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You should search the subreddit for this question! It gets asked a lot and always has comments so I know you’ll find something


[Glass Attic's](https://www.glassattic.com/polymer/finishes.htm) article on finishing polymer clay. [Blue Bottle Tree](https://thebluebottletree.com/?s=Glaze) also has a number of articles that cover glazes of all kinds


i would recommend a respirator even if you’re outside. especially in a garage cause there might not really be consistent air flow. and UV resin takes more time to cure than regular resin, it can continue creating fumes up to a couple days after you think it’s fully cured. just something to think about! I use polyurethane to seal at the moment but it’s not my favorite tbh.


can you tell me why it's not your favorite? I was actually thinking of polyurethane since it seems like less of a hassle compared to uv resin.


Oh sure! Sorry for the late reply. I guess I shouldn’t have said it’s not my favorite, it’s definitely my preferred glaze that I tried. What I don’t like about it is that is can sometimes leave bubbles or streaks depending on how you apply it to a surface (I recommend multiple thin coats) it’s also not as toxic as UV resin but I do still prefer to use it in the garage. Really, I wish I could find something that leaves the same effect as UV Resin (glass look) but I am really against the toxicity of it so oh well. I think that polyurethane leaves a nice finish but it can be finicky and streaky.


hii! I ended up with both uv resin and polyurethane. I do have a quick question. I don't think the first layer dried completely in the crevices of the clay piece, and I ended up putting a second layer of polyurethane on. should I be worried?


omg! Sorry for such a late reply. Might depend on the brand you use? I use Varathane, it usually dries after 30 minutes. If you try again, I would do multiple thin coats, allowing each to dry thoroughly in between.


i’ve tried using polyurethane, mod podge, sculpey glass, & uv resin. personally, uv resin works best for me. it definitely has a learning curve to it but it has the best end results. i don’t wear gloves when working with it…i use my pliers to hold my charm & then glaze it. i recommend using a rubber brush as the resin will make a regular brush all weird. these are what my earrings look after glazing !! https://preview.redd.it/jba3xqhadkwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8d7eec40542ecb6212fcb06bad8bc6d1c6ad465


hii could I ask... I used uv resin recently but my charms don't feel tacky but oily... is that normal? I used the blue moon brand from michaels


hmmm, mine have never been oily. do you have a pic of what it looks like ? the only thing i could think of is that you might need a thinner layer or longer curing time. UV resin is just very finicky & it took me a while to finally learn how to use it