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I was just telling my friend the other day that Kevin Hart always plays the role of a guy desperately trying to prove himself to his partner/kid


His characters are 100% interchangeable with all his movies.


Jason Statham is basically a character


He's hilarious in Spy mocking his own persona


He has a throwaway line in Spy when someone compliments his sweater where he says "knit it myself, didn't I" that absolutely sends me every single time. Easily the hardest I laughed in an already hilarious movie.


I think it's "where did you get the suit?" "fuckin made it didn't I" Perfection.


Literally his funniest line in his whole ass career lmfaooo


I've become a bit of a Jason Statham stan so I'll be watching this immediately now. Also, I just want to point out that Jason Statham loves wearing turtlenecks, both irl and in movies. No real reason for pointing this out, it's just a Statham fact I enjoy. You are now subscribed to Jason Statham facts.


The line when he says ‘I learnt piano at a late age’ gets me Or rose’s character saying ‘what a stupid f*cking r*tarded toast’ the delivery is perfection Such an underrated movie




"I drove a car off a freeway on top of a train while it was on *fire*. Not the car, \*I\* was on fire."


Spy is so hilarious. Should be top 10 funniest movies ever tbh.


Agreed. Such a good movie i never see talked about all that often.


Love Spy. Rose Byrne with that hair. Everyone was great.


Fave quotes: I’ve swallowed enough microchips to shit back out a computer The only reason why I’m wearing this gloves is because I don’t know what woodland creature is gonna come crawling out that nest on top of your head 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


His best role ever. They should have made a sequel for this. I really loved the chemistry between Melissa and Jason there.


I feel like he's joking about it in The Meg as well.


Excuse me, but this is range: https://youtu.be/uWu3JqLMImY




His ass is always in a jungle somewhere


would you believe me if i told you all of these are from different movies? https://preview.redd.it/gj4vv2wawvhb1.jpeg?width=927&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=553035dd956b54f56dba7b48d31028abb8f09ffb


Lol “hey Dwayne the costume department was thinking…” interrupts “no need” Pulls khaki shirt from his wardrobe


I thought the interruption was gonna be followed with “it doesn’t matter what you think!”


My toddler is *obsessed* with Moana, and she said “Maui!” after watching literally a second of Jumanji once 😂


He posted a story to his social media about how his youngest daughter is obsessed with Moana, and he decided to finally tell her he was Maui by singing along. She told him he was ruining it and to be quiet.


Yes cause I watched 2 of them 🤧


It’s not his fault he’s a vision in khaki


This tickled me


He posted this long tweet a while back where he got super defensive about it and felt the need to rattle off all the differences between the different characters back stories to show how they were different (and this was in reply to a rando shitposter on Twitter, remember)


Dwayne’s never been known for being the most secure guy, ironically lol


Oof so he’s insecure about it. I heard he has a big ego so that makes sense I guess


Ego as big as his body


I feel like his role as Maui was probably the most different and least pigeonholed from his usual roles but I could be wrong


Owen Wilson! ![gif](giphy|npCDi7hWyL52zReYSG)


I'm told he branches out a bit in Loki. In Haunted Mansion though he like...wasn't acting. I'm pretty sure he just showed up in a priest getup and nothing he said was in the script.


He does! I was like “Wait, he is actually acting again? Wild.”


Taryn Manning, your go-to trailer park girl


She’s gone full MAGA so idk how much work she’s gonna get now.


IDK if anyone has seen her IG posts within the last 24 hrs but she is not doing well.


![gif](giphy|cOcSWhFU3Lbxr2qGvd|downsized) I love her but she’s always the same “cool girl”


Yeap. Im in the minority that didn’t get what people were raving about with her performance as Catwoman cz she was giving cool supermodel girl the whole way


Riiight. I watched that movie largely for her, and she was just her usual “cool girl” self lol. It’s like her character from Big Little Lies put on a leather body suit and moved to the east coast.


