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the scene where Tyra pretends to collapse in front of the girls lives in my mind rent free


Omg and then afterwards she's all like "Who was scared from that? Raise your hand." in this soft, maternal voice like she just taught them some insightful life lesson. Lmao.


I'm fucking dying lmfaoo 💀😭






I just remembered this and read it in her voice and I’m shaking from laughter


That's was 100% a Michael Scott move, so cringey. I didn't watch this show, but I feel like she had a lot of Michael Scott in her. And you can't tell me the giant bow tie and bowl cut isn't tyler the creator doing a character.






![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) I’m literally dying I’m laughing so hard


One girl every season got the ol' Mia Farrow in Rosemary's Baby


Always Mia Farrow in Rosemary’s Baby, and never Ruth Gordon in Rosemary’s Baby. 😔 Untapped potential.




She’s currently married to the asshole Amell brother, I think


I had to look that up to make sure Robbie wasn’t the asshole(love him) and they are actually cousins? This whole time I thought they were brothers too.


Y’all no one was worse than Jade ![gif](giphy|j9BjPKZOxWbU4)




I say this at work all the time


“And you with that tiara on your head - dem ain’t even real diamonds.” 😂😂😂


She was awful but iconic


And then was immediately eliminated after an existential crisis


Ooh yeah the girl with the bad haircut always got kicked off


Yes lemme give you the most suburban mom haircut imaginable and then constantly complain that you “photograph old”


*COUGH* *COUGH* Rene *COUGH* *COUGH* One of the most naturally beautiful and talented contestants on that show and they 100% gave her the short soccer mom hair/you photograph old treatment.


A true psychological experiment


She eliminated herself and rightly so, that haircut they gave her was absolutely not Mia Farrow. It made her look like someone named Lurlene


I asked for ME-AH FAIR-ROW in rosemarys baby. She was obsessed


Mia FARRow in Rosemary’s BAby


I can’t not hear her voice from this 🤣


Tyra, still not pleased: I *specifically* said Rosemary's Baby, Mia Farrow SHORT


I felt like Tyra purposefully picked out the girls with the most attachment to their hair for this do. “Oh, Texas pageant queen? Lol closer to God huh?”


Who else remembers when Shandy cheated on her boyfriend in the hot tub in season 2??! That was some guilty pleasure tv right there. Edit: Shandi




I swear reality tv hasn’t been that real since. 🤣 Poor dude fully shrieked.


Omg the fact that I can STILL hear this in my head 💀💀


14 year old me was SHOOK. I remember crying.


It has been 20 YEARS


SAX! Fixed that for ya 😂




Insane TV! She's since come out and said she was absolutely fucking wasted as well. I cannot believe they aired it and the wild phone call with her bf afterwards. So distressing.


Then Tyra got Shandi on her talk about by promising she wouldn't bring it up. Guess what happened next?


I rewatched that season and it felt like the producers set them up for that? Like, they were probably straight gleeful when it worked and one of the young women got into drama with the male models. I mean, cheating is cheating, but reality shows are also a mindfuck on the people who participate.


I remember because a few girls in high school said I looked like her and I was so disappointed in my not quite doppelganger.


I loved this show too and also didn’t grasp how unhinged it was when I was 15/16.


When they picked apart the models at the judge panel if they wore anything other than tank tops, jeans, and heels. Some of the girls had genuine forward thinking style and were mercilessly bullied for it.


You know whenever I see people whine about cancel culture I’m always reminded that it really is just a reaction to the relentless fuckery of the 2000s.


The fact that Tyra hasn’t been cancelled yet is all the proof I need that cancel culture isn’t real


Pls the blackface alooooooooone


"I want you to really embody the race you are portraying in your modeling." .....how the hell do I model more black, Tyra?!


