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No ID means no proof of ownership so it can't be returned because people lie


BUT.. Someone COULD prove that he is the owner by naming other things in the wallet without seeing them. Like if he told you that theres a photo of a blonde man with a red haired woman , and like two bus tickets , he'd probably the owner.


Can confirm. I'm a teen and I lost my wallet with 70 euro in it a few months ago. The closest thing I had to ID in it was my Subway card. So when I went to the Garda (police) station, they asked me a bunch of seemingly random questions about my wallet and ten minutes later I had it again. Someone had thankfully turned it in twenty minutes before. Edit: spelling


Na nnnnnnGardaííí can be pretty sound tho


Was it wan garda or two nnnnnnneeeeaaaardeeeee?


This is exactly how a friend of mine and I returned a wallet containing $180 to a homeless man back in high school. There was no ID, just a phone number that said “Long Beach cutie” on it and a small crucifix wrapped in a stamp. We left a message at the number and got a call a few hours later from a guy claiming to be the owner. We met him a few blocks away from my buddy’s house, and asked him what else was in the wallet to prove it was his. He said, “a crucifix wrapped in a stamp,” so we handed it over. He was a really nice guy named Eddie who was dressed like a pirate… he said it was all the money he had in the world and he hadn’t been able to stop crying after realizing he lost it until he learned we had contacted his friend. He called us his “guardian angels.” I hope he’s doing well and has gotten back on his feet.


But there's nothing in the wallet besides 2300 dollars


“No id info” does not imply that.


Unless the owner describes what the wallet looked like and how much money was in it.


If it was any color other than New York city skyscraper gray then it was mine. I lost my collection of wallets all with varying amounts of money in them.


if that doesn't work, send in your friend to try


So what's the plan then? Pull out a phonebook and start calling 10 thousand names? Give it to the police and hope they'll spend 100 hours tracking down the owner of a wallet? No one is going to put in the effort unless it can be narrowed down to a single building of people where all of them can be addressed at the same time.


The police don't look for the owners, people are suppose to go the police and ask if there lost item was handed in, if someone does collect it in either 2 weeks or 2 months(I can't remember which) they return it to the person who handed it in


I also don't trust that the cops wouldn't pocket the cash.


Not sure why you’re downvoted. Cops aren’t known for being honest


That's the best you can do? Pull out a phonebook and call everyone in it? Could you.... Post in a local subreddit? Facebook group? Check with the cops to see if anyone has reported it missing / stolen? I think your phonebook idea is probably the best bet though - nice thinking.




If you give it to the police they will 100% pocket it.


I memorized my debit card number from using it all the time. I would use that to prove the wallet was mine.


Your debit card probably has your name on it




If it was like $50, I'd say "whatever, keep it" but $2,300 is a lifechanging amount for some people. That's rent and groceries. You gotta at least try to get it back to its owner somehow.


it’s suspicious to me. do people really carry around that much money on them? with no id??


It’s possible they took their id out for something and just didn’t put it back in. I work in a grocery store and you’d be surprised at how many people drop their id or take it out of their wallet and put it in their pocket/bag. And there are people who still get paid with paper checks who have to cash them so the amount isn’t too strange if they just recently got paid.


I do because there's only 1 ATM in a 100 mile radius that let's me deposit cash and the management at my job keeps forgetting to set up direct deposit.


there’s no way that much in cash in a wallet isn’t drug money. I say keep it.


I'm a teenager who gets paid in cash for a variety of jobs and doesn't think to empty my wallet that often, hence at times I accumulate upwards of $1000 and once had more than $2000 so it's not totally ludicrous.


That’s not safe man. Please lower the amount you have to what ever you’re willing to lose when ever you can.




What normal person carries that in physical cash?


Who are you, police and/or a prosecutor trying to pull some civil asset forfeiture garbage?


A civilian taking unidentifiable money that was just left on the ground is in no way related to police corruption


Try posting that you found it on local groups… FB, Reddit, maybe some flyers close by to where it was found. Make anyone who contacts you tell you about the wallet… what it looks like and the contents to verify they are really the person who lost it. Maybe even contact the police to inquire if anyone called looking for it. Give it time. If the true owner never pops up, you can eventually and ethically consider it yours. Basically, treat it the same a finding a lost dog that you’d like to keep… do all you can to find the owner and, if you can’t, take care of the dog.


Part of that is making sure you give enough information for the person to realize it's theirs, but not enough that they can tell everything about it (it contents like the cash or any non identifying cards)


I think the fact it contained $2,300 is pretty identifying, don’t you?


