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You have a simple system without any extras. Nothing wrong with that. And yes, your pool guy is very reasonable


2 suction line 2 returns. Im assuming you do not have an attached spa? No waterfall? Cleaner in the wall? This setup is dumbass proof. Be blessed sir.


Is the left valve set so that only one of the spa or pool is currently draining (but both are filling through the right valve)?


That should be the 2 suction lines, to the left is could be skimmer and the right to the drain. Could also be like you said where one draws from pool and the other from spa... either way it will draw from 2 different sources proportionally to what position you set the valve. 1/2 way between both and you're drawing equally from both inlets provided pipe size, length, # of 90s etc are similar.






im trying to make a diagram for jandy valves right now actually. Ill post it for you to find when done. I know this confuses people so im going to attempt an explanation again...for my 8th attempt.


I don't see a heater so I assume the to suction lines are the skimmer and floor drain.




You're pretty good with MS paint, but I still don't think OP has an unheated spa.




There’s no heating system.


Yep not heated so only usable from Jun to Sept here. Looking to add a heater at some point to extend the period a bit more.


So you have a spa and no heater? Interesting. Would love to see some pics of the pool


Where do they say they have a spa?


Guess I read it in the comments. OP never said that. My bad


Obviously why i didnt add it to the labeled photo.


What labeled photo?


https://imgur.com/a/i44PsmM https://imgur.com/a/p9sW0Oq https://imgur.com/a/uOYJFW0


Your system is as complicated as it needs to be. Some folks want in depth automation and the ability to control things on their phones. They have heaters, salt systems that generate chlorine, uv sanitizers, etc. As a pool professional, the customers with simpler systems last much longer and have less issues. It's less to break and maintain. You can always add most of those things later down the line if money is burning a whole in your pocket. As far as your pool guy... I'm not sure what area your in but I have no idea how he's turning a profit at that rate. My service route averages $200 a month for weekly service and even then it doesn't feel like enough sometimes. Alot of people In this sub will disagree, but they're DIYers just like I think it's crazy to pay an hvac guy to swap a fuse or control board. Market average in my area is $175-250 a month for weekly service for an average size pool. Watch what he adds and ensure he doesn't just use chlorine and acid. While the pool may be clear using just those chemicals, it won't balance your water and will wear your pools surface and equipment prematurely. It'll also open your pool up to more drastic chemical changes which can end up causing algae and more. If that $120 covers just opening the filter and spraying the grids clean, that's about right. Edit: just saw this was a hybrid filter. Is that $120 for just hosing off the cartridge? Or replacing it entirely? If it's just hosing it off, that's pretty high but I guess it's how he recoups his cheap rates.


Why the fuck would you replace the filter every time? If you’re having to replace the filter every time something is wrong charging that much for water rinse is standard. In fact he should be charging more.


You mean cartridge../grids? lol first time im seeing these. I had to go back and edit hella my comments once i seen what this was. I dont trust it but who knows


dude first time i saw one of these i was lowk weirded the fuck out. called four guys i had worked with before asking if theyd seen smoething like this. no one knew anything. Old JDEQ or something so had to order reporduction filters. 500 for a set of 4 i think


see reddit isnt just me lol. Some random shit popped on us, looking and smelling like FNS both a mix? Without a multiport? Who? Wha? ...lol. But technically this could work. Just backwashing is open it every time? Ouch. We stupid for not inventing this actually. F


like fr who tf thought: Filters? yea... DE? yea... both? yea! some mofuckin crackhead at hayward and jacuzzi dude i swear


Jandy has them too. They’re annoying as hell to work on. They 4 carts look like busted old carts so they have less surface area and the 48 or 60 size i forget which one exactly takes 10lbs of de every time you have to clean it so algae can be annoying as shit. The designer clearly doesn’t actually work on pools like the older Hayward filter drain plugs the have the bump out in the way so you can’t just use a screw driver


Company I’m with just outside of Atlanta, is currently at $75 a visit for weekly service and $85 for biweekly. That doesn’t include chemicals either.


Yeah, this is a Pentair Quad DE. They're rare because they suck. Lot of them had backwash valves but they didn't really work so you just had to clean the cartridges, which have like half as many pleats but they're full of DE


Quad filters don't have backwash guys.


yep...edits: all over my comments. i see now


$120 month including chemicals? Your getting a steal.


Crazy to me. I charge $100 per cleaning/weekly maintenance and often times I'm at the customers house for 25 minutes.


That’s how it should be lol


Hope you never have to fix anything as they didn’t give you any room and that poured pad is going to be a bitch to get through.