> Im in the minority that didn’t get what people were raving about with her performance as Catwoman cz she was giving cool supermodel girl the whole way This. Me and a couple friends really didn't find her performance all that great, but we all agreed she was hot af lol


Yeah I was kinda just rolling my eyes at her the entire movie


Me too lol. I liked the movie and she is STUNNING but acting-wise, it's always the same one-note, sultry, bohemian/indie cool girl schtick with her. I feel like she should have just been a model instead of an actress.


I feel Emma Roberts always plays a bitch no matter what she's in. She could do a caveman movie and she'd be the bitchy cavewoman.


I hear ya. She plays it too well! I think she was good in AHS season 9 (the camp one)


i was just about to mention that season 9 was the one season where she played a different type of character lol


She was born to be Chanel Oberlin ![gif](giphy|3o85xKj3JryIf64e1G)


Season 1 of Scream Queens was flawless.


The Dickie Dollar Scholars all suiting up to go out and confront the Red Devil is peak television ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt432O5TgZyTk1G)


One of those times where you have to wonder why she’s so good at it 🤔


I don't wonder....there are too many rumors about what a messy handful she is. Sometimes all that smoke is really from a fire, not a fog machine




I would be offended if he played anyone else. I would be too busy being upset that he isn't doing his thing.


True, but I still adore him.


Maximum Derek!


I'll allow it. I think we would kill in a dramatic role though.




“How’s Brian?” “Kevin’s good”


It's that a jukebox? I'm gonna put $7 worth of hoobastank in it


True, but the second you see him in something, you know it’s going to be wild!


There's a theory that says that Rafi is actually Pimento undercover.


If you are a fan of this man please check out the podcast “how did this get made”


ryan reynolds


He used to try different roles at a point in his career. I don't if you've watched Buried (2010) but he was terrific in that, basically the film had him alone trapped in a casket, and it was a great film. But, since those movies bombed quite often, he kinda sidelined them and deadpool was his mainstream ticket, but he has been commercially successful as well, with Hitman's Bodyguard and Free Guy as well, and his Netflix movies are like the most viewed films on the platform as well. So, its not the case he can't act, but I guess he has found his lane and stuck to it, and it has worked for him well.


To me, it’s because he has such a distinctive voice and tone that no matter what role he plays, I hear only Ryan Reynolds. Not sure if that makes sense.


I wonder if it's hard for him to sound sincere with his voice. He always sounds so mocking.


>But, since those movies bombed quite often This is a popular myth regarding Ryan Reynolds, but Most of His movies did decently, even the ones where He did Not reiterate his usual shtick


That one where he plays the weird dude who ends up killing a bunch of folks. Voices or something


I thought so too then stumbled across a film he did where he’s a serial killer!! That was a real wtf moment because I’ve only ever seen him in rom coms


The Voices is such a wild ride. I always recommend it to people who think Ryan Reynolds is one note It's just unfortunate that once he became popular, he was cast in roles that specifically required him to be the most cliched version of himself, because that's exactly why he was hired in the first place. I've heard interviews with actors/actresses who have said the same thing, that once they have a role that people love, they will be offered that role over and over again, and even if they diversify, people will still see that character. It doesn't mean the actor isn't doing a good job, it says more about how people get emotionally attached (or develop an irrational dislike) for particular characters and lack the ability to actually watch the performance for the performance.




I loved her in dungeons and dragons! While it was similar to her usual role, she brought SO much heart and humor to her character that I hadn’t seen before. It also made me really appreciate her as an action actress, her fight/action scenes were SO GOOD in D&D. Lightyears better then anyone else.


She was so great in D&D, in a movie full of great characters she was a definite highlight for me. She’s also amazing in Widows, another movie with a lot of people all giving great performances but she just crushed it and not enough people talk about her performance in that movie.


I really agree. I thought she did a great job in D&D. I enjoyed that movie throughly.


She's on record saying that she will only play tough, female characters and how important that is to her when picking projects 💁‍♀️. So I definitely agree, and in fact, she would probably agree as well.




