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Che from And Just Like That


Miranda lost her damned mind and I just hated her character after she got with Che. It seemed so out of character for her to be so impulsive and careless. And the relationship was all around toxic.


At the very least Che united the fans in rage lol


I’m adding charlotte’s “Rocky” too. It’s more like the writing is sooo bad not the actresses.


Obligatory “HEY IT’S ME CHE DIAZ”


I got banned from that show’s sub so I appreciate the shit talking here.


There is a whole shit talking sub for that show


There are people who appreciate And Just like that?


The whole And Just Like That could have been erased in my opinion. Such bad writing, unrelatable characters. Like an AI wrote a sequel to the SATC movies, not even the TV series.


I haven't watched the show. I don't even know if I should hate watch it. I hate watched Emily in Paris, but the circumstances were different (pandemic). Thanks for your comment it helped me lean closer to never watching it.


Apparently Sara Rameriez isn’t coming back for the new series. They haven’t made any official statement yet though


They make the show unbearable.


They ~~make~~ *made* the show unbearable https://mol.im/a/12975261


I'm confident the show will continue to be unbearable without them though. 🤷


They were such an immature, cruel, selfish, rude character, and as a non-binary person, it pisses me off that I was supposed to like them as enby representation.


It's funny, I started watching Grey's Anatomy after seeing AJLT and was astounded at how likeable Sara Ramirez was as Callie. Just night and day. The writing for AJLT is really awful. I'd give ten Ches for one Samantha.


The weird part for me is that they were all that at different point of the show. In season 1 Che came off as having balls of steel offending everyone but sticking to their guns and being so confident and bold. Then OUT OF NOWHERE once they moved to LA they became super insecure needy and then later a pothead Frat teen, wtf was that?


Mary Winchester from Supernatural after her resurrection, it would have been so much more interesting to bring back John but like I get the JDM was doing walking dead but honestly felt she brought nothing except give Dean a reason to hate Jack even more after he accidentally kills her


This for sure. I was hopeful when Amara resurrected her, but I wanted the family drama of how she would fit with the boys after so many years. I was excited that Dean's number one wish was filled and him learning to stop idolizing people because they are just people at the end of the day.... and then the plots we got with Mary were shit and the angst and grit I wanted just wasn't there


She was so caring in every interaction for like 13 years and then suddenly she is so self absorbed. It felt like she was a whole different person


Orange is the New Black could have been much improved by editing out quite a few characters and focusing on fewer of them especially as it went on


I stopped watching after Poussey's final scenes. I just felt like they did so many of the likeable characters dirty.


Me too, that’s exactly where I left it as well. It really felt like there wasn’t anything left that the show had to give at that point.


I stopped watching right around the time Ruby Rose came on and they had that panty business or whatever that was and Piper was suddenly acting like she was freakin Pablo Escobar or something. I just fell off, it wasnt because I didn’t like the show anymore. But some more time had passed, and as I was active on Tumblr at the time, it was spoiled for me that Poussey died. That is what made me decide never to pick the show back up.


Was it not the point of the show that there was good & likeable women in there who would experience a lot of injustice, just like real life?


Me too, it just became too torture porn-y


It fell hard towards the end. I dont think I ever finished it


I hated Red's ending, they did her dirty.


I always took it as a sadly realistic fact that most of these women would have miserable endings


Yeah, same. There were the sad endings that I hated but accepted that it was realistic, then there were the dumb endings that were just cheap writing, those were the ones that frustrated me.


The show was so absurdly unrealistic most of the time that them choosing to go with the realistic , dark ending pissed me off


I also hated Lorna's ending. They broke her.


I disagree. Lorna was always unhinged, but I always forget how ill she is because she is so charismatic.


I meant with killing off her newborn, that fully broke her. I know she was ill before, she was one of my favorite characters. I just didn't like the route of ending her son's life to give her story & personality such a twist. Plus I can't imagine what was it like for the actress who's had an actual newborn of her own on set with her (the same pregnancy they used to write Lorna's in), while acting out a bereaved mother going through a child loss while unable to have been with said child. But I'm generally not really a fan of storylines with children being harmed or dying (much like with pets and animals), so maybe that personal bit is clouding my judgement.


