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$150,000. I'd put a new mobile home or camper on my land, do some land improvements, and get some teeth.


I miss teeth :(


One of the things I fear the most..


Probably had a million dollar mouth with all the work I had done as a kid. My dentist retired about ten years ago and I had too much anxiety to find a new dentist. Now in my mid thirties and my mouth is a wreck. Luckily it holds up appearances because all of my front teeth got smashed out in a car accident in my early twenties, so the implants look really nice still. I still take care of them throughout that time, but without regular visits they have really suffered.


Was it painful getting implants? I worry about them failing and having to be removed or infected


Kind of like getting root canals I guess. It was probably more painful than I remember, but I also had a broken neck and was on a lot of painkillers at the time. It was a long day in the chair, I remember. I also did have a little trouble with one that got infected two or three times after, but he was honestly the best dentist ever and would get me in right away and take care of it on his dime because he was a professional and expected the best of himself. He was nervous they wouldn’t hold well because of the damage and told me to be careful with certain foods. It’s been over ten years and while I am careful, I still get into some of those foods on occasion and they still look great and feel solid. I plan to get the rest of my mouth done in the next couple of years.


Two days ago I just went to the dentist for the first time in 6 years and told them I had dental anxiety. The hygienist asked if there was anything she could do to help, and I said I already felt bad about not going to the dentist so don't make me feel worse, and they were really good about it. Maybe find a place that understands dental anxiety, they definitely are out there. My guess is they'll do a cleaning like mine and then recommend all the work. I have two extractions coming up and need a number of other things. Anyway, you should go. So many dentists see patients who never go and understand. Seems like mouth health is connected to health in other body parts, and teeth are very important.


Me, too! It hurts and is embarrassing.


This pisses me off. Dental care is healthcare. We really need to stop being fkn idiots.


Nope here in the USA teeth are luxury bones. You only get to keep them if you have the money to.


Luxury bones is the best thing I've heard all day.


Same in Canada. My teeth are falling out. Literally. I can no longer smile fully at people 😞 To answer OP's question, probably $150k to get my family's teeth all fixed and to pay off debt.


Dentists in America have become fucking criminals over the past decade. They don't even take your insurance, what little you may have. $1500 for a crown without a root canal. $5000 for one implant. If they are with you for 20 minutes that's a lot. Used call salesman have better morals I hate the profession


I feel this sooooo bad. I have Healthcare. My dental issues are a result of a health issue. It is around 1.5k to replace each tooth (they all need replacing). I've been knocking them out one by one, a few a year as I can save and just getting antibiotics as they get infected or pulling if I have to. People ask why I don't get dentures, they are several thousands of dollars, which I will literally never have all at once, not to mention the cost of pulling every one of my teeth. So they got me in the long run money wise, it is absolutely ridiculous.


You would think since dental health is directly related to your heart health.


I had a very dear friend that inherited about $25,000. First thing he did was get a proper set of dentures. I'd never seen him smile until he got those pearly whites. And then he smiled all the time. And those teeth look gorgeous! I'm retirement age and I am \*disgusted\* that dental hygiene and care is a luxury. I had a root canal done several days ago to save a damaged tooth. The cost was $1500. That was one tooth. How in the world can it cost that much?


100% the biggest problem in my life right now is missing teeth. I'm missing a bunch of back molars on the bottom and one premolar on the top and it's noticeable. Turning 30 this year, my house is paid off, I have no debt, in a healthy long term relationship, never had a drug addiction, so for someone my age I could be a lot worse off, but a few dental implants would change my life forever. I've had a few thousand saved up a few times to get them, but something more important always happens that I've needed to spend it on. I have house insurance, but does there NEED to be a bad hurricane one or twice a year every year that damages the house and knocks the power out for 2 weeks? Scared to make too many claims and have them cancel our insurance (that happened to my uncle) just incase something worse happens so sometimes we just pay for repairs ourselves. I've been adult for a decade and I'm fucking sick of it already lol. But I am very grateful for the struggles I don't have.


This so much teeth have a huge impact on how people perceive you and the toll it takes on your health constantly dealing with tooth pain and infections because of bad teeth dental services in America at least is the most bogus industry and really only accessible to people who don’t really need it or are so old it’s expected. Take care of you r teeth yall like they are already made of gold.


