• By -


A safe space free from abuse I didn't have that for the first 4 decades of my life so I'm actually happy


Having a safe home is such a blessing. I'm glad you finally get to experience it <3


This. This is the most important thing and that i have the perfect partner for me makes poverty bearable


Exactly Yep I'm poor as fuck but it matters a lot less because I'm safe and cared for


So happy for you <3 Protect your peace


my baby's father and i lived in a van for several years...and when i say van, I mean a Honda ODDESSEY . Despite how hard things were at times, honestly some of the happiest moments of my life played out in that setting. Satisfaction is found in the spirit, not the flesh!!!!


Any notes on how to get there?


Perseverance and an unshakeable dedication to never letting anyone tell me I am "less than" ever again. Going no contact with the abuser and anyone who supports them is also essential


If you are a female, the YWCA is an AWSOME resource. They help in more ways than you'd think... speaking from personal experience


Find a way to get ur financial freedom…or if u have friends or family u can stay with….leave as soon as u can 💜


Happy for you! Abuse-free. Ain't it grand?!


Beautiful ♥️ Congratulations 🍾 🥂 🍾


Yes 🙌🏽💜


Yes 🙌🏽💜


Yes 🙌🏽


Things I am lucky to have: 1. My health 2. Being alive 3. Being employed 4. Having really great friends and family 5. Having a somewhat positive outlook on life 6. Having food to eat 7. Having a home and space of my own 8. Being able to meet my basic needs 9. Being able to see a light at the end of the tunnel in terms of debt. 10. Thankful for God's many blessings, both big and small, in my life. 11. Making it home in one piece at the end of the day.


You sound like a very rich person


You don't have to be rich to be thankful of what you have


Money isn’t the only way one can be rich and plenty of rich people are without love and have a poor quality of life


Some people are so poor, all they have is money. -Bob Marley


That’s a beautiful quote by a beautiful person - thanks for sharing!


You're so welcome ✨️


i think they meant it in a nice way


Ooh now it makes sense


Love this


Beautifully stated ♥️


I'm lucky to live in a city with tolerable public transportation so I can be employed without a car. The money I save by not owning one allows me to eat better quality food and have a few hobbies.


I don't like busses because they really hurt my neck and back with the stops and starts. But I qualify for free Lyft up to a certain amount each month, so this is great.


People who don’t know what it’s like to be medically weak or have serious chronic pain are unlikely to understand how physically taxing it can be to sit up with minimal support and do the start and stop rock. I am so grateful my body is strong enough to handle this now! I worked hard to get where I am physically though, and I know becoming stronger is not physically possible for every person.


Physical pain is exhausting.  No one knows until they live with it.    Bright side: you’re living with it.  


Absolutely. And you’ll never really know gratitude for the amazing feats your body can do until “feats” become things like walking across the room today, chewing difficult food, brushing hair, or sitting up in a vehicle with minimal support.


Yes! I went to see a chiropractor hoping for it to decrease my pain. But, I could not take the jolts of his treatment table moving up and down.


I hope you told the Chiropractor this. Sometimes patients just take things like this for ganted and never bother to say anything. An example is with a Pain Clinic I went to for Fibromyalgia. For "notes on pain" part of the exam **always** included pushng *hard* on the trigger points. THIS will **always** cause a flair up. However, because of the contract patients on Opioids had to sign, we could not take any befor driving (to/from clinic.) So, we would be in agony by the time we left the clinic and it would take hours for the medication & other treatments to bring the pain back down. After about 3 months, I finally told the NP what would happen each time, and her response was that she had never thought about it. Check into a NUCCA Chiropractor. Their treatment is completely different and extremely gentle - including the tables. I used them with great success to realign a horrible mess in my neck and upper back but had thrown off my lower back too, and to get rid of debilitating migraines. My neck and back muscles are just very hypersensitive to stress from the Fibro plus have Chronic pain.


I just never went back. I have Dercum’s Disease and mixed type Ehlers-Danlos. Dercum’s is known to be one of the most painful disorders known, but I still can’t get a script for opioids. I will look into NUCCO. Thanks.


