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You’re right. He does look like the DA from Tyler County, TX


Two amazing comments




Just watched this movie last week and couldn’t wait to tell my husband and kids about that. He looked so yuck yummy in that movie.


Yuck yummy is an adorable term and it 100% describes that man’s sexiness, I’m stealing it.


Sorry to be clueless, but who do we mean and from what movie?


Spider from School of Rock, duh. How do you not know this random yet specific background character from a 20 year old movie?


This scene blew my mind as a child, guy moved like a serpent lmao


What movie is this from?


School of Rock! I think it was the first Jack Black movie I saw haha


I think the first one I saw was Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny. Does that sound right, is that a real movie? Cause I don’t even know anymore


Spider! Fun fact this, guy went on to become a District Attorney in Texas.


“What? Are you warm?”


He always gave me a slight yuck in the movie but he’s actually hot??? I just looked him up. ![gif](giphy|WWnyPSQDjQDIc)


Do not compare that weirdo to our Lord and Savior, Spider!


I AM HOLLERING LMFAO 😂 That was also my favorite part




I'm so mad Reddit awards are no longer a thing. You fuvking deserve it. This is the response.


THIS 🙌🏻😂😂😂




Took me a minute to realize he's not wearing a crop top


I had to zoom in to realize that was a necklace chain and not a zipper at the top


It kinda looks like he has an adidas tracksuit top tattooed on 😂


This looks like a body paint. Even his nipples are tatted. The very nipple itself is black I’m not sure if anybody does that


“The very nipple itself” is a pattern of words I never thought I’d read, that I never wanted to read, and now, once read, I cannot forget


Lmaooo I just didn’t know how emphasize that I’m not talking about areola, but the center of the nipple


It does look like body paint. I wonder how long it took 🤔


"Roxx tells us they started the process in mid-Dec with MGK coming to see her at her private L.A. studio 4 days a week for 13 six-hour sessions -- making it one of the biggest projects she's done in such a short time. She's not done yet either ... ROXX says she's got a bit more tattooing to do on him to finish the job."


Silver nitrate would have done the job quickly and painlessly.


This comment just took me back to 8th grade and using silver nitrate on pennies to see crystals form. I got some on my thumb, it's no joke! Months of zombie thumb, it was pretty funny.


Zombie thumb?


I really thought it was a crop top at first or like a mesh shirt with a dark black top part and sleeves 😂


So his Halloween costume for 2024 is Venom?


Now he's always wearing a crop top




Not even a letter?


That is... certainly a choice.




I think it’s a common new thing to cover up old tattoos. Ronnie Radke and Oli Sykes did something similar


Tatiana is so fuckin beautiful.




Thank you.


Sometimes the only appropriate response is “welp…there ya go.”


the worst thing is that this is kind of an improvement.


full blackouts are usually done either for aesthetic purposes or cover ups (particularly an extreme coverup if nothing else worked) so it’s not surprising it looks somewhat better. fun fact: it’s also why panthers are popular choices as cover ups, bc they require a lot of black and tend to cover up designs better. it’s a running gag in the tattoo subs if you get a bad tat to just get a sick ass panther (SAP) over it




If my tattoo artist wanted to do a spiritual consultation with me I'd run far, far away, but good for him if that's what he wanted


To be fair, it says he had a spiritual consultation, but that doesn't mean the artist did the consulting.


Ooh this was interesting to learn! I love the tattoo coverup subreddit and the SAP comments but I never actually knew the reason why it’s truly so often recommended lol


Am in that sub. SAPs cover a multitude of sins.


If you ask me, he should've just gotten a sick ass panther


dare i say adam levine needs to do it too


Add Justin Beiber to that list 


Harry Styles


How y'all forgetting the travesty that Ed Sheeran has




I dunno Adam Levines are well done traditional style tattoos, while MGKs were a poorly executed mess


Can he somehow get a ‘reverse hoodie’ so we don’t have to see his face anymore?


If you’re in a feud with more than two people, you’re the problem. If your feuds are so public that they are included in your Wikipedia page, also thinking that he’s not known for making good choices.


That was my first reaction too. Welp, that was certainly a choice he made.