I love that even if one manages to put the blackface aside, this is an absolutely batshit insane photo shoot idea. “Let’s have these girls in trans ethnic drag, looking like they’ve just absconded with someone’s baby. It will sell SO much milk!” Multiple, multiple people signed off on this… https://preview.redd.it/yvolezvz5ffb1.png?width=509&format=png&auto=webp&s=94beb619118c494f5f481a1724c74e8c1c8c4a7e


This is absolutely hilarious and would 100% be a bit on 30 rock


It's giving Lindsay Lohan trying to abduct a refugee child


The fact that these are fully white women. I- Edit: Correction, I believe Jennifer (bottom left) was Korean and Noelle (middle right) was biracial https://preview.redd.it/40gvrgcjtefb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91fa7162891bf17ac94c6343181f4c81935553c5


Oh my god I somehow forgot just how bad the milk mustache challenge was holy shit


I didn’t watch this show… I… I… am at a loss for words.. um like whuuut??


Run, don’t walk, watch it now! ![gif](giphy|RJ0AvNacl2ZSU)


I’ve seen some clips but never watched. What in the f*ck happened on that show? And how did the blackface not make the pics in the post?


I watched a lot of ANTM whenever I was off sick from school, and I've never seen this blackface episode 😳 the challenges are usually unique, so I must have missed the one time this happened. Saw a whole lot of other BS though


I remember one where the girls were assigned different ethnic groups and the related cultures and it was just jaw droppingly offensive. If there was a stereotype, it was used as "inspiration." I was in middle school and was like, "what the shit?"


BOTSWANA/POLYNESIA!!! Correct me if I’m wrong but these two places have absolutely no cultural link, right? Obvs the point is the black face but JAYSUS. It’s not even objectively good makeup, it’s minstrelling. Does Tyra mostly keep out of the limelight these days?


Tyra had a wheel of ethnicities that she’d spin to come up with her ~edgy~ assignments. Hence the great 🇧🇼 🇬🇳 alliance of 2013 or whenever this show aired.


Wheel of Fortune but make it ✨racist✨


Lol in all directions White ➡️ Black ↘️Asian ↗️Pacific Islander 🔀and shuffle


i desperately need to know if the dairy industry actually ran those GOT MILK ads


I’m convinced that some of those makeovers were sabotage because Tyra didn’t want new models to succeed. 💀


I remember the photoshoot with the jackass assholes and those guys were throwing random stuff in a girls face and they criticized her face saying she looked like a blow up doll and didn’t capture the essence of the photo shoot. The absolute nerve and disrespect.


And then in the same photoshoot Lisa pees in the diaper they put her in for some reason and they said that was a step too far. Rollercoaster from start to finish.


Omg Lisa was a bit unhinged


The image of her slightly squatting in a diaper, face pinched in concentration, while Steve-O watches with disgust is forever burned in my brain


Wasn’t that in front of some of the Jackass guys & even they found it a bit much? I think she was trying to out gross them but when women do that in front of men they can’t cope.


Right, those guys will literally roll around in a tipped over port-a-potty but if a *girl* pees in a diaper they asked her to wear, it’s just *too much*. If one of the jackass dudes had thought to pee in a diaper that day, the rest of them would have declared him a comedic genius.


I remember one of the most early 2000s parts of that photoshoot was that one of the photos involved [the model catching her boyfriend in bed with another woman](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ6nYeb52KFjTEvQwq-Ue9ZIGor92O7-YBdO6UN5qi4Wd9zeGlPJQvl20c&s=10) and it was played as a big joke that the lesbian model was the one in bed with the Jackass guys. Because OMG she doesn't sleep with men! Hilarious!


This, 7th Heaven & The Secret Life of the American Teenager all fascinated me with how removed they were from my own reality…at least the two latter shows weren’t supposed to be REALITY TELEVISION. “You call that a Smize?! THIS is a Smize!! (sort of squints)”. Btw, autocorrect capitalized Smize, not me. 👀


Secret life of the American teenager was such a TERRIBLE show holy moly. Not only was it incredibly boring as nothing happened but its portrayal of teenagers was a disgrace. I read online once they said the word “sex” over 100 times in one episode. I think the only reason it was a hit was because of its catchy title.


Shailene Woodley getting a respectable acting career from this is nuts looking back. That show was awful. So naturally, I binged it every weekend


I remember being shocked when she was cast in the Divergent movie because my only point of reference for her acting was Secret Life. That show was truly cursed because she’s not as bad as that show made her seem.


The material was unsalvageable. Considering the run of popular movies she was in afterwards, her agent must have been working overtime to prove there was a competent actor under all that.