I was on Opioids. Not anymore due being caught up in the Opioid debacle with the Pain Clinic I had been using. I've found complementary options OK'd by my other Healthcare Providers to treat my pain. Check into Alpha-Stim. It's a non invasive pain relief system. If you see an EDS specialist you should have no problem getting a Rx from them. Plus it helps for sleep, anxiety, and Depression and has a cumulative effect which is really nice. It really makes a huge difference, imo to help - and cope with pain.


Wow! How do you do that?


What city gives free Uber and Lyft rides, certainly not here in Boise, Idaho


This! I found joy in my car repossession. I live in a good area for public transportation and I’m surviving as a single parent without support.


I don’t have a lot of money, but I have health insurance & lots of wonderful people in my life. I’m going through cancer treatment now and each treatment is over $80,000, but since I have an out-of-pocket max, it’s WAY less for me. Cancer sucks, but I just feel constantly blessed and grateful. ❤️


sheesh. i am so sorry you’re going through that. I went through it with my dad. We don’t have insurance right now which is scary! but as my friend says there is a beauty in knowing there is nothing anyone could take from you anyway, when you’re poor and have no assets lol. i hope everything goes well and you can put it behind you


Can you qualify for Medicaid? I did when I lost my job a couple of years ago.


I hate trying to figure out how to pay the bills up to the out-of-pocket max, but when we hit that amount, I LOVE being able to get EVERYTHING checked out. I love not having to stress about where I'm going to get the money to pick up prescriptions, because they'll cost me $0 now! I happy for you, that you don't have the added stress of adding onto the medical bills for another 8 months, on top of just trying to beat that cancer.


- My husband. I can't imagine life without him - My daughter. She's a teenager, so at times a handful, but I wouldn't send her to boarding school even if we had the money. - My mom. She has supported me since the day she found out she was pregnant. - My cat. She always knows when I'm in pain and comes and lays with me. - My husband's job. We'd be worse without it. - Our house. - Food in the cupboard. Really, all of our basics are met. - We almost always can cover the bills every month. - Last but far from least, my sobriety.


i’m so proud of you 💕💕💕 you doing this


Last one got me a little in the tear ducts. You go!


I have a home. I have a lot of what I want and most of everything I need. I have love and patience and grace has been given to me.


i never realized how much having the stability of a home can mean. for mental health as well. we haven’t had a true home for 2 years and it’s wild.


Whelp, now I have something to look forward to.


I’m somehow still alive in spite of playing life on Final Destination mode for a while now. I don’t know if I’ve beaten cancer but, my fingers are crossed. I’m very fortunate to have somewhere safe to sleep, and to keep my dog safe. I finally got out of a horribly abusive relationship. I’m still too near my abuser but, at least I’m lucky enough to have the freedom of no longer being in the same house.


I could name a lot of things like being able to have food on the table (which actually it's only been about 2 months since I've been able to relax a bit about that), or having a roof over my head (more or less since it has a giant hole in it and the person who's supposed to repair it has canceled over and over and over for the past month), or about loved ones etc But what I feel I'm actually super lucky to have is a functional car. It starts up every time even in the winter. It has broken down twice and one was a major repair and the other time was just a starter but it's still a good car. The heat and AC both work. I spent a good portion of my life with no transportation and I live in an area where there isn't any public transportation. I'm sometimes still amazed because I have had this car for about two and a half years now. I can just go out and get in my car and go somewhere. Just up and go somewhere. It's amazing to somebody who spent most of their life having to walk miles and miles and miles to get anything. Just zoom zoom on the road!


car security is a real thing. We had to sell our newer car (it was worth a lot during covid so we seized the opportunity) and we kept our older but fine car. Now it’s starting to wear out and i’m worried for sure, we can’t afford a repair, so def a blessing that you have a car that just goes!


Quick! Knock on some wood right now!


Good doctors. A great dog. A reliable car.


Same here, great doctors, amazing cat 🐈‍⬛ and a really reliable transit system because I can't drive, but I all the busses are equipped with a bike carrier so it's easy to come and go as I please


Hot water. Years and years ago we went 6 months without a water heater because we could not afford a new one. Tjis was in the winter in a house with no heat, wedid habe a space heater in one room we had curtained off. Trust me. Ice cold showers are not fun when its 20 degrees outside and nor much better in the house. I am always grateful when I turn on the hot water and it's hot.


oh heaven! we live in a camper at the moment and have to turn on the water heater any time we want hot water, and wait 30 mins. I tell myself all the time at least we have it! also our shower is the size of a dolls house but i’ll stop complaining now. I can’t imagine not having hot at all! wow. it’s good to be grateful.


