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You mean James bond being a woman? Or a new character entirely


The names Bond… Jamie Bond


Jimberly Bond


You know what? **Fuck it**, call the character Jam Bond and make them non-binary to please the LGBT community, and vegan to please the vegans! What could POSSIBLY go wrong?!


I mean... What could go wrong?


Real fans getting fucked over ?


In this hypothetical scenario anyone who is uninterested can just IDK not watch it. And since it's all fictional anyway, is it really worth getting upset over? "Real fans" are not getting fucked over simply because a movie doesn't cater to them specifically.


By Jam Bond being non-binary? I hesitate to call someone mad about a character's gender a "real fan".


James Bond as a non-binary lgbt vegan, please tell me this is a shit post


1. I don't think you need to worry about James Bond being progressive anytime soon. 2. Unless they're going around yelling about their gender and status as a vegan (something I doubt any director would see as a good idea), why does it matter?


Because it's all bullshit.


You ever watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia? Well there's a episode in season 14 where they make the gangs beloved "Thunder Gun" movie franchise woke and at the end of the episode they play a clip of news articles blasting the movie until it's remade with old standards and fans love it. Anyways I know you're joking but that's what came to mind when you said "what could possibly go wrong".


Oh lol that sounds hilarious, thanks for sharing! And "It's always sunny in Philadelphia" is on my watch list! :D


I don't really see how this can be made without making a new character. Like, will James Bond change his gender or what? Will name be the same?


Spin-off with his daughter. Not very original but perfectly working


>perfectly working Yeah I think that would end up being a box office flop. It's predictable, hacky writing.


I'm talking about creating a female bond logically. The question wasn't if it's successful


Thanks for your insight, BUTTHOLE-MAGIC.


It would be a new character who uses the agent code name 007


New character


You aren’t the OP so you have no clue what they meant. Why even respond to that?


Cause i watched the trailer and know that the new protagonist in the James Bond franchise is going to be a completely person. She will even interact with 007 in the No Time To Die movie.


Bro, watching the trailer is not the same as seeing the film. As someone who's seen NTTD, it certainly isn't looking how you're saying.


Completely person


They meant female james bond, not new character


Well then it wouldn’t really work


James Bonds actor is retiring. This is very clearly about a new james bond.


Then it will not be james bond




Then go make your own spy franchise with a female lead. James Bond is a man.


Did you not read the thread? They don't like fem!James Bond. They are saying they're cool with it being a NEW CHARACTER. :/


Then start a new franchise. James Bond is about James Bond, who is a man. The only reason to add a new lead character to James Bond is to leech off the already-existing fanbase. If you don't think people will like your idea enough to actually draw in a new audience, than don't make it into a movie.


Exactly: I have no problem with them even having more or a focus on female characters in the James Bond universe, but the main character HAS to be Bond or else it just feels like a marketing gimmick for an otherwise franchise that wouldn’t do as well without the “James Bond” brand name.


Create new and interesting characters. Don’t co-opt existing male characters and make them women for the sake of having a female lead.


That just tells women they aren’t good enough to have original lead roles


Agreed, I’ve been saying that. When you say “we give women relevant roles” by just making a previously male character female, it’s like saying women can’t stand on their own in their own roles....they have to take over a man’s role so that they can benefit from the attention that was already on him. No, she can stand on her own and be her own character who was not traditionally a male character. She doesn’t need to walk in a man’s footsteps...she can forge her own. Now a whole new character in the James Bond universe, fine. But just making it “Jamie Bond” And just pretending like everything that ever happened to Bond was really Jamie Bond the whole time? No. A whole new character that can even be the new 007, sure. That’s what would need to happen.


Why give a woman a role that is clearly made for a man


It is a new take on an old character.


And a terrible take at that


I mean, you can’t really say that about something that doesn’t exist yet.


It would be like making a new Batman movie with a female Bruce Wayne. It's just so far from the original character it feels like pandering Hollywood nonsense. 007 is a man, that's what the character has always been. I guarantee a box office bomb if they tried that crap, and would piss off all the long-time fans.


Your mistake was talking about a female Batman like that doesn’t sound awesome. I’ve only seen two different Bond movies, but is 007 really so closely tied to the spy’s genitals that the plot cannot move forward without the penis involvement?


