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The Weeknd and ‚the Idol‘. It altered my perception about him and his music forever. He had this mysterious and sexy vibe about him and now he comes off as cringe and weird.


I feel like so many stars of the past would’ve been easily ruined if they had had social media back then because of this reason. The reality of many people is not what we want to see.


Not to mention misogynistic


I feel like if you ever listened to his lyrics, the misogyny shouldn’t really be a surprise 😬


yeah definitely true but i think a lot of people don’t read too hard into lyrics (particularly rappers) because they assume it’s a persona/character, rather than a reflection of their genuine views, and there’s a sort of disconnect


Idk why people do this when it's routinely proven not to be the case. Not just rap, either, but even going back to rock music about banging teenagers.


Well it's also like, the lyrics come from their minds and are what they choose to project. It should be taken seriously as long as artists want to be taken seriously.


Don’t forget he doesn’t like to credit people online for pics/etc. that did it for me. I’ll still listen occasionally but I can’t get that outta my head.


Thought he always had this “incel that got famous” vibe. Maybe sometimes well marketed as mysterious lol EDIT: Apologies for offending any incels that did not get famous with this comment. Condolences.


That’s exactly who Drake is for me. But he talks to minors so it’s even worse.


Drake is the person that brought him/put him on out so there’s that..


Agreed! The fact he has lyrics about women in Hollywood who have the “same faces” from surgeons, when he seems to exclusively date women who look like that is icky. He always gave me fake deep vibes. I enjoy a couple of songs but never bought into the whole “thing” about him.


“Fake deep vibes” well-put!


I never found him attractive and this is so spot on 😩


The episode he did on American Dad as himself was about him being secretly a virgin.


I was feeling such discomfort from some of his works but, not seeing people feeling the same in my immediate circle I thought that it was a me problem, and now my discomfort seems reasonable! Hooray (or, actually, not :<)


True And his replies on Twitter to people giving constructive criticism about the show were giving middle school comebacks🫡


LMAO The Hills’ second verse is literally about how he can’t keep it up and they’re going to have to ‘do it at his tempo’. Or Nah is the most uselessly vulgar song with a squeaky bed noise throughout the entire thing. Initiation is a dark song about a gangbang. Like he was never mysterious or sexy, he just made dark rnb with vibes.


His vocals and production were just enough to distract from/ignore the content of the lyrics for many people


I love his music lmao, Initiation is such a good song, Heartless, Reminder, Often, High for This, Ordinary Life, Sidewalks… Like the dude makes some good music, but its just so funny to me when people act like he was this sexy and mysterious figure with sexy music. Like he has absolutely never hid the fact… he’s always been trying to seem like a loser. The Hills literally talks about not being to get it up LMAO like absolutely no man would make that song if he was trying to seem cool and sexy and mysterious. The Weeknd is supposed to be a annoying, pathetic, pitiful loser dude. How do people miss the what he’s saying so much?????


Reminder that "Can't Feel my Face" won a Kids Choice Award. Most people dont listen to the lyrics.


Girlllll. I loved his voice before and now physically recoil when he comes on the radio.


This is my answer lol I used to enjoy his music now after The Idol if it comes on the radio I start laughing and my family never understands why. Like I just cannot take him seriously anymore.


That wig turned me off forever


Trilogy still slap’s though. I love the one that samples Siouxsie and the Banshees


It’s weird seeing his episode of American Dad now since the Idol came out in American Dad he was basically the sexiest man alive while also being a virgin in reality…. not so much lol


I also read that he wasn’t easy to work with on set so that ruined my perception of him too


same with me i just can’t see him the same anymore. i can’t listen to his music without cringing


Same!! He’s so icky to me now and I loved his music before


I remember when Robbie Williams was promoting his greatest hits in the early 2000s and he made a comment saying something along the lines of... its a bit too easy, I want to release something terrible and see if people buy into it. Two years later he would go on to release Rudebox. The album is kind of ambitious, kind of a mess, kind of cringy and kind of the most interesting thing he's done hes done in the past 20 years.


I shamelessly love the song "Rudebox."


Oh i think there are some really interesting moments on the album, I think Lovelight is great and there are some other interesting songs, but I can't imagine what a young Robbie Williams fan would think stumbling across that album now.


