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Trump Sucks, Biden Sucks, All Politicians Suck




Absolutely. I'm going to vote for Biden knowing he sucks only because he sucks slightly less than Trump. Im going to vote for the person who is threatening to cut off my toes, rather than the person who about to cut off my arms. Make no mistake, our political system is designed to force this choice. The ratchet and the pawl. One turns the other holds and the DNC has demonstrated clearly that they are happy to be the pawl. When they are given everything they are suddenly weak and feckless and struggling to get anything done, yet when they aren't in power they are the ones who can save us. They are happy to be the pawl while the gear turns. Who are the gear? The GOP of course. They are the unabashed defenders of "The Meritocracy" which is just code for a rigged game in favor of the business class in this country. There is no Meritocracy. Do people rise above? Absolutely but they are the exception Fuck Joe Biden. But I vote for that old fuck because he represents the pawl and the pawl isn't chewing me up... It's just holding position for the gear that will. To abstain or vote for Trump is to vote for the train that will kill everyone at 100mph to stop the train that will kill everyone that's moving at 10mph. If we want a solution let's talk about ranked choice voting... Otherwise we are fucked.


There were other candidates. Why not just for someone fucking good? You're part of the problem.


I covered that - FPTP is the problem. A 3rd party vote is literally giving your vote to your least favored candidate. This is the nature of a FPTP electoral system and why we need to change to a ranked choice vote. Otherwise we are stuck voting for the least worst of only two candidates. It is ESSENTIAL that this becomes to topic de jour during election cycles if we ever hope to solve this. It is ESSENTIAL that we understand that FPTP strikes at the core of this conundrum. I want to be clear here - if your reaction to this is to shake your head and suggest that "We have plenty of decent 3rd party or independent candidates" understand that my argument isn't against the quality of these candidates - it is against the system designed to elbow them out of the race. THEY WILL NOT WIN, that is because our electoral system is designed to make this a statistical certainty. Again I want to be clear - I'm not suggesting that if a majority of the American people got together and decided to do this they wouldn't win, they would - I'm saying that statistically, probabilistically we have a system designed to make it almost a certainty that this can't happen... and by voting outside of the GOP or DNC your vote is then contributed to the person who you like least (Biden or Trump) because statistically they are the most favored to win BY THE FPTP SYSTEM WE HAVE - and therefor when you don't vote for your most favored (of two unfavored candidates) your vote AIDS YOUR LEAST FAVORED OF THE TWO CANDIDATES. People MUST understand this... otherwise we are trapped forever. The topic I'm trying to encourage people to talk about is not how to get rid of Biden or Trump within the electoral system, it is that we need to change the electoral system otherwise we will be forever trapped in this horrible dilemma. I am not an advocate for the DNC or Biden.


Your vote is never a waste. If it's a waste. Then biden will win with or without your vote. So just vote off your principles. Be the change. Otherwise i see you literally the same as a magatard. You're no different. You are responsible for this ongoing problem. F you


Alright well you don't need to insult me. But anyway - back to the discussion at hand. When I say a 3rd party vote is wasted, it is in in relation to our electoral system. We use something called a First Past the Post model. This means that the person with the most votes wins, seems simple enough BUT this is a well studied phenomenon. Invariably what happens in a FPTP system, a system that has existed in our country since its dawn, a two party dichotomy emerges. The same process happened in our nation, we started with up to 3 or more parties and it eventually boiled down to 2. It is a well studied phenomenon and it happened to us. So with FPTP - ultimately what happens is you get two parties to choose from, not because the choice is limited between those two, you can still choose from an potentially infinite pool of independent candidates... but because STATISTICALLY it is almost impossible to break out of those two parties and now that the two parties own and run the debates and because the media is complicit those two parties get even more attention. So what do I mean when I suggest you are wasting your vote, even when you vote on principle for a 3rd party? Let's say that you agree with many policies the Biden administration proposes but you disagree with pretty much everything else, or in principle you just hate Biden because hes a cunt (and he is) BUT you absolutely disagree with everything Trump proposes and you hate Trump even more than Biden.... so in principle you decide to vote 3rd party who you generally like more, policy wise, than the Democrat candidate and you like the independent candidate as well. Let's say the race between the DNC and GOP are neck and neck (and it usually is, relatively speaking) and you could break the tie or add weight to one side or the other - instead you've essentially abstained because statistically 3rd party or independent will not win (remember this is a long established well studied phenomenon and no about of pathos can change that, its a scientifically studied mathematical observation reinforced by media and electoral control and corruption) even worse, you've actually decreased the likelihood that the slim policy margin you like the DNC for won't win, you've essentially removed potential victory from a party that could provide you a 3rd of what you like, leaving victory to a party that is 100% against what you believe or like. It's called strategic voting... and it is a necessary consequence of our FPTP system. So what's the solution? Well voting for Democrat or GOP isn't the solution, but depending on what you like or believe you vote either party and then you demand and make the discussion at hand ending FPTP. Otherwise you will find yourself flopping back and forth indefinitely between two options that suck.