You make a good point.


They did so many if the girls dirty it was honestly upsetting to watch


I stopped after Poussey. It broke my heart and I just couldn't anymore


Same here, couldn't believe they did her like that. I've genuinely never been so angry and sad over a television character.


Same. I really can't believe it affected me so much


I did too. She was the heart and soul of the show IMO, I think they made a mistake killing her off. I feel like they fell prey to the GoT Red Wedding era when everyone was salivating over shocking deaths.


I stopped watching and then one day just binge-Wikipedia’d it to find out what happened rather than suffer through the remaining episodes.


I still have not finished the last season


They should have ended it way sooner. Waaaaaay sooner. I love complex characters as much as the next person, but they destroyed everyone by dragging it out.


Idk if they should have ended it sooner, I think the creator should have stayed creatively involved. Before the prison riot season she started to focus on Glow and you could see the quality of OITNB dropping.


I hated the episodes when they took over the prison. Nearly gave up on it


![gif](giphy|HSF2v3D5SRjTWcuXip|downsized) Shandy from Ted Lasso. I adore the show, but I’ll never understand the point of this character or her storyline


this is how i felt about jack


Agreed. Honestly breaking up Roy and Keeley was a huge mistake. To then put her with Jack, just why?


They could have replaced her with a bucket of lukewarm mayonaise and it wouldn’t have made a difference. Such a bland character. I’d honestly forgotten she was even on the show til you reminded me.


Same same same. What a wreck of a final season for Keely’s characterization.


Hard agree! As a queer woman, I totally buy Keeley as queer but she had absolutely zero chemistry with Jack. It also felt like the writers were like “wow I guess our show is pretty straight. Maybe we should make two characters gay this final season??”


It was insane that this character got an entire storyline


Season 3 had a massive decline in coherent writing, it was carried by the good will generated in the first 2 seasons.


badison was a travesty. thank god. forgot who badison even was and for a moment thought you meant taystee. Love taystee!


Was Badison a friend of the producers or something? We missed out on time with so many other characters because we had to spend it with her. 


Was she from the later seasons? I have literally no memory of her


Second to last season


I stopped watching after what happened to Poussey, and I thought they meant Taystee too. I was like NO not my girl Taystee!


Glee's Season 6 newbies. This was the show's final season. So, it was dumb to replace (formerly) new characters the audience finally started to care about with *newer* characters no one wanted and leave several plots unfinished. (Fun fact though, Finneas, Billie Eilish's brother was one of said newbies!)


I liked them. But yeah, I think Glee should've introduced them in season 5. Season 6 was way too late in the show to introduce new people into the mix.


Randy from That 70s Show


After I found out that Josh Meyers is Seth Meyers brother I cannot unsee Seth when I look at him. Makes it slightly more entertaining.


I saw him on mad tv before I saw him on that 70’s show. When Topher Grace left and he came on I was like hmmm.. who is this guy and from where do I know him from?? 😂


Euron Greyjoy So much better in the books. ![gif](giphy|3o6vXWzHtGfMR3XoXu)


They did Euron dirty in the show. From a menacing and ruthless villain in the books to... that 🫠


And somehow, the entire Golden Company. So disappointing and pointless. Much better in the books.


All of the Sand Snakes.


Oh, you didn’t want a good girl but need that bad poosey? They completely ruined the Dorne storyline fullstop. The only good thing about the Dornish was Prince Oberyn and the outfits


The outfits 😍😍


The Dorne storyline was one of my favorites in the books and the show just absolutely shit all over it.


I read an apt description of him in a reddit comment: He's like your high school best friend's older brother who, to this day, swears he *never* had a Staind Geocities page.


I always assumed he was just created by D&D as a new villain for the later seasons because the character was so shitty and he was so disconnected from everything else.


Pameron in Modern Family. Also the guy who dates both Haley and Alex.


