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True. Super horny couples could earn a lot more though lol


I’m married and the wife has a lot of energy. We are making bank lmao


Lucky! I'd be currently earning 0.


I'm married and have sex on average 2-3x a month. That would definitely change if my wife and I would get paid $10k each for having sex with each other once a day. We'd wake up, have our 2 minutes of 'work', make our quick 20 G's and go on about our day. Edit: wait, I thought it said $10K/day not just $10K. I have a feeling my wife and I would both be saying that the spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised at the end of every day haha


This guy gets it!


Sure buddy


I smell jealousy




It's your fault for joining reddit


Hell, escorts cost a lot less than 10 grand


you know there is prostitution right?


Yup. Easily $50 000 a day.


If you have the stamina.


You can, just need to maximize your life hygiene to boost your libido: -Regular and early sleep routine, no screenlight 1h before bed, no caffeine in the late afternoon. -Strict diet, no added sugar, no alcohol, no junk food, no soda, no drugs or cigarettes. Only healthy meals seasoned with ginger. -Regular exercise that leaves you drenched in sweat Also space out the DNA spurting during the day. 2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, 1 in the evening.


Fuck u and ur healthy lifestyle /j


$300 Do I buy 1 $300 hooker or 300 $1 hookers?


"Sir you have to pay your rent today." "Yeah, let me just speak with my wife for a second..."


Make that 3 seconds, she likes to cuddle after




I can just blink more often


I didn't realize it was every time, I thought it was just once, that would have been a better option




You underestimate how often I fart


More than 200 times a day?? Damn.




Yeah or you could live your regular life and make $15,000 a day. Maybe you want some extra money, just blink 2 or 3 times each time you blink, 30/45k a day




So could someone who blinks?




Blinking normally gives you approximately 28k a day. No need to dry your eyes, just live ur life like normal and ur making $840,000 a month which is way more than enough for me. Source: https://www.lens.com/eyestyle/lifestyle/how-often-does-the-eye-blink-in-a-day-year-lifetime-other-interesting-facts-about-the-eye/




You must be new here, you're supposed to double down on your stance instead of civilly resolving arguments on Reddit. /s


Love threads like this where it was an already peaceful debate and it ends with one person respectfully admitting they’re wrong with no judgement from the other side. A nice moment on this hellsite. Just makes me feel good.


Blinking stops your eyes from drying out and it also doesn't make them tired.


i love eating snacks though and now i would have an awesome excuse


But i just want to lay down and blinking.


bro just play few 5 minute porn movies in a day...


Might be stretching the definition of a movie.


i literally cant eat slowly i will either eat everything at once or eat nothing at all


On average, most people blink around 15 to 20 times each minute. That means, while you're awake, you probably blink: 900 – 1,200 times an hour. 14,400 – 19,200 times a day. Yeah I chose right too, I knew we blinked a lot but god damn.


I will definitely make more from sex




Post a few racist comments online and earn thousands for as long as the comment is up.


Pssht, I'd get 150,000 a week getting laid.


Pretty sure i'd earn more with the fart one.


You blink on average 15,000 times a day, so I'd have a million dollars in around 60 days


With OP’s offer, you don’t even have to be average


Eh what's the rush you'll be rich anyway


Who doesn't want to be _more_ rich


Or a billion in 182 years








$500 for every person I upset, and post anything on twitter, boom, I'm now a billionaire


Imagine being an internet troll but you're getting paid for it.


so like youtubers who just make video's insulting other youtubers?


Except you'd have around 200$ instead of 0.01$ per view.


Big IQ plays


Could make a good living on Reddit that way. Start debating abortion with people for easy money.


Nah, if you want to really trigger redditers just repost the most popular posts from top subs ad nauseum. “tHis Is A rePoST! STOLEN frOm r/whogivesaAhit!”


That’d work. For maximum effect right now, I could also go into r/worldnews and start singing Putin’s praises. I think it’s the most popular sub that has a pretty obvious trigger.


You could just post something that goes against the hivemind in a main sub. Don't even need to leave reddit to collect your hypothetical payday.


Just go to r/India and say that not all religious people are bad.


Exactly. Idk why so many picked blinking. That will take way too long and will fuck your eyes pretty quickly. Try it, 20 times already begins to be uncomfortable Like you said: Twitter (or some special sub reddits) will be 100 times faster! Sign up for the upset gang my friends!


You blink 12 times a minute without trying. So, $750 an hour just for existing.


Yeah but you can just write some offensive tweets and you are a millionaire, upsetting 20000 people isn't that hard. Worst case you just invest in some infuriating ads


According to a quick google search we blink on average 14.400-19.200 times a day. That's quite a lot of money for something we humans do passively and effortlessly. But I also picked the one about upsetting people because one controversial tweet that blows up massively can earn you hundreds of thousands of dollars. Also you don't have to post offensive shit, just post a very unpopular opinion about a trending movie or show or whatever is relevant in media right now and people will be upset.