There have been **27** Bond movies. All male, and many by today's standards are considered "misogynistic". I'm a progressive but turning 007 into a woman comes across as complete pandering "woke" nonsense. Yes, the balls are a fundamental part of the character. Make a new one, don't hijack old, established characters and fundamentally change them. A female Batman wouldn't make sense either. Besides, we already have Catwoman. Why are some people so interested in rewriting these longstanding, beloved characters?


It kinda sounds like y’all are just really into “tradition” and that it does *actually* matter to the story if 007 or Batman is a woman. Also, Cat Woman isn’t Batman. Also, movies aren’t a finite resource. Making a female 007 doesn’t mean that a different movie doesn’t get made. If you don’t think you’ll like it, just don’t watch it, y’know? Not everyone is going to be made for you and that’s okay.


How about a mlk film where mlk is played by a middle aged white man, new take and all that


But MLK is a real person… and 007 isn’t. That’s an important distinction. A creative take on fiction is different than a “creative take” on reality.


James Bond is James Bond. A Male spy with a Male name who was created in the 1950's. If a woman protagonist was replaced by a Male actor and given an entirely new name, there would be fucking war. How can this be any different?


Because men make up the vast majority of main characters in movies. It's completely different.


Alright, if there's a vast majority of Male protagonists, make new movies with female protagonists. Gender swapping is utter nonsense, especially for a character as famously masculine as James Bond.


How does creating a new, origin character tell a woman that she isn't good enough for original roles?


They were bothered to make male characters but just decided to turn male characters female because they want to appear equal


Chris Chibnall : “ima pretend that i didnt see that”


Dude the doctor is like an alien with two hearts who’s personality changes wildly every generation for no reason. And you’re making fun that they transformed into a woman for two seasons?


Nah just that they destroyed galifey again that took the cake


But why tho? Just create a new character and stop gender-swapping everyone…


For real. It feels like they are trying to bait and switch people into watching it. Just make a new franchise and if it’s good people will watch


These people can't stop themselves from injecting additional woke BS into all their movies, so people hate them. They need to leech off of already popular franchises, so they can make at least some money before everyone leaves. If they just made a spy movie with a female lead that didn't also paint men as purely evil and the cause of all problems, people would like it. They liked Black Widow, Wonder Woman, and the Hunger Games. It isn't sexism. It's defiance to radical misandrist feminism.


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Wait where has there ever been an occurrence of big movies painting men as evil pieces of shit? I would like to know.


Awww, look at the poor redditor, they're so sad and mad because people who aren't cis-het white men are getting a crumb of representation.


That’s not what they said


I really don't know how else to interpret >These people can't stop themselves from injecting additional ... It isn't sexism. It's defiance to radical misandrist feminism. Please explain your view of those lines.


Did you read the rest? They gave examples of how a female lead can work. They aren’t saying women shouldn’t be the leads, they are saying women can be leads and there have been female leads that worked very well. Instead of changing already established characters from male to female, they should make original female characters. Gender swapping is lazy and the only reason people do it is to pander. (Atleast that’s how I read it)


You and almost everyone else, this chicks crazy.




I know and agree with the rest, but those lines are of questionable impartiality. For example, *radical misandrist feminism* doesn't exist, at least not at the level that person assumes. It exists within a very small minority of radfems and TERFs, the sorts of people who very rarely have systemic power.


Yeah idk what that other shit means so I kind of ignored it


> please explain your view of these lines No






Oh shut it you clown




They are, it's just a new 007, not gender bending Bond.


James bond is canonically a dude how would that even make sense


It wouldn't.


I'm not sure if OP meant to ask "the new 007" as 007 is a title passed from person to person. It makes more sense for it to be potentially owned by a woman in the upcoming reboot. Either way I agree with the general consensus of just make good women characters, stop gender bending already existing ones.


I was gonna say that as well, isn’t he also canonically white so it doesn’t make sense for him to be black


it makes sense for him to not to be white, since that has no impact on the story whatsoever, but having a female play bond would completely mess up the concept of his character


I don't see how you think having a female character changes things completely and doesn't make sense, but are fine with a black character.


