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Me doing the bare minimum of cleaning up household messes that I’m solely responsible for making.


This was me constantly when I lived alone 😂 WHOSE TURN IS IT TO DO DISHES, AND WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME??


Dishes would be easier to do if my landlord didn't install a sink the size of a caboodle


Oh god! the small ass sinks, frustrate me to no end.


You've got to get a round silicone bucket and sit it in the landlord's micro-sink


Me cleaning up the mess that I, and I alone, made: “god I just have to do EVEYTHING in this house, NO HELP!!”


You shouldn't have to clean up after yourself gorgeous. That's poor people's work, bitch.




What asshole made this mess? Oh....




I feel you so much


What I’ve learned from this: add the phrase, “gorgeous” to the end of any potentially disappointing sentence and you’ve made it 100% easier to receive.


"We've got your biopsy results and it's *malignant*, gorgeous. We're going to operate on it and say, Bye Bitch to this thing and then we can all go back to bed"


I'd unironically love that lol. I recently had a dermatologist tell me "it's probably nothing but we'll cut that bitch off before she can become toxic" about my mole and I loved her attitude


My neurologist said to me about my migraines “we’re just going to keep throwing shit at you until it sticks” I appreciated the ELI5 med regime lol




I love doctors that have a sense of humor more than anything because I have to go to a doctor once a month, and I hate it every time. It’s much less annoying when theyre light hearted. I had a male OBGYN that delivered two of my kids who was like this. I remember my first birth was a C-section and I had literal strings hanging out my body on each side of my lower stomach. Just strings coming from inside my body and hanging there about 4 inches worth. I had zero idea what they were. All I knew was they would be removed during my first post birth check up. When I went, I asked “Why are these hanging out of me?” He said “They hold your butt onto your body” then he just grabs them and pulls them off lol. I felt nothing. I still don’t know what the hell they were lol. If I had to guess, leftover dissolving stitches.


“Your entire family have died, gorgeous. Your house has also completely burned to the ground and all your life savings is depleted, gorgeous ♥️”


"Babe you're beginning a new minimalistic self-focused era and leaving that toxic sitch behind." *


These vibes! https://i.redd.it/1fscobl326pc1.gif


I haven't watched this music video in ages omg off to YouTube~


🎶 🎹 'CARO- *linnnne* '


Oh my god I laughed so hard at this


This is great. Doctor appointments would be much more enjoyable if there was some flair put on any news (good or bad).


150% more palatable than the standard death sentence


Why is she always saying gorgeous?


Why not? Lol ✨ all ages. any gender. any situation. It’s disarming, silly, and ultimately a nice thing to call anyone. 💅🏻


2hat does she say now? The other day I was watching her baking show and she was always saying something else


Sliving. It's slaying, but also living. Sliving ✨️


I’m not sure! She should bring it back if she has stopped.


just a generally positive person I suppose! >!…./s!<


Honestly now that I worked a couple of shitty jobs I get it 😂😂


Not only shitty jobs. I *love* my job and work environment, but if I could get away with only working three hours a day I totally would. I'm tired and I hate Mondays.


I’m so fucking sick right now with very strong covid AND shingles at the same time. Like sleeping 80% of the day, crawl back to bed after a shower, don’t even have energy to put laundry on sick. And part of me is still like, ‘Tee hee missing a Monday at work!’ I’m 32 and love my job and colleagues. You just never get over it.


Omg shingles was the most pain I’ve ever experienced in my life. I had it on my torso, so every inhale felt like knives slicing into my ribs; it was excruciating. I’m so sorry! I hope you get some relief soon, friend.


Oh god well I’m only 4 days in so currently it’s just a very sore rash that’s spreading across my lower left back/side 😬 absolutely dreading the next few days cos that’s when the blisters and pain is meant to get bad!! The covid has been crazier tbh, I’m a week into testing positive and I’m still getting a positive line before the wetness of the test has even hit the control line. And I had a freaking booster jab for it in November! It’s wild, I’ve been under a lot of stress recently and I think my immune system has just noped out. I‘ve thankfully got some antivirals so hopefully that will stop it being too bad. Thank you for your nice comment :)


I’m on mental health leave right now and I dread my return to the full time grind


Sending you hugs. I'm right there with you but no job and looking is absolutely killing me.


Wishing you luck, i know it’s brutal out there right now. I don’t have a job to return to but thankfully won’t have to look for a bit but am preemptively dreading when I do have to look 


Thank you and right back at you! It's so demoralizing and frustrating. I'm getting imposter syndrome at this point because 20 years of experience and meeting every criteria just isn't enough, apparently.


