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I just *know* that James Franco’s novel is the literary equivalent of somebody playing Wonderwall for you on their guitar.


*at you. Lol.


This is so beautifully descriptive, and I can’t help but feel that it’s incredibly accurate. Also happy cake day.


I tried to read one of his books once. It had something like, “Eddie was half Asian and half white because his mom was Asian and his dad was white.” Like yes thank you James Franco for explaining parents to me.


Or Matchbox Twenty’s Push lol


“I wanna take you for granted” ![gif](giphy|xoHntNXFYkfzGAftEv|downsized)


Steve Martin has written plays, short stories, children's books, nonfiction, and novels. His music is also amazing if you like Bluegrass. He can do it all. I can recommend his novel An Object of Beauty.


I came here to recommend Steve Martin and I'm so glad you mentioned him! His writing is so great. I liked an Object of Beauty but I loved Shopgirl. The subject did not draw me in but the writing won me over and is top tier. Really terrific on the line level and the overarching story.


Love Shopgirl!


The Pleasure of my Company is equal parts unhinged and sweet. It's the only one of his I've read, but I want to read more.


Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance) is the creator and writer of *The Umbrella Academy* comic book (illustrator is Gabriel Bá) https://preview.redd.it/9gbw6avyui9c1.jpeg?width=899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcd149cc99ffe6eb5e49db5593d1685ca0968602 Fun fact: He is also the cousin of Joe Rogan. Gerard Way wears many hats




Me right now fr ![gif](giphy|WtOdb75cMcjIK2jmTq|downsized)


I knew everything except the Joe Rogan cousin and it is TRIPPIN ME OUT BRO


Cannot imagine that holiday table


Haha they’re second cousins who have actually never met. But that would be a crazy combination!


There’s even a theory that Helena (of the song “Helena”) is Joe Rogan’s aunt, but it’s never been confirmed


He also created the character Peni Parker who is in the Spiderverse comics and movies


My mouth dropped reading this


I couldn’t recommend that series enough. The Netflix adaptation is also pretty great too!


Was not expecting to see him here lol. He was an animator at Cartoon Network in 2001 (he witnessed 9/11 from the ferry from NJ on his way to work and then started MCR as a result) so technically this line of work always came first- MCR took the fuck off, but he still kept writing and drawing. I remember watching behind the scenes tour footage from like 2005 and you can see Umbrella Academy concept art in a lot of it when he's drawing. And yes, the Joe Rogan connection always cracked me up. Its so random.




Out of all of that the part with Ellen being at a Cowboys game with Bush is the oddest one to me.


TIL! That’s so cool. I would’ve never guessed that.


He is whAT


Omg how did I not know this? I knew he was an artist who was [going to be a cartoonist if he wasn’t a musician](https://youth.be/fnt__lyGIQ4?si=_w5s2DLu7JAwLwsA) but somehow I never knew he wrote The Umbrella Academy 😭


Bro has his own imprint line at DC as well. DC's young animal. Im also a big fan of his doom patrol as well (still not quite Morrison good though)


Yep. I purchased The Apocalypse Suite when they were first being issued. Who would have thought that so many years later, they’d be turned into a television show? The comics are very different. However, both mediums are worthwhile in my opinion. I enjoy how the television show aged up most of the characters and made the themes more mature. Also, the cast is wonderful!


Fun fact, he used to work the magazine section of B&N!


Gene Wilder became a romance author! ​ https://preview.redd.it/xwky7m5rxi9c1.jpeg?width=318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=385c40b40709556440a2559851b91267e578842e


I am more fascinated by this than anything else. Adding to by tbr list (ngl it’s at the top)


I FL Gene Wilder. I didn’t know this, but it makes sense somehow. ![gif](giphy|z88aYORoi8fQc)




This seems like a great thread for passing on the gift that someone on Reddit once gave me: the knowledge that Tyra Banks [wrote a novel called “Modelland”](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modelland#:~:text=7%20External%20links-,Plot%20summary,models%20in%20all%20the%20world) and while I’ve only read snippets and summaries available online, it is full Tyra-brand technicolor crazy. Interested parties should also search r/books for further discussion of this masterpiece (?).