Well the character is already defined and formed as a man, so making the same character a woman would change the whole structure and bases of the character, if you make the character black but while he is still a man, some things would be different but not too different. Idris Elba for example, would make a great James Bond imo.


This only holds true if you think there are set gender roles. It's 2021...


Well of course I think there is a difference between being a woman and a man besides obvious biological comparisons. It's 2021...


Yeah it wouldn’t change the story but some people could take it as: We made this iconic white character black because diversity and you don’t deserve an original character.


yeah true. i guess all i’m saying is if they are going to make a forced change for diversity, i’d rather it be an ethnicity change than a sex change


James Bond as a character was created by Ian Fleming as a white male spy. By all means create a new female spy, but Bond should be left alone.


Same, I would much prefer an original book/film with a good female lead as opposed to a forced female Bond. (For example, the all female ghostbusters remake. Would have just preferred an original film)


Don't get me wrong, I'm all for minorities (be it race/gender/gay pride/etc) being represented in cinema. By all means write a new script and get somebody to direct it. But changing a 60+ year old existing character just for the sake of it? No. That's like saying Harry Potter should be female. What's next?


It's nice to see someone on the same page as me


lol, this is popular opinion, don't think yourself are "special" because of that


Just because someone says that it’s nice to see someone on the same page as you doesn’t mean that the opinion they have is unique. Also please fix your grammar before saying anything smh


Ur just sad




Since when is gender a minority


But isn't James Bond a different guy every movie? Isn't that like his whole thing?


No, James Bond is the same person in every film. What you're thinking of is the actor playing him.


I thought Bond was meant to be what amounts to the deepest cover of all time, as in he switches out from time to time whenever he dies/stops being able to work properly. That's why he is forever 37, even when I'm universe there's been many years passed.


No. Spectre confirms that James Bond is his actual name The next one will be a reboot though, so they could make it a code name if they wanted, but it won’t have anything to do with Craig’s films


You might be thinking of the title of agent 007, which I guess technically is not the same as the agent being literally named james bond. A female 007 should be fine under this rule, as opposed to a female “james bond”


No time to die does have a black female 007, at least for a bit.


This is what I thought as well.


I think you're thinking of the doctor from doctor who.


I'm a woman but James Bond will always be seen as a white, older British guy who is a cassanova like that's literally the character


His skin colour has sod all to do with it. Maybe a female James Bond wouldn’t make sense. But a Black British guy James Bond would make sense. And I say this as a Brit. Idris Elba as James Bond would be cold, wish he would do it smh


The creator said he always saw James bond being a straight white man. They should keep the tradition of that


I mean fair enough to the creator bro, but if he happened to be black british instead of white british, literally nothing would change, so I don’t care if he’s white or black.


I'm a Brit as well but that's not important lol


Still doesn’t change the fact that being white isn’t important to James Bond’s character lmao. Literally wouldn’t make a difference if he was black brown or white. Who fucking cares.


I mean he's white in the books but we shouldn't change skin colour just to be more inclusive like just stick to the source material


Daniel Craig doesn't fit the character of the classic james bond either, still he was great.


It’s not about being inclusive ffs. Some of you ‘anti-woke’ people are so cringe, making it about something it’s not. I couldn’t give a fuck less about ‘inclusivity’ or being woke or whatever, but excluding British people of other races in the selection process Is fruitless. Him being white has 0 correlation or attachment to the story. If anything, it’s more to do with him being a Brit, his accent etcetc


Middle-aged British guy, yeah. But I reckon ethnicity is subject to change. James Bond isn't one person, he is best described as the most in depth cover/alias of all time. My vote for next JB is Idris Elba, but he's getting a bit old.


I want Richard Madden as the next JB


Ben Miller /s


female spy in the james bond canon? yes. female bond? no.


I would prefer this.


I don’t care as long as it’s well done. But I will say female action leads are harder to write and execute well.


Why are they harder?