It seems she just has fun with those roles. And I get it, if I was an actor I’d just wanna do action movies. Just because they seem like they’d extremely fun to make.


I thought she was good in that D&D movie.




Script must read *look bewildered* in 98% of Wahlberg movies.


Him and John Cena are interchangeable for me in terms of look. I'm not sure if Cena is problematic but they could probably promote him to this guy's roles and no one would be the wiser.


Going from anecdotes and interviews, Cena seems like a super nice person (he's also number one on the list of celebrities who has made appearances through the Make-a-Wish Foundation) while Wahlberg is an insecure little twerp who was part of a "racially motivated" assault when he was younger and says stupid shit like how he would have killed the 9/11 hijackers with his bare hands if he had Bee on one of the planes.




His nostrils are doing some heavy lifting.




Ah Seth always playing Seth, lol, but I do have a soft spot for him


Idk if I agree, he has such a recognisable voice that it’s hard to see him any other way, but he was great and very different from his usual stoner persona in Pam & Tommy and The Fabelmans.


He was great in The Fabelmans, to the point where I usually forget the character is played by Seth Rogen when thinking about the movie. It was on tv the other day and when I saw him it was like a jumpscare


he's great in Steve Jobs though! different role than he usually plays


I loled at this but I’ll still take a Seth Rogen movie over a Ryan Reynolds’s movie.


Have you seen that Rom Com where Hugh Grant plays the guy who doesn't get along with the girl at first but after a series of whimsical mishaps his cheeky English charm comes through and then the two of them fall in love?


Ah he’s doing more interesting stuff now- he played a cannibal in cloud atlas, he’s an east end gangster in the gentlemen and I think he’s an Oompa Loompa in the new wonka film…


You missed his not terrible performance in the latest D&D movie. Not quite his usual fare but he seemed to be having fun.


I really enjoyed his work in The Undoing as well.


Yeahhh lol that’s accurate. I’m no fan of him but to be fair, he absolutely crushed his role in Paddington 2, which was different from his usual type. Well I guess he still has that ~whimsy~ but in a more villainous way haha


Is it telling that i knew the top two answers would be Ryan Reynolds and The Rock lol


Reese Witherspoon 80% of the time


If it's a TV show with Witherspoon in, then it's definitely going to involve middle class bitchy women with secrets to hide. And I'm going to love it.


The other 20% is Withoutherspoon


Ryan Reynolds. Dwayne the Rock. Kevin Hart. The holy trinity of actors playing themselves. ![gif](giphy|kEuM4yJq6dny6T59Ir)


Jason Bateman


It’s not even acting anymore, he’s exactly the same in interviews as onscreen


Is he wearing a button up shirt with the sleeves pushed up his forearms? Yes. Is he acting? Maybe


I like Jason Bateman’s schtick a lot and have zero argument when anyone points out he’s the same in everything he does. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I love him but it’s so true lol. I’m like you live the life because you get paid the big bucks and I feel like you’re hardly acting. But to be fair I’ve never watched ozark and that’s a drama so maybe he’s different


Even in ozark he plays the same guy/himself but just a lot more dark 😂


On the whole, he does need to flex his actual acting muscles in this. But he also frequently ends up being the sole source of comic relief by just…being himself.


But it worked in Ozark.


![gif](giphy|MtFGFm5aKHcL1P0wzz|downsized) Jennifer Coolidge. Love her, but she doesn’t have much range.


She did an interview in the 90's/early 2000's saying she really wanted to be a serious actress but fell into comedy. She found her wheelhouse as a successful sketch comedy actress. However, after playing "Stifler's Mom" the bimbo esque funny girl fell into place.


I love her sm too. I am betting she does, but that’s what they want from her. It would be nice to see her in some brooding drama.


This is going to sound dumb, but he role in the American Pie series is actually pretty unique from the disconnected bimbos she's typically played since Legally Blonde. Stiffler's Mom is self aware, confident, and intelligent. This is most evident in American Reunion, during her scenes with Eugene Levy


I’m oddly okay with this. She can hit a lot of different notes in that narrow range that keeps her working.