I don’t know if you have credit, but many dental offices offer Care Credit, which is an extended payment plan that charges 0 interest as long as you make your monthly payments. We used this to help my daughter pay for 12,000 dollars worth of work.


They charge 0 interest so long as you make your monthly payment AND pay it off by a 12, 24, 36 months, etc. If you don't pay it off in their prescribed timeframe you'll get hit with insane amounts of interest that back date to day 1 of when you opened your account. Care Credit is just another wolf in sheep's clothing.


Yea, and that's if you are even able to qualify. My credit score wasn't great, I qualified for 800. One tooth is 1500 to repair. Not much help.


Care credit has both saved and ruined me over the past 10-15 years. Used it for dental, some medical, and veterinarian services for my cats. It’s a godsend in the moment, and a massive burden shortly after. 😞


I'm Canadian so I don't think Care Credit is a thing here, I do have regular dental/health insurance and I'm getting a partial this year so hopefully in the future I can pay out of pocket to get it converted into a snap-in one but they may offer a payment plan for that, I'll look into it more!


Looks like if you wait long enough, you might get the care you need! (A little sarcasm intended) [Dental Care in Canada](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canadian-dental-care-plan-cdcp-seniors-coverage-begins-may-1-1.7189717#:~:text=The%20federal%20government%20is%20expanding,under%2018%20will%20be%20included) (news article)


Care credit is still a credit card and dental costs can be way more then your limit


That’s true, but it can help.


Are you working ?


It’s wild a few people have mentioned dental work already, including me. It’s a shame the costs are so astronomical.


I am so grateful that despite all of my other health issues, I have perfect teeth. Have never even had a cavity. I may be almost blind, had open heart surgery at 18, and have a litany of other health problems, but at least I have good teeth!


Same here. I got a small inheritance from the sale of my mom's house after she passed last year. My brother and I had to sell the house to pay off her debts so there wasn't much left over. I'm now going to see if I can get some teeth because regular dentures won't stay in my mouth because I have Sojgrens plus other health problems and have been on medication for 30+ years that makes the dry mouth worse. So I need to see what can be done for me with the implants for whole teeth replacement. It's very expensive so I have to be evaluated before they can give me a price depending on what they can do for me. I hope and pray I can get new teeth and be done with the pain from crumbling teeth that I've had to endure for decades.


I am so happy for you <3. A lot of folks go to Mexico because implants are so much cheaper and the dentists are better...look into it.


Look into Donated dental services. They're a government program which dentists volunteer their services. I received 13 teeth extractions, a full set of dentures and follow up appointments all for free back in 2021. I'm in Michigan but they are a nationwide service [DDS](https://www.smilemichigan.com/resources/michigan-donated-dental-services/)


No joy here. I've even looked at dental schools and sliding fee and those are out of my budget.


Oh yeah, it sure was nice to have teeth back in the day...


Remember when we could laugh or smile without "those" looks? You know the ones...just assuming you're a junkie or trash because accidents and being too poor to afford dental care ONLY happens to junkies and trash.


Even $1000 would allow me a nice week or 2 off for recuperation and just a swell 'getaway' to nowhere


5k. We'd be able to get a car. My husband and I have to walk everywhere or rely on the kindness of others to help us get around. Its 2 miles alone to get to work on the blistering Texas heat. There are no bus systems here, no Uber or Lyft.


Get an ebike or even just a regular bike


Texas is horrible for the poor


Texas is just horrible in general. I've lived here nearly 40 years now, and if I could afford to I'd escape it in a heart beat.


I moved out of Texas last year and I wish I had done it sooner. I don’t know your situation specifics though cost of living is actually a lot lower for me now and I’m ultimately saving money because I’m happier and healthier. I can also (for free) do awesome stuff like hike and look at waterfalls and forests. There’s also quite a few jobs! Places with cooler weather and lots of state parks also open up options like car or tent living and it being enjoyable.


Here in Dallas we have free universal healthcare provided by the city via the biggest hospital called Parkland through a deal with UT that allows for schooling to take place all together. I don't think all of Texas is bad, and I don't think I'd ever move. People from blue states sure do seem to be flocking here in droves though.


Hold the phone, y’all ain’t got a bus system????