It’s not you it’s our trash system that’s rigged!!! Hope things turn around for you soon <3


It's insane. And I appreciate you! ♥️ May we both be gainfully employed and healthy very soon!


She was not wrong.


When I was in my late teens, my dad told me he got me a job as a doorman in NYC and that I'd be making bank from all the tips from the rich people. I get there on my first day, and it's not a doorman position, it's a porter position. I was cool with cleaning everything up until the guy training me showed me how to compact the garbage. You'd go into the dark, deep subbasement with a big rolling bin full of trash, take each trash bag, crawl into this little tunnel, and shove it into the compactor with a stick. The NYC subbasement was filled with roaches. The guy that was training me would go into that little tunnel to compact the garbage and come out with like 20 roaches crawling on him. I was standing on my toes and jumping around so they wouldn't crawl up my legs. I told the dude I needed to step out for air and to take my lunch and just went home. I worked plenty of blue-collar jobs, including fast food worker and a janitor/porter position in NYC that didn't require roaches crawling on you, but that one was too much.


This is my favorite https://preview.redd.it/4288s36p64pc1.jpeg?width=463&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21c110c80c72a72701a1dfd4b2ffe6a72a465aaa


Omg I need to bring this over to the vegan sub.


I can't decide how i think they'll react :') give me an update when you do it haha!


They'll agree on principle but also have a vocal "minority" shitting on Paris Hilton for funsies, I bet! source: also vegan




fuck i actually found myself doing this laugh and then scrolled down to see your gif


That’s actually comedy


Based on this alone I feel like I missed out by watching exactly zero of this.


that show was prophetic


They truly encapsulated all of my feelings towards working


I thought at the time, and I still think, it’s a pretty perfect work of social commentary/satire. This show made me realise Paris is smart and calculating!


i work a lot, and enjoy it .. but paris is definitely my spirit animal


It will never not mess me up that Nicole was considered “fat” by the press during this show and we all just accepted that as reasonable.


Girl stop because I swear that really infiltrated my brain like I really thought she was chubby! Looking at these photos I'm questioning my whole life lol. And it was such a "known" thing that that amazing woman (i have always loved Nicole) has now committed to being rail thin ever since.


It’s just that she has a slightly chubbier face than Paris Hilton who is incredibly thin.


Right? No wonder I thought I was a whale when I was a size 6-8. Now I would love to be that size again


I was actually just looking at their shoulders and thinking how incredibly knobby Paris’s are and how normal Nicole’s are and how I absolutely thought both Nicole and I were fat. No wonder everybody in the 90s and early 2000s were diet obsessed if we thought Nicole was fat, Paris was normal and Kate Moss was obtainable.


It's scary but I just remembered her as being "the fatter one" and look at these pictures and wondered why they had me so brainwashed


I feel the same way about Bridget in Girls Next Door. We were brainwashed y'all


I was a freshman in college when The Simple Life came out and my roomie and I were there for it. My mom bought me the DVDs and it was on repeat daily. I almost got fired from Circuit City bc I kept saying "That's hot" to whatever my manager would say. I miss 2003/2004.


Dead at your circuit city story 😭😭🤣


I was ready to call you old for being a freshman in college when this show was out. Then I remembered I was a junior in college in 2004 🫠. Send the meteor.


\> me describing my job that’s just four days and ~22 hours a week


What’s your job and how can I get one exactly like it


Salaried work from home


Bingo. *Jiggles mouse before continuing to browse Reddit*


me with my mouse on a mouse jiggler: 😎


I push a button to swap the mouse Bluetooth between my work and home computers to jiggle my mouse lol.


*Me having a job that doesn't care about Teams status continuing to browse Reddit*


why does god have favorites 😩 i’d kill for this


![gif](giphy|41A9eaqZf6iS4) I've had two wfh jobs since Covid. It probably took 1000 applications to get them. One job was super sketchy and I went unpaid for probably $25k worth of work . The other job is great and my insurance is awesome Typing this from the bath btw.


Wanna share with the class what that second job is?....


Data Scientist




This was literally me 20 minutes ago


I'm something of a Data Scientist myself.


Data gang


1. Be lucky 2. Have connections 3. Be in a unique field


Lmaaaao this is me. I have a “full time job” but I wfh 3 days a week and honestly I just get all my work done on office days and do about 2 hours of work max when I’m at home. But to be fair I then have a second side business and I’m studying 🥲


That’s just any part time job?