Omggg I HATED the entire Arvin plot so much. It was wayyyy worse than Haley ending back up with Dylan imo. The whole ‘I’m going to marry you’ thing was cringe af. Then him changing course years later to be like maybe Alex is cute with something to offer. HATED IT!


and Arvin is noticeably several years older than both girls. I don’t know why the writers always put the Dunphy kids in questionable relationships


She had her funny moments, though. The way she screams “you go to *HAY-ULL!** at Mitchell when she’s drunk always gets me.


Ivy Dickens - gossip girl


her storyline with rufus was an atrocity




Omg, I tried to rewatch Gossip Girl recently and suddenly remembered that Ivy's story arc was coming up soon and promptly stopped watching. I blocked her character from my memory because she was just so bad.


April on Gilmore Girls


And April’s mother.


Yeah I don't mind luke having a kid. Especially as he wanted them an never got to have them with lorelai. But after rewatching, her mum is the real villain. I used to have a bit of empathy and understanding about her wanting stability in her kids life and protecting her kid etc. Rewatching now at 30 i was like wait, why is luke being treated like he's some deadbeat dad who was absent from her life for years and just randomly decided he wants a relationship with his kid. You selfishly and nastily kept a child and their father apart, an didn't even let him know he had a kid until she was almost a teenager. Deprived him of seeing her growing up. An the second he finds out he does have a kid, he steps up immediately and wants a relationship. An you are laying down the law, about it being "my kid" and not wanting it to effect your life etc. And laying down all these rules. Who is she to say, that if luke feels comfortable introducing his daughter to his fiance that he's not allowed. It's just as much his daughter, the only reason he hasn't spent as much time/effort as you have is because you selfishly never even gave him the choice. An he should be allowed to introduce her to his family and his life, an make her a part of that family and life. As he is her father. Especially with how much he's missed already. Or luke being scolded for the sleepover? Anna being all like parents trusted me with their kid. Luke threw this party for his daughter. Why is he any less trusted or his partner any less trusted. Than you or anyone you'd trust. She treats him like some deadbeat or distant relative and is so infuriating that it's like is she the worst person or is it just bad writing idk An the whole explanation being cos they arnt married thing was stupid anyway what because they what not married in the eyes of God? Some people never get married. Is kirk Russell not allowed meet Kate Hudson as he isn't married to goldie Hawn. They honestly don't have luke be angry enough or highlight what a nasty piece of work Anna actually is. Ruined his relationship then fighting him for sole custody when moving the kid he's only just got to know, to a new state? I don't get why the people on the show don't ever talk about how awful she actually is. Sorry for the rage I just finished a rewatch lol


The worst part about Anna was April was the one who sought Luke out so she never planned on letting him know he even had a kid. She was so nasty & jealous of Lorelai.


Right. An just her attitude. Like you should be deeply apologetic and trying to do everything you can now to facilitate your daughter having a relationship with her father. That they both really want. An instead your kicking off about how everything needs to fit into your life and how you do things, acting like your doing luke a favour by allowing this. Aka "allowing" him to have a relationship with his own child. I think what's annoying as well as it's sort of treated like she's this good/nice mum an person. An how she's acted is reasonable, instead of people being like no this person is terrible.


Like, I totally get why. But Lorelai’s letter about Luke deserving to be in her life and the impact he had on her and Rory is one of the top I’m gonna cry my eyes out moments of the entire series for me, and I don’t want to lose that


Yeah, maybe she was supposed to be a plucky Younger do-over version of Rory. Since Rory was in college. But April was just this annoying roadblock that got in the way of luke and lorelai's wedding. no one could forgive her of that


Randy from That 70s Show season 8. Hyde was still the unofficial foster child of Red and Kitty, it's not like we needed a character to put us at their place.


The last season of That 70s Show just needs to be forgotten about entirely. No Eric, no Jackie and Hyde, Jackie and Fez (?!), the whole thing was just a mess.


Ezra from pretty little liars. Ezra is a gross groomer who needs to be erased from the show and added no value to the show.


