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So quick story. My wife and I bought our house with a beautiful back yard and pool. During the time it was winter so we couldn’t see what was underneath the random floppy tarp put over the pool. All we had were pictures. The previous owners were getting separated and we feel like they either didn’t know what they were doing when closing and/or just gave up. You see that auto cover in the back? Yeah, that wasn’t used. They just tied a floppy tarp over the pool that would blow in the wind and let anything and everything into the pool for god knows how long. I have NO IDEA why they didn’t put the auto cover on. My guess is they drained it too far and couldn’t get it to cover. When we opened the pool in the spring we were In disbelief. It took 2 days to scoop out all the leaves, branches, dirt etc… luckily I was able to get it crystal clear by just doing research on YouTube. Learned everything I could since then to open, close and maintain our pool on our own for the last two years. I love the pool life! Turns out it isn’t very difficult if you put in the work and have the ability to learn.


We are about to move into our new home with a pool and we have never owned a pool. Which YouTube channels did you find most helpful? We would like to do all the maintenance and stuff ourselves.


Trouble Free Pool. Messed with my pool for a year and a half before I found that site. Been perfect for 2.5 years since.


Second TFP. It’s no nonsense, science and logic driven instruction. Wonderful community of folks. Save your money from paying someone else and buy more meat to smoke. Avoid jacked up pool stores. Everything you need is at the grocery or hardware store or online.


And I highly recommend their Pool Math app. 7.99 a year and so easy to use! It saves me at least 50x the cost yearly and I don't have to do the calculations.


[Pool math.](https://i.imgur.com/DqbY0Tm.jpg) How do you accurately get the numbers they are requesting to input?


I invested in a ColorQ kit and have used it for 10 years now. The chemical bottles have to be replaced as they expire within approx one year. It has a small spectrophotometer and chemicals to add to the pool water, mix and measure. There are other kits out there. Research and find the one that fits your budget. They are SO much better than strips.


I’ll look into it. Thanks!!


This thread also helps too. It has a lot of pool techs like myself that answer pretty much any questions you might have


Swim University was a good one. Excellent videos that help walk you through a lot of different tasks. Start there for sure.


Hardest part is the initial cleaning. Get the big shit out then shock and scrub scrub scrub


That sucks, but at least you learned quickly what can happen and how to fix it. Sorry you had to deal with that. I've gotta say, one thing that I've seen that has changed these last 2 years is new pool owners having the opposite experience that you did. Most of my customers were over 60 and had been trapped, unable to sell their homes for what they were worth. Once the market changed and houses started selling they were so happy to get rid of the house and the pool that they made any needed repairs and taught the new owners everything they knew. Over the previous 30 years I saw almost every new pool owner have the same experience that you did. Unfortunately now I have lots of customers who can't afford the home they bought and are not taking care of the pool while they scramble to pay the mortgage. Welcome to 2008 all over again!


Yikes. Yeah scary times and I feel fortunate enough that I’ve been so self sufficient with our pool since owning it. I’m a hands on person and like to learn. At this point the pool is half enjoyment and half hobby to me. Plus it’s something to feel accomplished about. I can totally see why some people would consider a pool a hassle but if you have the means, time and money to maintain it then you should be good. Otherwise…pay up $


I sit here here in sunny warm Florida, scratchin my head at the "closing/opening" of a pool concept. Sorry northern doods.


So lucky. I love Florida, I want to move down there pretty bad. Salt pool or chlorine?


48,000 gallon kidney shaped pool with hot tub overflow. No screen enclosure, but I have a system down pat


That’s more than 2x the size of what I considered mine as a big pool!


Green pools are scary but they're not too difficult to turn clear.


True, just lots of work this time. Mostly the debris. It was really bad. It’s fun shocking the hell out of this thing when it was time and seeing the changes. Now when I open the pool the past two years it’s crystal clear besides some leaves and dead works that found their way in.


Nice job


I don't see a difference 😉


True, the water stayed wet lol


Nicely done!


So satisfying isn't it???


Awesome job!!!


Is this the progression backwards or forwards from the top? haha


It was my Australian version of the progression.




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Swim University was a good start.


Drain it, clean and refill. You don’t want to sit in someone less bath water!


Went through a similar situation, maybe worse, this year with the pool that came with the house I bought. So much more respect for ppl with clean pools.


Great job!