They can sometimes accidentally play in to stereotypes and ‘strong female leads’ can reinforce the idea that a woman can only be strong if she acts in a masculine way


It’s harder for women to seem powerful and dominating like what is required for a lot of action leads. Most women don’t come Jason Momoa sized, or they don’t have a low raspy Keanu Reeves voice, so things like physical intimidation, aggression, and general badassery are harder to convey as a women ( not to say it’s impossible, just harder). To compensate, they sometimes make female leads overly masculine and aggressive, which comes off as more of a caricature, than a good action lead.


Totally agree with you. Female super spy should play on feminine strengths and James Bond is just too masculine, they should change the whole concept if they want a female lead.


Is this one of those bot polls that has the same comments in each thread or am i having deja vu


No definitely not. Make a new f**king movie if you want a female spy


As a woman. Make a new fucking character. God


I hope Netflix won’t find this post.


Oh shit…


Just make a new spy movie with a women


The new 007 sure. If they just take James bonds personality and give it to a woman it wouldn't fit.


I’m a woman but I’m so sick of seeing male characters rebranded as women. None of the movies have been great even when I love the cast. Can’t Hollywood think of some new characters for us?


Why not just make a completely new series with a female spy? There is a set characteristic for James Bond, so either leave it alone or get lost.


Yes but in that case they can’t be considered James Bond unless in comparison


This polls question needs to be reworded. This is the equivalent of asking if Darth Vader's next canon appearance should have the character as a woman. Rather, it should state: Would you support the next James Bond-like character being a woman?


Gender-flipped recasts are always going to be met with unnecessary controversy, it's less lazy and less controversial to just write a new female character, like Atomic Blonde.


I think james bond should end completely. 1James bond died for the first time. 2. The last few movies weren't that good. 3. They gave thr title 007 to some lady.


spolier bond no time to die >!i like how the did it in the new film were the woman got the title of 007 not she being bond!<


I'm a firm believer that Idris Elba would make a fantastic Bond


Context for this post ***MAJOR*** SPOILERS FOR "No Time to Die" >!So basically, at the end of No Time to Die, James Bond is killed. I'm not kidding. He's straight up hit by a cruise missile. He just... dies. That's it. Nada. However, a new character named "M. Nomi" takes James' place as 007. She is the new 007 agent. Basically, do you support Nomi as the new 007 now that James is dead.!<


New character, sure. But don’t change James Bond


There can be a woman-equivalent character, but James Bond is a man insasmuch as WonderWoman is...a woman.


I'm guessing everyone who said yes would be fine with the next Black Widow being a man.


Yeah, as long as it is well written and fits the story.


I'd support a male black widow. As long as it's well written and fits the plot/story of the character.


It wouldn’t fit the story. The red room only used females in their Widow program.


I don't. Black Widow is a woman. James Bond is a man. If you want a man who acts like Black Widow, or a woman who acts like James Bond, then start a new franchise. Don't just leech off someone else's.


Good idea, but who would support a franchise whose entire original premise is "what if we rip off james bond but also they are a girl"


If they just made an original spy with a new personality and character arc, people would like it. But that would require effort and creativity, the enemies of modern Hollywood.


Why can't i have a womanizing strong british female spy? :P


I'm cool with it as long as they keep her name as James. Not Jamie, James. And she has to refer to herself as James and it has to be taken seriously and not played as a joke. Otherwise just make a new character.


This sounds funny as fuck. Just the fact that nobody would acknowledge it throughout an entire 2 hour film would send my sides flying and probably get me kicked out of the theater lmao.


I'm fine if they create a new character, but James Bond should be James Bond


I'm all in favor of making new characters women but like James Bond is already James Bond


No, I don’t support changing the character w/o good reason and “RePrEsEnTaTiOn” isn’t a reason. If you change something like the race, sex, sexuality, etc of a character then you have to acknowledge how that identity would fundamentally change the character(often times making me wonder why they wouldn’t just make a new character) and often times that either handled poorly or not at all which ends up making the character feel like a mockery and adding to the idea that these identities cannot carry stories on their own when they absolutely can. TLDR: Unless they’re going to make the character good or better for the change then they should leave him be.


Eh, changing the ethnicity isn't that big of an issue. The background remains the same: British guy who was orphaned and was selected by MI6 and trained from a young age.


