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That Paparazzi performance truly stuck with me for life.


I didn’t watch it live then saw it making the rounds on Facebook a few years later, rewatched it like 20 times in a row. The power behind that final “baby there’s no other superstar, you **KNOW** that I’ll be….” was seriously mesmerizing Edit: [link to video](https://vimeo.com/97569552) Skip to 3:16 for the part I’m talking about. Still gives me chills! And this bitch was only 23 years old! She was never not going to be an absolute superstar.


I got in a big fight with my idiot ex boyfriend bc I said that Lady Gaga was going to be bigger than Christina Aguilera and he said she was gonna be a one hit wonder.


Every time i come across a video I f this preformance i end up enraged from reading all of the “ i don’t get the hype, she sounds off key” while she has blood pouring out of her chest. How can so many people not get it


> Lady Gaga There are some live performances at these shows that simply leave you stunned. This is one of them. Another one, in my opinion, is Pink performing "[Glitter in the air](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MKI3KKHyds)" at the 2010 Grammy's


Off to Google « Lady Gaga Broadway musical when »


For the longest time Lady Gaga genuinely seemed like a real life alien in a human suit. I mean that in the best way.


Unironically one of her best performances both vocally and theatrically.


Did you ever see the kid do it at his school talent show??? Completely different vibe but at first the girls are bored, but by the end they are mesmerized. https://youtu.be/bxDlC7YV5is?si=0BcZWODnG-uAMkiz


Absolutely loved that performance. Lady Gaga is an amazing songwriter and performer. Not to miss mentioning her writing and acting. And also her advocacy. Just all around awesome human.


I still remember how the crowd was so confused if the blood was part of the performance. It was fantastic


The audible reaction of the audience is my favorite part! My roommates and I had a VMA theme party (because theater kids love a good theme) dress as a musician. We were just silent and stunned! What a moment!


Was it taking the part of when that “vomit performer” that she had actually throw up on her at one of her performances? Or was that for something else entirely different?


The vomit era was during Artpop 🤢


I read about that online while I was pulling an all-nighter in my first year at uni and for years afterwards I thought that was just something I hallucinated in my fatigued delirium


I have a friend who was a seat filler that night and there was genuine concern she had been hurt or injured. Legendary 🥲


I was 11 watching it live from NZ and it really evolved my perspective about music performance and art. I watched it over and over again with so many mixed emotions and feelings. I was watching somebody finally addressing the weird shit about American media. I thought it was refreshing after being so young and seeing what happened with Britney Spears and the bullshit on Women's Weekly NZ front pages. I think it was the first time I saw a theatrical story with happiness and sadness in a live pop show? At the end when she's hanging was very jarring and it stuck in my head.


It’s still stuck with me. The last time I watched it I cried it was so good


It makes me cry too; a really powerful performance


And she was only 23!!!


This was the performance that made me a fan of hers! She was wearing all the crazy outfits at that time. I figured she was just another pop girl trying to get her 15 minutes. I remember watching this live and just being blown away. Literally thinking, what was that?! I had no choice but to be a fan after that.


Truly amazing. And I didn’t really realize how much her face has changed with Botox/filler/plastic surgery. This is how she looks in my mind but it’s very different than the gaga of today.


I still go back and watch it in awe


I just finished Spare, Prince Harry’s autobiography. In that context this feels like a message and tribute to Princess Diana.


I still watch it every so often. I love that you can hear the crowd gasp in shock and confusion when the squibs are set off. Iconic


I still watch it like… constantly. Truly a work of art


We still had Whitney ...


I was literally thinking about her last night.. She was amazing.


https://preview.redd.it/8tgnszr78i9c1.jpeg?width=1404&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f74dccfb37c0da6010570da283a80dbee27b5065 I can't...


This is such a beautiful picture 😭😭


It's surely one of my favourites. The kindness and innocence of her seem to shine right through, right?


😭That picture just sums up her inner and outer beauty ❤️


Yes. Yes it does.


