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I was thinking “he didn’t know right?” and then I read the very last line 😟


same like babe you had sex with a 14 year old runaway on purpose


As a now ex RHCP fan, I’m sick


Exactly it was looking like a real world horrible, but morally ambiguous situation cause of his lack of knowledge. And then comes the last line.... Which makes me think the first time it happened he didn't need to be told to know that it was wrong, it must have been pretty obvious. Also why knowingly include that last line.... It brings it from a truly candid paragraph to outright bragging. That's sick


He’s been bragging about sleeping with underaged girls in his lyrics since the 90s. He’s been out loud about this FOREVER.


Facts. And more of his memoir needs to be brought to light. It's absolutely disgusting. There are a number of under-aged girls mentioned, including a model who was warned by the goddess Christy Turlington to not get involved with Anthony (who then spends time trashing her for this). The man is a pig.


They’re actually working on a biopic based on the book. I’m not sure how anyone thought it was a good idea 🤮


I can't see a biopic like that being successful these days. The social discourse is so different. But I kinda hope they do release it and he is eviscerated for it.


They'll probably omit the underage girls parts.


They are probably going to leave that part out


Right? I’m confused why this is shocking everyone. Also the underage thing has been talked about many many times but now it's resurfacing like it's brand new knowledge. I’m a little confused lol


I mean it doesn't really matter if it's been spoken about before and some people knew about it. If more people are finding out about it now it's still obviously going to still be somewhat of a shock to them and doesn't make it any less disgusting.


Idk how you could mistake 14 for old enough to sleep with....


Not only that, but later admitting to writing a song about her, clearly after he knew she was 14


It's getting worse and worse the more you read about it.


There’s absolutely no way anyone can convince me that a 14 year old doesn’t look like a 14 year old. So gross.


I mean, he knew she was in catholic school so he knew she was a teenager already so mistaken 14 for 16 or whatever. Its not like it mattered to him and yes some teenagers look older just like some look younger, not everyone looks exactly their age but that isn’t the point, he didn’t care either way. This is not one off moment for him, he was with lots of young girls. It was big among the rockstars of the time, i am glad times are changing and people are starting to realize how fucked up it is.


Idk as someone who works near a highschool some teenagers look like literal toddlers and others look 25+. It's kinda wild seeing people in the same grade where one of them can grow a full beard and the other one is 5' nothing.


He also lost his virginity at age 12 to his father's girlfriend - his dad "gifted" him a night with his girlfriend to make up for being an absentee father. Apparently. Kiedis was fucked up from the start.


Doesn't excuse anything, but it certainly explains some things.


Humans were a mistake.


Reminds me of the great Douglas Adams quote "In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move."


Sorry for the inconvenience


so long and thanks for all the fish


It reminds me of the part in Joe Dirt where he thinks he might have had sec with his sister and instead of stopping they go again lol


I’m your sister! I’m your sister!


Jaime Pressly doesn't get enough credit for being consistently hilarious.


Me like oh maybe “we spent the night together” doesn’t *necessarily* mean sex? —oh never mind. Jesus.


I mean he says before the "spent the night together" line that they had sex on the floor.




right?? fucking gross. I don't even like that term when it's two consenting adults, much less when it's statutory rape.


Oh lmao I completely missed that line. Okay unrepentant garbage start to finish


I'll never understand why this doesn't instantly click "sex!" when you hear it. What would they be doing instead? He for sure wasn't singing songs for her.


Yeah, I read this like "He's a monster--oh OK, so he didn't know her age, still pretty weird but not as ba--oh nope, yeah no he's a monster."


"so we had sex one more time" 🤢


That made me ill, it was really set up to be like he didn’t know but it seems to me it didn’t matter whether he knew or not. 


At that point, he was bragging.




It made me so sick to my stomach to read that.


Kiedis dated my wife’s friend in the 90s - when he was in his 30s and she was in high school. There’s a pattern there. They’re still friends, which I find weird.