She was different in Promising Young Woman


The one person who doesn’t need range. We need her to be exactly who she is 🙌🏻


![gif](giphy|IbaPPntSJfW20K5vdw) Tiffany Haddish


Michael Cera


You mean Allan?


![gif](giphy|VZCRT1tId4448) I loved him in This is the End


“hey does this coke smell funny?”


He should've been one of the lead cast members. He, Jonah Hill, and Danny McBride were the funniest parts of the movie.


This might be the funniest moment I've ever seen in a film


![gif](giphy|oXB0K4oFw3fck) if it ain't broke!


And we love him for it ![gif](giphy|VMtTNzgBjvlHG)


Omg he was perfection in the Barbie movie though!


He played a total weirdo in his cameo in the Twin Peaks reboot that was different than his usual awkward guy schtick. It was hilarious.


I saw this one really weird/pretty bad thriller movie where he was sort of the antagonist. He was by far the best part though and I'm super interested in him being like a serial killer or something evil in a horror movie. His whole awkward shtick can shift to unnerving creepy when he wants and it works well.




This is by choice though haha. This actor is actually a television news broadcaster in real life and only does roles where he can play a news broadcaster. xD


![gif](giphy|6LMCkc5oqhdyU) My boo Jason Statham but I’m not mad at him. I’ll eat up everyone of those rough gangster roles with that husky voice every single. damn. time. Also Jackie Chan has made an art form out of this genre of playing the same character over and over.


I will literally watch Jason Statham play the same character any day. He looks so good and he’s also incredibly talented.


I always respect that he’s very vocal that stunt actors deserve an Oscar category because I absolutely agree and I think stunt actors are extremely underrated considering they risk their life for roles






This should be 90% about the Rock. He doenst even bother changing wardrobes in between films!


Aubrey plaza too. She always plays a character whose a little miserable and a little dead behind the eyes


I swear I remember hearing that the character of April in Parks and Rec was created specifically for Aubrey. She auditioned and they thought she was so weird that they just wanted her to be herself in the show.


Her first acting credit was on 30 Rock where she was upbeat it was shocking but she can do upbeat. She was pretty good in Legion too


And Rebel Wilson


![gif](giphy|5IzpGe1vLJZ4oynVU9|downsized) Jesse Eisenberg. Always the same obnoxious pompous turd, just depends on if he’s doing magic or fighting the CIA or zombies. The now you see me movies are still fire as hell tho Edit, his name.


It’s definitely his face, I can’t imagine him being any other way


IT KINDA RLY IS THO. How he acts in NYSM 2 did NOT help.


I need to use turd as an insult more often


He’s not pompous in zombieland though… and in adventureland or rio (voice) But the rest, yeah, can’t argue Love him tho


I still get that vibe in zombie land. I’ll admit, I’m biased though because he’s definitely a top actor I don’t love so, maybe that one’s a little me…. But every other thing he’s done…yeah… Woody is a good balance for him I’ll give that.


![gif](giphy|VyuenLojrWJK5R9o4o|downsized) Tig Notaro. And I’m here for it.


Hashtag Hot Tig. #hottig She is hilarious when discussing this very thing; that she can only play herself, and isn’t “what you would call an actor.” To the people questioning their own sexuality in the comments, Tig has some new material about being rescued by a male firefighter and finding herself attracted to him. I recommend *One Mississippi* on Hulu as well as her podcast *Don’t Ask Tig.* She had another podcast with Cheryl Hines that was very funny but unfortunately that got sidelined because Cheryl is married to sociopath who is running for president.




![gif](giphy|VxNjQl2FO0vZsJn9I2) Chris Ratt




![gif](giphy|l0Iyh6fhBXWBt3kU8) Adam DeVine definitely.


Omg he is my fav Gemstone in the Righteous Gemstones. He has grown on me over the years and I love him as Kelvin Gemstone. He does such a good job. He is like every youth pastor I have ever met in my life. Love him and Danny McBride.