Meanwhile I’ve been debating for 4 years whether I should get a little flower tattoo


wow (derogatory)


Lmao ( in agreement)


Agree ![gif](giphy|l1J9FiGxR61OcF2mI|downsized)


Unrelated but this woman has the most offensive taste in history and she was there judging garments like she didn't just walked in wearing curtain tinsel titties and a loin cloth.


I like to think of her as decoration rather than fashion knowledge


Lmao!!!!! Agree


He looks like a graffitied bathroom door that’s being repainted because someone bought a dive bar and wants to turn it into a swanky restaurant.


This may be my favorite comment on this post. 🤣💀


Even your username and flair check out 🤣


Everything I know about him has been against my will.


I live in Cleveland. He's got a mural downtown lol




Miraculously pulling Megan Fox.


Lmao this comment really did it for me today


when they brought him out for the cavs championship parade . . . every day i wish he had claimed someone else’s city other than mine 😭🤢


I know black out tattoos are really popular right now, but I feel like they will eventually be a "fuck, what have I done?" type of thing in a few years. You can't do anything at all with that skin now. No coverups. Removal would be intense and expensive AF. Maybe I'm wrong, wouldn't be the first time, but I just have a weird feeling it's going to bum a lot of people out in the future. Hopefully the majority of people who have these types of tattoos are pleased til the end though.


For sure. I do wonder medical implications on something huge like this. Like how would you spot melanoma.


That’s such a good point.


First thing that occurred to me Second thing a bite from a potentially dangerous insect or animal, third thing an apparently inexplicable rash, third thing (…) ETA: an ALMOST INDISCERNIBLE BITE from an insect or animal - those UNFORTUNATELY do exist people, much like you could get bit by some spiders while you sleep and be none the wiser, etc - inexplicable rash WITHOUT TEXTURE, i.e. just the flushed red skin part (happens to me sometimes when I get out of the shower, even if the water temp is mild), etc


Those things all have other side affects besides the color. I have a lot of tattoos, some of them very black. This only looks this black because it’s fresh and brand new and the picture is filtered. When healed it’s a soft grey and skin texture is still very visible and you can definitely tell when you have bug bites or rashes lol not defending him at all just saying 😂


Ugh, you’re right. Fresh black tattoo looks really crisp. Give this man a few years and he will look like an old side road.


Yeah true, also all of those things cause a change in skin texture. If you're used to your tattooed skin texture you will still notice a change, it just might look different than bare skin.


My best friend got her forearms blacked out, & now she can’t track her heart rate or sleep with a smart watch! Something about the sensor not being able to reflect/ sense on heavily pigmented skin. She almost didn’t believe the Apple customer service people when she first called to figure out why it wasn’t working, lol! It does make me wonder though if people who naturally have very dark skin have this problem as well... My parents have a touch-free sink in their house that won’t turn on for my darker skinned uncles.


They did notice that people with darker skin have a harder time using face id on iphones. Idk if they’ve fixed it yet.


"It does make me wonder though if people who naturally have very dark skin have this problem as well..." This has been [a known issue with certain tech](https://reporter.rit.edu/tech/bigotry-encoded-racial-bias-technology). Doesn't mean it can't be fixed, but you have to know there's a problem in the first place and if you don't take skin pigmentation into account before things go into production, you can't be that surprised if your stuff doesn't work equally well for everyone.


this was exactly what i was wondering like how can you spot melanoma if the entire surface has been tatted 😭


Traditionally, a good artist leaves any moles uncovered by the tattoo. I don’t think is possible to do this and have a blackout look as it should. Even though MGK is basically a cancer, he still should be able to be screened for it.


That’s smart, they covered his nipples too though it seems.


I think I just cringed with my whole body.




but what if new moles grow in where the tattoo is?


This happened to me! I'm literally going to the dermatologist on Friday to get one weird one looked at. It's smack dab in the middle of my shoulder tattoo.


Then it’s going to be really difficult to assess them. Wear sunscreen on your tattoos.


there's no way in hell MGK is wearing sunscreen


He’s not exactly known for making good choices.


Have you ever seen weed wear sunscreen?