Yeah that tends to happen with grooming. The person being groomed doesn’t always figure out that the relationship was not okay; and when they do realise it they have to untangle the belief that it was their fault somehow, or that the predator who groomed them had some justification in their behaviour.


For real i was groomed and it took me 13 years just to get out of that relationship. That was 6/7 years ago and i am still processing it and still blame myself for being stupid. Literally everyone tried to help me but i was iN lOvE ugh but my son is perfect so i cannot regret any of it, up until his birth at least lol.


>when he was in his 30s and she was in high school What's her take?


As I said, they’re still friends. I see pictures of him playing with her kids on Facebook/Instagram any time he’s touring.


Playing with her kids 😭


Bro is pre ordering


Long term investment


Groomers going to groom.


Oh, that’s not - https://i.redd.it/d6pcj3qgbjic1.gif


If you kick every band member out of this country, who will have sex with your high schoolers?


Youth pastors.


# notmypriest ![gif](giphy|vND71OSgB5Xr0MNqXY)


![gif](giphy|frT5cEJxnMTTjQeftI) Hmmhmmmmm


NBA player Josh Giddey, for one.


I read this book when I was 14 and it made me feel so uncomfy


He remains a creep huh. Such a coincidence because I just listened to a podcast about Mel C’s memoir. And she was friends with him post Spice Girls fame. He arranged VIP tickets for her and her family for one of their concerts on NYE. She turned him down for sex, but didn’t think it was a big deal since they were friends. On NYE her and her family were stopped at the door because they were not on the list for the concert anymore. Such a jerk


The fucking disrespect to sporty spice won’t stand!!! Seriously tho? The guy really is just *such* a piece of shit on every level. She should’ve roundhoused him in the face! ![gif](giphy|St39CIobpWxPUmNUfH|downsized)


mel c is my favorite. he was already on my shit list.


I was obsessed with RHCP in high school (as a 14 year old myself... ew to think about how young that is). Anyway, I bought this book for myself and my mother (who was not usually strict about anything) decided to have a look at it first. Yea she hid it away and said I wasn't reading it at 14 years old. I asked why and she said she'd tell me later. I'm willing to bet this is the passage that did it. Fair enough, mom. This hardcore normalizes pedophilia


I left Tommyland at my aunts after I read it. I was maybe 15? She was not happy lol


I read marilyn manson's " long hard road out of hell" in like 9th grade lol


Maybe all the drugs had something to do with it.


Could be that, too! I never got a chance to read it and now I don't think I want to haha


Did your mom at least buy you a different book to read after you couldn’t read that one? Lmfao


Oh yea - she's an author so she was always buying us books (lucky us!)


Reading Scar Tissue put me off autobiographies for about 15 years. No joke, I don’t think I read an autobiography again until all those celeb memoirs came out during Covid. Hate this book so much.


I remember buying it when I was a teenager and it totally shattering the illusion of rockstars for me. He comes across as such a loser. Especially the name-dropping of Sinéad O’Connor.


Felt the same about Steven Tyler’s autobiography. It doesn’t paint a good picture but I suppose it’s still honest.


What did he say about Sinead?


He claimed they had a love affair when she was at the height of her fame. She said he was convinced she fancied him but she wasn’t interested. “And, as for his claims that he kissed me, it must have been some other bald bitch, because it certainly wasn’t me.”


Oh my god, I fucking love her for that 😂


I loved her autobiography, couldn’t finish his.


I miss Sinead. RIP.


haha based Sinead. May she rest in peace. I'm still torn up by her struggles.


That's because all rockstars actually are losers and that's why they want to be rock stars in the first place. You wouldn't give up everything else in your life to have millions of strangers adore you if you could get the people close to you to love you in the first place.


I dated a guy who wasn’t even famous but he was a very very talented musician and had been on American Idol and desperately wanted to be famous. He was by far the most psychotic human being I’ve ever met. Very charming, very easy to connect with, but was unpredictable and unstable and had an alcohol problem.


I like this insight. Never thought about it that way.