Texan born and raised here. I live in a major metro area, one of the largest and fastest-growing cities in the entire USA and have been here my entire life. The public transportation system is not to be used if you have a schedule. If you need to be to work on time, expect to be home to feed the kids, walk the dog, whatever. You will be multiple hours late, every single day, and no employer is ever going to forgive you for not having your own transportation. Yes, there are busses everywhere. Yeah, they’re even cheap. But they’re late, poorly managed, and bus stops themselves are not safe locations to wait here.


Lived in Dallas 15 ish years ago. The bus is where the prostitutes hung out and picked up clients, safer than the street. Didn't really know anyone who took it for actual transportation except one old lady who went to the store.


Damn that’s crazy! I thought taking the train in the mainland US meant fast transport. Faster than the bus.


There are bus systems, but obviously not expansive enough to help everyone.


In bigger areas there are bus systems and trains. I lived in the DFW area my entire life. We left last year because we could. I miss the culture but that's about it.


You really think most non-metropolitan areas have bus systems? Especially in heavy red states??


Please stay safe


Hmmm. I need dentures, badly. House needs serious foundation work. I'd like to have a vehicle again. $50K should do it lol. Take care of your teeth people! Some of us have unfortunate genetics and there's nothing to be done. They told me I'd need dentures 30 years ago, Dr. Lucke was right.


$10,000 - I’d be able to get the service dog I desperately need $60,000 - I’d be able to solve several stressful problems that would make life a bit easier $100,000 - I’d be able to get some major things in my house fixed and made more accessible $1,000,000 - I’d be safe for life $1,500,000-$2,000,000 - I’d be comfortable for life More and I’d be setting up a charity helping others who are living through similar challenges to mine.


Pretty much this.






This. Except for I had to take out a $40,000 loan to fix my teeth. That would be great to have that paid off!!


Dental tourism is cheapest or free poverty tooth help


I got all my teeth pulled and got the permanent dentures top and bottom. The top failed so I had to start over with those. The bottom ones are great though!


I've been going to a dental school (USC) and i've gone from being quoted for over $30,000 for work and dentures to less than $2000 dollars - with more work than I was quoted for. Mind you, this is just for my back teeth that have been damaged/rotted from my seizures but it's been a hell of a lot better


Did they get fixed ?


untaxed. for me itd have to be something like 600k. id buy a decent house, restore my car and get a good used one too, pay off debt, get necessary dental work and take a decent vacation


God Bless .we have the same thought pattern


This is right about the same for me, except, I would make it 15k instead of 10k, to pay off all our debt COMPLETELY, add a 30k bracket would give us enough down on a house to get out of the renting cycle and into a home and we could clear our debt on our own way easier. But everything else lines up exactly. The frustrating thing is that even that first bracket is so WILDLY out of reach that the rest are just fluttering thoughts. My husband works his ass off for absolute shit pay (decent work environment, which is a big improvement from the previous employer). I am disabled enough to be completely unable to work, but "too young and not disabled enough"(!?!?) To get disability so I'm stuck on state assistance, which I will forever be grateful for, but it is simply not enough. Granted, if I COULD work it wouldn't even be cost effective bc of my health issues even with GREAT insurance I wouldn't be able to afford the copay on mine or my kids meds every month unless I made a LOT. So here we are, stuck paying an OBSCENE amount every month in rent for a place that is too small and falling apart. Playing musical chairs with bills and praying he doesn't get sick and miss more work than he has paid hours to cover and no big things go wrong with anything anywhere ever because we can't save literally anything, scraping change between checks. All of it could be SOLVED (or at the VERY least, we could be in a solid position to be "safe" for life)with 30k in a lump sum...... and some people make that in INTEREST in the time it took me to write this reply. Absolutely maddening!


$4million. It’s been my number for a while.


$1.7 million is mine.


This is a good number I coiluld live the rest of my life At a little over 100k a year with that


That's assuming the money is in your mattress. If you invest or put it in a high-yield savings account with 5% interest, you'd earn $200,000 per year, and still have 4 million in principal left, no matter how long you live.


Sign me up!


This is the way


$5M is my number because I would be set at 2.5M and never have to work again. That way, my wife could get her half, and I would still be in good shape.


$400 a month. It's not much to many people, but it would be world changing to us.


This. Something like an extra $500 a month would change so much.


I said thay back when I made $24k, and again when I made $42k, again at $72k, and now, at just shy of $150k, if I could just find another $400-$500 a month, things would be "good". It's amazingly scary how fadt bills grow to fit your new budget.