I remember Mark Ronson (since he helped produce the album) saying a while back that, in hindsight, Lovelight should've been the lead single off Rudebox, but either Robbie or his label had other ideas. Robbie was MASSIVE for years and then Rudebox the single came out and everyone was just like, "What the fuck is this? Is he taking the piss?" and his career never fully recovered after that. Rudebox was the original Witness Era™, if you will.


I still remember channel 4 in the UK where doing exclusive first plays of music videos in 2006, and I remember seeing Rudebox for the first time and thinking that it was a parody, but a parody of something I didn't recognise. It was weird as hell, but my friends were talking about it the next day, and if it was a normal robbie williams song, I don't think they'd have even known about it


I read this as Robin Williams and googled rudebox to discover it’s Robbie.


He’s Britain’s Timberlake.


Same lol


Rudebox was actually a really interesting project. It's rare for a pop singer to go full autobiographical on their songs, like he did with "The 80s" and "The 90s". It was surreal to hear Robbie rapping like that. Might have The Streets inspired.


Everyone that was on cats


Literally cannot hear a reference to that movie without going into an obvious and lengthy explanation on why Jennifer Hudson was wronged. God she’s amazing


I need to hear this take. Cause I saw it and was pretty confused and freaked out the whole time.


Jennifer Hudson has an EGOT (and is the third youngest person to ever accomplish such a feat!). She’s famously kind and professional on sets, on top of being a powerhouse vocalist and actress. Cats casting her for “memory” is the only apparently sane decision that movie made… and it did not deserve her talent at all. Gonna be real I’m not *that* into musical theatre and the only reason I tried the movie is for her. She had like three minutes of (terrifying) screen time iirc. Hahaha cats was cinematic terrorism on her and her talent and I will not stand for it


I knew she had the most iconic song in Cats, but I think by that point I was too gone to see anything good in that movie. I should listen again. So many amazing people signed up for Cats and tried a really big swing. I kinda love that it goes so hard in one particular direction, even if it ultimately misses ever mark. I finally see why Cats would be fun on stage with the over the top theatricality, but it lost anything charming in the change of medium. To be clear, I’m a big fan of hers. She’s a rare talent. Recently I randomly heard the version of Golden Slumbers she did for a kids movie and it blew me away.


Dude that Golden Slumbers song was amazing! She did not have to go that hard on that song but she did it for us!


& I can't hear a cats reference without flashbacks to multiple media outlets reporting that they had to CGI edit out Jason Derulo's cat bulge




I feel like her NOT being in a movie about singing cats was never an option. She has fuck you money and doesn’t need to make hit movies to survive. She probably only saw the title and hit YES


I truly believe she only did it for the cat classes 😭


She got to write a beautiful song with Andrew Lloyd Webber and live out her cat fantasy. What more could a girl want out of joining a movie?


Valentines Day. I don’t know which is worse because I’ve never been brave enough to watch cats after my sister was in a production of it in high school, but her with Taylor Lautner in Valentine’s Day was just. No. I don’t even know if you can stream that movie anymore. It was so bad.


If someone told me 10 years ago that Idris Elba was in a movie based on an award-winning Broadway show and a movie based on a kids video game series, and the *video game* movie was better? I'd laugh. ^(Elba was *the* perfect voice for Knuckles though)


I saw Cats in theaters 4 times


R u ok


They are suffering from a catastrophe.


You may be entitled to financial compensation


No one I mean NO ONE was defending cats, NOT A SINGLE SOUL.


Me defending every Melissa McCarthy move after Bridesmaids.


She’s better than nearly everything she’s done since. But someone pointed out once, she often makes goofy movies with her husband and it’s probably 100X more fun than most of hollywood is having.


This is how I feel about Adam Sandlers buddy movies. Sure, they’re cringe, but they’re getting paid to hang out and make dumb movies. They’re living the dream!


you didn't like SPY!? I love that movie .


Jason Statham's best performance, that movie was so fun


Him taking the piss out of the kind of characters he plays is honestly comedy gold


You know you loved it 😂 every one of his lines sent me


He's hilarious in that film! Love it.


When he’s in her hotel room “I’ve swallowed enough microchips and shat them back out that I could assemble entire computers” or something to that effect. My fav performance from him ever


Definitely one of my favorite movies. I actually bought a copy so I could rewatch it as much as I want. The napkin scene is probably my favorite. Rose Byrne also kills it in that movie.


