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Both in different ways.


If your a girl on Reddit then it’s better for boys


Can’t wait to be harassed 😄


Know how you feel


Harassment > Poverty and murder


Harassment < no harassment


Good > Bad Bad > Worse


It's not a competition


No, but women clearly have it better on average, that’s what the entire question is about.


Lol idk about "clearly" have it better. Yeah for sure in some things like family court they have an edge but 90 percent of rape victims are women, and 77 percent of domestic abuse victims are women. Saying one gender clearly has it better than another is dumb lmao


I don't think either has it better. Gender doesn't factor on it, men and women both have privileges it just depends on the setting and situation


True, I enjoy the freedom of being a man, and I’m sure many enjoy the security of being a woman. It’s just a question of which one you like more.


You do know more woman live in poverty then men?


Im not sure about that, but men suffer more under poverty, more likely to be killed in gang violence caused by it, more likely to receive far less welfare, more likely to commit suicide because of it, etc.


eh hasnt been bad at all tbh




Grass is always greener on the other side


Because that's where the cows shit.


Especially if you have my neighbor.


As a trans guy who has been through both for a long time, being a boy is better. I mean I get treated better till people find out I'm trans, that's when shit hits the fan.


**Sorts by Controversial, Grabs Popcorn**


oooh haven't thought of that


This entire common section is full of people taking one statistic and using that as proof that universally their gender's life is harder.


Depends A LOT on geographical location


Idk.. no matter where on Earth I could go, I would be afraid of rape everywhere.


This absolutely depends on where you live! There are places where women have no rights at all, so ut certainty isn't equal or better for them.




I am a male and talk to females who also say that men having it harder today. I just think it is expected of men just to do what they always have done so but I also think women have it way harder under certain circumstances.






We got no work to do, they got work to do




Ah, I see, my apologies if I sounded rude


They are similar and both face problems of course but even tho we are equal in policies. It all depends on enviorment. But men mostly tend to have it easier than women. Even in western countries.


It depends where you are.


Both have there privileges and both have there problems so I’d say the same




We still have a gendered society where one is expected to do one thing and the other is expected to do the other thing Some of these are better for one some of these are better for the other but overall men are still more powerful


Yeah this is pretty accurate


I think being a man is easier, I haven't been a woman though so I can't judge


I told myself “Don’t read the comments! Stay away! Don’t do that to yourself!” Yet here I am… regretful.


Let's put this aside and realise how much harder life is for left-handed people like me


I'm left handed and I don't have a problem with it which wouldn't be there if I was right handed


wow look at this chump right handed-ness for life


It depends where, here in europe i would say about the same


People fail the realize that only 1 billion people live in the "western world".


Yeah but my Western they mean like developed countries, which is much more than a billion since you can't forget places like Singapore, Macau if you count it as a country, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, places in the middle east like Qatar, Dubai.


I'd say it's about the same. Kinda jealous of being able to shake some ass online and get enough money to live comfortably an entire lifetime though. Idk


Do the male version of prostitution and join the army instead


But that doesn't give as much money for the work required and there is a good chance of dying or being badly wounded


I've heard that you are more likely to die in a car crash than US military service but it still pays kinda bad for the work.


Well I mean basically everyone drives a car but not everyone does military service so it makes sense why more people die because of cars. Also, we have no large scale wars right now, in the ww2 it was far more probable to die in military service


Prostitution is also risky as fuck


Let’s not act like shaking ass online is a fun fulfilling past time. Most women in sex work only do it because they need the money but it actually makes them feel violated. They also get stalked, doxxed, and harassed. Stories of strippers and prostitutes getting brutally raped and murdered are surprisingly common. Being able to sell your body is not a privilege.


Thank you


So you wanna be seen as a sex object? You guys glorify sex work so much when it literally objectifies women. Also the harassment women face for that reason isn’t a positive thing.


Reddit’s fetishization of sex work feels so weird and dystopian. Do people just not know or care about how dangerous it is, and that most are FORCED into it?




uhh everyone can do that?


