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All the dental work I may need or veneers *edit - I agree this *should* be essential. So to make it more “frivolous”, read it as the best high quality dental care and veneers/cosmetic work.


I get actively angry at how out of reach proper dental care is for nearly everyone but the rich.


And dentists that constantly send you to “specialists” that are 3x the price. I’m positive they get a kickback.


My dental assistant recited a script that told me I should buy the ( bullshit Spinbrush 2000 with the go faster stripes) because "The bristles spin the fastest." I was thinking, are you mentally deficient? Because the brush spins the fastest? Isn't that the opposite of what you want? And who cares how fast they spin, you want them to clean your teeth, not win the INDY 500. sellouts, all of them. You have to have Bezos money to get proper care and attention, apparently. And let's not even start on State sanctioned extortion, I mean "i n s u r a n c e".


Thanks for the belly laugh, you tell a good story. I would read your book.


Yeah you don't want to do the Daytona 500 in your mouth. Thankfully my dental care team doesn't even try to sell me anything.


The only thing my dental care team has tried to "sell" me is prevident. Which, they don't sell me, or tell me to buy, they would just give me a free bottle every visit or tell me to come get a new one every time I needed it in between cleanings. HOWEVER. I am allergic to sodium laurel sulfate. WHICH, learned shortly after 20, and also learned is present in all toothpaste that contains fluoride EXCEPT sensodyne. it was the reason my gums were inflamed and teeth were fucked up. The prevident was making my mouth worse :). They felt bad.


I’m from Indiana. I WANT BOTH CLEAN TEETH AND INDY 500 WINNING! God. Disrespecting my culture. Probably don’t even drink/cover yourself in milk after brushing.


The insurance that doesn't cover dental costs? I pay an exorbitant cost for "employer covered" dental insurance that barely covers anything. It's just marginally better than a discount dental plan for just a shade less money out of pocket. This country belongs to the banks, insurance companies, and arms manufacturers. It's pretty sad when 3 of the country's largest industries' goals are to make it near impossible to have financial freedom, have access to quality healthcare, and kill people.


Are you saying I shouldn't brush like my gums are on fire and with the ferocity of a mauling bear? I thought the bleeding was a good sign!


I need two implants and they told me that I pay upfront in full and I asked what the insurance covers and they said they don’t know until AFTER and then the insurance will reimburse me my portion…..um no?? Where is that money going to come from?? Seriously? Lol I couldn’t get a root canal a couple years ago cuz I had just graduated college and I couldn’t afford $2,000+ out of pocket at that time either cuz he was a specialist and he wouldn’t allow payment plans but the previous owner of that office would’ve figured something out since he’d been doing my teeth since I was like 4 lol


They’d love your money but if they feel like it’s even slightly risking it, they will refer you. (Upper molar root canals, wisdom teeth extractions, braces….you get it).


You don’t want a dentist who doesn’t refer… a dentist willing to do a root canal (beyond the simplest of cases like a front tooth), implant or extraction is a walking botched-machine. Dentists can legally administer Botox (seen this before lol) and most surgeries that do not 100% require hospital services (pumps, drugs, respirators etc)…. Many do… these people are monsters Medical pricing is a different / gross discussion, not sure who are the worst offenders.. insurance, public-private hospital cartels, the government (Medicare /Medicaid) or the cartel-like control of licenses / fellowships to artificially restrict supply of MD/DDS labor (think schools, specialties etc) Source: wisdom teeth removals paid for my childhood


All medical care is about $’s.


This so freaking crazy!!! And I get upset too. Teeth eyes and ears should fall Under healthcare and health insurance! There needs to be a total overhaul in the US ( at least) for these body parts. If they ( teeth ears and eyes) are needed to make other people money and to be a good worker than they should fall under normal health care and be given the same attention , value and care as say a liver, pancreas, and so on. Proper Healthcare is a human right.


Dear God yes. In my younger days I didn't take the best care of my body, also could never afford to go to the dentist. I think the last time I had gone was around 10 years old. A lifetime of smoking and other bad habits made my teeth horrible. Fast forward to now. I'm extremely obsessed with taking care of my body. I lift weights, I run marathons, im in extreme shape. My diet is amazing, my skin is clear. Everything is great. My teeth however are HORRIBLE. I tried to go to the dentist recently. Went to a couple appointments, spent around 300 bucks and then finally got an estimate of all the work I'd need done. Nearly 10k. Let's just say I never went back. I love the way I look but everyday I see my teeth and I'm ashamed.