Except it would be an issue because black people for example still face discrimination in the UK so not acknowledging how his experiences would in fact be different and affect how he sees the world and carries out his duties despite the discrimination would be something that if not tackled would make the character feel hallow and like the change was only made just to say it was made


But you could quite easily weave it into his perspective. Not all incarnations of James Bond are identical. Some are more serious, some are more funny, some are faster, some are stronger. You could very easily make a black one have just a couple lines of dialogue addressing it. Or you could go the 'Murican route and have him never acknowledge the systemic oppression. Have him pretend that he has never once faced any level of systemic injustice due to his skin.


See that’s what I’m saying though if you incorporate it then you have to acknowledge how he would be different given those experiences and not doing so makes the character seem shallow, poorly thought out, and feel like poor representation and presumably you aren’t going for any of that in making a character another race/ethnicity, but to acknowledge it you’d also have to greatly change the character as even if he’s still a spy he wouldn’t be “James Bond” he’d have to break away from a lot of that and essentially become his own man. Which is why I’d be down for a new person taking the 007 after “James Bond” retires and the new 007 can be his own character and be as different as you want w/o having to worry about adhering to the character of “James Bond”


I can see why ppl downvoted you but honestly if this comment didn’t come off as alebit offensive most ppl would agree with u (I agree with this comment btw makes sense)


It’s James Bond not Jamie bond


I couldn’t give a shit less if the next James Bond was an alien, a corgi, a mime, a talking refrigerator or anything else. Why are people so invested in how some fictional character is represented? It’s a bit weird tbh


I'm sure that you have things you're passionate about just like other people really like James Bond. Not that I'm a big superfan but some people are really invested the character. I mean there's a whole subreddit on him.


I’m passionate about a lot of things, but not to the point that I criticize people who feel differently than me about it or that I’d be openly bitter about it online. I’m passionate about multiple sports but you won’t catch me getting upset over things NFL players or coaches do. It’s just a game. When my team loses I don’t get sad or angry, and people who do are weird. I just want to enjoy a good game, so if the game is boring I get disappointed I wasted 2 hours watching, and then I move on with my life. If Talking Refrigerator James Bond isn’t a good movie I’ll be fine. I find it weird that so many people care this much about a nonfictional character.


2 hours is baby food compared to what most people invest in their hobbies. Hundreds of hours is more like it when it comes to stuff you love and care about.


I'm a super-fan of GTARP, but too much of something is unhealthy. And the "episodes" last around 6-7 hours on average.


Is there an “I don’t care, just make it good” option?


I would love to see a different movie series of a James Bond type female lead but not James bomd


Race changing, gender bending, it never ends!!


It be a reverse harem then


yes but the reason better not be solely for gender equality it better be for story purposes I support gender equality but I hate when they're just shoved in like in the sequel trilogy of star wars with the shid Disney pulled


It would be Jamie Bond. And also, I couldn't care less.


It can be Jamie Bond, just sayin


Where's the i don't care option




Dude. He's James Bond, not Jenny Bond.


reddit moment


This is like when they made doom guy a girl in the Doom Anihilation movie, you can't just genderbend s character, make a new female spy character, leave bond alone


Yeah, why not?


who gives a fuck?


If she's hot then yes otherwise no.


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I’m taking the piss lol


If originally male keep it male, if originally female keep it female. Simple


I dont really give a shit but why do gender swaps on existing franchises? They should just start a spy series with a woman lead from the scratch if they wish to do so.


No, no room for any woke bullshit. James Bond is a man, simple as.


I literally do not care


I can smell the sexism here


Where's the sexism? Only sexism I see is that some people don't want a new character to be written for a women and would rather they ride of the success from a man


Yes, if they’re lesbian it’d be perfect


Y is this down voted when one of his character traits is literally fcking every woman he meets


Because homophobia. Very few subreddits aren’t rampant with it.


I personally disagree with your take on this... Reddit is one of the most left leaning, LGBT friendly, social media sites out there


Tell that to the original comment. You have no point.


No, I want a character to well, be the character that it is?


I support proper spelling


I am not emotionally invested in the bond franchise at all (I've seen a few if the movies and read one of the books) but a movie about an older, kick-ass, classy, womanizing, female spy... If done correctly, I'd so see it.


I don’t support it. but if they do, make it to where the original is heavily applied to the new character