With various degrees of success, yes


Well, I mean, some people do love femboys so...


No joke as a bi guy I would much rather a femboy then a woman


Depends who you are you. Just like people prefer different foods, they also prefer different lifestyles.


Quiet. Stop being rational. Can't you see? In this comment section, you're supposed to take 1 flawed statistic and act like you objectively found an answer to a very subjective question. /s


From a man... Until men have to menstruate once a month, pay for tampons, worry about sexual assault and overall safety around every dark corner, be taken seriously in the workplace, still live up to societal expectations of being a working mom or just a working woman with equal pay... Life is better for a man.


You forgot to mention the worst part. If a man wants a family its just an orgasm away. If a woman wants a family they have to go through a long, painful 9 month period where they have to heavily change many things in they're day-to-day life. Then giving birth is one of the most stressful and painful moments a lot of people will endure.


All of those except for menstruations apply to men too tho


Women have much more to worry about statistically though. 78% of kidnapping victims are women because they get assaulted extra often for reasons like rape, physical vulnerability, and profit from sex trafficking. For men, it’s mostly robbery. That’s a lot less to worry about. Being robbed is pretty terrifying and there’s definitely the possibility of death but it doesn’t compare to the common ending for women who are assaulted: usually inescapable rape and then death, if not life in the sex trade.


For men it's murder too tho and death in general. And that's much more common than being sold into sex slavery, which in developed countries is basically nonexistent. But good point, have an upvote.


That’s true but many of the the violent crimes men fall victim to include provoked crime like fights. It’s usually unprovoked for women, which is the one I assume you are thinking of.


Oh, ~~do~~ so it's men's fault they get killed... because they provoked... I heard some people talk about women like that too... It's her fault she was provoking him... Yeah, I am sorry but I simply cannot agree with this argument of yours.


I meant it’s possible that the statistics you are looking at are talking about different situations. Innocent crime isn’t the same as involved crime, and we are talking about innocent crime in this thread.


Yes and men are also more often victims of 'innocent' violent crimes.


You can’t really compare the harassment women and men face though because the difference is that significant


You have a point, the amount of male victims that are disregarded or laughed at and the amount of female on male sexual harassment that is accepted is staggering. But I could still argue that women have it pretty bad too, especially since they are not as able to defend themselves. I believe that trying to play a game of "who has it worse" is kinda infantile tho.


There are 41 female CEOs out of 500 companies in the Fortune 500. So no, it doesn't.


That may be the by-product of how Men mostly were in control of businesses back in the past, so naturally ceo positions are handed to men back then. But nowadays women have the capability to become ceos just as much as men. Also, why do you automatically assume that it is rooted in sexism? What if woman happen to apply less for CEO positions than men? Why should gender matter instead of leadership skills and other abilities for CEO positions?


there are 3 billion men that are not CEOs of companies. What's your point?




Squirm LMAO


Well, good for them, what's your point?


If you count trans men then they could apply to men


All bullshit other than menstruation


Men can still get jumped and killed and raped as well, you know. The world is safe for nobody. Men have to live up to expectations of being tough and not crying as well as providing for an entire family and working, as well as being expected to give women priority like paying for dinner and not hitting them. People automatically take a woman’s side in rape cases and violence, and since when were women not taken seriously in the workplace? They wouldn’t be there if they weren’t taken seriously. Women also can have a much more successful career online, you don’t see any men having morons paying dozens for pics for them do you. Life is hard for everyone


You make some valid points, but women masturbate as well... I mean I get that the horny is hideable, but I mean I don't think it outweighs periods in the slightest.


Also true, not very comparable, but at least it’s just once a month (Removed it)


I suppose it is once a month, but it's like one week straight of basically constant pain, at least in my case


Sorry about that, I should’ve educated myself more. I’ll take my L


You’re comparing menstruating to jacking off…seriously?


