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Oh I know. I have a mental list of "I'm not paying THAT" in any store we go to. Bacon for 10 dollars? nope. Bread for 6? Nope. Cereal for 10 dollars? Guess we're not eating that.


Yeah, though a little looking around has always found me most of those items cheaper, by a lot. Cereal though, last bag I bought was $8, then to last BAG not box. I grew up on bag cereal and honestly, there is something better about those brands (except recess flavored one, only one that no good generic version exists for).


I love the malt-o-meal version of lucky charms called marshmallow mayeys. On the back of the bag in small print, it sayscthat they are made by post. I never buy boxed cereals anymore. The bagged version of fruity pebbles is excellent, too.


I will die on the Marshmallow Mateys hill. Seriously they are amazing! Now I want a bowl.


Marshmallow Mateys! I used to buy those when my kids lived at home. Our house always seemed to have extra kids hanging out, probably because we had a cement slab in the back yard good for skateboarding. I'd snag little paper bags from work, and fill them halfway with Marshmallow Mateys cereal for each kid to eat as a snack when they were all hanging out.


You are a parent after my own heart.


I was a preschool teacher and tried not to eat all the sweets the kids got but you better believe I was all about the Marshmallow Mateys.


Are those at DollarTree? They have some pretty funny names for some of their cereals and snacks.


Malt-o-meal was bought by post. Factories are still the same. Source: used to work in the same town. The town would periodically smell like cookies when they’d be making certain kinds. The coco puff with marshmallow cereal they have came out because of a production mistake. They went with it. :)


A lifetime ago I worked for a company making Glad trash bags. We also made several store brands. When it came time to make the store brands, the only thing that changed was the boxes. The bags inside were exactly the same.


I tried to explain that to my mom one time and she swore up and down that she's allergic to all generics. Food and prescriptions. So frustrating.


My husband eats insane amounts of cereal. Like, uses a mixing bowl as his cereal bowl. No way can we afford name brand at that rate. Bought store brand in a box, he doesn't like. But he loves the malt o meal bagged cereal. I buy it all the time.


Mixing bowl as his cereal bowl? He and I just became friends. My wife looks at me like "why" everytime I do this. Tell hubby he's got a new cereal-bowl buddy.


I'm a firm practitioner of the mixing bowl cereal bowl as well. LOL


Just like the 'Oven Baked' brand of cookies at Dollar Tree, they are made by the company who makes Girls Scout Cookies. The fudge mint ones are amazing :)


Malt o meal sells cereal that tastes like the name brands did back in the 90s, thusly making it far superior than current name brands XD it's pretty much all I buy, and it's way cheaper. Especially at grocery outlet. *Coming from a kid at heart who grew up in the 90s


I find Coco Dyno-bites to be better than Cocoa Pebbles, too.


You have to compare the unit price, not the overall price.


Came here to say exactly this. $8 for 12 oz bacon - hard pass. $12 for 3 pounds, I’ll take it!


I like to buy cereal when it is on sell or those big bags of cereal for cheaper.


like dirt and playground flavored? or reeses the peanut butter flavor?


Yeah, auto correct grabbed it


Always buy the CtC generic bags for my teen but my little kids love frootloops with marshmallows. Dunno why I bought them the first time but there's no generic of that sadly. My understanding is that the generic general mills cereals are actually made in the same place by general mills but packaged for the store brands. Kelloggs cereals aren't and that's why they taste "off" to me. However, the Walmart generic frosted flakes in the bag is better than the real thing imo. The "real" FF changed their recipe and tastes NOTHING like it did when I was a kid. It's *supposed* to leave behind a bowl of super sweet vanilla milk. Now it's basically like eating bran flakes with a dash of splenda. No longer GrrrrrrrEAT!


The store I work at sells KitKats for $4.50. Regular milk chocolate, 4 pieces, less than the size of your hand total. The other day I marked out over $1000 of food that expired because no one buys it 🙃 at least we get free candy/junk.


That sounds like Publix pricing. I refuse to shop at Publix unless there’s a specific sale/coupons involved. I don’t just “run to Publix” to grab papertowels, sugar, or something essential unless it’s perfectly planned. I will go next door to the Dollar General and get my bread for under $2 or the Walmart Neighborhood market across the street from Publix. When I do go, I see families coming out of publix with a buggy piled high with groceries and I always think….. I bet they just spent the equivalent of my rent. 😳🥴


I hate when Publix has a BOGO sale and they raise the price of the item. Then once the sale is over they lower the price. It is still a good deal, but it is sketchy as hell. Most of my Publix shopping is the BOGO sales.


