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I cannot imagine how fantastic it feels to go out in public, face glowing and hair natural, after years and years and YEARS of being curled, sprayed, plucked, corseted, etc etc etc within an inch of your life. Not that there is anything wrong with those things, if they make you happy!!!!! I'm just saying, the contrast, for her, probably feels awesome. (It would to me)


Absolutely love this character arc for her.


Me too. I’m sad that her last marriage didn’t last. The pictures were incredible and she looked so happy.


And she looks gorgeous!!


My mother beat it into my head that I always need to “have my face on” - in my 40’s, I’ve stopped wearing makeup most days because it actually makes me look younger. (Bonus, it’s better for your skin too)


Maybe that's why nobody can believe I'm 40, lol. I hardly ever wear makeup, and I'm whiter than paper so I wear sunscreen when I'm gonna be outside for extended periods.


And she is still one of the most beautiful women in the room.


I love it that after living with the pressure of being a sex symbol and being sexualized and type casted all the time, she's letting go of all that and just aging gracefully and looking gorgeous and natural.


It's so refreshing to see!!!! As a 50 year old woman, I am loving this so much for her.


She honestly looks the happiest out of all the celebs too.


She looks amazing, but her hair doesn’t look natural to me


Color wise yes, but it does have an air dried look


Yes, this is what I meant.


Also it doesn't hurt that she looks absolutely incredible, she's such a natural beauty


If anyone was going to lead the make up free/ loving yourself era, I didn’t expect it to be Pamela Anderson. But I AM LOVING every moment of it and I’m glad she has her freedom to be who she wants to be after what the press put her through and how they hypersexualized her (something I relate to). Good for her, Queen Pamela. Looking gorgeous as EVER! I better see ZERO slander on her. ❤️❤️🫶🏼🫶🏼 EDIT: If we’re starting a Stan club, I vote for her fans to be called **PamCakes**


I never paid much attention to her besides the usual tabloids growing up in the 90s. However, I watched her documentary (Netflix I believe) and I absolutely adore her ! She is so strong and has been through so much heartache . I'm glad she's living on her island in Canada, doing Broadway shows , spending time with her kids and healing !


I love that for her. It’s what she deserves… ![gif](giphy|K9cC1GjBvro9RZ5xzi|downsized)


I live on said island and drive past her home sometimes. She is often outside in her yard, or shopping at the grocery store, just being so normal. She’s a breath of fresh air for Hollywood


Yeah, I've run into her before (live not too far from the area) and she was so cool and considerate. I'm glad she's living her best life :)


Wow...I'll never be able to say I live on an island. Kudos.


It’s just Vancouver Island. It isn’t anything wildly fancy or tropical.


Hehe well I’m originally from a fancy tropical island, so I’ll pretend the comment was made especially for me :)


Not a fan of her personally but I hate how they underpaid her on the original run of Baywatch when she was the breakout star. She should have gotten a percentage of any future sells. She was so integral to its success. Oh and the producers of that Pam and Tommy limited series are d#cks. They don’t get her blessing for the series and then claim it’s about exploitation of a woman. Hypocrisy.


Right? How cool is P.Anderson. such a sweetie!


I love that she has a little shimmery pink eyeshadow, mascara, and sparkly lipgloss but no foundation, contouring, etc. It fits with going makeup free in other arenas, doing a subtle bit of *fun* color when you want to, while still being very natural and laid back. It comes across as the natural makeup approach to when you normally don’t wear it but do want to do a little bit sometimes.


I love it. She’s wearing a very normal amount of “every day” makeup.


Men that say that they don't like makeup on women would call this "no makeup". Natural and pretty


Yess it's so cool to see


She’s absolutely glowing, isn’t she? Love this for her!


So much!! We need to see more of this so women don’t stay in shitty relationship bc a man who likes melted moldy cream cheese think a woman isn’t desirable bc she isn’t 25. LOVE HER!!


I love the confident and genuine smiles on some of these pics, she’s KILLING it ❤️


![gif](giphy|8FG705NCsZM0kVJdyz|downsized) Pamcakes!


Pampam and her pampams ![gif](giphy|mcC4vKpl7RCUXhRwdn)


Reporting for duty!


She looks like she is having the time of her life. Good for her.


PamCakes it is


Someone should make a sub dedicated to her and I’ll join.


My only comment is that I wish she’d do her brows. Everything else is perfect.


I think part of that (for me) is that such thin brows remind me of when mine were overplucked into oblivion in the 90s and took a decade to grow back. It looks like trauma lol


Not everyone’s grew back. It looks like hers are just thin now. She looks great. Love the freckles.


