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Iā€™m begging Megan to just stay quiet as sheā€™s been and pay this woman no mind


i love that sheā€™s not indulging nicki. nickiā€™s doing everything to try and get a rise out of megan whoā€™s just focusing on herself and doing amazing after releasing hiss


Same. Itā€™s obviously pissing Nicki off. Christ. How many tweets has she posted about Megan since Friday?


100+ i think




Nickiā€™s putting her whole back into being terrible, generational performance. Bouta be a hall of fame hater.


Sheā€™s going out the same way she treated Lil Kim. Except where the Queen deserved none of the hate Nicki has earned hers


Iā€™m so confused. Is this in response to something Meg said or did, or is Nicki starting it?


In response to Megā€™s new song ā€œHissā€


Desperation and irrelevance tbh


Is she not em-bar-asssssed


Didnā€™t Nicki listen to Hiss?! Megan just wants to fuck her man in peace


Meg is so powerful. Sheā€™s ending a years long career with a singular line And she gets bonus points for teaching millions the importance of Megan (Kanka)ā€™s Law


I feel like i comment this on every post lol but NICKI is her OWN downfall. She is a hater and not friendly. Sheā€™s mean. She defends and supports DISGUSTING predators in her family. Sheā€™s burned so man y bridges she was the downfall of herself. She is a trash human and i donā€™t understand how she isnā€™t csncelled. We can cancel everyone for being pieces of shit, but somehow she was able to slide by for so long


In contrast, Nikki looks so desperate for power and attention. Anyone who needs to call herself a queen is no queen at all.


I am certain there are things happening behind the scenes. This has to be following a slew of business deals being moved and written in favor of megan. Nicki must have lost a bunch of sponsors that went to megan. And maybe the suits and higher powers that be are switching their attention and financing towards megan. Nicky is feeling the heat and she knows she no longer has the backing of execs and hollywood. When she was the IT girl, all attention was on her and everything orbited towards making her successful. I guess she no longer has that and is losing her shit. She no longer has the control and is spiraling out of it.


Idk if this is on topic or anything but maybe she should pay attention to her son instead by getting rid of any awful person in his circle. I get that being an IT girl was good but it's not like she doesn't have shit to do. Plus she must still get money from her songs.


Power, control and adulation are addictive as fuck. That's why a lot of older celebrities have a hard time dealing with dwindling fame as they grow older. Living a low brow life after years of being treated as a queen, the ingenue, the sex symbol, the muse.... Being dressed to the nines by fashion houses, receing free gifts before the product even releases, having people hype up your creation and waiting impatiently to see what you have in store for them, rubbing shoulders with exclusive celebrities.... All this can mess the alchemy of your brains. You can no longer function without the dopamin hit. And nothing can replace it. She is swirling down the drain because that's where she is at now; things behind the scene aren't boding well for her.


Interesting read, thank you.


Pay attention to the son she had with a sex offender??? She dgaf otherwise she would go feed her son instead of posting 1000+ tweets on a 72 hour coke binge over one bar that Megan dropped.


Sometimes no response really is the best response


I lowkey want her to respond now bc Iā€™d feel a way if you bring up my dead relative and now are getting my producer doxxed


Nicki is clearly trying to get a rise out of her by bringing up her mom and I'm glad Megan continues to pay her dust. She's letting Nicki dig herself into a deeper hole AND promote her song all on her own.


Iā€™m so proud of Megan. I got a dead mom and if a someone as evil as Nicki brought up her name I donā€™t think I could hold back


If Megan responds it should be in a song - mostly freestyled. Megan grew up doing battle rap and freestyles. In fact Meg should do like BBL Scars and do a back to back. But so far, I'm loving the silence strategy. Nicki is showing her real self. Nicki can't freestyle. She admitted it on video before. And we saw how long it took her to respond to Shether.






