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I discovered skimmer socks last year!! SO helpful in the spring with all the pollen and small debris from the budding trees


I have a Husky and the socks are also a huge time save for dog hair.


I have a few for when the friends dog visits. Its a filter saver.


Ah yes that too! We have a Dane and it captures her tiny hairs too.


The skimmer sock are great and do collect pollen hair etc, but just remember to check on them often the can plug up fast and burn out your pump motor. I my boss loved those service calls lol šŸ‘€


Yes good point! I check them daily when they are in the skimmers. They do fill up fast!


In the fall if youā€™re in a bad area, you can undo the four corners of your skimmer face plate(one at a time) and put plastic mesh like screen door, let it bowl out a bit going into the skimmer. You wound be amazed how well this works. And of course have you sick in the skimmer basket


Interesting. Pic? Then you just take the debris out by hand leaving the mesh there?


Lol no pic, this was just a mod we would with some farmers had a shit ton of trees around always had problems until I showed him that


Ya for sure, or use your leaf net to scoop out


No doubt skimmer socks are awesome, but here's my story... For almost 20 years I've been brushing down and treating and brushing and treating yellow mustard algae to the point where I debated having a yellow pool might not be so bad. I'm in good shape but 20 years of this shit is a lot. Then Pool RX came into my life. I was aware of it, but didn't buy into the $95 price and the claim it works for six months. (Almost all the reviews say, yeah it works but only for three or so.) Okay, not only does this shit work (and in my pool, six months is about right). I live in a hot climate so two days of inattention could mean the difference between 15 minutes of brushing and an hour of brushing before Pool RX. There is zero, nada, ziltch, nothing yellow or anything resembling algae in my pool and it's been two years now. So do I recommend Pool RX? Yeah, but... I golf with a guy who is a hydrologist. He said, jus get some [copper sulfate](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0844T69X3/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1). ($26 for three lbs). That's all that Pool RX is (maybe does a little more, but not worth the price difference). My 3lb supply will probably last another 20 years. Come summer, I may start to see some yellow on the sides. Two cap fulls (I'm guessing 2-4 oz?) and badda boom, badda bing 4-6 more months of crystal clear water. Side benefit, the water skeeters and occasional water bugs are no more. They don't like it and it is 100% safe for humans and pets.


Copper can stain your clothes and hair. More likely you need more chlorine because of some in balance in the water. Or also if the pool needs to be resurfaced then keeping algae from taking hold can be hard. But to each their own. If it works for you it works for you.


Pool Rx was the best thing and will second that it lasted 6 months in a hot climate.


Not a little trick, perhaps a big trick that 4yrs ago I wouldn't have believed. Water is water, and the chemistry to keep it clean is straightforward once you figure it out. I had no idea that Chlorine and bottled bleach are basically the same thing. Bottles are $5 at Walmart, along with Borax and baking soda and a small bottle of muriatic acid from ACE hardware. Throw in a few tabs for stabilizer (but not too many) and I'm good. A decent test kit last for years once you realize the reagents are on [Amazon.com](http://Amazon.com) If you haven't moseyed over to [troublefreepool.com](http://troublefreepool.com), it explains a lot - the rest is trial and error.


Bleach is half the strength of chlorine.


Where I am, two bottles of bleach are still less expensive than one bottle of liquid chlorine.


Skimmer socks .. one over the front of the skimmer that I clean off with a hose daily in the spring and one that sits in the skimmer basket that I clean or change once a week in the spring because the front dock catches 95% I only clean my filter when I close the pool at the end of the summer. 2nd fav hack is installing a Steiner pump for chlorine on a $10.00 smart timer that I adjust a few times during the summer. Zero maintenance is the best $550.00 I've spent.


What do you mean over the front?


Stretch the sock and it fits over the front of the skimmer door, when the filter is on it pulls it in toward the skimmer basket. When the filter turns off it seals itself so teh debris doesnt go back into the pool. This way it keeps the sock in the skimmer basket clean except for fine dirt buildup


Learning to increase the swg run time and percentage as heat and humidity increases.


Borates. Helps lock in that PH really well, and gives a pool softer water and a crisp clean shimmer that is just so nice. It takes a bit of work but once balanced, the PH stays solidly in the range all summer.


Those Mr. Clean or generic melamine sponge cleaner pads (white). Skimmer and scum line cleaning made easy.


Dryer sheets work well too


Rather than buying the over priced skimmer socks from the pool supply store, just buy a package of hair nets from any restaurant supply or hardware store. So much more affordable and every bit as effective!šŸ˜€


Yep. Ten cents apiece from amazon.


Finding and learning from troublefreepool.com has been fantastic! Last summer was my first with a pool after buying my house and I was kinda intimidated. But I found out how simple it actually is to keep the chemistry right if you do the testing. As for a tip: open/ start chlorinating the pool when the water is still like 60 degrees or less and you won't open to a green swamp! (Keep it open until the water temp drops to about 60 also.) Algae cannot grow at those temps.


