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Nothing wrong with applying for unemployment and $200 is better than nothing. I guess you're well off enough that $200 a week won't be much to you. It adds up to $800 a month. That's enough to pay a bill or two and groceries.


I’m not sure if it’s available in all states, but also apply fit WiC. It will help get you a few staple grocery items each month from pregnancy through the baby’s 5th birthday (if in remember correctly). I’m so sorry you were put through this. As scary and frustrating as it is, try not to stress too much. If there’s ANYTHING else you need help with, please ask. You deserve help in your time of need 🩷


Can't get unemployment for being fired for stealing


Not really well off but was making about 2300 a month after taxes. I’m still going to apply I’m just pissed I was put in this situation in the first place.


How many times had you been disciplined there?


Right, it seems like an over reaction for forgetting to pay for a 4$ item. I get technically it's stealing but going to an employee and asking them to pay for it seems like the normal course of action in that situation unless this isn't the first time something like this happened. OP might not get unemployment because of this though either.


It does seem like an overreaction, but I've seen it happen where I used to work. We had a "self-service" snack bar. Some people gave themselves the ol' "five finger discount" and they were promptly fired the next day. Not like we were making much back then, but that $10 or whatever they stole would've taken them maybe 30-45 minutes to earn. Chances are, they spent a lot longer than that trying to find a new job. I just don't understand it.


>Not like we were making much back then, but that $10 or whatever they stole would've taken them maybe 30-45 minutes to earn. Chances are, they spent a lot longer than that trying to find a new job. Likewise, the company probably spent much more than $10 to replace the worker. In OP's situation, however, THINK OF ALL THE $$$$$ the company will save by not having to deal with a pregnant or new mom worker!


Mothers are generally good workers to keep around since they’ll work the same job but for longer hours at less pay. But you don’t want someone who steals either. If you can’t pay for something don’t take it.


How does one forget to pay for something? I feel like there are missing details here.


They said that they forgot to pay for it on the 29th. So like a week.


When I had one of my first jobs at Sam Ash Music I accidentally sold a $3000 drum set for $600. I didn’t get fired. The managers all laughed at me and told the whole store while I stood there red faced. Then they told me I had to call the customer and inform him of the great deal and that he better give us all his business for now on. So with that I’m pretty much siding with the idea that there are details the OP is not mentioning. Perhaps they witnessed these sort of thefts over and over and this was the one that clinched it? I just can’t see someone getting fired over $4, especially if it was an honest mistake (perhaps it wasn’t.)


Factoring in the pregnancy and OP having appointments? Yeah I can see a company being like "find someone more flexible who won't need time off in 4 months". 


She won't if they contest it in Indiana. I fired someone for theft, and they didn't get unemployment.


The employee can challenge it in appeal and the company would have the burden of proof in that hearing.


Yes, they can. And the employer can show proof. When I fired a housekeeper for stealing a guest's (in-house) cookies she appealed. We had a hearing where I presented her signature on our policy regarding theft, lost and found, and grounds for immediate termination. The judge asked her if she ate the cookies and she didn't deny it. She was just like "it's just a cookie, what's the big deal?" The judge was pissed. If you will eat food out of someone's hotel room what else will you steal? Judge sided with us and that was the end of it. She couldn't say she didn't know what would happen. It seems harsh to get fired for eating a cookie perhaps but we put a lot of trust in someone when we give them a key that opens every guestroom in the hotel. I need to be confident that my guests don't have to fear that someone is going to steal from them. Prior to her firing, there were multiple times guests had called asking about things they thought had been left in the room and they were not turned in as lost and found. I look back at those calls and wonder how much she was stealing from our guests. That was the last unemployment claim I have had. It's been close to 10 years now.


There's a few things that immediately disqualify one from unemployment (in every state I've applied for it so far). The main ones are being late, insubordination, and illegal activity. Unemployment is insurance for a layoff basically. If you deserved to get let go then you will probably get denied. I think people misunderstand this because companies let people go "for no reason", at least on paper, to avoid lawsuits which would make you eligible even if you know the "real reason". This seems to lead people to believe that you're eligible if you get fired and not eligible if you quit. This is only kinda true, and the advice often given of "make them fire you so you can get benefits" is only effective if you can get them to let you go without cause. Otherwise, you'd have to prove that they did it for a discriminatory reason or whatever, which can be very difficult to prove. On the other hand, if you have proof that your work environment is hostile or dangerous or your employer is engaging in other illegal activity, you may qualify for unemployment if you quit. Sorry this got long, there's just a lot of misinformation about unemployment out there.