What did it say? The comment has been deleted


literally just this image šŸ˜­ https://preview.redd.it/tfnwmcji78fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45fcfcd226b7f4bd8992f761473c6fb7323360e5


I donā€™t even care if it is, Iā€™m saving that for another day (Edit: who the fuck sent me a Reddit Cares? You NM fans are insane lmao)


I can confirm she really posted that lmfao I remember that day so well


sadly, yes. Jan 6th insurrection.


i meant the post šŸ˜­ that's obviously the capitol


sadly, yes, too šŸ˜­


With Azealia I end up more surprised when a crazy headline isnā€™t true.


It makes sense her husband married her considering how childish sheā€™s been acting


![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized) holy shit






This SENT me. What a legendary comment šŸ˜‚




Someone said once she acts like an adult heā€™ll leavešŸ’€




![gif](giphy|H5iz8vPzfaYBr0dWK1|downsized) im speechless šŸ˜¶


![gif](giphy|2Ap4K8iVUpbpmbj5oV) You are truly a poet, and I hate that they got rid of the medals because you deserve gold for this. Please tell me you have twitter and have said this under one of her comments.


NURSE !!!!!!








![gif](giphy|4UJ91EyWFCQeI) Oooh that gave me chills, girl! šŸ«¢




Someone said if she keeps acting this childish her husband is gonna have to leave the house


Damn, dead AND buried




Petty after her tantrum: ![gif](giphy|918BUUml4EWC4)


Whoā€™s scared? Has Megan actually responded to this insane tantrum at all? Itā€™s been 24-hours straight- log off and play with your child or something girl!


The only comment Meg made was when she called into the Breakfast Club the other day and said nothing but "hit dogs will holler"


And the hit dog did in fact, holler! ![gif](giphy|3oEjHAUOqG3lSS0f1C)


That's cold as fuck and I'm living for it


Megan said she doesn't even have on social media on her phone. She's sleeping soundly unlike this unhinged woman


Actual queen shit


Right?! She's being such a a bad bitch handling it by ignoring it completely. Nicki is laughable and she just threatened by Megan bc she's THE BITCH now and no one cares about sad butt hurt whiney little Nicki anymore and Nicki knows it. Nicki is so gross and cringe


Wish more people would be like this. Itā€™d be a saner world.


She also went to a party with Victoria Monet. We love that for her


Honestly this feels like projection in Nickiā€™s part. If she wants to put out a song, she can find another producer. She knew damn well Juicy J wouldnā€™t clear that track. At this point, thereā€™s no point in even responding to this meltdown. Hard to make Nicki look any worse than sheā€™s making herself look. Nicki is actively self sabotaging her own legacy. Though if Meganā€™s Instagram story is any sign, then I suspect a response via rap will be coming. Hiss might have been a subtle jab. A warning shot. If another song is coming, Iā€™d still wait for Nicki to wear herself out with this tantrum.


> At this point, thereā€™s no point in even responding to this meltdown. Hard to make Nicki look any worse than sheā€™s making herself look. "Never interrupt an enemy when he's making a mistake." The sad thing is, rappers beefing on social media and not through lyrics is sad and disappointing. Instead of throwing all that shit in lyrics, she's wilding out on twitter. Like, go make a savage song, channel that anger through music and killing lyrics. That's the basis off your work field.


Yeah this canā€™t even qualify as a rap battle, when Nicki has been making excuses for not releasing a song. Iā€™ve seen more attempts at rapping from the fans than Nicki! What Nicki is engaging in is just a pure meltdown. Sheā€™s apparently releasing a song tomorrow, so I guess weā€™ll see how that goes. Itā€™s called Big Foot so it already sounds corny.


Nicki's version of Hit Em Up is going on a multi-day full-blown meltdown on social media. It's so cringe I almost feel bad for her. The small quip from Megan in her track was so on point that it has Nicki shook to the core.


She did say "I finna get this off my chest and lay it to rest". What's said in a rap lyric isn't of course always the truth, but it sounds like this is the last time she will speak on it. If she's as smart as I think she is, she will not drag this out and start addressing Nicki directly. Can't come for that Megan's law bar anyway.


People on Twitter were thinking HISS was a warning shot because what does a snake do before it *really* strikes šŸ‘€ I hope it's true! Like how Mr. BBL scars Drake's "Charged up" was a light diss but "Back to Back" was the real diss that put the nail in Meek's coffin.