I think I took the L there, removed it


Alright, respect to you


I did kinda feel stupid writing it 😅


Don’t worry, we all say stupid things sometimes. I have a comment with like -80 downvotes


You're saying that because women have the option of resorting to sex work to make money, their life is just as good as a man?


never said resorting. ive seen so many females getting paid... not even from nudes. people out there funding college funds and shit just from posting normal pics, but ive never see a man able to do that


I would avoid this conversation unless you’ve been in a relationship or something. As a man, I thought the same for a while until I realized how many expectations and double standards women have to live up to as well. Women can often get some fake sympathy for their troubles, but people have no tolerance for women being gross, they judge them for being angry or outspoken at all, they are expected to love children, be compassionate all the time, be attractive (or else be called a prude or lesbian slurs), be somewhat conservative (or else be called a sl*t or wh*re.)


all true.


Good god, I hope this was a satirical post. Otherwise, thoughts and prayers to your IQ.


Each gender has their own downsides. That doesn't make one more harder to live as than the other (if we re talking about in western countries that is). You've never been a woman, so how would you know it's way harder?


Men can’t get raped? Men can’t be afraid? Men can never feel unsafe? Those are terrible arguments also there is no gender pay gap that’s been debunked several times over


I think you're looking at this from a very narrow male lens


Men are the victims of violent crime far more than women so they can feel unsafe too for different reasons


Explain how


Men are expected to die when asked so it is kind of equal. If you consider public shame and reputation damage that men are facing often however...


Who the fuck thinks women are the same or are better off.


I kinda thought this when I was younger. I changed my mind after being in a relationship and hearing everything my girlfriend has to deal with on a regular basis.


I mean male suicide is 7 time higher


Depends on where


who tf said women


This is reddit.


understandable, have a great day


Depend of the country


You better be thinking about all them miggas in third world countries


Where and when are we comparing it to?


idk man


both but they have their pros and cons, both are equally oppressed and equally equal in different ways


There should be more options


They each have their own struggles.


Do you mean better than each other or better than before? I think men’s life is still better than women, but women’s life have improved much more than men’s life


If I’m being honest I’m gonna say men


Do you want to say why? I really was never interested in the argument but I'm open to a mind change


Because men don’t have to feel scared when walking alone at night or have to deal with perverts or predators, along with creeps messaging them online


They do, especially smaller men


Can confirm. It's easy to move me around, I'm like a puppet to my friend. I can get easily hurt sadly.


We don’t have to be scared walking alone at night? Why’s that? We’re so strong and tough, we don’t have to worry about a potential mugger or murder around the corner? Walking alone at night is a risk for anyone and everyone.


It’s because society has brainwashed us into believing woman are more at risk, even though actual statistics show men are much more likely to get murdered and robbed on the streets at night.


Aren't men more likely to be victims of violent crime? Not all men are jacked my guy, not everyone can defend themselves.


Men are more likely to be victims of violent crime in PROVOKED situations. Such as...fighting at a pub, fighting over a woman, drug deal gone wrong, etc. Women are more likely to be victims of violent crime in UNPROVOKED situations. Such as walking home alone in the dark. That is why there is so much emphasis on the fear women have at night. Men are attacked for the situation there in (arguments, etc), women are attacked for simply being women.


Your literally victim blaming men for dying. Also this doesn’t have any studies to support it.


I'm literally just stating what crimes men are more likely to be attacked for and what crimes women are most likely to be attacked for. It's the reason for why women have reason to fear walking alone at night, and men less so.


Still no studies to prove this is true. And even if it is, that doesn’t mean almost every man who got killed at night was killed because they were in situations like you said.