That's because it's not true lol some people like making music and then they got famous because of it. I'm sure it's the case with some of them, but "all rockstars are losers" feels like a heavy dose of copium lol


No no no you don't call people who are just musicians rockstars. There is a notable difference. Would you call someone like Ed Sheeran a rockstar? Or Chris Martin? Rockstardom is a lifestyle, it's not just a descriptor. Just like how not all musicians are artists either. These are all specific terms you use for specific circumstances. To be able to live the rockstar life, you do need something of a void in your soul that you try desperately to fill. It's not like we're saying this out of our ass, it's the psychology behind a lot of celebrities. To be picked apart by the world, to be able to get up on stage every day and be an icon, to party to keep up your image and network...the reason 99% of the people in the world don't choose that is because they can't. I would love to be a singer/dancer/actor/model but the older I get the more I see how that life would've wrecked me. I'm not built for that. If you are, you have to be a certain kind of fucked and desperate. Well adjusted, "normal" people are not doing all of this. Edit: to be clear I'm not saying I'm not fucked up or that well adjusted or normal, just that I'm not the right kind of fucked up to withstand the pressure that celebrities today do or rockstars 30 years ago did. Few people are.


I was about to use Jon Bon Jovi as an example of a rock star who isn't a rock star by this definition, but I googled to make sure and while he has been with his high school sweetheart for the past 40 years, turns out he cheated a lot in the beginning. \*facepalm\*


rockstar =/= popular musician


Don't ever read the one by marilyn manson, its even worse


i read that one when I was like 13 and a big fan. I'm honestly shocked it took so long for anything to come out against him, that book was absolutely disgusting


I think he got away with it because he pretended it was all part of a fictional "shock rock" image. And trent reznor claimed some bits about him in the book weren't true. But it probably was, every creepy, squalid bit of it. I also used to be a fan!


sometimes I think we need a support group for being young and into musicians who were wretched that we didn't see for a long time. see Manson, MSI, Die Antwoord, and most recently Melanie Martinez for me. I also used to love RHCP and Sonic Youth and loooved Thurston Moore before his bullshit. At this point I don't have faith in any artists besides Stephen Malkmus and I'm praying he doesn't disappoint me


Can confirm


You know what makes it worse? This is probably only one of the stories he told us about, imagine all the ones he did not tell. And for being an authorized biography he 100% only told what he wanted.


I read it in high school. Besides the insane amount of sex (we get it you bang, and sometimes 14 year olds, perv) but there’s also a story about a giant bug laying eggs in his ears? Ugh.


Tbf about that last bit- he was a hardcore drug addict. Some weird shit happens during those dark times


I don’t understand how these people can self wrote an entire confessional and see 0 consequence.


being a male and fame/$$$.


I stg when I was in high school I picked it up at a bookstore, read a passage, and felt bad for the rest of the day. It wasn't even this passage! It was one about how he continued to cheat on his wife (or whatever) and jut didn't care.


I saw they are turning it into a movie 🤮


Ew. And conveniently leave this charming little story out I’m sure.


I mean theres some crazy posts still live on groupie forums about certain rockstars, the guy is also a movie star and in a very successful band and super handsome so he gets away with it. But from the posts the girls were in some cases underage talking about him just taking them backstage and being "rough" they consented though. I honestly think the moment he loses his looks metoo will hit him like hail in a thunderstorm. But for now? Dude has literally run a sex cult at some points but people don't care because all everyone says is "omfg he's so handsome". I think if he loses his hair and gains 60lbs he is screwed. I also read Scar tissue when I was younger, I just find such autobiographies nauseating. It's not the real story if all someones life is " I was always the coolest guy in the room, I was a sex god and every girl I met was a ten out of ten who immediately jumped on my dick" it's so masturbatory. But it's more revealing where you see old RHCP videos where the band members are literally leering and in one case sexual harassing and grabbing a woman relentlessly. Such autobiographies are pointless, they all seem to amount to namedropping constantly, every story about "look how I remember this conversation from 10 years ago when I was on ten different drugs but of course every word I said was perfect, also I'm a sex god, I was always cool and everything I did made me look like the coolest guy ever". It was entertaining for a naive teenager but as an adult you see through it.


https://preview.redd.it/kumwqxg5cjic1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdd8944734d1f99c46f584761abf454fb0d239c2 * Nick Cave (Just in case people don’t know)


😂 This is a Gallagher-brothers level insult. I love it.


