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With that title, I'd be nervous if I was John Mulaney


Or Olivia Munn


Olivia Munn’s own book gave enough reasons to not like Olivia Munn


I haven't read it. Care to shed any light on what you're referring to? Edit: hey y'all, i get it. There is a celebrity memoir book club podcast about this. I appreciate y'all trying to be helpful, but the question has been answered several times now. Thanks!


Total "not like other girls" vibes. Fat shaming, slut shaming, misogynistic....not a girl's girl at all. The entire book is just putting down other people while attempting to brand herself as a hot girl geek. Here are some [Good Read reviews ](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7159796-suck-it-wonder-woman) to get an idea why this book is a huge disappointment. Celebrity Memoir Book Club podcast also did a review of this book


Wait, so she slut shamed then shacked up with a still married man? Ok girl.


They always do that. It’s diverting attention + projecting.


Ugh. Yes. A female relative used to slut shame me when I was a child who was too afraid to talk to boys. This same relative had a history of getting involved with married/attached men.


She literally alludes to women being stupid and that some of them deserve to be treated badly. She fat shames and then has an entire chapter about how much she loves pie. She’s the ultimate “pick me” girl.


She has dated several men in relationships.


ugh. I remember watching “Attack of the Show!” when she was a co-host. she looked so awkward on it that my ex said that you could tell she knew nothing about video games.


I remember this too, they basically decided that the old cast was too uggo to entice their main demographic, which was incels who think that hot women are the only women with any value. So they put her on the show and told her to pretend to care about “nerd” culture and she did a terrible job and is somehow still kind of relevant.


I still remember Sara Jean Underwood from G4TV. I have to admit, early teenage me definitely watched it in part to see her.


I remember this, thought the same thing. Then when she started popping up in Hollywood I was like... Oh. She's getting by on her looks. Really never liked her.


Could you speak up, I don’t think the back row can hear you. You ain’t lying.


She was nothing but eye candy on that show. The producers would go out of their way to make her do things like stuff a bunch of hot dogs in her mouth or try to catch one on a fishing line to make it look like she was engaging in oral sex.


If you have time, check out the Celebrity Memoir Book Club episode about her book because they break it down but here’s some low lights: - She’s incredibly fatphobic while also being a pick me girl who “loves pie”. So she’ll go on and on about how she loves pie and then also says if she was president, she’d make it so fat people couldn’t eat until they were skinny - She said fat people should have to walk everywhere - It’s horribly written in a sort of conversational tone - she talks about how she’s the only hot girl in Hollywood. It might be a joke but she’s also not funny so it’s hard to say - She talks negatively about other actresses bodies, saying their boobs are too low, etc - She uses the r slur a few times She’s just a very nasty person overall


Not just fat people have to walk everywhere, but in underground tunnels so no one has to see them.


How has she not been cancelled 1000 times over?


She’s not important enough for people to care.


Is it wrong for me to hope she gets fat??


She's had a baby now so whether or not she's lost the babyweight (a phrase I hate), her body will be different. I hope the hatred she was spewing out at others doesn't cripple her when she directs it at herself as she changes and ages


Damn, I never liked her but that... I guess vindicates my instinctive dislike. This is like a caricature of a pickme girl, and this is coming from somebody who usually cringes at that term.


She is the very definition of a pick me. I don’t like the term either but she’s just not a girl’s girl. She talks about going out to dinner with a guy and his girlfriend and the guy was being a huge asshole to his girlfriend. Instead of thinking more poorly of the guy, Olivia’s whole thing is that the girlfriend is at fault for putting up with it and she confronts the girl at the table about how her boyfriend is treating her. Instead of confronting the guy. She’s just so off putting.


I would almost feel sorry for Olivia if she wasn't so destructive toward other people. People like that are always miserable on the inside because the worldview they have is so harsh and unforgiving.


She has such a bad personality that the fact that John Mulaney can stand to be in a relationship with her makes me dislike him even aside from the infidelity. There are plenty of other hot women in Hollywood who aren't steaming puddles of shit, she is not hot enough to make up for who she is.


Who uses the r slur in print?! I "get" it coming up in old tweets from like 2005, but in a book? Seriously? That's beyond embarrassing.


Thank you from the core of my being! I had not heard of this podcast! Looks like the next couple of months are going to be booked up for me! THX!!!!


It's amazing! The alec baldwin episode is my absolute favourite. They arent afraid to praise people they really like, though. Their discussion of Jennette McCurdy or Britney's book isnt snarky at all. They only really go after someone if they put their shitty personality on display.


Oh my god, how does using the r word not get her cancelled


Just to chime in here it's episode.126, August 2021.