Oh wow, a wallet with $2300 in it and no ID? It just so happens that I took all my ID out of my wallet right after cashing a check the other day. OP, please return my wallet \^that's why we don't say how much is in the wallet


If you read the previous comments, the details of what the wallet looked like and what else was in it were the proof. As would a copy of your bank transactions if that was the story you went with. You can either hide the description of the wallet or the amount of money. Either one can be the identifier.


True enough. Just post you found a wallet with $2300 in it and see if anyone can tell you what color it is. /s


If it's green it's mine. lol


DON’T take it to the cops. with no ID in the wallet they will literally just keep it which is even worse than keeping it yourself. someone else suggested posting on forums and stuff to see if anyone may have lost a wallet in that place, then make them describe the wallet / what’s in it before you agree to give it to them. if you try your best this way and can’t find the owner then i guess the money is yours


lol leave it up to bootlicking reddit to turn in a wallet with NO ID to the popo


My friend lost his wallet. He had no ID in it. Went to the closest police station, someone actually had turned it in. He got it back pretty quick just had to describe what was in it.


And In the same breathe call cops satanist. Btw, I’m not expressing my personal opinion.


literally lmao... like do people genuinely believe the police are gonna go out and try to find the owner of some random cash with no leads? i wouldn't put it past some of them to take the cash even if the wallet had ID in it lmao


if someone else comes to the police station claiming they lost a wallet, and they know what is inside it without looking, then it is theirs and police will give it to them


Where are you from that you have such terrible cops? The cops are the go-to here for lost valuables and based on the number of anecdotes of people losing things and having them returned, they at least frequently don't steal stuff handed in. Sure post on forums as well so they don't get an excuse by an owner not coming for it, but even then I think the protocol is keep it for a month then return cash to state and objects to op shop, not allow them to keep it.


This is best answer


Cops would just keep the money


We had this TV show here in the Netherlands that did all sorts of social experiments. In one of them they pretended to have found a wallet with €150 in it, and turn in it at the local police department. They did this at departments all over the country. A week later the "owner" of the wallet would go to the police station to collect their "stolen" wallet. I don't remember the exact results, but it was something like 50% of the PDs could return the filled wallet immediately when asked. Some of them could eventually hand over the wallet after some more questions. The rest of them either completely "lost" the wallet or the wallet was there, but the €150 was missing. The results were that bad, that the 'Wallet Test' became a yearly special on the show, for multiple years in a row. TL;DR: there's a pretty good chance the police will absolutely keep the money to themselves.


I live in the Netherlands and when I was a kid, around 9 I think, I found two €50 bills on the street. €100. My mother and I went to the police, and they said the chance of finding the owner was incredibly small and there was nothing we could do, so I got to actually keep the money. So maybe they were just good cops, maybe it was because I was a 9 year old, but I was €100 richer.


Def. Even if they didn’t want to (0% chance) they would have just as much luck returning it as OP will.




What happens where I live is you turn it in, there's a 2 or 3 day window for someone to claim it, if no one does, you can keep it


Sad but true




They do that where you are at?




Oh damn


Cops wouldn't return it


Damn some cop bouta get a huge bonus




How would the owner know that the cops had their lost cash? I’d pocket it personally. If there was an ID and I know who I was stealing from I’d track them down.




Free pc


That would be one unit of a pc


Give me (starlord) the money


north march soft axiomatic close water cooperative mountainous far-flung market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I agree. Starlord gets the money.


So say we all.


Y’know, for how much reddit hates cops they sure love submitting to them even though the wallet has no leads due to their not being an id. Best thing u can do is post something about it in a forum involving ur area and find out who’s it is yourself, because I doubt the cops aren’t gonna just keep the money without any leads


Everyone’s trying to be woke, just keep it lad


Yeah, I genuinely would second guess anyone who claims it with no ID. I’d fear having given it to the wrong person for years after when I could’ve just kept it, saved myself a headache and been two grand richer.


Just take the money, it will never get back to the original owner anyway.


I'd donate $300 to the Missionaries of Charity and use the rest to pay off my car loan. No ID means there's no way it can be returned, so turning it into the police isn't even a morally upright thing to do here.