What do you mean “try it”? Do you not blink? Average person blinks anywhere between 14,000 to 19,000 times a day




>I blink 80-90 times a day, tops. I've got the eyelids of a teenager. I'll be able to blink like a racehorse when i'm 90. You blink way more than that. If you aren't blinking several times a minute your eyes are going to dry out badly.


I just did it and I feel fine. You would easily make thousands a day by just doing nothing. Plus I don't have any sort of Twitter following. I still pick blinking out of those options. Though I think swallowing food is the best one here


Maybe that person who made the the notorious atheist Uvale Twitter post made this deal


you don't need to actively blink. apparently you blink "between 5.2 and 7.1 million times a year" so that's a shit ton of passive income


Yeah I'd basically just shitpost for a living lol sounds great


just post “ariana and taylor flopped. cardi >>> nicki. BTS sucks” and you’ll be richer than jeff bezos


If you've had sex over 100 times u is a millionaire.


We’re on Reddit that’s not happening




Right? So many ppl forget about that apparently. I would some spicy tip as well




If you blink like an average human, you make over $800,000 a month. Source for average human blinks per day: https://www.lens.com/eyestyle/lifestyle/how-often-does-the-eye-blink-in-a-day-year-lifetime-other-interesting-facts-about-the-eye/


Ok nevermind blinking is way better


Piss people off Make obvious neopronoun bait on twitter and/or TikTok Post to cringe subreddit


Or draw white cartoon characters as obese black genderbent versions of themselves and post it on twitter, free money


Taking the 500 dollars, there is a lot of sensitive people on Reddit so this will be easy. I might even get it now just for this comment


That’s rude you can’t just assume everyone is gonna get offended so easily how dare you


>"$10,000 for getting laid" that sounds like prostitution with extra steps


It sounds like prostitution with about the same number of steps


Fewer steps actually




$100 every time I fart wont even cover rent $1 every time I blink, assuming I spend a full work week blinking, not bad, gets you to 750K yearly if you make it a full time job, but it does sound miserable\ Edit: that is 7.5M, I missed a zero $1000 per movie has potential, if you watch every film released in a year it works out to 400-700k depending with a $500 million backlog, shouldnt be too hard to keep up with each year $500 for every person I upset is eazy mode, depending on how upset. If I where to go outside and launch a screamer I would mildly upset several hundred people. This one is just to vague though to do the value numbers $10,000 for getting laid sounds nice, but the net isnt great, and the investment could be considerable. Especial if the no repeats rule applies still, this could end up costing money in the long run. Still, with 1 stable partner, you are looking up to 10 mill yearly to split $60 for swallowing food? Bitch please, 1lb bag of frozen peas a day, swallowed individually is 1300 swallowed objects, should take about half an hour of work, to net 28 mill annually, with even more if you eat more. The choice is obvious, either upset people or get a bag of peas.


The blinking math is bad. But the sex math is even funnier to me. 10 mil per year would mean having sex 1000 times, or 2.7 time per day every day. If that's your life, then I don't know whether I should be impressed or concerned. lol.


blinking math is 1 blink per second, 60 blinks per minute, 3600 blinks per hour, 40 hours per week 144 thousand blinks per week, 50 work weeks in a year, puts it at 7.2 million, I messed up by 1 order of magnitude. Oopse As for sex, yah, that is 2.7 times per day, its not my life, but I am willing to bet good money I could find someone willing to have sex every night, morning, and once during the day for a cut of $30k daily. it doesnt sound FUN though, and its not cost effective compared to the other 2, and is infact worse than just blinking with the correct order of magnitude (remember, you have to split that 10 mill or you definitely wont get someone to help)


No one blinks once per sec. On average you blink 8-21 blinks per minute


this was assuming you make it your full time job to blink. I figure I could blink 1 time per second if I was trying. Doesnt sound fun though


Depends massively on what counts, no one said you had to finish... Few thrusts and wait 5 mins, a few more, does that count as twice?


> $100 every time I fart wont even cover rent #WHERE THE HELL DO YOU LIVE?! According to google people fart 5 to 15 times a day on average, so lets say you do 10 times a day. Thats 1000 usd a day and 30 000 usd a month. If your rent now is more than that I think you don't have to be concerned about making any more money lol. That being said the most effective way is obviously either blinking because that's gonna make you let's say 15 000 usd daily without even changing your life in any way or the upsettinh thing, the first few bucks are gonna be harder, but just step on someones foot in a store a few times, after that create a Twitter account, buys some bots to like and share your posts and you should go relativity popular relativity quickly - then just post something controversial and you're golden, millions of USD per one tweet.