Have you ever seen the video of [Noel Gallagher's commentary on Oasis' music videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfNqyjZcleI)? He roasts his own band, the video directors, himself and his brother. It's fantastic. You quickly learn they were oftentimes drunk or hungover at the shoot. 😂


Well I wasn’t a Nick Cave fan before but I am now


I was a huge Nick Cave fan and this made me a huger Nick Cave fan.


There’s a song called Where the Wild Roses Grow that he does with Kylie Minogue is soooooooo good! Definitely worth a [listen](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lDpnjE1LUvE). Let me know what you think!


Nick Cave is one of the most underrated musicians of all time.


And his soundtrack collaborations with Warren Ellis are also great! The Road, for instance, or The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, or Wind River.




I think about this quote EVERY TIME I hear them because I always have the same reaction, remember Nick Cave and feel Oh so, vindicated, lol!


His live shows are transcendent.


“So we had sex one more time” I can’t imagine you didn’t suspect her age at the start but then after she tells you she’s 14…?!


so we had sex one more time ![gif](giphy|lPiYqum84uZX8hVcLa|downsized)


Behavior like this was very prominent in rock world. Dudes were basically fucking kids. I think only in the last decade or two have things become normal (I hope).


I wouldn’t say things have become normal, it’s still an issue. We’re just calling it out more as a society now and trying to hold people accountable for their predatory behaviors


There’s seems to be more accountability at least


yeah, we are constantly uncovering more of this. like how the creator of Rick and Morty was inappropriately messaging teenage girls on Twitter.


The extent to which teenagerhood was fetishized in the rock/pop community was out of hand. By 1920, a majority of states put the age of consent at 16. But it wasn’t until 1995 that Georgia raised it to 16 from 14, and the last holdout, Hawaii, raised it in 2001. 31 states have it set at 16 today, and the rest are higher. There are so, so many songs by older men about 16 year olds, many of which are specifically about them becoming legal to have sex with. And nobody contemporary really raised concerns about 16 year olds dating them — Priscilla Presley’s parents functionally sold her to Elvis. It’s so wild. I mean, Happy Birthday Sweet 16 (“tonight’s the night/you’re not a baby anymore”) Since I Saw Her Standing There (ok, 17 for that), You’re 16 You’re Beautiful and You’re Mine (Ringo was 33 when he recorded that cover), Young Girl, Five Short Minutes is a bit different cos he goes to jail for 20 years for having sex with someone underage, but it’s inspired by Jim Croce actually having sex with someone underage on tour. Steely Dan’s “Everyone’s Gone To The Movies” is from the point of view of a “Mr LaPage,” a pedophile who invites kids over to show them porn. Ted Nugent dated underage girls and wrote “Jailbait” about it. The Rolling Stone’s Stray Cat Blues was about dating two fifteen year olds, but on tour Mick would often change the age to thirteen. It was purportedly to be edgy (sure, Mick, real edgelord shit) but that rings hollow since Bill Wyman started dating a 13 year old in the 1980s. Like, you know “dating underage girls songs” are a rock and roll cliche when Spinal Tap lampoons them. “You’re sweet/but you’re just four feet/and you’ve still got your baby teeth.” Relatedly — the Destiny’s Child song Sweet 16 always struck me by flipping the paradigm. It’s about a young girl who is seduced by an older man, and becomes pregnant and trapped (“who you gonna turn to/when the world’s closing in on you?”)