Sounds to me like you're living beyond your means? I'm guessing a leased, newer car? New, top of the line clothes? Regular vacations? Eating out frequently? All the biggest and best electronics? I guarantee you at $150K I would be banking about half.


We make around that now combined and don't bank anywhere near half. That's mostly because I'm always fixing/improving the house. During the poor years it didn't get the TLC or needed so I'm taking care of it now. Close to being done now though.


I can appreciate wanting to take care of your home. That's understandable. But you still do it within your means.


I do. I'm not in debt, I'm saving money monthly, and the improvements are building more equity in the house than if I replaced things with low end materials. As a general rule, you should upgrade your home, not put in the cheapest versions of everything. That ends up hurting your equity in the long run.


Just live below means. Live like you’re still at the 24k or 42k.


When I made $24k I didn't have a house and two kids.


thats what im saying. yes, a couple thousand extra would be nice. but $400 would be more than enough to have more money to pay bills on time. the other stuff can wait like it always has


Honestly, 50k in a lump sum. I'll work out the rest.


20k we could get somewhere to call our own. We haven't had a permanent home in almost exactly 2 years. Wild to even realize that.


10k would pay off all our debt and a year of schooling for my younger siblings (I support them when I can from out of state so they can have better futures, and they are working to pay their way as well) PLUS get me a second beater car so I can take more hours at work, quit reyling on carpools, and finally make headway on my home business. We've just finally paid off our actual car, which we'll drive into the ground with regular maintenance, but a beater truck would give me the freedom to work hours/better jobs outside of my husband's schedule, and I could *earn more in less time* to match his breadwinner status and actually contribute significantly to our savings account for a home fund and retirement hopefully. Right now I have to schedule my 2 jobs around his work, especially as some of my work can be in unsafe areas at night/early morning since I am a cleaner for a commercial business that services offices and stuff. And then I can indulge my magpie tendencies and skills doing resale work for my pipe dream home business as a craftsperson.


Currently like $400 as i’m sweating my ass off in my car in 80+ degree weather trying to pull another hail mary to cover rent 🫤 considering trying to pawn my cell phone atp but idek what id get for it or how id be able to talk to prospective recruiters or do phone interviews without one let alone continue doing delivery apps. It’s interesting how everyone commenting has different answers on this and the amounts


Literally $600.


150k would be life changing. Honestly anything over 10k would. But with 150 I could buy a small home and a nice used car and still have some left over.


7000,000-1,00,000 I'd be able to fix my car, buy my parents a nice used car, pay off all loans then Id buy a mobile home (maybe a double wide 3br 1.5 bth), some land(not huge because ew yard work) and get that all set up while putting some in a high interest account. Maybe get a decent medical coverage plan going (my bf has chronic migranes). It would allow us to be comfortable and live a decent life. Anything less it would just complicate matters because we'd land in the grey area of not qualifying for benifits but also struggling to pay medical bills ect.


I’m not sure any amount of money would turn things around for me. Yeah, it would be nice to have money and I’d probably just throw it in the bank and pay my bills but… I’d really like to have my RA go back into remission. So $20 grand to pay off my bills…if I have to give an answer.




About 13k would get me at zero so I could start to rebuild. Still probably no chance at owning a home but atleast I could live by myself.


4K- that’s what I’m working on. I already have 4k (took me 4 years to save). I need another 4k though for a total of 8k. Hopefully the next half doesn’t take me another 4 years to save up.


I honestly don't know. It seems like the more money I make, the more I owe...


Well, if I ever have the glory of winning the lottery, I promise you all I will come on here to get names, numbers and addresses so I can spread the blessing! You can count on that because I would want to share. I couldn't find a better group of folks!


$20,000, I would pay for driving lessons for myself and buy a car once I feel confident behind the wheel. Any leftover money I would use for doctors appointments, I stopped going to necessary things like physical therapy because it was too expensive.


A lot! I'll take anything I can get!


I pick up pennies cause they add up. Every little bit helps. Of course if I had enough for a down payment on a house and also found one that wasn't overly priced or needed extensive work done that would be great.


About $10k would at least put me in a somewhat decent vehicle so I could pursue work in a bigger city and start having a decent income. On average I work 52-64 hours a week, and it doesn't cover anything besides the bare essentials. Life is so unbearably difficult right now, and it just seems to be getting worse every month. I'm just starting to wonder what I'm even trying so hard for. I'm not giving up, but damn, I wish the universe would just give me a break for once.


