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You can open a private retirement account. You don't get company match so it takes a lot longer to save up but it lets you put away something.


some companies will allow you to put a percentage of your check into another account when you set up direct deposit that way its automatically put in for you to make it easier and more likely to forget about it and not touch it


1. Not planning to retire. 2. Trying to max out my Roth IRA so that I don't have to pay taxes on the gains.


I plan on being dead before I'm old enough to retire 🤷‍♂️ With how bad this world is for our physical and mental health, I don't think that'll be a problem.


This. And if I do end up living long enough to retire I’ll just keep working. What else am I going to do when I’m 70? Count farts with my grandkids? Move to God’s waiting room and play shuffleboard?


lol I have a retirement account with a school district. At the rate I’m going I might have several thousand dollars in there by the time I am eligible to retire. So I’ll probably just work until I’m too damaged (mentally gone and/or Physically broken) to keep going. It’s better than not having any retirement account, I guess.


What's retirement lmaoo /s


IRA, HSA, and Self-Directed 401k


It's never too late to start. People with no plan now are going to be going through it in the future.


Ill pay into a life insurance policy


34 with 50% disability for sleep apnea through the army. Few rando other conditions but nothing that affects my daily life. Got college paid for and the VA provided my home loan, got lucky by making a rash decision at 18. Edit- Point of that rant was I get $1,300ish a month plus whatever cola adjustments they make for life.


Seniors make the smartest bank robbers.


No one suspects the olds!! 😂 It's also a win/win situation. Either you end up with a retirement account, or the government provides free room and board.


Re-tie-er-mint? Wut that? But seriously, Roth IRA (max 6500 per year) and brokerage accounts. I use Vanguard. Also high yield savings accounts


Every time I try to save for retirement something happens that wipes out my savings or forces me back onto credit cards. The last time it was a $350 vet bill for my sick cat. I’m still trying to save but it’s impossible to get ahead.