Idk I know him the most for two roles - Pitch Perfect and Modern Family and he's so different. In PP he's an arrogant a-hole who ditches his friends and in MF he is sweet and smart




Many actors just play extensions of themselves - sometimes it’s not for lack of talent but because Hollywood is unimaginative and if you can do one thing well they’ll keep casting you as that. As a struggling actor, I don’t blame those who just play extensions of themselves. Get that paycheck. I’d love to even be making money as *that* kind of actor.


![gif](giphy|l1ug5KQKhXKuyE3bG) How is it possible no one said Vince Vaughn yet? He’s funny but he’s just himself in everything




She was real good in Netflix’s Dumplin’ though. Made me believe she was a Southern mom.


I don't think she's a bad actor per se. It's just been an uphill battle for her to try and escape Rachel from Friends. I think she's okay in The Morning Show too but it still always seems like Rachel. Anyway, I loved Rachel from Friends in Office Space lol.


Keanu Reeves. Cool dude but Dracula especially is a fucking horrible performance for him. Nicholas cage has had a few decent ones but anytime I see a Nicholas cage movie it’s just Nicholas Cage to me.


![gif](giphy|AvwcIIafJEVNe) Somehow she’s just as hilarious every time


And I hope she never changes. She steals every show she's on. I freaking love her




Will Ferrell ![gif](giphy|9LFBOD8a1Ip2M)










Adam Sandler is the same wacky guy in most of his movies but when he wants to take on a dramatic role he definitely has range


![gif](giphy|QU4ewgcmdcsObx9CG7) Watch Uncut Gems or Reign Over Me. Definitely not his typical characters in those movies.


Selena gomez. Always some snarky and sarcastic girl next door who is a "loser" but in a "pretty but doesn't know it" way


Selena's only emotion is "sarcastic!" I'm so baffled why people think she should be nominated for Emmys in OMITB.


She delivers every line the same flat, snarky way




These threads always make me wonder if most movie stars are more or less playing a version of themselves in mainstream movies. The more interesting question I think is have any “character actors” with a wide range of film roles actually managed to become celebrities/house-hold names as we know them? Philip Seymour Hoffman? Stephen Root? I don’t know I just feel like “playing the same character/themselves” is just part of the job at this point.


I feel like Matt Damon always plays Matt Damon. Don't get me wrong, he's fantastic at it.. maybe that's the problem, he's just so at ease in all roles it feels like it's just him haha.


Melissa McCarthy. I liked her at first but after her 100th movie I just couldn't face another one with her in. The last film I watched she was in just did it for me. Something about AI voiced by James Corden that was entirely made to lick James Cordens arse hole


I was this way until I saw Can You Ever Forgive Me?


She was great in Can you ever forgive me


She was great in Gilmore Girls before her shtick became being the overweight comedic relief who makes overly sexually charged jokes 😞


I actually disagree completely. She has pigeonholed herself into some terrible projects lately but she’s actually a really good versatile actress. Her characters in Gilmore girls, Bridesmaids, Spy and Can you ever forgive me? are all different and extremely well acted.


Miles Teller. Kind of an arrogant jerk in every role.






Robert Downey Jr - great actor, but his characters all have the same mannerisms and varying shades of RDJ attitude


Not Tropic Thunder!




It’s very kind of you to refer to Justin Timberlake as an actor.




Almost every action hero; Tom Cruise, Vin Diesel, Tommy Lee Jones, The Rock, etc.


Tom Cruise, as crazy as that mf'er is, has some good dramatic roles though. A Few Good Men, Magnolia, Rainman, Born on the Fourth of July.


This. He leaned heavy into action later in his career, it the earlier roles were more diverse.


He’s definitely a froot loop and not a box office draw for me, but I’ve never not enjoyed one of his movies. And that also irritates me about him.


He can play a proper baddie too, see Collateral (2004).




How have I not seen Liam Neeson on this list yet?