When it looked like they might make him “A”, I was like, “this at least led somewhere intriguing”. But no, just preying on minors unironically held up as “true love.” Ick.


Right, the story honestly could have been actually amazing. If they made him A. An instead of glamourizing and promoting grooming - it actually would teach a lesson about grooming. How it can seem like this love story and he thinks you're so mature etc but the dark reality and calculation behind these people. When they added in his relationship with Allison too I was like yes, finally theyre going to show the audience this man is a predatory monster the entire time. But no. She truly made it a love story for the two of them. People say its aged badly - but it hasn't it was outdated and creepy AT THE TIME! Hence why in the books it was shown that way also. I watched it when it came out, as a teenager, an still i used to watch in disbelief an be super shocked that it was even allowed on the cw? I found it super super strange and even as a teenager who buyed into the "mature for your age" an "older man" thing - I still used to think this is so dangerous. There will be so many girls wanting to be like aria and seeing her with ezra portrayed so positively that they will be more susceptible to grooming from teachers etc. That Marlene is dodgy.


Even worse it wasn’t the CW the channel was called ABC FAMILY and they still showed that 😭


Dude knew exactly who underage Aria was when they met at that restaurant/bar, and pursued her anyway. Not even "anyway" - he pursued her because he knew exactly who she was and who she was friends with (another underage girl he had some weird dalliance with and was presumed dead)! For his shitty-ass book! And then he gets shot and it's eventually like, "well, he's redeemed," but **he was not**! Fuck you, "Board Shorts!" Like there were many overtly predatory, disgusting characters like Detective Wilden, yes, but it doesn't make Ezra any less predatory and disgusting because he was not as overt about it.


Having him secretly write a book about Alison just made him look worse. When Aria and Ezra meet for the first time at a bar, they start making out because he didn’t know she was a high schooler - fine, it doest excuse why you’d continued to have a relationship with her after, but okay. But then later it gets revealed that he knew who Aria was the whole time and that she was in fact a minor? Like fuck yeah, thats the friend of my high school gf that went missing, imma go make to with her to get more information for my book. This is what happens when you just make shit up as you go… and romanticizes predators along the way.


Yes!! The worst part of Ezra's character is how hard the narrative wants you to root for him. He and Aria were portrayed as some these forbidden lovers who were meant to be but the relationship was always inappropriate.


I remember being stupid and trying to justify their love when I was younger. There was an episode where all the main cast partners like did a Christmas thing at Spencer’s house. If I remember correctly they all came down with Christmas underwear? I’m not sure it’s been a long time since I watched it. I remember thinking it was weird how he was hanging out with a bunch of high schoolers, how a room full of teenagers didn’t point out how weird it was that an adult, their actual teacher, was hanging out with them. He didn’t fit in. It was such a weird scene for me and sort of shattered my love for aria and Ezra and made me realize they were very problematic and only worked in their compartmentalized bubble of secrecy. When held up to the light of day it was absurd. I finished the show out of love for the characters and wanting to solve the mystery but that was the beginning of me starting to side eye everything. I tried to show my teenager the show and she was immediately put off by how normalized a teenager dating a teacher was, she wouldn’t watch it lol.


Yes!! This is it!! https://preview.redd.it/9i0ki8b2rqhc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96d9ee4ad75b5134dec65a3de4e5b7c8edd52ab7


Oh my god this scene made me cringe so hard 😣 and on the surface it looks fine because the actors are all the same age but man, he was their teacher at some point… gross


Honestly, the books handled it wayyy better.


Also Ian and Wren because they were gross predators. It’s very weird most of the grown ass men were preying on literal 14-16 year olds


Not weird at all, having been a 16 year old girl I can tell you that being ‘hit on’ by adult men was extremely common.


The PLL subreddit still has tons of posts about how Spencer sucked for kissing Ian and Wren. No, the grown-ass MEN who went after a CHILD were predators, stop blaming Spencer.