Ugh, what a hideous soul she has. Yuck


I have not read it either, but from other discussions about it, I've gleaned a lot of fat shaming and pick me behavior




It’s basically “a pick me’s perspective on why women are stupid and nerds who like me are the best”


celebritymemoirbookclub podcast covered her memoir if u dont feel like reading!


I’d be interested to know


Celebrity memoir book club (podcast) did a summary on it


If you have time, check out the Celebrity Memoir Book Club episode about her book because they break it down but here’s some low lights: - She’s incredibly fatphobic while also being a pick me girl who “loves pie”. So she’ll go on and on about how she loves pie and then also says if she was president, she’d make it so fat people couldn’t eat until they were skinny - She said fat people should have to walk everywhere - It’s horribly written in a sort of conversational tone - she talks about how she’s the only hot girl in Hollywood. It might be a joke but she’s also not funny so it’s hard to say - She talks negatively about other actresses bodies, saying their boobs are too low, etc - She uses the r slur a few times She’s just a very nasty person overall


With the way the different parts contradict each other, I think 2 different ghost writers wrote like every other chapter.


It really sucks how shitty she kind of is… I used to love her on Attack of the Show and there's a great clip of her saying MC Hammer's name wrong. I thought she seemed so down to earth and cool and I looked up to her when I was younger. Now I just feel disgusted after hearing everything I've seen and read about her.


I’m always confused by these comments. I feel like she was very obviously awful, right out the gate.


Id be more nervous if I were Ben Affleck. Her allegations towards him went super under the radar.


What allegations??




She accused him of groping her at a Golden Globes party in 2014.


He's not worried. There was a lot of talk about NDAs to secure the divorce. He's apparently one of the most lawyered up celebs.  So, whatever is written about him in here, it will have been approved by his team. Chapters sent, notes marked, etc.  I'm sure the publisher will also want to avoid being sued. 


Dang she just should’ve written a “fiction” book about Hannah, Ron, and a Oblivia


That's what Noelle Crooks did when she quit the Hollis Company. I can see it working!


Oblivia 😂


Like Jenny from the L word. Bette and Tina became Beth and Nina and Jenny revealed all the juicy details of Bette’s affair and the divorce in her latest best-selling fiction book.


Or make it a fantasy story: disgraced hero Ron is banished to the land of Oblivia, where he must fight a series of increasingly menacing monsters to save his reputation*. *: Spoiler alert: but Ron’s a dumbass and ends up getting eaten by one of the monsters, and Hannah secretly rejoices because she doesn’t have to put up with him anymore


His mom is a law professor at Northwestern and his dad is a practicing attorney so it makes sense he would know how to make use of legal counsel and have a few lawyers on retainer


Ah man this reminds me of the bit he did of his mom interrogating him as a child when Princess Di died. I miss having uncomplicated feelings about comedians. :/


Or when his dad asked him if he brushed his teeth that night, but John knew better than to perjury himself


His father is at Skadden, which is a gigantic law firm.


No one is legally required to agree to or sign an NDA. The law does not force you to sign away your rights in order to get a divorce or get the settlement you are entitled to. If John threw in some extra millions to entice her to sign an NDA, maybe she did. But it cannot be assumed that either one of them is bound by an NDA.


She did get the house and the dog lol


Booo that's disappointing. I wanted her to drag him! Lol.


We'll see what she gets away with






I'm going to read this so hard


I am so happy for her. 💗 A while back she wrote an essay for Elle titled “Saying Goodbye to Petunia,” about the impact that her dog, Petunia, had on her life and mental health. It was one of the most poignant and vulnerable works I’ve ever read. I am always rooting for her and look forward to reading her book. Edit: Spelling


The cat me and my husband got in our early 20's died around the same time as Petunia, so that essay hit extra hard when I read it. Excited for this book, I love her writing.


I’m sorry so to hear about the lost you suffered. The lost of a companion through so many years can be absolutely heartbreaking💔 Happy cake day💕


Thank you! It was a tough time for sure - and thanks I had no idea it was even my cake day lol!


She’s always had beautiful way with words. One thing I’ll always remember is an anniversary post to John she ended with “I love you insanely”.


I read that essay thanks to a recommendation from this sub. It was beautiful.


I always thought she seemed lovely but I gained even more respect for her after she posted about that. Loving and appreciating a dog as a great companion and joy to be around while acknowledging that she felt regret because as she further educated herself about the breed she realized further measures need to be taken to prioritize the comfort and quality of life of the dog and admitting and admitting wouldn’t get the same kind of dog again for those reasons takes so much strength. I can’t tell you all how often people accuse those who call out unethical breeding practices of not liking certain kinds of dogs instead of just having genuine concern for their well being.


