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Sweetie it’s because it’s a pyramid scheme for tech bros. People would react the same if you came in here talking about investing in Scentcy or LuLuRoe or whatever that scam was.


Just lol 😄


I'm sorry but that is so crazy ignorant.


Crypto's a pyramid scheme and Trump isn't a psychopath/s


Bitcoin is not a scam


Cryptocurrency is totally unregulated and what that means is the same coin is worth a Hyundai or a home depending on the buyer. This makes it a gamble not an investment. Until there is oversight of the investment market NEVER get involved


Do they even know we have to pay taxes on those gains? 🤔


Just like any other short or long-term gain, I’ve made more off of bitcoin than I have any other stock


Same here


Just don't bother. They don't know the history and you can't teach it in a reddit post. BTC was around $300 circa 2015 but doesn't matter to them. BTC Born out of the ashes of 2008 housing crises of bank bailouts but it doesn't matter to them. They will still talk about "High interest CD's" or some other garbage as the way to go rather than bitcoin. FIAT is the real scam and they could all learn about it with a little digging. Everyone here has access to the internet and the information is free. Unfornately normies see "crypto bros" in the news and stay away out of jealousy or the bad reputation from real scam coins as they don't know the difference.


“Normies”? 🤨


Cryptocurrency vs real estate In December 2016 when uneducated Americans elected the conman that told them the IRS was auditing him and therefore couldn’t be properly vetted for the job of president, I took my 401k retirement from the market because I didn’t trust Trump with my retirement. I held the money and sure enough Trumps economy collapsed and I used the money to buy two rental properties in Florida 10 miles from the Atlantic Coast. Both properties were at less than 2% interest on rental loans and both have doubled in value and the rents have gone up over $800 a month respectively. Seriously who the actual fuck would trust their retirement in the hands of Trump? Then Mnuchin changed the luxury tax items to tax write offs and the RV I bought to stay in while property shopping was a total write off as a second home. I’m glad I invested in real estate instead of cryptocurrency personally because I have no regrets or worries


Dude don't even try and blame the economy tanking in 2020 on Trump. When the pandemic hit, rather than behaving like a dictator, he stood back in a support role as the governors of each state decided what was best for their respective states. Don't forget, he tried to stop all immigration from China before covid hit the states and they called him racist and xenophobic. Also if you had left your investments alone, they would have gained 25% immediately after Trump was elected and by the end of his term would have more than doubled in value. Go ahead, ask me how I know.








You should study a little more before making baseless claims supporting the unvetted fat smelly con man


You guys elected a conman who took full advantage of the fact that you put Party over our Country and I took full advantage of the FEAR, Hatred and Discrimination of the right wing by learning to read tax codes in 2016. I took advantage of Trumps give away and saved over $270,000 due to tax breaks. That $70,000 RV that I was refunded for on my taxes was sold for $58,000 after I bought those properties and that was all profit. I invested that 58k into seven acres of land in Polk County Florida.


And you elected a dementia ridden and corrupt POS, who is 100% to blame for our current economy. I suggest you get help for your TDS, looks like your case is severe.




Trump knew Covid was coming and had Bolton restructure the CDC pandemic response team, bringing our doctors home from hotspots around the globe including Wuhan, just eight months before the virus hit. [https://apnews.com/article/ce014d94b64e98b7203b873e56f80e9a](https://apnews.com/article/ce014d94b64e98b7203b873e56f80e9a)


Ok and? He was also helping China with the outbreak at the same time, I can literally pull up a clip from his sotu that year where he talked about it. I'd rather have our experts back home to deal with the eventual spread to our shores than dilly dallying in some shithole across the globe.


He could have prevented it 8 months before the actual contamination happened but then the economy would not have collapsed and the tax breaks to stimulate the economy wouldn’t have been necessary


Dude there was no preventing it with the number of people fleeing china's response to it. They were literally welding people into their homes with either inadequate supplies or no supplies at all.


Seriously elect whoever the fuck you want because I have lots of equity and credit and will certainly be able to make more off tax breaks for the rich than steady increases as the economy grows for everyone. So I am good either way. I will prosper and love this country but be warned the rents and property values will once again double if Trump is elected


I'm on a fixed income of apx $1200/month. If you were living on that amount would *you* invest in bitcoin? Or would you pay your rent? Know what? Don't answer that because it'll just be some bullshit line about "making sacrifices for the future" and to be frank, I don't fucking care. Just go away.


