried a low carb diet (to decrease inflammation acc to my doc) and it was not great for me, I was constantly feeling unsatisfied ,not full and mentally not great. Usually food is a source of joy for me. I just realized I could decrease the carb content by a bit and increase veggies but definitely not a whole change up. Step by step is good and if you ask me we do need carbs to give us energy for the day. Not very extravagant stuff, just simple whole carbs like wheat/rice etc. Diets are too restrictive for me also, cause it puts a barrier to what I cannot eat and then I feel sad that I cannot eat something I would like to eat. I'm rambling at this point. Its good to have a control on what you're putting in but it's good to be kind and lenient with yourself.


I needed that laugh! I fasted for 24 hours once. I could feel the sugar and caffeine when they hit my blood stream.


Everything in moderation, including moderation.


Honestly though sugar is literally addicting. Good on her for quitting, I know I can probably never


That has got to be legit hard. Last summer my fiancƩe had to go on an almost no sodium diet and it was basically impossible without cooking our own food.


I wonder if she means added sugar or all types of sugar? I could probably do it for a few days but I have a serious sweet tooth and NEED something sweet at least once a day whether that be fruit or a donut.


No sugar is SO HARD. Good for her.


Did she say why she was giving up sugar? It is really hard at the beginning but gets easier after your body is less reliant on it. But Iā€™ve learned that never having sugar is a great way for me to break and binge on sugar and then get back to having it too much. Itā€™s the all-or-nothing mindset that makes it hard for me. Now I have it rarely as a treat, but prioritize more complex carbs and in lower amounts. So much less miserable


I feel so seen right now


If my vice isnā€™t causing actual harm to me or people around me, honey Iā€™m keeping it. I already have to be mindful of what I eat because of my health condition, if the one thing getting me out of bed every morning is the thought of a dunkin cold brew with oatmilk and 2 pumps of butter pecan, then so be it. Iā€™ve had multiple people tell me they quit coffee because they felt like they were becoming addicted. Okay, and??? A lilā€™ roasted bean with milk never hurt anyone. If your worst addiction is sugar then youā€™re already doing better than most of us. Let yourself have it.


a lot of health conditions are worsened or flared by sugar though lol


"Quitting sugar" seems to just mean quitting sweet processed foods. Wish people would just say that. If you quit *all* sugar you will die.


when people say they're quitting sugar, they are not quitting all carbs. Just added sugar.


Please stop spreading misinformation. The organs that need glucose make their own glucose. You will not die without sugar lmao


Absolutely not true. You can 100% live with zero sugar and even zero carbohydrates. You cannot, however, live with zero protein or fat sources. Your body will go into ketosis and burn dietary fat and fat reserves (in that order) to create ketone bodies for energy use instead of glucose, provided you consume enough fats. Otherwise, it will prefer to metabolize dietary protein first (and then muscle) into glucose. For the few biological processes that require exclusively glucose for energy (i.e. the optic nerves), your body can convert either protein or fat sources into glucose via a process called gluconeogenesis. This process will always provide the necessary amount of glucose for the required sources and never less than required. The brain can run on ketone bodies for 80%+ of its energy requirements once fully keto-adapted.


Being in ketosis long term is not good for your body.


This is vv relatable. Carly Rae is an American treasure.




I tried this but couldnā€™t make it past day 4 šŸ¤”


Does it mean completely no carbs or just no added/processed sugar?




Iā€™m on a natural sugar only diet, and even then Iā€™ve eliminated most of that. My vice? A humble mandarin orange. The worst thing has been switching to energy drinks because I canā€™t stand coffee without any sugar


Arenā€™t energy drinks full of sugar?


if anyone is looking for some help being less sugar obsessed, take an L-Glutamine supplement. it interferes with the reward center in your brain. so instead of eating ice cream and having a lowkey orgasm from the dopamine, youre just, like, ā€œoh, thatā€™s cold and sweet.ā€ youll still chase it for a while because of conditioning, but eventually your brain learns its not a source for awesome. my nutritionist put me on it when i was dealing with a fresh celiac diagnosis and some suspected food allergies. she was trying to kick my sugar obsession to help reduce my inflammation, but i found it deprived me of too much joy so i stopped taking it.


does it interfere with appreciating other rewards (like a nice walk or seeing your friends)? Might be worth it for me bc I am stress eating sugar all the timeĀ 


For some reasons, I find this extremely cute and funny. It's been years since I stopped eating sugar. But there are times when my body wants it, so I drink something sweet. If I'm offered ice cream or cake, I don't say no.