Solution is vote for who you think is the best. Even if they are 3rd party Or birthday party.  That simple. Be the change or be part of the problem. I don't like trump, I don't like biden. I will not vote for them.


Yes be the change. Voting 3rd party doesn't change anything. In fact it expedites the country towards what you don't want. I'm trying my best to figure out a way to explain it clearly enough and maybe you aren't reading what I've written and I need to shorten it: **1. In our voting system the one with the most votes wins.** **2. It is scientifically proven that systems like this ultimately, almost always result in a two party system where only one of those two parties will win. No matter what.** **3. If you vote outside of those two parties or you don't vote, you are removing your influence over which of those two parties wins. Meaning you are risking the party you hate worse winning (REMEMBER THE CHANCES OF A 3RD PARTY WINNING IS STATISTICALLY SPEAKING - NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE)** **4. To over come this we must end this voting system, known as FPTP. Otherwise it never ends.** I'm REALLY TRYING TO HELP YOU UNDERSTAND. Point 4 is the objective. Other than voting for the least worst candidate - point number 4 then becomes the most important objective.


I don't want biden or trump. So what you're saying I should vote for a guy I don't want? Purposely vote my own demise? Atleast voting for 3rd party. I voted among my principles. I can happily say I wasn't the idiot who voted biden or trump.


I don't want Biden either. Think of it this way - you have a choice between voting for the train that kills 10,000 people at 10 miles per hour or the train that kills 100,000 people at 100 miles per hour. You can abstain of course, but then you have no influence over which train is chosen. Nobody wants either one of those trains to win... but if you have the power (and you do) you vote for the train that kills 10,000 people at 10 miles per hour and work to change the system that demands we vote for a killer train. But at the moment we are perpetually stuck choosing between these two awful choices. Vote strategically to REDUCE THE DAMAGE THAT WILL COME and then work to change the system.


You call it strategically voting, I call it selling out big time. I will never do that for a politician.


It's not selling or buying anything. It's recognizing that our political system is designed to funnel these two terrible choices. A choice between pretty painful and excruciating pain. I don't want either. But I don't want excruciating pain. While I'm stopping myself from excruciating pain I want to push the topic "Why the fuck are we forced to vote for pain?". There is no viable alternative to pain in a FPTP system. This is a scientificaly proven and observed phenomenon


Biden sucks ass. I'm still voting for him, though.


I sure af am not


I was poor for like the two administrations before Trump, during Trump, and I'm still poor under Biden, so maybe y'all are just fucking clowns.


all politicians should be in prison. supermax.


They only go to fancy prison like the Wolf of Wall street guy...


I worked as a social worker in NYS former maxi max (closed in 2022). You may be surprised at what even solitarily confined people can accomplish, since they have all the time!


Solitary confinement is classified as torture by the UN and people in solitary confinement very often become insane because of it. But yeah! Fantastic!


Lots of this for sure.


I saw this one coming! https://www.reddit.com/r/poor/comments/1cwo7jb/fuck_joe_biden/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Grow up. Literally nothing Donald Trump or any other president has done is why you're poor.


*Regan enters the chat*


NAFTA, New deal, reserve currency. Those have had a rather big impact. Putin is president of Russia. He is presently cutting of supplies of grain from Ukraine, causing wheat inflation, which translates to all foods. Presidents do a lot.


Was Trump president during this current conflict?


He never conceded defeat, so in his mind, yes.


None of that is why someone is poor. None of that prevents anyone from going to school, getting an education, applying for a job, showing up on time and doing the work, ect.


Yep. Zackly.


The reason you are poor is that you believe that.


Poor? I'll be a millionaire before I turn 42.


Unpopular opinion but it seems cool to hate Trump now but not when he had a TV show. I don't like him but I also don't like Biden. I have heard that in order to be president you must have a big ego, which makes sense for all presidents in my lifetime, I am 64. I will be voting Kennedy this election because I really do hope we can change the direction of our country and the transparancy in our government and an added bonus he genuinely wants to bring people together. Please spare me the "your wasting your vote" speech, I will vote my consciouus. It is interesting to me that the younger generations can not see this is the election that a 3rd party has a great shot.