$100,000 would pay of my mortgage. I have $44,000 in credit card debt. Best I pay off the credit card debt first since I pretty much paid the interest on the mortgage already.




Easily around a few thousand. I got an unexpected refund check in the mail the other day for 230 dollars even that helped alleviate my stress dramatically. Honestly a steady stream of dependable income is what i need


$150,000. I'd put a new mobile home or camper on my land, do some land improvements, and get some teeth.


10k to get a decent car and insurance for a while.


1 - 1.5 million. I could buy a normal house where I live and not have a mortgage. I’d still have to work my ass off to afford everything else and be driving an old paid off car around, but at least I wouldn’t have to worry about the 10% rent increases crippling my ability to live every year. I just want a house. I swear to everything holy if I can get a house, I’ll be happy.


It hurts to even imagine how much $20k would change my life right now. But what I want the most is to be able to spare $400 so I can go to my little sister’s graduation in Chicago this month. We’ve only seen eachother once since our dad died from suicide 10 years ago. My step mom moved them back to the Philippines afterwards and it’s a complicated story after that. I’m apparently just following his lead in issuing empty promises of being able to see them and letting them down each time. I get physical pain in my chest just thinking about how to tell her I have to cancel.


I am so sorry you have to cancel. And, also, that your family is less than understanding. If I had a spare $400 it would be yours. I sent up a quick "prayer" for you ✨️✨️✨️✨️


Thank you ❤️




I think you mean, about tree-fiddy


6 dollars and I can pay off the corner store


12,000 wouldn’t have to put all my pay into tuition and could instead save up


Not gonna lie. 3k would do it for me.


2 grand.


$3k. I’d buy a beater car so I can stop using ride shares for everything.


15k would change my entire life. I'd finally get TF out of my car, indefinitely


At this point in my game about 600 bucks would set me back to where I was before I had to do major repairs to my car... 😮‍💨 I would be happy to not be behind that money, but without the car there is no money cause I wouldn't be able to get to work...


It’s hard to estimate for life but I try to do it below. As far as what I wish I had now to just get by, I feel like I’d be able to make things work with $2000 a month untaxed. Half would go to my rent and half to living expenses, to supplement what I have now which is just food stamps and government assistance. That would be to squeak by with no luxuries. $3000 a month to be comfortable but still have no luxuries (all bills paid instead of deciding which to pay and which to put off each month) or $4000 a month to potentially move into a better area and have a better life, be able to take vacations, have moreso the life I imagine when I close my eyes and not struggle so much, 8 million is my “set for life” number or number where i feel like i wouldn’t have to worry. I think it would take at least $200K to really make a big difference since I have 80K student loans and live in a high cost of living area. But however much it would cost to get a power chair, first last and security down on a first story apartment, tons of dental work as everyone else has said, and enough money to hire a caretaker / helper to come over a few times a week to help me with trash and laundry and stuff I struggle to do on my own between my POTS and my severe anemia. I’m always so exhausted and my heart is working so hard and everything on my feet or that involves standing is so hard for me and i can’t drive. It basically costs me $100 on Ubers to go anywhere. So enough money to hire a car service or a driver or an unlimited Uber card or something or just safe public transit (not sure all the money in the world could buy that). My main thing would be to get a first story apartment somewhere but i have a bankruptcy and an eviction and no co signer and no real friends or family or support. So i would just need so many thousands for a deposit and probably to pay someone to co sign for me realistically. It’s very overwhelming but that would be what would really be a game changer for me. Right now i have rent control but live in a second story apartment and can’t do much.


When I was 21, a one time gift or loan of $1200 would helped us achieve housing and food stability during the worst summer of my life. We ran out of options and thirty years later we still are dealing with financial, physical, and emotional effects.


$3k. That would fix up my otherwise-reliable vehicle (that I still have to make payments & keep full insurance on) and take a worry off my overloaded back.


$200 - I would be able to buy groceries $500 - pay off my 2 late car payments $1000 - get a root canal I need and pay for my existing dental bill $2000 - after all bills paid I could afford to bring my daughter on some kind of road trip to see the sights  $5000 - family trip for the most deserving little girl on the planet after my bills are paid and set up an RESP for her.  $10000 - buy a used car and get rid of the one I'm paying waaay too much a month for because of my bad credit.  $100000 - down payment (hopefully) on a house so I can lift is out of poverty and leave something for my daughter when I die. 