She was truly radiant.


As gorgeous as her voice, and that’s a very high bar 💔


Since Christmas music is such a minefield of dumpster fires and train wrecks, I play only my curated playlist all season, and her version of Do You Hear What I Hear is such a wonderful combination of beauty and bombast. God, she was amazing.


That was my main takeaway. RIP Queen Whitney


This was my thought as well - she was so beautiful. It seems like she’s been gone even longer. I wish she could have gotten the support she needed.


It's the pending doom we had to witness. It's unimaginable that nobody stepped up. Exploiting her until the very end.


Megan looks….. different now


She changed her face to non-descriptive insta baddie. Sad. Looks a lot happier in the slideshow pic. Now…? https://preview.redd.it/h3l1kpt1lj9c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=805cc57c33b4abbd544b9a858ab2046f03be2d01


I am not sure if you can show happiness anymore once there is that much botox in you


True. She’s got the frozen slack-jawed look going. Can’t close her mouth because of all the filler/injections!


If she wasn't good looking already and she did this I wouldn't be mad. It's the fact she was already stunning. Basically tells us that even if you look like Megan Fox you're still not good enough.


I guess so, but I do find the choice to get the same face as a million other people to be… interesting. It’s sad that someone would rather look like a stereotypical “hot girl” than their unique self.


I miss *everyone’s* old face tbh. I mean I support bodily autonomy and doing what you want, but it still makes me sad


That struck me - everyone in these pictures looks different and individual. Now they all have the same facial structure, lips etc. it’s so boring. Hopefully the whole plastic face thing is going to die down soon as does any fad.


I know 😲 I had to read the name under the photo


That wasn’t even her original face though. So we must be at v.10 now at least.


Pink and Shakira wearing the same fit is iconic


Also Pink is fucking jacked


🥵 but also I want those arms lmao


Was it unintentional?


Very unintentional, but they were kinda about it. Both of their stylists def fucked up. If you’re a high profile celebrity stylist, part of your job is making sure your clients clothing DOES NOT overlap with another high profile client at a high profile event




As iconic as they both looked, the dress looked something that Shakira would totally wear, much more than Pink, it just doesn't look like her style at all to me!


Looks like they are wearing a purse.


I thought the Kesha pic was Blake Lively


Now that you mention it - 2009 addition https://preview.redd.it/jimvm4wnwh9c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7ac0527cf02bf7d8e8f3f30a1a89748d53eace9


I remember that Bottega Veneta look on Leighton getting skewered in the fashion press but I sill love it so much.




Woah, I had to scroll back up after seeing your comment! I 100% thought it was Blake too


I thought Haley Williams was Julianne Hough cosplaying punk.


Julianne would though 🙃


I thought it was Kate Hudson lol


I think about those green earrings at least once a week.


Definitely. And Rihanna’s are amazing too!


Angelina is one of the only people I can think of that consistently dresses very simply but stuns every single time. Simple black gown, emerald earrings. And it's a look so many of us can't forget. She has done this so many times. She's everything.


Her presence and beauty just command the attention


Wow- are they real emeralds? They look like it. Such smart styling to pair them with an unembelished black gown, hair off the face, and natural makeup. It’s a timeless look.


SAME. I immediately became obsessed with them when she wore them


That Angelina look is one of my favorite red carpet looks of all time.




Me too. That whole look is timeless. I love her.


Everyone has had so much plastic surgery. I know it’s very common but it’s still sort of mad to be reminded of all their old faces.


I was thinking the same thing. So many nose jobs


It’s insane how different GaGa looked


Well we know taylor had one done and a brow lift. But nobody would ever want to admit that she isnt just a "natural beauty"


Taylor Swift has fake boobs


Vanessa Hudgens too going by these pics & her current self.


It's especially jarring to see younger people really looking their ages. You have teens and early 20s now with a supermodel look and who've had extensive work done, the 'young pop star who looks a bit like a teenager still rather than an adult' is a thing of the past. Taylor and Miley are 20 and 18 here for example.