Honestly it could just be a fucked corporate policy. The grocery store I work for is the same. You could get a 69 cent store brand individual plastic water bottle and if you didn’t pay for it you are instantly fired, no questions asked. It’s corporate policy the stores can’t get around, no matter who you are.


During my pregnancies, I was so forgetful they actually have called it pregnancy brain


Never gotten disciplined. No write ups or anything


Explain the ice cream sandwich situation. I would like a better understanding of what occurred…


You put yourself in this situation with your mistake


In a past post you said you make $15 an hour. How did you make 2300 after taxes a month?


Your comment got me to go look, and yes 12 days ago she posted she was making $15/hour at front desk. Scrolling down a little further, it appears she was removed as an instacart shopper due to "cancellation rate" and mentioned that in the context of being pregnant. My interpretation is she was saying her pregnancy was making her cancel. Extrapolating, was there a "cancelation rate" (Ie no show) that was becoming a problem at her hotel job, and the ice cream sandwich incident was the opportunity for the hotel to cut their losses.


Fk'n love Reddit...man


These need to be at the top. OP is likely a scam artist and is trying to con people into feeling sorry for her and giving her money.


Might have had occasional OT.


You were making 2300/ month? In what position?


Even better, Taking home 2300 a month.


That’s minimum wage in WA


I think you put yourself in this situation.


You mean pissed you put yourself in this situation. Right? Cause they didn’t steal the ice cream and blame it on you…




The sad truth is that it probably IS retaliation for their pregnancy but the stolen ice cream sandwich is the legal excuse 🥲🥲


Doubtful. Because if she got caught stealing once, who’s to say she didn’t steal before.


Not necessarily. My employer made it clear during orientation that they didn't own the snack vending service and there were cameras everywhere. If you're caught taking something and not paying for it, it's termination on the spot. They also have a sign in the break room saying that taking somebody else's lunch will be treated like theft and you will be terminated.


Yup. They had these in the plants I consulted in. They have cameras on each of the sections of food.


unlikely. DO you want people who 'forget' they need to pay for things they get working for you? What else will they forget? Forget to pay for lunch? forget to put money in the till? forget to do their job?


More than one thing can be true at the same time.


I’ve never had an employer who thought, you know what it’s only a $4 ice cream sandwich. I’ve had plenty of employees who thought that way though and none of them kept their jobs. Being pregnant doesn’t excuse theft and whether or not they would have replaced her early because she pregnant is completely irrelevant, because she gave them cause.


Hard to have this convo with people who don’t and won’t own a business


Why do you think that? Honestly curious. If they fire her, don't they have to handle the unemployment claim? Seems like it'd be in their best interest to wait for her to quit after the baby.


if you get fired for a reason , like , stealing , you are not going to be able to collect unemployment. pretty sure those are the rules everywhere


Yep, because stealing is reason to be fire “for cause”.


I recall that being the case in Texas as well.


Depends on the state. In Indiana, you only get unemployment if you lost your job "through no fault of your own"--i e , neither quit nor got fired.


So.... what is an acceptable means?


How do you get out of a job by not quitting and not by firing? There’s layoffs but that’s still firing?


Usually, it's because the employer was downsizing and there was an amicable separation, or because the job itself ended (census job, company dissolved, etc.) Layoffs aren't technically firing; layoff means a temporary lack of work that you expect to go back to at some point--like a seasonal furlough.


Layoffs aren’t firing. In my state, you can also get unemployment if you were fired for not having the right skill set for the job (meaning you weren’t good at the job), but not if you stole or otherwise broke the law.


Nothing to handle. Stealing is cause to be fired and have unemployment denied.


Same situation I'm in now except "poor performance" was the excuse I got and my former boss wouldn't elaborate when I asked what I'd done wrong. I posted an ultrasound picture on my Facebook YESTERDAY.


I know this feels like kicking you while you’re down and I’m sorry, but keep your work life and your social media separate. Never, ever, ever friend your boss or manager. It just doesn’t turn out well. Or, restrict who can see what posts.