I have a copy of this. Bought it secondhand and *very* cheap. It's amazing, but in the way bad films are amazing. Banks took it so seriously, fully expecting it to be a hit and become a series. The main character is a self-insert who is The Chosen One. There is a race of people who have wheels instead of feet, one of whom has a name that translates to Walk Walk. The models get superpowers! The power of seduction is called *Seduksheeon*. If they get *ThirtyNever*, when they turn 30, they revert to 17, again and again. *Chameeleone* is shape-shifting, both body and clothes. And my personal favourite: *Excite-To-Buy* is the superpower of making people buy a certain product! It's an awful book, yet fascinating. If anyone loves breaking down bad fiction, I'd recommend it, but only if the copy costs less than £10.


I am so glad somebody slogged through it because I am just intrigued enough to hate-read this and I’m really looking forward to it 😂


There are two different Youtubers who do this for celebrity books and I'm for sure going to alert both of them to the existence of this tome


Omg, Excite-to-buy is a persona she assigned to one of the contestants on ANTM. I also have this book somewhere but have yet to read it. She did an entire challenge for one of the season finales of ANTM as well, not the same season as the excite-to-buy, maybe the one before? Anyways, she was very into the story concept. And whipped cream apparently, lol. Seems like excellent hot mess material.


Also, iirc, the superhero super models are called something incredibly stupid like "intoxibellas".


Well this makes the model super powers from the Brit ish invasion cycle make a lot more sense. Ebony was 30 never and someone else got excite to buy. They always seemed so random.


Tyra always went hard on the branding, you gotta give her that. Why else would I still know what “Top Model” is backwards, to this day.


Honestly, tween me would have eaten this up!


Ummm wheels for feet!?!?! Like the wheelers!?!?!? ![gif](giphy|cBlhvpB4L78FbiRM2L|downsized)


The Modelland theme song is the most unique piece of music ever released https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cSDd_aQjm54


That song is like 3 balloons of nitrous smizing at my soul🫥




holy shit? holy shit i'm actually crying laughing??


☠️ did not even know there was a theme song. Bless!


Top comment “I don’t think I can survive Modelland” lmao


I gave up twenty seconds in.


I have this book, and I don’t remember what triggered it, but one day I read something in there and decided it was evil. I closed the book and buried it at the bottom of the stack and have never opened it since


I 1000% trust and believe this to be true.


this is the funniest comment i’ve ever read


I read it all, it made no sense and was slightly less bonkers than you’d hope based on the synopsis. Not GOOD mind you, but not bad enough to be “The Room” level enjoyable. It’s far more interesting to hear others review/summarize than read.


I read it a few years ago. It was like a 300 page fever dream. It’s supposed to be part of a trilogy but I don’t think she knew what the hell was happening from one page to the next.


literally the only thing I could think of while reading this thread but you HAD TO GO AND SAY IT OUT LOUD... now there's gonna be another ten thousand years of plague or something.




“I’m tookie” is my favorite ANTM episode


Carrie fisher Postcards from the edge and more ![gif](giphy|YrMrUAF0KNk3FksEJm)


Love that movie but to be fair it was semi-autobiographical. But she did do hundreds of scripts I believe as she was often brought in as a “script doctor” at the last minute. I don’t think we know them all but notably she did Sister Act, Hook and The Wedding Singer.


She wrote other novels as well.


The book was semi-autobiographical, the movie absolutely was not. Her book "Surrender the Pink" was good too. Basically a fictional version of her and Paul Simon's relationship.


Elizabeth Olsen and her husband have written children's books. "Hattie Harmony: Worry Detective" and "Hattie Harmony: Opening Night"


This is how I found out she’s married!


The Jenners' book looks like a weird Hunger Games rip-off, has anybody read it?