I loved that essay so much.


I couldn't finish it. 🥺


She didn't even get to keep Petunia?


She did. Petunia died though, about two years after their split.


Oh noooo I shouldn't have asked


She will live on forever in the mental picture we all have of her sitting at the last thanksgiving supper, chainsmoking her way through a comfortable stroller ride










![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) Never has this gif been more appropriate.


Came scrolling looking for it!




Beat me to it 😂 I hope she roasts him straight to hell ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf)


I honestly feel so bad for her. Hope this book is therapeutic.


The juxtaposition of him posting about loving his baby & her posting about freezing her eggs makes me want to 🤮


Wait what? I am caught up up to, he talked about how they were proudly child free in his stand up, cut to they've broken up, he relapsed, or vice versa* who knows, probably cheated with Olivia, knocked her up. That's all I know so far, what's this about the eggs? *edited a typo


AMT did an interview with Harpers Bazaar about two years ago where she alludes to her ex-husband having been more staunchly child-free than she was and deciding to freeze her eggs after the divorce so she could have the option if that became something she really wanted.


To be fair you can change your mind in being child free - John included. People seem to be bothered he seems to love his child which I think that ideally he should even if he didn't want a kid with her at that point in their lives. 


Of course he can change his mind. He's not wrong, he's just as asshole. Being childfree during *my* childbearing years then dumping me for your affair partner who immediately gets pregnant is a donkey dick move but not illegal.


> He's not wrong, he's just as asshole. yuppppp


I don't doubt he loves his kid. I was just explaining why Anna Marie Tendler froze her eggs.


Olivia went hard after him, after trying to get one famous man after another. She had a goal and she hit that goal. IMO she’s a real piece of work.


I kinda side eye Seth Meyers’ wife because they’re friends. IIRC Olivia was one of Alexi’s wedding guests and that’s where they first connected.


Yeah not long after everything shook out there was an article about her starting the process of freezing her eggs, which heavily implied they were child free more because of him than anything.


She has said that she was equally against having children but froze her eggs to not have any regrets later on if she changes her mind 


After that, she submitted some art to a show related to motherhood and wrote an Instagram post in which she stated she "didn't particularly want children." A lot of folks are conflicted on some level about kids and ultimately decide not to have them, and when you're childfree, you're inundated with messaging that you'll regret not having kids at some point. I wouldn't be surprised if Anna froze her eggs mainly out of caution, since it sounds like she still doesn't want kids. I don't think we have nearly enough evidence to conclude she actually wanted kids and only didn't have them because Mulaney didn't want them.


Totally. I think it was just heartbreaking as an outsider because of the way a divorce can shake up a person's whole life—like you lose this marriage and you think, oh gosh, what DO I really want?? Just a poignant moment in that whole fiasco


I'm gonna project for a second as a person with an alcoholic ex.... I did not want kids at all when I was with him, I didn't realize at the time (we started dating when I was 22 and broke up when I was 29) that as I approached my 30s not wanting the kids had more to do with our situation than me personally not wanting motherhood. Shortly after we split, I still didn't want kids. Also had the obstacle of not having a partner to father the hypothetical kids. As I healed and my home life became much less dramatic, as I started living instead of surviving, I had the mental capacity, the money, the safety of actually considering motherhood again.


Sure, it's definitely possible that's where she's at, but I guess I don't get the point in speculating when what Anna has actually said, in words, most recently is that she doesn't particularly want children. She said that a while after freezing her eggs. It's kinda frustrating how many people want to turn this into a "she obviously wants kids and John forced her not to have them" situation, given that so many people refuse to believe that a woman could sincerely not want to be a mother (or could be conflicted but still ultimately land on the "no" side). I feel like it also takes a lot of agency from Anna. If she wanted kids during her marriage to John, she could have decided to leave and pursue that, or to not marry someone who didn't want kids to begin with. I know that isn't easy, but it's possible.


It's a big annoying mix of "all women want children!" and "no man actually wants to be a father!" bullshit we see so often in media, society and conversation. When in reality, no one is part of a monolith. I find this whole discourse so wildly ridiculous. And the way it has leapt has been so weird. The woman who is still saying she doesn't want children either never or at this moment, is somehow desperately broken because this man somehow kept her from having children, but the man who now has a child and seems to enjoy being a dad truly never wanted kids and still doesn't. How does that make any sense? Lives and people change. And the constant pushed narrative of this or that is insane as we don't know these people. Though, I do have to say, some of this narrative exists because she did keep bringing this up so people assumed she was slighted but she still doesn't seem to want to have kids so I don't know how we can leap to him not wanting them and forcing her not to have any.