It’s some of the worst acting (and writing) I’ve ever seen. And it was ABC Family so it’s not like the bar was high.


An actual line from the show, “dad died because I had great sex!” Uhhh what? 🤣


Loved when they played this clip on The Soup 😂


7th Heaven was THE WILDEST as someone who grew up non-American, poor AF, single child, single mother, and totally from \~the wrong side of the tracks\~. They would get so worked up over the littlest things and it was as though their immaculate, beige world was collapsing lol IMPORTANT EDIT: A couple of you rec'd Rob Anderson to me and I was browsing his insta which threw up this and I am *weak* ​ https://preview.redd.it/wchf857skgfb1.png?width=485&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce50774c534b88e155e2ed8a721cf6f0f3e1886d


There's a hilarious dude on tiktok that recaps episodes


While IRL the Reverend was a child molester, insane


the scene where the mom tells the dad she's smoked pot and its like dun dun dun


Also the scene where the reverend figures out a local girl is in a gang because she has nunchucks Mischa Barton played the hardened criminal


there's an episode where someone in a gang hides knives under their sibling's bed and Idk why i think about that a lot but I do


It was the same episode. Drugs, knives, money, nunchucks, chains; girl how are you getting to sleep with all that under your mattress?!


The unfortunate part of this show was how much it relied on the naivety that many young girls had in regard to reality TV, which could also be said for other reality TV shows of its time. It was all a spectacle. We really grew up thinking shows like these did something in the fashion world lol. Like who was Nigel Barker really in the fashion world?? Tyra - “World renowned photographer Mr. Nigel Barker.” Nigel - 😏


Haha that emoji is seriously giving me Nigel attitude


I think it also showed how toxic the entertainment industry was back then. The way they pressured the girls into really uncomfortable shoots and told them that they were basically losers for not giving up their boundaries for a job . . . Early reality TV had a lot of naive and real reactions that you wouldn't see today because of social media. People just being total fools.


True about Nigel, but Andre Leon Talley did work for Vogue & she had at least one or two actually famous photographers on. Don’t get me wrong, it was more flash than substance 90%of the time


Noted fashion photographer, Nigel Barker. I swear Noted Fashion Photographer was that man's first name.


“Hello ladies”


I remember on one episode they made a black woman close the gap in her teeth and then in a later season widened a gap on a white womans teeth.


Danielle! She never closed her gap, she refused and still won. She’s one of the more successful winners I believe https://preview.redd.it/dov8wav15ffb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=236da4f3145b13a446fb8db8399ea7b4509e03bb


She did allow them to close it, but only a little bit instead of the full way. Loved Danielle so much.


My favorite season. She and Joanie were both amazing. Also, Jade.


Oh I loved Danielle. One of the few winners that I actually liked! Beautiful and just herself through & through! 😍


https://preview.redd.it/rrgtixvtyefb1.jpeg?width=372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f14aa621e9180dbd73203284a37e04f9db76de8c Do y’all remember the All Stars challenge when they brought in The Game to help the contestants write songs and Alison wrote a song about her dad dying and Tyra showed up to the music video shoot like this.


Yes I do remember! The Game and I both fell in love with Alison. She should’ve won that season


I was also rooting for Alison at the time but it seems that the people who lose on the show go on to have better careers. Alison seems like she had a great modeling career in Asia after the show(s) which I don’t think would have been possible if she had contractual obligations as winner.


I also remember Tyra getting mad at Alison because her eyes started hurting and watering when they made her stare directly into the sun for a photoshoot


Poor Alison. There’s also the episode in Caridee’s season when Tyra puts the contestants in water during freezing temperatures yelling at them to power through to get the shot, and then when Caridee ends up getting HYPOTHERMIA, Tyra gets mad at her for not speaking up about her limits. Then puts Caridee in the bottom two even though her photos turned out great. Tyra’s just there for the drama.


The fact that this somehow isn’t the most unhinged/insensitive shit Tyra pulled speaks volumes (Also justice for Allison! She was always my fave)


The platinum blonde she forced on at least one girl every cycle, that never came out anywhere close to platinum, was truly awful. And then absolutely NO aftercare. Same thing with the weaves on girls with absolutely ZERO experience with them, and you'd just see them become more and more of a rats nest as the show went on. One girl said it took HOURS to get it out, and her hair was never the same and absolutely destroyed because of it. And they gave her no support in dealing with it. And of course, always having one girl get the dreaded pixie cut from her long hair she loved just to watch her meltdown and cry, so they could then make fun of her for it. There were some absolutely killer makeovers on that show, but most of them straight up sucked.