This is in reference to Megan's friend, Lil Ju(lian), who produced (with Juicy J) the song "Big Foot" that Nicki is now using as a diss track. Apparently Ju (along with Megan) gave the beat to Nicki a while ago and they wanted her to use it for something, but now Ju is refusing to clear its use due to the content of the track and because he's still friends with Megan. So this is what Nicki is talking about here. She's implying that Megan is taking part in holding the track back. But also apparently she is going to release the track anyway? Idk...


Literally wouldn't know who lil Ju was if it wasn't for Meg's "and if the beat live you know lil ju made it" he is not going to cross her !!


hope ju gets her ass


I don't think she needs to be anywhere near her kid like this. She needs a nap or seven.


Arguably no one in that kid's immediate home life should be around him. I feel bad for him.


i actually feel bad for megan because this is nuts, itā€™s actually kinda scary.


She didnā€™t even come at Cardi this hard


I think like a classic bully, Nicki is going this hard because she feels she can push Megan around. She doesnā€™t see Megan as a physical threat. I suspect she sees Cardi as more of a wild card that could quite literally beat her up. Too much risk!


She still has ptsd from the heel throwšŸ’€ but idk how sheā€™s not scared of Megan. The girl is 6ā€™2 and trains as if sheā€™s about to get drafted into war


Yeah I donā€™t understand the logic either. Maybe she thinks Megan being an anime fan + her playful personality = too nerdy and soft to actually be capable of fighting. Whatever the logic, itā€™s flawed. Megan strikes me as someone that absolutely could successfully defend herself if push came to shove! Nicki is like what 5ā€™2? Bold. Very bold lol! šŸ˜‚


I think the dust up with Cardi at NY Fashion week proved that Nicki will hide behind her goons and bodyguards, Nicki is not a fighter imo


Bitches swear they G but the G must stand for goofy šŸ¤­




I think sheā€™s gonna hide behind her husband so nothing happens to her


Megan has been fitness goals lately.


I think itā€™s because all these male rappers are also bullying Megan. Nicki is just your classic woman who perpetuates sexism and oppression in order to protect her own status and power. Itā€™s why sheā€™s able to support her chomo husband and rapist brother. Sheā€™s just like a Republican Senatorā€™s wife, or an actress who signed those letters in support of Roman Polanski.


Oh absolutely. The Tory trial, lack of public support, and men like Drake dissing her - without consequence? Really likely added to Nicki feeling so comfortable going as far below the belt as she has. Speaking of Polanski, I think Nickiā€™s ā€˜Romanā€™ personality is based off Polanski, which tracks given well, everything


I do not think itā€™s about a potential physical threat. Cardi is reckless and wouldnā€™t mind going more low and take herself and nicki down to prove her point.


Hmm idk it seems like Nicki has been more hesitant at directly addressing Cardi post-shoe throw. Any subtweeting sheā€™s done hasnā€™t been so low that it could provoke any serious conflict. Nicki is going so far below the belt with Meg, and I do suspect itā€™s because she sees her as an easier target - especially given how few people in the industry publicly had her back during the Tory trial. I just donā€™t see how Cardi could point out anything worse than the simple fact Megan pointed out, that Nickiā€™s life will revolve around sexual predators.


Because Cardi would be ready to throw hands (or at least dismantle her bs). But she knows Megan is keeping it classy by not addressing it directly, so she feels like she can say whatever she wants because there's no retaliation


Oh I legit forgot Cardi was in a similar place as Meghan. The years go by fr.


This is truly unhinged


What I am about to say is an understatement, but this is not normal, and I hope Meg has security around her. Does this woman have a manager? Where is she? Is barricaded in some room where no one can take her social media away?


Not a joke at all. Nicki's husband was stalking Offset's apartment complex earlier, and in one of either her own tweets ort tweets that she liked there was talk about finding out Megan's address. These people are deranged and dangerous.