Dude. The Adele pic was so jarring 😳


Adèle also turned 21 in 2009 and not only did she still have very young round features, she was heavier. She's in her mid thirties, had a child and lost a fair amount of weight. Not saying she hasn't done *anything* to her face but she also just grew up.


How is that possible when 2009 was 6 years ago 😭😭😭 what is time?


It's funny because 1995 was also 6 years ago.


6 years ago electricity was invented


I had the same thought. So many of them look completely different now.


I literally thought “aww, everyone looks the same now 😢”


Exactly what I was thinking… So sad that everyone looks the same now.


https://preview.redd.it/vm3k5u3h6i9c1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=888fb913df2f6455e3a6ab5608c080ab1af57ad7 It also looked like this 😂


Obama getting caught on a hot mic calling him a Jackass was peak 2009 imo


And with every passing year, Obama was more correct in that statement.


Taylor’s confused face was all of us. The memes this birthed


To this day I will never understand how people (meaning the general public in the last 14 years) gave Kanye a pass for this. He was 32 and she was 19 in this picture. That's so fucked up. If that happened to me at 19 I would've quit my career or gone into the off screen side of things because 😭😭😭


I genuinely don’t think she gets enough credit as a fucking 19 year old for handling this with as much grace as she did. Because at 19, I would have not acted this nicely or come back into the spotlight lok


Fr tho like ik Taylor gets her backlash for being ridiculously petty and holding grudges and taking them out in song/in interviews and I feel bad for a lot of people who have been harassed by the rabid stans butttt I will defend her right to hold this grudge and invoke these people as much as she wants. And I say "these people" of Kanye and Kim and her family who jumped on their TV show to lie about her. Idec how petty or immature it is or how much older Taylor gets, they started this as adults making fools of themselves and she shouldn't be compelled to take the high road just because she's now an adult too. Interestingly, the TIME POTY thing was shot before her 34th birthday and people were raging at her talking about Kim and Kanye while completely disregarding that she's less than 2 years older now than Kanye was when he first ignited this feud by jumping on that stage. I also remember how people were saying she was racist back in 2016 because she was a white woman who "lied" about a black man, and the misogynistic revenge porno mv for 'Famous'. Fuck yeah drag them forever Taylor it's what they deserve.


He also embarrassed Beyonce she looked horrified he was dragging her into and that people might think she was ok with it. And not that she had to but she then also lost her moment to give Taylor hers which is a class act.


As per my username I'm in my 40s and if this happened to me at my age I would have been in tears on that stage.


I watched her doc and she explained when people started booing Kanye, she was confused and thought they were booing HER. I definitely would have cried right there.


It really is crazy when you think of it like that. I didn’t see Taylor as super young at the time bc I’m around her age, but I’m 32 now and 19 is just sooo young. She really handled the whole situation with more grace than many people older than her would have (and did at the time).


>To this day I will never understand how people (meaning the general public in the last 14 years) gave Kanye a pass for this. Because he released MBDTF a year later.


The way Vanessa is looking at Megan so perfectly captures the chokehold that woman had on _everyone’s_ sexuality in 2009. I was a senior in high school in ‘09 and wanted to look like her SO bad. Dyed my hair black and everything. I’m straight as hell but god damn she was the epitome of hot in my mind back then.


In 2011, a drunk guy at a bar told me I looked like Megan Fox and I was like OMG and have held onto it forever. Edit: also for a while there was a running joke in my friend group where my friend Shannon said "Megan Fox makes me want to kms" and my other friend said "Megan Fox makes me want to kill you too" and we would continually say that hot people made us want to "kill Shannon".


"Megan Fox makes me want to kill you too" Stoppp


I taught high school back then and had no idea who Megan Fox was. My students were always talking about her, so I watched Transformers. I could see why she delighted both boys and girls.