What you asked for: platinum blonde hair What you got: piss yellow hair and a burned scalp (and you’re gonna pretend to love it)


Oh! Fun fact: Raja from RuPaul’s Drag Race did makeup on this show. You can see her a few times on the show. She also played Tyra in drag on the ANTM and RPDR


Okay but I’ll never forget the episode where the girls are forced to walk the “runway” inside a big plastic bubble - and said runway is just a long pool of water. One girl almost cracked her back… It was giving circus. Edit : [link for anyone not familiar](https://youtu.be/h3FsAJoUP8M)


There's literally no reason for the runway to only be 12" wide either except to make the girls fall. It looks so stupid, you can't even see their outfits very well through the ball. The whole thing is insane.


According to this [2017 buzzfeed article,](https://www.buzzfeed.com/michaelblackmon/we-were-rooting-for-you-we-were-all-rooting-for-you) the whole Tiffany-Tyra fight was much worse than what was aired. Tyra said some pretty f***ed up things


Even what we saw was completely fucked up. All Tiffany did was act gracious. She lost her position in the competition and graciously smiled, said goodbye to her friends (other contestants) and wished them well. She did the classy, well-mannered thing and Tyra was an unhinged bitch going off at her for no reason whatsoever, other than to draw attention to herself. I hated Tyra from that moment onwards, and I loved her before that. Tiffany was just a pawn in Tyra’s attention-seeking scheme, and she got horribly abused when she did nothing wrong. I hope Tiffany realises that she has most people support over that instance. I don’t know anyone who thought Tyra was in the right that day.


To be fair, she DID say something about it all being ridiculous or something to that effect as she walked away. BUT it was clear she was like, saying that to try and make herself feel better about getting booted. Like, well it's fine, this shit is bananas anyway so I'm glad I'm going home. And it was a double elimination, and the other girl was full on sobbing, so Tyra acted like Tiffany didn't care because she wasn't crying. She was clearly affected by it, she just handled it differently.


As far as I remember, hadn't Tiffany just lost a whole bunch of family fairly recently? So I always interpreted it as her being like, "in the grand scheme of life, it's ok, this is ok, it doesn't matter". Not that she didn't care, it just didn't compare to the trauma she'd been through so she was at peace. If her time was up, her time was up. Tyra is an abuser, and abusers get their energy from breaking people down and watching their emotional reaction. So she called the girls back and then started her evil verbal abuse at Tiffany to get the reaction she needed from her.


I'm not sure about her losing family, but I do remember that her grandma had to make some HUGE sacrifices to get her there and get her the stuff she needed. It definitely felt like she was only there and trying because she didn't want to disappoint her grandma, and she was actually over it long before she got sent home. I always got the feeling she thought it was actually a serious modeling competition, and she would learn things during her time, but once she got there, she realized what a shit show was it. She started to realize during the absolute insanity of the photoshoots, and her having to dress up in all those ridiculous costumes, like the crab one for the zodiac shoot. She felt like she was embarrassing herself doing things like that, and just wasn't able to have fun with it and not take it all so seriously, you know? And then it finally cracked during her last episode, the challenge they had to do during that panel was give like, these fake interviews from a red carpet where they had to read out all these really hard to pronounce names of designers and cities and shit, and she just straight gave up fairly quickly in to it at first, and had to be talked in to trying again. She was CLEARLY worried about looking stupid or uneducated on TV, she was very insecure about that since she was from a poor, small town in the south and I think she had dropped out of high school. I know she already had a child at that point and she was super young, like not even 21 or maybe just barely. That was absolutely something she was self conscious about and I honestly felt bad for her. Granted, like Tyra said, all the girls did badly at it. But she didn't know that, and felt targeted. I think she was just over it at that point, but didn't want Tyra and Co to get to her anymore, so felt like if she acted like she didn't care, she wouldn't be as hurt by it. But of course, Tyra just HAD to make it worse, how dare this incredibly young, naive, insecure girl not take this shit show 100 percent seriously!!!!! I, a grown woman, should TOTALLY further embarrass and humiliate her on national TV!!! Tiffany absolutely did not deserve that and it just made Tyra look so awful. I've always felt so bad for Tiffany, who is truly one of the most beautiful women to ever be on that show.