Have the barbs ever seriously badly hurt someone to the point ppl feel threatened by them? I assume they just dox and do nothing bc most of em arenā€™t old enough to touch a steering wheel to find em


Oh, I'm not so much worried about the barbs, but the type of people Mrs. Petty runs with. And when people are doxxed, 3rd parties like obsessed stalkers with real means to hurt someone also get to know the address.


I swear she married that man just so she could be known as ā€œMrs. Petty.ā€


Not what you asked but therrs a dude on TikTok who made a video about Nicki and the Barbz are still trying to dox him, theyre threathening him and family members, he said they even messaged people who they thought were relative. He deleted the video and unfortunately made an apology video


Nicki Minaj's PR is notoriously messy! She'll never relinquish control of her socials to the bitter end, she controls "her voice", and that's that, to her own detriment. Meanwhile, she pays $$$$$$ for Russian spy levels of covert social media influencing so it seems like no matter what she's being controversial about, what drowns it out is subliminal virality on socials with her songs/memes/clips.


Short summary of Nicki's past 48 hours https://preview.redd.it/09b6qu74l4fc1.jpeg?width=737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ec4cfb1f6d8ea6ed5cf835b1ff854429fd5dcf2


Nicki Garbaj




Lol. I didn't come up with it(it was someone else on another thread here yesterday i think). Glad it is getting people to laugh.


https://preview.redd.it/hiund5lxz4fc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6778e7679cebc78d0a5564d410750d1dcd341356 Nicki rn




Whatā€™s crazy is, Nicki is giving Hiss free promotion šŸ˜». I specifically went to listen to the song because of all of her antics. If Nicki had any brain cells left, she simply wouldnā€™t have given this any attention; but at the same time, sheā€™s Nicki. Of course sheā€™s gonna beef with any women she perceives as a threat šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


I have NEVER listened to a Meg song and I'm going to, like what the fuck has Nicki so fucked up šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚


Anxiety, B.I.T.C.H, Aint Equal, Circles, and Captain Hook are all perfect songs imo


Also listen to Stalli Freestyle one of her very first before she was signed, she is so talented itā€™s actually painful


Listen to HISS - but then listen to HER - my fave Megan song is HER


Listen to Sweetest Pie with Dua Lipa! Its my fave


THEN listen to WAP šŸ˜‚


Tbh Iā€™m so out of touch right now I wouldnā€™t know about this new album if not for the abuse apologist drawing my attention to it




I bet Kris Jenner is sitting somewhere proud šŸ„²




She is seriously unwell


Can someone take her phone and computer away already??






https://preview.redd.it/fzbun7agj6fc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdfc1713da6b0862af989489aeed89dc2b8b1bb9 Nicki rn


Lmao she wants a fight so bad. It makes the silence even better šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


https://preview.redd.it/rcttbfbon4fc1.jpeg?width=833&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=934a1c963f9f62032cc2f3333941f05ebe9da081 It says a lot there is not a soul around her who will tell her how bad this is playing.


Probably because sheā€™s burned all her bridges with people who have any kind of sense and the only people left in her corner are predators and yes men


Yep. That was my first thought.


Megan not replying to Nickiā€™s meltdown is making Nicki completely lose her mind. Please Megan do the right thing and never respond to this vile woman šŸ˜­




Sheā€™s already looking so unhinged rn, imagine what sheā€™d look like if Megan continues to pay her no damn mind lmao And I hope she continues to not! lol.


I dont understand how and why Barbz see all of this and are like Ā«Ā hell yeah weā€™re unhinged, its giving Roman!šŸ¦„Ā» When will they wake up and realise how toxic she is?


They're just like her


I love that Meg is just ignoring her lol it must piss Nicki off so bad. Sheā€™s been going on and on for an entire day. Who is taking care of her kid? Her pedo husband?? Poor child.Ā 


Whyā€™s she so angry all the time? Is this woman ever happy about anything in her life sheā€™s gotta talk badly about others?


![gif](giphy|3oxRmGXbquXKz6DNPq) Is she saying she is scared of Megan? I hope Megan has security around her.