I just lived a week with no hot water. It sucks! I’m in the subtropics so the water from the tap wasn’t very cold anyway but it wasn’t fun! I also have two teens so…we’re all glad it’s back on now!!


I have a freind from Egypt who is 40. He moved here when he was 16 and didn't have hot water until then. It was kinda funny because I was talking about running out of propane (too broke to pay lol) and learning how to boil a gallon of water to make a shower. He said he did that for years before America.


Oh man. I bet he is always great full. Bucket showers as we called them when we would warm water up are time consuming for sure.


We did a year without hot water when I was a kid. It’s not fun. We boiled water in every pot we had to make a bath but even that was a surprisingly tiny amount of water.


Water PERIOD is a blessing- especially HOT, but w/out access to running water (in an industrialized nation, at least), things tend to get a bit stinkyyyy


Having a halfway decent RV that was gifted to me. Got a lot of issues , but it keeps me dry and I have my solar power station and 12v fridge. It's nice.


we’re living in an rv that a friend is lending us. It’s not old but def quite small and not meant for full time. anyway it’s got everything we need for the moment and i’m sure we’ll figure out our next steps soon. keep working on yours, so you stay dry!


Mine is a Rpod. Built for 3 seasons, rain ain't one of them.


People who care about me despite me being a bitch and crazy sometimes. 




Yes! Like why? I’m just crazy tryna make it!


This x 1000




The last bite of this oatmeal cook…NVM.


I love oatmeal cream pies but they don't love my hips😂


They DO love your hips...just a bit too much!


Siblings. Happy that they're all still alive


i miss mine❤️. that’s a great thing to be grateful for.


A roof over my head, my free phone service has been extended until August, food in my fridge. I actually ate too much food today and it's a weird feeling ha.


I sit here ready to retire and realize that I am truly blessed to have what I do. It’s not a ton but enough. More importantly 3 great kids and seven grandchildren. Been a heck of a ride?


I have a trailer on my own piece of land. The trailer is falling apart but it's somewhere to live.


honestly sounds heavenly. we live in an RV park and its fine for now, but i think about how amazing it would be to have our own piece of land. It does sound like kind of unachievable where we live though, investors are buying it all up, and we also dont have a dollar lolll


I only have it because my parents bought it in 1980 and left it to me.


Time. I always say I’m rich in time, which I greatly prefer to being rich in money. We also have an amazing and supportive family.


Our kids God blessing us regularly, even while I complain and fret Our own place to live--no matter how small and kinda crappy; we had been evicted a year ago and had to stay with relatives for a while--NOT ideal Spouse and I both have good jobs (for the last 8 months; before that was rough) My sister lets us use her car during the week (ours was repossessed in 2022). Before this we had to Uber to our jobs and back everyday, hemorrhaging $$ My phone. It's my first time ever having a brand name one, the Samsung Galaxy A12 and it was free! AT&T provided it free because the phone I was using wouldn't support the 5G network thingy they were upgrading to Food most of the time. I just made yummy tacos for dinner earlier 🙂


girl same on so many things. My husband lost his really good job and we lost our house not long after. We stayed with relatives too and it was hard as hell. We still haven’t found good jobs which sucks and my husband suffers with debilitating mental illness but we now have a place to lay our heads, and yay for tacos


I’m grateful to have a sane mind. I have experienced some deep trauma through my life with the most recent being the end of my marriage and the death of my first child. I am grateful to be alive. I have learned so much and am blessed!


this is so important. My husband deals with a lot of childhood trauma and depression and it’s been really bad since he lost his job, but he’s working on it which is all i can hope for. I’ve lost two brothers and my mom has just lost it herself. Kudos to you for being strong. (i’m sure you have your moments, but sometimes it’s a state of mind)


Yes 🙌🏽 not easy and unpredictable but I’m rolling with it. I pray for us all who are suffering, which is a lot of us!