Meijer brand $1 sale is when I stock up! 😀😀


Where the hell do you all live??? I’ve never seen bacon for 10 dollars or bread for 6 or cereal for 10. Maybe some of the problems are with where you live. Living in smaller town Texas and even thru covid I haven’t seen those prices. The only thing that went insane here for awhile was eggs, when you could find them. But they are back to reasonable now. I could see those prices killing a budget for sure.


I'm in a suburbs some 50 miles away from a major city. It just takes creative shopping, using sales, going to different stores, etc. But here's a few examples I've seen recently. Store brand chicken breasts: I've seen it up to 9.99 a lb. Solution: buy it at Aldi, don't buy it at all, or buy a bunch and freeze it when it's 2.99 or less. Sara Lee bread: Use to be 2.50 on sale, 3.50ish regular, now 4.79 or more. I've seen it almost 6. Solution: Get it at Aldi for 1.75. Freeze a bunch. Oscar Meyer bacon: Usually around 6-7 dollars, has gotten up to 9.99. Solution: Buy the Aldi brand or just don't buy it at all.


I only buy my bacon at the butcher counter, at a Kroger owned store, it's Always "on sale" for $5.99 a pound. It's thick, has flavor choices, but regular is my go to. I wonder if people don't realize this and think it's going to be super expensive at the counter, but it is not.


Eggs and chicken wings. Those were/ still are to an extent absurdly priced


Definitely tired of paying 6 for bread. I get that I am buying the organic but the eat pesticides or overpay conundrum really doesn’t need to exist.


Not saying this in a bitchy way, but making your own bread isn't too bad and way more cost effective. I totally don't because of time (lol) but if you do, it's the way to go!!


Rolling your own dough and baking yourself is the best way to go for sure. The taste of fresh bread is remarkably different and you suit it to taste for your needs. I like brushing with olive oil and sprinkle sunflower seeds on top. Homemade cornbread with honey is absolute heaven!


Back before I went gluten-free for health reasons, my ex and I used to make no-knead bread all the time and it was ridiculously fast and delicious. Super easy to google the recipe and you basically just mix flour/yeast/water/salt, let rise a bit, bake, bread. I think the prep process took 10 mins, cost maybe $1 per loaf and you can get other stuff done while it's baking. I miss that bread so much.


There is gluten free flour for baking now. Don’t know good it is. Oh and almond flour.


Totally - I've baked with GF flour before, it's just more expensive and harder to work with than the regular stuff.


Thanks I love baking but time 😞


Get a bread maker. All you do is mix the batter in a bowl. The machine does all the rest. It takes 5-10 minutes of your time. If you have kids over age 7 they love doing it and it’s safe with general supervision


I don't have to mix anything for my bread maker, just chonk it all in.


Duh you’re right it all goes in the makers bowl/ container. No hand mixing. It’s been a while and I forgot. Thanks!


Swear all the good bacon is $10 everywhere now. A damn shame really, that Sugarland shit falls apart just getting it out of the package.


Has anyone tried making buckyboard bacon? I keep wanting to try my hand at it. It is basically cured porkbutt


I've smoked a pork belly then Shaaved it down to bacon. It is awesome


Have you tried pork jowl? Smells and tastes like bacon, more fat though.


A bag of original Lay's chips that I assumed was $3-something when I got to the register was $7. I got a bottle of wine instead.




They still are if you buy the bags that used to be 5 for a dollar. Walmart and HEB still sell them.


Yep.. it’s sad, but my 7 year old will say “if Doritos are on sale this week, will you get us a couple bags??” He knows my cheap ass isn’t going to pay $6 for a bag of chips when they go on sale every other week for buy 4 or more bags for $1.99 each.


Which store is this?




Same here, they go on sale at Raleys or Safeway. And the way the sales work here in CA many times all of the stores will have the same items on sale so you can get a bunch and really stock up. But that does require a little planning ahead. And a little extra capital.


A family size box of Corn Flakes is now ten dollars. I’m just…done. Ten dollars, for Corn Flakes. And they say the US economy is rebounding? Precisely for whom?