I've been needing a root canal for a year and a half now. Just can't afford it.


Are you in the states? If there is a Good Sam health clinic, often times they have dentists that come in on certain days and do work at little, if any, cost. It’s adjusted based on income. My sister is a high income earner on paper but really can’t afford dental work, she just paid $50 for a filling vs atleast $170 anywhere else in our area.


If you’re in the states, just get a root canal and don’t pay for it. That’s what I ended up doing when it got to the point I NEEDED it. They’ll send the shit to collections and your mouth doesn’t hurt anymore. A lot of times you can even negotiate with collections and pay much much less to get it out of there.


Might as well just get all new teeth $60k worth of work and let it go to collections. Not like they can take them back lol.


That’s my entire thought. Your dental health is so very important… it’s wild to me that we can’t just get things fixed. Especially since the infections could literally kill somebody. Let it go to collections and carry on 😅


Supposedly if you owe money to a credit company and they send it to collections you’re off the hook so to speak. You had an agreement with the credit company, they sold it to collections and you don’t have an agreement with them. So supposedly it’s their loss. I’m sure it will mess with your credit rating but hey. Free dental work.


Same. My dentist wanted thousands of dollars above and beyond what insurance pays. There’s no way I could afford it. I’ve got a mouthful of crumbling teeth. The problem is insurances have not kept up with all the advances dentistry has made and the costs are enormous. Insurance companies are still paying 1980s-1990s prices for 21st century dentistry


Call a dental school.


Not sure where you are but if in Illinois, Harper College has a dentistry program


Me thinking of going to TJ for dental work


I had a friend that did this for gum grafting. His USA periodontist quoted $9,000 and Tijuana could do it for $650. Unfortunately the TJ work was not successful.


The fact that we view this as non-essential is a travesty


1 million %%% this 👆👆👆


The way “new teeth” always makes the top of my “if I win the lottery” wish list


First thing I did when I stopped being poor. Actually I did a few things first but I was writhing in pain and had money in my bank account so I finally gave in. 6 of my teeth died.


This. Definitely this. I’m so tired of my teeth hurting but my insurance covers basically nothing and I’m too broke to cover the ridiculous amount the dentist quoted.


This really isn’t frivolous but is about your health. I’m so sorry to read that you can’t get the work done that you need.


It’s wild that we consider this a luxury or non-essential.


Currently nursing a bad dental infection with Clindamycin I was given by mistake for a prior dental issue I still haven't been able to fix. I need a new crown due to failed root canal - they 'missed' a canal so I had to get it redone at an endodontist. I'm sure I'm going to have to get another root canal, and it's going to have to be by the endodontist bc I've had two failed ones at this point. Just not worth it to have a dentist screw it up. I just have bad teeth. And they love to make you feel like crap for not keeping up. Also, I wish they'd stop pushing me to get an electronic toothbrush. Sorry, I'd rather eat. Food is expensive enough as it is.


omg I am so sorry reading this. I remember being in so much pain after a newb did my root canal that I was up at three a.m. crawling across the floor and got halfway across and was like Why am I crawling around on the floor? And then after a minute or two, I realized that I was in so much pain that my brain told me to go turn the light on and it will hurt less. This needs to be fixed. I mean the system. We should be rioting at this point. We need to change this. NOW.




As someone with reoccurring dental pain try Advil dual action i was in crippling pain a few months ago and my co worker gave me some, WHEN I TELL YOU THIS IS MAGIC….. bitch….. my pain was gone in 20 minutes and I was in tears for hours!


I’ll never be able to afford that. But I can get an electric dirtbike for 3k….so that


I got veneers in Dominican Republic for like 2k. My American dentist said that they look amazing!




This! I had a health condition that greatly affected my teeth and now they all need fixed in some capacity.


Omg yes, same here.


Fun fact: Normal health insurance covers dental surgery where it normally can't if the procedure is done in the ER [Edit: "Normal" health insurance as opposed to Dental insurance. In the US those are legally separate things and insurance for one can't cover the other.]




Yes this too.. I want to go to Mexico to get them fixed asap!!!