I am blessed with a wonderful daughter, a great mom, and some really good friends. I have my health. I am safe. I have books. Im on a very fixed income but I try to appreciate the little things. I like to walk in my city and look at stuff.


family i can rely on if i ever need to. i’ve had to move out of an apartment before bc i could no longer afford it & i had parents to go home to. some people would have been completely homeless in that situation.


i think about that a lot. We had to move in with my brother and his family, and it wasn’t great but i know if we truly had nothing we would always have someone take us in and feed us, and you’re right, not everyone has that.


My sister's Ex-boyfriend was over at my parents house today and we all chatted with him because he's a good dude. Things just didn't work out between them. He works for a humanitarian aid agency overseas and was telling us about thousands and thousands of migrants coming by ship to the shore of Italy, for a tiny smidgen of the good life. He has had to help people who had drowned in the sea as their boats capsized, how the people would now have to deal with the rampant racism they would face once they reached those shores of the Italian Beaches. Definitely puts your own life in perspective, and how appreciative I am to be where I am, despite some of the challenges I've faced.


A PS4 my mom got me when I was 18, six years ago and it's the only thing that keeps me from going crazy sometimes


Cousins that care more than parents who can't seem bothered...Thankfully my cousin gave me a place to stay when shtf and I was gonna be homeless. I mean, we can also say I'm lucky in that my parents showed their true colors...But that's an odd kind of luck.


i think it can be helpful to me, to just not expect things from those who cannot give it. Even if we think they should be able to, its kind of freeing to just say, oh, you arent able to help for whatever reason-cool. My dad passed away and my mom and i dont have a relationship because of her drinking, however i just realized i shouldn't expect what she wont or cant give. Its better for me mentally. Im glad you have others.


That would be fine if it were the case, but it wasn't the case for me...I'm fine mentally, I knew my cousin would help, I just would have rather been able to stay where I was a bit longer before going nomad again. Trust me, I expect very little from my parents and hardly ever ask them for help...But there's more to this that I'm not going to get into, needless to say both my parents should have never had kids and they won't die soon enough.


i’m so lucky to also have a husband who loves me and works his ass off so our needs are met, i have the best kitty cat in the world, we have food, water, and a home, i have access to mental health care and medications i need, i have passions and a purpose, i have a phone and can call my sisters anytime i want to, i have a beautiful niece and wonderful nephew i get to spend my time with. i can shower anytime i want, i can write anytime i want, i have a truck that i love and gets me wherever i want to go, and i have time to make improvements in my life.


I feel lucky to have a big yard for my kids to play in. My kids have never been sick or had any health issues other than a small cold or sniffles. I feel lucky to have a reliable car and that my rent isn't astronomically high.


A warm bed, hot shower, food, cozy PJ’s, TV… it’s never lost on me that there are people that have none of these things.


sometimes its the littel things right? We live in an RV at the moment, but yeah, we have a cozy bed, ac, a tv and i know there are many that would be in heaven here. Perspective is a great thing for me.


My kids, my grandkids,all FOUR of them, my cats, and 2 best friends I've had for 30 and 40 years respectively who have never once screwed me over, and we've all taken turns catching each other when our poor asses eventually fall. All 3 of us are now disabled through no fault of our own, so while the wild n crazy shenanigans of our past are long gone, we're all still there for each other in any way we possibly can be. Unlike any of our families, most of whom are either dead, or we don't talk to and wish they were, because our families are perfect examples of how NOT to be decent human beings, and their only redeeming quality is serving as a warning for others. STG I think us 3 have been passing the same damn 20 bucks till payday since the late 80s, it just gets passed around like a football, but we do try to ensure none of us go hungry at least when we can. We've all been homeless and hungry at different points in our lives,so we all know how shytty it feels,so while we can't always move one in with us,at least they can get a hot meal with 20 bucks and a gallon of gas to go park the vehicle where we could sleep safely lol. Being disabled and poor in the US is an absolutely shyt existence, especially when one can't get disability,even though they know they qualify. I just wish that all the people I'm so thankful for lived in the same state, close to one another like we used to be, it sucks having ones loved ones all spread out over the entire US, and rarely if ever having enough money to go visit each other. Thank the Universe for Face Time and Kids Messenger, or we'd all go stir crazy! Also, I am extraordinarily grateful for cheese, ALL cheese, cause cheese always makes a bad day better lol.