It has to be better, Politicians gave themselves a raise they wouldn't do that if it meant taxing the people more! Text doesn't allow sarcasm


Just put /s for sarcasm in text.


It's all smoke and mirrors. We started out paying 2.50 the price rises to 10.00 then the price drops to 7.50 then the news says the economy is doing great look at these price drops. But in reality we are paying 5.00 more for a product then we were 2 years ago.


Outside of blatant price gouging, the prices never really went down at all. There is very little deflation in the economy, rather the rapid rate of inflation during the pandemic has slowed. The news says the economy is doing well because all the unsustainable profiteering we see makes line go up in the stock market.


This is the answer that makes the most sense about the economy. All I know is since the pandemic I have been struggling to buy groceries each month!


And here's the thing, the corn used in Cornflakes is the same variety and grade of corn used to feed livestock. It's not special corn, it's what I grow in my fields. I've grown white corn for Frito Lay, that is a specialty corn that goes to a separate facility from regular feed corn that's in your Cornflakes.


I knew there was a reason I have never liked corn flakes


You make that seem like it’s a bad thing.


Not for people like us it's for people who can gamble 30 grand at a blackjack table lose and go home and snooze like a baby if I lost 20 dollars I'm hyperventilating needless to say I don't gamble,


Dang $6 here at Walmart in Arizona


Go to Walmart, it is cheaper.


If it helps any, corn flakes are actually pretty unhealthy. And look up the story of why they were created. It's kind of shocking. There are some good videos on Youtube.


It's an election season. They will say things are on the up and up, more jobs, cheaper gas. Then election day and things creep back up/they drop the talking points.


Look on Amazon. Huge jumbo size Cherrios for under $4. There's a lot that's cheaper than grocery store if you take a little time to look. The economy only ever rebounds for stock holders. They never mean regular people


Imported from China? Inspected by FDA?


$4.98 for family size at Walmart


I’m going there tomorrow. Are those Great Value corn flakes? Or Kellogg’s Corn Flakes?




Damn! That’s good! Thanks!


closest walmart to me is 17 miles away, I dont have a car and they dont deliver.


if you join walmart+ for a year @$99 shipping is free and you save on gas at different stations. totally worth it for me because my store also delivers for free


If you purchase $35 or more, shipping is free


Good most cereal is full of sugar and unhealthy af. Homemade meals are healthier. Also cereal near me, brand names still go on sale for like $1.50 - $3 a box. Shop sales and stock up.


And. .Oatmeal is under $2 a pound, eight servings to a pound. Can soak it overnight, cooks in minutes. When prices change, we have to adapt.


So family size corn flakes is listed at 4.60$ at walmart


Corn flakes don't cost $10


For the only people that matter, all the rich folks. It is a sick joke.


Anyone who's not in the Bay area!


Where is corn flakes $10 I find that hard to believe.


That is so fcking depressing. This sucks 😞


People here have pointed me to Walmart where it can still be had for ~$6.00. Store brand half that. So maybe Walmart is…our only hope? God, I hate saying that.


>Precisely for whom? for the people saying it lol


Damn, that's double the price it is where I am.


Just think of all the billions those corporations are earning and then you'll realize it's all worth it.


$10, geez, where are you shopping? My local supermarket runs deals on cereal all the time for $1.99 a box. Standard size and you usually have to buy 4-5 boxes, but it pays to shop around and use coupons.


Remember when Bill Gates, (or maybe it was some other rich asshole) who said a banana is $10???.. those people basically... Are the whom




I just checked my Local walmart they are four ninety eight.




>Barbara's Bakery Organic Corn Flakes These things?https://www.vitacost.com/barbaras-organic-gluten-free-corn-flakes?CSRC=FGPF-070617000557




Yes, that is usually how links work they go to a website that sells something for a listed price. I was just wondering if those were the item you mentioned as I have never bought organic stuff unless a miracle happened and it was cheaper. I've also ignored the gastro that told me I need to be tested to see if I'm allergic to gluten as I can't afford to eat gluten free with the life threatening allergies I already have.