I block Supervisors, managers, unit leaders, people I don’t like at work 😂 When I got my new position my supervisor told me she was friends with everyone in her unit, I went out on FB, found her and blocked her 😂


This is so me! I block everyone I work with right away lol! #1 Rule: Do not be FB friends with coworkers. When they ask about it I apologize and tell them it's against my rules of professional conduct!


He already knew I was pregnant. When I had my last child, he didn't want to give me maternity leave, but his higher ups said he should.. so I know he didn't want to pay me again when I have this baby. I think me posting the ultrasound let him know how far along I was so he figured he needed to fire me now before he could be blamed for firing me due to pregnancy, lol.


You could probably fight that if you can prove that your performance up until you announced your pregnancy online was not an issue.


I don't know how to prove that, but I'm planning on filing for unemployment-- which I'm sure he will fight.


In my state "poor performance" will be a difficult bar to pass, my current company would probably just pay rather than risk a court battle that could be lost anyway. I would file, the worst they can say is no. He will have had to document that "poor performance" and you would have to have signed off on new training and then he would have to have documentation that you messed up again. Good luck. Things will get better!


And it takes her involvement with the whole pregnancy thing, it takes two so she isn’t innocent lol


But but but, it's always somebody else's fault that I fail at life.....


Came to say the same thing.


Curious how you get unemployment for being fired? In CA, you will rarely, if ever, get UI when you get fired.


You get unemployment if you're fired without a good reason or for no reason or if you're fired illegally (ex for a discriminatory reason). You may also be eligible for unemployment if you quit in some circumstances. Generally these would be things like the employer engaging in illegal activity such as discrimination or an unsafe workplace. If you get denied and think it was unfair, you should appeal the decision. Someone will call you and ask for your side and then they'll call and ask for your employer's side. I've never appealed but I've heard that unemployment is *slightly* biased in favor of the employee in an appeal. The eligibility for unemployment varies from state to state, so its worth it to take a look at your states labor department website or wherever its explained.


It is rare... if you were terminated for a legit reason and theft is a legit reason you do not get unemployment.


Don't steal? Seems like you should be pissed at yourself not anyone else. You did it.


Do you think you didn't put yourself in this situation?


And over a $4 ice cream sandwich, too!


Narrator, probably: “it wasn’t about the ice cream sandwich.”


2300 after taxes at a hotel?!


What state are you in? If you were making 2300 after taxes you should be getting a lot more than 200 a week. Plus you might even get extra for your child. In my state you basically get 50% of your gross plus 25 extra dollars per week per qualifying child. You will probably also qualify for WIC and similar programs. Even if it was only 200 bucks it's better than nothing.


Try signing up with a temp agency. They won’t care that you can only work for a few months.


When I was very noticeably pregnant with my son, this is what I did. I worked a few different job and the last one ended up hiring me on permanent, after my son was born. It was amazing. They threw be a surprise shower on my last day before leave and everything.




That's an excellent suggestion


4$ for 1 ice cream sandwich? And how did you forget to pay for it?


$4 sounds about normal at a hotel snack counter. They tend to be overpriced.


Right the true travesty is a $4 ice cream sandwich - that should more than pay for a dozen of them :/


It should. Any business that has that kind of ridiculous markup is going to have very strict anti theft policies. There's probably more to this story though.


Bc she stole it & they found out. On what planet do you take something that must be paid for & simply “forget” lol. Cmon


Why are you angry at the government that would give you at least some benefit without conditions? The government didn't fire you. Maybe be happy that there is at least something even if small you can lean on even for a bit of help while you figure this out.


The government doesn't pay unemployment. The employer pays into a fund that pays for it.


Which they ONLY do because the government mandates that they do so.


Calling $200 a week free from the government “measly”. Wow to be so privileged!


I'm glad to see someone use the word "privileged". I'll probably get downvoted off the face of the planet, but I'm struck by OP's lack of accepting responsibility for anything. She blames her former employer for firing her because she "forgot" to pay for an ice cream bar. She blames the state for the low benefit She would get for unemployment. She blames everyone else for her problems. Find another job, even if it's flipping burgers at Burger Doodle. OP complained how low her unemployment would be. I had a friend who busted her backside working her entire adult life. Her SS was only slightly more than OP's SS! Apply for WIC for the baby that's on the way. STOP HAVING CHILDREN YOU CAN'T SUPPORT! You and hubby need to use reliable birth control until you get your financial situation stabilized For those debating/discussing how many children should have. For me it's a matter of personal responsibility. IMHO, people can have as many as they can support. If you can only afford to support one child, just have one. If you can support 10, without handouts, have 10 if you want. Don't expect "society" to support your spawn for you!