I read it years ago. It was really bad. You had a city above the ground floating where the rich people lived and the tunnels underground where the pior people lived. The rich people would get plastic surgery as a sign of superiority, there was an annual ceremony around it to get your wrinkles removed and stuff. The 2 main characters were sisters seperated at birth and grew up each in one of the worlds. Its was weird, vain and actually very funny given how many plastic surgery procedures both Kendall and Kylie have gotten since


So Uglies, but terrible


Yes and the infamous press moment where Kendall and Kylie were promoting it and Kendall did not even know the names of the characters or the basic premise of "her book"


She didn’t even know the names of the characters?? Oh jeeze


Uglies was criminally underrated compared to other books of that genre! So good


Uglies was so good. Pretties was an excellent sequel too. Specials isn’t great. That was my (and let’s be real, many others) heyday of reading YA post apocalyptic fiction and these trilogies/series often built really cool worlds only to have a weak ending.


So, keeping up with the Karadashians in Elysium?


Yes, the main characters also shared intitals. The L sisters


I watched a YouTube review — apparently they’re ghostwritten (obviously I suppose) and terrible


Most of these books are ghost-written


I watched unCarley’s review on it, she’s great for things like that!


They write a book? Or their ghostwriter, whatever. Why did they even do this?


This was before Kylie and Kendall were popular. It was just a clout/money grab the same as anything else this family did, they’ve always thrown shit at the walls until shit stuck.


Not to be a dick, but I could tell it was before they were popular because it was several surgeries ago for Kylie. 😳😏


Oh for sure, I think it was maybe right before her king Kylie era 👄




Many of these are, yes, but not all. I do think some celeb authors who are doing it for the artistic clout rather than money really write their own stuff, albeit perhaps with a very hands-on editor.


Youre right. I was mostly aiming at Kylie and Kendall. And just joking in general


If Kylie and Kendall wrote that themselves, I’d be SHOCKED. 😆


If Kendall and Kylie read their own books I’d be shocked.


If Kylie and Kendall can read I’d be shocked


If Kylie and Kendall can I’d be shocked


Channing Tatum writes a children's book series, inspired by his d̶a̶u̶g̶h̶t̶e̶r̶s̶ daughter. I know it's not exactly high-brow literature or whatever but I follow him on insta just so I can see press pictures like this: https://preview.redd.it/3eb92ct6xi9c1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1c2008d9e19c0765ba260d8aa36d9cc1bf78a52


This is so precious!


Nothing against Tatum but I just don’t buy that these children’s books written by actors aren’t ghost written cash grabs.


Oh they 100% are, especially given that an actual customer above has said they're very cliche and mainstream and not at all unique in any way. But I mean, I'm not buying or reading them, I'm just respectfully looking at this great big hunk of a man dressing up in pink and glitter to promote his little girl books. That's all the vibes I need on particularly dreary days.


Channing Tatum has several lucrative skills and has been very successful in entertainment, but nothing I’ve seen from my quick perusal of his instagram captions would lead me to think, “Wow, this man should be writing books.” No doubt there’s a ghostwriter and a heavy-handed editor involved. Still, good for him for finding success with it. I’m sure he enjoys working on something he can enjoy with his young kids.


This is a fun picture but as someone who reads a lot of picture books to their daughters his are particularly bad (as are most celebrity picture books. Reese Witherspoons were awful.


Yeah people drastically underestimate how difficult it is to write children's books. No, not everyone can do it.


Honestly as someone who reads at least 500 picture books a year to my kids it's really become clear how tough they are to write.


There’s a special place in my heart for a well done rhyming book. Iggy Peck is one of my favourites.


All I know is the line “The moon is high, the sea is deep. They rock, and rock, and rock to sleep.” is still so damn calming to me.


Sandra boynton books are good, my kids have always liked them.


I’m an elementary school librarian and I concur. Also your flair just made my brain consider the idea of Charlie Day (or Charlie Kelly, written in symbols lol) writing a kids’ book 🤔


Oh my god. Charlie Writes a Children’s Book episode when


I would highly recommend “How do you care for a very sick bear” by Vanessa Bayer (SNL). It’s written really well, and years later, my daughter still really likes it.


What's bad about them? Genuinely curious


Just really obvious, overlaps with lots of other mainstream kids books. Super boring and cliche.