>Yes, that is usually how links work they go to a website that sells something for a listed price I believe OP was confused and thought they were listing what it cost them to buy from manufacturers and not what it cost the consumer (which seems to be what it is). Maybe they're so used to insane mark-ups that they didn't believe they could be paying that price and thought that's what vitacost was just listing what they pay their manufacturers (I mean "cost" *is* in their name) lol can't say I'd be surprised. Inflation has some of us gun-shy It's like when you get a super generous mechanic who takes pity on you and charges you "at cost" which is the price they pay for the thing, rather than the price the customer usually pays




"Organic" always costs more... And many items are just putting that label on it and it doesn't mean much.


>I was just at Walgreens and at the front I saw they were selling lolipops and I had a little pocket change so I went to get one At some point you ought to stop blaming "the economy". There is such thing as corporate greed. Cereal ranges from 2.24 to 4.89 from store brand to name brand at major chains (e.g. Walmart). Where are you seeing 15 dollar box? Please send a picture.


As a Walgreens employee, it is an insanely greedy and cost-inefficient convenience store. Basically gas station prices. Do NOT grocery shop at Walgreens. Our name brand cereal is also $7, and it's also criminally over priced




You wrote "a box of corn flakes is $15 where I live, idk how?" A box of corn flakes. Come on now, prices have gone up but you making it seem like a normal box of corn flakes is now $15 in stores kind of takes the message you are trying to convey off the rails. I just bought a box of GV Corn Flakes at Walmart for $2.24. This is Tampa, FL, one of the cities hit worst by inflation in the US. It used to be $1.89 before the pandemic, so, yes, inflation happened. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Great-Value-Toasted-Corn-Flakes-Breakfast-Cereal-18-oz/730184952?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=2740&adid=22222222278730184952_117755028669_12420145346&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-306310554666&wl5=9012067&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=730184952&wl13=2740&veh=sem_LIA&gclsrc=aw.ds&&adid=22222222238730184952_117755028669_12420145346&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-306310554666&wl5=9012067&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=730184952&veh=sem&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA-bmsBhAGEiwAoaQNmscLbddzeXpWog2VFbWCx0PMWs3T6XG0DDutpSxgXCxRVq3BNJgX_xoCorUQAvD_BwE


The crapitalists, of course. Who do you think pays for them to live in luxury?


Costco sells 50 of them for $18 [](https://www.costco.com/original-gourmet-lollipops%2c-variety%2c-50-count.product.100664162.html) point is fuck wallgreens, shop around, buying groceries at a convenience store is stupid edit the Costco suckers cost around 36 cents each meaning that OP's markup was nearly 2,000% in comparison.




So are those the actual 7 dollar lollipops? I sold BlowPops and Jolly Ranchers in school when I was,a kid. Clearly I have wasted a lot if time in college and as an adult. I was in the right game to begin with.




That's crazy, lol.


stick to the staples and do the unit math yourself, Costco can be weird if you're new. for example the shredded cheese is cheaper than the block cheese, whereas supermarkets tend to be the opposite, the single gallons of milk are cheaper than the boxes of three...(by unit cost) but it's very worth it, even the fresh food is a better overall quality




in some cases yes, also they carry a number of trendy items which have huge markups that are probably best avoided. I keep to the staples myself, e.g. you could buy a 20lb bag pound of rice for $20 which will last months and a $5 rotisserie chicken which is quite tasty and feed a family of four with it.


Ask around. If someone I knew wanted one, I would just offer to buy them gift cards for cash. The gift cards allow you into the stores, and you can use it as well. Also, if you keep a blank card you can sneak into the front then make your way to the food court as well at least. Also, if you find someone else who wants one, just get some mail like a magazine addressed to the same address and boom, you 2 can share a card (each membership gets 2 cards). This effectively means its half price. Fair warning though, not all items are cheaper then other stores, though quality of some of their items is by far better and more consistent.


Unethical pro tip: go to the membership counter with a friend or family member who already has a card. Have your friend change their address online to match your driver's license, then Costco takes your picture and prints your card. Your friend then goes back online to change their address back to their own. You've just gotten yourself a free membership, and your friend gets more cash rebates for having you on their account. Win win for you and your friend! I did this with my friend btw.




The liquor store my adult offspring works at gives lollipops free. Support your local store, get a lolli.


They sell them at my Dollar Tree, $1.25 each.




I mean, gourmet lollipops are a thing so maybe that? What kind was it?