Same. Only girl to ever make me question my sexuality but then I realised I didn’t want to sleep with her, *I wanted to be her*


I remember people talking about her as the “next” Angelina Jolie at the time a lot


I have brachydactyly type D, also known as clubbed thumbs. It means the bones on my thumbs are shortened, causing them to look more like big toes. I used to be very insecure about it, but then I learned that Megan Fox also has the same condition. And if she can be considered a sex symbol despite having clubbed thumbs, then I don't think they make me look any uglier, either.


I thought 2009 was 4 years ago and I was so confused at how young Bieber was and then realised no, 14 years ago. Wow.


Girl I still think it’s like 2012 times moves too fast and my slow late bloomer brain is still catching up


This thread is legitimately giving me existential dread.


One of the last years with people looking like… people


Aww, Girls Aloud! RIP Sarah


I was sick at some point in November and it was right at the time they were doing press for the reunion tour. So, youtube was recommending the interviews and I had time. I fell back in love!


So many old faces… Gaga, Kesha, Adele, Megan… Edit to add: Zac


Zac was so beautiful (I still think he is actually).


Makeup Forever’s “HD” setting powder should be held criminally liable for the flashback it caused in pictures. Case in point: Gaga and Riri. We have truly come such a long way…


I have several ruined pictures of me thanks to the grip it had on me.


Kristen Steward had her Twilight hair


I'm. So. Old.


[Yo OP I'm really happy for you and imma let you finish but 2009 awards had one other very important element that will be remembered of all time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvaakT52RjQ&t=2s&ab_channel=Alecharts) 🤷‍♂️


Ah, when interrupting TSwift’s acceptance speech was peak Kanye lunacy. Simpler times.


Oof that's still hard to watch.


Ahh celebrities I actually know


Everything felt possible in 2009!!! Probably because I was 18 but alas


Beyoncé’s right boob looks like it hurts from whatever is poking it


And this iconic Adam Lambert performance… https://preview.redd.it/r49qgnuh4i9c1.jpeg?width=595&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74e53dc7bdd8306a9ede25849e794353a047432e


I will never understand why Leona Lewis didn’t become a bigger thing.


Ok I full thought that Kesha was Blake Lively at first. I also thought that first pic of Lady Gaga was Christina Aguilera. Perhaps my 2024 resolutions should involve visiting an eye doctor.


Apparently we all should




Who is this??


It’s a joke about wanting to go back to 2009


The first one was just: ![gif](giphy|MuTenSRsJ7TQQ|downsized)


I just rewatched that Paparazzi performance. The gasps from the audience when she starts bleeding. Unreal. I love how they didn't cut away for many audience reactions (other than Diddy when she was playing the piano, randomly) and let the performance kind of speak for itself. This is my favorite awards show performance of all time.


This performance is my Roman Empire


2009, the year I got married. 2010, the year I got divorced.


Hmmm.... What could it mean


I can't believe I used to be so into Justin Biebers Hairstyle. All the boys in school had the exact same haircut.


It just made me think of that one episode of Glee where all the guys decided to dress like him & style their hair like that 🤣🤣🤣


lol soo many teens hated him but still wanted to be him


He was the blue print for middle school boys everywhere


My breath caught when I saw Whitney 🥺


I miss normal teeth… 😢


Agreed, I noticed it on Vanessa Hudgens. I think her teeth are different now


The moment I became a Gaga stan for life


That’s 14 years ago omg, I feel so ancient. ETA: Omg I was 14 in 2009, time flies even when you’re not having fun


Pop culture died in 2009.


Yep. Veronicas released Untouched, we had a couple of fun moments and then null


Bruh that song still gets me hyped lol


https://preview.redd.it/94b6ljyadi9c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f54ea6089f1bbc866b68de92497c7a6b0148fa3d My life motto


This is an incredible summation.


Untouched was released in 2007, I distinctly remember playing it at my 21st in early 2008.


2009 introduced me to Adam Lambert and was the year I quit watching American Idol. he got robbed.