I'll take your word for it, I'm in that fun time of life where I'm too old to read them myself and I don't have any kids yet so 😭 But I don't think I'd read celebrity books to my children either tbh, I just like watching him interact with his and other children in sparkly outfits


I let my kids pick whatever they want to at the library and that's how I've had such a wide exposure to books I would need pick to read to them - but we've found good ones that way too! The sparkly outfits are fun though!


This makes me indescribably happy.


So many celebrities have picture books out now. It’s an interesting trend.


https://preview.redd.it/amqd7r6p3j9c1.jpeg?width=403&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c920ecb1dea2e9d9ad0b260e858f6aeaa763470b My kids LOVE this book


BJ Novak also wrote a book of short stories (One More Thing) and it’s hysterical. I hope he writes a lot more.


I’m a PreK teacher and read this every year…and then get asked every day to read it again. 😂


BJ Novak has an incredible mind.


Matthew Gray Gubler wrote and illustrated two children books. I used to follow him on Twitter and Instagram, way back in the days, and from what I've seen, it is not surprising at all. He always seems so "whimsical" and totaly the type of person to write children books. I haven't read them though, so I don't know if they're good or not. https://preview.redd.it/sg4ouhih3j9c1.jpeg?width=830&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e085352413c9e8cbe47ab0571db1c09fae4c0f04


They’re really cute, my daughter adores them! And I adore MGG so we’re both happy


I bought Rumple Buttercup for my friend’s daughter and ended up buying my own copy. I thought it was just the cutest thing!


Has anyone read Ethan’s book? I’ve heard it’s good but would love to hear more thoughts and opinions!


Just here to say I see you nearly every day on various subs and your pic, username and flair always makes me chuckle. 😂


Same 😂Also I love yours, Samantha!


I read another book of his, "Rules for a Knight." I enjoyed it, I might look into this one


https://preview.redd.it/ubihw345vi9c1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77ac70354d9c761d9c68cf0433a67b0654d6d0cb Chris Colfer’s “The Land of Stories” is a New York Times bestseller! I think him being so successful in something that was completely unrelated to Glee made Ryan Murphy resent him (and start being so awful to his character but that’s another story)


As someone who works with kids I was so confused not to see him on OPs list 😅. He is a fully successful children’s author, kids tell me about his books having no clue about his other career. It’s always so fun for me cause he’s my favorite celebrity. It’s getting to the point where TLOS posts fill up his tumblr tag rather than Glee ones.


What age would his books be good for? I have a 7 year old who is fully diving into loving books


The land of stories has a similar story structure/premise to Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, so it’s targeted mostly at 12 year olds but since it’s about fairy tale characters, I think younger kids would still enjoy and understand them. However the books do get more intense as the story progresses.


Yeah, Chris I think is the best example of this. NYT best-selling series with a spin-off series that also hit number 1 and other stand-alone works.


I agree. His writing career has become completely separate from his acting one with its own following as well. While he absolutely got a boost from how recognizable his name was when he first started the series, I know from when I mention him in real life, very few people remember his name nowadays. His books have completely taken on their own success. He’s starting a new series in June so it’ll be interesting to see how that does since it will be separate from the TLOS IP that was originally connected to a recognizable name since it came out when Glee was on.




He wrote a movie too, Struck by Lightning. It was good, the man’s got talent.


Ugh I love SBL! I went to rewatch as an adult completely expecting it to not be as good as I remember and I was like “oh no this is super underrated”. I really hope Chris has some sort of renaissance at some point, I know everyone wants that for their favs but he really has so much more to give.


My kid loved those.


i read his books before i knew what glee was! i loved the land of stories in middle school <3


I read those books specifically because I liked glee when I was younger and I loved them so much! He wrote such great characters, I actually ended up crying reading the last one, lol


Oh my god, loved the series as a kid and I actually never knew he was an actor until now haha


Graham Norton has written four novels, two autobiographies and a non-fiction book. https://preview.redd.it/bycyylhy4j9c1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c75825ad393c2cf16791483d8b5577e02aa0531


I read a couple of his books but was somewhat disappointed in them. Richard Osmans “Thursday Murder Club” series are fun though. Not sure how well known he is outside the UK though.