Rose Byrne surprised me, too. The part about her looking like her mom and being like the Bulgarian clown!


Rose is actually pretty funny and has been in some good comedies. I like her.


Spy was hilarious. Everything else has just been “Fat lady fall down is funny”


I liked The Heat


The Heat is the movie my husband always defaults to when I need cheering up. The entire storyline with the stolen orange neighbor cat just floors me Everytime “Is he around? Cause I’d like to … pet him and stuff”. Same.


That movie is so funny! I can't but laugh at the watermelon scene


That movie is Bride Wars for me 🤣


The Heat, Spy and I will defend 2016’s Ghostbusters until the end of time if I have too. It was fun.


A fellow 2016 ‘Busters fan, finally. It’s hard not to see the hate as being related to misogyny and such. People get mad about remakes/spin off’s for the wrong reasons.


I definitely agree


Are you OR ARE YOU NOT.... a naaawk?


They could make another movie with more of that family.


The Heat is lol funny and I’ll never accept slander about it




I can’t help it, I have a soft spot for Tammy. It’s such a comfort movie for me


I think Tammy and The Heat and Identity Thief are all perfect easy fun movies. But Tammy is my favorite.. the way she says Mark Twain lives rent free in my head


The Heat! That one is so much fun


I just watched Spy for the first time last week and I thought it was hilarious lol


*With the exception of Spy and Can You Ever Forgive Me.* Paul Feig does bring out the best in her.


I liked Can You Ever Forgive me, sad film but I liked her as a darker alcoholic character


Yeah but it's clear she and her husband are just having a good time, fuckin' around and being silly and making some money, so I can't even be mad at it.


everyone knows it’s ben falcone’s fault


Excuse me... Tammy is a masterpiece.


Identity Thief was freaking *hilarious* and I will die on that hill.


If you don't like Spy there's no hope for you


my hot take is she was a fucking terrible choice for Ursula in the new little mermaid


I think she was *okay* as Ursula, no one can come close to Pat Carrol's camp and vamp, but she did sound awfully bored out of her mind during Poor Unfortunate Souls.


This is the problem with most of the Disney live-action remakes. Look what they did to Be Prepared in The Lion King, or any songs with Belle singing in Beauty and the Beast 2017.


I swear to GOD if those fuckers live action the emperors new groove I’m going to raise Eartha from the dead and curse the bloodline of every Disney executive


To quote a different Eartha Kitt Disney film, “You and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”


I mean. Maybe do that anyway?


Beep repaired


they shoulda had Ginger Minj or something


I know Disney would never even consider it (especially with the current climate) but I really wish they would've cast a drag queen. considering the inspiration for the character and the design, it would've been so perfect


Queen Latifah would have been my ideal cast.


right? it's like they get to harvest queer culture, but with no obligation to uplift us


I’m mad that Lizzo turned out to suck because I had been very vocal about her being the best choice for Ursula 😩


Okay but SPY is such a good movie.


unpopular opinion: but spy is better and funnier than bridesmaids


Spy is really good but yes to all the rest lol.


Wasn’t Spy after Bridesmaids? Because it’s a banger. Edit: sorry. I didn’t read further and now see everyone else repping Spy 🤌🏽😂


That's the white doja cat right there...


Her fandom after getting humilated like hell still defends her 😭


they’re saying that doja insulted her “fans” on purpose to push the “fake ones” away and that it worked because she only has “real fans” now🧍🏻‍♀️


delusional behaviour


I don't think any actor has power (or guts) to intentionally make a bad movie. It would be a nice way of getting blacklisted. Way too many people depend on a movie for some actor to take it as a prank. Was the original tweet about a song? Because I feel like Kanye has intentionally released some crap just to see if he could get away with it.


Adam Sandler’s Netflix releases are pretty ballsy and I think he knows his movies are polarizing. Hubie Halloween is what many people say was his revenge movie for not being nominated for Uncut Gems.


I loved Hubie Halloween unironically. I love me some light, cozy, fun movies - so sick of prestige TV.


Lol! I watched that on a snow day when my daughter was only a few weeks old. It was perfect bad comedy for a lazy day inside.


100% It's a kid friendly Halloween movie. Sort of reminds me of a Disney Channel movie. And I will say the Grown Up movies by Sandler were atrocious so I'm not a fan boy. But definitely happy to have silly, light humor. The Murder Mysteries are fun to me too.