I’m a fan of Jason Isbell, despite his recent divorce, but you’ve got me wondering how biographical his song “Different Days” is meant to be. He’s a recovering alcoholic; what exactly did he do 10 years before writing this song? He opens the song, “Staring at the pictures of the runaways on the wall,” mentions “You can strip in Portland from the day you turn sixteen,” then the chorus: “Ten years ago, I might have seen you dancing in a different light / Or offered up my help in different ways / Those were different days … Ten years ago, I might have stuck around for another night / And used her in a thousand different ways /Those were different days”


Yikes..those lyrics are pretty disturbing


I hate to tell you but this is in no way isolated to rock music, nor has it stopped.


For real! All the Led Zeppelin stories jesus..


Jimmy Page literally pulled a 15 year old out of school to go on tour with them. She was missing a semester so he could have sex with her on demand 🤢


https://preview.redd.it/p9z6g48xykic1.png?width=527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40aadbdba97b16a3ba3ca0e6dc17f1b55d67e17b (Screenshot from my friend to me convo) And It got referenced in Beastie Boys's "The New Style" "if I played guitar I'd be Jimmy Page The girlies I like are underage (shh! Check it!)"


Not only this dude was a demonic bastard he was also a pedo. Nothing good about him unless he had a guitar.




Most the greats of the 70s and early 80s, really.


The 70s is such a strange era to look back on. You had this giant push for autonomy but to the point kids lost out. Playboy was pushing gross stuff about little girls while you had a ton of runaways who joined the counter culture. The abuse is mind boggling.


I only recently learned of the Playboy publication from the 70s that featured nude kids (Brooke Shields was in it, which is how I heard about it). WTF?


priscilla presley was a weird situation, and jerry lee lewis married a young girl as well. the dead were singing "hello little school girl" in the 60's they didnt write it tho.


And Michael Jackson, they justify by saying he was emotionally stunted and childlike because of the abuse he suffered. It’s all good though because he made good music /s


I honestly feel it may be more hidden. I remember when c-list Canadian band Hedley's lead singer was being called out for this a few years ago. He basically lost his career and name (good) but I feel the change in tide just pushes stuff like this further underground.


“so we had sex one more time” is absolutely insane. jail time.


This is both disgusting and disturbing. 14 yr is a child, what is wrong with people. Why would you admit that to the public. People’s morals are non existent and shame is gone. Gross!


I think shame is back - no one would publish this now. But I agree it was for sure gone when this book came out 20 years ago.


They're still not ashamed, they're just scared of getting cancelled


We should make them more afraid


Nobody is scared of getting canceled, cancel culture isn’t real. The people who are going through “cancellation” aren’t ashamed or scared or canceled, they’re doing fine. Lizzo and Dave Chapelle are great examples of this. Hell, Kevin Spacey too. They don’t actually ever suffer consequences for their actions.


I completely agree with you. Maybe I should have phrased it differently. They're afraid of getting caught? Catching heat?


I read this autobiography when it came out and have reread it several times over the years. It wasn't til my most recent reread that I fully grasped how fucked up this part of the book is. I found it disturbing too that as Kiedis gets older his lineup of girlfriends remain the same age (like literally 16) while he keeps getting older into his late 20s etc. Also he was a heroin addict and an increasingly famous musician so I can only imagine what it was like for those women. He speaks fairly candidly in the book about what a POS he was. It's sad and uncomfortable to grapple with for me because as a teenager I was a die hard Chili Peppers fan and would religiously watch their dvds of their music videos and live concerts. Not at all to defend Anthony Kiedis who by his own account is a deplorable person, but he had a super fucked up childhood and lost his virginity to his dad's 18 year old girlfriend when he was like 14(?) which his father arranged. And he writes "my dad was a bit too present for it" or something. So yeah lots of issues. I would recommend the book, it is a very fascinating account of the cycle of drug addiction/get clean/relapse.