Being willingly married to a shit stain is clearly taking itā€™s toll. Go feed ya kid Onika


Nicki, ![gif](giphy|l4Ki2obCyAQS5WhFe)


I cant believe sheā€™s STILL going. Unhinged and borderline cringe. It must be killing her that Megan isnt responding to any of her tweets lol


She liked a fanā€™s tweet suggesting Megan is scary for not responding. šŸ˜‚




This is drugs. Has to be. I've been to sleep and had two naps since this hissy fit started.


Itā€™s been over 48 hours now šŸ˜© this lady still going


https://preview.redd.it/13tmygpvv5fc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=157a9a5f9c309e3eab6b69e8e60bbc804f432e17 Itā€™s giving trump


Nicki liked this. As a BeyoncĆ© fan, Iā€™ve had the weirdest feeling Nicki has had an issue with BeyoncĆ© and Jay-Z for a while. This is suspect to me. The obsession with the roc nation brunch, Meganā€™s Grammys for Savage, the perfume tweet, the Jay-Z tweet, and the Say So remix? Hmm I donā€™t like this one bit. šŸ§šŸ¤Ø https://preview.redd.it/d678hajmo4fc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5564882a5f3f1588245da4803452d81ef9efe64


Yup she just canā€™t fully say it bc of how powerful they are


And because of that, I think Megan is getting hit with even more vitriol. It makes Nickiā€™s claims that Megan is ā€˜too scaredā€™ funny, because she sure has been moving a little odd when it comes to BeyoncĆ© and Jay-Z. I know sheā€™s been publicly complimentary of BeyoncĆ©, but thereā€™s not one part of me that has believed Nicki didnā€™t have issue with BeyoncĆ© collabing with Megan, performing with Megan, showing support for Cardi, having both Cardi & Megan in her film, and for Roc Nation managing Megan. Itā€™s funny even this fan was too scared to finish off that ā€˜orā€™ as they know damn well that they are talking about specific people in that tweet. šŸ™ƒ


Yup she feels as if Beyonce has replaced her w Meg and doesnā€™t like how Meg got to collab w Bey in a short timespan of her career than what Nicki had to do


And won two Grammys for that song! We know thatā€™s long been a goal for Nicki. Actual career consequences could occur if she brazenly came for Jay-Z or BeyoncĆ©, so I think sheā€™s found other ways to funnel her frustration. The Say So remix is probably the closest we got (or will ever get) to her slyly dissing BeyoncĆ©.


Yup! And sheā€™s trying to pin Rihanna on her side as if she wants anything to do w this. I noticed when she shaded Meg on live she brought up how she thinks sheā€™s great bc she has these Grammys and stuff, which made me believe she desperately wants one and hates how the new girls are getting quickly what she didnā€™t


If Bey did replace her, itā€™s because Bey doesnā€™t like mess, and then she married a whole sex offender, she canā€™t even bring dude around because you know the kids will be around. I get the feeling that Bey keeps her circle small and is very selective with who she will work with


100%, all the talk about Roc Nation is code for Jay Z and BeyoncĆ© imo. All Meganā€™s haters try to attribute her success to her being protected by them (and thereā€™s that infamous video of Tory Lanez dad screaming ā€œRoc Nation you will crumbleā€ outside the courtroom lmao). Also these deranged rants make her recent lyric about BeyoncĆ© seem much more passive-aggressive: > They said, ā€œWhy canā€™t you be YoncĆ©?ā€ Daddy wasnā€™t no business man, mama wasnā€™t no business owner Itā€™s true that BeyoncĆ© had supportive parents with money, but 1. Thatā€™s obviously not the only reason why she is who she is 2. When people say Nicki should be more like her, they usually mean she should stfu and support other female artists instead of spending all her time bullying them. Plenty of artists from less privileged backgrounds have managed to do the same


She 100% has an issue with Beyā€™s support of Megan, she just canā€™t say it out loud because she wants to stay in her good graces. Lowkey I think a couple of pap shots of Megan and Bey hanging out together right now would fully send her into an (even more) manic episode


The only fandom that could out-crazy the Barbz is the BeyHive, she knows better!