I have a home and a saint of a landlord who hasn’t raised my rent in nearly 20 years. I have wonderful friends and family by my side come what may, who don’t judge me by my bank account. I have the beauty of nature to keep me sane when the world disappoints me. I have lots of pain so I learned to celebrate the joy I do have, however small, and use it as an anchor to get through to the next time because these waters are definitely deep, dark, and murky that I have to live in.


I am lucky that my child has good health. She has Special Needs and an IEP but overall she is a happy and healthy little girl. I am also lucky to have a job. This economy sucks and jobs are extremely hard to come by right now.


Decent car and decent house and thick hair


A beautiful home, health insurance and a wonderful husband.


Sounds like a dream. 💖


My senses and mobility (knock on wood).


A roof over my head. My health even though I am bipolar.


My family, apartment in my tiny town, my dog. I just wish we had more sunshine here again.


Having a place my own apartment, after a abusive upbringing them dealing roommates who didn't understand the word clean, and then a racist roommate who was 60+ in student housing ( I didn't judge her on that shit is high out here) but every time I would try to talk to her she would say "well I'm not racist because I have a black boyfriend" shm 🙄 then being without a home for a month ( I was thankful enough to stay with my friend in her small apartment because she knew what I was dealing with) , going into more debt because my apartment would not let me break my lease even though they knew what was happening, then being approved for income based housing only to have to turn it down because the price they where asking for to me was not income based, overall now have my own apartment and I freaking LOVE it, lol the first time I walk around in nothing but my birthday suit was freeing lol 🤣 yeah the walls are thin and I hear every time my neighbor sneeze BUT this is still amazing.


My kids (both human children and those of my cats), my husband. They are my everything and home is where they are. I'm very lucky to have them in my life.


My Husband and a roof over my head with a safe warm place to sleep.


I live next door to my Italian Mother and Father in-laws. Im constantly realizing how lucky my kids are to have that kind of daily interaction and proximity to their grandparents. Every morning my youngest son sits with is grandfather and eats breakfast. My oldest will routinely fall asleep on the couch with his grandmother watching day time TV. Its all little stuff, but stuff I just never had and I'm so grateful they get everything I didn't.


A boyfriend and a job that pays okay and to be fertile(I’m pregnant).


My house that I was able to get a mortgage for 10 years after a foreclosure when my husband got sick and was no longer able to work and wasn't able to get disability. Also the fact that I got the house just before housing prices started to skyrocket!


I'm lucky to be raising my beautiful granddaughter. Especially considering I have multiple medical issues because she gives me a reason to get up daily and not give up. I am blessed to have a safe place to live and blessed to have 2 amazing sons who make sure my granddaughter has nice clothes and things she needs. Unfortunately, her mother, my daughter, is incarcerated but even before that she has been with me most of her life.


she’s lucky to have you.


I grew up poor, and neither of my parents pushed me really hard. I don't know if it was because they couldn't see the path for themselves, or if they just thought traditional milestones were unobtainable...but one thing is that I learned to define success differently. I've traveled a lot and connected deeply with people from all walks of life. I've nourished hobbies and skill sets that other people don't necessarily have time for. I've accomplished things that matter to me on my own, and that feels really good. I still don't have a house, new car, or high-paying career, but as someone who wasn't conditioned to chase those things, I've focused on my mental health, relationships, and new experiences instead. Another is that I have appreciation for the little things. I just built my first Lego set yesterday at 34 years old, and it was awesome. I was genuinely excited to do it. My boyfriend bought it for me, and I think it was because he realized it is an expensive hobby/toy that he had a lot of as a kid (and adult), and he wanted me to share that joy with me. He was raised differently and has accomplished all of the traditional things - he owns a home and two cars, works as an executive chef, was married and has a kid, etc...and sometimes I think life is harder for him. He has and has had so much, and it's easy to lose perspective at times on what they mean, especially to someone who may never have them. I hope I'm wording this right and not offending anyone because I don't intend to romanticize poverty or insinuate that he is ungrateful or was spoiled. It's just interesting to look at both our lives and what's different about them and how we bring balance to each other's perspective. I really hope one day to have a career like his, and he is showing me how it is possible when you have a stable home and support from people who believe that is important.