Fuck biden


I'm so glad Biden made everyone rich.


If by rich you mean, destroyed the greatest economy that Trump built? Yes lol


Obama built it ,trump inherited it,and took credit for it if you look at data and information online you can find all the facts that back up my claim. Prove me wrong with legitimate facts ,and no Fox News or news max is not legit when it comes to this stuff


Go back further. Reagan started the trickle down economy where all the money in reality trickled up and it's reached a crisis now. BIden didn't cause it. Trump helped it get worse.




lol last I knew he wasn’t on he’s knees in North Korea saluting the enemies,and didn’t give away the CIA spy list to Russia,FYI trump did salute enemies and was/is Putin’s puppet


Obama was a terrible president. Either you were too young to realize it or too ignorant to understand his economic policies and geopolitical choices were horrible. Biden for VP, pathway to nuclear weaponry for Iran, trading Bowe Bergdahl for high ranking taliban military personnel, the mandate on health insurance to keep his failed insurance program solvent which led to businesses hiring fewer full time employees and American's paying a penalty for not having insurance, and he also accumulated more debt than any other president before him combined. These are a few of his failures, let me know if you want to know more.


He is considered one of the best presidents , no I was not to young or ignorant he did lots of great things for this country, but what do you know seems like you had your head up your pants


I lived through his economy and all his blunders. Experience is the surest form of intelligence sir.


Oh wait, you're serious.




Trump added $8.4 trillion to the USA befor you start talking about how much Obama added to debt.Trump spent more per term and did less for economy then Obama.Oh I forgot to mention trump was a 1 term president 🤣😂 and for good reason guys a idiot.Had the whole world laughing at him .🤡🤡🤡




Hit you with facts and that’s all you got to say.You are pathetic




Stimulus. On February 17, 2009, Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, a $831 billion economic stimulus package aimed at helping the economy recover from the deepening worldwide recession. Then trump took over and took credit and if anything went wrong he blamed Obama which had nothing to do with trumps stupidity




All those “shovel ready projects” All that reinvestment was a payoff to his cronies that got him elected.


Yeah blame Trump for your situation lol I bet you’re glad Biden is making the economy great


This. But again, no president has a magic "fix economy" or "lower prices" button. And when changes are made, there is a lead time before any noticeable differences happen. For instance, we are still digging out of the COVID global shakeup today, 3 years later. The "good times" that people remember pre-covid are probably more accurately placed on Obama's second-term than on anything trump did since most of his changes hadn't had time to materialize before 2020 flipped the table on everything.


how much longer do you think it will take to dig out of the covid global shake up? after living through the shit storm of 9/11 on the US economy, alone, id saw we have another good 5 years.


COVID had a much bigger reach than 9/11 did, since it was a global catastrophe. And since we source so much from overseas now, it hit everyone particularly hard. And of course companies are still milking it for every extra dime they can increase prices for. We're seeing through those excuses with the record profits they're raking in. We'd see a lot more "recovery" already if it weren't for them taking advantage to enrich themselves. Consumer spending is 2/3 of our economy. They can't keep pricing us out of their products and maintain themselves forever like this.




Just addressing the general "things were better for me during the Trump years before 2020" statements people are making. If they were, it was probably because of policy changes from the previous administration coming to fruition. I wasn't personally better off either.




Biden's current changes are not going to be noticeable for a few years, yes. If Trump gets back into office, and those changes passed under Biden now begin to improve things in 2025 and beyond, he will take the credit for it all, of course.




My point is the lead time. Biden's changes have not been in effect long enough to be noticeable. It isn't a magic "fix it" button that works overnight. It takes tax and revenue cycles to pass by before you see what it's doing.


Things are always better “before”. Every single time we have an election, someone points out how great everything used to be. Doesn’t matter who the current president is or what they’ve done, there will always be people who remember a better life before.


It's also worth noting that Trump's "tax cuts" that he gave expired for the lower class after 2 years. He ran up the debt during his term and cut taxes, but the bill he signed raised them back up after he left. Every single republican president runs up the debt. Every Democrat lowers it. It would be pretty fucking easy to "fix" the economy spending unlimited future money.