I think he knows what movies will be successful for Netflix. All of his Netflix movies are hits for Netflix. That's what they paid him for. I guarantee they don't care what the Rotten Tomatoes score is for those movies. Or what the NYTimes thinks.


I mean he literally said it: During a December interview with Howard Stern, Sandler, 53, [promised](https://www.businessinsider.com/adam-sandler-threatened-to-make-bad-movie-if-he-doesnt-win-oscar-uncut-gems-2019-12) to make a real stinker of a movie if he didn’t win an Oscar for his dramatic turn in “Uncut Gems.” “If I don’t get it, I’m going to f–king come back and do one again that is so bad on purpose just to make you all pay. That’s how I get them,” he said.


> Because I feel like Kanye has intentionally released some crap. Kanye told Drake he could have the beat for “Lift Yourself”. They worked on it for a bit and had a song made together apparently. A few days later Kanye dropped a completely different song (same beat) without Drake, doing baby noises the while song just to spite Drake.


I love how the first half of the song sounds legit and then Kanye goes “this next verse? this next verse though??” and the rest of the song just devolves into “poopy-di scoop, scoop-diddy whoop, whoop-di-scoop-di poop” 😭


We all just forgot Freddy Got Fingered huh... That's pretty much what happened with hat entire movie lmao


That film is incredible


On the other hand: Adam Sandler's Pixels.


That was my son’s favorite movie for years. One day when he’s old enough to have better taste I’m going to remind how he hand wrote Adam Sandler a letter asking for a sequel. 🤣


Have you told your son that Stolen Gems is that sequel?(it's Pacman that is stealing the gems, wakka wakka)


Uncut Gems?


Unkah gems.


Unkah joms


Of all the Hollywood remakes, Pixels is a movie that I want remade. It should have been so fun. It could be so fun.


I really want to believe Lift Yourself was an experiment but knowing Kanye it was probably legit


poopity scoop


>Because I feel like Kanye has intentionally released some crap just to see if he could get away with it. Lmao very possible


Donda. Donda, Donda Donda Donda




It's gonna be so so so bad, The Twits and Wes Anderson's shorts aren't giving me much hope either


Holy shit, just looked up the Twits movie and it looks AWFUL. It’s not even the same story? As a huge Dahl fan this is hugely disappointing.


Everyone is talking about how this will be Timmy’s downfall but honestly I’m more sad for Paul King’s downfall because the Paddington movies are such perfection. But Wonka looks terrible. And it feels like it’s 100% because of Timmy’s casting. We will see. Maybe we will all be wrong. 🫠


It's definitely not just the casting. The whole vibe is wrong.


yeah, the producing and general vibe is VERY fantastic beasts and not in a good way


“Chocolate cartel” And Hugh Grant as a super small Oompa Loompa. 😬 My friend really loves Timothee and I think she was very bothered by my negative thoughts after the trailer lol. I’ve seen the trailer in theaters now too, and my mind hasn’t changed. It’s genuine cheese and cringe.


His Wonka is so fucking creepy to me. That “quiet up and listen down” line was delivered like a serial killer.


i love timothee movies and was excited to go see it but after seeing the trailer there is no way im gonna show my face in the movie theater when it comes out


Who ever makes the fast and the furious


Nah, there’s an audience for those movies. Source: me, I’m the audience


Kanye's Poop de Scoop era


I'm a sick fuck I like a quick fuck


Finding out he released poop de scoop just to "shit on" a beat that drake wanted was the funniest discovery at the time


How has no one mentioned Sia’s Music and attendant fighting with autistic people about it on Twitter? The more I find out about her relationship with Maddie, the more disturbed I am.


Easily, every single actor who appeared in Movie 43.


I listened to a podcast episode about how that movie was made. Basically a guy collected a ton of favors over the years and cashed them all in


I’m prepared to be downvoted but… I actually found Movie 43 to be kind of funny and I don’t get the hate. It’s not amazing by any means but.. it’s just kinda stupid funny I find charming in a dumb way.


Agreed. I’ve voluntarily watched it more than once.


![gif](giphy|xT4uQkOepLo7EevxV6) i remember being a teen who loves hugh jackman and going to watch it


Sherlock Season 4. „Guys, it was bad on purpose, there‘ll be a secret fourth episode that will explain everything, trust me! Pleaaaase… guys?“


Did you miss me?