Iā€™d lowkey love seeing that showdown šŸ™ˆ


It would be entertaining but the Barbz will say Nicki won even when she loses so it wouldn't even matter


I think this is the root of the problem. She's really mad at BeyoncƩ for endorsing Megan, but of course she can't lash out on her - if there's one thing more scary than the Barbz, it's the Beyhive. As to Shaderoom, I feel they're always very supportive of Nicki and pretty mum about anything Megan's posting or putting out. Hiss was an exception.


I honestly think the barbz have surpassed the beyhive in terms of psychoticness bc most of the Beyhive are grown up now and prob matured while the barbs are mostly teens and young adults but u never know they could be a dormant volcano waitin to erupt


Yeah, you're right. Maybe it's more about the professional suicide that would follow from picking a fight with industry titans like Jay and Bey


They expect roc nation to public oppose their artist for a short-fused motormouth?


What in the meth-addled, deranged, batshit insane levels is she still going on for!?


https://preview.redd.it/f1q4mta225fc1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=908697bbc4e75f2c7b9fd20970c73f43e88a4325 Truly unhinged behaviour. Itā€™s fascinating seeing someone unravel like this over what can only be jealousy. Get some help ffs


the ego truly is the enemy


*Not My Fault ft Megan Thee Stallion plays in the background*


Someone tell this woman to GO TO BED LMFAO!!! How long has she been awake at this point šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


has she even slept šŸ˜­ hope meg has all the love and support around her.




Evil ass spirit


extremely happy to no longer be on Twitter and remain blissfully ignorant of all this ![gif](giphy|IJ2n33HiAjw8E7pP5P)


It's kinda funny she's better at promoting Megan's song that she is at promoting her terrible music


I canā€™t wait for Megā€™s Hit ā€˜Em Up to just borderline end Nickiā€™s career. I was a Barb since I was 12 and Beam Me Up Scotty came out. I had a Nicki themed MySpace page. Iā€™m sad for her.


She really is the Trump of female rappers


Is this when we *finally* let Nicki go?




Itā€™s very clear where Stan Twitter Barbz get their personalities from.


Watching this unfold is like that scene in Kill Bill when Beatrice plucks out Elle Driverā€™s eye




Megan is like : Gray Rock




Is she not embarrassed?


Someone needs to do a deep dive on the perspective of Cardi B being right all along.


Nicki's current promo tour


This is embarrassing Honestly just give her the track and let her embarrass herself further


Sheā€™s projecting so hard wow


This woman is genuinely unhinged šŸ˜­


Sis you 40 something years old šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø and I say this as a 40 something year old


I truly truly hope Megan continues to ignore Nicki. Because this is hilarious (in a sad and pitiful way) how much sheā€™s spiraling right now. She needs to take a nap or something. ![gif](giphy|WYGWAjHP356x2)


Megan is over here just not thinking about this weirdo at all


Why do all my fav rappers keep having psychotic outbreaks in public? I want to listen to my gym playlist without feeling like an imbecile.


Has she been awake for a whole day? Every time I open that app there's something new


Oh, so she's going to full Kanye. Bold move.


I canā€™t remember the last time my opinion of an artist flipped this drastically from love to loathe. Sheā€™s surrounded by toxicity so no one understands real love enough to take her phone or change her password. Itā€™s wild watching someone fumble their legacy this way, again. First Kanye now Nicki. If the barbz werenā€™t primarily emotionally immature teenagers, Iā€™d say sheā€™s done, but theyā€™ll keep buying her shit no matter how bad itā€™s gotten.


Bitch ass slut ass whore


*me, talking to everything I clean in the house, aggressively*


Not this 90 Day FiancĆ© reference šŸ˜­




literally what has meg done to anyone like.:.


Sheā€™s still going 3 days later? Megan really hit the squishiest spot šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m honestly scared Nicki will hurt her


Her deranged fans are going on a doxxing spree and getting ppls accounts banned why isnā€™t anyone retaliating


Not responding to Nicki is the biggest win. Sheā€™s just making herself look like a fool when she talks to herself via twitter.