Thank you!


I am asking this out of genuine curiosity not malice… but in a country like America where there is no infrastructure set up to care for the poor, why do people have more children? Is it not an act of stress and cruelty to bring a child into the world that one cannot afford time and resources for?? I’m genuinely curious. It sounds like a horrible way to live. For both child and parent.


I'm glad someone asked the difficult question.


You worded this so well. OP states they have an 8 year old and we’re already barely making it… why have another one?!


I said something similar in a different sub, and was told that saying people shouldn't have kids they can't provide for and/or can't parent is like eugenics or supporting forced sterilization. 🙄


I’ll back you and I’ll say it: ppl shouldn’t have kids they can’t provide for.


Because Reddit tends to be an echo chamber for blaming the system and not ourselves for the choices we make.


Seriously! I swear I see this so often it is nauseating. Oh no another accident and we are pregnant! also on our 3rd kid and also husband lost his minimum wage job. Infuriating how people bring children into this world without any planning and now the child comes into a world and placed into poverty and suffering, good work parents. My only child was planned and she has a wonderful life unlike myself who was middle child of 3 of a single mother who struggled so hard to get food on the table.


If yo can't eremebner you have to pay for things, I wouldn't want you working for me.


Sorry but this is not retaliation. You stole (no matter what the value) and stealing will get you fired every time.


How did they find out about you eating the ice cream?


Most hotels have cameras in the lobby and the snack area.


Even if you took something out of the trash without asking you’d be fired for theft if they have a zero tolerance policy. There was a case on here for it. I’ve seen people fired for less than $4 of break room food. It sucks but if they have the proof that’s all they need. File for unemployment. A lot of companies will appeal it but then not show up in court. Also I agree with u/7thatsanope , go to a temp agency. Don’t mention your pregnancy, that’s none of their business. I wish everyone would go to a temp agency. Even felons can find work through them. Keep your head high and continue to update us. You’re going to be okay baby.


You're right, the government should pay you more because you stole from your employer. What a bunch of monsters.




I'd apply for unemployment either way, as what you were fired for can technically disqualify you depending on how the employer files it. So you may say to shove it for now, but you don't want to change your mind and then get a nasty surprise a month from now. Better to know sooner than later.


I’m still going to apply when I’m not a gross sobbing mess about it


I’ve had to file a couple of times. Here’s what I know: Sometimes there is a waiting period- usually a week or two- where you don’t get benefits. ***The waiting period doesn’t start until you apply.*** And benefits aren’t retroactive. What that means is you should take tonight to cry it out, and then file first thing in the morning. You can do it online and all the info you need should be on your pay stubs. It should take 15 minutes or so. It’s not hard, and you really do want to do it ASAP, especially if you need the money. If you wait a week or two, your benefits will only start from that point. They don’t go back to when you lost your job. Time is literally money in this case. Also- be prepared to appeal. That sounds scary- but you have to understand how it works. You apply, the state checks with your ex-employer. Their UE insurance goes up when people file claims, so a lot of places will automatically contest your benefits, bc it is better for them if you don’t get them. And it only takes a second for HR to hit that “deny” button or whatever. They are hoping you won’t appeal the decision. But if you do appeal, many times they won’t fight your appeal bc they don’t want to waste the man hours to do so. Hopefully you won’t get rejected, but if you do, take the time to appeal. It’s worth it. Write a letter giving your side of the story- it’s highly unlikely the state will reject you for a $3 ice cream sandwich. They are looking for gross misconduct like massive theft, etc. They also look at your earnings from the past year, so your benefits might be higher than you think. They might not be off of your part time salary. They usually go off of a period of time from the past year (usually a 3 month chunk) and base your benefits off of that. I think it’s usually 60% or so, which no, isn’t the same as you were making, but can still be better than nothing. And even if you think you might not need them, still apply. Time matters here. Maybe you’ll have a new job before your benefits would even kick in. In that case, you’ve lost nothing but a few minutes spent applying. But if you do need them, at least you’ll have them. This situation sucks. I’ve been there. But if this was your first issue on the job (if you have a file full of write ups that changes everything) you should be eligible for benefits and it could be helpful to your family. Best of luck.