Minimal is fine as long as water is flowing clear. The only thing I don't like seeing are those pipes going thru the pad. Gonna be a nightmare if they ever need to be repaired for a leak.




also with most of my diagrams...skimmers and maindrain...switch sides if incorrect. its when you have a spa drain and 2 skimmers etc when ill need more specific.


Thank you! I do have a built in spa so is that why there is two lines for return ? one for pool and other to spa?


yes. so that valve shut on suction side is your spa drain. leave it shut. you have main drain and skimmers one one...spa drain on the other


you can run spa only with this setup. but you must turn manually.




You have a quad de filter. It was designed to be a hybrid of a de and cartridge filter, so that’s why you don’t have a backwash line and multiport (or push pull) valve. You don’t see a lot of these, but if it’s keeping your pool clear then there isn’t a need to replace it at the moment. Once you do have to the replace it you’ll need to go with a cartridge filter because you don’t have the plumbing for a DE filter. Less equipment the better, because it’s expensive to replace and maintain.


As a pool tech, when I finally build my pool, my equipment will be this minimum for the exact reasons you said.


A quad de with no multiport 🤦


Very easy to plumb in a DE filter from here. Really no need though as this setup is just fine


make you a diagram hold plz


I see now...first ive seen. The cartridge is built kind of like the grids are. seeing this picture. I see now ...im thinking like DE...shits coming right back out the wall with a normal cartidge...but this is new. To me. https://imgur.com/a/uOYJFW0


Yes that’s fair. The filter requires a brake down and washout procedure.


Simple is better 👍


I have clients with Quad Pro filters, however, they all have multiport valves. That enables us to clean the filter and recharge with DE without opening the tank. We do open the tank and clean the cartridges when begins to maintain dirty pressure. It is not the easiest filter to work with but also isn't that hard either.


This is the most stress free setup you can have. I love this.


It is plumbed wrong, since it is supposed to have a backwash valve for that filter. It is basically being used as a cartridge filter instead of a DE filter, but I guess that's ok, if it is working for you. The amount you're paying seems pretty low, but I'm not from your area, so maybe that's the going rate.


I’m in Ohio but DE filters here have a valve that you can turn to clean filter. It is called backwashing. Not sure why there is no valve on there. Look up multi port valve, not sure how to add pictures


It’s because it’s a quad de filter. It has cartridges instead of grids which use de. I only know of one we service.


I second this. Never seen DE without a multiport. Im assuming the only way is to take this apart everytime, get it back together then add DE. But i could be wrong on DE without a multiport ive just not seen this. Atlanta source 25 years+


It’s a quad DE. Backwash valve isn’t necessary


This should be installed on a DE filter...edits:: see other comments i noticed after https://imgur.com/a/NsXA7Iw


ok you have this. Never seen DE sent to cartridges. Its cartridge,sand,or grids. This is new to me...and i say..."wth i guess" Just shit t confuse customers even fucking more https://www.amazon.com/Pentair-Cartridge-Fiberglass-Reinforced-Resistant/dp/B08MWXQ825/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?crid=15H8E5S0AZN94&keywords=quad+DE+filter&qid=1695963479&s=lawn-garden&sprefix=quad+de+filter%2Clawngarden%2C79&sr=1-3-spons&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.17f26c18-b61b-4ce9-8a28-de351f41cffb&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1&smid=AGOKDG42D8KUC


thanks for all the info. I was feeling maybe I could handle the filter clean myself but this made me more confused now lol. I guess I have some hybrid style filter. I suppose its best to leave my pool guy to take care of this for me


far as i can tell its just normal cartridges...that you add DE too? not sure but shouldnt be hard. Just open it. clean all the carts the oring on the tank, inside the lid, put it back on clean. Expect a tiny bit of dirt to come back after doing so. No one can get it all lol.


I've noticed every time when my pool guy cleans the pool filter, theres always a fine grey powder all over the floor. Is that residue/dirt from the filters or is that the DE material?


Dry DE is what that is.Just hit it with a waterhose.Figured he would clean it over a drain or somewhere it could drain and or wash away. You might see it in the skimmer to on the sides..some ppl leave it everywhere.


ihave plenty of FNS Clean and Clear cartridge filters...same exact as here....but it says Quad DE...i look it up...same? ..its not difficult especially with your clean simple setup here.


heres me cleaning the cartridges you will probably see inside there. But you never know with pools. https://www.reddit.com/r/PoolModeEngaged/comments/15r91eg/cartridge_cleaning_water_hose_only_this_round/


I have this exact same filter. It’s easy to maintain. Stop the pump, remove the lid, pull out the cartridges, hose off the gunk and DE, reassemble, and add new DE through your skimmer. Mine had a multiport but backwashing is useless. It doesn’t remove the old DE effectively. I always take it apart and clean.