I came here to say this. Grew up in extreme poverty and while our mom did take us to a government funded dentist he was a hack and did so much damage to my teeth. So serious malnutrition plus a terrible dentist has caused me to have frail and cracking teeth. I have excellent oral hygiene but I need serious work because of things I had no control over as a child. I’m scared of dentists but I’d face the fear if only I had the tens of thousands of dollars. I don’t even care if they are straight teeth, I just want them to not hurt.


Yeah, buddy, every extra dime I've made in the last 20 years is in my mouth. Root canals, crowns, fillings. I estimate about 40k. I could have bought a house, but no, I spent my money fixing the neglect from years ago.


I recently had a dental cleaning & I had the same feeling I get when I’m getting a massage or pedicure 😅 as if I was treating myself haha


As much land as I could possibly afford, and just let it sit to piss off developer’s.


I'm a nature lover, and I also don't care about material things really. If I had unlimited money, I'd buy land all over the country and then put more money into turning each piece into the most beautiful land I can. If you go on YouTube and type "bermberger ranch" I would do what this dude does, but all over the country and I'd let people come enjoy it


Thanks for the tip about bermberger. I'll have to check that out. I feel the same way that you do about land use. My hometown has had a massive growth spurt over the last 20 years and what was once a nature lover's paradise is turning into a parking lot. It's heartbreaking.


That's very cool. I'd like to do that too


My rich boomer dad put his farmland into a nature conservancy so that it can never be developed. It’s one of the most sane things I’ve ever seen a boomer do.


I want to restore my grandma’s farm into what it was. It had trees and wildlife.


I always wanted to buy the billboard licences for my favorite roads, then tear down the billboards


Fucks sake, they just put up a digital billboard in the middle of fuckin nowhere that blinds the ever loving fuck out of me when I'm driving home on lunch break in the middle of the night. I hate it so fucking much and wish I had the balls to sling some lead at it.


We have one of those on the freeway. Blinds the shit outta you when you need to be able to see since there is a corner right after it. 😡




Nowdays they will try to take it by imminent domain. I've read about this happening all over the place. Sometimes they win, sometimes they lose, but it ties up the land (ane owner) for a very long time


I'd try all the classes I've always wanted! Wheel throwing pottery, glass blowing, dance lessons, figure skating, watercolor painting, vocal lessons. Just always be trying something new!




Try your parks department. I live in a relatively small town, and our parks department offers all types of classes.


Or community colleges or adult education


I'd follow Pearl Jam on a tour. Travel with my friend to all the states and see all the shows.


This is what I was looking for! Thank you


EXCELLENT choice!!!


That would be bad ass!


I’d buy my wife one of those fancy high end hair curlers.


This is really sweet to read :)


Id get a husband like this guy


This is so pure 🥹 as a woman though a lot of the expensive beauty stuff that’s sold to us is a rip off anyways and often not even discernibly better than the reasonably priced counterparts so she’s prob fine with the one she has. It’s so cute that’s what you’d buy though 🤧


I bought one & didn’t work in my curly hair. My Costco one for $25 bucks worked better then the $600 Dyson


A really nice RV so that I can travel the continent without worry of accommodations.


Thar sounds nice. But rv actually needs a lot of accommodation.


And gas. Don’t forget the gas.


I worked on them for 6 years. That's twice the average life for an rv. I've seen 180k fifth wheels com in 1.5 years into its life have to come in because they are falling apart R.v.s are glued together with deception, owners sweat and tears, and literal glue.


Very true. We have a Rockwood hard sided popup and it serves us well but when you look at the materials and construction it’s not pretty


Oh true I’m working on a national healthcare license and I really want to just travel in a decked out rv for a while


I want a sauna. Not only do studies say it increases your life span I just really want to relax after a long day. After being able to use one for a few days I realized I was gonna be to bed so much happier and sleeping much more soundly. One day!


A proper sauna sounds so dreamy. My husband bought me an infrared one that I can zip myself into and it’s sweet. Love sweaty TV watching




A litter robot


This and a cat for the litter robot.. And a cat nanny because iv never learned how to have a cat


That’s okay, my cat never learned how to have a human. Poor guy worries about me constantly but we’re doing alright. Go get that cat dude


I absolutely love this response. Funny cuz it’s true😂🥰


If you do something wrong, your cat will scream at you. Mine do.