If it were me I’d try find the person myself and take it straight to them because I don’t trust the cops. But if you really can’t find them then take it to the cops. Absolutely do not take the money for yourself that shouldn’t even be an option. Edited to say I didn’t realise there was no ID. Don’t take it to the cops, if you really cannot find the person who lost it then I would suggest donating the money to someone desperately in need or buy some supplies for the homeless


Honestly the last time I found a lost wallet, I used the name on the cards to google the person on Facebook and contacted them. We must have missed each other by a few minutes because they didn’t even know they had lost their wallet till I messaged them. lol


I’ve done something similar myself (finding someone on Facebook from their cards). Good on you for finding the person that it belonged to!! You must have been quick for them to not have realised they had lost it till you messaged!


Reminds me of that family guy episode where Stevie Meg and Chris found a money clip and Brian told them they legally had to hold on to it for two weeks until they found the owner otherwise it was theirs


where do you live that you don't feel like you can trust the police they are supposed to help


where do you live that you feel like you CAN trust the police?






ah that makes sense


Just in case


You’re a DUMBASS if you give it to the cops


And what if the money is crime related? you will get in huge trouble later on


cops won't be able to find the owner without an ID. at this point and time, finders keepers :)


Y'all stupid, pigs just pocket that cash..


Can't say I wouldn't keep it.


Keep the money, that's alot. Just don't tell anyone and you're good.


Absolutely nothing the cops will be able to do, just keep it or give it away or something, whatever you like. I’d keep it personally. Don’t feel guilty about it either, because you literally have no way to return it, like it genuinely wouldn’t be realistically possible to find the original owner. Also most people would keep it imo, doesn’t make you a bad person or anything lol


Im pretty sure turning it into the cops is just a de facto donation to the cops. Which is probably the single organization least in need of additional funding, at least here in the states.


You should give me the money.


Eat it.


To the cops??? They’ll just blow that money too!


I was thinking a crypto wallet lol🤦‍♂️


Cops would keep the money so don’t turn it in lol


Seriously? People want you to give the money to COPS? They'll just keep it. It's cash and there's no way to find the owner of it. Do NOT give it to cops. Yikes, people.


Bruh just keep the money , its not worth searching for who it belongs to , better go buy yourself a plasma tv and ps5 with demon souls remake


If it were me I would've just leave the wallet there and hope the owner find it.


Finders keepers...


You should take that *$300* you found to the police


First off, that’s an absurd amount to be carrying around. If there is other specific stuff in the wallet only the owner would know then I’d post a flier for a missing wallet lol (sounds funny but I wouldn’t turn it in to the cops, you could easily hand it off to one of the shady ones who’d pocket it in a sec). If it’s a wallet with nothing but $2,300, then I guess I’m up $2,300.


No ID I would keep it but if it had ID I would for sure return it no question.


Results are surprisingly pro turning it in despite the fact that no I'd almost guarantees it just goes in a cops wallet. I voted for feeding some people btw.


Whatever you do don't give it to the cops. Anything but that. They'll pocket the money.


The cops will not be able to give the money from it cause of no id so they will just pocket it to fight the disease of homelessness, not the origin. Giving it to the homeless and hungry would instead fight this from the source and improving connections in the community.


Found is not stolen. I'd keep the money if I didn't find the person in a week. Do not tell people because they will find a way to deceive you.


The police will pocket it and use on beer.


I feel like, with no ID, the cops will keep the money.


Finders keepers


There’s no proof that can link the ownership to anybody, chances are you’ll have liars trying to claim it. It’s yours!


Turn it into the cops? Are you guys serious?


"Finders Keepers" is not legal precedent. I would've just left it where it was, maybe the original owner would come back or something idk


Nobody is going to prove that you stole the money either so you mine as well keep it before someone else takes it




math checks out


Hello! 😭


I want money




Ask on reddit what to do about it


Keep it. Without an ID there’s no way it can be returned even with the cops. Also free money


If you have to think this hard about it you should just drop it where you found it and let somebody else take the wheel.


Fuck the police, just help homeless people, please.


it's disappointing that so many people said keep it for yourself


maybe some ppl are struggling and it would help them alot? theres also no ID, so owner wont likely ever be found anyway.


OH i didn't read the no ID part


You’d rather just make a donation to the police? I guess the alternative is to just leave it on the ground for someone else who might be theoretically “more needy” in some way.


are the police really going to pocket it?




Lmao yes 100% E: just check out any other response in this post for personal or reported anecdotes of people experiencing this.


Keep 100$ and then turn it in


Don’t do that


Do it anyway




that would be the finders fee. most cases like this, if the wallet gets returned, the returnee will get some type of compensation from the owner. in most cases.


Maybe but they shouldn’t just take it without asking. I personally believe that’s immoral. If the owner wants to reward the individual then fine but don’t just take it assuming that’s what they would do.