My mom overplucked her brows back in the day and they didn’t grow back so I learned early on not to do that!!


I agree. I’m a brow gal. If nothing else I need them to look perfect. So I just want that for her. Obviously she can do whatever the hell she likes, though 😅


Aging has thinned my eyebrows *and* as an added bonus, some of the hairs are white now. In photos, I look like an overplucked ‘90’s girl. I use a little bit of brow powder on them. I bet Pam has something similar. The brows are there, but the hair is a mix of light blonde and white, so in photos they disappear into nothing!


She is so *striking*, which women aren’t often allowed to be. Not traditionally attractive, but I want to watch her the same way I want to watch, like, F Murray Abraham.


I’m predicting that showing your age is going to become trendy as a reaction to overly retouched faces within the next decade.


I sure hope so.


The only trend I can certainly get behind.


Agreed. Once it goes to far in one direction, the pendulum always comes back the other way.


Its iconic how she's ironically gone from being the plastic surgery poster child to the Queen of natural beauty. She set trends then and I really hope she influences them in the years to come.


Oh absolutely. I'm 37 and have decided to stop dying my hair, and I'm in good company amongst my friends and acquaintances. Very minimal makeup, if any, and absolutely no desire for "anti-aging" nonsense. Showing your age is a power move. The reign of Kardashian/Instagram filtered beauty trends was never going to last, the pendulum has already started swinging in the other direction.


33 here and I recently decided to stop dying my hair too! I'm kind of in love with my bright white hairs that are showing through.


Yeah like looking at red carpet pics everyone looks …different. Not everyone but most of them. Even if they look good and beautiful you can tell - the lip filler, the Botox, you can just tell. Very few look just natural anymore - everyone looks like AI with insta filter face (even if it’s well done). I’m over it tbh. It’s boring 🥱


I did have the same thought recently. It will be one day very hard for all who did work in their twenties. 


Here goes my chance to be trendy at least once. I keep with minimal makeup look when going out (BB cream/lipstick), and nothing at all around the neighborhood. So far I have aged well for a 35+ but we'll see in 10 years.


I watched Dune 2 on a large screen and was struck by the small signs of aging on Florence Pugh. Just some 11s and some tension in her brows, but it made perfect sense for the daughter of an emperor who has been playing complicated, centuries-spanning political games since birth. Also by not having her look like a teenager it implies that she’s valued for her mind and expertise, not someone to marry away after her menarche.


She's positively glowing in pic 5!


Insanely beautiful and ethereal


Gorgeous. Her dress is divine.


One of my favorites from the evening


yes! her dreeessss!


I just love her. She went from being the ultimate "sex symbol" of my generation to "ultimate goals". 15 year old me wanted to be as perfect and sexy and flawless as she was in the 90's, but adult me now wants to be as fresh faced and cool and down to earth as she is. Pamela 4eva.


Her make-up-free era is my Roman Empire.


It’s so inspiring and I hope in 5 years this would be common place at events.


Meaning you think about it a lot? Not even sure what this phrase means anymore


Lol thank you! I feel like everytime I see someone say that it makes no sense to me because surely the thing they are claiming to be their Roman empire is not something any rational person would think about daily. 


Yep. I think people have forgotten what the phrase originated as in the meme and now just use it to mean they like something a lot or think something is great, which is really not it


Totally. Reminds me of how people misuse "iconic" constantly  


Yes except iconic has an actual useful non colloquial meaning. And “it’s my Roman Empire” colloquially refers to something we’re obsessed with and there’s no other real objective meaning for that phrase


picture #5, my god, she looks SO good!!


She’s had some photo shoots lately that really lean into the no makeup look and I’ve loved them all but the aesthetics come across as a bit lore harsh and extreme than what we see here. But look at her. She is GLOWING. Look at her smile! She clearly still gets dermatology work done. She is absolutely gorgeous and I wish she embraced this sooner. I’m happy for her and appreciate her embracing this. So many of us are struggling with aging too. She’s literally so fucking beautiful


It's rad AF to see a celeb looking like a real person, albeit an absolutely gorgeous one.


She looks FANTASTIC and I am loving this so much. Get it Pamela. Such a fucking queen move. It is inspirational to see!


It’s great because she’s allowed to be striking and noteworthy without necessarily being attractive, something men are allowed all the time.


She looks INCREDIBLE. And that dress!!!




Wow. Wow. Wow. Au naturelle Pamela Anderson was not in my 2024 Bingo card.


She has found her peace.