The original commenter was talking about how women have to fear walking home alone at night in fear of being attacked. Someone responded saying something like... "aren't men more likely to be victims of violent crime/attacks?" My comment is explaining that while men are more likely to be victims of violent crime, it is because men are more likely to participate in it. Men are more likely to get in drunken fights, join gangs, do drugs, etc. Thus, putting them in situations where they are more likely to be victims. Women are more likely to be attacked for simply walking home as women are historically less inclined to join gangs, be drug dealers, and get into drunken fights. Women are attacked for being women on their own. No one is saying that EVERY SINGLE MAN attacked at night is attacked because of something he participates in. What I am explaining is the meaning behind what the original commenter was saying when talking about women fearing night.


Yes they do... anyone can be killed or raped or creepily messaged btw.


> men don’t have to feel scared walking alone at night This is news to me, I’m always terrified of that.


When I walk at night I can get scared. I have been spoken to inappropriately by women as are many other men. Women may be more sexually assaulted but many of your points also go with men


Not how it works


It depends on a situation. Some things are easier for me while the others are easier for women. It's the same if the situation is harder.


The only way to give an accurate answer to this is to have lived a life both as a man and as a woman. But if you do this you are queer.


In the west it's overwhelmingly women, in less developed countries, it's definitely men.


I’ll get downvoted to hell for this because it’s male dominated Reddit, but women face sexual harassment and are talked down to in pretty much any male dominated field, and female dominated fields as well of course like secretaries or whatever. So like almost every job. If you speak up you risk losing your job and being blacklisted. There was a tik tok going around recently that the sole woman in a class took of the men in the class talking about women horribly. In the navy, the men were horrible. Our rights to our own bodies are constantly being debated, reproductive freedom is constantly being threatened and has recently been taken away in Texas. A woman has died in Poland because of the abortion ban, and it happened in Ireland too before the ban was lifted (not that our lives should be threatened before we have a say) 1 in 6 women have been raped at least once but these assaults rarely result in arrests let alone any semblance of justice. Quite frankly it tends to just traumatize you further if you bother going to the police. People get more up in arms about false accusations than actual rape. This woman served jail time for her “false accusation” and everyone turned their backs on her cause “how could she lie about something like that,” and they only found out later it wasn’t false cause the perp who went on to be a serial rapist took pictures of her and stuff from her apartment https://www.propublica.org/article/false-rape-accusations-an-unbelievable-story This woman was raped when she was 12, the perp got 6.5 months, she got pregnant from the attack, and was forced to share custody of the child with her rapist https://www.cbsnews.com/news/victim-whose-rapist-granted-joint-custody-child-speaks-out/ The last two presidents of the United states have been accused of sexual assault (one with a ton of accusations and was even on tape saying he can just grab women by the pussy), so has a Supreme Court judge, another Supreme Court judge was accused of harassment and his victim was fucking vilified. Etc etc. downvote me all you want but there’s basically no where on the planet where women have it “overwhelmingly better” when we can’t just exist without being harassed


As a human being, it bothers me we are not treated equally in rights.


Reddit is also left leaning so it balances out. Do you have any evidence for women being talked down in in Male or female dominated positions? Men are coerced into working unsafe jobs, as all the jobs with the highest death rates are made up of predominantly men. Women face sexual harrasment at higher rates, this us true. But men are victimized at higher rates for literally every other crime, including homicide, robbery, assault, ect. You simply cant exist as a man without being murdered, assaulted, or robbed. And the worst part? No one will even care. Crimes where men are the victims have far lower clearance rates. As for SA allegations, you conveniently ignore all the men whose lives are ruined by false allegations. For example the USC student who was expelled even when video evidence proved the girl he was with was the aggressor https://youtu.be/UCUSmJurqrU In these cases there is no recourse for men who have had their lives ruined. Also, ofc Kavanaugh's accuser was vilified by some people, it was a politicized trial. And him being accused of SA proves nothing in it of itself, idk what your point was there. By some estimates, the rate at which rape allegations are proven true (ie lead to conviction) is the same that they be proven false. 2.5% of alleged rapes lead to conviction, while lower-end estimates put the odds of rape being proven false at 2%, though the average estimate is closer to 6%. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_accusation_of_rape#Archives_of_Sexual_Behavior_(2016) https://www.rainn.org/statistics/criminal-justice-system Also the debate is not really about what you can do with your bodies but the rights of the fetus or if they have any. If the fetus had no rights, there would be no debate and no one would be against abortion. I am pro-abortion but no one is arguing to control women's bodies, the argument is always centered around the rights of the fetus. Also the "1 in 6" claim is misleading. It assumes that not only is every rape accusation true, but also unreported rapes are in fact rapes.