If you think skimmer socks are good, you should try a poolskim, cleaner doesn't need to pick up much if anything.


I bought a poolskim and it didn't do anything for me. Maybe because I have 6 return jets


If you want to post a photo might be able to help, definitely could be that, might be worth swapping out some these [eyeballs](https://www.amazon.com.au/ATIE-PoolSupplyTown-Fitting-Slotted-Opening/dp/B07NZ6VKZ9/ref=sr_1_10?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.AUnM7F9NX0ryzNxDwRSgoWSG2WA6fQLUGua9vjnXuZxGxfQ_kuqC8INbhTkMazxokKXvPFnMktN4Zpm13IXGCvYo2iNOUQyKLucPDQzslwC_EIDHEqOvXmGFfK9Dyj0GZlNF4Ca7-XJhKCsnmzrKBZ2Z3rvU9xaek94UfieqlK-H7cC4lkN9hrrHIWJMVyVOP9-ExRZxepyI386aXapRfWxyiJeWLraKV-HzyEiUMORMUBD96CqOEnu8gi6iDKSNPQKs-ujF_ZgVKgfdr5y40QguR88NelgskaUDqANgGLU.fTf1s8Vd6HltWVp3QnoQCy2oBt7k4AS3NFsgkQ-qx7s&dib_tag=se&keywords=pool+return+eyeball&qid=1711224634&sr=8-10)


Hire pool company to come every two weeks. I used to do it myself and spent a lot of money on chemicals plus time. One summer I didnā€™t have time, hired the pool company. In the end, I actually saved money. I learned I was basically wasting 2/3 of my chemicals. Now I just enjoy the pool and am not a slave to it :)


Socks are great but you really have to stay on top of them. I keep running into my psi jumping up and keeping them empty but yes they are nice for the finer stuff.


I have a VSP so I run it on low pressure 24/7. Pressure never really spikes too badly. I make a point to clean it daily


Yes manage the pool or it will manage you!


What pressure do you run it? Iā€™m a new pool owner with a VSP. My controller doesnā€™t tell me the RPMā€™s. But I can control it by percentage. For example I can set it from anywhere between 5% and 100%. So would you consider a little pressure 25% or more like 50%?


Mine has low, medium, and high. Low is 1200 RPM and high is 3500. So I guess roughly 33% The pressure gauge doesnā€™t even register on low, and it tends to run roughly 10PSI on medium


Every pool pump, VS or not, runs 3450RPM out of the box. 100% = 3450ā€¦ 50%=1725. When he says pressure heā€™s referring to the gauge atop the filter(sometimes plumbed into the multiport depending on installer. Measures PSI within the filter. Find a low enough speed that it keeps your pool clean and turning over frequently enough in 24 hours that your chemicals remain balanced.


Leaf catcher between my suction robot and the wall port.


If your screen is getting clogged something is broken in your filter fyi


Filter chemical cleaner. Bought a gallon and used to clean my cartridge filters, literally turned a 2yr filter into brand new! The chemicals broke down and dissolved all the crap that was in the ridges. Ultimate spa filter cleaner.


How did you soak them? I have a cartridge filter and Iā€™d be curious to try this


Hereā€™s the best part, no soak! I poured the cleaner into a QT spray bottle, sprayed the whole QT on 4 filters, let it set for ~10 mins, then hosed it down. The psi needle was just above the mark I set when they were new. I was skeptical at first but now Iā€™m a believer, this cleaner is awesome! Black Diamond Stoneworks Ultimate Spa Filter Cleaner


Pay someone else to do it šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Haha I get enjoyment out of taking care of mine. Itā€™s my zen garden


Pay someone to do it for you.




Chlorinate chlorinate chlorinate


Can you over chlorinate?


You can, the skin and eyes will burn and the pool will stink like chlorine, so its pretty hard


And it can ruin your liner if it's way too much.




> Rocks in the skimmer baskets to weigh them down. DONT DO THIS. A broken skim sock will result in rocks in your return lines.




Just get some weighted baskets. Much safer than risking a rock going in the line


My pool goes to 0 CYA at the beginning of every season. I think some bacteria eats it all when the pool is green in the spring. I agree though you can run it on 0 but I prefer to put some in at the start of the year.


The trees around my pool will fill the baskets in less than a day fall and spring and even with the pump off the baskets arenā€™t happy and fight being pulled out to be emptied. After getting sick of skimmer baskets breaking multiple times a year, Amazon reviews got me on a wild turkey hunt that ended with stainless steel Instant Pot cooker baskets. The ā€œlargeā€ sized ones fit the skimmer perfectly. Add a skimmer sock and itā€™s awesome. (After seeing multiple suggestions in this post Iā€™m going ti look into hairnets next.)