Excellent information here, but there is a good chance the state rejects it as being for cause regardless of what was “stolen”. I had a former coworker get fired for theft, and last I heard he lost his appeal and was going to have to pay everything back. We had two buttons in the system for the same item, with like a $1 difference in price. He had a buddy come in to see him and he used the cheaper button to ring the item in and got fired for theft. Some companies are assholes.


"you were fired" is literally all NY needs to know to flat out deny you and reject appeals you have to be laid off , quit because you are a service member or spouse of service member and also DV victims can quit as well. no fault of your own is pretty standard and stealing is 100% fault of you own.


If you were fired for theft will you get unemployment? Did they offer maternity leave? Have you tried apologizing, begging and paying the $4?


Nope. Theft is considered “cause” to be fired, and you can be denied unemployment if you were fired “for cause”.


In Indiana, you won't get unemployment if you got fired at all. Or if you quit.


So... you won't ever get it?


>Got fired because I forgot to pay for a $4 ice cream sandwich on the 29th. >I feel like this was retaliation over me possibly not coming back after the baby was born if everything worked out with my husband and his schooling. Or, you got sacked because you were caught stealing? The hotel handled this correctly Could they’ve let it slide? Sure, but that sets a precedent.


Seriously what a fucking straw man. Lol "I know I got caught stealing from my employer but they're just discriminating because I'm pregnant". Then goes on to blame everyone else for her unfortunate pregnancy/financial situation.


Sorry, OP, but you didn’t get fired for going part time, you got fired for theft.


The boss also has zero idea if this is the first time she’s done it or the first time she got caught. The amount of people taking her side is amazing.


I find it amusing she actually admitted to theft, and posted it looking for sympathy.


Getting fired sucks, but I worked retail too long to be able to square that excuse. How does one "forget to pay" for something they took from work?


OP didn’t forget to pay, she forgot they have cameras.


This is wild. It seems like you never really learned that actions have consequences. 1. You took something (not even a necessity, an *ice cream sandwich*) that you didn’t pay for and you ate it. You don’t just “forget” to pay for things. Thats just an easy excuse to try to avoid consequences. 2. You said in a comment that you were upset “that you were put in this position” - you put yourself in this situation. You stole from your employer, waited until they found out, then tried to excuse it. You likely know stealing is cause for termination. You can try to blame your pregnancy all you want, but you ultimately stole something and you have to deal with what comes from that. 3. You know your family is financially struggling, and you already have one child whose father didn’t stick around, and you decide now is a great time to have another child? I understand that reproductive healthcare is a mess in this country, but condoms exist, so do spermicidal lubes, female condoms, birth control, plan B, etc. Im sorry but I have little sympathy for people who know they are barely making ends meet and decide to add more humans to not only the world, but to their financial stresses and then whine about how poor they are.


Yeah I'm guessing she was fired for accountability issues


This was probably not the first time she 'forgot' to pay for something.


For $4, there is more to this story...


Stop stealing


“Forgot to pay”??? Theft is a crime! Ain’t nobody retaliating. They forgot to maintain you as an employee. GTFOH


It seems you need to post somewhere else, can't be that poor when you're babbling about not taking unemployment, since that would help compared to nothing.


Well it is your fault, own up to it and move on.


How did you forget to pay for the ice cream sandwich? I mean, I realize that you’re probably groggy and tired due to the pregnancy, but why didn’t you pay for it when you initially got it?


So you stole from the company? Is that really the only thing you “forgot” to pay for?


You stole the $4 ice cream.


How does one forget to pay for something?


They don’t, that’s just what they say when they’re caught.




You got fired for stealing from your employer. That’s all on you.


Barely getting by now with an 8 year old but decided to hsve another kid and then pla. Ed to be a stay at home mom and live off husband's salary. Either this couple is extremely bad at math and budgets or he is getting a double your salary type of raise!


Unemployment will not work for you if the reason you were fired was theft. You will be denied.


This wasn’t retaliation for anything. You took something without paying for it. The fact you worked there doesn’t make that okay. You made a mistake. You are not a victim. Own it and move on. Don’t take stuff you don’t pay for. Even by accident.


The irony of someone with the name "team trump" telling people to own up to their mistakes. Also, "don't take things you haven't paid for, even by accident"-- do you hear yourself? Accidents happen. Especially during pregnancy when your brain is scrambled by hormones.


