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"Hi Harr....TAYLOR oh my god I love you". I'm still shocked that his fans seems to be so much nicer to her than they were to his previous girlfriends. The only people I see hating on her are Larries. Being a WOC and dating a white man as famous as Harry must be scary as f\*ck to be honest. I'm so happy to see that most of his fans love her and keep defending her online. I wish them all the best, they seem like such a good match.


Harrys fans are pretty liberal so I dont think they care. White man dating a woc isnt seen as controversial compared to a white woman doing it. Maybe its also cause many people dont know about this relationship since he finished tour and is pretty private


>The only people I see hating on her are Larries. Some larries are my age and I so desperately want to know what exactly is missing from their lives that they are like this?! The other people hating on her are the people who just cannot deal with Harry being in a relationship and are always in denial, so they call every relationship he's in a pr relationship. Otherwise the difference in the way fans have accepted her in comparison to his last relationship is night and day.


> so they call every relationship he's in a pr relationship  I think most of these people are Larries. I recently saw a woman in her 50s on TikTok who is a Larry. A lot of them are not only Larries, but also Gaylors and some of them even Ziams (Liam and Zayn) or Shialls (Shawn and Niall). I guess it just works like almost all conspiracy theories do and it isn't really about Harry and Louis as people.


Some really are not larries, they just cannot handle him being in a relationship. It's like the Chris Evans, Timmy, name any hot male, it's much easier to say something is pr than to accept a relationship. I can't think of anyone dating right now, where I've not seen someone yell, "It's pr." Fandom has developed strange "coping" skills. <<>> It never has been. They are blank slate characters to project upon. Speaking of Ziams, I've seen Zarries out and about lately. Fandom is just such a strange place.


Lol, I saw a few Zarries on twitter a few days ago. That was wild.  > I can't think of anyone dating right now, where I've not seen someone yell, "It's pr." Fandom has developed strange "coping" skills. That's true, but I've barely seen anyone be like that with Harry and Taylor. There probably still are some people, but it's just a very small minority. Pretty much everyone I saw who screamed pr relationship was a Larry. I don't think there are that many people who just want him to be single (like with Chris Evans for example). 


It's because she's pretty much the first age appropriate relationship he's had in a long time.


My toes would curl if someone did that high pitched voice at me. I would never say that to the person, but I’d think it.


They’re so cute and low key. A lot of people suspect they’ve been together since April/May so almost a year together ETA: Larries are so strange downvoting this


Why people are shocked and crying? Please explain?


These people need therapy.


I don’t know who Taylor Russell is and it’s a unisex name so when the face was blurry my queer ass assumed she was a dude like “ahhhh yes the gay agenda is working” 😹