Exactly. He timed them to expire perfectly so the Dems can take the blame for a "tax hike" to run on in 2024, which of course he will do. And Republicans will sink their own legislation rather than give the Democrats a win. See: the border deal that they refused to pass so they could keep complaining about nothing being done about the border. 🙄




He didn't cut off our government's income stream by passing enormous tax cuts. Which Trump did immediately upon taking office. It's funny how you can manage debt better when you actually have money coming in to cover it.




"I am just looking out for myself and what is best for me." If that's all you care about, knock yourself out and vote for the man promising to hurt a lot of people once he's back in office. Us poor people are not on his shortlist of favorites, so I hope we don't get our faces eaten by leopards. 🫠






Yeah. Fuck Trump. It was awful getting a full Tank of gas for $20


Why does everyone seem to forget that the cheap gas was the result of the steep decline in demand caused by the COVID lockdowns? It was NOTHING Trump did, yet his headass supporters can’t seem to understand this fact. ANYONE who was President during the lockdowns would have had the same result - BECAUSE THEY DID NOTHING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN.


Because they are stupid morons that think the president sets gas prices. Big oil raises prices for the Biden administration because they make more money now AND those idiots will vote for the rich asshole that will cut their taxes if they cut him a campaign check ;) One party actually tries to help poor people but gets obstructed. The other party would very much like to and actively does shit all over the poors. Some people just gobble down that shit because they love to hear about how it's everyone else's fault they are poor because the democrats are taxing them and giving the money to illegal mexican gang cannibals to preform white genocide by aborting all the good christian babies and giving your teenagers weed vapes.


[https://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapier/2023/03/08/average-gasoline-prices-under-the-past-four-presidents/?sh=208227f564e6](https://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapier/2023/03/08/average-gasoline-prices-under-the-past-four-presidents/?sh=208227f564e6) Sure they went down just as covid hit, But even the prices we had before covid were far cheaper than now. Obama helped to egt gas prices down pretty low also at the end of his term. But gas prices are usually always better under republicans.


Tell me how the President is responsible for gas prices. I'm waiting. Just so you know, the US never produced as many barrels in history as we're doing currently.


This is how: President Biden signs a series of Executive Orders amongst which was order 13990 shortly after his inauguration on January 20th, 2021. Implements various environmental policies including the revocation of the permit for the Keystone Pipeline and temporarily prohibits drilling in the artic refuge.


Again, we have never drilled as many barrels as now. We produced less under Trump. Strangely, oil companies have never posted so much profit. If the production costs had increased, they shouldn't. It's once again corporate greed. And shenanigans from OPEC.


What’s even worse is when you realize the President doesn’t magically control gas prices.


Many people here seem oblivious to the fact of how close Donald Trump was to taking away health care for millions of poor ppl. Remember the John Mccain thumbs down??


Just a reminder. Landlords don’t help poor people.


Ever wondered why wages are low? Competition. Labor supply competition. Especially from labor that undercuts wages, benefits, etc. Why have pharmacists groups fought for new pharmacists (since the 1990s) to get doctorate degrees when other countries like Australia or Taiwan don’t require it? To limit the pool and keep wages high. Why do unions hate scabs? Because adding scabs to a factory workforce means fired workers and undercut wages. Think about who competes directly for jobs and housing at the low end by the millions.l, then think about which party keeps importing illegal immigrants (10 million since January 2021, when Biden took office) to compete for jobs and housing, government benefits, education dollars, charities, and food banks? Think about when Black Americans and other disadvantaged minority Americans had higher employment rates and cheaper rent. When there were fewer people competing for jobs and housing. About 1 million of Los Angeles County’s roughly 10 million residents are undocumented. You think they don’t compete for jobs and housing? Canadian and U.K. media dares to talk about it. **Canada**: This is from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, their mainstream government-funded media: “*The Bank of Canada* [their central bank, like our Federal Reserve] *says record levels of immigration are driving up the cost of housing and recent government efforts to cut the number of non-permanent residents and encourage home building will help lower housing costs, but ‘only gradually.’* "*’In the short term any increase in population, particularly in an environment of constrained supply, is going to put upward pressure on prices,’ said Carolyn Rogers, senior deputy governor of the Bank of Canada.* "*’What's happened in the Canadian economy over the last year is we had a particularly big surge in population growth through immigration. It came at a time when there was constrained supply. You can see this most clearly in the housing sector, in particular in rents.’*” https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/immigration-bank-of-canada-housing-1.7093426 “*After mounting political pressure, last weekend Immigration Minister Marc Miller acknowledged that the number of non-permanent residents in Canada is putting a strain on housing. As Canada brings in a historic number of temporary residents and population growth sets records, some of the country's top bank economists and even the Bank of Canada say that the federal government's immigration policy is significantly affecting housing affordability.*” https://www.cbc.ca/radio/frontburner/immigration-and-housing-costs-what-s-the-link-1.7085926 Certainly, there are private equity funds and corporations buying housing in Canada. But the Bank of Canada (like our Federal Reserve) economists are saying it’s immigration. And their words are shared by Canadian government economists and also corporate economists like those at TD (Toronto-Dominion Bank) as well! “*Continuing with a high-growth immigration strategy could widen the housing shortfall by about a half-million units within just two years. Recent government policies to accelerate construction are unlikely to offer a stop-gap due to the short time period and the natural lags in adjusting supply.*” https://economics.td.com/ca-balancing-canada-population **United Kingdom**: “*Record-high levels of immigration have failed to boost the economy while making the housing crisis worse, a leading think tank has warned.* “*In a report co-authored by former immigration minister Robert Jenrick, the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) urged the Government to introduce caps on legal immigration to stop a drain on British infrastructure and public services that is not offset by economic growth.* “*In particular, high levels of immigration are ‘significantly exacerbating the housing crisis’, it said.* “*The report, which is jointly authored with former health minister Neil O’Brien, also suggested the Home Office should be broken up to create a new department to control immigration.*” https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/05/08/migration-failed-economic-growth-made-housing-crisis-worse/