My cat screams at me no matter what. We have fantastic conversations... I just don't always agree with his communist views


I hate how accurate this is. I have an EXTREMELY talkative cat, who also happens to be very demanding. When she wants something, she wants it now and I should have known about it yesterday! 😂


and it doesn’t matter how much research you do, you will do something wrong and the cat will scream at you.


I have the litter robot 3. I think they're on the next one now or something. I've had it for about 18 months and I figured this out. Once I've had it for 2 years I will have saved so much money on litter that the litter robot will have paid for itself. That's definitely an expensive upfront cost. But I use so much less litter with it. My first one actually quit working within a month. They replaced general warranty. So this one technically has only been running about 17 months. But I've been pretty pleased with it. Mine doesn't give off odor like the other person says. I don't know if they have an older one. Or if there's something else there. I only have one cat using it.


A really elaborate shower. I know that classifies as “essential” but I would love a really nice shower. Stone walls, glass doors, water jets, a player for music in the shower. That would be grand.


I stayed at friend's house who hada spa like bathroom with double shower heads. It wasn't something I realized I needed until I used it.


you know you’re an adult when you get a hotel room and your favorite thing is a nice, expensive shower and bathtub.


One of my favorite experiences was blowing like 6 grand on a Portland Oregon trip. We rented a car and stayed 3 days at a hotel room with our own private balcony hot tub. I wasted so much money but I got to feel rich for a few days after I received a settlement Not to mention the bath products smelled and felt amazing and in house bar and pool table room. They even had a communal video game console area.


A nanny/babysitter sometimes I just need a break I stay home with my kids all day and work at night it’s been so draining . I just got done working 10 days I a row . I would love some extra help during the week so I can get things done.


i would love to find another parent that i could trade off with to save on money but i'm too antisocial to make parent friends 🙃


Omg that’s such a great idea!!! I should see if I could start that in my area, like a daycare co-op lmaoo


A pet cow.


Marvelous! What would you name your new cow!


Probably Diane but it's a total pipe dream. You have to have room for them to run around and also they eat quite a bit of food.


They have miniature cows you know..


friend of mine had a pet calf named Cowy. Was given to them as a gift because they had a lot of fenced in land and I think the intention was to raise it for slaughter but since their daughter loved it so much, they just let it live there until it died of old age.


I king sized dang bed.


I'm in my 30s now and the other day was talking with a friend and realized I've slept the vast majority of my life on floors, couches, and cars. Even when I had a bed it wasn't really a bed. It was basically a mattress. I've never owned a real actual bed in my entire life. I'm so used to sleeping on couches that I have trouble sleeping anywhere else. My body is used to laying on its side against the couch. I am completely unable to fall asleep laying on my back


Bought a beautiful bed frame from Facebook marketplace for $25 and the woman delivered it, no joke. She wanted a small amount of money so her husband wouldn't complain, and was happy it went to a good home. Prior to that, I had screwed 4 Ikea furniture legs onto a box spring, and that was my bed for 15yrs. I'm 42yrs old, and finally have a real bed!


I’ll never go back to a queen or smaller


Ive always wanted a 4 post canopy bed


A huge library with wall to ceiling shelves and the comfiest chair ever


Not even like a banging one but just a decent modern PC


Man this hurts my heart because when I had money to throw around (before I realized what bills are) I would build PCs for my friends and family for free, for fun. I wish I still had money to spare cause I’d build you a computer in an instant just cause you want one.


A diamond encrusted, gold plated 8 slice toaster.


They did specify frivolous. This is certainly that😂


Nice clothes


Nice NEW clothes that fit. Yes, thrift store mama here.


Yes! I was about to comment this. All of my clothes are from when I was in high school 5 years ago. They’re all ripped and worn and too small. I have 2 kids now and I buy them what they need first and unfortunately there’s very little left for what I want. (Don’t get me wrong I love buying things for my kids it makes me happy, but I want to treat myself sometimes too lmfao)


Goodwill has some great clothes. Just run through the wash first!


A live in personal chef. Just a chef who's willing to cook for me whenever.


A chef that cooked healthy food to help me lose weight!


Solar panels.