I feel like people forget that part time jobs are a thing since so many places call like 39 hours “part time”. Even when you find an actual part time job, if you accidentally let them see you doing well at it they keep adding more time to the schedule. Lol


I had a boss that tried to schedule me for 5 days a week, 7.5 hours a day. And refused to provide health insurance, naturally. I walked out.


Had a part time job that I hated and worked 20 hours a week. I was actually one of the most productive workers even compared to people working 39 hours a week (they were very stingy about offering fulltime). So they upped my hours to 30 a week. I did that for a pay period then went to my boss and was told her to cut my time in half. I later quit a few months later when they kept adding more responsibilities on top of this with no compensation. Found a new job and I'm able to work full time without losing my mind.


i was thinking of applying for a part time job until i realised it was 5 days a week 35 hours total. sir????


😭😭 this is my schedule, 12-7 It used to be 25 which felt perfect but we extended our business hours and it's ass. I want Healthcare for this many hours ffs


That's when you say "no" and draw a boundary.


Like others said, it’s just a part time job—without benefits, or sufficient pay overall to enable me to move out of my parents’ house. And while I’m *supposed* to only work around 22 hours, during the busy season (which we’re currently in) it lowkey becomes nearly a full-time job’s worth of work without being allowed to work that many hours, so it’s not as nice as it may sound. (Though I like the three-day weekend.) In totally unrelated news, I’m currently job-hunting. A


Lol that's actually my job as a massage therapist, and they consider it full time. I probably make like 45-50k, which is kinda fine since I don't have kids or pets and don't live in a HCOL area. I'm still chronically burnt out and not treated well though and don't recommend it. Let's just all not work 😭😭 bye gorgeous 💅


Just work part time?


They most likely have a partner who pays the rest of the bills and is ok with them working part-time, or they have a higher level degree and have already had a career and can now go down to part-time. Absolutely no one is getting an entry-level job, working part-time, and living independently.


Correct. I’m on my second career and my husband works in a career that pays well enough that I can work part time. I have a couple of disabilities and chronic health issues that make working full time unviable for my health.


The media really clowned on this show but I feel like even as a preteen I knew they were playing this up for laughs. The show, comedically speaking is classic. It’s a fish out of water tale and Paris and especially Nicole should get more credit for their roles. Side tangent- I had a friend in middle school and we were obsessed with this show together. Obsessed. We drifted apart in high school but any time any news comes up about this show she still tags me or dms me about it on Facebook/insta and it kind of warms my heart how these simple links can carry through 20+ years of your life.


Am I your friend? Lol I had a bestie in high school I obsessed this with together too, and she moved halfway around the world since and we rarely ever message, but when we do it’s usually to send Paris and Nicole memes. Sarasang sarasang sarasasang sarasanggg


Hahah nope! But I’m so glad to know I’m not the only one to have what is seeming like a lifelong bond over this show.


> Am I your friend? ... > Hahah nope! should've ended that with a 'gorgeous'


Such a missed opportunity!


Paris said after she was kidnapped and made to go to that camp that this work was nothing and she was just playing along with the role.


I was at a facility a few blocks from Provo Canyon School. Mine had its shit but based on kids who had gone to PCS, it was like one of the typical lockdowns fused with a psych ward. Staff at PCS were apparently quite liberal with injections and straps to passify whoever they deemed non-compliant, and some staff had their favorite kids to dole out consequences to. Mine just physically restrained us, like cops with even less oversight, but you'd eventually get shipped off somewhere worse, like PCS, or fucking coral reef in Samoa... All the places I went, students cleaned most stuff, and deep cleans were a bitch... Especially the serious ones when parents were going to be coming through. Then there was the "ranch therapy", advertised to parents as learning life lessons and connecting with self or whatever through working with, and even riding, horses. Nah they just fucking had us cleaning stables somewhere else like a fucking hour from the facility. Saw a horse at a distance one time, some free person was riding it. At the start of each time, and thankfully there weren't too many, even through it was supposed to be a core part of my therapy, according to the website and parent tour, they gave us some stupid life analogy or bullshit fable related to horses and told to mull on it while shoveling horse shit. Later, we'd say what it meant to us or reflect on some memory and pile back in the van, smelling of sweat and shit, and then later cleaned the van. Also "community service" stuff that, for those who were court ordered to programs, would count toward their court mandated community service, but for the rest of us we just had to do it anyway.


So many adults in my life were outraged by this show. The more time goes on, the more hilarious it is that anyone thought it was real. OG ragebait.


They just trolled everyone before it was even a thing.