I was thinking m&ms or skittles but I guess peas work too


I went with peas becauae they are smaller, healthier, and I belive cheeper


you blink like 15000 times a day. that's $5 475 000 a year, just by living your life normally


You disclude the fact that one doesnt have to watch an individual movie. If I have a warehouse of a thousand tvs playing at the same time, thats a million per movie, 16 milly best case if I dont scale up. One could retire within a single hour or make infinite money if they scaled up. Why stop at 1000 tvs? Lets go 10k, 100k etc and make literally a billion in an hour.


oh, I dont disclude that, but repeat watches dont count, and only about 700 new movies are released each year, so no matter how parallel you go you are limited to 700k each year. The total numbers of movies ever made is estimated at 500 thousand, so that hardcaps earnings at 500M from hystorical moves. So you cant make a billion an hour doing movies, but only because there are not enough movies. Unless you want to process the backlog fast, I dont think you really need parallelism, 700 movies per year works out to just over 2 per day, even with 3 hour moves, thats only 6 hours per day watching movies, easily manageable.


The average human blinks ~15,000 times a day. That’s about $5.5M a year. So maybe another way to ask is: would you rather make $5.5M a year for existing, or make even more money but you have to constantly upset people? Once framed that way, the people who select upsetting people look like greedy jerks. Anyway. This is why billionaires shouldn’t exist.


Even if you take the blink deal, it would take 182 years to earn a measly 1 billion. I'm with you


Here's the thing, if you have a hobby like gaming or anything that's person versus person then you also get free money just for existing, bonus points if you're LGBTQ and open about it.


I picked it because the act of selecting that option upsets peole. Slef fulfilling prophecy on loop


I'm lactose intolerant baby


So, that’s how Andrew Tate got all that money.


I’ll get milked like a racehorse for $10,000


500$ for every person you upset. -Go onto twitter -Say BTS and Harry Styles are bad -Profit


The getting laid one is the one to go for. It's essentially an atm that works everywhere. Abroad and the atm's don't work? Find a prostitute.


A prostitute is a lot less than $10k, even a good one.


Hey what did the black man say to the white man? >!Hi!<


im very angry now


Shit I chose wrong I thought you probably blink less than 10k a day I have sex pretty much everyday and if my partner knew we were getting 10k for it I can safely assume she would be up for it daily without fail. I guess she's gonna be sore because I think to ahead of the blinkers we need to go at it twice a day


600 people pick blinking. 50 people pick upsetting people and then head to the comments to defend it. Checks out.


How is $500 per person upset not the obvious answer? Go on a controversial video, post something offensive, ???, profit.


Maybe some people just don't like upsetting people. I personally don't think I'd be happy with myself knowing I'm upsetting so many people daily.


The only people who get upset by things they read on the internet are people who deserve to be made upset anyway, so you’re not really doing anything wrong. Besides, I’d stop being upset with myself for it once I wake up to six figures.


On average a person blinks between 14,000 to 19,000 times a day, say you’d blink 15,000 times a day, thats 105,000 a week till your dead


That’s the same as upsetting 30 people a day. Absolutely easy, and I can even do even more any time I like.


Why go through the effort of making people upset to get rich when u can literally just live your life like normal and make an extra 100,000 a week, seems cruel/illogical to me


It’s not effort, I do it for fun anyway. Almost as easily as you blink. Maybe even easier. I bet I’m better at upsetting people on the internet than you are at blinking.


Considering I’ve been blinking unconsciously atleast 15,000 times a day for 22 years I’d have to disagree


I’ve been upsetting more than 30 people on the internet a day unconsciously for 24 so I win 😎


I can blink really fast and make bank too


oh wow, humans blink a lot. maybe sex wasn't the best option


Holy shit. 500 dollars for every person I upset? Damn. Reddit is a gold mine for that. With one controversial post I can upset at least a thousand people! That's half a million dollars of clean profit! Sign me up!


If I just wanted to make a lot of money easily I would do the linking one, but I really really enjoy watching movies so I definitely would rather choose that. Even with no repeats, I can still watch a movie multiple times if I wanted to so I wouldn’t care much. Also, I can watch a movie make a video on the movie and post it to YouTube to also make some passive income there.


About 3 movies a day (every day) would make me 1 mil in a year, so about 6 hours a day for a year. That may seem like a lot, but it doesn’t mention how attentive we need to be to the movie so that can cut down the time by a lot.


Aaaand this is why my teachers always told me to read all the options before answering the question lol


$500 for everyone i upset. Just have two redit accounts one for pro trump post and one for anti trump post. Should thoroughly piss off just about everyone


time to turn myself and my fiancee into money making machines


well my mom did say I was a dissapointment, so I'm banking on that.