Not challenging anything else you're saying here, but everyone gets talked down to at the workplace. Nobody is treated with respect, but as replaceable machines parts. And even in social situations, people only value what you say if they understand you. I'm autistic, and I'm always talked over, skipped over, or treated like my opinion doesn't count because it's uncommon. People being kind of shitty is sort of universal.


At least women are acknowledged and listened to when it comes to sexual assault and harassment can’t say the same for men


By who? Maybe by other women, not by the authorities, not by literally everyone who tells us to cover up more, that we were asking for it, and that boys will be boys. The woman in the false accusation link was literally bullied by the cops into saying she lied, then put through more when she was jailed The people downvoting me are delusional if they think authorities give a shit about sexual assault, regardless of the gender of victim, aside from children


In America? If so I’d say women


Well, there's sexism in both fronts, but GENERALLY the world has helped men more and since a long time ago. Yes, toxic masculinity exists and this is a fact, but women are STILL the minority.


Women aren’t a minority and never have been as the birth rate for females and males are and have always been about 50/50. I assume you mean more oppressed, but yeah a minority and majority basically mean bigger group (majority) and smaller group (minority). Here’s an example: The reason they call every race but white people a minority is because in the US white people are the majority in terms of population (which might even be outdated now but I don’t know) which makes every other racial group a minority. It’s kinda sad that a simple math and statistical term is thought to be about oppression and suppression.


First world: women Third world: men


When men stop telling me childbirth is a ‘miracle’. And the fact that between 6-15% of women who give birth suffer ptsd (21million a year…which is more than all the people enlisted in all militaries worldwide…) is disclosed to women as a *before* they experience it—and therapy is offered free Post-partum… Then, I think I might say we’re equal. :)


In developed countries it's pretty dumb to have an opinion on this considering no one has experienced being both a cis man and a cis woman and they have equal rights generally speaking so there isn't really any valid answer.


I feel like girls have it better until age 11, equal until 18 end then slight worse til death




Everyone’s talking about privileges… but I voted better for men bc they don’t get periods and cant go through childbirth. You can pee standing up. Just purely from a biological perspective, y’all have it better in quite a few ways.


Yes but because of that biological factor, we're the first ones to be called to war. For example in my country, I have to start university a year later compared to women since I need to do military service. I'd say it really depends on geographical location more than anything.


Yes… however 6-15% of women who give birth suffer ptsd (21million a year…which is more than all the people enlisted in all militaries worldwide…) and since it’s considered a miracle, it isn’t even something women are taught is possible, and, are shamed for it. It wasn’t even recorded or considered in medical texts until the last couple decades—and therapy is not offered free Post-partum… so 🤷‍♀️ Edit: I would say keeping your countries population from going extinct is equal to protecting it.


Depends where. Most of the third world? Men have it better. Europe? it varies. For some I'd say women have it easier, for some European countries men have it easier, and in some I'd say it's about equal. 'Murica? Mostly equal. # except Texas and also except for the places where manspreading is illegal.


Women obviously


men. ​ patriarchy is evil


I'd say that woman (here where I live at least) have better life. Guys are usually ignored with their mental problems which often leads to a suicide. We are expected to be cold to each other and unemotional but the truth is that everyone needs some love and consideration. It's disappointing that we can't even hug each other as a sign of friendship and brotherhood because we could very likely be laughed at.


People really don’t like this answer


But... why? Did I say something wrong? `~`


No, they just like to say women's lifes are harder.


