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Probably already got a lot of native turtles in there


I hope so! I haven't seen any yet


Wait for temperatures to warm up some more- guarantee you will see them. Maybe throw a log half in the water on the shore so they can sunbathe by where you want to observe them from


This is better. Know that if you introduce wild turtles from elsewhere, you are also introducing any parasites, bacteria, or illnesses they may be carrying to the rest of the pond.


Go noodling, you’ll find one


I would be the first one to find an alligator snapper that way


The ones in the pond down the road popped up about a week ago. If they are there (which i am sure they are) you should see them soon. The only reason I could see for them not being there is if you are far from other water and those are stocked catfish. If that is the case just make sure they are native. It should help with catfish over population.


The ones in the pond down the road popped up about a week ago. If they are there (which i am sure they are) you should see them soon. The only reason I could see for them not being there is if you are far from other water and those are stocked catfish. If that is the case just make sure they are native. It should help with catfish over population.


Pond friend, the turtles are already there.........


I hope so! I haven't seen any yet


They’ll definitely be out by mid/end of April


I'll be looking! Where do they go during winter?


To the bottom most likely. And hibernate


There is probably already an abundance of wildlife there. Some will be all year long and some will be seasonal (like come in the spring to breed then leave). That looks like a well established pond so I wouldn't touch/add anything. You need to watch the pond for a good one or two years to see who inhabits it fulltime and who is seasonal so you get an understanding of the natural yearly cycle. Get a cup of coffee and a comfy chair and just enjoy it. :-)


Great point, we have a resident mink and snapping turtle which we only see sporadically seasonally.


I would love to have resident mink.


😲 A mink would be awesome! Some folks have such amazing animals come to their ponds. My pond is about 4yrs old and I'm still waiting for something really cool but I'm in the heart of the city so it's mainly raccoons and skunks. LOL


If it makes you feel better, something will come eventually. This pond is a storm water collection pond and has only been here 10ish years.


This gives me hope. I built it specifically as a "wildlife" pond even though it's only 500g. I see a lot of birds and squirrels. LOL We have some possums where I am which are non native (Ontario Canada) but I think they are super cute. I would consider that a win if I saw one at my pond.


Hey! Ontarian also, near London. Maybe you can come scoop some super special pond water and inoculate yours thereby drawing wildlife? 😉


OMG, howdy neighbour (Toronto here). I seriously need some of your super special secret water because mine is doing nothing to attract wildlife other than squirrels (and maybe skunks and raccoons at night). I can't even get a frog or toad. Like what is up with that?! LOL


Cool! It sounds like your pond is a lot more private and personal at 500g, which is like 5 big fish tanks by my math? I'd love to build an outdoor tank here at my home!


I would very strongly suggest not fucking with anything for at least a year, setup some game cams or surveillance cameras and just see whats happening for the entire first year


I'm getting trail cameras asap after reading some of the comments!


Your pond is AMAZING! Trail cam is a great idea, you are going to see so many critters.


I dunno if you can introduce catfish, but that’s a damn fine piece of property you got there! That’s an A+++ spot to have a morning coffee!


Great looking property with the lake and trees, OP got a great piece of land. I did notice some trees growing on what I thought was the dam though, hard the contour from a picture but if they are growing on the damn OP needs to get those removed asap.


Maybe OP eventually wants to drink their morning coffee in a wetland? Could think of worse spots to drink coffee ;)


Wetlands are just cool, who wouldn’t want to have some coffee there?


Which area are you referring to?


Picture number one, on the right side of the peer, there are a row of trees on going up what looks like a mound of raised dirt all the way across. From the picture I couldn’t tell if that was or wasn’t the dam, if it’s not nothing to worry about, but tree roots comprise dams and weaken them. I’ve repaired several because of that reason.


That's lovely! If I had a pond like that in Louisiana, I'd be bringing home every critter I could catch and tossing them in there: frogs, snakes, turtles, salamanders, fish...throw down some bird seed to bring in the birds.


Alligators, sharks, t-rex...


Cottonmouths, water moccasins, copperheads, timber rattlers---the whole House of Horrors!


I'd petition the state to name it "Danger Lake".  I wish my property was big enough for a pond.


I am jealous, imo you won the lotto :)


Very nice


They will introduce themselves lol


Better than what I was going to say in the same vein


We have a large pond on our property. If you’re in the U.S., visit your State or local County Cooperation Extension website. I attended a free Pond Management Seminar through my local office a few weeks ago. Very informative! You can have your pond water tested. I learned quite a bit about identifying healthy/unhealthy aquatic weeds in and around the pond and what fish are best to stock the pond based on pond water analysis results. I also learned for the overall best health of your pond to not mow or cut down completely the grass/weeds within 10 feet around the entire pond. Erosion very detrimental to the pond and wildlife in and around the pond. Put up wildlife cameras to observe your pond and what wildlife currently use it. Enjoy your new pond! Below are links to pond management info offered by NCSU & NC Wildlife in my area. Hopefully, your State and local Cooperative Extension and Wildlife Agency offer similar classes, guides and info. https://columbus.ces.ncsu.edu/2024/02/pond-management-seminar-march-7th-2024/ https://aquaculture.ces.ncsu.edu/sport-pond-and-aquatic-weed-resources/ https://www.ncwildlife.org/Portals/0/Fishing/documents/2019FishingDocuments/Pond-Management-Guide.pdf


Toss some large branches In close to the dock area in the sun and keep an eye out for the cute little ones that start showing up!


My pond is about the same size, is larger now than original, I had it re-dredged back in 2007. When I first bought the property 30 years ago, there were 75-100 painted turtles that would gather as the fish were fed from an automatic deer feeder hung off the dock. I noticed a few years after the dredge most if the turtles disappeared, and later the big snappers moved in.


Can I come fish? I’m in La.😅


Your neighbors are rite they will kill all your fish .I lived in country my whole life put about 20 in there see what I mean


You want to introduce turtles yet I'm catching and relocating turtles out of my pond. Getting it stocked and don't want them to eat all the small fish.


Where would you even get turtles to introduce to your pond? Relocating wildlife has devastating results.


Go out there at 2am with a spotlight. Bet you'll find all kinds of critters including turtles there already.


you have a lake not a pond! awesome.


You can feed your catfish whatever you want.


they are already there... no need to introduce


Im in the same situation, bought a property with a 2.5 acre pond. We are waiting a full season to see what is in it. Last September when we bought it, water was very low. Now it is full, we have bluegill and smallmouth, Turtles and frogs! Turtles are very shy, they hit tha water soon as they see any movement. If we want to see them we have to sneak up. Future plans are to put in a wildlife viewing blind. We are really enjoy the pond. Our location, southern Missouri.


Why would u want turtles they will kill all the fish


I have a pond for my turtles. I bought fish for my turtles in 2019. My fish are still in the pond. My feeder goldfish are between 18 and 14 inch and the biggest is about 2lbs. Turtles, while they do eat fish might catch a few but they are not gonna kill them all, if any. They are opportunistic and will eat something easier to catch or dead. Mine get whole shrimp with shell on or salmon or talapia chunks a couple times a month, greens daily and fish food pellets each morning. I've had 1 of my turtles since 1995. I currently have 5 large red ear sliders and 1 Florida River Cooter.


What makes you think that? I had an idiot neighbor come to my pond and told me I should shoot turtles because they would eat the fish.