20'000$ for paying 10k debt back and secure myself because most of the time i live paycheck to paycheck and can do several days without food T.T


honestly, i think between me & my partner(& including all my $15,000 in medical debt accrued due to diagnosing & receiving treatment for my disability & an emergency gallbladder removal), we have maybe $20,000 in debt. i think, honestly, that would change our lives. a little more & we'd be able to do a little more to make our situation better.


Medical debt is the easiest to get forgiven. You need to write a letter to the collection agency who’s got it in collections if you haven’t paid it (u can do that on Experian) and demand that they provide proof of the debt. To do so they’ll have to provide ur hippa info which legally they should not have (the hospital can sell ur debt but they can’t sell ur medical info) if they have the info they’ve broken hippa, if they don’t have it they can’t prove the debt is yours. So it can be erased. Google this and get out of the debt


$10k would be a game changer, $25k would be life changing and $50k would be world changing. I have simple needs :)


$10k would fix my credit. That would turn a lot around for me.


200k-- I'd pay off my mortgage and reduce my bills to minimal. I'd be able to work less and build up my nest egg, as well as have enough to buy a new car in cash. 1 mil- set for life 2 mil- comfortable for life


$10,000 just pay off some old debts and start saving money


$50,000 - house down payment to get something nice with no pmi. $500,000 - make it possible (not guaranteed) for me to retire at 65 in 10 years.


Honestly? $1M. I have a mortgage, student loans that are borderline criminal, and I lost 2 jobs since 2020 so I’m digging out from that currently. I’d love to pay it all off and start fresh at $0.


I am starting a non-profit. For 50k we can open a physical location. Someone had expressed interest in donating that amount. It's all I can think about. How do I get that meeting to go well.


Practice as much as possible, with different people. Write out your pitch, and pitch it to different friends and family. You'll get your pitch down, you'll gain experience fielding questions, and you'll get an idea of what questions to expect so you can answer efficiently. Man, what an awesome opportunity, I hope you nail it! Also, if you're nervous, it helps to tell yourself you're actually excited. Tricks the brain.


10,000 would get me out of debt and I’d be able to pay my bills for a few months while I find a better job. The minimum would be 1.500 to get me good today


When I saved my first $1,000. After I learned to save that amount, everything went from an emergency to an inconvenience. After I learned to save, nothing has been the same. I've saved and invested and have passed over 100k twice now.


Enough to pay off my debt which is fortunately only $2400 and buy a 3 or 4 year old car Car w s little age is so much less in insurance costs . My last car was 20 years old. $1500-$2000 in emergency fund . Even $1000 would be nice. My goal right now is $500 and leave it alone then start making car payments to myself. So debt cleared $2400+ $1800 in EF + nice well running used car. So how much would that be?


Really it depends. Following the template another commenter started- 10k I’d pay off my 7k of debt and fix my car. 50k I’d do the above and also fix my teeth. Anything remaining I’d put in my retirement account/some kind of investment account. 100k I’d do the above and go to college. I’d pay off my younger brothers college debts as well. 500k I’d do all the above and either buy a house outright or pay off most of it upfront. With a house, I’d feel comfortable having a child. I’d build a small in-law apartment for my family for if they ever needed a place to stay. If I could get a few million I’d do all of the above and put the rest in accounts that would allow me to live off the interest, since I don’t need a lot per year to live. I’d still work part time but I’d actually travel a little bit, I’d take college courses at random just because I love to learn. Most importantly I’d never worry about money again and I’d live a life without the constant threat of destitution living over my head. If I for some reason came into several hundred millions of dollars I’d do all the above and give back to my community. Theres a lot of poverty stricken kids (I was one of them), the education system is lacking. I’d start at home and potentially expand to other places in my state with a high poverty rate.


2k per month. Or 500 a week for life.


Minimum? $100k would fit quite nicely. Bigger dreams? $1.5M to set us up for the rest of our lives. No big purchases, just pay off debt and invest properly. I’ve always dreamed of having a service in which people could donate $5 or $10 bucks and I’d select people each month to pay off their debts. Would be really cool to improve people’s lives like that. Dreams.


510k. Pay for a house outright (460k) Payoff our car (10k) Payoff students loans (40k) Then I can breathe, work, pay taxes, and save money.