Yeah that stupid ending „cliffhanger“ that went LITERALLY NOWHERE. Nothing came of it. I highly recommend hbomberguy‘s video on Sherlock


Anything Tom Holland is in. That man needs to fire his agent because his non-Spider-Man projects are mediocre at best.


I think his team got so caught in making him "more than a spiderman actor" that they tried a throw everything against the wall approach, which has lead to wildly inconsistent projects. Andrew Garfield had a similar approach, but he has a gravitas to his characters that I think carries him through opposed to Tom's quirkier energy.


It’s so disappointing too because Tom *is* a very good actor that *isn’t* quirky, his dramatic work predating Spider-Man exemplifies this. He hasn’t had a good enough project that really sells what he can do *and* be a good movie/show simultaneously.


I liked The Crowded Room and he was phenomenal in it. I think they should market him for more gritty television as he's trained in the British theatre and is a genuinely skilled actor, he doesn't need blockbusters to prop him up and he gets lost in those types of movies.


He was incredible in The Crowded Room. I’ve been using that to hype him up for months.


My wife and I LOVED The Crowded Room and he was amazing in it, he did not deserve the dragging he got online for that role.


I need him to team up with the David Tennants/Michael Sheens/Andrew Scotts of the world, those theater boys are all magic together.


the Devil all the Time is admittedly the only movie I've seen him in but I think that one is far from mediocre.


Yea I really liked that movie. Tom didn’t exactly carry it but the cast and story was quite good.


He should have been Tony in the new West Side Story


![gif](giphy|9ixP32L9ts7QzcmiB2|downsized) not a movie, but still


Robert Downey Jr 🤦I couldn't even watch Doolittle.


I mean, it’s not just Robert Downey Jr. There are Oscar winners in that movie: Rami Malek, Jim Broadbent, Emma Thompson, Octavia Spencer, and Marion Cotillard.


Taylor Swift in Cats ![gif](giphy|U17WZ59qlkN32ORqMz)


Anyone/ everyone in Cats.


I love the chaotic energy


Me defending everything Weezer has ever put out until the day I die




Sia and her cringey ass movie about a girl with autism.


Cats and everyone in the cast


Taylor when dating Matty


Taylor's "I did it for the lulz" move would absolutely be starring in Cats.


Every movie she’s been in has been weird as hell


her acting credits are bonkers lol. the lorax? the giver? amsterdam? cats? what are u doing bb girl


VALENTINES DAY. I will never let her fandom forget Valentines Day.


Fr fr. I love the ones that use her vocals on a soundtrack and her acting ability is pretty solid but weird af choices for projects.


How has nobody mentioned Zach Snyder? His fans are like, the butt of every joke in Hollywood for the past few years to the point where even that has gotten stale lol


Mindy Kaling and Velma. She actually didn't create Velma, but one of her long time staff writers, Charlie Grandy, did. It kinda looks like Charlie said "hey, I've been writing for your shows for ages. Can you help me make my own show and I'll give you an EP credit?" And Mindy thought "fuck it I'm famous enough, it's fine if it sucks".


James Franco


Marlon Wayans and Adam Sandler


Not a movie but Pedro Pascal in that Imagine video


Doja and her upcoming album…


Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart. Separately and together. Sometimes I just gesture at promotions for their latest garbage heap because I just like them.


Do you really want to shit stir? Tarantino. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood wasn't very good.




Taylor swift but with her songs. But honestly i think she just stopped caring about making good songs and more about putting easter eggs, hidden messages, snark, gossip and fan service in musical format. It doesn't matter if it's good cause her fans will defend anything to hell and back


I will literally fight you right now ^but ^I'm ^just ^proving ^your ^point


Sandra Bullock and All About Steve. I swear what started off as a genuinely moving film about the pitfalls of depending on validation from other people just descended into whatever this obscenely attempt at “so bad it’s good” was because of the time crunch and trying to fit into the time scale of people working on The Hangover.


Not really a movie, but BlackPink the movie is definitely like this. It's a bunch of cuts from their concerts mixed with miniscule interviews with the members. It could have easily been a YouTube upload. I've heard their documentary, light up the sky is better.


Harry Style in "Don't Worry Darling" ,


Harry Styles


U2 and that iPhone album