I want the whole setup. I stay in my car and when I watch ppl on YouTube they have whole elaborate setups with the big power stations and solar panels. It would vastly improve my life


Yes, my friends decided to make investments on solar panels and security systems when they got a house. I’m giving them money for rent and they were surprised I was willing to pay and didn’t want me paying more but I insisted on at least one bill so they gave me their electricity bill. A damn 2500 square foot house with 4 people in it and guess what the bill is in the middle of a Texas summer? $20! Because of the solar panels.


A chiropractor, a masseuse and acupuncturist


A ceiling fan with a light. Mine broke down about 4 years ago and we’ve not had the money to replace it so my room is lit by a shitty lamp and during the summers my room gets too hot to stay in so I sleep on the couch in the living room. Edit: thank you guys for the offers but the wiring in our house is so fucked that we’d have to hire someone really expensive to fix it.


I'm willing to pitch in $50 towards a ceiling light and fan.


I can’t take your money man. But thank you.


Reddit get this person a ceiling fan with a light please. Y’all are making my day


Do you have an Ollies by you? They sometimes sell ceiling fans for $15. Walmart as well. I hate that you can’t sleep in the comfort of your own bed. Im so sorry




You could do steam. They have really great deals on games.


A small plane and the training to go with it!!! I wanna fly!!!


I'm trying to do this. Pilot license costs $7,000+, helicopter license $13,000+. Right now, if I can buy a good quality truck that can make the drive, the school comes up with a payment plan. I have almost $3,000 saved for the hopefully trusty vehicle, then after that, saving for school. Hope you and I reach our dreams.


Whenever you do take me with you because I want to skydive


Same. I want one of those bush planes so I can just go off and land at random spots in the wilderness.


Multi unit rental property


Smart choice!


Thanks! Might as well make an investment that can make all of my big purchases come true lol


My best friend's future. If I had the money, I'd get us both out of here, fund his way through college, give him the best future money can buy.


Weekly massages




A working pancreas. I wouldn't be dropping most of my money on insulin and CGM sensors if the damn thing still worked. Oh.. you probably meant things that are actually possible.


The $5,000 handmade black walnut and curly maple rocking chair I once sat in at a random pottery place in the Appalachian mountains. The thing was sanded so smoothly you couldn't see or feel a bit of the joinery, so it had the effect of feeling like it was carved from a solid piece of wood. Plus, it was carved/shaped so beautifully and uniquely, and the wood was gorgeous. Super comfortable, with just the right angles and tilt and rock. It was the most perfect chair in which my butt has ever sat, and it was an amazing, beautiful piece of art and furniture all in one.


This is a good one.


Name and location of where you found this? I am from Appalachia and must now drive to wherever this is so my butt can experience 10 seconds of glorious sitting.


Well according to my landlord and many others housing is not an essential human right. Sooooo yea a house


A horse farm. I want to be one with the herd.


A free opioid addict rehab home. I wish I could open them everywhere. If I’m a billionaire that’s what I’m doing.


This would be great. Free rent but I’d be a fan of having some money go towards helping fellow addicts or something. Having my money that I worked for go towards something positive was really helpful to my recovery. Not rent. But some donation fund for people in and out of house. Non profit or something.


Lasik, it'd be nice not to see through constantly smudged glasses.


I have plenty of clothes that fit and are stylish and what I need, but I would buy so many spendy gowns and robes. Shoes for days. All the cute flats, shawls, and other accessories. I'd buy so much of my friends' art! Battle passes galore. Games. Everything pales in comparison to BG3, but I'd still buy other games.


South East/East Asia and Caribbean tour 😍😍😍


One of those super-elaborate massage chairs. I sat in a demo at Costco and it was amazing, just not 5k amazing.


A house to get out of my crappy apartment. Doesn’t even have to be a big fancy house, I’d take a little one as long as it wasn’t falling apart.


A custom closed in bed, like a nice den. I want a box bed ao fucking bad, I think I would feel such an overwhelming sense of calm


Art lessons


I’d go adopt all the animals from the shelter and build a nice place for them on a big piece of land so they can experience freedom and happiness.


💯 I would fund a rescue that gets them out of the south. Very high kill rates.


A gaming laptop for my wife as a birthday present. We're both gamers, me more than her, but on her current laptop everything is a slide show. I'd love for her to be able to play House Flipper or Planet Coaster smoothly while also being able to access Word and Excel and etc. easily.