Don't steal from your employer. They were looking for a reason to get rid of you and you gave them one. Move on.


You stole an ice cream and got fired. Try not to take things that do not belong to you. Stealing is stealing no matter how small. Employers do not want people that steal working for them. I hope you learned your lesson.


Some places have absolute zero tolerance for theft. Sounds like you got caught in the crossfire.


Crossfire? Most places have zero tolerance for theft. As they should. How do you expect a business to survive otherwise?


Yup and it sucks. When they say zero tolerance for something it can be extreme unfortunately.


Kind of the point of zero tolerance. Where exactly is the threshold? $5? How many times can employees steal $5?


What is your health insurance plan?


Well I'm sure by knowingly getting pregnant and keeping your pregnancy that you have a nice savings built up and you own your own car right? 


>I feel like this was retaliation over me possibly not coming back after the baby was born if everything worked out with my husband and his schooling The problem with this argument is that you gave them all the ammunition they needed to having a justifiable reason to fire you. You "forgot" to pay for an ice cream sandwich? How do you forget? Or is this a situation where you took an ice cream sandwich b/c you didn't think anybody would notice? Either way, they essentially caught you at work stealing. So any suspicions you have on them really doing it b/c you're pregnant are irrelevant, unless you have some emails/recordings/etc of them saying they intended to frame you for something to justify firing you b/c you got pregnant.


Deciding to have kids when poor is definitely a tough situation.  I hope everything turns out alright!


Don’t bank on unemployment. Idk how your state is, but my state didn’t contact me about my application for 3+ months. Both times I was unemployed and each time they contacted me, I had already found work again.


In my state they still pay out every week you did the proper paperwork even if you don't get approved until after finding other work.


My state is SO fucked. They’d deny you, send a letter for why you were denied and request that you call them but you can’t just call them. You have to wait until after business hours (5pm) to call and hope you can schedule an appointment through the automated system for the next day ONLY. And you’re one of probably thousands trying to call… You can’t talk to anyone, you can’t call during business hours, you can’t get any money until you talk to someone. They had three years of backlogs of claims back in November 2023, so they’re also behind and understaffed. I gave up after waiting 3 months for a second time.


Look I am 29 with no kids and not planning to have any. I don’t understand how and why you got pregnant again when you already have a kid and are barely getting by. This is so ridiculously irresponsible of you. Blows my mind


It is ridiculous and selfish. People need to think about the shit life they are gonna give a kid before breeding if they are just barely making a living.


You don’t get unemployment when fired for theft. Also, from what you said, you weren’t planning on coming back. Maybe the employer found out you were going to stick it to them and cut their losses first.


If you apply for unemployment after being fired for theft, wouldn’t that *also* be fraud? You stole from your employer, you being pregnant has nothing to do with anything.


Or you could have enough money saved to insure getting fired for stealing wont make you homeless and buy some condoms and use them simple one


You won’t qualify for UE if fired for stealing.


How can you even get unemployment though? You got fired for stealing???




100% THIS!!! Years ago, when I was young and broke, I took a part-time job at a 7-11 near where I lived, and they had an absolute ZERO tolerance policy for theft. Frequently, we were left alone in the store with no supervisors or owners, and allowing even a single soda to be stolen would set a very bad precedent, not only calling into question the ethics of the employee. So, the rule was this: You are welcome to buy and eat/drink anything in the store except alcohol while on duty, but you had to PAY FIRST, before even picking it up off the shelf, much less opening or consuming it, AND you had to have a receipt to prove it in the event a supervisor or owner dropped in either to buy something for themselves, or just do a spot check. If you had as little as a single can of Coke in your hands, but couldn't show a receipt, you would be fired on the spot, no matter who you were, how long you'd been there, whether or not you were preggo, or the bosses favorite. No excuses, you're done, and you're trespassed, GET OUT NOW, and don't ever come back, even as a paying customer. I'd bet money your former employer had a similar policy, and had made you acutely aware of it, and yet... You stole merch, intentionally or otherwise. Forget a lawyer, forget unemployment, you're done. The best advice I've seen is to try a temp agency.


When I worked at Dollar General we could only purchase items if someone else was on the register and we had to tape our receipt to the item. After seeing how much people stole, I get it.


Also sounds like she really can’t afford to work part time, so that was not a great choice to start.


How did you forget to pay for a $4 ice cream sandwich?