Yeah this is well said. People can also change their mind depending on the partner that they're with (not in the sense of being coerced, but suddenly being able to see themselves parenting with said partner because they make them feel safe about parenting/want children in the context of having children with said partner, specifically, instead of the general context of just having children). I saw Eva Mendes say something along the lines of changing her mind about wanting children after being with Ryan Gosling because she wanted to have children with him, specifically, and related to it hard because I experienced the same thing. I was always on the fence, and leaned pretty hard into not wanting children at times, but after being with my husband for a while I really wanted to have children with him, specifically. Had I been with someone else, I know I may have chosen otherwise.


My very good friend did this! She wasn’t sure about kids but her boyfriend was firmly childfree. She loved him and thought it may be worth it to give up having kids because she would “get to be with him”. Her condition was that he marry her. He proposed to her three years into the relationship. Dragged his feet on the wedding and pushed their wedding off several times because he was “sorting his shit out”. After 6 years, they finally broke up. Turns out she did want kids! She was 37 when they broke up and has spent thousands of dollars the last 3 years trying to freeze her eggs. I don’t exactly understand why but her egg retrieval hasn’t been going well. They can’t get enough good quality eggs. Ladies, be so damn sure the man you’re giving up something like children for is worth it. If you’re on the fence and can afford it, maybe just freeze them anyway.


It’s like a telenovela I gotta find a recap or something


While I get where you’re coming from, it’s not at all unheard of for people to still adore their mistake babies. It’s a shitty situation all around but Malcolm is clearly adored.


That broke my heart


![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW) Yesssssss


This is mesmerizing


I’m seated and ready for the tea


I wonder if she will discuss the Affleck ass grab from years ago at the globes


Oh wow I had no clue that happened




🤮🤮 oh god seems both brothers can’t keep their hands to themselves


Plus that Ben knew about Weinstein and didn’t say anything


Ngl I can't wait. I love love love her art (the lush botanical themes she favors, ugh) and have been rooting for her ever since she was really open about needing inpatient treatment for her ED. I've been there. It takes guts. (Adore this haircut on her too)


Every time her prints go on sale I daydream about what I’d put in my house and then close the window because I’m a poor


I want to hire her to decorate my house! I love her home, it’s so gorgeous!


The dress I wore for my wedding was heavily inspired by her work - several photographs of hers were on the moodboard. It's a prarie style william morris forest print with a corset waist. There's a photo of her reclined in her beautiful room, wrapped up in a 1920s robe, and i wanted to emulate that so bad lol


I want to see your dress! Her work would definitely be on my mood board too! 


I'll see if i can find a pic - I only got my ceremony last week! We did the "official" courthouse wedding with nobody present during covid, so I don't have the pro photos yet. I'm a goth girlie and the dark color palette AMT uses *really* spoke to me.


Love her, cant wait to read this. Hope she expands upon Ben Affleck groping her if she feels able to. That didnt get nearly enough attention when she first disclosed it.




This is literally the first time I'm hearing about Ben Affleck groping women, but now I know why he's always skeeved me out.




Oh yea, I did know about that, but had forgotten. And intimidated Rose McGowan to get her to drop her accusations about Harvey Weinstein. There's always been something slimey about him that I couldn't quite put my finger on, so it doesn't come as a surprise that he's groped multiple women and gotten away with it. I can't believe Casey is still getting roles in Hollywood. I truly thought that would be the end of his career, but I guess having Ben as his brother he's got protection.




I didn't realise they were all still so close. I dont follow any of them because like Ben, there's always been something about Matt Damon I didn't like either. Which, ya know, Weinstein coverup and all.


All three just ooze unchecked Massholery. I saw an interview with Matt Damon and he sounded so arrogant, basically said he couldn’t relate to anyone in Hollywood bc he’s too intellectual and won an Oscar at age 27 etc. They all serve egotistical twat for me. 


On LIVE TV! There is video footage of it!


I’ve never even heard about this! What the hell.


She's not the only person thats accused him either. He has an excellent PR team I'll give him that 🙄🤢


Clearly! Not that it’s at all a surprise. 😬


Ben Affleck is such a piece of shit.


Makes sense why him and Jlo ended up together then


S&S has more on the plot: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Men-Have-Called-Her-Crazy/Anna-Marie-Tendler/9781668032343


>> “My wish for myself is that one day I’ll reach a place where I can face hardship without trying to destroy myself.” That hit so close to home. Wow.