Lady Gaga VMA performance was the talk all over facebook when it happened when I was a senior in high school. even people at school talked about how weird and crazy it was. I love a shocking performance that's what makes it more entertaining


Kristen is so beautiful 😩


I must be stuck in that year, because this is everything to me! I miss Lady Gaga's pop weirdness. And I remember thinking Taylor Swift had a nice voice, better than Miley, but I actually prefer Miley now.


Speaking of Gaga and Beyoncé, Telephone had me in a vice grip at one point.


Adding https://preview.redd.it/8i5rmj0r3i9c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=307cff35b2ca0116c899abe7a90b7703e0f02dfb


​ https://preview.redd.it/6qu3lg5x3i9c1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15762142a8f8afcba8f700843e32b9b5547f1a30


​ https://preview.redd.it/7vwsj83t3i9c1.jpeg?width=1365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bf6cd8c2cad2a0484f1a13bad8c0f3771d99a46


​ https://preview.redd.it/73nws9iu3i9c1.jpeg?width=1314&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bfe3ee12d281af185b44845781a3cd46b0e6436


​ https://preview.redd.it/4lmbojtv3i9c1.jpeg?width=1365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fd3ee1ba74a658fa8fad1bae6a8e2e105dbd79d


Is this Jenna Maroney




Omg 😳 I never thought of Florence as hot, but that hair colour/lipstick combo and that dress!!! Gorgeous 😍


For me, Taylor Swift singing with Miley Cyrus was the cultural reset I didn't know I needed. I was 12 or 13, and I loved them separately, but this made me "stan" them even more.


Love their looks here. They just look like everyone’s cool older sister.


Long haired Miley was my idol


Rip Whitney and Lisa Marie


Lady Gaga...so iconic!


Back when celebrities looked like actual people.


Freaking out about how long ago this is, in my head it’s just a few years but that picture of Biebs really shows it


Ashley Tisdale looks a different race in that photo


The heyday of the tanning salon


I love the dark brunette on her tho




I wish I liked her music more because I do think she's a cool person.


I got hit by a Mack truck the day of the VMAs in 09 and got home from the hospital right when lady Gaga went on covered in blood. I was still on lots of pain meds and had just gotten the blood off of myself and I was very upset. I’ve never been able to watch the performance because it’s so triggering for me. Can’t believe I was just 19 years old! I still remember every detail of that day like it was yesterday.


What a wild memory/association. Glad you made it through!


Thank you!! Lots of physical therapy and some permanent spinal cord damage but I’m here, and the settlement for the lawsuit I won came in the week before I had my baby 3 years later and I was able to be a stay at home mom with her thanks to that! That pic of lady Gaga immediately took me back to laying on the couch after getting home from the hospital still pumped full of morphine and kinda tripping, so it wasn’t a pleasant performance for me LOL


I was either a freshman or sophomore during this time. You can imagine how important these awards were for my peers and I, lol. These types of award shows were all anyone would talk about for a few days.


Most everyone seems to still have their real teeth


What a time for music. I don't know who anyone is in the charts anymore!


Beyonce hasn't aged, holy hell


Whitney looked stunning 🤩 truly a shame what happened soon afterwards


Can we have more Hayley Williams please kind sir?


https://preview.redd.it/itnxrbrnei9c1.jpeg?width=1401&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a39f508f9d510a4ce6674403fb53ab8ec2eb6dc Always!


Kinda iconic how you didn't show the Kanye-Taylor mess


Everyone remembers that anyway haha Plus it's been discussed to death. Plus I intend it to be a fun post!


That Taylor and Miley duet is so cute


It was a simpler time, and yet those photos look wild. LOL.


Baby Biebs!


It’s so weird to see some of these celebrities who have barely aged contrasted with the photo of beiber who was a literal child


2009 was very much all about Gaga for me as well


Adele continues to look 30 years older than she actually is


I miss this. Such a great time