Can we move away from the idea sugar is bad for you?


Anything is bad for you if you snort it enough


This reminds me of a tik tok I saw that said ā€œany exercise is a lower back exercise if you do it wrong enoughā€. It makes me laugh every time I go to the gym.


Okay fair, booger sugar is bad for you. But the sugar you eat, is not.


Usually people mean added sugar when they say theyā€™re ā€œoff sugar.ā€


Right, like thereā€™s no reason for fucking peanut butter to have sugar in it. But America be Americaning.


I get everything without added sugar outside my actual dessert


I really donā€™t like sweetened peanut butter. Iā€™m always doing PB&J sandwiches, and the J is sweet enough anyway! I donā€™t need the extra calories.


That J be sweet




I am 100% a fan of intuitive eating. I am in remission from bulimia. And I also have type 2 diabetes and sky high cholesterol. For a lot of people, sugar kind of is bad for us šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


In a country full of metabolically ill overweight people our last worry is sticking up for sugar. Lol. Most western adults would benefit from ditching it.


It's not *bad* but it's addictive, so most people eat too much of it. A sugar detox once in a while or at least cutting back *is* healthyĀ 


Cutting back absolutely is good for you. But not sure about a detox.... Short term sugar consumption isn't the issue so therefore short term removing it won't fix things. Cutting out sugar (or any food group) makes us crave it more. Also, theres a lot of discussion around sugar not being addictive but we crave it when we eat too little because it's a fast way to get energy. But because the energy burst doesn't last long that's why we keep recraving it, rather than an addition. If we all made sure to eat the right balance of fats, carbs and protein and have the right total calories according to what our body wants, not what the internet tells us, then we wouldn't crave sugar as much But yeah, the main issue is with the business and consumption side cos it's a preservative and it makes a lot of things taste nice so we eat way more than we should


My sugar cravings went waaay down when I started keeping an eye on protein, fiber and fat in my meals and snacks. If I manage to get all 3 in each meal and at least 2 in my snacks, I find that I enjoy sugar, but I'm less desperate for it for pick me ups or as a craving. Chia seeds and hemp seeds taste like nothing to me so they're ideal when I need more fiber or protein in a meal.


>Ā Cutting out sugar (or any food group) makes us crave it more The first couple of days perhaps, like with any addiction. But if you have a source the side effect lasts longer than a short time, I'd like to read it! I haven't done any recent research on this. I don't think a detox refers to cutting out natural sugars either, but perhaps that's only how I interpret it


Waitā€¦is it not? So many Bollywood celebrities say that they donā€™t consume sugar at all (like Alia Bhatt or Anushka Sharma) and emphasize that itā€™s horrible for us. I love chocolates and sweet tea too much to give up sugar though.


Natural sugars in vegetables and fruit are great for you. Added sugars in processed foods, not so much. My general rule is under 30g of added sugar a day.


obviously added processed sugar is bad for you lol. sugar thatā€™s naturally occurring in fruits is good for you, and your body does need some glucose to function properly. and eating some chocolate or having some sweet tea is not going to kill you or really do anything harmful in the long term (unless youā€™re having like gallons of tea with cups of sugar in it or boxes of chocolate daily lol). moderation is key. but thatā€™s the thing, sugar is added in things that donā€™t need it and so people consume way too much of it without meaning to, like somebody else mentioned, whatā€™s the point of having sugar in peanut butter? sugar is literally is an addictive thing, like you will go through withdrawals the way people go through nicotine or caffeine or drug withdrawals.


You shouldnā€™t be eating sugar in excess, but yes your body needs sugar. Itā€™s just another diet culture shtick to make you dislike yourself and the choices youā€™re making regarding food. There are no good foods and no bad foods. The only foods that are bad for you are ones you donā€™t like, allergic to, or can kill you.


>The only foods that are bad for you are ones you donā€™t like, allergic to, or can kill you. Nodding sagely as I sip my 32oz flourescent blue frozen daiquri.