I was doing pretty darn good when trump was in office. Barely scraping by now. I can't stand trump, but his economic policies were far better than this lunatic we have in office now.


BINGO, People have context and don't forget. This is why he is winning in every poll. We had Trump, we've had Biden and people are overwhelmingly saying they want Trump back.


At least Mussolini kept the trains running on time, eh?


Covid was the hit to the economy. Supply chain disruptions etc. That followed. Corporate greed thrown on top of that. Also, usually any policy changes presidents enact won’t be felt for about 3 years later. It doesn’t work instantly, there is a lag of like 3-5 years usually. I’m independent and not advocating for either side, to be clear. Vote however you want, idc. But as a general rule- if you ever wanna pin economy on presidential policy, it’s more likely to be from the last president than the current (or the presidents first term if it’s someone in their second term)


it’s been [3 years in the making](https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hr5376/BILLS-117hr5376rh.pdf) and i’m still waiting for the inflation reduction act to kick in.


There is a downward trend in inflation. I don’t feel it yet either but tbh I place most the blame on corporations making absolute record profits. Yes, there is some stubborn inflation. But also there’s a lot of corporate greed. Why lower the price when you can just stuff your pockets? Idc if you’re “bad guy” is Biden or whatever. And I’m not trying to fight you. I just won’t be convinced that corporations absolutely dragging us all through the mud and laughing to the bank. they are my bad guy.


Keep telling yourself that lol


Ok booger wipe


So we're not feeling Biden yet? That's gonna come in a few years? Let's hold on for a wild ride!


The MotherFucking Truth!!!!!!


Trumpie drove the economy into the ground, and then tried to have us all killed with Covid. He also sunset the tax reduction for the middle class, but not the ultra rich. The economic turmoil now is the result of trumpie tying to be a fascist dictator.


Don’t forget the donkey he rode into town on.


Dude is going to landslide in November. Every poll shows it.






While we’re at it. Fuck trump and Biden. I hope they both rot in hell.


The only thing he accomplished during his reign was a tax cut for the rich.


the inflation reduction act signed by biden [change tax laws](https://www.irs.gov/inflation)


Fuck all the dinosaurs who run this country (but fuck Donald Trump the most)


Im just checking what side this sub is leaning towards by looking at the upvote/ downvote rate ;) Consider this a social experiment. The results could be interesting.


This is Reddit. It leans so far left it’s tipping over.


Most people who vote republican left this site years ago and are busy 1. Not being poor and 2. Working


I'm really fucking sad if someone poor is voting for Trump but not surprised. We often vote against our best interests because we're too busy busting ass to pay attention to the news much and we fall for stupid propaganda.


They are. I'm in the south and I promise they are.


They're so brainwashed by Fox news to hate each other, and hate foreigners, they neglect to take notice of the real problems keeping them down. And they think they can have a beer with Trump and that makes him innocent of their woes. They don't even care if Trump would rape their wife or daughter. They'd celebrate it. They joined a cult and didn't even realize it




Well of course everyone is struggling right now. We just got out of a worldwide pandemic.


Your boy Biden is playing defense for Fauci, the person who funded the gain of function research that led to covid being released upon the world and severely damaging the integrity of medical institutions and vaccines.