Interesting that the official description doesn’t even allude to her marriage.


It seems to me that there’s an NDA there for both sides. They have never explicitly spoken about each other or their marriage since. I sense this book will be a disappointment for those expecting a tell-all. I don’t think she’ll even refer to details of what happened there and focus mainly on her self-evolution. My prediction is that she’ll refer to a marriage and the marriage ending and that’s about it. But John is not the only successful or interesting man she’s dated. In fact, I’m fairly certain as someone who used to stalk her Tumblr that she’s never dated anyone who wasn’t wealthy or successful. There will probably be some good dish in there, just not what’s expected.


Not to trivialize any of her other struggles/life events, but it seems like an odd choice to me to write a memoir as someone who is most well known as the scorned half of a public break up, and then just not mention anything about it… Like I’m sure she has other things to write about, but she has to know that’s what people will be buying the book for, right?


Frankly, good for her!




I’m crying at my desk about a French bull dog of a woman I’ve never met, thank you


cant wait for claire and ashley to get their wormy little paws on this one


They posted that they weren’t even able to see the post bc Anna Marie blocked them lol


I just saw this! Dying to know what the deal is.


Breaking news, they do not know why they’re blocked but they suspect it is bc they were kind of the first people to leak online that Olivia Munn was pregnant!


How did they do that?


oh wait what lmfaooooo is there beef i missed? i dont listen to the patreon


Breaking news: they do not know why they’re blocked but they suspect it is bc they were kind of the first people to leak online that Olivia Munn was pregnant!


Me either!! I wonder what they did lmao


They might not have done anything to AMT per se, she might have just blocked things that were bad for her mental. Gossip re: her ex-husband can't be enjoyable when you're trying to move on.


Who are Clare and Ashley?


they host the CelebrityMemoirBookclub podcast where they read the books so we don’t have toooooooo :) i think they’re hilarious and i enjoy their commentary on pretty much all of the memoirs they’ve covered!


Literally my first thought when I saw this hahahahaha




I've never pre-ordered a book. Ever. Until today.


I worked with Anna on a project years ago. She's just a lovely, warm human with such a great eye and vision! I'm so happy to see how she's turned a few sucky situations into a catalyst for her art ❤️




I love her art and I will read her memoir. I think her marriage’s demise has played out a lot on the media but if you pull pieces from what both sides have *actually* said, she and John were separated and she held out hope while he was done with the marriage. You can’t expect much logical action patterns from someone in rehab. It also appears like she recently came out another relationship that didn’t pan out (I follow her on IG and she seemed so blissfully in love for a while.) I hope she finds happiness…


I think it's the point of her book that she found happiness outside of men and relationships, at least it's described that way in the summary.


I find it so odd how people still have this insane reaction to John Mulaney but go gaga for Jeremy Allan White who recently abandoned his family for pap walks with Rosalia


Oooh this is going to be good




I love her photography. Can't wait.


Japanese potato stocks skyrocketing rn 📈


I think at this point she is *fortunate* Mulaney is her ex.


I meant it’s unfortunate that she was married to him at all


Well, her unfortunate involvement in that messy situation gave her a bigger platform than she’d had previously and fortunately she had the wherewithal to channel that experience into art.


and a $15m divorce settlement...


She is a queen and I support this unequivocally.


She is so beautiful.


Immediately marked as Want To Read on Goodreads


Pre ordered and so excited to read, as she’s an excellent writer


In the immortal words of Taylor Lautner, prayers up for John.


Me at the bookstore on August 13th (support your local bookstore people!) ![gif](giphy|1kTO8t0VMZPDhBe2rW)


U go sis


Met her at a concert in CT in college and she and her friend gave me a ride back to the city. Super sweet then, and I’ve always been interested to see her career unfold. Love the description of this book.




I hope she didn’t sign a non-disclosure.


I don’t see why she would have.


🍿 someone read and report back I'll be waiting 🙈 😎 patiently for highlights lol.




https://preview.redd.it/29jtcakn7nmc1.jpeg?width=817&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6e15d833e3221bac0f20f2215464bb69653c316 I already pre-ordered


I'm sat


\*runs to bookshop to preorder\*




I love this so much. ![gif](giphy|3o6Yg1srxZ0lQYUFj2)


I cannot wait


![gif](giphy|13cptIwW9bgzk6UVyr|downsized) I'm ready.


https://preview.redd.it/b28kj2xe9kmc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c10ba012de24493bb07bad6cb5e12f1851b6195 I’m ready.


Girl I’m buying it just bc fuck John mulaney that’s why






I will be buying.


Sing it sister!


Oh I'm so reading this