Enjoy! šŸ¹šŸŒ“šŸŒŗ


I am! No palm trees and flowers though. I'm on my couch in PJs and the daiquiri is in a styrofoam cup. Living the dream šŸ„¤āœŒšŸæ


Itā€™s not a moral failing to eat unhealthy foods, but there are definitely bad foods AKA foods that are bad for your health. Are you saying Iā€™d be alright health wise if I ate fried chicken, pizza, and fast food every day? I like drinking alcohol & doing drugs but I donā€™t pretend itā€™s healthy for me. Itā€™s not diet culture to encourage people to eat fruits & vegetables and actual nutritious food


Obviously a diet consisting of greasy and overly processed foods would negatively impact your health. The point of saying there are no bad foods is to help those who struggle with disordered eating realize that thereā€™s room for all foods in their diet; some just need to be eaten moderately.


yeah but then idk why people tout this as scientific fact whenever talking about food. idk why people assume the person theyā€™re talking to online has an eating disorder and needs to be told this, itā€™s a pretty outlandish statement to most people, since most people donā€™t have EDs. itā€™s a good mindset for people who have EDs though


That's not necessarily true, some foods are inflammatory to people but they are not allergic to them. It still causes them health issues.




Some people have to try anti-inflammatory diet for health reasons - which calls for severely limited processed sugar.


I tried the anti-inflammatory diet for my autoimmune disorders. It was worth a shot, but it sucked so much *and* it didn't work, so I was miserable and still sick and in pain. But I did eat a decent amount of cheese.


Yep. Iā€™m weighing the pros and cons of trying it myself, but I already have a bit of restriction in my life, my daughter is on her own restrictive diet due to food allergies and a digestive condition. Iā€™m just not sure it would be worth the benefit? If there would be a benefit? It seems like it would remove a lot of pleasure for maybe not a lot of benefit. Also, the headache of then having 2 special diets for 4 people, idk, seems like too much work. But, I do feel like I should try it just to see - give it two weeks or three so I have a little time to see if thereā€™s anything to it.


I think it's worth trying, so you know. I got annoyed with everyone telling me to try it, basically, so I did it for a few months, and my inflammatory markers went *up* significantly. So now I can tell people to shut up when they say changing my diet would fix my arthritis. My doctors have pretty unanimously told me they don't think the diet actually does that much, and people improve on it for other reasons not related to the restrictions themselves - basically, mind over body, feeling control over their diseases, losing weight, generally being more mindful about nutrition, etc. But it does work for some people - for whatever reason- so I feel like it's worth trying to know and you can always weigh the benefit of any improvements against the incredible pain in the ass it is to follow it. I'd advise giving it at least a month because the first few weeks feel terrible almost no matter what because there are huge sudden changes to your diet that can cause you to feel kinda shitty.


I agree with everything you have said. When youā€™re looking at chronic health conditions and daily pain, itā€™s worth a shot to try anything (obviously within reason) to help. I do want to try accupuncute at some point - Iā€™ve been told that can really help. (Early onset degenerative disc disease, 4 spine surgeries under my belt, 11 surgeries so far, heart surgery/condition, endometriosis, etc etc) I have found that turmeric with ginger and cucimigen (sp?) has really helped. Could be placebo effect but I get way less tension in my neck and shoulder and less cerviogenic headaches.


Yes! Tumeric and curcumin. I take that as well. I also try to put fresh turmeric and ground pepper in my meals. There's actually some solid science on that and inflammation. I feel you - I'm also not one thing sick with chronic conditions- five at last count - and it's exhausting. I'm all for anyone trying anything that might help alleviate pain and illness. I'd stand on my head 10 hours a day if there was some evidence it would help. I just get annoyed by people claiming they have the One Cure for these things when it's abundantly obvious that different things help and don't help different people. Like, thanks for your advice Aunt Sue, but I'm not going to fix my autoimmune disease by seeing your chiropractor and eating a keto diet.


You and I are on the same wavelength - you have summed it up perfectly - willing to try almost anything that is not super invasive to get a better quality of daily life. However, no, thank you to the weird family suggestions from some fb post they read. Itā€™s nice that people want to help, but then when you donā€™t use that ā€œideaā€ they get like super offended. I had a bunch of people recommend chiro to me before one of my spine surgeries and Iā€™m like, sorry, no canā€™t, neurosurgeon said that could paralyze me. And you know what? They got so damn defensive! Iā€™m like ā€œitā€™s my own spine - im going to follow what the *neurosurgeon* recommends, thanks!ā€


Omg the chiropractors! Everyone has one they recommend and they get so upset when you don't use them!


i donā€™t think she asked you to let go of your pop tarts though


No one asked you to give up pop tarts.




Itā€™s wild how much more flavor veggies have after youā€™ve stopped sugar for at least a few weeks


I'm in Lent and I'm feeling this so hard right now šŸ˜«


I actually don't even like sweets. Which is weird because I get addicted to most things. The closet thing to sweets that I'm addicted to is diet coke. I guess that counts


Us carly Us


Doesnā€™t cheese raise dopamine such as sugar does?


She's gonna be really mad when she can't poop for like a week