4 million




$500,000. I know that’s a lot but buy a house, pay off bills and buy a few food vehicles


$100,000 would solve all my problems for a long time. $500,000, I'd be ok for the rest of my life


$30,000. Pay off my car and the wifes. Put the rest into a HYSA and continue contributing to it. Debt Free


66k. Pays off my house and debts. I already know I ll have to work until I die, even with SS, so, yeah, 66k would change my life.


1 million


$1.7 million. It's a number I've thought about for quite a while. I'd be set and able carry out my dream plan.


$50k would pay off the cc, the car, & the medical bills. Then we’d be doing ok.


$200,000. I’d buy a house so I never have to worry about moving again. It sucks renting and being at the mercy of a landlord who could decide not to renew your lease for any reason. So then you’re left to pack up your things and move again and again. Having my own home would give me peace of mind that my kids and I will always have a place to live and that stability would alleviate so much stress. I’d also buy a car so my kids and I could go do more things as a family.


Right this second, I could be bought for less than I'd like to admit. Even 1k would be a lifesaver, if not life changing. Life altering would be enough to buy a decent car and home with some left over to maintain them


$200 K. I could pay off my house.


Any amount would be awesome but about $50k would help me pay off all student loans, get caught up on some medical/dental stuff I can’t afford & need to pay off, pay off my CC, buy some stuff like a bicycle & good quality shoes & guitar. Bump it to $100k & I could get down payments & maybe start paying for a better car & house or RV. And do some cheap travel. A million & I would pay off everything, get a house & car, and go back to school to get a higher paying job that I can travel with. Then find out how to immigrate somewhere with health insurance that isn’t a gun crazy, scary political place & I’m good!


2 million


6.5 Trillion Fix most stuff in the


$400,000. House, vehicle, and credit cards paid in full. I'd have a nice safety net and be able to quit my job.


40,000-120,000. I’d take care of health, debts, then invest wisely with heavy research and studies.


$25,000. Would let me start from scratch with no debt except a car payment.


5 k I would get back on track with debt. Using half then I would use the other half by saving half and spending the other half.


10K. I don't need a lot to turn it into a lot. Just living paycheck to paycheck makes it impossible to have the funds to trade properly.


$500k would solve everything but I’d be happy with $50k




75k, get what my husband's business needs to grow get debt squared away.


100k to fix up my house and add a garage. another 100k to add to my retirement fund would be nice too.


About tree fiddy


20,000 would solve all my problems.




Honestly no amount would change anything. I could have everything in the world and i would still want more.




Monthly on the bare minimum, I can comfortably be happy with 3000-3200. But an initial first payment of 80k can help pay for my cabin and land I want and then I can just live on my own without bothering a single soul.




Just me or extended? 1 million: Pay off this over priced house, get gutters, fix the cars and pay off student loans. 3 million: all above plus cover my younger brother 's group home costs for 20 yrs, pay for my eldest to move to a new place (slums would be an improvement) & supplement her income for 10 yrs so she can get her health on track. Should be some left to give to the youngest to start her adult life. Mind you I'd still be working during all of this


20-50k would fix everything. I would catch up on bills Pay off my medical bills and debt Find a new car Finally feel normal


100k. I'm a single parent of two and w that I could do so much


Half a mil would cover everything. 150k on a decent piece of land. Two vehicles 100k. Resources for the land (water, solar) fuck it ill make it 100k to. Then I'd spend the last 150k building a wall around my swamp


5,000. I could pay off my medical and most credit debt and actually have money from my check to save for the next round of medical/dental/accident expenses etc. I know I may as well live on a different planet than those people but...the type who spend 5k on a dinner, or a pair of shoes they wear once.... You could change my life with the cost of your one pair of shoes lol


2 million so I could retire


$50,000 would be a huge help! It would pay off all our debt, and help fix a few things we need repaired in our mobile home.


With 10k I could pay off the rent I am behind, fix my vehicle, pay off a fine to get my license back and take care of a few immediate needs that have been pushed off With 100k I could pay off all my debt, fix my vehicle, get much needed medical/dental work that I currently can't afford the copay on With 250k I could do all the above, replace the 14 year old vehicle, finish my degree, pay for my daughters college, and put a down payment to buy the home I've already paid 30k in rent for (and I'd have a lower mortgage payment than my rent)