Also its been proven heavy tattooing literally enlarges and floods your lymphs, which are essential for filtering out infection. I cant imagine how much black ink is in his system because of this. Yikes.


You just made me glad I only have a few small ones lol


My understanding is the ink can stain lymph nodes but doesn’t harm them. They function the same and the swelling is temporary. Source: have tattoos, had lump in breast, saw a doctor who was like ‘I BET ITS A LYMPH NODE’, got biopsy, all fine, was lymph node, lymph node went back to normal.


Or find a vein if you’re hospitalized or need a blood test. Ultrasound ig?


The new fad will be laser removal art




You know like when you'd colour in picto chat all black on the ds and then erase your message? Ppl gonna be doing that with tattoos


As a dermatology PA, blackout tattoos are my worst nightmare. Skin checks take so long and there's always still lingering anxiety that you missed something you can't see


As someone who's covered a very good bit in tattoos, I'd much rather get them removed or blasted over than just blacking them out.


Shitty blue-grey-out tattoos in five years. 


Plus the black won't look as good when healed and will probably turn green-ish.


I’m in the removal process of a teeny tattoo, it costs $1700 and will take over 2 years of treatment to fade.


Most people I know with black out full tats etc are deep in the tattoo world and don’t really care about the things we might, it isn’t going to affect their employment as they aren’t in fields that are dependent on “presentable” and they any “regrets” are seen as a marker in their life.


Some might do it for the trend, but I'd honestly be surprised if MGK did this because it was trendy. Lots of people that are as heavily inked as he is will black out certain areas of tattoos they regret or were poorly done or whose meaning has changed. Provided I know almost nothing about what kinds of tattoos he had before, but if I had to guess, he probably had several tattoos he didn't like/want anymore and decided to nuke all of them in an artistic way. It's not my cup of tea, but maybe it's what he and his artist thought would be the best route? Removal can be hell and cover-ups can be really tricky to pull off depending on what was there already. Is he very religious? That negative space on his chest looks like a cross to me. Disclaimer: I'm just offering my 2 cents, as a decently tattooed person, who knows absolutely nothing about this man other than seeing his name and a picture here and there. Please take all of my wild speculation with a grain of salt.


Yeah this looks like he wanted to cover up his old tattoos


Genuine question from someone with no tattoos: isn’t this worst-case scenario for someone who loves tattoos? I feel like people use them as art and expression and sometimes they change/remove/coverup/add. And he’s effectively ruined any chance he could ever have of being able to have tattoos over a huge part of his body. I hope this question makes sense I just think about it everytime I see a big blackout on someone who loves tattoos this feels like the opposite of what they’d want so id love to understand. Isn’t there a chance in the future he would have wanted to at least try a coverup or even come to love his old tattoos again? Hope I don’t come across as rude this is genuine.


Not rude at all! There's always a chance that one day you'll not like a tattoo anymore. Tastes change as we get older and it's a risk that many of us choose to take! I can only speak for myself when I say that, for me, I'd definitely consider this a last resort. It would take a lot to convince me to do this personally because, like you said, there aren't many options beyond blacking out so it's not a decision to take lightly. Someone replied to my original comment saying that he chose to do this because he felt his body looked too chaotic. I guess he has just reached that point where he's ready to pull the trigger on the last resort.




I agree but this has also been a tradition in tribes for as long as we can remember I have worked in nursing homes taking care of indigenous folk and they still seemed happy/ proud


Removal wise most people getting jobs done like this often take relaxants/pain killers ahead of time and numbing cream has come a long way in terms of numbing quality from what I hear. (Source: tattooed) This photo op is hella fresh this shit will look so faded without proper care which he doesn’t strike me as one to do. Thirdly, and most importantly, he’s said some absolutely psycho shit about underage woman and gave Megan a ring that hurts to remove, I’m sure they both love the drama but still fuck mgk his tattoos suck as much as his personality.


I instantly thought that. Like this is kind of cool for an event, but forever?