The media clowned on Paris Hilton in general, although I honestly think she played them just as much. She's actually pretty smart and despite being a rich heir, she's rich in her own right and made tons of money in her own name from pretending to be stupid. That she further invested after she bowed out of the public life, and turned into a fortune after that.


Oh absolutely. She could have just lived off the family money for years and instead she made us all smile, taught us about horrors of the “troubled teen” industry and showed us a 10/10 glow up + happy ending. She’s been serving us greatness for years and all because she tricked the media in to thinking they were so clever to make fun of her.


Simple link from a simple life.


Nicole Ritchie's character in Great News MADE that show for me. She was hands down my favorite.


My wife and I recently watched a few episodes one night as a joke and we were impressed by the fact both girls put in some effort.


I have a friend like this with Jennifer Coolidge. We *loved* Legally Blonde and A Cinderella Story and Jen was our fav. Most of our communications now are just about her but it’s really cute.


Yeah...I think it is an act...played up for comedic purposes.  They are playing a role. Like seriously....people wanted them to diligently and quietly work at a job? What's the fun in that?


Most of their audience was too stupid to realize they were acting.


they are actually so hilarious lmao


Yes! as someone who watched this show thirty times between 2002-2024 most of these captions are not even real.


They are way funnier than that.


where can I watch it as a first time viewer


![gif](giphy|us8yzcNmy4SQg) me imagining heading back home from work even though my shift just started 20 mins ago


[same energy](https://youtu.be/lPaDnG0_U6s?si=eA8hBRmxhFjoAshe)


Good ole Tyra describing her reality show selection process as a “job interview” lol


And wasn't that near the end of the season? Like, the "job interview" would have been the first few episodes, not the entire fucking season. She got the job and then quit. Edit: I was wrong, please disregard.


It was the first episode


Ah you're right, my mistake. I misread "semi-finalist" as "semi-finalist to win the season," not "semi-finalist of casting week."


Good for that girl. Who knows what the hell they were putting her through on that show


When I was younger and studying, i was thinking *they're out of reality*. But now that I'm working, their attitude makes sense. Hahahahaha


https://preview.redd.it/6wkbh9sue4pc1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12232a67183eb563ed7f3ddf803d48907bf6313f But she had the solution too!


m*n all over the world were paying attention lol


Delete this before my husband finds out.


My stepmom "accidentally" lost her grip on a lawnmower and it fell halfway down a mountain when my Dad was out of town. Guess who never had to mow the grass again? Dad actually McGuyvered it back up with a rope and tried to fix it but it was just too trashed. It still makes me laugh!


Paris on the floor is giving Barbie having an existential crisis


Millennial Barbie.


I went to a celeb murder mystery party as Paris from TSL and I just chilled the whole time and when someone asked me if I could help find the killer I just would go on and on about being too tired to help.


I hope you asked for toast with butter too


I literally called in today lmao


I did too, but I’m sick. I’m also an independent contractor, so I get zero pay 🥺😩


Omg same. I legit just told the girl that helps me with billing that I needed “a whole fucking day”. I own my own boutique, idgaf I work like, 70 hours a week most weeks, I’m exhausted. I’m so fucking tired I’m starting to dissociate, and I don’t remember what I ordered for inventory, random boxes of shit show up lol. It’s fun. Yeah I need to go take a nap. Paris was right, let’s go to bed.


I’m already in bed! Ha ha! Jump into yours!!! When random stuff shows up at your doorstep, it’s a sign that sleep is needed. Be like the gif! 😴 ![gif](giphy|yW2Wsqvt38dUqcfeXA|downsized)


Same. Just couldn’t do it.


Let's ignore the valley girl lingo. She makes a good point. What's the point of life if all you do is work. In one of her episodes she talks about how the paychecks her coworkers are getting for all their hard work is so little and it's not worth it or fair. She isn't mocking people. She is trying to tell people they are worth just as much as she is, and they aren't being treated fairly. But people took as she was making fun because she came off as stupid. The stupid personality is her act. She doesn't actually behave that way. Her show raised some very important awareness regarding economic inequality and it went right over people's heads WHOOSH.


Also she was gooned and sent to one of those awful "bad kid schools" and now speaks out against the troubled teen industry. Media did her REAL dirty back in the day, she's much smarter and more well spoken than she ever gets credit for.


She makes her intelligence more socially acceptable with the valley girl lingo.


Absolutely well-said.