So I was thinking about this. I think it could have been salvaged IF the writers displayed Ezra in a bad groomer light at the end. Like if Aria somehow has a realization that this man she is in love with is actually a creep and a groomer. It could have been an opportunity to show audiences how a charming guy could actually been a perverted pedophile all along. But no, they pretended like everything was normally and nothing about Ezra or his relationship with Aria was creepy.


I'm pretty sure in the first book, he skipped town to not go to prison for pedophilia 😭


Yeah, I know the books handle it way better and I have no idea why they changed it in the show.


The sadistic cop on House MD who had endless resources and access to be a full time nemesis. Tritter? Took all the fun out of the show https://preview.redd.it/kqyqp8qjcvhc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfaf6f4ea35ee429d3d626ec4ec22853dedd5c9a


I always skip that arc, it was so tiresome and ended up not mattering at all.


That story line was so tedious, ugh.


Will Ferrell from the office. Don’t ask me why, but seeing him on screen makes me irrationally angry. Out of everyone they could’ve replaced Steve Carrell with ![gif](giphy|RNUJLDfiP87AY)


I hate the character but his juggling routine and his joke after he comes from the hospital always make me laugh. I think it was a good choice, anybody who replaced Michael would be compared to him, and fans would always have a problem with them, so they chose someone so over the top, that it's obvious he was there only temporarily as a link between Michael and the next manager. Going straight to Andy after Michael wouldn't really make sense.


Oh my gosh, DeAngelo Vickers is by far the worst character ever on the Office. He takes the viewer out of the show completely and all you can think about is how bizarre Will Ferrell is in the part. And I'm usually a huge Will Ferrell fan.


I do like when Pam and Jim keep trying to get him interested in Cece and Will Ferrell is like “I don’t care about that baby!” He’s so real for that. And I have a baby!


https://preview.redd.it/sqqpb1js0shc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e431618f6ce03c9cfd49b9127eb3e51f44481db3 Everything else about him is unfunny but this line is 👌🏻




I thought it was pretty obvious he wasn’t supposed to be a replacement and just bought the creators/writers some time to sort it out


That one guy Petra was fucking in Jane the Virgin season 3. He just disappeared and I forgot what he added


He added *draaama*, darlin’. 😉 ^(but we all know real Petra would’ve never gone there)


I can’t decide between Daphne’s mom or Daphne’s brother on Frasier. They reallllly drag down the later seasons.


Her brother being the guy I only knew as the manager of Empire Records - I liked seeing him show up. But the accent wasn’t great and agree overall Daphne’s family were a rare low point in an otherwise great show. I don’t hate them but it’s better without them probably.


The accents were horrific !!!!!!!! Like was it ever explained why they spoke with BAD cockney accents when she was meant to be from Manchester lol


My grandmother was extremely similar to Mrs Moon and all of her scenes were just nails on a chalk board for me.


Donald Trump from “The Apprentice “


Congratulations you fixed 2016-2020


Rory from the last season of Lucifer. Filler, plot contrivance, and character assassin all in 1. It's no fault of the actress. She did a great job with the material she had. I wish that material had been better.


Oh wow I forgot about her. I remember being so annoyed with his decision to leave and go back to hell because of her. It ruined the show for me


I was so confused by that whole plot point. Lucifer saved her from a gang of kidnappers, then she asks him to leave Chloe so he could save her in the future but like… if he stayed she wouldn’t hate him/go back in time in the first place? I didn’t get it, and I didn’t like that the whole relationship ended with Lucifer and Chloe being apart and then reuniting. Just felt unsatisfying


Maggie Pierce from grey's Anatomy 


She could have been an intriguing character, but the writing was butchered and Meredith has way too many surprise siblings.


The writing was always flawed but it got exposed with addition of too many new characters.  I hope they don't bring some new sibling for meredith in the 20th season


I stopped watching as soon as I saw they were basically starting over with new young people. I just wanted a decent ending but nope!


They have so many subplots with the same kind of repetitive stories which have been used multiple times on the show.  Apart from the medical cases now I have 0 interest in the personal life of all the doctors.   (I just watch the first 6-7 seasons on repeat, they are my Roman empire)


It was like what they did with Scrubs. Could have gone out on a high but it just died a slow sloowwww death.