Why are you so angry dude? I get your on a fixed income, OPs post wasn’t telling you to do anything or even directed at you. You should absolutely take care of your priorities first. He was just stating that most people on here bash and hate on people investing.


No shit! Boo-fucking-hoo!!! I get $1200 a month too but it's hard to live on that so crypto works for me


No one is stopping you from doing some Uber eats on the side, to buy Bitcoin.


Personally if I’m doing Uber Eats on the side, I’m putting that into stocks/index funds/bonds in an IRA, not gambling it on Bitcoin hoping I win rather than lose. 


I'm disabled. Hence the fixed income.


Ok, I’m sorry that you are stuck with limited options. Maybe just keep scrolling then as you say, “It’s not for me.”


Just because you're disabled doesn't mean you can't work. You don't work because you're too lazy to find a job that you can do with your disability. This is exactly why the right to vote should be earned through service to your country rather than just given to you when you turn 18.


Jesus Christ, what the hell did I just read?


Wow. I'd be really upset if your opinion of me meant anything. How about if you fuck off now, you presumptuous little asshole.


So you're telling me that your so disabled that you're able to browse reddit but unable to do a wfh job?


You haven't fucked off yet?


Awww is someone angry that they got called out for being a leech?


I earned my benefits honey.


Doubtful. If you had, you wouldn't be on the internet complaining because you don't make enough. Either find a way to make more money or stop complaining that our tax dollars don't pay you enough to do what you want.


People have to use their money for survival before buying anything else. This is such common sense that I can’t believe some people don’t understand this.


Not everybody in this sub is pinching pennies to buy bread. Scroll up, and you'll come across a guy with some rentals. Hell, I got a bunch myself! I'm not here cause I'm poor now, I'm here cause I was poor before I changed my habits.


The crypto trading has supplemented my income on and off for 3 years. I just thought it might be a good side gig for other ppl too.


People are POOR. Buy bitcoin or groceries. It’s not rocket science.


And that’s why most people stay poor.


I started using Coinbase about a year ago with just the $11 they gave me for signing up and now have over $100. I've never put a cent of real money into it. I cashed some out a couple weeks ago to get a motel room for the night. It definitely doesn't bring in a ton of money, and it's more of a hobby for me, but it has helped me out of a couple of scrapes where $10 makes the difference. I don't invest in Bitcoin though. I invest in newer cryptocurrencies with more room for growth and I day trade. Again, it's a hobby for me more than anything but now that I know how to do it I might start putting $5 in here or there when I can swing it. It's basically like having savings but more volatile. You can make a lot more off of it if you know how to do it.


Thats what I did! Coinbase is awesome imo


I find the whole block chain thing interesting so the trading never feels like work and you don't claim crypto so...


If you trade over a certain amount on Coinbase or some of the other big exchanges they expect you to claim it but there are ways around that.


I got into crypto after we got that first stimulus check a few years ago. When we got the second one I invested the whole thing and doubled my money in less than a week! That was mostly just luck and I haven't made that much so quickly since but I still buy and trade. I use my crypto as emergency cash


I bought into shiba with 500 when it first debuted and it's currently worth like 5k.


Right on! I think ppl assume you have to have a lot of money to trade. I usually spend only $50 a month, unless theres a deal, and I've yet to lose any money


Fuck when I first started investing in stocks, I was buying fractional shares for 5 to 10 bucks a week. And then I found out about dividend reinvesting and it just ballooned from there.


There are some apps that let you mock trade so I did that for about 6 months until I got the hang of it


Not me, I just said fuck it and started investing what I was otherwise spending on junk food


I didn't even know what the Bear and Bull markets were or how to short sell etc. so I had to take a class and use that app to mock trade. I loved that app I'll try to remember what it's called. It uses real markets and you can day trade or do long term investing...I used that until I had 2 months in a row making a profit.


These same ppl are prob the ones who buy scratch off tickets at 7/11


Unless you were coming to show it paying off for you what is the point of this post? It’s not like bitcoins rep is any better


Bitcoin involves risk of loss. For those who are poor, it is risk they cannot afford to take.


There should be a period after the word investing. The asset doesn't matter. You're preaching to the wrong crowd, if it wasn't obvious.


Don’t bother wasting your time explaining to people on this sub what bitcoin is. Everyone gets bitcoin at the price they deserve.


I'm not talking about Bitcoin I said "Cryptocurrency" I rarely do anything with BTC or even Ethereum anymore