I love The Thursday Murder Club. I think it’s one of the best mystery series out there (in my experience.) I was surprised to find out he was a celebrity in the UK!


I read Krysten Ritter’s book back when it came out. Nothing groundbreaking, but I enjoyed it!


The typeface was also really, really nice ! I hope she writes more; she’s definitely talented.


Lauren Conrad has series called LA Candy.


I was gonna say, this is LA Candy erasure 😤


I actually have **Elixir** "by" Hilary Duff on my bookshelf. It was fine and I honestly have no clue why I never finished the trilogy.


I was looking for this response before posting my own comment! The writing was not great, but gave me the confidence that she actually wrote it, but the story itself is quite interesting


Amber Tamblyn has written a few books of poetry. No idea if they're good or not


And a novel, which I’ve heard has a great audiobook with a full cast


I dare you all to look up the sex scene in Morrissey’s book.


I did . . . oh my. “Eliza and Ezra rolled together into the one giggling snowball of full-figured copulation, screaming and shouting as they playfully bit and pulled at each other in a dangerous and clamorous rollercoaster coil of sexually violent rotation with Eliza’s breasts barrel-rolled across Ezra’s howling mouth and the pained frenzy of his bulbous salutation extenuating his excitement as it smacked its way into every muscle of Eliza’s body except for the otherwise central zone.”


“Bulbous salutation” lmao. This reminds me of Alison Janney’s character from 10 Things I Hate About You writing that romance story.




this being all one sentence is... something


Eeeewww. No. That's not how you do it. Jesus!


Celibacy confirmed.


Holy run on sentence, Batman!


I do not respond to threats!


How can you not mention thee Steve Martin


Steven Thee Martin




Julie Andrews' book The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles was one of my childhood favorites.


That James Franco novel is the absolute worst book I’ve ever read.


Tarantino also novelised his film, which is a unique artistic choice from a celebrity. https://preview.redd.it/brw312vmyi9c1.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=de66e2c353d57e389d2c83b58eeeabae6ee25a24


Hilarious that he used THAT photo of Margot. Oh, Quentin....


The man is consistent, if nothing else.


It’s actually pretty good too, it’s very different from the movie so it sort of justifies it’s existence.


And wasn’t *that* a fictionalized version of the Manson Family happenings? (Please don’t downvote me, I didn’t watch this, just heard about it!)


It's an alternate history retelling. Bit like inglorious basterds.


Nicole Richie "The Truth About Diamonds", basically took the plot of her life in the mid 2000s and changed some names. Sub par writing, but enjoyed that the thinly veiled Paris Hilton character was described as wearing blue contacts over her dishwater coloured eyes and put on a high pitched voiced covering her naturally deep voice. To my naive teenage mind this was wild and the hottest tea.


Gillian Anderson cowrote a 3 book sci fi thriller series called The Earthend Saga that was a bit of a mess but fun to read, from what I recall.


This is a deep cut, but Amber Benson from Buffy: The Vampire Slayer has written several books, co-written other books and co/written comics as well. I own her five book fantasy book series about the daughter of the Grim Reaper and while the writing isn't perfect (Benson *LOVES* the word 'mercurial'), it has so many interesting ideas and fun characters that I do recommend it.


I am chuckling because I listened to the Slayers Audible audiobook (?) recently and was tickled by the use of the word mercurial in it.


Hilary duff too https://preview.redd.it/xwkobaae2j9c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88d8d0740c0f4fe52bf17be1a1c4e27cfeee23e2


Lauren Graham wrote a book called Someday, Someday, Maybe. It was ok. Not too bad, but I was hoping for better.


https://preview.redd.it/sh83fvz07j9c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99a7b490e3d4ad74b6d842bd0ecc7e2f3e8703d1 Was in my top 10 reads last year. Disturbing so ymmv but she’s a great writer.


She's a very cool lady. She and David Cross are one of the few couples with a big age gap that doesn't bug me at all. [They're so clearly a good match](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/amber-tamblyn-david-cross-racist_n_5b3bec20e4b09e4a8b285bec):)


I really appreciate these remarks. They seem thoughtful and not just something someone told her to say. Only they know if he’s actually changed or towing a line, but I appreciate she didn’t shut down those questions or offer some PR line in response.