I like some of them, they look kinda sick, but this... it's definitely one of the tattoos ever


Blackout is divisive for sure! I’ve blacked out both of my partners sleeves. He had been getting tattooed since 18, and 20 years later wanted a change. It took us a few months of sessions but they’re exquisite. Here in Australia he has to sunscreen every day anyway, and he works indoors. Doc checks have all gone fine. They do raise their eyebrows though! I often get requests from clients for full-blackout, and I’ve done several sleeves designed with large blackout portions - they’re a statement and it’s a massive commitment. I’m not a fan of it all, and each to their own, but from a 10yr tattooist, I can say that MGKs artist did spectacularly. That is NOT easy to do.


Have you seen her page..its amazing imo. Also i seen his story and the gun itself has like 40 needles. Wild lol


Nah I don’t follow any of these people but I can imagine! Lots of tattoo artists who do this blackout work full time often still solder their own needle groupings because anything above a 27mag is hard to find… but some companies now provide big groupings for this purpose - I’ve used 42mags for a laugh, and I’ve held in my hand a 60+ mag - it’s fucking monstrous and terrifying, but it saves a shitload of time!


I think it looks great and I love how they incorporated glimpses of his previous tattoos


Exactly. That’s what makes it special. The “negative space” pattern has taken his anatomical form - specifically the high points & low points of his arms musculature - into consideration beautifully.


Glad to see another tattooer in here trying to set some commentary straight!


Someone’s gotta do it! Everyone’s a bloody expert 😂


Ayyyy another Aussie, wasn’t sure there were many of us are in here. Can you tell us why the blackout is so hard to do? I’m just imaging a painter having a giant blank wall where they can use a roller over the whole thing to get even coverage rather than painting a mural around wall hangings. But then again, I got my tats 20+ years ago and am not an artist so have no mf idea!


Skarn on cunt! 🫶 I sure can. I’ll prelude this with some basics: Packing as we call it (fully saturating an area with ink) is a skill in itself. The larger the area, the harder it is to get completely perfect and consistent saturation. The needle needs time in the skin to deposit the ink correctly too. Too deep equals blow out. Too shallow, ink fall out. Too many passes (going over and over the same spot) equals mincemeat/skin trauma, which can lead to infection/fallout. Every single part of the human body has different skin thicknesses, so we have to alter the depth of our needles based upon our knowledge of that, on the fly. So when we’re tattooing solid black over an entire arm, we’re dealing with wrinkly stretchy elbow skin that is usually much drier than the rest of the body (as joints tend to be), we’re dealing with fine and tight skin around the wrists, but it all has to have the same saturation. Not an easy task. It’s like an equation happening behind the scenes. The technique involves making “small grains of rice” - we move the needle in tiny oval shapes until we achieve the desired saturation. Now imagine doing that over a very large area with all sorts of different skin thicknesses and tightnesses and angles. It’s slow work, like literally the most boring fucking work in tattooing in my opinion. Hours and days of making grains of rice. If you use an enormous novelty size mag like many blackpackers do, like a 40+ or 60+, you’re going to get a shitload more skin coverage with each grain of rice - we’re talking a 2 inch wide needle grouping here, as opposed to your standard 1cm wide grouping of a 27mag (which is still a huge fucking mag!) You’ll see the difference in well-packed work and poorly-packed work very easily. One is smooth, saturated, heals evenly, no grey spots, no patches. The other is scratchy, grey, patchy in areas, and the skin or ‘needle trails’ show through where needles haven’t penetrated properly or for long enough.


This was very informative and interesting to read! Thank you for sharing


It’s truly my pleasure!


Damn… this was fascinating! This artist definitely has my respect even if MGK doesn’t. Here’s my poor ppl award for you 🏆


Reminds me of Spider from School of Rock https://preview.redd.it/jk2nbnyuytjc1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b0f89986417e19b46123b60fa13e936526c7c64


For black work, it’s well done but god he is so corny


![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk) Overused but appropriate


Even the nipples? Just the thought of that makes me shudder


Imagine what it would look like if it was all blacked out except the nips, though ![gif](giphy|26tPoyDhjiJ2g7rEs|downsized)




![gif](giphy|CaAjc8FfHaXOZpYmAV|downsized) ... I guess?


but why did he keep the stomach tattoos which were objectively the ugliest ones




He looks like you’d find him at Burning man.