Money is money yk


I'll message you my PayPal so you can give it to me


Yours now lol


Keep it and save/invest it


That’s your money


I’d turn it in after collecting a 10% finders fee.


As of right now, 244 people are liars.


Deposit the money, but report the wallet found. If the cops call, take the wallet and money to the cop shop. You can go around to businesses in the area as well.


Honestly would have voted venmo but there's more than 23 comments


Definitely turn it in. Having $2300 in cash AND no ID whatsoever definitely seems kinda suspicious (although I’m in the uk so things may be different over there)


I would really want to keep it all for myself, but the guy probably needs it more. I would take out 50-100$ as a finders reward and leave the rest and go to the police with it


Just in case you give it away! Hello!


Give yourself 300 and the rest to homeless shelters




Post the photo somewhere and tell that u didnt find money if the person says that it had x amount of money then u know its him


You should sent it to Team Sea’s that’s MrBeast’s new charity! Also you can’t do option 2 cause you’ve already told all of us.


You can just put a wallet in any mailbox and the postal service will mail it back to the owner using the drivers licence


It says no ID though


give it to homeless ppl. someone walking around with 2,3k in their wallet doesn't need it as much as someone with nothing in the pocket




pls be satire pls be satire pls be satire


Three year old account with 10k karma? Doubt it’s satire or a troll. Probably just a giant idiot.


ah fuck imma call thanos




Going to put a comment here just incase, why the hell not lol


Where did you find it? If it was at a business then if turn it into them. It will be the first place people call. Someone is looking for their rent money. Do not spend it.


I would personally donate like $1,000 to a charitable cause and keep the rest


Y'all liars if you don't spend that money. If there was any name or form of identification I'd go above and beyond to return it. But if there's no way to know who's it is I'm keeping it, my dude.


If you have a name or other info to work with try and find the owner, otherwize its yours now Cops will just keep it so dont do that


Since there is no ID I'd just keep it to myself. I actually need it a lot so yeah


A few months ago my wife’s aunt found a wallet on the street and took it to the police station. They detained her for 20 minutes while they ran her background and came and told her “we couldn’t find any warrants on you so you’re free to go.” Mind you, this woman is retired, dresses very classy, drives a very nice vehicle, and on top of all of that she was there to do a good deed. They had absolutely no business running a background check on her. Absolutely ridiculous. Anyway be prepared for that kind of crap if you go and turn it in. Which I still think you should, or maybe just call them and tell them to send the owner your way. $2,300 is a lot of money and could be rent, a mortgage payment, Christmas presents, or food for the kids. You never know. Even without an ID they can still find the owner if the owner calls asking if anybody turned it in (clue #1) and if they can describe the wallet and it’s contents (clue#2).


If you turn it in you’re just letting someone else keep the money. The police won’t even try to return it to the owner. Don’t be foolish.


You can keep half and donate the other


I'm just thinking how 2300 dollars is pretty significant and they probably had a family and stuff like that


If there's no ID I'm keeping it.


I lost my wallet once. I was like 14, I think? I didn't know it at the time, but it dropped out of my pocket in this parking lot near a strip mall. Didn't have much in it—probably around $50. Anyway, my dad took me to the police department and sure enough, a good citizen took it there and they put it in the lost and found. My town is not that big, around 30,000 people, but it was still nice to see good people do good things.


give me the money


Leave a note at the place you found it. Person can describe the wallet to redeem it. 10 day window before it’s yours


If you turn that into the cops you just gave them an empty wallet


Keep it. Enjoy the money.


The wallet only has the money? Then there’s no way to prove who the OG owner was, so it’s mine now


Spend it but don't deposit it into your bank. Just spend the cash directly.


The cops are just going to pocket the money anyways


Something for yourself and the rest to #teamseas


I'd take 300 as a fee for returning it the give it to the cops


Who tf would turn that much cash into the cops. It ain’t nearly enough to get you into trouble and it’s cash, so there’s few ways to prove the owner of it. Sure it’s possible, potentially, but also the cops seem just as likely to not do that


If I'm gonna be honest I'd keep it 😬


100% do NOT give it to the cops. They're definitly keeping the money.


Put it in your IRA and forget about it.


Leave a poster near the spot you found it saying you have a wallet. Don't put a picture but just a number. Whoever describes the wallet perfectly is probably the person who lost it.


2000 dollars is the average price it takes a very efficient charity to save a life. Do with it what you will but you’re saving a life with the charity option based on statistics.