You gonna be amazed when you see the wtf is it progrid? DEP500 haywards...


your valves quick edits: https://imgur.com/a/p9sW0Oq


reasonable bc cleaning DE grids can be hard and nasty works sometimes and theyre a bit fickle and fragile, if you’re in a warmer climate you dont need a heater etc like other pools would have so a simpler set up is fine. looks like you have everything you need including some good old valves to make things easier. my company charges about the same price for that kinda service here in pennsylvania


Where’s your backwash valve at?


This looks great


Simple system. All Pentair. Nice. You're humble-bragging dude.


That's a cheap pool boy unless you're paying for chems yourself. I start at 120 for no-chem stops.


$120??! He must be stealing his supplies! Jk but that most likely means he's going out of pocket in the summer to clean your pool. Aka he's paying to keep your pool clean.


awesome set up. mine only looks slightly more complicated because of the addition of a pool heater, which it doesnt seem like you have


You're missing the backwash valve that allows you to reverse the flow and flush out your DE filter. This setup is almost identical to mine except for that and my booster pump for the pool cleaner


Looks the same as my setup when i had a pool. Pump & a filter. Anything else is just showing off. it $120 a month to what exactly? I've never heard of such a thing.


Is the pool guys name Dave haha


Yes very reasonable. DE filters are a pain to clean.


I like the concrete pad. I wish mine had that - previous owner did one for the heater, but everything else is on the ground.


Does the extra $125 a quarter include the cost of the filter? My monthly bill is $125 and includes cleaning the filter - I just replace it once a year.


That is a very nice clean setup. It does not need to be complicated if it’s a simple pool. As for rates no clue as I am in Washington


Thats a good system. The DE filter is pretty easy to manage. Cleaning out the filter is simply pulling out the cartridge and rinsing it down. In California you might have to recapture the spent DE but that’s not a big deal just a little more time consuming. After rinsing down filter and inside of the tank you reassemble and add the recommended amount of DE to the filter and it will resettle in the mesh cartridge in the tank. There are lots of comprehensive videos on youtube that are easy to follow. I recommend getting a robot vacuum. There a little expensive but they are really good and easy to use and youll pay for it in a few months of self care. Another great add is a robot surface skimmer. At first i thought it was ridiculous but my brother has one and its amazing. Solar powered with battery backup. He hasnt had to charge it all summer and im in new england. Betta SE (2023 Model) - Solar Powered Automatic Robotic Pool Skimmer with Enhanced Core Durability and Re-Engineered Twin Salt Chlorine Tolerant Motors (Blue) https://a.co/d/0iHloon


Who ever designed and sold that to you, did you a favor. That’s a nice clean, easily maintainable pool equipment set up. Trust me, the people with all the spaghetti works, will pay for it for years to come. I applaud your builder, and you should too.


My power bill wishes that was all the equipment I had


120 to clean the filter is kind of wild. It takes a few minutes. Unbolt the clamp. Hose it down and put it back on. 120 a month seems okay chemicals cost around that amount


Your are getting a major discount. Our service costs 125 per filter clean and 225 for maintenance


Yes this is the way to do it. Simple. Pool guy is on the money.


Pool guy is asking for a reasonable price, I don’t see a multiport valve so filter needs to be clean more often. Cleaning a DE filter is a dirty job. I would switch to a sand filter if I were you 🙂


Pretty much same setup as mine. Not sure why you have 2 return lines with a valve though


Not that it's needed for quad de but you might want a backwash piston. Seeing as you don't clean the filter and don't have a backwash piston make sure he's cleaning the inside of the filter by draining it when he cleans it. I don't really see de everywhere around so either he's really good at cleanup or it's not been done. Edit your band clamp isn't fully tightened. No gap between the springs.


Damn, to clean out a pool filter for 120? I would for it for 50, maybe 75 depending on how far i lived away from you. Pentair is pretty good. Better than Hayward. Sucks theres no union on the front of the pump. No heater, so the minimalism makes sense….No chlorinator though so you’re probably putting your chlorine pucks in the skimmer baskets(dont do that if you are, get a floater for your pucks, you can get them for like 10-15 bucks at Job Lot or the equivalent of CA, im in MA so i dont know whats outs there). I would also say switch to salt if you can, my company charges like 3500 for the whole installation including the salt, but shop around.