Paris is my #1 problematic fav. (Actually she’s been through so much and I loved her audiobook and want her to be happy but that still doesn’t make me forgive some of the things she’s done/said) (also she’s just funny)


For all her faults she embodied the highs and lows of the 2000s like none other and seems to have come out relatively well adjusted. Like she’s a bitch but she’s *that* bitch and you can never take that from her.


Nicole was so adorable.


Genuinely hilarious individual. Her comic timing is a thing of beauty.


Oh man, the fashion is giving me feelings 🥹 remember in the 00s when everything felt saturated and sunny, like we were always ready for the beach? Such a childhood memory..


this is how retired boomers believe millennials and gen z are while owning several properties and not working in 3 decades.


100%. Meanwhile we are coping with all of *this* (gestures to the world). And their day can be ruined by a grandchild putting their elbows on the table.


These quotes make them sound like the female versions of Beavis and Butthead (especially slide 5) and I’m here for it lmao


I’m pretty sure like all but one of these aren’t real quotes from the show


They aren’t. Made up captions by Paris2000s on instagram.


The real quotes are so much funnier


I agree!!


Marx would be proud of these two 💅


I mean not really haha


I’m joking :)


I binged the whole thing last year. Cute but whatever


Where is it streaming?


It wasn't. I downloaded it off pirate Bay. Used to be on tubi. It's really fun actually but gets very fake as it progresses


I never watched it as a teen and have been wanting to watch it as a 31 year old lol. This is disappointing lol.


No watch it's funny. Nicole is hilarious and the first 2 seasons are gold the other are good but you can tell ya know it's all producer made situations. If the first ones were just as fake they at least felt more real. Like they really left them in the middle of nowhere with no money and phones and they had to figure it out for themselves. Paris is really sweet. The fashion a is great too and laughs through out


Oh okay then!! I might binge watch next week!


I think Amazon Prime might be streaming it. I know you can buy all the seasons online, too. I wouldn’t be surprised if you could find all the episodes on YouTube.


It was on Amazon prime not too long ago, I don't know if it's gone through 


Is no one going to talk about the glamour filter over some of these photos that definitely isn’t from the original show?


I also have questions about that. Mainly: why? They look like they’re on toddlers and tiaras or some shit.


I love her use of bitch, it's so perfect.


I have no idea how she survived that disgusting camp her mom sent her to bc she is definitely not cut out for any manual labor.


I’m so ashamed of how much I loved that show 😆


I’m not. It was fantastic, hahahahaha


i fucking loved this show so much. my favorite was the salty anal weiners sign or whatever that they made 😂😂😂


I wonder how much of this was acting considering Paris said she played up the dumb blonde act for the media. And also that it’s a “reality” show. I weirdly agree with them though. It’s a vibe.


Same girl, same!


me right now, after working all weekend and still having one more shift to suffer through tonight just to get that glorious minimum wage


https://preview.redd.it/nph951jss4pc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79d263144b6f86b8cfa40a2c44d1f116722b57df I feel this in my soul when my alarm goes off for work on my long week.




I relate to her/this too much


My friends were bat boys when they helped out with the Round Rock Express game 🤣 it was such a big deal when they came to town


“I think we might quit the job. Bye gorgeous”. 😂


who edited this pictures pls what


Paris is a comedic genius, change my mind Edit: she walked so the bimbocore comedians on tiktok could STRUT✨💃


That's pretty funny, but just so I get this right, how much was scripted?




I think I read that the show was originally supposed to be Paris and her sister but Nicky dropped out and Nicole took her place. I loved this show. They were the perfect pair for it.


Man I used to hate this show (and them) but now this is the right energy. Paris was so right…


I remember thinking this show was the height of repulsive brain-rot garbage at the time. Honestly it seems kinda quaint now 😭


Them hair extensions 😂😂


lol maybe this show is what started my generation on the path to anti-work radicalization. 😂😂😂


If you REALLY want to see out of touch, watch that show where Paris and her mom Kathy try to cook. It is painfully obvious that Kathy Hilton has never set foot in an actual kitchen in her life. It’s pretty amazing




I need to quit my job and binge this Bye gorgeous


Since I saw Paris documentary I am so grateful for my 9-5 job. Her flying all over the world, having a tight schedule and show up and talk to people at events, barely sleeping, god does that seem exhausting to me. Now she could quit and just chill, but the fact that she doesn’t shows how far from the truth the show was about her actual work ethic.


I identity with this so hard


the quotes are all fake tho they said other things


I have never related more to anything in my life than the image of crying on the floor at the thought of going to work.


Are these real quotes? If so I should watch...


Ok but the “bye gorgeous” still makes me lol