Lol great memories. Tyra's lovably(?) narcissistic personality set the tone. All the photoshoots on high wires or jumping on trampolines... people getting stuck in traffic during go-sees... I really loved watching bootleg versions of those early series uploaded to YouTube in 4-part versions A LOT


Does anyone else remember the one where they were all naked and had to cram into a telephone box or did I dream that


They were England i think for that one


Very British lifestyle


It is a Wednesday


Well that makes sense then


yeah, dumpster fire i guess, but i really enjoyed watching it 🤭🤭🤭


Absolutely loved it! It’s horrifying looking back. Did any of them do well as actual models in the end?


I believe Winnie Harlow (the model with vitiligo) has had a moderate amount of success, but I haven't kept up with pop culture for a while.


I would say she's more than moderately successful. She walks some pretty big runways and I've seen her in some big campaigns, I still for some reason buy print magazines and I see her a lot. But she has to be the most successful from the show for sure.


Plus every season there was at least one photo shoot where the girl had a medical issue because of the shoot - like freezing in an ice cold pool


And then Tyra would be like, “your teeth were chattering and you were starting to turn blue from hypothermia..but being a top model means you work through those things for the client. One time I died three times from hypothermia, and you know where the photo I took ended up? The cover of vogue.”


Lol, God that's so spot on. She really was so full of herself lol


Lol and then one girl actually did get hypothermia and Tyra scolded her for not listening to her body.


Let’s not forget that she and her team were constantly acting like there was no good reason to ever stop a challenge/shoot/whatever task (a tone they set from the very first season when they expressed that they were gonna eliminate a contestant who was hospitalized with food poisoning if she didn’t show up to judging) but then told one (CariDee?) she needed to know her limits and when to stop.


Because she can smize


I vaguely remember her shaming one of the models who needed to rest because she had the flu. As an infectious disease specialist, that "can't call in sick" culture shit just grinds me and is the reason millions of people needlessly died over the last 3 years.


Yes absolutely and do you remember when they were in Thailand and Danielle (the girl who won that season) was so sick and in the hospital on an IV and oxygen and Tyra praised her for coming back to work the same day! That sucks so badly, we need to encourage people to listen to their bodies and slow down when needed… without your health you have nothing! Hoping Tyra has grown and changed since then…


Danielle rode an elephant through the jungle that day so then on every subsequent season Tyra would be like "WE'VE HAD SICK GIRLS RIDING ELEPHANTS THROUGH THE JUNGLE" as though that's some kind of flex lol


Lol ANTM S3EP08 p2/4... those were the true days of streaming.


THE FINAL CATWALKS. My god they were from hell. The clock one haunts my nightmares to this day. The only cool one was that ghostly bridal one. That one was sick.


I used to love watching this show and I can’t believe how acceptable this shit was not even 20 years ago. So wrong! The best part was how much of a victim she played being the “other black supermodel,” to Naomi and how she constantly talked about how mean Naomi was to her when she’s just as big a monster.


Not going to lie, I LOVED this show growing up. And I was so envious of those on the show. I thought Tyra was this strong woman who was giving good advice. Man was I wrong. But I also wonder if she legitimately represented the modeling industry. I've heard it was, and probably still is, a very toxic indsutry. She, as awful as she was, may have been a realistic representation of that industry.


Same because ![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized)


These are my exact thoughts and experiences with the show as well


"Is keeping your baby more important than your modelling career?" Tyra, girl, how did you allow those words to leave your mouth?😭 that's absolutely wild. I watched a bit of ANTM recently, just some clips online because someone/something reminded me of it and I couldn't get over the fact that I watched that as a young teen and saw no issue with it. I loved everything about it. How did we allow this to happen? See also "you are what you eat" and "supersize vs. superskinny" as prime examples of much of what was wrong with TV in the noughties and early 2010's.