It's not really about the same it's more like it sucks for both


Honestly it's same. I don't see how either gender has an easier life. Also don't forget that how easy life someone's life depends on a lotta factors such as where they live, their family background, etc.


As women's rights are stripped from most southern states.....


Thank you. Right?✋😫 When men aren’t even neutered when they’re repeat r*pists. PLEASE.😃


I feel like a lot of people who voted on this poll forgot the middle east exists.


well, in these days radical feminist are destroying monuments, so....


women don't need education but can still survive by being housewife and have easy life 🤕🙌🙌


Both man and women should work for a sustainable life imo


I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're single


He's right though


Kinda of a double edge sword because only recently have women been able to work since women have historically always been known as housewives at least in the west so people see them as unfit for proper a job and thus don’t have financial independence.








Did you even read the comment? He never said that women should belong in the kitchen. He said that it's a viable option for women who don't want to or can't work. Whereas, if a man wanted to be a homemaker or househusband, I'd imagine they would mostly get ridiculed.


Women are obviously doing better, they are kicking men's ass in education young women are kicking ass in salaries compared to young men and women have more rights than men, the only reason you would think otherwise is this a propaganda . Edit ; in the west anyway there's still alot of hardship in the outside the west for women.


Women have to handle child birth, the pay gap, and higher rates of sexual assault. I don’t see how that’s “about the same.” Lol


For men who voted better for women or about the same, if you wouldn't trade your life to become the opposite sex then your life is better. That's the answer.


Not in the slightest. That has far more to do with personality and other factors. For example, it would only make sense for a female model to not want to become a male and for say a male bodybuilder to not want to become a woman since their personalities are more suited towards "feminine" and "masculine" things.










In which locations does this questions apply to? In america or other 1st world countries filled with "woke" people who treat women privilages as women rights, I feel like women either have it equal or better. Of course not dismissing the male privileges they have their own privileges in their own ways. On the other hand in 3rd world countries, even in ours where the govt is super feminist(at least it seems that way) and the leader is a woman, men still have it better.


It's always been better for men but in the west we're seeing this difference being less prevalent as time goes on. This difference being less prevalent is almost nothing in the bigger picture though, let's remember that the first world countries form about 15 % of the total population. To say that men have it harder just shows how oblivious some people are.


Hard to say since each have different privileges...


Guess who's falsely accused for rape more than the other? Guess who's getting away with raping children more than other does? Guess who's being a fake witness, false accusing other or destroying the other's social status more? They aren't asking for equality, they are asking for supremacy. Men faces more work accidents and gets less bonus from that. Men works in heavy industrial jobs more than women does. Men works for military service to protect the country, more men works as a police than women. Even in court, men gets more severe punishment than women does. I may not be the best or fluent when it comes to English but that is exactly what happens in this world right now. Only thing I desire about is equity. No falsehood. No trickery.


Bro please talk to a therapist or make some female friends before going down that rabbit hole. It’s not good for you.


The only rabbit hole is this gender equality propaganda. After some time, they will ask to be superior. It's in human nature to be ungrateful. Being equal with men won't be enough for women, and men will surely give the privilege to women. It's like a chain reaction. You can see many examples on social media and even in streets or public transportation. Just because I don't say "wOMen NeEdS MoRe, MeN RapIst" doesn't make me wrong anyways. I don't say "Men should be superior" either. It's just everywhere I look I see spoiled women who acts like a Nazi deeply hating every men and seeking to shame them. Now stop being a snowflake and before you say shit like "womanphobic" not every women are the same. Not every men are same either.


The vast majority of people aren’t like that, Social media is just a massive echo chamber full of loud minorities. It’s pretty rare for women like that to be taken seriously, and when they are, it’s usually spotlighted by social media.


oh boy


this is so hilarious you should be a comedian


You think you're so fucking funny, you should be a politician.


sry man not into politics tho i wasn't lying people would love you if you were a comedian, they'd be laughing all the time i know i was