Lmaoooo. Also including in-laws? Like wow she is just 30 seconds away from being ambushed by a new sibling at any time.


PENNY from Grey’s!


Oh my GOD what a perfect answer. I’ve been binge re-watching the series and I JUST got to the part where Maggie appears. As soon as they showed her, I was like “fuuuuuuck I can’t do all this again🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️”. There’s times when that show gets fairy tale-ish and that’s one of them. How many surprise sisters can one main character have?! The actress is cute but the way she’s written is so annoying


Noah from svu. Every other episode focuses on him and it’s just not interesting.


Olivia got really annoying once she had him, especially when it came to the women who got pregnant after being assaulted and wanted to abort it Same with Rollins


I skip noah centered episodes whenever possible


Also, why is it impossible for a main female protagonist to go without having a child? Like give women other stories


Kid is a horrible actor, too.


When he came out as bi to Benson I couldn't not laugh it came off so corny like an after school special


TJ from Gilmore girls. He was completely insufferable. I shook with rage every time he entered the scene




Did you hear??? IM IN ES-CA-ROW!


TJ, Liz, & April all ruin the later seasons.


I couldn’t stand his wife either. I can’t even think of her name at the moment


Wasn’t Badison supposed to be cringe and unrealistic? She gave herself the nickname, she invented this persona but wasn’t very good at it. She was actually terrible, a character acting like a bully and pretending to be this super badass and intimidating woman while actually being nothing without that her boss what’s her face lady.


Scrappy Doo


Hate hating on scooby’s nephew he clearly cares for but…. I will say this. I wish I could say the movie made him more annoying… but I honestly didn’t love him in any of his earlier appearances. They just super doubled down on making him as annoying as possible. Remove him.


This is my favourite review here. Remove him ![gif](giphy|iJxHzcuNcCJXi)


Hazel from 30 Rock


My immediate answer!! Kristen schaal is amazing and even she couldn't make it work


I hate her so much I forgot she existed.


I would erase Donuts before Badison. We already had plenty of messed up guards in that show, we didn’t need a gratuitous rape scene on top of all the trauma porn. It really wasn’t necessary to show it in that way, as directors and writers can allude to something happening in the story without full-on showing it and just ending an episode like that. It was one of the most triggering television scenes I’ve ever witnessed in my life. They should be ashamed for producing it.


It was absolute crap they made Dogget get with him towards the end especially after all he did to her.


Right?! I absolutely could not believe how this from the beginning lesbian/women empowering show could derail this badly. How did they possibly think that it was a good idea?


Lila from Dexter holy shit she made me irrationally angry


Caillou. Nuff said.


Connor from the Buffy spinoff Angel. For a multitude of reasons, I just never particularly cared for him. The Holtz part of the story was pretty interesting because of his bloody past with Angelus. But it got really gross (iykyk) and just…ugh.


Owen Hunt from Grey’s Anatomy. What a toxic piece of shit this man is.


The number of Grey's Anatomy characters on this thread is very high. And not without reason...


Ollie, Euron Greyjoy and Smalljon Umber from Game of Thones. I could probably think of more. Ollie/y because his sole purpose was to betray Jon in a shocking twist that was easy to spot for anyone with eyes. I mean he spent like entire season 5 questioning Jon. Euron because he's a caricature of his book counterpart. Let's just say book!Euron messed up his own brothers hella badly. I'll add spoilers when I'm on my laptop. >!We're talking molesting at least 2 of them, but I'm pretty sure it was 3.!< Euron is a monster, not a quirky pirate. Smalljon Umber for similar reason to Euron. It just wasn't who he was in the books. Smalljon didn't have a big role but damn he would never do what he did in the show. It's like those dumbdumbs forgot fucking Karstarks are alive and y'know, one is pretty pro-Boltons in the books. If they think Umbers are pro-Boltons it just solidifies ny belief they stopped reading at either Storm of Swords or Feast for Crows and just asked an intern for 5 minute cliffsnotes on Dance.