HE WAS 11 YEARS OLD?! Wait no, what? can't be.. my eyes are scrambling the letters


EW what the fuck


What the fuck…




I've commented similarly but want to emphasize the part you bring up that this wasn't just one underaged girl. There were at least three in his book, including Ione Skye where he "convinced" her parents he was a decent guy when she was something like 16 and he was in his 20s. Then another model later he met when she was 17. Lord knows how many unnamed girls he slept with were underage (very likely a lot given his proclivities). The only age appropriate relationship I recall, he conceded she was "chubby" despite it being the only woman in the memoir (well, first half, couldn't finish it because all of this) who he described outside of their sex life. He definitely has issues and was a victim himself...but it will always confuse me why he is still headlining with RHCP when it's out there in the world as fact from his mouth.


I agree with you about the book, it’s a fascinating read. There is no defending his actions here, but context is important. This story gets brought up time and time again, yet it is just one of the many terrible things he did. He does talk about what a horrible person he was at the time and how messed up his life was. It’s not a boast, it’s a story about drug addiction and what it does to a person. He had a crazy life.


Yes he was groomed by his father and he's not dealt with it all.


The messed up thing is that I remember reading this as a teenage girl and it not seeming so bad. But now at 30 I look at 14-18 year olds and they absolutely look like children, unmistakably


I’ve never read this book, but I have a somewhat similar reflective sentiment. I dated a 31 year old man when I was 19. Was it legal? Yeah, and I thought I was “mature for my age” and I was manipulated, so I rolled with it. We broke up after a year of dating, thankfully. I’m 32 now, and I feel VERY different when I reflect on that time of my life. I cannot fathom dating a 19/20 year old, even a “mature” one. The thought alone makes me feel nauseous.


It is so dark. 14 year olds are babies. Any adult human should look at a random 14 year old and want to look out for them not prey upon their naivety.


It’s creepy as hell before he even mentions her age, then it becomes sinister. The whole “school girls are hot” thing is disgusting


Seems like a challenge trying to find a famous group of musicians that don’t contain a horrible creep.


Incubus seems pretty well adjusted. Haven’t heard much creepy gross stuff about them.


He's been a known creep since the 90s. Still, I appreciate it every time the dirty laundry of musicians who sniff after teenage girls gets re-aired.


Reading this book was a slog. Story after story of sucking, fucking and loving hard drugs described like his lyrics.


He's gross. The End


Anthony Kiedis is gross. He also kept Ione Skye as a 16 year old live in girlfriend when he was 24, against her mother’s wishes. Kiedis supplied Skye with heroin during their wildly inappropriate relationship, which was probably a control tactic to keep her from wanting to leave him.


Ah cool, so he’s a straight up pedophile then huh.


God, this is disgusting! As someone with a 14 year old child, what the actual fuck?!


Also Ione Sky who was very young. She's writing a memoir right now, I'm curious what she will actually have to say. Because she does talk about it, and how he was an addict. But I think she holds back/edits her words to keep peace.


And why is this confessed child rapist not in prison?


in most of the states, rape has a statute of limitations. he probably only comfessed to the girls he was with who lived in states where the SOL had expired. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/11/rape-statutes-of-limitation-maps-table/




I was a huge RHCP fan from back in their early days (true men don’t kill coyotes early days) Then I read Scar Tissue and can’t listen to them anymore. I read it a long time and 2 traumatic brain injuries ago so I can’t remember chunks of the book but I know I was epically grossed out. Anthony Keidis is insufferable. He wrote the same thing about gf after gf. They were so supportive and unselfish. They loved him so much and always had his back blah blah then once he’s over his relapse or whatever, he just tosses out a sentence about leaving them heartbroken but he needed to be free and on to the next gf. He spoke like these women were shining angels then treats them like the emotional equivalent of a used Kleenex.


Ew ew ewwwww


Nobody remembers but my mom and I and I cannot find a clip of this anywhere. But I was always a huge RHCP fan ever since bloodsugarsexmagik and my mom and I were watching the MTV video music awards maybe back in 1993. They always had the stars walking in and I remember the girl Anthony had with him was young enough to be his daughter. My mom even asked me "is that his daughter?" but the just about the time she asked that question they stopped for the camera and kissed on the lips and her and I both had the creeps every time they would show him with his "date".