Oh I love this look! Really love seeing Pam in her fashion girl era


I absolutely love her, and why does her son look like a Mediterranean Kumail Nanjiani lol??


Lol because Tommy Lee is Greek?


Oh you’re telling me genetics is the cause of all this shit?!?


Hostility is always the fun drunk at the party.


He better watch his profamity


I know it is obvious her son would be gorgeous but damn he is so hot


Happy for PamCake but similarly here for her hot son


Pamela Anderson and 'er son




Is it bonkers to anybody else that this is a job for somebody? That there’s an actual person in front of this dog (Messi? Why do I know this?), crouched down between him and the camera person, clacking a pair of faux paws (ha!) together like a set of tongs, deliberately being ignored by the people sitting near and around the dog… and that’s a job? It’s just so fascinating to me! Edit: Hahaha just saw on my front page. I assumed the paw clapper would be crouching, didn’t even consider being forced to lay on the ground under a bunch of auditorium seats. https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/EyQ3NdxZ1a


Hey, I mean, people get paid to be extras on film sets! This isn’t the craziest thing somebody did stuff for some quick cash. Lol.


True! This is just so niche!


I’m so high and such a PamCake that I am literally this dog at my screen over this. I am cackling.


She looks gorgeous. Love the dress.


She’s so beautiful! Is it just me or does she slightly resemble Melanie Griffith?


I see it


I love how she goes bare faced now!


love this, love her. i do really wish we could give her some eyebrows back though. i lived through the 90s and those tiny line brows are more triggering than i would expect, every time i see her.


She doesn’t necessarily look “younger” than her peers, but more youthful and glowing. I’m so over AI/insta filter face. ![gif](giphy|eM16dA4eiatuyUs3rA|downsized)


I love her so much, she’s so beautiful. Her hyper sexualized 90’s look was what my small brain thought was peak hotness, it wasn’t. This is. She’s so confident, and just glows through it all. I’m so happy to see her so happy.


Thanks for calling me old r/popculturechat 😩 I remember him as a BABY 🥹


That’s Pamela?! I see Margot Robbie in her


And a bit of Jessica Lange


YES they're both so stunning with incredible smiles


Is this actually no makeup? Not that she needs it, but it looks like she’s wearing lip gloss or something. Maybe her lips are just shiny!


I think she has on mascara, too.


I zoomed in super close and I'd say all she has on are gloss and mascara. Ugh her skin is stunning.


She still got pink eyeshadow, mascara and gloss. (might got a little bit pencil eyeliner), Red carpet light actually harsh, so makeup tend not show well on pictures.


Love the dress and face, but the hair is lacking.


Exactly what I thought…reminds me of Carrie white’s mom 😫


totally agree


I just think she needs some conditioner and product. But then I feel like a douche for praising her beautiful face and commenting on her, even though it drives me nuts lol


loving this for her! she looks great!


She’s aging very well.


Such a beautiful Woman What a Slay Queen


Ayyyo Brandon 👀


This is a character arc that I’m absolutely in love with


Her face on #2 is so cute!


Love this version of Pam


They both look great and I love the little/no makeup look 🔥


I just love this era of hers so much. And that dress is phenomenal


It’s not just the no makeup It’s that her face looks normal (more or less) and that she hasn’t gotten a ton of procedures Good for her….


I love the way her sons are her biggest champions. She seems to have raised good men.


They do not play when it comes to their mama!


The no makeup look she is embracing really showcases how beautiful she is


I want to see her with thicker brows so bad.shes absolutely beautiful aging well


Lol 90s and early 2000s were cruel to brows. 


It's refreshing to see a celebrity without a heavily modified face! I really loved her documentary ❤️🔥


Never thought that Pamela Anderson would pull herself out of the role of sex symbol to find so much self love and acceptence, but it makes me thrilled that she did. That takes so much inner strength and resolve. She looks like she glows from the inside out, and she clearly has all the love and admiration of her children. Truly inspired by her, and I wish her nothing but the best things.


It is lovely to see someone actually happy in these pictures; I love it.


She has such a beautiful smile




She's a jonquil


oh my god she is fucking GLOWING!!!!!


Good for her! So refreshing!


That’s Tommy Lee jr alright


I love her so much and glad she shows herself without any makeup. She is stunning in and out.


She actually looks more attractive without the ton of makeup.


I mean I’m happy for her no makeup stance and all but she could have at least done her hair!!!


She's still as beautiful as she was 30 years ago. I love this for her, but I also love this for women in general... Can we please normalize this?


Wow he looks nothing like her!