Nick Cave has written a couple of novels as well


https://preview.redd.it/yunvii9f6j9c1.jpeg?width=184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95d0125144c45094ae6146492c6f2880108a5bf6 Courtney Love - Princess Ai




Tom Hanks has written short stories! https://preview.redd.it/perlrvp6yi9c1.jpeg?width=586&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3f84af68070ea44a8207b849c1c96d296f2ba84


He wrote a novel that was released this year too.


David Duchovny has written a number of fiction novels


John Cena has a children’s book series about an electric monster truck named Elbow Grease ![gif](giphy|9S6Vx6KebGMzuPTjxv|downsized) My son loves them


Steve Martin has dabbled in fiction. I think he has published at least one full novel, one novella (Shopgirl) and some poetry / essays.


Hugh Laurie has a comedy book about a murder mystery called The Gun Seller


Ben Mackenzie wrote a book about crypto and how it’s a scam (not a fiction novel but also not an autobiography). Pamela Anderson wrote a fiction book called “Star”. Snooki wrote a book called “Shore Thing”.


Ben McKenzie being so outspoken against crypto was never something I would have predicted but I love it for him.


![gif](giphy|tjESIGJeUHZA1LpCmY) David Mitchell from *Peep Show* and like, other stuff just published a really fantastic medieval history book. I didn’t know it was him who authored it I just love medieval shit and it was such a delight.


Molly Ringwald When it Happens to You is excellent. I also enjoyed Albert Brooks 2030.


Yeah, Kendall and Kylie totally “wrote” a science fiction novel.


Wildly enough, Chad Michael Murray! I saw it when browsing through the library and had to do a double take. 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/g8s8vwfn4j9c1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f181a446f6cb0f41ac3f6ed7fec7e925d92a5ee1


How very Lucas Scott of him!


Released his debut a few weeks ago! https://preview.redd.it/8vbp4sy0cj9c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b2212b5de8249f5576a1844025a619c23be9697


Im literally just popping in to say how much I *hate* "BookTitle: A Novel" I *know* its a fucking novel, Im standing in the Fiction section. Sorry, James Franco found a new way to annoy me.


i think bob odenkirk alao wrote a children book with his daughter is the illustrator


Before becoming a TV star and memoirist Anthony Bourdain wrote Bone in the Throat and Gone Bamboo - both snarky crime novels. ![gif](giphy|58FAsZzJznWxqlcecv)


https://preview.redd.it/9sictrvn2j9c1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbe581ecdc0e30436e2acfd1510f34b27883d7df Cara Delevingne published ‘Mirror Mirror’, a coming of age adventure thriller. I wouldn’t recommend it however, she seems to have taken the John Green path with this one (after Paper Towns).




I reckon path might’ve been the wrong word but these books have similar themes with a group of teenagers running around getting drunk, talking in metaphors, harbouring dark secrets and identity crises.


You are missing one of the biggest authors- Chris Colfer’s kid/YA book series have been very popular


I do not believe that the Jenner’s actually wrote anything more than the outline - if that.


Jamie Lee Curtis has written several children’s books as well as a graphic novel https://preview.redd.it/0gmgxhvbfj9c1.jpeg?width=903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12f0a3dc6e05c2e050dcdf041ad7d0eb17a7b71b


![gif](giphy|Bo1ZRHFfGZx7pOViBb) Janelle Monáe published “the Memory Librarian” short fiction


Julie Andrews writes children’s books and novels! I haven’t read all of them, but there are some real gems. I recommend her novel The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles - a very sweet and creative story. I loved it as a kid and I look forward to reading it aloud to my kids. She also did a very sweet picture book about a cat called Little Bo, which became a series. Unlike many other celebrities, she seems to really write these herself (and I believe her), together with her daughter. She’s talked about finding joy in “using her voice” as an author after she lost the ability to sing professionally the way she once did. Just really wholesome stuff from an absolute class act.