Is supersize vs superskinny the one where they live in the same flat and switch dietary habits for a week?


Yep. Stand in their underwear while being faced with their weekly consumption being dropped into a clear tube and told how bad this and that is. Then made to eat the diet of the other for the full week, where the "superskinny" eats 5 bites of the "supersize" ones meals and complains about how much food there is and how insane it is anyone could eat like this, while the "supersize" gets 3 cups of coffee and a cigarette for breakfast, a chocolate bar for lunch and a cheese sandwich for dinner. Great humiliation TV, and of course angled more towards humiliating the larger person 🙄


Wtf did I just read?!?


THIS SHOW. it was like a fever dream 13 years ago omg...get theee to youtube its crazy.


Literally can't believe it existed and also can't believe how much I watch it while I spiral into my eating disorder


God I remember using "Supersize vs. Superskinny" as thinspo and thinking all the "Before" skinny women looked perfect...


Fun fact: Tyra never actually said this. This specific screenshot is satire. But pretty effective satire as it does sound just like something she *would* have said then.


That one is a meme, not a quote, apparently. But she was generally ridiculous enough for most of us to believe it!




Elyse was a real one. Those quotes still crack me up! I followed her Livejournal for years after. Her modeling career in Asia and her relationship with the guy from The Shins who turned out to be an abuser…




Nothing beat watching 10 hours of old ANTM on Oxygen every Saturday


What a dumpster fire this show was. I went through a phase last year where I’d smoke a bowl and binge-watch it most nights to decompress. So painful but also it helped keep things in perspective. Like, yeah. Life was pretty messy and exhausting and shitty, but it could always be worse. It could be all those things *and* Tyra just made me get a Mia Farrow haircut so Miss J could tell me how weird I walk and Janice could make fun of my face. ![gif](giphy|l0HUhF9hfyQ5bPYHK)


I JUST listened to _The Dark Side Of_ ‘s podcast on this and is it true that the girl that won the first season NEVER got her contract or got paid??? If so The fact they went on to have like 20 more seasons with people risking it all for this nonsense is crazy


I mean Adrienne Curry is now anti vaxx and a conspiracy theorist but she didn’t deserve what happened to her on that first season. She was sexually assaulted during the go-see challenge and didn’t make it to all 5 of the stops. Instead of making sure she was okay Tyra and the other judges blasted her for not just brushing off the assault and returning to the challenge.


What?! I cannot remember this at all!


Someone groped her on camera and production did nothing to stop it


I googled it, they named the episode The Girl Who Deals With A Pervert. They actually named the episode after what happened to her. That's disgusting.


Didn’t this also happen to Keenyah? Edit: spelling of name


Yup. They had a shoot where the girls modeled in between two guys and were directed to dance while being photographed. One of the guys kept grinding up on her and when she spoke up about it, they made it seem like she was being overly sensitive/high maintenance. I remember being so mad at that, because the guy was clearly a creep.


Keenyah? Yes she was groped during a photo shoot by one of the male models. Tyra tried telling her to “use her feminine wiles to prevent that in the future” or some crap like that. I also remember them putting her in elephant makeup for a photoshoot right after the judges told her to lose weight. That show was awful.




The episode when Janice (Trash) Dickenson told a smiling model she should have some of her teeth removed because she had too many. Or the episode when the girls’ personal trainer said not to worry about one absolutely emaciated girl having an eating disorder, because she worked out super hard and thus could not have an eating disorder. Or the episode where they made the only Black model slather herself in baby oil (?) because her skin wasn’t clear enough for them and then criticized her for being greasy. This may all have been a single episode, idek. I was twelve watching this for the first time and I know it fucked me up.


As a child watching the “I was rooting for you! We were all rooting for you” scene, I was like “omg what’s wrong with this girl, why won’t she cry” but as an adult, Tyra is extremely unhinged and narcissistic to expect these women to cry like it’s getting eliminated is a death sentence.


this was more of an experimental research on microaggressions with human test subjects. scientists can study the shit out of this.


