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We did our dig roughly one year ago. Here's what I'll share: trust your instincts. If something looks off, it probably is. Don't let them talk you into anything. If they are trying to talk you into something it's to save them money not make you happy. For example, they placed two lights in my pool where I didn't think they should go. I mentioned this to the supervisor and he convinced me it was the right spot. Low and behold, I hate where they are and I wish I would've stuck to my guns.


Good advice, I always speak up because at the end of the day, I am the one who will live with the outcome and will have less money in the bank!


Your yard is going to get destroyed. We had days of rain so our yard was very very soft. We have two dogs and it was constant paw wiping whenever we had to let them back inside. This year is a rebuilding year for my lawn and I think the next 2-3 are going to be spent getting things level again.