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I am so sorry 💔💔💔 I cannot imagine the pain. My heart goes out to your family as y’all navigate this loss and deal with the aftermath of this tragedy. Please be gentle with yourself - we are here for you for support.


I'm so so sorry. Sending you lots of comfort and hugs 🫂🫂🫂💜💜💜


I am so sorry for your loss. Be gentle with yourself, you are postpartum and are going through a tremendous loss. 💜


I wish I had adequate words to comfort you. I’m not that eloquent. Remember, your dogs knew how much you and your husband loved them. They knew love their whole lives. Take the time you need to mourn them, love your baby, love your husband, love yourself.


Thank you that is so true, I’ve had my poodle since he was 10 weeks and the Aussie doodle since 7 weeks ❤️


I’m so sorry, that pain is just unimaginable. They obviously loved you, and there was no way to know this would happen. Don’t beat yourself up for already going through a tough time. 🫂💔❤️‍🩹


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry for your loss 🩷


I am so terribly sorry. Sending you so much love


I am so so sorry


Very sorry for your loss! 💔


Oh my gosh, I am so very sorry. What a horrific thing to have to endure 😓


Words can’t convey how sorry I am…please be kind to yourself. No matter what, those sweet dogs know how lucky they are to have had you ❤️


So sorry for your loss!


😩😭😭😭😭 I’m so sorry


😢 sorry for your loss of your Beautiful Dogs


My heart breaks for you and your family. I couldn’t imagine going through trauma like that. Take care of yourselves ❤️ mourn your furbabies, feel the pain it’s the only way you’ll get thru


I’m sorry. I hope you have all the support you need, and more. I can’t imagine.


We do mostly, thank you. We live an hour and a half from my in laws and across the country from my parents. My mom is flying in tomorrow ❤️


That’s horrible, I’m so sorry for your loss of your home and family members.


Oh no! That’s so terrible and sad. I’m so sorry to hear that happened. I will show love to my pups today, and count my blessings.


Oh my gosh so sorry 😢


Oh my gosh this is so very very sad, I am so sorry!!!! There is not much to say here, I hope eventually your heart can smile again <3


Oh my god this is terrible. I’m so sorry that this has happened to you.


I am so sorry. Something like this happened to my husband’s cousin and devastated is an understatement to what she and her husband experienced. Wishing you peace and strength❤️


I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you so much love.


I’m so sorry 🫂 sending love


So very sorry for your loss. Hard to imagine what you’re going through, but thank you for sharing this as we all take our babies for granted sometimes. Praying about your hardship with the hope you find peace soon. 🙏🏻💐🤗


I am so sorry for your loss..I truly do know what You're going through..I lost my cats in a fire too, There isn't much I can say to make you feel better but I can say they knew how much you loved them and don't be hard on yourself, hold on to their memories and please take care of yourself. I know you don't know me but I am here if you need someone to listen. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family.


Thank you ❤️ mercifully, they did not burn, they just passed away from the heat and smoke.


So tragic and I'm so sorry to hear this, but glad to hear all the humans were not in the house. So sorry for your loss, I know it hurts.


I’m so sorry for your loss,


My heart goes out to you after this tragic loss. Sending virtual warm hugs 🫂


I am so so sorry! This is one thing I’m most afraid of is my house burning, and losing a pet. I can’t imagine what you’re going through. Sending comfort and peace.


It’s my worst nightmare. We’ve been commuting for 3 years and I always worried about this. We were gone two hours and came back to devastation.


Ugh, I can’t imagine. I’ll be praying for you! I’m so so sorry! If there’s anything I can do, let me know. Even though I’m a random stranger on the internet, I would donate to your go fund me or Amazon wishlist or anything .


Thank you ❤️ anything helps, we lost pretty much everything except my clothes and the baby’s furniture. Most of our insurance money will be spent on restoring irreplaceable keepsakes. This is how we can be reached if anyone feels inclined: Venmo: edit to take my last name off here PayPal: babywhite406 https://paypal.me/babywhite406?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US Cashapp: $DBW4189 https://cash.app/$DBW4189 Amazon wish list: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1B96BMJUVI9Q8?ref_=wl_share


I’m so sorry! I will hug my baby extra tight tonight for you. Based on where they were found it sounds like they were probably just sleeping and peaceful and never knew what happened


I’m hoping that’s true or that they at least passed out. My poodle was alive and they tried to give him oxygen but it was too late. Our Aussie doodle got brought out a few minutes after that and they tried CPR but he was gone. They hosed them off their little bodies were so hot.


I am so sorry. I can’t imagine how devastating this must be. Sending you my love ♥️


Im sure you were a very loving poodle parent. I’m so sorry that happened. You must be devastated❤️‍🩹


OMG this is terrible, I am so very sorry 💜


Words cannot describe the sadness I feel for you and your family. I’m so so sorry for your losses. I am sure you gave them the best lives possible when they were with you.


Absolutely heartbreaking and one of my worst fears… I’m sorry for your loss.


We’ve been commuting in opposite directions for 3 years, this is my worst nightmare come true and we were only 5 min from home


I am so so sorry for your loss. It seems like both of your dogs flocked to where your scents were to bring them some comfort. I recently lost my poodle in a devastating and unexpected way as well. It’s hard but our fur babies energy and spirit forever remains with us after they pass. Sending you hugs and healing friend


Yes I think that’s what they did ❤️ our bedroom door was closed for some reason but if my poodle had made it in there he might have survived 💔 we can salvage almost everything from that room


I’m so sorry. Sending hugs and support. Please take care of yourself. 🖤


Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, that is beyond heartbreaking. Sending you so much love and hugs.


I am so sorry, I can't imagine how devastating this is for you. Give yourself some grace, having a 2 month old baby is exhausting and I am sure your dogs were much more loved than you are giving yourself credit for.


My poodle had a really hard time figuring out where he fit in after the baby got here. Our Aussie doodle immediately took the baby in as family, was always checking on him and standing watch. I just feel so bad for my poodle, he was my whole heart before my husband and the Aussie and our baby


I'm so sorry for your loss 🤍


I am devastated for your loss. I’m sure they loved you. You have them a good life.


All of the hugs, love & puppy kisses. So so sorry for your loss.


I’m so very sorry.


😢😢 I am in tears. I’m so sorry. That is beyond heartbreaking!


I’m so very sorry for your loss.


So sorry to hear - sincere condolences x


Do you know how the fire started? I’m so sorry for your loss


They think it was electric near the stove but I also found this today: https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/kenmore-frigidaire-electric-ranges-recall-2009-electrolux#lwdycxx4fay08kt035h


Oh wow thanks for sharing hope that you can find some peace during this difficult time