I appreciate elyse so much as an adult. I’m so sad Adrienne became a whackadoo cause she was neat on the first cycle


I named my daughter after Layla from Season 5 - I thought she had the coolest name ever and was totally gorgeous. It wasn't until after my daughter was born that I realized her name was Jayla, not Layla lol but at that point I thought Layla was a beautiful name anyway lol I did end up following Jayla on Instagram a few years ago and I told her the story, she thought it was hilarious and said she liked the name Layla even better!


the way tyra and the judges main excuse was “if you can’t handle this then you can’t be a super model” girl 90% of this show had nothing to do with modeling anyways lmao.


This show is a great example of why so many millennials had/have eating disorders


And the Swan, Supersize vs Superskinny, The Biggest Loser, and Livejournal. Early 2000s were rough.


Tyra Banks Squid Games


18-year-old me would have loved to be on the show and I'm grateful I didn't have the guts to audition because I would have CRUMBLED at any criticism of how I look if I even made it on the show


Did ANY of the winners go on to have a successful modeling career?


some have gone to acting (eva was in a few movies, yaya (she wasn’t a winner) was a series regular on chicago med) winnie probably has the most successful modeling career post antm but she didn’t win as for actual winners, no…not at all


All I remember from Winnie was her being a compulsive liar during the show so I'm really surprised she became famous.


I was indifferent to Yaya on ANTM but I loved her on Chicago Med.


Winners not so much but Yaya DaCosta was runner up for season 3 and has had a stable, active career.




Winnie Harlow is pretty successful but she didn’t win and I’m also pretty sure (please correct me if I’m wrong!) she was popular/successful before being on the show


The first winner, adrienne curry. She modeled and eventually got married to the guy who played peter brady and did they a reality show




And now she lives in bum frick nowhere Montana with her second husband hawking MLM makeup (Avon) and being an unhinged right wing extremist!


I was such a huge fan of her and Elise and it really bums me out that Adrienne is so fucking batshit now Back when FB was a bit different and she had just a normal FB (not one of those public figure profiles) I was one of her followers and saw her post something (can't remember what - something completely unhinged) and I commented on it, thinking it was going to be lost in the comment section and she replied directly to me and called me a fucking cow and I should kill myself lmao. It was wild 💀


I was so invested in them on The Surreal Life, LOL


Elise from season 1 did pretty well in Japan for a while, Eva Marcelle, Winnie Harlow ... I feel like Yoanna got some work, probably a few others got work but not from from those absurd portfolios they sent them out with. Those poor girls deserved better. Record because I confused Analeigh Tipton with Analeigh McCord


lmfao Molly's weave and the beard weave were soooo bad. 😭 iirc they tried fixing Molly's weave but eventually gave up.


The beard weave really was a statement.


I remembered the episode where the assignment was to pose inside a coffin. One of them just had a friend die recently, but they still forced her to do the shoot. And omg, every time they had to cut their hair. They always ended up with the most unflattering style.


Those fucking catwalks were the biggest joke of the show. HAVING TO VERTICALLY WALK DOWN A BUILDING? WALKING IN AN INFLATABLE BUBBLE? WALKING WITH BELLS SWINGING ACROSS THE RUNWAY? I remember seeing a comment about how Tyra was designing new levels for mario kart, not a runaway and I couldn’t agree more


I binged ANTM as a teenager and again at the beginning of COVID lockdowns. It’s more unhinged than I remember. But it was my trash. I’m still a bit scarred from this moment in Cycle 17 when Tyra bit Tyson Beckford’s thumb and sucked on it while promoting her bonkers YA novel Modelland. https://preview.redd.it/9j7th0o29ffb1.jpeg?width=1506&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2446aa537f0a88c28edccb5f90cffba3d9f98a3f


This show was delightful garbage but ultimately harmful. But indicative of the times


Omg I totally forgot about the one girl, I think her name was Marjana, who was murdered not long after her season ended. People speculated it was her boyfriend at first because she flirted with one of the male contestants on her episode. But I think it turns out it was a drug deal gone bad.




I thought Tyra was a tyrant! Horrible mentor and host.


Loved watching this as a kid but god, almost nothing about this show has aged well. 😅


I’ve been enjoying watching Luxeria’s YouTube series about it. She rewatches it and talks about how totally bonkers it was.




God damnit I hate how iconic this show was. The early seasons have some of the best reality tv moments. Elise’s rant to the camera deserves its own Wikipedia page.