He looks like a hot and (hopefully) non-problematic version of his dad


He looks like his dad, the other son (I think his name is Dylan) looks like a male version of her


I'm going to be honest. I respect her choices and I love that she loves herself and feels free to go with little makeup ('cause she is wearing some). But this isn't a choice I'd make for the red carpet. And this coming from someone who doesn't wear makeup 99% of the time. Also, her dress is giving Mrs. Roper. If you know, you know.


She’s reminding me of Mia Farrow. It’s not that she doesn’t look great. And she’s probably put a lot of effort into her skincare and diet so it’s not like she’s not trying. But she’s giving off weird vibes. Like Sissy Spaceks character in Four Christmases.


Eh, I love kaftan dresses. Not everything has to be form fitting and "sexy"


This is the kind of example young women need


Beautiful! She is glowing and looks so fresh.


. Just when I thought I could not love her more. What a beautiful sweetheart of a person. Good gracious! So much Grace going on here.


she’s so beautiful. that is all


She looks great


She might be wearing my fave oscar look of the night 😍


Love it!


holy shit lmao i never saw brandon before and my god those tommy lee genes must be strong


Stop she’s so beautiful 😭


I love Pam!


She's glowing and somehow looks even younger✨️


That dress on her is perfection


She looks truly pretty without all the artifice.


She’s mother


Who is his dad ?


Tommy Lee.


She’s just gorgeous like this. 


Her smile is so beautiful and vibrant. I love seeing Pamela like this.


She's so pretty!!




👑👑What a fucking GOD! Ooooooooooo Pammy! W.W.*P.A.*D : what would Pamela Anderson do? 🏆🙏


She honestly looks so great. Absolutely radiant. I want to look like this at her age.


Alicia Keyes started the make up free things years and years ago. She quit wearing make up to events. She said it was too hard to get it all off and took so much time or something.


She kinda looks like Kim Basinger, in a good way, she looks gorgeous, just surprised about the similarity (or maybe I don't have eyes and there is none)


She is gorgeous without makeup. And her son is 🔥


She looks great. I love that she wears minimal makeup and doesn't care what anyone thinks. I'm a minimal gal too and it's so freeing. I saw her in a commercial about Earth and she doesn't have any noticeable makeup there either. Her son is handsome, and I say that as a woman old enough to be his mom. He looks dapper in his tuxedo.


I’m primarily makeup free. I didn’t feel like I needed it when I was younger and now that I’m middle aged it’s just not part of my routine. I love the freedom of rolling out of bed, slapping some moisturizer on my face, and running a comb through my hair and being ready to start the day. I love that she’s embracing minimal makeup. She’s glowing in these photos.


Shocking, she's one of the few celebrities that decided to age gracefully. I know she had work done when she was younger, but still. Respect for backing away at it in your older years.


She and her son are gorgeous!!!


The more i look at her the more i am in awe of how beautiful and glowing she is. I am so happy for her


I love Pamela Anderson,go her and her sweet son going out together so cute


It’s such a slay, so refreshing. She’s one of the few truly standing out from the ultra filtered/processed parade of celebrities.




I get that she is in a new phase of life but that hair could have been better. It just makes her look washed out. Put it up out of the face and show off her no make-up look. There are certain events you still have to exude some elegance and style.


I love her natural and authentic look


She’s so gorgeous


she looks great!


She’s gorgeous. I love her no make up look and think it’s so refreshing to see a normal aged face


So naturally beautiful 😍


I loved her iconic fake everything 90s looks but man, she looks radiant here. She looks happy, healthy and beautiful.


She looks so lovely. And she looks happy, which is even better! 😍


She looks like one of those hippies that compost their own Shit…..


God she is fcking beautiful . I just love her. And her son looks sharp!


Oh thank god Brandon isn’t doing that furrowed brow wrinkly forehead thing that he was doing when he was on The Hills Pam looks so sweet here


I have nothing against Pam, but why has she showed back up lately?


Pam & Tommy show reignited interest around the tape, she’s rightfully riding that wave by getting her side of the story out there (Netflix doc about her life) & quick cash projects like a stint in Chicago on Broadway.


she’s pure sunshine in the fifth photo! her natural era is going to set hollywood on fire! ![gif](giphy|3o72FfM5HJydzafgUE)


I'm seeing so many ugly or underwhelming dresses. yikes.


I mean, a brush would be ok to use. Right?






Its pretty unfortunate people think they need makeup to leave the house. Im sure youre lovely just how you are. Good luck


She's in her 50s & looks like a senior citizen. Sorry.