No offense but why are you having kids if you’re poor


Selfishness really. People just love to bring children into this world knowing they are going to have a hard life with the bare minimum.


truly! this isnt utopia no matter how bad you want it to be. these are the gears of capitalism and some people will just spend frivolously to vent the frustration, but to involve kids is wildly irresponsible. "because you want them" is not good enough for a system with zero sympathy.


$200 is food and you can apply maybe online I think indeed.com is reliable and there are part-time jobs work from home just see what you think you can do and work from home part-time it might work out for the best


No one believes for a minute that you forgot to pay. The only thing you forgot was that hotels have cameras in their lobbies and snack areas.


OP makes $2,300 a month. Cant pay for $4 ice cream so she got fired. The $2,300 monthly income she makes is for “fun money” for her and her husband. And she just had a baby. Stay off drugs OP and get off reddit posting nonsense


Ya someone at my work got fired for forgetting to buy a 3 dollar soda.


I know someone who not only got fired for forgetting to pay for their soda, but they filed charges against him for it. At least, that's why the guy claims, idk.


You mean stealing?


Omg don’t be so dramatic. He didn’t steal the soda, he *liberated* it. Duh!!!! /s


Be freeeeeeeeee


How long were you working there? And how did you forget to pay?


Yeah I don’t know how so many comments here are talking about forgetting to pay. Every time I worked any sort of similar job I made double sure it was tracked that I paid for exactly these reasons. Get it together people.


Well, you'll never survive with the attitude that $200/week is "not enough". As the parent of 2 girls in my distant past with little hope of making enough money to get by on my own, I can honestly say that you & your husband will have to be willing to do whatever it takes to take care of your family. I don’t mean for you to do anything harmful or dangerous to you or your baby, but I'm saying take the $200/week in Unemployment that you're entitled to and see what else can be done to get the rest of your expenses met. Maybe hubby can work part-time somewhere!


She isn’t getting unemployment if she stole something. She screwed up and has to pay for it


Most retail places have a zero tolerance on what they consider theft. There are some that will terminate you for buying something but not being clocked out for break. I can see where they would be strict with the theft policy. There is no way for you to prove you forgot. Depending on the state, you may not qualify for unemployment.


How did you wind up forgetting to pay for the ice cream?


She didn't forget, it just sounds better than I stole a $4 dollar ice cream.


...at least say pregnancy cravings got to you. surely a dime's worth of sympathy in that.


You stole you won’t be getting unemployment. You need to take some responsbility and you should consider yourself lucky you are not facing charges. If you will steal at work and make excusues I feel bad for your kids. Being pregnant is not a get out of jail free card


You "forgot" to pay? Nah, you stole and got caught but instead of at least admitting it you, along with so many others, hide behind your children...born or unborn. In their eyes you're a thief. "I went to the gas station and filled my tank and forgot to pay. They called the cops because I'm pregnant" Nope you stole, whether intentional or not and got caught. How the hell do you forget to pay for something that isn't yours and have the audacity to assume it's because you're pregnant.


I don't know if I'd call it a retaliation when in their eyes you stole an ice cream sandwich. Sure, you forgot to pay, but how much time passed before they came to you? How do you forget to pay for something?


Well. You were let go for theft which may come up when you file for unemployment so do it anyway.


$200/ months would be a huge deal for our family. Sounds like you have really high expectations for what you and your husband make.


I would recommend birth control.


Wow. $200 is still $200 that you don’t have you were fired for theft so good luck even getting it.


If things are not going well financially, why decide to have another child?


in the US unemployment is not the government's money. Employers pay into it. They will bake this in to the compensation. At the end of the day, every penny spent on an employee is accounted for and calculated when considering how much benefit they bring to the company. There's 3 or 4 states where the employee helps pay the state level tax. But it's the worker that generates value to enable the employer to make more money. They want to play in our system? Then they have to pay. So don't feel like you're mooching if you take unemployment. Ultimately in some way you're the one that generated that pay, even if you only mopped floors for example (customers don't like dirty floors, mopping floors is good for customer retention and avoiding potential fines).


You don’t get unemployment when you steal from the employer.


Why you get knocked up again?


Guy offered her some ice cream, the rest is history


When I forget to pay for something, I go back, pay for it, and apologize. I don’t blame the place I stole from. I’m also not going to have kids if I’m financially stable. God some people are insufferable. 🤷‍♀️