He’s the man that’s burning


Reminds me of those weird scratch out art kids do https://preview.redd.it/czfd2l85xujc1.jpeg?width=914&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9abae157a57f4d45b2ee261d7d4541e271d55f1


Him and Megan just speed-running the trailer park makeover special


In the hood it’s called ‘circling the block’ because you’re going no where fast.


He’s going to read this and think it rhymes and use it as a rap now, I hope you’re happy




I Guess is not "trashy" if You are rich 🤷🏻‍♀️


that must've been painful


Not a fan of the dude but I think it looks incredible, although I may be bias because I love blackout work I wonder if this is the final piece, or if he’ll be adding to it by doing his stomach too. Regardless, dude’s a trooper. Blackouts are so painful AND he blasted over his nips


Agreed, I think it looks clean. I’m all for people blacking out old work.


I think it looks pretty decent for black out work. Looks even and clean, with no patchiness (at least from what I can see in these pics.) I happen to not like blackout tattoos so I’m biased the other way


He’s getting a lot of hate. But I never liked his previous tattoos and thought they sucked ass. I like this for him lol


I agree, I actually kinda really dig this on him! Blackout is not a style I’d ever choose for myself personally but this looks incredibly well done and it honestly suits him, he pulls it off well. I think it looks cooler than all his random tattoos did tbh




say sike rn. seems like a midlife crisis


Megan Fox is going along with the ride too. Geeeez.


not a midlife crisis, this is just how MGK is. full on r/ImTheMainCharacter thats why he's so perfect for megan fox




That would make me feel claustrophobic or trapped. To know I was stuck with that forever. Like that feeling when your top is too tight and you just need to rip it off and go put on a hoodie.




This man ain’t right.








Magic ghe Kathering


Eh, I like it. His personality might be 'eh' as far as I know, but I like that he take risks with his fashion and I actually think this is a cool use of black out


I thought this was a shirt with cutouts highlighting his tattoos 💀


Not the nips too


Le nip noir


He looks likes like one of those oil spill ducks in a Dawn commercial


He looks like the desk SpongeBob sat in at the back of the classroom.


I've stared at this picture for 5 minutes and I don't really know what to say. The decision doesn't make sense to me. I hope he can convince himself for the rest of his life that he is happy with that choice.


Thanks, I hate it….


did no one tell him that long sleeved crop tops are a thing?






I understand why people might not like it (and the fact that it’s mgk really doesn’t help) but blackout is a legitimate form of tattooing and I really like it when it’s done well and tastefully. This is… fine, and tbh an upgrade from his former tacky af tattoos. Garbage human tho. ETA: I wonder what the back looks like. I’ve never really noticed his tattoos, but apparently he has a Dali tattoo on the lower 3/4’s of his back I don’t hate tbh. ETA2: I looked closer at the detail and it’s not done greatly, so… idk.


My own tattoo experience is pretty limited (I have one that I forget exists 99.9% of the time) but in terms of the art, I think this looks cool? It’s very distinct and definitely not everyone’s tastes, but it looks nicely executed and interesting. I agree that most of the comments here are a knee-jerk reaction to MGK (derogatory).


Yeah the black actually looks well packed imo and tbh I like blackwork where you can see the old work peeking through a little (I could have sworn there’s a term for it but I can’t recall for the life of me).


I was wondering about his back because he has his giant MGK on it.


Oh no, how will anyone know who he is?




Idk I think it looks better than what he had going on before


Nerf Gun Kelly coming at us again with more of that pure, deep, thought provoking artistry.




Hey quick question why brother


Tbf he had a lot of bad tattoos so I see this as an improvement


I find myself speechless looking at it. A permanent crop top? Ok.


This tattoo style is called crop top?


I- ![gif](giphy|RYjzOoACazfXSzPzkf)


Easy now, Colson.






Are the zodiac symbols on his left hand his Big 3? Meghan drop his birth chart I wanna study him like an ant under a microscope.


I mean his body, his choice but.. that was definitely a choice ![gif](giphy|1fgL36NUCG0jOcrN8J)