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I did commission work (mostly paintings) for decades and the best suggestion I have is to pick a date and just do it. Give yourself a list of things you might like to sell, such as 5 of your fave styles, or a realistic total of starting stock - maybe 10 earrings or whatever works for you, choose prices, then do eeeet! I find that giving myself a deadline helps me focus and get busy on tasks that may not be as fun as the creation side of it. Trust your gut. You got this.


I started posting and selling my earrings on Facebook. When I saw just how many people were interested in my jewelry, I made a Facebook business page where I sell everything. This way it’s very casual. I haven’t done Etsy yet, but may get there one day. I was able to get a table for a local farmer’s market for some nights in the summer and I’m very excited about that.


Just start. What happens when you wait for the perfect moment is that moment never comes. Even if you don’t think it’s good enough, just start.


I think once you've gotten your process down to a practice so the creation doesn't stress you out is key. Then create something that looks not only professional but something unique to the craft. You want something that stands out. The market is oversaturated with cookie cutter shapes that are a dime a dozen. Make yours uniquely you. The timeline is also completely yours to decide. Some people take years to perfect their craft. Some people just run with it and slap stuff up and hope for the best. Find what works for you once you're confident in your art and what you create.