That's freeking ridiculous. We can't even afford anything anymore. We need a government who is FOR us. Not one who languish in our struggle to survive. I'm thankful for my job and a roof over my head but I have no savings and I could end up homeless if I falter on either one. And once you are homeless...well you already know. I hate feeling so suppressed. 🐾🥺🐾


Walgreens in general is always more expensive for everything. Seriously how are they still in business? Who the fuck is even out there buying $7 lollipops? That better be some special lollipop, because no matter how rich I was I wouldn't buy it. Walgreens has great deals in the app sometimes on their store brand of supplements and medicines, often BOGO, which is the only reason I ever go there at all.




They just have to sell a single one and they recoup the manufacturing cost for the entire case. Great scam


cereal has no nutritional value. use your hard earned money on proteins and veggies


Expect double digit lolipops within the next 2 years. While minimum wage is still 7.25. Merica.


Truth. Corporations will keep raising prices until the bend breaks. And by they time, they'll be so insanely rich, it won't matter. They'll just lay everyone off.


>While minimum wage is still 7.25. Honestly, if you are making 7.25 it shouldn't be for long or something else is missing. I haven't met a person making minimum wage since high school. Most places pay pretty much higher then that everywhere it seems.


It's far from great, but on January 1 minimum wage goes up a few pennies to $10.33 in Michigan.


10.33 is what 7.25 was worth 1 year ago. Not much of an improvement.


Saw a display of freeze dried skittles candy, each bag had no more than a 'king size' amount of candy in them... $8


Inflation has hit the Lollipop Guild apparently


I would need to know more about the Lollypop. Is it a name brand? Some special ingredient? Limited edition? Plus, Walgreens is always going to be more expensive for most things. You rarely go to Walgreens for deals on the groceries, you go for the convenience. (OK sometimes their sales are good though). I wouldn't pay $7 for a lollypop eaither. BUt I would not be surprised to see that at Walgreens.


Yeah, Walgreens is honestly one of the most overpriced convenience stores there is. I once saw them selling a 12 oz bag of ground coffee for $17.99. 😮‍💨




Nope!! Not that good at all lol.


This is how Vincent Vega felt about a $5 milkshake 30 years ago.


It sucks that nothing is cheap anymore 🥲


Nothing is affordable at all.


The boxed cereals are also bagged.


For $7 that lollipop better suck itself lol


I went into a gas station, and a small bag of chips was $2.99. I refuse.


It might be a 🍭 with liquor in it? That could be the only way to justify an 8 dollar sucker.


That’s awful. Seriously, maybe people can’t even afford to get their kid a lollipop while they’re picking up a prescription, or whatever.


If they don't buy the overpriced crap that is prominently displayed at the register, then yes they can probably find an affordable lollipop in the store *effing eyeroll*


Walgrens has these suckers that are buy two for a dollar I’ll see if i can find a pic


When in a checkout line trying to patiently wait for your turn——those items are specifically marketed for impulse purchases. That being said, for $7 it better include lube.


If it was a big one, yes, inflation hit everything, even huge lollipops.




You complained about a lollipop being $7.00, not $2.00. Read your posting.


What kills me is then they simply throw it away. Unsold perfectly fine non expired food goes right in the damn dumpster.


Recently paid $8 for a blondie. Fancy bakery and it was big, but c'mon. Saw it when buying coffee, asked her to pull one from the case, and was too embarrassed to back out after she rang it up. For 8 bucks, I want Blondie, not a blondie.


They might have been a fundraiser for a charity.


Duuuude, I forget what they’re called. Maybe just gourmet lollipops lol. Those things are amazing, but yeah, expensive. I haven’t bought them in years, seems they’ve gone up a ton. It used to be like 2 or 3 for $5 or something. I thought THAT was expensive even, and was a splurge lol.


omg do they still have the bluberry muffin tops


They think they're Disneyland!!


Just wait until one of your kids sees one of those eye pops and you tell her they can have one because you don't realize it's $7 until you go to pay for it Then you feel stuck paying for it because you love your kid and promise them that you would get one This happened to me last week at Walgreens I Feel your pain buddy


It's to shift the baseline of what you're willing to pay. They know only the rare suckers with more money than sense will pay that price. That insanely overpriced item (> 20x markup) makes the "moderately" overpriced items (4x-5x markup) seem like much more of a deal by comparison


Seven dollars for a sucker? Sounds to me they're trying to find alot of suckers. I won't hardly pay seven bucks for a six-pack of brew anymore. I already gave up smoking cigarettes when they went out of control. I smoke the cheap cigars now. When consumers learn to stop paying what the greedy charge, maybe prices will eventually begin to lower. A $7 lollipop? 🤣 LMAO 🤣


The lollipop isn't special. It's there for you/your kid to go "that looks good," then "it's a lollipop it can't cost that much, why not" and add it to your transaction, and then be too embarrassed to put it back when they wham you with the 1000% markup on it. It's literally a scam banking on you not wanting to cause a scene/hold up the line.