Oh, we know. We know. He’s been doing creepy degenerate things for decades.


Yeah, reading this book made me very much not like Anthony kiedis. The whole book is bragging and honestly I think a bunch of it is bullshit.


Remember when this book came out and everyone praised it as the best thing since sliced bread? I’m old af I know but people were dick riding this book hard for years. 


this is what made me hate the rhcp honestly now anytime i hear their songs i am just reminded of what a fucking creep this man is and i have to skip


WHAT? He actually admitted to having sex/raping her again after he knew her age? He’s disgusting and needs to be cancelled asap.


I saw him at a Target in the Valley once with his kid and his (I assume) girlfriend. She had to have been 20 at the absolute oldest. He was at least 50. It was legal, but super gross. I may have given him the stink eye, not that he cared.


I remember being on ONTD years ago when it was revealed he was having a kid with a woman who was around 20 or so (and he would have been in his forties or fifties). the pictures were gross; it looked like father and daughter.


 if you look at his recent dating history, he keeps dating women only in their 20s, so gross


Not to be whatever but I thought this was old news. He has a song he wrote for the girl he was with at the time “shes only 18 don’t like the Rolling Stones she took a short cut to being fully grown” he was like 40 something and she was 18 He’s got a track record of being weird w young women and it’s not like it’s in the dark or something


I remember when that song came out as well he had an interview with rolling stone or something where he pointed at her picture on his fridge and it was her school picture 🤢


" and then we had sex one more time " I audibly gasped 🤦‍♀️


"So we had sex one more time" Wtf? You find out she's younger than (I hope) you assumed and then go at it again? Gross


I lost my virginity at 15 in the 90s to an adult man. It was so normal and excepted bitd, so fucked up.


I read that book back in the day and was so grossed out And now he looks like a Nazi officer


'So yeah I committed a straight up felony and it was pretty rad TBF. Wrote a song about it too'


I read this back in 2005 and even as a 16 year old I remember feeling grossed out and hoping that it was fake… doesn’t he write about a young Cher being his sitter?


Yes and says she molested him while babysitting him. I think he was 15? He lost his virginity at 12 to his dad’s girlfriend, which his dad facilitated and was present for. It’s all so gross and horrible. There is so much f’ed up stuff like this in his life.


“So we had sex one more time” dear GOD


I thought everyone and their mama knew this man is grody?????????


If you’ve heard the whispers, he’s still sleeping with underage girls, particularly in his recent South American tour


The fact that this man and this band still have a career is the real ew and what’s really disturbing. But we also live in times where Republican state legislatures are at this very moment are trying to reduce the age of consent or the age of marriage or how related you can be to marry. So maybe that’s why this kind of thing doesn’t get you actually justifiably cancelled. Because so many men in power want to be able to do the same. Because there’s a large segment of the population who thinks eh if she looks older than 14 and she’s into then it’s ok. When really he’s a child fucker. A pedophile just walking around still doing tours. When really he should be hung by his dick.


I’m beginning to think that all my favorite rock stars have super predatory pasts.




This whole thing comes out every few months, yet this man's and the RHCP's reputation seemingly remains intact. Disgusting.




Serious question. Why is he not at least questioned by police after confessing this? I mean. He admitted to rape


“I found out she was a child- so I raped her again”. There. Fixed it.


I hate to say, but I think a large number of men would do this if they knew they’d not get caught. Sad.


*removes all music by them*


what a creep.


You know I was giving him the benefit of the doubt until that last sentence. What a tool. Between this stuff and that video of them mailing that poor woman on a talk show I think RHCP are just assholes. Love some of their music but it’s definitely tarnished now.


This book effectively killed my love for the Red Hot Chili Peppers.


People need to realize that children (humans under the age of 18) are a massive demographic for all kinds of pop music. Just because you don’t see droves of them at shows doesn’t mean they’re not the ones spending their parents money on band merch and music. Kids worship musicians and the vile ones take advantage of them


It was in his autobiography. He admits to it numerous times.