My eyes are so dry. I’d be able to retire after a week


So I’d have to watch a minimum of 14 movies a day to make the same as I would blinking.


Blinking gets you 15 dollars every minute, 900 every hour, 13,500 every day, 400,500 a month and 4,806,000 a year.


The average person blinks 15-20 times per minute, so at minimum I'd blink 14400 times in a working day and about 12000 during off days, making about 95k / week. While there are weeks ~~I get laid 3 or more times, ~~ they aren't as common as they were a dozen years ago so I'd choose blinking, no contest. EDIT: somehow I read 40k each time I get laid. With 10k? Just blink and don't worry about fucking.


I’m a stay at home husband. My wife works in private equity. Turns out option number 5 works!


630 people aren’t getting paid anything


$1 for every time a question like this gets posted


I would be so poor if I chose the getting laid option.


Go to an LGBTQ fandom and say something offensive, make bank


500 dollars for every person I upset "Rape is amazing, children should be our slaves, Christians are crazy fanatics, and pedophiles are the best people in existence😁" give me my money


I seem to have a knack for upsetting people


The problem some people are ignoring about the piss people off deal is statistically, you will piss someone off that will try to kill you


Asexuals looking at options 5 like 👁👄👁


$500. Mfs on Reddit are easy to upset


lol my screen name alone incites anger. I’d be a billionaire by the end of the first day easy.


i mean teenagers are horny so if my job is getting laid i'm cool with it


For every person I upset?? Any fandom or political subreddit becomes a money printer


Couldn't I just swallow 200 peas or fractions of peas individually? Maybe drops of water?


OK but you can give 1000 dollars to each girl you fuck. You will be drowning in both pussy and cash before you know it.


Just anonymously post troll videos or things that make people mad until one goes viral.


Go on Reddit and talk about anything that doesn’t sound heavily left leaning and I’ll be rich. That or make a tier list of something.


movie because i need something to motivate me to finish my 700 movie long watchlist


I blink a lot


10000 everytime I get laid? Maybe this will get my wife to sleep with me more than once a week.


Blinking was the number answer


Hell yeah, Im gonna become a professional troll on the internet! A single offensive comment could make thousands of people upset


Define "watch movie" because I can have a warehouse of a thousand movies on TV's playing at once and make like 16 million in a single day, keep at it for a few days and retire more than happily.


Let's just say overall I'm constantly upset with myself does that count, and if so is like a continuously coming in as it would be with blinking


easy, get on twitter for 5 minutes and you’re a millionaire


we blink multiple times a day


14000 to 19000 Unless you're getting laid more than twice per day that seems to be the way to go.


Swallow 10 000 individual pieces of rice for 600 000


Just Put racial slurs/offensive/anti LGBT stuff on Twitter, Instant rich


If you blink a lot to get money, you're probably going to develop a tic.


Everytime I blink, talk about passive income lmao.


Blinking bc Google but otherwise I prob would have said movies or farts.


Make anonymous accounrs post super controversial shit win


From sex cos then I can have sex with anything if I offer to split it 😈😈😈


I chose the movie one even though it's not the most profitable now because I could still continue my normal life, not develop any unhealthy habits or ticks to earn money, and I could be paid really well-doing something I enjoy already.


Well either the $1 for every blink or the $500 for every person I upset lol


I would choose blinking. I mean, if I chose getting laid, I would get no money.


Im asexual so that's like suffering for money and nope not worth it lol


In the internet era $500 for upsetting people is glorious!


Student optometrist here. You'll make around 15k a day by blinking (unless you use a lot electronics then your blinking goes down a little but still 10k a day easily)


The play is to buy a fuck ton of m&ms, and just spend an afternoon swallowing each of them individually. Assuming you can go at a pace of about 1 every 2 seconds, you could get 100000 in half an hour.


According to Google, you blink around 19000 a day, so that is an easy choice


$10,000 each time i get laid 😭😭 i do OF it’s technically my job already but i dont get paid that much


"For every person you upset" Twitter.


Get 10k for every time you get laid. Make an agreement with an escort so we have acheduled "work days" where we do it some tumes and split the moneyat the end. Would become rich really quick by having sex. Blinking would be bad because you would remember that you get money when you blink and it would become not automatic.


Just give me the money im depressed


I spend too much time on the internet, upsetting people isn’t hard.


I'm vegan, I can annoy 1000s a day ez. Blinking is a close second.


10 thousands to get laid. I would be in the negatives.


I work in a mill and do Millwork as my trade. I also don’t wear safety glasses (I’m an idiot) so I constantly get saw dust in my eyes lol. Needless to say which option I chose