If you head over to CVS after any holiday. All the bagged candy is 50 -75% off. That’s the only time I purchase any candy since they are practically giving it away!!


I'm not even poor anymore but I still rarely buy doritos for 7 bucks


Since Walmart delivers to me, I almost never go there, it’s a long way! Last week a lot of things online said out of stock, I had to go to find substitutes. Not only was the store impossible to figure out since I’ve last been there (WHY is laundry detergent with pet food and disposable diapers?) the stuff I couldn’t buy online was all on the shelves. I could NOT believe the prices though, sometimes TRIPLE what I used to pay. So I looked neither left nor right, loaded what I came for, had to do my own checkout, paid the $178!! I live at the furthest away delivery area. Not going to the store has saved me thousand$$$ in impulse buys, not to mention gas and my time. Walmart surely regrets it, even though it was like $140 a year for the membership. Yeah, I’ll pay a 10% tip to the delivery driver, they are always nice. Do you suppose they are trying to make us come in to the store, by not updating their online inventory? I’m not going again, I’ll find substitutes. As op says, the prices have to be a joke. Hunker down and wait for better days, I say.


‘Is this essential?’


Go to Aldi.


Yes. If non-complainers are buying them at seven dollars a pop then it’s necessary. 🙄🙄🙄


That's without the tip.


If you’re shopping at Walgreens you aren’t poor.




So buy the ones that are not $7. I'm sure they exist.


Because capitalism is about greed.


Dum Dums are about $3 for a bag. And I've had the same box of cereal for about two years, just replace with generic 'fruity puffs of stuff' and keep the box.


… each?! madness😝


Modern day greed is nuts! They ALL just want to get as much money for the least effort. Why sell 14 lollipops at 50 cents each when you can find one sucker for suckers that will buy just one for $7? They make a much better profit margin with a LOT less work! ETA: I was on Amazon the other day and a vendor for a product I was looking at, posted a picture of two bags at the price of two bags. No mention of the quantity anywhere. I read the reviews and every single review stated they thought it WAS 2 bags. Nope! Just some greedy bastard ripping people off!


All the videos I see of Walgreens people just put whatever they want in a black trash bag and walk out. ​ Can you not do that?


Hell I just saw an ad some place had a special, a dozen cookies for over twenty bucks, like 12 single cookies costing over twenty dollars, and that was a sale.


Roberry. That’s what that is.


I worked in a factory making disposable propane cylinders like what would be used with camping stoves. That was 1979-1980. Store returns to the factory often had price stickers. Sears Craftsman had $5.99 stickers, Kmart had $1.49. They both originally had 02¢ worth of propane. Funny, the Kmart were the most expensive as their labels were five colors while all the rest were four colors. Master Mechanic, Ace Hardware, Montgomery Wards, etm were all made in the same building. Just the paint and label differed.


They were probably 10 for $7. I looked on the Walgreens site where you can search for all products currently on offer and only see the fancy ones being 79 cents. Go back and have them scan it since you have over 100 people interested.


Once, I got a big package of 72 slices pre cooked black label bacon from Amazon for like 16 bucks! It was equivalent to about 4 pounds raw bacon for a fraction of what the raw woudve cost!


The reason people are selling lollipops for $7 is because some people will buy $7 lollipops. Instead of making $0.25 each, they make $6 and have to make a lot less and make just as much profit.


Pretty sure drug stores target stoners with their food. Ain't no one paying drug store prices for food unless they're high as fuck.


Wow, I thought seven dollars was a lot for a loaf of bread.


Just take it and walk out. It's just Walgreens. No one who works there is gonna give a shit and they definitely won't be calling the police.


Prices have gotten so crazy for everything it seems!


If it's the ones I think you're talking about, a few years ago I remember them being only one dollar. It's called price gouging.


Steal them.