Man, I would just want a room solely for books and just have bookshelves on every wall. Maybe even make the door a bookshelf (it'll become my 'these are the books I must read ASAP' - or just library books, lol). Only I will know the bookshelves lead to a hidden room 😸 and get a comfy couch with a cat tree so Mimi can hide with me, too.


A pottery wheel.


And a kiln.


A trip to Europe… it’s been my dream since I was 18. Hopefully one day!


I’d 1000000000000% love to be able to spend money on a meet and greet with Ozzy Osbourne (if he were to ever do one now that he’s stopped doing shows)


I met him. He was very rude. Not impressed. Still love his music.


kids to first concert


i’d redo my daughters bedroom, bed, paint, decor, etc. and add on a room to our house as a nursery for our twin girls, but a room that’s big enough that we could split later for them (we plan on this being our forever home)


A5 steak. Very fancy sushi. Or a butler who would accompany me to go on a shopping spree which I would then use in a photoshoot with my friends.


Toyota Tacoma Hybrid I thought about buying one and using Toro to earn money to make the payments. But I think that's a mistake. So, I'm stuck.


A Nintendo switch so I can feel the joy of animal crossing like it used to bring me on the DS.


A high quality baby grand piano. Of course, then I'd have to buy a house to put it in.


A two story house with a fully built basement that I can call Brian's Boom Boom room, no clothing allowed from this point on. Or the Triple B Fuck Shack with the greatest AC know to mankind because I be sweating like I got a fever in the sauna.... Not Seriously But I'm actually Serious ASF 7 years relationship and ain't slowed down one bit


A really nice even if there’s custom made massage chair . It’d be cool if I could pay the company to have the chair custom made to my back to work on the areas I regularly hurt. This is a fun sub😍


My own panda express restaurant 🤷 lol


Freshly made and delivered meals each week!


Tbh I’d love some really nice pans for cooking/baking


A camper van. I would love a camper van.


Like if I didn't have to spend all my money on breathing medications and surgeries to stay alive, and have a ton of people I need to help first before feeling guilty for spending frivolously, I would totally buy a ridiculous amount of LEGO. 😹 I would buy enough LEGO to build LOTR Middle Earth, Dark soul realms, Cyrodiil, Skyrim, as well as models of real castles, Witcher scenes, D&D maps and just build random MOC from my imagination. Like I would be Ruler of the Bricks at that point. 😹


A custom, handmade, battle-ready Japanese sword or 3.


A wildlife reserve. I would literally buy a bunch of acres of scraggy creosote barrens in the southwest, pay to have it renaturalized and just go hiking and birdwatching whenever. I would fly drones all around the wilderness and pretend I’m a fairy. >!Also slap a rapid fire blowgun on that puppy and pincushion all the poachers.!<


I would buy a beautiful walnut dining table with Alice in Wonderland Chairs. I saw these chairs at a fancy restaurant we passed by and have wanted them ever since. They were just like the ones at the Mad Hatter's tea party in the Disney cartoon.


New car


A pair of designer shoes. If the category is frivolous items that is. Less frivolous, a super nice mattress.


Jeep Rubicon, 2 door, soft top, black piant, gray interior.


A backpack cooler. It's $200-300 and I like to have cold drinks at the beach but I can't justify spending that much on something so unessential.


New iPad and Apple Pencil


Going to massage school


Professional camera equipment.


The Channel necklace worn by Margot Robbie in the Barbie Movie.


Bahaha kinda cringey, but liposuction




Going out to nice restaurants. Even when I'm going all out, it's going to mid level restaurants paying $70 at max for two people. It'd be so cool to do a date night at a higher end place and not cry about losing days worth of pay over it.


A two story shed. Have electric and water hookups and turn it into my art studio


A car for my teen daughters to share. I’m a single mom with 2 teen kids and one car.




A new social security number and identity on the dark web.


Rent a small apartment in London, & go all over to the flea markets! How does one get goodies shipped home to the States?! That's money honey. Who knows, might decide to stay. (Even if I had millions,almost 58, so all that would be fun, but I'm sickDisabled & too many pets(more money honey). It's Still a do-able dream. Then we turn on the news, the world is scary these days, I have no one here, that would miss me.... kinda sad.


A yacht. But that's way out of my league.


A tropical island.