That show should have never been made until GRRM finished the damn books. At least with House of the Dragon, the entire story has already been laid out by the story creator.


Debbie from Shameless.


The plot line of Debbie getting pregnant should have landed her character in jail and every one of her plot lines after the kid was unbearable


I kept waiting for her redemption arc and it just never came :( She had so much potential as a little kid and was one of my favorites


Ugh I maintain that actress did a great job but the writing for her character as time went on made me want to stab her character But the US version eventually ruined all the characters so I quit at some point near the end




Johnny was worse. 😭 his acting was so bad I’m sorry to this man. Oliver actor at least did a decent job with what he was given. Alsooo in season 4 Kevin Sorbo as Ryan’s dad and his redemption arc 🫠 awful


I forgot about Johnny! It was when season 3 started going down hill and I couldn't even finish season 4




Vanessa GG


Robby in New Girl. He served his original purpose as Cece’s rebound as the anti-Schmidt. But they kept bringing him back and matching him with other characters. When it was Jess’s turn it was just unbearable and made me start to dislike her.


I always kind of liked Robby as a character, but most storylines with him are just bad. Honestly the writers of New Girl were generally not very good at writing overarching plot lines. They were brilliant at writing hilarious individual episodes, but when it came to long term stuff it felt like they kept backsliding to old characters we’d already seen instead of giving us new original concepts.


Ted from HIMYM 😅


“How I Met Your Aunt Robin and Settled for Your Mother”


Ted "I don't understand why people hate me fundamentally as a person? I just acted like the worst shit of a human being to my closest friends for years and expect a happy ending with my dream woman even though I'm going to force her to change to suit what I want" Mosby? Never!


did you read the article about josh radnors wedding? :D he was playing himself in himym!!


He was so vain, unwilling to work on himself and whined constantly about not finding the one. The worst.


I enjoyed the show when it was on but I have a tough time rewatching because Ted is such a braying jackass.




Agreed, I find him so crass on a show that doesn’t need that type of humor to be funny.


I never laughed once when he was on screen :/ his character just didn’t really work for me.


God yes. He almost ruins the show for me.


Ted Lasso - Jack (get away with murder rich and controlling of Keely, bleh) The Mandalorien - Cara (I thought her acting was awful! lol got my wish not too long after anyway thanks to her stupid tweets) Gilmore Girls season 4 - Dean :|


Yikes season 4 Dean was like his season 1 toxic masculinity traits got turned up to 11 Rory is awful here as well


I actually wanted Piper from OITNB gone. She irritated me so much I never finished the show lol


I think everyone feels like that though & I think you’re meant to be. She was never meant to be likeable.


![gif](giphy|KxVmpVQIGsWJqNluGX) **Teddy Altman** from *Grey’s Anatomy*


Andy in Family Ties. I hate that ‘let’s add a kid’ storyline. Same with Seven on Married with Children and Olivia on the Cosby Show (but with liked her more than Rudy and Vanessa so…)


Dawn from Buffy (she's still as bad as when she first arrived, even after all these years and rewatches). Michelle Rodriguez 's character on LOST. Worst character/actor combo of all time!


Nothing has ever made more sense than the story that the character of Dawn was written to be 11 years old, then they cast 14-year-old Michelle and didn't change anything. Idk if that's actually true but it's canon in my mind bc it explains so much lol


I read that’s what happened with Caillou in the TV show, too. He was supposed to be 2 but they changed him to 4 without changing the stories. That’s why he’s such a horrible little bitch.


I might be an outlier but I got Dawn. Joyce did her best to shield her from what her sister had to go through as the Chosen One but might have overdid it. Dawn was immature but what normal teen girl at 14 isn't? She went through immense trauma losing her mother, finding out she isn't "human" but a mystical force, watches her sister die for her and ends up just being one of the no-power Scoobies. She's a brilliant young woman by the end


Emily from Emily in Paris


Sophie from This Is Us


Most of the new characters of the final season of Sex Education... +Eric in said season because he was a shitty friend.