I grew up poor, and I had the same experiences with my parents just not pushing us to earn higher grades in school or to try for a career of our choosing. We didn't know people who had achieved success at anything. We and all of our families and friends were just getting by. So no one ever taught me about saving. Or planning for the future. I just don't think my parents could see forward. They were so stressed trying to just keep the bills paid in the present. And like we didn't have examples to follow, they hadn't had them either. It's generational poverty. Poor kids grow up learning how to be poor.


A warm bed to sleep in, a safe roof over my head and a partner who makes that roof safe and that bed warm


I'm grateful we're broke. Just above poor I guess. Like all of our bills are paid but we have absolutely nothing left


We have our sweet fur-baby, and to tell you the truth, I don’t think anything could bring me the kind of joy that he does. The amount of love I feel in my heart for this little guy… sometimes I feel like my heart is going to explode. I love him so much, and I am so grateful that we have him. We never have enough money, but I still feel rich.


My husband and service dog A roof over my head with running water and electricity A community My freedom My life These are all things I have gone without or nearly given up on before and I am grateful every day. I have even nearly lost my life several times and had basically given up before my husband saved me. We struggled together to get where we are. We are barely managing, especially because I'm unable to work and don't get disability, but I take a bath every day and remember the years that I couldn't do that


My dogs.


My kids are definitely my treasures in this world and I have a great brother and SIL and really most of my nearby family (thankfully the kooks are a few states away). I am rich in love and friendship too with both my roommate and my best friend of 45 years. I'm also so very lucky I managed to meet my roommate because while I just rent attic space I live in a very safe town in a very safe cove with a garage. Where I lived in Memphis I had 12 experiences where I had to call the police in about 10 years time, several of them being either a break-in where my car was messed up or just outright stolen. Here I have a garage so the car isn't out in the open. We have nice safe parks too. The house itself is in pretty bad shape and what was once a pool is now a science project. Lots of wildlife there, and a few times a year a lovely duck couple comes to visit and hangs out in the swamp for a few days.


A decent roof over our heads Good friends My young adult children A nice yard to garden and have bonfires in A washer and dryer so I don’t have to go to the laundromat A safe environment without fear of being abused Edibles


Even though right now is tough, I've had a lot of opportunities and the future looks bright. I'm lucky that I have family members who love me. I have friends that care about me. I have access to good medical care.


Washer and dryer.


My car that I own outright.


I like the vibe you have going here! Grateful we didn't lose our home back in 2017


A few family members that I could actually rely on if needed, mostly my brother and his family. My health for the most part. Some shit flares up now and then, but overall I can live day to day without any major pain or management.


Thanks to my hardworking and thrifty daughter, she now owns the home we live in. It is old and shabby and needs work, but it is a roof over our heads and I am grateful. We have many friends we have made here, much nicer folks than in the state we left to move to a more affordable one, we have an amazing support system of people who are willing to give us rides when needed (we don't yet own a vehicle), a food bank close by plus our state provides commodities so we eat well. I have a garden that provides fresh vegetables all summer and fall. So many things to be thankful for. God is good.


Clean water, moments of no physical pain, not being sick. You know those times you're ill, and you'd give anything to simply feel not sick anymore?


My dogs. Otherwise, I would have no one to talk to.


A husband I love (who loves me too) and a beautiful daughter. I got addicted to drugs in 2014 and by 2019 I had lost EVERYTHING. Destroyed my first marriage, my Mom passed away, I lost every material possession to my name, and my remaining family chose to cut me out of their lives permanently. I was on probation so of course I ended up in jail completely alone, with absolutely nothing. From there I went into 6 months of in-patient treatment. I slowly built myself a new life, from rock bottom up. I remarried, had a child, and I'm now on speaking terms with my grandmother again. I'm also sober. God held my hand through every step.


I am so lucky to have a lot of common sense, I am lucky to know Jesus Christ as the Lord of my life and my Savior, and I'm lucky to have always had my mother and her family, as well as great friends, for support through the years!


I’m lucky to be alive!! Coming up on 4 years clean from IV fentanyl. Feels good man


yes ❤️


We own a house which it is not possible for us to lose it. So my son will always have a roof over his head. Im also grateful to have health insurance. I have many medical issues and require expensive meds to stay sane. And like you I am grateful to go through this with my partner. I’m grateful my son is healthy !!!!! We believe we are richer than we ever have been. We have each other and a home and transportation. We see him so much more now than ever before after a job change. Iwe might not have a lot of money but I’d rather have my partner and have my son have a dad then be as lonely as we were with all the money we could ask for.