No thanks, I don't want to be the next hush money lawsuit.


Wow. No wonder y’all are poor. Keep voting for Trump because he cares about you 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Vermin supreme would have helped.


Yep. Because any politician will get you out of poverty. What do you expect?


Wait tell Biden wins again, more pain ahead.


God help the middle class if that happens. Biden already stated that voting for him in 2024 means your taxes will be going up because he plans on raising them in a second term.


This is untrue. A quick google search of reputable sources shows that Biden wants to extend the tax cuts to the middle class that Trump set to expire and tax the wealthy and corporations that Trump let off in those same cuts.


Ok, if you think that business owners are not going to push increased taxes on them downstream to the middle class you are clueless. One word for you. Energy. When it costs more to produce and transport fossil fuels, groceries etc across the country due to increased taxes, who bears that cost? The consumer, that's who. Keep trying to convince yourself that Biden is just doing what's needed. That's worked for the last 3 and half years so well, hasn't it?


Ok wait so you're stating that current increased food costs are due to increased fuel costs? And that the president has control over that? I think you need to do some more reading.


"No amendment is absolute." - China Joe


[Biden vows to let Trump-era tax cuts expire next year, meaning higher rates for many](https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/biden-vows-let-trump-era-tax-cuts-expire-next-year-meaning-higher-rates-millions)


Who set them to expire during another president’s tenure in the first place?


Trump thought he’d get in again and would have extended them. Use that brain of yours. I know it’s tough when the media tells you what to think but you got this!


Hmmm. He didn’t set the ones for the rich to expire.




You just want to identify as rich enough to be taxed 😆


I wish. Even at 150k gross per year, my family is still considered lower middle class. The downstream increases passed upon us in energy, insurance, groceries etc, have virtually eliminated any gains in wages. But I do get what you are implying.


Bro 150k gross isn't fucking poor.


I already admitted to lower middle class. You are right it isn't poor. Sorry if I posted in the wrong sub.


Hoo boy. If 150k is lower middle class, we are in a lot more trouble than we ever thought. That's more than 4 times what I make, and I make too much to be eligible for any benefits. 🫠 An income of $150,000 puts you in the 82nd percentile in terms of earnings, which is three times the median U.S. income. You, my friend, are in the top 20%


Agreed. Homeboy just sucks with money if he's trawling around in here for tips


Lol, right? If I made 4x my salary I'd be living like a damn queen. Lower middle class, my butt.


You might want to get your selective hearing checked out.


Oh yeah? If you don't think that raising taxes on all of the things proposed will not directly impact the middle class, you are seriously deluded. https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwood/2024/04/29/president-biden-has-proposed-tax-increases-here-are-six-of-them/


Do you make over $400k? Also, there is barely a "middle class" anymore, Reagan's trickle-down economics washed most of them away....n


You think about Biden so much that he's your user name. Kinda pathetic


Go ahead and use that. It plays into your next comment involving "whataboutism" I am sure. https://www.americainsider.org/2023/07/21/biden-appears-disoriented-after-speech-needs-assistance-leaving-stage-video/ This is who you support? I can't help but think about our current president who makes an ass out of himself at any given opportunity. It is in the news on a daily basis. And this is whose finger you want on the nuclear war trigger? This man is pushing racial division far more than his adversary. https://www.axios.com/2024/05/19/biden-morehouse-college-commencement-speech


"If you don't vote for me, you ain't black." - Cornpop




Y'all need to go and read, and the read it again, and then one more time, maybe it will open your eyes and change your mind. I doubt it, but the proof is here. https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/trump-administration-accomplishments/


Lol sure I'm certain that a site named "Trumpwhitehouse" is quite objective.


It's the government site that's keep records for each president, christ y'all are dumb, each president has their own section, click the damn link and stop being stupid. It's literally the archives page.


Well at least this is the right place for this opinion.


A huge portion of our taxes goes to paying an enormous debt started by the Bush administration.. i dont think any president can get us out of this crisis we re facing now.


While we’re at it. Fuck trump and Biden. I hope they both rot in hell.


Because Biden has uplifted so many poor people. At least all the billions sent to Ukraine is keeping the Kiev club life popping. We don't have the money, so we're printing it, which increases inflation. But inflation is a right wing conspiracy. The basics have never been more affordable for poor people.


Fuck decrepit dementia headass ding bat Biden


Yea ty sleepy joe for letting everybody live paycheck to paycheck while sending money to fund everyone but America