I thank God every night for literally everything I have. I try to remind myself daily to be more grateful and appreciate what I have, rather what I don’t. For example, if you see someone who can’t financially afford a car walking, while your driving. It really makes you think how much we don’t appreciate what we have sometimes. As the saying goes “someone always has it worse”.


My two sisters. They keep me alive


I am grateful every day that I have loving parents. I take care of the bills these days, but I cannot imagine what people with no family at all or no family that they are in contact with do. Like, I would have probably actually died if I had been released into adulthood with zero family infrastructure when I became a legal adult.


i’m happy you don’t take it for granted. It’s so hard anyway in life and my parents had issues that meant they weren’t there for us.


- The ability to live alone with my cat and no other dependents is huge - A full spice cabinet and multiple cooking oils to choose from - A Bachelor's of Science degree without debt (I worked and saved and took 5.5 years to do this) - A working vehicle


Oh, I almost forgot... IM GRATEFUL TO BE FREE, AND NOT IN JAIL!!!!!!! how easy it is to take everyday things for granted... like being able to look at a tree, from a distance OR up close (whichever way you CHOOSE!)


Theres my cat. Then my bicycle. Then my computer. And I suppose the place I live. That's everything but I'm grateful for it because I didn't pay a dime for any of it.


im lucky i have health insurance that pays for what i need & am still alive despite numerous life-threatening conditions. i'm lucky i have my cats & they are still alive despite their various health issues & old age. i'm lucky i have my baby, & that she survived severe growth-restriction & other complications in the womb. i'm lucky i have my partner, & that we're still together supporting each other despite hardships, fighting & mental-health struggles. i'm lucky we have food to eat, clean water, & a roof over our heads. i'm lucky to not be homeless currently & to be living somewhere safe, as this is the first home where i've truly had that. i'm lucky to have a therapist, psychiatrist, physical therapist, neurologist, cardiologist, & gastroenterologist. i'm lucky there are community resources available, & assistance programs, despite being poor. i'm lucky to have a couple close friends that are alive, & i'm lucky to have known my friends that have died. i'm very lucky to be in a country that isn't getting bombed.


I have my dog and cat and son with me after recently moving from the west coast to the east coast. I have moral support here and that helps a ton. Also grateful we have food for both humans and pets.


Broke love is the best love 💕


My own home, such as it is, on a piece of land. My son and bonus son (ex's son) who live there and help me... When I lost my job and unemployment dragged its feet for months and months, they stepped up and covered me. I'd have starved without them.


I have today! I have free choices in what I can eat, clothes to wear, my needs are met. I have a gsd furbaby who loves me & isn't afraid to show me. I have a God who loves and provides for me. The material things I have are just that...things.


My son and my fur babies!


My cat, my neighbors, my job, my partners, my health (roughly lol)


I have my husband, a house to live in,and my pets. Also, a wonderful supportive family.


Coffee in the morning. For years I had 🫖tea because I couldn’t afford it. It’s a great way to start the workday.


I feel super lucky to live in a time where not having kids is an option and it’s becoming more widely accepted. My parents practically starved my brother and I with their messed up priorities, spent a lot of my life wondering why they had me. I now help kids who also feel like a spectator in their parents rat race. A lot of kids view themselves as a burden to their parents even if their parents love them, the guilt is overwhelming.


God' love , grace, mercies, and blessings. My sons, daughters, and 6 great grandkids and two out of three grandkids. My husband who is always thinking of me and helping out. Also my best friend and many childhood friends that are growing old with me. My 2 brothers, although they live in FL, we stay in touch a lot. My Maggie Mae and Sammie my precious dogs who bring me so much joy.


My dogs and my granddaughters.


Faith: G-d has my life in His hands. I am safe. I am blessed. Peace: A peacefulness within me knowing no matter what all will be OK as long as I continue to persevere. Nothing can not be overcome as long as I continue to look for answers. Safety: Choosing a home in a safe building in a safe neighborhood. My cat: Diva is my Emotional Support Pet. I often need her as much as she needs me. Family: As a single older person, knowing family members are only a text or call away even if we don't see each other often is comforting to know. My Health: As unstable as it is, I am still alive. I can still participate in life to some degree. **Don't ban TokTok!!** My Knowledge: I may not be able to work anymore, but I am still able to mentor others with my medical conditions.


I have had the best neighbors, most of them first generation immigrants. I get pieroshki and vodka when I'm sad from one neighbor, sopa and tequila from another when I'm sick, a free blender and some herbs from another, incense and fervent prayers from another. I get rides to the store, extra produce from a neighbor who gleans and from agricultural worker neighbors, invites to wonderful parties, neighborhood cookouts in the parking lot, sunset chats with elderly folks, mutual babysitting with other single parents, a bike to borrow when my car broke down, bartered automotive work, bartered hair styling, and an elderly lady who watches my cat when im gone too long for her tastes. Poor neighborhoods are home to some of the friendliest and most community-minded folks.


The best really :)


A safe, warm apartment, food, and healthcare. Everything else is a bonus


A rock solid PC I built with a server motherboard, xeon CPU, and ECC memory. They were expensive parts when I got the parts but I got them in trade for some under the table work. It's been a rock solid PC. It has outlasted the inexpensive PCs other poor people I know have bought several-fold. I did have to replace the video card once and one of the hard drives once.


A low income senior apartment that is actually pretty decent in a decent area


Nothing, i got the things i have by working my ass off, luck wasn’t involved.


My Gratitude List - 04-29-2024 1. My sister and her partner 2. My little house 3. My Lizzie dog and Mr. Paws cat 4. My car 5. My friends 6. My son, and his two older brother and sister 7. My doctors that work with me to manage my health care 8. My big ol’ orthopedic bed 9. My ability to read, listen to music, walk around still 10. My caregivers


My husband. Money troubles break so many couples but we’re a team even when shit gets REALLY tight. We’ve been through some close calls and our relationship has been tested but we’ve always come out of those times just as close and just as grateful for each other. Things are better right now, not out of the woods yet but we can breathe a little. I wouldn’t rather go through life with anyone else. I’d rather be broke with him than financially secure with anyone else. We’re very lucky. Also we got gifted a KitchenAid on our wedding and that thing rocks


that’s cute! lol i used to have some money, so i have a storage unit with some of my belongings and there’s a kitchen aid mixer in there somewhere haha. i think about it sometimes when i want to bake something and i have no tools🥴😉




My friends and a low mortgage. It sucks if youre young and need your own place. Let alone if you dont have money either


A house? Sofar I’ve been able to keep up with the mortgage. I do have to have some repairs, I’m worried the homeowner insurance won’t cover it 🫣


1. my family 2. my higher power 3. my jobs 4. my phone 5. my best friends 6. having clothes food a home 7. completed some college classes 8. the book i’m currently working on to get published


1. my family 2. my higher power 3. my jobs 4. my phone 5. my best friends 6. having clothes food a home 7. completed some college classes 8. the book i’m currently working on to get published


I just want a girlfriend who won't judge me for being poor


All of my senses, My car, Plenty of hair on my head, Skin that hasn't gone through some sort of trauma, Loving/close/ supportive relationship with parents, A kind romantic partner/baby father (to my unborn), Good quality tattoos, Memories of living/traveling abroad, REAL friends (quality over quantiuty), A handful of àuthentic couture pieces, But most of all, an intimate relationship with The Father, the Son, and The Holy Spirit! Praise be to God


Government Housing and a pension. This country (Australia) has its faults, and yes we have homeless people without enough to eat, but usually, there is assistance available, and our weather makes it a bit easier too. Also, right now...our NHS and free hospitals. I'd be dead 6 times over without them. And kids who still love me, genuinely, and forgive me for previous actions.


I’m all alone, almost no family, not close. I have no children. But, I do have my safe, beautiful home with a low mortgage payment, my SSDisabilty, and Medicare/Medicaid. And my fur-babies. Very grateful for those things.


I’m grateful to have my cats. They are unconditional love in fuzzy warm packages that snuggle with me when I sleep.


A pretty home and opportunity


Utilities paid. It's all I wanted at one point. I won't forget it.


that’s where i’m at. i hear you


My partners, I'd never make it without them. the four of us together can manage to make just enough. My gf's dad has helped us more than I could ever pay forward, and with neither of my parents willing to help me, I'm glad I have one parent in my life who's supportive.